CESJDS holds vaccine clinics
Middle and Lower School partner with Safeway to administer COVID-19 shots for students age 5 to 11 Zara Ducker Arts and Entertainment Editor Shortly following the anRSYRGIQIRX XLEX GLMPHVIR EKIW ÁZI XS ÿÿ GSYPH FI ZEGGMREXIH ')7.(7 held a vaccine clinic at the Lower 7GLSSP SR 2SZ ÿă ERH (IG Ą 8LI clinic was sponsored by Safeway, who also sponsored the clinic in the spring for high school students. All students were invited including siblings of students who do not attend JDS and children of staff members. At the end of October, the FDA KEZI XLI ÁREP ETTVSZEP JSV XLI 4Á^IV &MS28IGL '3:-( ÿć ZEGGMRI XS FI KMZIR XS GLMPHVIR EKIW ÁZI XS ÿÿ “I was really happy when I heard that I would be eligible to get the vaccine because that meant that - [SYPH ÁREPP] FI EFPI XS HS XLMRKW again like go out to a movie and LEZI WPIITSZIVW [MXL Q] JVMIRHW ¶ sixth-grader Layla Barret said. With the broadened age of children eligible to get the vaccine, it is now expected that the whole school, except the nine children in Gurim, [MPP FI JYPP] ZEGGMREXIH F] .ER āÿ “COVID really has been going YT ERH HS[R E PSX WS - XLMRO MX¸W too soon for us to say for sure what [MPP LETTIR ¶ 9TTIV 7GLSSP 2YVWI Heather Greenblum said. “But we have discussed things like, do we WXST XIWXMRK# (S [I WXST QEWOMRK# Which things do we start to take E[E] IZIRXYEPP]#¶ In the middle school, there is still a small segment of sixth gradIVW [LS EVI ÿÿ ERH [IVI TVIZMSYWP] ineligible to get vaccinated. Because of this, the middle school has been
extra cautious and prohibited students from eating inside. Greenblum explained that once everyone is vaccinated, she hopes that middle school will be able to eat inside again. “Overall, once everyone is ZEGGMREXIH MX¸W NYWX WEJIV ¶ ,IEH SJ School Rabbi Mitch Malkus said. µ- XLMRO XLI QSWX WMKRMÁGERX XLMRK that would change is that when ]SY¸VI ZEGGMREXIH MJ ]SY¸VI I\TSWIH to someone who has COVID, you [SYPHR¸X RIIH XS UYEVERXMRI ¶ Previously when there was E '3:-( ÿć GEWI MR XLI 0S[IV School, all students exposed had to UYEVERXMRI JSV ÿþ HE]W ,S[IZIV FIcause all Lower School students, except for those in Gurim, are now eligible and required to get vaccinated, they will no longer have to miss as many days of school if exposed to '3:-( ÿć µ- HSR¸X XLMRO ER]SRI¸W VIEH] XS WE] XLEX ER]XLMRK¸W KSMRK XS GLERKI for sure. I think it really matters [LEX XLMRKW PSSO PMOI SR .ER āÿ How much COVID is there in our GSQQYRMX]# %VI XLI VEXIW GSRXMRYMRK XS KS HS[R# 3V LEZI XLI] KSRI FEGO YT RS[ XLEX [I¸VI MRWMHI ERH MX¸W [MRXIV#¶ +VIIRblum said. “ O n c e [ I ¸ V I a l l
Effective in preventing COVID-19 among children aged 5-11 years
Kids 5-11 are at least partially vaccinated against COVID-19
Children aged 5 to 18 have died of COVID-19 in the United States
Data courtesy of CDC and Nature.com
vaccinated, we are hoping that we can absolutely go into things like no QEWOMRK FYX [I¸VI RSX XLIVI ]IX ¶ 8LI PEXIWX '3:-( ÿć ZEVMERX omicron, presents a new obstacle and adds an extra unknown about what policies can be changed or taken away. As this variant emerges, people might have to be extra cautious about their actions, regardless of whether they are vaccinated or not. Malkus explained that most JDS parents were excited for their children to get vaccinated and got it for their children elsewhere as soon as it was approved. Malkus expressed that there are a small number of families that are still a little hesitant to get their children vaccinated, but he hopes that the long deadline will give parents a little more time to decide and feel comfortable giving the vaccine to their children. Greenblum is also a mother and has three daughters at JDS, one SJ [LSQ MW MR ÁJXL KVEHI ERH VIGIRXly got vaccinated. “Having my child get vaccinatIH QMKLX TVSXIGX XLI TIVWSR XLI]¸VI [MXL ERH MX¸W NYWX SYV HYX] XS TVSXIGX IEGL SXLIV ¶ +VIIRFPYQ WEMH µ-X¸W RSX NYWX EFSYX [LEX ]SY [ERX JSV ]SYVWIPJ ]SY¸VI EPWS HSMRK MX JSV everybody else… Just one more TIVWSR XLEX¸W ZEGGMREXIH MW LS[ [I¸VI KSMRK XS OIIT everyone healthy and be able to move on from this, so everyone has XS HS XLIMV TEVX ¶
Photo by Daniela Abrams, LT
“I am very excited for the younger kids to have the freedom to go places without masks and not feel they’re doing something wrong.” -Miriam Stein, parent of Mae Stein (‘31)
“I am so excited to do more fun things in classes.” -Third-grader Mae Stein
The Lion’s Tale Magazine 7