Lip Gloss Teen Magazine Issue VI

Page 1

I s su e No . V I

R ela x ! Homemade spa day Recipes, Loungewear, Yoga & More

Ha ir Ca r e Tips F o r

Natu ral Hair


B RIGHT, F unky

F as hion F inds page 43


varner J R e c ords’ Ri si ng S t a r Ta lk s Musi c, F a me & Fra mes

C o nnect With


Wild Girls:

Andrea Lewis & Shannon T. Boodram

Meet Double Platinum Artist

prince royce Sex Trafficking Learn How To Protect yourself

Private Parts Ex p e rt Tip s on H o w T o S ta y Fre s h

© 2008©Until 2008There's Until There's A CureAFoundation Cure Foundation Photo:Photo: Michael Michael Collopy Collopy


She wears it to raise desperately needed funds for HIV/AIDS care services, education and vaccine development. Over half aitmillion have chosen wearforThe Bracelet. What abouteducation you? Available at: Virgin Megastore, She wears to raisepeople desperately needed to funds HIV/AIDS care services, and vaccine development. Ben and other retailers. Or The to order call What 1-800-88-UNTIL visit us at: at Virgin WWW.UNTIL.ORG. Over Bridge half a Jewelers million people have fine chosen to wear Bracelet. about you?orAvailable Megastore, Ben Bridge Jewelers and other fine retailers. Or to order call 1-800-88-UNTIL or visit us at WWW.UNTIL.ORG.


health & beauty 04 Natural Hair Care tips from bloggers 07 Real Beauty u r beautiful 08 Time To Relax at home spa day 16 Feminine Care hygiene 101

featured interviews 20

Andrea Lewis


Shannon t. Boodram A Storyteller for Today

15 Loungewear 44 Get the Looks 52 Editorial 58 Fair Trade 59 Stylista


Prince Royce

in every issue


Elle Varner

03 Editor’s Letter 03 Contributors 26 Busted 26 Boy Candy 27 Boy Views 62 Locker Room 67 Crossword 67 Contest 68 Comix 69 Shop Guide 69 Credits

day to day

Image C red it s L t o R : Co urt esy of T opSh op Music; Rob H ann; A ngel a Mich elle Perez

14 Spirit making me time 16 Fitness To Go yoga for relaxation 19 Finance picking a bank 25 Relationships balancing besties 32 Politics tea party? 23 Holla subway harassment


Shining Talent

Our 1st Boy-terview Cover Story

try it & roots 23 LG Chatroom girl troubles 24 Sex Trafficking join the fight 25 Do it! all stars project 65 My Hood montclair, nj 68 Icon mary j. blige



on the cover Photo & Makeup by Visage-1 Studios


Hair by NV Myhair Inc. Wardrobe by Heiress Boston Boutique Elle is wearing: Heiress Vintage Dress Heiress Earrings






Lip Gloss Teen Magazine | Issue VI


Sassy, Classy & In Charge Happy Inu Media Founder/Publisher Dolores Brown Director of Marketing & Business Development Lori Cromwell

EDITORIAL Executive Editor Dolores ‘Miss D’ Brown Outreach Editor Shey Lyn Zanotti Online Editor Marianne Belotseyenko

ART Staff Artist Tyler Copes Staff Photographers Adrienne Anderson Nadirah Bahar

Sign up for the NEW



Retoucher Oh Snap Studios

CONTRIBUTORS Writers Erika Flores, Mica Habarad, Jeffrey Bowman, kiracakes09, Miss Fizzy, Shey Lyn Zanotti, Crystal Ramirez, Marianne Belotseyenko, Chris Anderson, Crystian Ramirez, Rebekah Francois, Mrinal Gokhale, Shakara Renae, Seta Morton, Rob Hann, Monica Harbison, Dionne Richards, Hari Lloyd

Photographers & Artists Visage-1 Studios, Oh Snap Studios,Amanda Michelle Perez, Tystarr, 2ndhand Studios, Austin McDowell, Rob Hann, EVOLiMAGES, Jonsthan Canny


Interns Online Brandon Arndt 2

A Happy I n u P u blic at io n

ISSN Number: 1947-1904

Ph ot o: Angela Mich elle Perez


Online Neah Williams Cruz




Angela Michelle Perez; Boston MA Photographer for Paint The Town

Angela is no stranger to fashion photography, having spent a few years as a model and 4 years as a photographer, which taught her the importance of her role. Angela leads her team providing all aspects of fashion photography, including beauty, commercial and editorial. Angela helps all her clients to achieve their final vision. Site:

Francisco Collazo; Boston, MA Stylist for Paint the Town Best known for his bohemian style, Fran tends to mix items together to give looks a bit of individuality and character. “I think that looking like a million dollars should be something attainable at any budget. It’s all about attitude”. Site:

Miss Fizzy; Lagos, Nigeria Writer of Natural Hair, Type 4 She is the co-author of the natural hair blog Leave in the Kinks and the founder of Osté Accessories. She recently completed a masters degree in finance but has absolutely no intention of going into that field. She enjoys writing, dancing and creating. Site:

Biz Casmer; Milwaukee, WI Yoga & Fitness Director Biz has been teaching yoga for 6 years and practicing for over 10. Biz is a Certified Yoga Therapist and Registered Yoga Teacher. She has a B.A. in Business, Advertising and Spanish and recently let go of her corporate career to focus her energy on helping people get closer to their true self through the practice of yoga. Site:

Hey Lil’ Sis, “Can you all just do me one favor? Don’t take life for granted, because tomorrow isn’t promised to any one of us.” - Kirby Puckett

I was recently informed of the death of a friend who played an integral role in helping me realize my self worth. She was strong, passionate, inspiring and just a few years older than me. While my heart aches for the loss of this remarkable woman, her death has lit a fire under my butt to keep reaching for my goals.. I will make the most of this life for however long I am blessed with it. A large part of my personal mission is to offer to you, what my friend gave to me. If I can help even one girl out there understand how beautiful and powerful she is through Lip Gloss, it’s all I could really wish for. That’s why I am so geeked to bring this issue to you with 4 of the most driven and positive people ever! Cover girl, Elle Varner (pg 36) is the real deal. She is refreshingly real and unique, with an unbelievable voice. Speaking of voices, we have another fabulous singer with us this issue. You may know Andrea Lewis (pg 20) from Degrassi, but she has gone on to bigger things. Her new album is awesomely diverse and is available for free download. Holla! We were also lucky enough to meet her homie, Shannon T. Boodram (pg22), who literally wrote the book on teen sex (real talk). Finally, I had the honor of speaking (well, mostly giggling) to the top Latin artist in the country right now, Prince Royce (pg 28). Double platinum and with a new deal inked with Atlantic Records, you would expect Royce to have a big head. But he is as humble and sweet as you could hope for. Their stories are unique, but they share one common factor… determination. These are people who set their goals young and have let nothing stand in the way of working towards these dreams. Take time to read Lip Gloss from cover to cover. Whether you fancy fashion, beauty, politics, health, boys, culture or whatever… we’ve got it for you. <3 <3 <3 Hasta Luego <3<3 <3,

Miss D

l i p g l o ssma g a z i n e . c o m Lip Gloss Teen Magazine | Issue VI


Natural Hair Care TIPS

Type 3


ome hair tips I find valuable are to keep moisture as a top priority and not to underestimate protective styles. For hair that is super dry like mine, braid outs are the best styling aid. They give weight to hair, offer shine, and smooth strands for a slightly organized look. I have a collection of products but aside from natural items like oils and butters, I love the Shea Moisture Raw Shea line (shown right). The shampoo, conditioner, and deep treatment masque definitely are a must for new naturals, those with dry hair and of course in these winter months.


What I’ve found helpful in my home for my hair is oil and honey for extra moisture. When either are added to conditioner, they maximize the effect of the conditioner. I also use oil to detangle before I wash so it will minimize the dryness. One thing I love about my hair i s the texture. I can start off with big hair and manipulate it however I like. It’s a reflection of who I am and my open-minded perspective. - Kiracakes09 4

Type 4


ome people consider natural ‘type 4’ hair the most difficult, but I beg to differ. I b elieve each hair type comes with its own perks and challenges, and this kind is no different! The key to being able to manage type 4 hair is simple: as long as you understand that your hair is beaut iful and are willing to put in the time and effort needed for maximum cuteness, you’ll do just fine! I have been natural for two years now and I am finally in a place where my hair and I co-exist peacefully. I went through several phases to get here, but believe me, the journey is not as trying as one might think.


