The Lion's Tale, Volume 39, Issue 1

Page 6

Returning to the building: What to expect A look into the protocols and schedule for the upcoming academic year Harry Davidson ɽɽǫɽʋŔȥʋ -ȶɢˊ FƎǫʋȶɭ LI ĀþĀÿ ĀþĀĀ WGLSSP ]IEV is kicking off with a re XYVR XS E JYPP] MR TIVWSR ÁZI HE] [IIO WGLIHYPI %PXLSYKL there are still some restrictions and protocols to follow, in order to regain a sense of normalcy in the FYMPHMRK XLIVI [MPP FI RYQIVSYW changes from last year. %QSRK XLI QENSV EHNYWXQIRXW JVSQ PEWX ]IEV EVI WMKRMÁGERX GLERK es to the schedule, curriculum and '3:-( ÿć TSPMGMIW 8LI GLERKIW XS the schedule mostly include com ponents that were used in previous ]IEVW FYX [IVI XEOIR SYX PEWX ]IEV *SV I\EQTPI XLI WGLSSP HE] [MPP FI KMR EX Ć E Q ERH IRH EX ā Ăă T Q -R addition, the high school will return XS ER % & ' FPSGO WGLIHYPI 7SQI SJ XLIWI GLERKIW [MPP FI a challenge to students and faculty EX ÁVWX EW XLI] [IVI YWIH XS QSVI JVIIHSQ ERH ÂI\MFMPMX] EX LSQI µ-¸Q OMRH SJ RIVZSYW XS FI FEGO MR TIVWSR FIGEYWI JSV SRPMRI WGLSSP you have some leeway and you can do [asynchronous] work on your S[R XMQI ERH VIPE\ E PMXXPI FMX FYX KSMRK FEGO XS MR TIVWSR WGLSSP ERH WXEVXMRK EX IMKLX MW KSMRK XS FI E FMK GLERKI ERH MX QE] FI HMJÁGYPX JSV QI XS KS FEGO ¶ NYRMSV 6IQ] )MHIP man said. However, in order to allow stu HIRXW XS IEWMP] EHNYWX XS XLI QSVI rigorous schedule compared to last ]IEV QSVI FVIEO ERH VIPE\EXMSR time is implemented into the daily schedule. 8LIWI PSRKIV FVIEOW EVI FIMRK added multiple times throughout the day. After Z’man Kodesh Tues days and Wednesdays students will LEZI ER ETTVS\MQEXIP] ÿă QMRYXI FVIEO FIJSVI TIVMSH ÿ WXEVXW %HHM XMSREPP] PYRGL ERH '8 [MPP FI ăă QMRYXIW IZIV] HE] MRWXIEH SJ FIMRK shorter on certain days. There is


6 September 2021

“I hope that, as the year progresses, that the COVID situation improves so that we can cut back on some of our restrictions,” - Dean of students Roslyn Landy

also a continuation of K’hilah from PEWX ]IEV FYMPX MRXS XLI WGLIHYPI during lunch once a week. “We were please to add a little I\XVE XMQI XS TEWW EJXIV ?>¸QER /S HIWLA ERH FIX[IIR FPSGOW Ā ERH ā ERH XS I\TERH XLI PYRGL ERH '8 XMQI XS ăă QMRYXIW WS XLI TEGI SJ the school day is a little more re PE\IH ;I LSTI XLMW [MPP LIPT WXY dents and faculty to reenter school full time,” Dean of Students Roslyn Landy said. Over the past several years, ')7.(7 FIKER XS GSRWGMSYWP] XLMRO EFSYX LS[ XLI WGLIHYPI GSYPH TS tentially affect the mental health of students. As the administration LIPTW WXYHIRXW EHNYWX FEGO XS E QSVI rigorous schedule, they are continu ing to keep the students’ mental health in mind. µ- XLMRO MX¸W IWWIRXMEP XLEX XLI school is trying to help the transi XMSR FEGO XS RSVQEP WGLSSP FI EW IEW] EW TSWWMFPI JSV XLI WXYHIRXW HIRXW FIGEYWI [LIR [I [IVI ZMVXYEP EP [I LEH E PSX SJ XMQI XS VIPE\ ¶ )MHIPQER IPQER said. “Breaks help students to refo GYW ERH TVITEVI JSV XLIMV RI\X GPEWW GPEWW FYX XLI] EVI EPWS E VIEPP] KVIEX QSVEP QSVEP FSSWX ERH - XLMRO MX [MPP LIPT [MXL E [MXL E lot of students’ mental health.” Many teachers also look k for [EVH XS FIMRK MR TIVWSR ERH LEZMRK EZMRK KVIEXIV ÂI\MFMPMX] [MXLMR XLIMV GPEWW GPEWW room to teach creatively and return eturn XS SPH PIWWSR TPERW XLI] [IVI YREFPI REFPI to use on Zoom. µ-¸Q I\GMXIH EFSYX RSX FIMRK on Zoom and getting to see thee stu dents and interact with them m and FIMRK MR XLI FYMPHMRK ERH FIMRK [MXL K [MXL WXEJJ %PWS -¸Q I\GMXIH XS KIX YT IZ YT IZ IV] QSVRMRK ERH HVMZI XS XLI FYMPH FYMPH MRK MRWXIEH SJ FIMRK MR Q] VSSQ SQ EX LSQI EPP HE] ¶ ,IFVI[ XIEGLIV 8EP]E 8EP]E )HIV] WEMH µ'SRHYGXMRK XLI GPEWW is so much different than on Zoom FIGEYWI [I GER QSZI ERH WII IEGL IEGL other and have an emotional con

nection.” While the school is return ing to a mostly normal school year and classroom environment, some '3:-( ÿć TVIGEYXMSRW WXMPP VIQEMR necessary. Students are still re UYMVIH XS [IEV QEWOW MR XLI FYMPH ing and attempt to stay spaced out in order to minimize risks indoors. However, this year, the social dis tancing requirement is only three JIIX VEXLIV XLER WM\ JIIX %HHMXMSR EPP] QERHEXSV] '3:-( ÿć XIWXW [MPP FI GSRHYGXIH JSV EPP WXYHIRXW ERH faculty once a week. Although there are still some requirements to stay safe in the FYMPHMRK RS[ XLI LSTI MW XLEX EW XLI year progresses, the situation will KIX FIXXIV ERH WSQI SJ XLI VYPIW GER FI PMJXIH µ- LSTI XLEX EW XLI ]IEV TVS KVIWWIW XLEX XLI '3:-( WMXYEXMSR MQTVSZIW WS XLEX [I GER GYX FEGO on some of our restrictions,” Landy said. “But, there is no way to predict; [I NYWX RIIH XS [EMX ERH WII ¸

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