Summer of creativity Students take advantage of the time away from school to pursue artistic opportunities Rochelle Berman ¡ŔȥŔnjǫȥnj -ȶɢˊ FƎǫʋȶɭ As senior AviShai Dayanim set XPIH MR JSV ERSXLIV '3:-( ÿć VMH den summer, he decided to pursue music composition as a way to pass XLI I\XIRHIH TIVMSH SJ XMQI 0MOI (E]ERMQ WIZIVEP SXLIV ')7.(7 students also spent their summers’ developing new artistic talents, TVSZMRK XLEX '3:-( ÿć GSYPH RSX prevent the arts from thriving. This summer, Dayanim was ac GITXIH MRXS WIZIVEP 2I[ =SVO 9RM versity summer workshop programs. For one of his classes focused on media composition, Dayanim com TSWIH QYWMG JSV FSXL ZMHIS KEQI and advertising workshops. “The premise of this workshop [EW XS VIGIMZI E ÁPQ GPMT E ZMHIS KEQI ERH ÁREPP] GSQTSWMRK QYWMG You send it in [to] a[n] actual com TSWIV [LIXLIV MX FI XLI GSQTSWIV SJ that actual TV show or video game, who listens and critiques your com position,” Dayanim said. “Then you HS E WIGSRH VSYRH ERH WIRH MX FEGO in.” Although the classes required a lot of hard work, Dayanim wanted to TYWL LMQWIPJ ERH GSQTSWIH EFSYX ÁZI QMRYXIW SJ QYWMG IEGL RMKLX. µ- XLMRO ?WIPJ QSXMZEXMSRA MW E ZIV] HMJÁGYPX XLMRK XS KIX YWIH XS FYX MX¸W EPWS WS MQTSVXERX ¶ (E]ERMQ WEMH µ-¸H VEXLIV KIX YWIH XS MX RS[ [LIVI -¸Q MR Q] WYQQIV ERH - LEZI XLI EFMPMX] XS PIEVR RSX PEXIV [LIR - RIIH XS TE] Q] S[R FMPPW ¶ %W XLI HIPXE ZEVMERX FVSYKLX SR RI[ '3:-( ÿć VIWXVMGXMSRW Dayanim was forced to attend these workshops on Zoom. Although ef ÁGMIRXP] GSQQYRMGEXMRK [EW WSQI times challenging through the computer screen, it was logistically easier for Dayanim to attend these workshops and connect with more people online.
Art Studios to visit VisArts
Rockville, Md. Art center with galleries and classes
Color Me Mine Rockville, Md. Make your own pottery studio
Bethesda, Md. Art studio offering classes and camps
7MQMPEVP] FIGEYWI SJ '3:-( ÿć senior Noam Siegel’s makeup art istry class was conducted remotely and asynchronously throughout the summer. µ1] GPEWW LEW FIIR XEYKLX IR XMVIP] XLVSYKL ZMHISW ERH XI\XFSSO PIWWSRW ¶ 7MIKIP WEMH µ- XLMRO MX¸W EG XYEPP] FIIR RMGI FIGEYWI -¸ZI LEH E PSX SJ XMQI XS TVEGXMGI ERH NYWX GLMPP while doing my assignments.” While Siegel’s interest in the ZMWYEP EVXW MW RSX RI[ LMW WTIGMÁG MR terest in makeup is partially due to XLI RIIH XS ÁRH EHHMXMSREP GVIEXMZI SYXPIXW [LMPI FIMRK WXYGO EX LSQI µ-¸ZI FIIR HVMZIR F] Q] RIIH XS FI GVIEXMZI ¶ 7MIKIP WEMH µ-¸Q EP[E]W doing art, playing music or perform MRK WS -¸ZI FIIR XV]MRK XS ÁRH PSXW SJ RI[ TERHIQMG WEJI XLMRKW XS HS XLMW summer.” -R GSRXVEWX XS 7MIKIP WIRMSV 6I FIGGE &IRHIV FIKER [SVOMRK ERH painting at Stoneridge Art Studios FIJSVI XLI TERHIQMG 8LI JYPP WLYX down earlier in the year meant that Bender spent a lot of time painting EPSRI EX LSQI FYX XLMW TEWX WYQQIV FVSYKLX QSVI STTSVXYRMX] XS WEJIP] FI MR TIVWSR XSKIXLIV µ- WTIRX QSWX SJ Q] ?WYQQIVA at the art studio,” Bender said. “Over XLI WYQQIV - WTIRX EFSYX ÁZI LSYVW there every day of the week.” Although working intense [IIOW SZIV XLI WYQQIV [EW E FMK commitment, Bender is grateful for the opportunities that their art stu dio has given them. They are still continuing to develop more skills in preparation for applying to art school. µ-¸ZI FIIR HSMRK E PSX SJ SFWIV ZEXMSRW E PSX SJ ÁKYVIW ERH WSQI conceptual stuff,” Bender said. “Al though it’s a lot of hard work, if this is what it takes to get into art school, then it’s worth it.”
Bender created an illustration of a lock.
Siegel shows off his make-up creation.
Photos courtesy of Noam Siegel and Rebecca Bender Bender likes to create sketches of real-life images like these hands .
The Lion’s Tale Magazine 25