For me, the curl-obsession phase came first. During this phase, I tried every curl cream that promised defined curls or less frizz. I hadn’t fully accepted my hair yet, and I was still tryi ng to fight it and make it do things that it wasn’t meant to. Eventually I had to stop myself and accept my hair the way it is; I don’t have defined curls and no amount of coaxing will make my hair bend in a way it’s not comfortable with.

Next came the product junkie phase: Believe me when I say I bought so many different hair products. We’re talking about spending literally hundreds of doll ars trying out every faddy product that entered my radar. I tried all the major natural hair brands, the minor ones, and everything in between-- I even tried making my own stuff. Most of these things didn’t work on my hair and ended up barely used and in the trash. All that money went down the drain. This went on for a while before I stopped myself and settled on the things that work for me (and saved some cash in the process!) Now I use between three and four products in total when styling my hair. Basically ladies, find what works and stick with it. Everyone’s hair is unique and reacts differently to products-- it’s the reason I’m always hesitant to recommend products; even to people of the same type of hair.

"It ’s O K t o c hang e up your produc t regim ent every once in a w hile, b ut yo u don’ t have t o jum p on every b randw agon j ust b ec ause it w orks for som eone else. "

P h ot o: Au s ti n McD o we ll

"It is im p o r t a n t t o acc e pt yo ur h a i r i n i t s nat u r al s t a t e a s i t i s the onl y w a y y o u w i l l eve r b e r ea l l y h a p p y with it."


Lip Gloss Teen Magazine | Issue VI



Last but not least came the hand-in-fro phase: When I first went natural, I couldn’t keep my hands out of my hair. I wanted to try every style and have it out all the time. Let me tell you, while this works for some lucky people, it made it difficult for me to retain length. Even now when my hair is in a protective style, I’m itching to take it out and play with my hair. I can play with it occasionally, but I can’t constantly be in my hair.

" I’ v e c o m e t o r ea l i ze now t h a t i f I w a n t gr ow th , I h a v e t o l et it b e. " The following products and tools have been invaluable to me: H er b a l E s s ence s I g n i t e my C o l o u r C o n dit io n e r I do n ’t h ave c olor e d ha ir , b u t I d o ha v e p o ro u s l o ck e s an d I fi n d t ha t c ond it ione r s f or dyed ha ir w o rk t h e be st f or d e t a ng ling a nd c ond it io ning t yp e 4 ha ir . Banana Clip Thi s i s th e l i l ’ bl a c k d r e s s of ha ir d os . A b a na na cl i p i s o n e o f t he m os t v e r s a t ile t ools yo u c a n o w n ; i t c an h e l p t r a ns f or m your ha ir f r om a t rendy frohaw k to a re g a l u p - d o or a s im p le p o nyt a il. They’re gre at f or b e c a u s e t he y c a n hold t hic k er hai r w i t h o u t bre a k ing a nd a llows f or f u lle r lo o k ing po n y t a ils a nd e le g a nt p u f f s . Bobby Pins If ban an a c l i ps a r e t he L B D , t he n b ob b y p ins a re the do u bl e - si de d s t ic k y t a p e ! B ob b y p ins a re bo th ve rsat i l e a nd inv a lua b le f or a ll ha ir t yp es. They c an be u s e d t o c r e a t e ha ir s t yle s , c o nt ro l fl y aw ay h ai rs, a nd t a k e a look f r om ca su a l t o gl a m ( an d bac k! ) T yp e 4 ha ir t e nd s t o s h rink o v er the c o u rse o f th e d a y, s o whe n t hos e p ost -st yling adj u stme n ts n e e d s t o b e m a d e b ob b y p ins a re p e r f e c t f or t he j ob . Castor Oil I rec e n tl y di sc o v e r e d t his m a g ic a l m ix , a nd it is now t h e o n l y o i l I u s e f or m y ha ir . N ot only do es i t he l p w i th t h i c k e ning s p a r s e e d g e s , it so ft ens ha i r l i k e n o t h i n g e ls e . P lu s , it ha s g r e a t medic ina l b en e f i t s an d c a n b e us e d in t he t r e a t ment o f a cn e t o o . He y , e v e r y g ir l ne e d s a t wo- in-o ne in thei r m e di c i n e c a b ine t . ( Es p e c ia lly t ho se o f u s that m i gh t h ave b lown a lit t le c a s h on p ro du c t - Miss Fizz e x pe r im e nt s ! ) 6

Check out these and more funky handmade headbands and jewelry at

On Beauty: “My culture and my confidence defines my beauty. Beauty is my mother, my grandmother, and my great grandmother. Beauty is pass down from generation to generation. My beauty is special because I carry not only their beliefs but I am creating my own, which I hope will be pass down to my daughter. Beauty is me and you.”

B a uj c i , M ilw aukee, 17


“ I t ’ s b eaut y t h at c aptures y our attention ; personality w h i c h c aptures y our h eart . ”

On Beauty: “I think I’m beautiful because I carry myself like a lady and I always keep a positive attitude, no matter what.

IMAGE BY dwayne pierre

On Relaxation: “When it comes to relaxing, I do a lot of yoga and pilates which are very relaxing. I also always make sure to get my beauty sleep.

Chan teL , N e w Yo rk , 1 7 W A N N A S HO w U r R E A L B E A UTY I N LG? P lea se send a wel l -l i t , c l e a r , f oc use d , un r e t ou c h e d s n a ps h o t ( 2 M P or big ger) an d a brie f p a r a gr a p h a b out w h a t m a ke s y o u b e a u t if u l t o m od e l s@l i pgl o ssma g a zi n e .c om . T h e sub j e c t l i n e s h o u ld r e a d “R e a l B ea u ty” In cl ude yo u r n a m e , a ge , h om e t ow n a n d c o n t a c t in f o . I f y o u are under 1 8 , a p a r e n t /gua r d i a n m ust s u bmit y o u .

Lip Gloss Teen Magazine | Issue VI


Beauty rec i pes , T ip s & P a r ty p l a n n in g I d ea s Photos, Hair & M a k eu p by A drienn e A n derson


ll you need a re f resh ingre d i ent s, y o ur be s tie s and a qu iet a f t erno o n.

There is nothing more relaxing than a day of pampering. There is nothing more expensive usually either. Well, Lip Gloss decided to help you and your homies cut costs by eliminating the middle men (salons, nail parlors, spas). Experts from across the country have offered


u c u mbe rs he lp dark c i rc le s a nd t o so o th e y o u r e y e s a f t e r a l o ng day o f st ari ng a t t he co mpu t e r sc re e n . B u t if you get c u c u m be r j u ic e in your ey es, t h e y ' l l st i n g lik e c r a z y” . - da rk c i rc l e sgo n e . c om 8

up their best homemade beauty recipes and low-cost tips. The “Party Girl” took the liberty of adding a simple guide on how to make it into a party too (since we firmly believe everything good should be made into a party). Two small warnings... make sure you know what you’re allergic to, and avoid these ingredients at all cost. Also, Make sure to do a patch test on a small piece of skin for all of these mixtures, before using them as instructed. Have fun and try your own creations too!

E xf o l i at e 1/4 cup brown sugar 2 tbsps of olive oil Mix the sugar with the oil for a natural exfoliator that will help eliminate dead skin cells and al low fresh skin to reach the surface revealing new, clear, bright skin. Lightly exfoliate in upward motions. Scrubbing too much or too hard can damage the skin and cause scarring so be sure to be gentle. Cleanse with a hot towel until all residue is removed. Finish by applying a warm towel and holding for 30 seconds Sherrell Dorsey

d r y / s e n sit i ve s k i n m as k Âź cup whole fat milk 1 tsp honey Blend the milk and honey thoroughly. Spread it over your face and neck and leave on for 10-15 minutes. Rinse thoroughly. The milk acts as a super moisturizer and the honey helps to reduce redness (either from rosacea or pimples). Phyllis Harber-Murphy, CAP, MOS

oil y s k i n m a s k


o ist u riz ers a re b est a p p lied t o war m, da mp sk in Befo re mo ist u riz ing, cl ean yo u r fa c e a nd nec k . Then p a t yo ur s ki n w it h a c lea n t o w el. Ano t her o p t ion i s t o t a k e a ho t sho w er o r st ea m b a th to c lea n a nd o p en u p yo u r p o res.

To ne r Sensitive skin doesnt do well with store bought toners, but here’s a great alternative Buy a jar of aloe vera juice from a health food store, chill in the fridge and use as a gentle face toner after removing makeup. Or place it in a spray bottle and use it as a refreshing face mist to add moisture back to skin thats been in a heated house all winter.

