Installing PlayOnLinux on Ubuntu & CentOS
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Gaming on Linux has never been a easy thing, there are not a lot of games available in the market. Most of companies are not willing to put an effort in bringing their games to Linux platform, & major cause is the popularity of Linux OS in desktop market. There is no denying that Linux rocks the server market but its still has to go a long way in desktop market, though the trend is changing & Linux share in desktop market is increasing but it will take some time that it reaches a point where major gaming studios take Linux more seriously. Until than Linux users have to rely on 3 rd party/open source applications to satisfy their gaming needs on Linux. One such software that can be used for gaming purposes is PlayOnLinux . It is free software that uses Bash as well Python & acts as a front-end for the Wine. Wine, as we know, is a software that makes it compatible for Linux users to run windows applications on their machines. So Play-On-Linux allows us to run on Linux machines a number of applications & games that are meant to run on Windows platform. We will now discuss how we can install latest version of PlayOnLinux i.e. 4.2.12 on Ubuntu & CentOS/RHEL platforms. So let’s start with the installation, ( Recommended Read : Simple guide on how to install STEAM on Linux ) ( Recommended Read : How to install WINE on Linux )
Installation on Ubuntu 16.04 Installing it is pretty simple, we need to add official repo & then install it using the repo. To install the repo, we will first need to add the public keys for the official repo by running, $ wget -q “” -O- | apt-key add – Next, we add the repo to our system, $ sudo wget`lsb_release -sc`.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/playonlinux.list Now lastly we will complete the installation by running, $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install playonlinux
After it has been installed, we can run it either from the terminal using ‘playonlinux’ command or can also start it from application menu. ( Also Read : Enabling root account in Ubuntu )
Installation on CentOS/RHEL 7 Just like we did above with Ubuntu, we will add the official repo using the following command, $ sudo wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/playonlinux.repo & than will install it using yum command, $ sudo yum install playonlinux Now all we have to do is to run the software & enjoy the games & windows applications. ADIOS !!!
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