Benefits of breakfast Despite earlier start-time, students need to eat before school
ĵŔơȍǫ eɭơơȥŹȍʠȟ Reporter 6SPPMRK SYX SJ FIH XS KIX XS GPEWW MW XLI RI[ RSVQEP FYX EW XLI school year arrives with the prom MWI SJ MR TIVWSR WGLSSP [I [MPP LEZI XS EHETX FEGO XS XLI SPH RSV QEP 7GLSSP RS[ FIKMRW EX Ć E Q SZIV ER LSYV IEVPMIV XLER MX FIKER last year. My morning routine will have to make some drastic changes, FYX MX¸PP FI XLI SRI - HSR¸X QEOI XLEX will affect me most. )EXMRK FVIEOJEWX PE]W HS[R XLI foundation for people’s mood, en ergy and overall health. With no FVIEOJEWX GSQIW HIGVIEWIH HVMZI and motivation to do schoolwork throughout the day. But having that JSYRHEXMSR MQTVSZIW ]SYV EFMPMX] XS PIEVR ERH KVIEXP] FIRIÁXW ]SYV EGE demic performance. - ORS[ XLMW PIWWSR TIVWSREPP] - used to dislike it when people woke QI YT XS IEX FVIEOJEWX SV TVEMWIH MX as the “most important meal of the HE]¶ - HMHR¸X IEX XLI QIEP ERH - JIPX PMOI - [EW HSMRK NYWX ÁRI &YX XLI XVYXL [EW XLEX - [IRX EFSYX Q] HE]W [MXLSYX XLEX WXVSRK
Information courtesy of Buzzfeed
JSYRHEXMSR ERH - SJXIR JSYRH Q] self tired. -X XSSO Q] TEVIRXW ERH E HIPM cious, sugary cereal to convince me SJ XLI FIRIÁXW SJ FVIEOJEWX - JSYRH myself more energized and happy throughout my day. Researchers found similar re WYPXW 'EVHMJJ 9RMZIVWMX] HMH E WXYH] SJ ă þþþ TVMQEV] WGLSSP WXYHIRXW ERH JSGYWIH SR LS[ FVIEOJEWX MQTEGXIH XLIMV XIWX WGSVIW -X [EW found that the children were twice as likely to score higher than av erage on their tests if they started XLIMV HE] [MXL E LIEPXL] FEPERGIH FVIEOJEWX Teachers notice this difference EW [IPP -R %YWXVEPME E WYVZI] SJ SZIV ăþþ XIEGLIVW JSYRH XLEX WXYHIRXW WOMTTMRK FVIEOJEWX PSWI X[S LSYVW of learning during the day due to lack of focus. Considering that the average American teen goes to ÿ ÿąþ LSYVW SJ WGLSSP E ]IEV JSV KIXXMRK FVIEOJEWX [SYPH [EWXI SZIV ÿĀĄ LSYVW SJ PIEVRMRK E ]IEV -X KSIW without saying how harmful that loss is to students. Breakfast also helps with ath letics. The Journal of Strength and Conditioning found that skipping the morning meal will negatively affect progress in the gym and leave EXLPIXIW QSVI TVSRI XS MRNYVMIW )EXMRK E FEPERGIH FVIEOJEWX GER HS NYWX XLI STTSWMXI F] TVSZMHMRK IR ergy for your workouts and helping you progress in strength and agility.
hours of learning are wasted each year when breakfast is not eaten
seconds is the Guinness world record for eating a bowl of cereal.
children are twice as likely to score higher on their tests if they eat a healthy breakfast.
single meal can improve your academic and physical performance
The same study found that eat MRK FVIEOJEWX PIEHW XS JI[IV LYRKIV cravings throughout the day and leaves people feeling more full. For students, this would mean feeling much more satiated and energized EW XLI] KS EFSYX XLIMV WGLSSP HE]W 1ER] OMHW JSVKS XLIMV FVIEO JEWX JSV E JI[ I\XVE QMRYXIW SJ WPIIT ;LMPI MX¸W YRHIVWXERHEFPI XLEX XLI] [ERX QSVI WPIIT XLSWI FMXIW SJ JSSH could do much more for them. Turning off your phone and ÁRHMRK JSSH XS IEX GER WIX ]SY YT for success later in the day, and it doesn’t have to take much time. ÿć Ăą WIGSRHW MR XLI QSVRMRK MW XLI Guinness world record for eating a FS[P SJ GIVIEP %PXLSYKL FVIEOMRK E [SVPH VIGSVH HSIWR¸X LEZI XS FI your top priority in the morning, IEXMRK FVIEOJEWX WLSYPH FI % KVERSPE FEV E FEK SJ GIVIEP SV JVYMX EVI EPP ZMEFPI STXMSRW XLEX GER FI IEXIR SR XLI [E] XS WGLSSP MJ ]SY don’t have time at home. Passing TIVMSHW MR FIX[IIR GPEWWIW SV FI JSVI WGLSSP GER EPWS FI YWIH XS IEX a snack. % WMQTPI FVIEOJEWX GER XEOI ]SY E PSRK [E] 8LI LEFMX SJ IEX ing in the morning will help you in the present and the future when it comes to academics and athletics.
Information courtesy of Global News, Cardiff University, and Genius World Recrds
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