1 egg white

Todra Payne

5 drops witch hazel

Face Mo is tu rize r

5 drops lemon juice To bring oily skin under control try this easy egg white face mask. Whisk the egg whites in a bowl until stiff peaks form. Add the rest of ingredients. Apply to the face, avoidi ng your eyes. Leave on for 10 minutes and rinse off with lukewarm water. Pat your face dry with a soft towel. Todra Payne

juice from 1 lime 1/4 cup boiled whole milk 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil Mix the ingredients well. You can keep this for a few days in the fridge. This homemade facial moisturizer also makes your face glow. Lip Gloss Teen Magazine | Issue VI



or s ta i n e d nails, apply lemon onto the na i l s a n d t h e n u s e a b uf f er to b u ff o ff the s ta i ns . Y o u c a n a l s o b uf f na i l s w i t h a p er oxi d e toothpaste s uch a s A r m & H a m m e r P er oxi c a r e .


unk f r es hl y p o l i s h e d na i l s i nto i c e w a t e r for f a s t d r y i ng a n d a p p l y veg etab l e o i l a f ter wa r d s f or s h e e n a n d a p r otecti ve s h i e l d . - B etty G uy - W i l l s B e a u t y C ons ul ta nt a n d C o l u m n i s t of " L ook i ng G o o d - L o n g e r


is s o lve 1/ 2 c u p o f Eps o m Salt in t o 2 qt s o f w arm water. Pour this in t o a bo w l an d s o ak y o u r f e e t f o r 15- 20 m in u t es. Add a few d r o ps o f e u c aly pt u s o il f o r a re f re s h in g s c e n t . Mas s age the entire fo o t w it h Ep so m Sa lt c o nc ent ra t ing o n t he heels and ankl es to r e mo v e a ny dry, ro u gh sp o t s. Then, rinse a nd dry t hem thor oughl y . - P et er S mo lo w it z , w w w .ep so msa lt c o u nc il. or g


g ro wth

D e e p C o n di t i o n i n g Mix a cup of you r conditioner with 1/4 cup of olive oil. Apply the mixture to clean, wet hair and cover with a plastic cap. Sit under a dryer for 20 minutes or cover with a towel and let it sit for an hour without a dryer. Rinse out and enjoy soft moisturized hair. Miss Fizz

Here are some quick recipes for helping hair grow faster and stay stronger. Add rosemary essential oil to shampoos, conditioners, water mister bottles, and hot oil treatments. Use about 10 drops of essential oil to every 2oz of shampoo or conditioner. Add 5 drops to olive oil to make a scalp oil treatment (can be heated in the microwave). Add 20-25 drops to each 2oz of distilled water when making a hair mister. Other essential oils that can help hair grow include, clary sage and ylang ylang. Cher Kore

SEALING Mix 3 parts shea butter with 1 part coconut oil or any oil of your choice. This mixture is excellent for sealing moisture into your hair. Note that it cannot be used as a moisturiser in itself as it does not p enetrate the hair shaft, but it is great for stopping moisture from escaping. Miss Fizz

Lip Gloss Teen Magazine | Issue VI


P art y G ir l

Blankets & Tow



nv it es set t he t o ne fo r a ny p a rt y. Go w it h a sp a da y design o r simp ly c ho o se a p ea c efu l ima ge fro m na t u re. S a v e mo ney a nd k eep it green, b y u sing a free o nline p a rt y p la nning sit e lik e Ev it e o r P ingg. 3 -6 is a grea t siz e. Limit t his gu est list t o b est ies o nly. There’ s a lw a ys a t emp t a t io n t o imp ress a frenemy, b u t do yo u rea lly w a nt t hem a ro u nd w hile yo u ’ re t rying t o rela x ?



instruments for each girl





h i s i s th e fu n p a r t , s o b e c r e a t iv e . H ot el t o ilet ries an d t rave l si z e d s k inc a r e a r e us u a lly rea lly go o d b ran ds. J u st s m a lle r p or t ions . I f you ha v e t ime, m ak e so me m ini b ot t le s of you r own h o mema de s tu f f f o r f ri e n ds t o t a k e wit h t he m . M a k e a yu mmy l i l a c e y e pi l l o w f or e a c h g ue s t . Finis h it o ff w it h a m i x t ape o f r e la x ing t une s a nd a nou rishing na il tre atme n t an d a c ut e b a t h s p ong e . I f yo u ’ re rea lly a dve n t u ro u s, m a k e r ound s a t t he b e a ut y c o u nt ers i n t h e m al l s. . . e v e r yone g iv e s ou t s a m p les. ;)


to soak

hands and feet in

Pillows Galore


hop u p s om e freshly w a shed fru it s a nd v eggies a nd p u t a lit t le fa t free v inna igret t e dressing in a c up f or d ip p ing. P u t so me c u c u mb er o r lemo n s lic e s ( or e v e n or a nges) in a p it c her o f w a t er. Chill ov e r nig ht . M a k e a p la ylist o f t he mo st c hill mu sic yo u c a n f ind . G e t your t o o ls fo r t he da y t o get her. If yo u d on’ t ha v e a f oot sp a , a la rge b o w l is ju st a s go o d. C olle c t ing r e d ie n t s a nd c o nt a iners fo r a ny rec ip es you p la n t o t r y. Ba n b ra t t y sib lings fo r t he da y a nd m a k e a “ c e llp ho ne/ la p t o p free z o ne” sign fo r t he p a r t y s p a c e . Finally, dim t he light s a nd light so me c a nd le s wit h a c alming fra gra nc e lik e la v ender.


emo n w a t er st imu la t es t he b o dy' s na t u ra l c lea nsing a nd det o x ifying p ro c esses.


Potions &

C ho o s e s o me s o ft re la xing tune s .





b o dy s c r ub 1/2 of an orange 4 tbsp cornmeal Squeeze orange juice and pulp into a bowl and add the cornmeal. Mix into a paste. Apply onto freshly washed face and body. Scrub gently for 2-3 minutes. For best results, scrub body in a circular moti on. Rinse, tone, moisturize. Milande David

A L OE VER A MOISTU R IZE R 1/2 cup of aloe vera gel


ent ly c lea nse yo u r sk in w it h 1 / 2 a f resh sq u eez ed lemo n and w a t er. Lemo n h a s na t u ra l a nt isep t ic pro p ert ies a nd w ill giv e y o u r sk in a fresh, c lea n f eel. She rre ll Do rs e y O rganic Be autyVixe n.c o m

1/2 cup of mineral water Combine and bring to a boil in a small pan until it thickens. Pour the aloe vera moisturizer into a plastic container and let cool. Aloe vera is a great natural soothing and healing agent. You can easily adjust the quantities depending on the total volume you want to make.

yo g u r t m as k 1/4 cup yogurt 3 tbsp honey

PROTEIN MOISTU RIZER 1cup milk 1 egg yolk While this moisturizer may not be the most appealing by sight, it is probably one of the easiest and cheapest to make. You probably already have the ingredients in your refrigerator. Beat the ingredients together for a minute or two. Once a paste is formed, pour it into a plastic bottle. Chill in your refrigerator overnight before using for the first time.

3 tbsp puréed pumpkin

Indian Anti-Acne “Se c ret”

Use canned (nothing added) or slightly cooked pumpkin. Drain and purée in a blender. Pour into a bowl with the yogurt and honey. lather your face and body with the yogurt mask. Let the mask soak in for 10-20 minutes. Rinse in the shower.

Tumeric (found in any grocery store) Mix it with a little bit of lemon juice and applied to the skin for 30 minutes. This is excellent for acne as turmeric is antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory

Milande David

Shashi Srikantan Lip Gloss Teen Magazine | Issue VI




h e n givin g a back rub, y o u w an t t o make sure t o give t h e pe rs on the full t re at m e n t . So , y ou need to ke e p f ro m t irin g out. Keep yo u r h an ds s o f t , light and ge n t le rat h e r t h an ( heav y, h ard an d t e n s e ). Use your bo dy f o r s t re n gt h rather than yo u r h an ds . Th is approach w ill als o h e lp k e e p you from t e n s in g u p again, if you h ave alre ady h ad your turn re c e ivin g a m as s age.

By Eri ka F lor e s

There is more to life than increasing its speed.” - Mohandas K. Gandhi


here used to be a time where we had no choice but to relax. Whether it was waiting for the bus, chilling during a train ride, sitting in a wai ting room, or enjoying a day at the beach, our brains got a break. We used to sit there doing nothing. Well, no more. With the invasion of smart phones, ipods and portable video games we get no mental rest and no silence. Jus t look around – everyone is on their phone all the time! (I’m guilty too. I find myself constantly checking emails or texting wherever I am.) This is not good. We are over stimulated, our attention span is shortening and we don’t give our brains enough time to rest. On top of that, there is all the stress caused by school, work, and sometimes friends and family! So, before our brains and bodies crash out, here are a few things we can all do to relax a little:

1. Try to spend at least 2 hours a day without texting or using your phone. 2. Turn the TV off at least 30 mi nutes before you go to sleep. Studies show that you get a more restful sleep that way because brains take some time to stop processing information.

3. Meditate 10 minutes a day. Close your eyes and just pay attention to your breath. You can think of the words in / out as you breathe. If you start drifting and thinking about something else (we all do!), don’t worry. Simply bring your attention back to your breath as soon as you catch yourself. Practice makes perfect.

4. Do workouts that are not only good for your body but also for your mind. Yoga and martial arts are good examples.

5. Sleep 8 hours. Your body and your mind need time to recover.

Follow these tips and you will feel rested, invigorated and relaxed sooner than you know!

"There used to be a time where we had no choice but to relax. ” 14


has a dress code

(CW F ROM T O P L E F T ) : N E F E R TITI TANK, EST O VA R, $ 1 5 ; h e nle ys W omens C lov elly B lack J ogg e rs, van mildert , $ 20 . 2 7 ; L ad i es Z i p Hoodi e, B1selfsh o p .c o m , $ 3 9 .9 9 ; Hello Kitty Lovely Day R ac e rback Tan k T o p , F u n 2 sh o p .b i z , $1 5; Betty Boo p L e o par d Print Plush R ob e, P enny C oll e ctibl e s, $3 0; AG F G S leepwear S h o rts , A Gi ft From the G o d s ; Ni xe s B lue Fuzzy Bunny S li ppe rs, onlysli pp ers . com; S tr etchy B rac e l e t with Om Symbol , B u d d ha G roove , $ 21 ; Valentin e’ s B o d ysuit, H&M

Lip Gloss Teen Magazine | Issue VI




et’ s c ut to the chas e . Stayi ng clea n a nd f re s h is not r oc ke t scien ce, b ut ther e a re pl e nty o f myths ab out h ygien e t hat ca n ob scure the real facts ab out k eepin g cl e an. N o wo rries la di e s ; we’r e h ere to h elp. Here ’ s the lo wd own .

By Mi c a H a b ar ad 16


Fitnes s to Go

1. First things first: the female reproductive system is finely tuned and meant to function just fine with minimal intervention.

2. To stay clean, all you need is water and your own freshly washed hands. When you shower, take time to thoroughly rinse the external folds, including around your clitoris. Yeah, I said clitoris. This is straight big girl talk. 3. “Avoid heavily perfumed vaginal washes, as these have ingredients that can cause an allergic reaction or irritation,” says nurse practitioner Allison Caulfield. “Douching is also off-limits.” she warns. 4. While douching is meant to wash away the “bad” bacteria, it also washes away good bacteria and disrupts the normal vaginal environment. All the makings of a no-no.

5. “If you have a discharge or a vaginal odor, it’s best to be evaluated and treated with antibiotics if necessary.” If you are clean and healthy, your vagina should not be emitting strong, unpleasant odors. “Most women who douche are trying to get rid of a slight fishy odor which may actually be a bacterial infection called bacterial vaginosis (BV). BV is easily cured with antibiotics but douching may relieve symptoms temporarily and delay treatment.” In other words, it’s a common, easily-treated infection, and no, you aren’t supposed to smell like that. Allison notes that when in doubt, go to a specialist.

6. “There are lots of products out there that claim to treat a wide variety of vaginal symptoms but they can sometimes mask the underlying issue. It’s best to have a medical evaluation.” 7. Most importantly, recognize that to keep your vagina humming along, you’ll need to be a hands-on caregiver. No perfumed product can do the job that a daily rinse does, even if it does have a sweet name like “Tahitian Mist.”





uring our quest for relaxation, LG and our model Maria ventured to Invivo Fitness in Milwaukee, WI. Maria tried yoga for the first time under the guidance of Biz Casmer. In Invivo’s tranquil studio above the river, Biz showed us 7 poses for relaxation. Try them together or just choose a few. The front of each card has the name of the pose in English and Sanskrit. On the back, find the instructions and pics of any secondary poses. Put on some quiet music. Clear some space around you on all sides. Lay out a mat or beach towel to lie on… and let’s go. *C ons ul t your doc t or w it h a n y q u e s t io n s a b o u t w he t he r t he s e p os e s are a p p ro p ria t e f o r y o u .

Biz Casmer


F i tn e s s to G o



B alasan a


aka “ Child’s Po s e ”

aka “Cow Pose”

V rksasana

aka Tr ee Balan ce




A n j an eyasan a

a k a “ L o w Lu ng e Variatio n”


E ka P a da Raj akapo t asan a

Jathara Parivar tanasana

Savasan a

Tr y it CRA FT: Eye Pillow

a ka Pig e o n Po s e

aka “Rev olv ed Ab d omen Pose”


ak a “ F inal Re lax atio n”

Instruc ti ons on bac k

Lip Gloss Teen Magazine | Issue VI


Fitn e s s to G o 1.

C o m e bac k t o yo u r h an ds an d k n ee s .


Get on your hands and knees.


P lac e y ou r k n ee s righ t be lo w y o u r h ips .


Open your knees wide.


Cross arms on f loor.


P u t y o u r f e e t s t r aigh t bac k .


Let your head rest down onto your arms.


H a n ds r igh t b e lo w yo u r s h o u lde r s . E lbo w s n ic e an d s t r on g, w it h a lit t le be n d. S o f t e n t h e s h o u lde r s .


Bring your tail back to your heels.


Hold the stretch f or up to one minute.


Y ou r be lly d r o ps do w n , bu t y o u r t a il is u p. ( Do n ’t o v e r e x t en d! )


L o o k f or w a r d, h o ld t h is “ C o w P os e ” as yo u in h ale .


B a lan c e o n y ou r righ t fo o t .


B r i n g y ou r le f t f oo t t o yo u r r igh t a n k l e.


O p e n y ou r le f t l eg o u t t o t h e s ide .


R a is e t h e f o o t t o t h e side o f y ou r c alf .


M ak e lo o s e f is t s, brin gin g y ou r t h u m b s in an d w rap in f in ge r .


P u t y o u r ar m s o u t by yo u r s ide .


S t eady y o u r balan c e .


F in d on e s p o t t o ke e p yo u r


L ay a ll t h e w a y d o w n o n y ou r bac k .


S pr e ad y ou r ar ms o u t in a ‘t’.


C lo s e y ou r e y es .


B r i n g bo t h k n e e s o v e r t o y ou r r igh t s i d e .


G a z e t o y ou r le ft an d h o ld t h e po s e .


S w i t c h s ide s .

L a vender & Flax seed Eye Pillow Materials: • 4” x 20 ” piece of f abr ic • 15 oz. flaxs eed • lavender es sent i al o il • 1 o z. of dri ed l ave nde r • Ne edl e a nd t hrea d

Mar j ar yasana aka “Cat’s Pose” E x h ale in t o t h e “Cat P o se .”

1 . 2 .

Ro u n d yo u r ba ck up, brin gin g yo u r chin to yo u r c h e st .

3 .

Han ds are st ill right be lo w yo u r shoulders.

4 .

Mo v e bac k and f orth be t w e e n t h e se two poses w it h yo u r e ye s closed. gaze .

9 .


Mi x fl ax seed, l a v e n d e r and a dro p o f oi l to gether i n a b ow l .


your foot.

S pre ad fin ge rs out to e n e rgize an d then close again .

1 0 . If yo u h av e good balan c e , c lo se your eyes. It ’s mo re c h all enging, but adds e x t ra re la xation. 1 1 . S w it c h side s.

“ This P o s e grounds you r energy and he l p s you rel a x . ”

“In the world of yoga, this opens all of the energy centers (chakras). It’s a very calming pose. In 90% of yoga classes this is one of the last poses you do at the end, before the Savasana.”


Mov e b a ck a nd for th between the two pos es.


Put your hands down on either side of your right leg.



Lunge f orward, not allowing your f ront knee to go past

Clos e y our ey es to ma k e i t mor e rela x i ng .


Swit ch si d es.


Ease your way down to the mat.


Close y our ey es a nd hold .


Right knee comes behind right wrist.


Switch si d es.


Right f oot somewhere behind lef t wrist.


Lef t leg goes straight back in a half split. Take it all the way back.


From there go your f orearms a block, keep on the side of


Fold f orward into this and rest f orehead/third eye on block/f ists or on the earth.

down on (or if using your arms it).

3 .

C ut t h e d e sir e d s h a pe out of t h e d o u b le d f a b r i c a n d pin it t og e t h e r i n s ide o u t .


Bring legs to center.


Extend your legs all the way long (or use a rolled towel to support your knees).


Bring your arms straight down by side and turn your palms up.


Your f eet should f all away f rom each other.

T h e n t ur n t h e p illo w r i gh t si d e ou t a n d f i l l w i t h t h e f la x s e e d m i xt ur e . I t s h o u ld be w e i gh t y, b ut f le x ib e .

6 .

P i n t h e e n d s u n de r a n d st i t c h c l ose d.

N ow la y ba c k , c l o se y o u r e ye s a n d e n j o y !

Hing e for wa r d a little b i t whi l e i n thi s pos i ti on. Leng then long a nd l ook d own at th e k nee.

Sec ond Posi ti on

Continue to lie on your back.

5 .


Bring your right leg f orward and put your lef t knee down behind you.


Se w t h r e e a n d 1 / 2 si d e s t oge t he r like t h is .

Now, si t b a ck a l i ttl e bit a nd p oi nt y our f ront toe.


F ol d t h e f a b r ic in h a lf .

4 .



2 .

• strai ght pi ns Directions:

Use pillows, a rolled up blanket or towel, a mat, blocks and anything else which makes you more comfor table while holding these poses. Be creative! These poses should not hur t.

“ Th i s i s a goo d d eep st r etch to open up the h i p s a n d pe lv i c a r e a a fte r s i tti ng, wa l k i ng a n d r unn i ng a ll d ay.” “ D a b a li ttle l a ven d e r o r g r a pe s eed o i l on you r temp le s a n d Re la x w i th you r eye s closed or use a n eye p i llow for 2 m i nute s o r a s l ong a s 1 0 - 1 5 m i nute s i f you h a ve the t i me !”

$ F i na nce $


u rn o n th e TV or g o online a n d y o u a re b o u nd t o s e e a c omme r ci a l f o r a bank offering free checking, boasting c onven i en t in t e r ne t s e r vic e s or o f f e r i n g a fre e a l a rm cloc k in e x c hang e f o r y o u r bus iness. With s o many c hoic e s , w h e r e i s a girl to tu rn f or r e al advic e on ch o o s i n g he r first b a n k . Lip Glos s has ask e d t h e e xpe rt s a n d h er e is what t he y had t o s a y :

Stash Your


C h e c k t he Fe e s A bank is a place where you can safely keep your money but nobody is doing you any favors. Banks are profit making companies that charge fees for their services. When choos ing your first bank, be sure to understand ALL the fees. Is there a minimum balance requirement? How about fees for writing a check or even taking to a human being? Fees can add up and take a real chunk out of your hard earned cash.

C o n si d e r C r e d i t Uni ons Not interested in fees? Hillary Price, Financial Advisor recommends opting for Credit Unions. Credit Unions are non-profit organizations that have many of the same services as banks without many of the fees. Price warns however that teens should choose carefully because Credit Unions may also have drawbacks like weird hours or fewer ATM locations.

M y Ban k, M y L i f e st yle Your bank should fit your needs according to your lifestyle. Are you always connected, look for a bank that offers internet services like online billpay or phone alerts when your balance gets low. Maybe you are always on the run from school to the mall or thinking about going to college out of state. Choose a bank that has lots of ATM locations so you can access your money when you need it.

S o m e ti m e s I t ’s OK to Be L i ke Y o u r Par e n t s

Alar m clocks ar e g reat but wh o needs a nother us eles s g ad get? Wh en choosin g a b ank, ar m you rself with all the fac ts, dar e to as k i mp or ta nt questions a nd c hoos e a b ank t hat is wor th y o f you r bus ines s.

Teresa Mitchell from Willow Creek Financial Services, Inc. advises her teens to consider choosing the same bank as their parents. Your parents may already be valued customers with an established relationship at their bank. They can help you figure out which services are best for you. Insider tip: transferring money into your account for birthdays and graduation is easier if you are at the same bank as your parents. - Dionne Richards Lip Gloss Teen Magazine | Issue VI


A Lip Gloss Exclusive!

AND R E A lewis


o th i n g is better th a n s t a rtin g a c o n v e r s a tion with a s mi l e a n d th a t’s ex actly ho w m y c o n v e r sa tion w i t h A c tr e s s & R ecordin g Art is t, A n d r e a L ewis k i cke d o f f . A s soon a s s he p i c k e d u p , h er en erg y b urs t th r o u g h th e ph on e. LG: What inspired you to pursue a career in the entertainment industry? AL: Well, it was kind of chosen for me. When I was a toddler, I was with my mom at the Yorkdale Mall here in Toronto. A casting director came up and asked if my mom would be interested in putting me in commercials and photo shoots. My mom was skeptical and passed.

I wrote the album with my friend Ty McKerry. It started by sitting around talking about relationships. We wanted to tell a story. To talk about the progression of relationships... The good and bad - the rollerc oaster ride. LG: What was the inspiration for the video “5-4-3-2-1-”? AL: People would ask “Oh, when are you coming out with a video for this song?”. We decided that instead of creating a video for each song, we should tell the story of the album. It starts off at the end with the breakup and progresses backwards to the beginning. LG: I remember you on DEGRASSI and CADET KELLY. Is music your main focus now? AL: I’m actually managing to juggle both. I’m about to shoot a short film. Right now, my main focus is the album and in my downtime, I pursue my other passion. But, I’m never going to stop acting. I always try my best to juggle the two. If you really love something, there’s always a way to both.

LG: What are your plans for your album, “5-4-3-2-1”?

LG: What was the best and worst thing about playing “Hazel” for so long?

AL: Right now, it’s doing exactly what I wanted it to do. 100,000 downloads, praise from Mtv,

AL: I really enjoyed myself on DEGRASSI. I enjoyed the traveling and the promotion for the show. People sometimes

2 0

forget that there is more to the job than acting. I don’t know if there was a “worst thing” about playing her. (pauses) Ok, I can say what semiworries me is that people will always recognize me for being “Hazel”. That no matter what role I take, they will always see her. I can’t wait for people to recognize me as Andrea Lewis. But I am grateful and thankful for the recognition. LG: How do you feel about the success that Aubrey (Drake) has had? AL: I’m very excited for him. His success is amazing. So excited for him. As a friend and being there from the beginning of the show, it’s amazing how well he’s done. His success shows that [not only for us from the show, but for anyone] anything is possible. This was never expected, but I am so proud of him. LG: Why did you choose for the name of your website? AL: We were thinking about using inside jokes as names. What people don’t know is that the stuff on the site, we do in real life. We act silly and crazy and j ust have fun. It got to a point where a friend of ours said that if he saw us at a party he would say “Those girls are wild!” We liked that and ran with it. It’s a play on GIRLS GONE WILD. We’ve had friends tell us that they couldn’t get on at work because it was blocked with porn sites. We liked the play on words. People can type in our name thinking one thing, but the site is more for women’s empowerment

Phot os C ourt es y of Th os e Gi r ls Are Wild

A year later, when she was on maternity leave for my brother, she found that casting director’s card and called her up. She asked if she remembered us and she said yes. So, that’s how I started. At first I was doing print ads and commercials. I started to progress and I liked it. So really, it was chosen for me.

Entertainment Tonight and Rocknation. I wanted to release a project that showed that I am serious about music. I didn’t do it for money, because this is a passion of mine.

Interview by Crystal Ramirez

A Lip Gloss Exclusive!

- having fun and enjoying life. LG: My favorite TGAW. spoof was “Sweet Dreams”. Are you really that addicted to the internet? AL: That whole thing started off as a joke. It’s not so much that I’m addicted to the internet but I’m addicted to all the things I do. Shannon and I are constantly refreshing the THOSE GIRLS ARE WILD page, making sure the posts are still there. I’m always c hecking my Facebook. Afte r a while, it just became a habit. The spoof’s more half joke and half real. I think in 2011, most people are addicted to the internet though.

“I want t o in sp ir e a n o t h e r g ir l t o fo llo w h e r d r e a ms . ”

LG: I see that you put up “5 Worst Celebrity Moments”, what are the 5 best? AL: Wow, there are so many. Let’s see…Halle Berry winning the Oscar. I thought that that was so amazin g. I look up to her and seeing her win the award was amazing. Beyonce at the 2005/06 Grammy’s. She won and she performed 3 times (and killed it)! Anyt hing Spike Lee does. I adore and love Spike Lee. He is so passionate about his art and you can see it in his work. Katy Perry on Sesame Street. All that controversy ov er her outfit. I wish that they had artist like her on the show when I was growing up. But having her on s howed that there is a changing of the times. The last one is “Runaway” by Kany e West. Kanye is creative. Some don’t like it, but it did make you talk. It’s crazy because I met one of his cousins and he said that there wasn’t going to be a video. Turns out that it was a short film. As an artist, I appreciate and love it. These were off the top of my head.

If I really thought about it, I could probably come up with 6 more. LG: Ok, semi-random question….If you were stranded on an island, what 3 things or people could you not live without? AL: This is tough. My friends and I sit around and ask questions like this. It takes a while for us to come up with a list. One thing would be an iPod or computer with iTunes on it. I need music. Without music, I’d probably go nuts. As for a person, I’d like to say, honestly, my mom. She is my best friend and she’d be a large source of entertainment. She would help figure out how to survive on the island. And last, Vaseline. I hate chapped lips. Actually I hate being ashy of any sort. I was one of those girls who had a little container in my bag with me at all times. But really, I would need a tub of the stuff because

a tub won’t run out. LG: How do you give back? AL: I do a lot. On March 25th, I’ll be performing for Epilepsy Awareness Day. We [TGAW] do a lot of work with the YWCA and Unicef. But we also give our stories. We give ourselves to our readers. We want to give them a sense of hope and inspi ration. We want them to know that you can aspire to anything. We want the girls ou t there to be who they are, 100%. I want to inspire another girl to follow her dreams. I use entertainment as a way to inspire others. Like when you see someone and say to yourself, “If this person can do it, so can I”. One day, I hope I meet someone who says “I’m doing what I am doing because you inspired me with what you are doing”.

Lip Gloss Teen Magazine | Issue VI




Interview by Chris Anderson

i t h unrel ent i ng ly d r iv e , p o w e r fu l op in ion s a nd s ha r p wi t , To ro nt o ’ s S h a n n o n T. B oo d re m te lls it lik e it i s. A st o ry t el l e r a t h e a r t, S h an n o n re a ch e s o ut to us throu gh h er wri t i ng , h o s tin g , p h o to g r ap h y a n d b y h ar ne s s ing the pote nt i a l o f t h e i nte r n e t. A t it’s h e ar t, h e r mis s io n is si mply to sp a rk h o nest co n v e r s atio n . He r b lo g w ith A ndre a L ewis (Pg . 2 0 ) “ T h o se G ir ls a re Wild ” is w ild ly s u cce s s ful an d ofte n h i l a ri o us. H e r fir s t b oo k “ L aid ” is ma k in g it a lo t easier for p eo p l e t o d i sc u s s th e ta b o o s u b je ct o f te e n s e x. With a n ew onl i ne sh o w a nd a s e con d b o o k in th e w or k s , Sha nno n is s h a p i ng h er o wn p ath b y d oin g w h a t s h e lov es . LG: Where are you from? SB: I’m born in Toronto. I’m Cablindian. I’m half Indian, a ¼ black and a ¼ white. LG: Tell us a little about your background? SB: My family is always involved. My dad is a part of what I do. My mom is working on my second book with me right now. I’m at my sister ’s house right now. I think I grew up like any kind of average West Indian person: tons of family aroun d all the time, family ga therings every week, everyone loves to eat, anytime we can, we do potluck. I was in a creative writing class a few years ago and the instructor asked, “Who here has had a good childhood?” I was the only person in class who raised my hand (which is sad, I know). LG: How did you get into storytelling?

I won my first essay writing competition in Grade 4, and I wrote my first novel wh en I was like, I think, in Grade 6? It didn’t go anywhere but that was 300 pages, ok? It was a GOOD novel! Writing has always been a really big passion of mine, but it was kind of second to me. Sports were really my main focus. It wasn’t until I

2 2

LG: Who are a few of your favorite storytellers? SB: My favorite storyteller is Jodi Picoult, she’s my favorite writer. Dwayne Evans. He’s a Toronto Photographer, definitely one of my favorites. He is who mentored me. My absolute, like “All-In-One” is a personality in London, his name is Reggie Yates. You’re not going to know who he is here, but if you type him in over there, he is absolutely massive. He does the same things as me. He’s a photographer. He’s a TV presenter and he writes MSN blogs. He’s written some screenplays, and he acts, which I don’t do. He’s done extremely well for himself and that’s somebody who I kind of look to model myself after. LG: What inspired your book, LAID? SB: Having bad sex. I mean, rea lly and truly, you know? In my teenage year s, I had one negative experience after the other and I was definitely modeling my sexuality after a video vixen, and trying to be something that I really wasn’t. It didn’t match up with my core values,

Phot os C ourt es y of Th os e Gi r ls Are Wild

SB: Ever since I was small I’ve always been a really passionate writer.

was 19, and in school for English and Media Arts, that I decided I wanted to put myself in a position that’s going to be the best career AND that I love. So I quit track and put myself into storytelling.

A Lip Gloss Exclusive! so I didn’t put a lot of thought into how I wanted to sexually represent myself. I just knew I wanted to be a sexual force in some way, shape, or form. I think when you’re very aggressive, which I am, but you’re very ignorant, you end up throwing yourself into a very unsatisfying lifestyle. The problem with being an aggressive, ignorant person is that you’re also probably very st ubborn. I kind of did this pattern for a few years of being very sexually aggressive. Trying to be this, you know, sex symbol type of person and trying to act like I didn’t care if I got a call the next day. But, you know, deep down inside, I do still come from a very close family. I do still value close relationships and I do like to know that people value me. So even though I was trying to pretend these things made me happy, they really didn’t.

great or how’d you feel the next day. Or did the condom break? So, it was really about finding stories for every reader to feel that their stories are told by at least one of the stories in LAID.

It was only after I went to school in Baltimore and spent so much time with the same group of girls on the track team over and over again that I stopped lying about how I felt about sex . Most of my high school friends were like, “Yeah! It was awesome! It was great!” You know, “Of course I don’t care if he calls me. That guy is a loser.” - dadadadada. Eventually, you just get tired of that and you’re like, “You know what?” and then say something really h onest, and then your friends say something really honest, and you guys are all talking about these really, really honest experiences that you had and how they changed you, or how they hurt you. Or great experiences, if you had them. That’s kind of where the idea of LAID came from. There really isn’t en ough opportunity for young people to have honest discussions about what it means to be sexually active today.

SB: You know what it is? Um, you know like, 20th Century Fox? We shouldn’t even say this cause it’s copyrighted. But, you know the lion? That’s what it is. We just went on YouTube like, “Where is that lion that roars?” And we just took that sound bite.

So, I was like, there really needs to be a book out there that isn’t afraid to get juicy. Sexuality shouldn’t be facts, numbers and dull things. It should be juicy. It’s a very interesting topic, and it’s supposed to be honest. As much as I want to hear about what things smelled, tasted and felt like, you know, the butterflies in your stomach, I also really want to know if it wasn’t really that

LG: What kind of photography do you do? SB: I definitely think photography is an extension of what I like, which is storytelling. So, my forte is to take everyday p eople and do portraits. So we’ll talk about who you are and see what you like doing. I want to take pictures that say, Facebook display photo. My photography type is definitely going to be these beautiful photos of every day beautiful people. It tells stories to help you to understand them in a way you may not have if you knew them for a hundred years before that. LG: Why are those girls wild? That’s a very bold title. Like, “THOSE GIRLS ARE WILD”. And there’s a bobcat or a cougar sound at the end of every skit or video that you do, what is that?

LG: Oooooh. Like the MGM Theme? SB: Yeah. Like Tom N’ Jerry back in the day. So, it’s that lion. But Those Girls Are Wild is basically- someone described us as that. Our friend was like, saying that when he described us to people.” Don’t go over there guy, cause those girls are wild!” He meant that we’ll probably trip people while dancing because we’re erratic and look like we just took some catnip before we came out to the club. So, I think Those Girls Are Wild is more like um… we’re really ourselves, and undomesticated as in nature. We don’t subscribe to what people think that a girl should act like or how we should behave. “Wild” also means pursuing your dreams with reckless abandonment, and not being afraid. We’re really, honestly, true to ourselves. LG: I remember one of your videos; you were talking about curly hair and straight hair. What is your definition of ‘good’ hair? You have your own unique challenges with your hair and I was saying that with curly hair it’s a big challenge with learning how to embrace it and deal with the bigness, and to get to a place where you’re like, “You know what? I want it to be big.” Rather than spending half your life Lip Gloss Teen Magazine | Issue VI


A Lip Gloss Exclusive! trying to gel it and make it flatter and flatter. Good hair is al l about finding what works for you, uniquely. LG: During my 2 weeks of professionally stalking you, you had a link on your twitter to a skit about a mom whose daughter’s friend was black. And she kept having these crazy racist visions of him.

So, in a way, it’s kind of half joking. And, in a way, it’s kind of a self-help thing. LG: Have you ever had people approach you in person about something you might have said on your blog that really offended them?

SB: Well, that was part of Everyone’s Stupid But Me - ESBM is a new online show I’m working on. It’s a one hour debate. Again, the purpose of it is to get people with really strong, polar opinions to honestly talk about what they think and to get viewers chatting, and to get perspective and the topic for that one was, “Do you fault white people who fear black people?” Not necessarily white people, but do you fault other people for crossing the street when they see a group of young black kids around? Or do you fault white people for being afraid to approach a black woman? It’s about taking responsibility for the image that is port rayed of you and how that reflects on people’s opinion of you before you open your mouth. That was a really great discussion - we’re just trying to get people talking. The comments underneath that skit are incredible.

SB: I’m due for a punch in the face. I mean, I offend people all the time. But, do people come up to me in person?…It’s never really happened before. I definitely get it nonstop over the internet. Of course, people are so brave over the internet. No one’s ever shook me down in person or pushed me…. but maybe they’ll see me and be like “I know what that girl’s thinking, she’s a witch”, but they don’t say anything to me about it.

LG: So, how did you come up with the conclusion that everyone is stupid but you?

LG: What else would you like LG readers to know?

SB: I think my personality, in general. Everyone’s Stupid But Me (ESBM) kind of means, like - you’re just talking to people and you’re like, “No…no”. That happened to me every day. I’m driving in my car and I’m like, “OH MY GOD. Did you not go to driving school??” And then I’m walking, and I’m like, “OH MY GOD. Have you no home training??” I feel like, with everyday occurrence in life, “I wish everybody had my brain so that life would be better!” Everyone’s Stupid But Me is also a faulty attitude. My sister always makes fun of that because she thinks that of all people to have that mantra, I’m the last person, because I’m very opinionated but sometimes, I’ll say really stupid things.

SB: I think I’d like people to know that I’m an example of self-efficacy. I graduated in the recession like a lot of people did, in a field [journalism] that was dying and it was really tough to get a job. So, for the past three years, I kept pushing and tugging away and creating my own lanes. I knew I wanted to do this but there really weren’t jobs for me at the time. With persistence, being true to what I liked doing and then using my free time as a way to continue and further myself and improve, it definitely got better.


Pho to C ourt es y of Th ose Gi rl s Are Wild

It’s a really great outlet for me to dispel a lot of ignorance. I think I’m a prime candidate for somebody who could become, you know, REALLY racist or REALLY crazy or REALLY prejudice because I have strong opinions. ESBM is for people like me, who have strong opinions and hope that you don’t get to this place where you REALLY think that everyone is stupid but you. You have to have really honest discussions and say what’s on your mind. If you withhold what you’re thinking, you never get to hear the counterpoint on it and you don’t get to learn. It’s a dangerous mindset that I’m trying to fix.

The best way to get there (a lot of people neglect this) is to be a fan of what you like doing. You know, if you are an aspiring writer, then you’ve got to be a fan of reading. If you’re an aspiring artist, you have to be a fan of new music. We live in a time where the job market may not be great, but the internet is such an amazing, glorious tool. If you throw yourself into your interest and you’re very wise about how you spend your time , you can make a career out of almost anything. I hope, everyone at Those Girls picks up on that. And if you need help or someone to talk to, I’m pretty accessible. If I can help a few people do what they love doing for the rest of their lives then that’s a pretty neat position to be in.

Bala n ci ng B e s ti es B y M ariann e B e lots e y e n k o

it’ s o k t o h ave mo re than o ne bf f. j u st m ak e s u r e y o u d o n’t f o rge t abo ut the o ther s


reat friends are hard to find! As you get older and enroll in a new school, join a team, start a job, or begin a new club or ac tivity, you’ll find yourself meeting entirely new people with similar hobbies, interests, likes (and dislikes!) This is great stuff, and it is sooo important to grow the circle of positive peeps in your life. Unfortunately, your old friends may feel like they’re left in the dust... but they certainly don’t have to be!

L earn to J ug g le One of the main challenges that you might face is making time for old friends and dealing with potential feelings of jealousy. Really, it isn’t that hard to fix; with a little effort, you can have a situation where those important to you are happy-- and not overwhelmed.

M ix it U p ! So how do you do this?! If two sets of friends have you stressin’ try mixing things up! Invite your old friends to events with new ones! If keeping your old friends in your life is the goal, remember to stay connected! Maybe you’re involved in a spo rt or activity; suggest that your old friends come and watch, then have a post-game get together! If this friend is in the same school, perhaps you can suggest that they try the same activity (or join one of their own). They may love it! If you’re stuck on different campuses, then hype up the bonuses of checking out stuff that interests

them! Remember, a good friend will stick by you and offer support- make sure it goes both ways!

Hones ty = Amnes ty If your friend is in a rut, and you feel that they are more demanding of your time and their jealousy is taking over your friendship, then explain that the situation is not fair to you. Make sure they know tha t you still care about them and are doing everything you can to make balance, but don’t forget to point out that it takes two to make a friendship strong. A bestie will understand and be happy for you, period. With a little adjusting and a whole lot of fun, you can be sure to keep the ‘forever’ in BFFs!

“I f two s e ts o f f r ie nds hav e y o u s tr e s s in’ t ry m ix ing thin g s up! ”

Lip Gloss Teen Magazine | Issue VI


D isaster Stories BUSTEDD


b l us h

L i f e c a n b e an adven t u re. L G pu t ou t a c all for your most e m b a r r a s s in g st ories an d you an swered. We’ve laughed, c r i n g e d , sighed an d booed ou r ways t hrou gh the emails, a n d h a v e c hosen t he best of t he worst t o share w ith you.

a w kw a rd


was running late to school and could hear the bus outside. I threw on my long coat and tosse d my backpack on. Luckily the bus has t o circle back u p the block to get out of my neighborhood, so I was able to catch it before it went back towards th e school. When I got to my locker and unzipped I realized I ha d

time to hide forgotten to put on my pants in my hurry. #FAIL I had to get a used pair for the day our of the lost and found. #DOUBLEFAIL - Chilly in Chicago


went into a bathroom at my college on a rainy day, so the floor was sopping wet from people coming in. I had to go pretty bad, so I undid my pants really fast. They dropped straight to my ankles into the muddy bathroom floor. I pulled them up right away, but it was too late. I had to go back to class with the whole crotch and butt of

hor r o r my pants wet and brown. - S oaked in Seattle


fell down the stairs one day after coming back from outside during lunch. I was sure I had hurt myself really bad, so I refused to get up from the bottom of the stairs. The teachers left me there finally and my friends brought me a lunch from the cafeteria. I ate it right there. Finally, I got up at the end of the period.awful) and I went ahead on the date. It was dark when we met in front of the restaurant and I was able to explain my predicament. We got a good laugh out of it. - Fallen in Florida

Nomi nat e ur f ave guy at : iamlg@ l i p g l os s m a g a z i n e .com

Tel l us w hy he r oc k s and send a p i c !

Austi n, 19 H ometown: Mi nn e a p ol i s, MN Why we <3 him : H e ’ s a sk a t e r bo y, an entrepre n e ur , a d op e ph o to grapher an d a c ool c a t ov eral l .

a l l m y f r ie n ds . Y our h e r o : St e v e G e r r a r i - f ir s t bo s s , a ls o t a u g h t m e w o r t h e t h ic s . a n d s a v e d me f r o m a t r ou b le d f u t u r e ma n y t ime s .

C h i l l i n by a bo n f i r e on a b e a c h , w i t h We a r b e lt s o n t h e ir s t o ma c h

2 6

Art wo rk by Tys tar r

M ost r a n d o m t h i n g a b o u t y o u : I ’ v e h a d 1 1 iP h o n e s , a n d a n o t h e r f a c t is Bes t tim e: My cov e r a ge of h ur r i c a n e I w e n t t h r o u g h a n A f r ic a n r ig h t s o f Katri n a i n 2009 of t h e l ow e r 9 t h w a r d p a ssa g e 2 t ime s . shot i n al l bl ack a n d w h i t e t o sp r e a d a waren ess abo u t w h a t st i l l n e e d s t o A str ol o g i c a l S i g n : S c o r p io be do n e to hel p t h e v i c t i m s. O ne th i n g t h a t g i r l s d o t h a t y o u f i n d Favorite place to b e: b i za r re :

B. O . Y . S This mo nt h, “What is the most bizarre thing L ip Glo s s that girls do ?” a sk ed b o ys: Robert , 1 6 Milw a u kee, WI By Crysti a n Rami rez

“Y e ll. . . W hy do t h e y y e ll in small s it u a t io n s? ”

D i s c l ai me r: If t h i s c o m e s o ff a s wo m en bas hi ng i t p r o bab l y i s . Y’a l l d o a l o t o f m e ss ed up s t uff.

o t h e l o v e o f y o ur lif e j u s t b r o k e up w i t h you. You c o ul d n ’ t b elieve he wou l d c h ea t o n y o u w i t h your f r ie nd . H o w c o ul d y o u see t his coming ? Sur e h e h a s a shirt th at s ay s “C h i c k M a g net ” and wa s c ons t a n t l y o n s k ype w it h femal e s . B ut t h a t d o e sn’t m ean any th ing . H e l o v e d y ou! B ut ... if he d os e n t c a r e t h e n y ou w on’t eit he r an y m o r e! I t ’s tim e t o bre ak s o m e h e a r t s .


C u t i t o ut . I hate when girls do that. Do you have to go on a rampage because of one guy? This isn’t Kill Bill. No one shot you. It seem like as soon as a girl gets heartbroken, she s ets out to hurt others. You’re just making it worse. And, no I’m not talking about what you do to protect your heart. I’m talking about intentionally being a douche to cause others the pain that you felt. Every girl I’ve ever dealt with had just come out of a relationship whe re they really loved some guy. That alone sucks. You have to hear how great this guy was (until he did what he did), how much everyone loved him, how you’ll probably never be as liked as he is, and (if its really bad) how if he wants to come back and she’ll probably dump you! I’m officially a seat filler! For some reason they had to show me their wrath,

since the last guy did them wrong. And the wrath is terrible. Women have plans that are so intricate and evil it can blow your mind. One of my girlfriends flirted with other guys and ignored me when we were around people. When I finally pressed her about it she told me her last boyfriend changed her. As a sane person, I tried to separate from her, but then the fake water works came. Little did I know this was all a part of her plan. One time while I was trying to leave, she decided she wanted to make out. Then suddenly, she says she wants me to get her pregnant, so that I can never leave. Never in all my years have I summoned so much strength to get someone off of me. It was my superhero moment. Like how Peter Parker was bit by the radioactive spider or Bruce Banner was hit with the gamma rays. Her wanting babies brought out other worldly powers. Instead of a cool phrase like “HULK SMASH!!!!” or “AVENGERS ASSEMBLE!!”,

...a ll I could s cr eam w a s “ NO B AB IES!!!!!”. Of course, she didn’t want kids. She was pulling the faux “I need you” card. So I stayed. Then 2 months later she cheated on me and left. She got her revenge on all males through me.

WH Y??! Why do y’all insist on keeping

Bri an, 20 Milw a u kee, VA “M a kin g drama wit h e a c h ot her o v e r lit t le things.”

Corey , 1 8 I nglew ood , CA “B u s t t h e windows o u t c a r s .”

J u st i n, 1 9 Bro o k lyn, NY “ B e in g clingy when a n o t h e r pretty g ir l is in the room t h a t s h e k nows is in t e r e s t e d in me. ”

an innnocent person around to be miserable with you?! No one wants to deal with your can’t let go of the past nonsense! The worst thing is when girls do leave us/break up with us... they always say “Everyone one is gonna think im a terrible person.” Yes! Yes, everyone will! That’s what happens when you do terrible things! So ladies, just because a previous man hurt you, that doesn’t mean the next man has to pay for it. No need for revenge. That’s just my view on it. Wanna speak your mind to Crystian? Send letters to iamlg@ lipglossmagazine.coom with “Boy’ s Eyed View” in the sublect line. Lip Gloss Teen Magazine | Issue VI


A Lip Gloss Exclusive!

a la para leer la entrevista completa en espa単ol.


Pho to s co urt esy of: T op S top Mus ic


W eLc om e t o Plane t Roy ce I n t e rvie w By Mis s D


k. E very single time I men ti on e d t hat I wa s goin g to b e in tervi e wi n g 22 yea r old, Do min ica n -Am e r i c an Bachata sin ger Prin ce Ro y ce, I w i tn e s s e d re al- life swo onin g first-ha n d. O n e g i rl b e came s o overwhelmed b y the thou g h t o f i t, s he le t out a high pitched gasp be f ore s l u m ping ove r in her sea t. Ano ther time, a g i r l w e n t de ad s ile nt fo r 3 min u tes b efo re rea l i zi n g s h e h ad s t oppe d speak ing to me. W h e n I finally go t R o yce o n the pho n e, I q u i c kl y d i sco ve re d w hat a ll o f the silliness is abou t. Co u l d he be m ore o f a freak ing heartth rob? !? H e ’ s funny, char min g, positive and in cre d i bl y s i n ce re . D id I forget to men tion… go rg e ou s (w i th a s m ile t o die for)? It’s my ho n or to p res ent LG’s fir st guy-terviewee. He’s a m an w h o ’ s t oppe d Latin cha rts and who truly l ov e s u s l a die s . He is in spiring chicas wo rldw i d e to be c o mfor t able in their own sk in a n d to re ac h f o r th e s t ar s . With his doub le pla tin u m d e bu t a l b u m s t ill going stro n g, L ip Gloss is h ap p y to g i ve you a little b it o f the ma n b ehi n d th e m o v e me nt . We lc ome to “Planet R oyce”…

LG: Is Planet Royce a new thing or something you came up with as a kid? PR: It’s something that kind of started when I was 15 or 16, but it’s something that develops with time. With more time, I kind of realize what it’s about. It’s a little weird… a little crazy. It’s a way of being. It’s a way of living and it’s also the way I relate to the way I dress. I’ve worn certain jeans before. I’ve worn 3D glasses and a lot of people in the beginning were like, “Oh that guy’s fruity”. It’s not about being gay or anything. It’s my way of creating a place for the fans where they can be whatever they want, without worrying about people judging them and what’s in and what’s not in. I wanted to do that so that people can step out of the box and stay away from trying to always have the Jordans that everybody has. Just wearing their own clothes, without it mattering if it’s Armani or whether it’s Skechers, or whatever. That’s what it’s about. Just kind of being yourself. LG: Why choose to go a positive route when so many Latin artists and artists in general today are using female sexuality as a way to sell their music? PR: Yeah. Well, I am just a positive guy all around, at least I think I am. I try to give out a positive message and project positive energy. I think that’s how I keep myself active, smiling and away from negative stuff. I grew up in a tough neighborhood, where there were drugs and violence around. Me and my family were always a family that was positive. Lip Gloss Teen Magazine | Issue VI


A Lip Gloss Exclusive!

I wanted to project that with my music. I don’t want to be the same like everybody else and give off the same message. I wanna be different and try to make a change somehow, in some way.

LG: Is the positive self esteem/be yourself message something that will always be a part of what you put out? PR: Yeah. That’s how I’ve been since forever and that’s how I plan on being until I die. LG: In your opinion, what is the biggest challenge facing teen girls today? What would your advice to them be? PR: I think especially girls right now, are going through a lot of challenges. It could be self esteem, that’s why I wrote the song for them Corazon Sin Cara. That’s one of them. Another one is teen pregnancy. A lot of girls are getting pregnant at young ages and having to deal with single parenthood and stuff like that. I think those are the two major ones today. There’s also sometimes domestic violence with girlfriends and their boyfriends. But I think one that I see as major in a lot of places is girls getting pregnant really young and just unprotected sex. You know… its tough out there. There’s like a boom going. I think being pregnant is the new in or something. It becomes like a follow the leader thing. I think that’s an issue that’s going on a lot. Just because this person did it and this person did it and three of my friends did it, they think it’s ok. That it’s cool for them to follow in the same footsteps. The only suggestion that I can give is like the same idea as the whole Planet Royce thing. Be yourself and be your own leader. Don’t use drugs just cause all your “cool” friends are using drugs. Always think about the future. I mean… I don’t like thinking about too far up ahead in the future, because I don’t agree with always living life ahead of yourself, but think about your future. Think about what you want to do and what you do today that is gonna affect you tomorrow. I think for girls, pretty much it is just to be careful out there with the guys that you’re dating. LG: Any wisdom for the guys?


LG: Why are there two videos of Stand by Me? Which really represents you? PR: Well, the first one that we did was the one with the kids in a lot of different countries and with a lot of different ethnicities. You know, Stand By Me’s a song that’s very old and it has something really positive in it, so we wanted to kinda portray that. We actually recorded that video before the whole Haiti thing [the earthquake] happened, but it kinda looked like it was towards Haiti. It was really just trying to send out a positive message. We really need to stand by each other with all this stuff that’s been going on as far as the government, as far as violence, as far as the stuff that happened in Iraq. You know, war. I think it was a good video because of the positive stuff. The second video was a little more English than the original one, because the song started getting a lot of radio play on a lot of Anglo stations. So we recorded the second video to portray more of what bachata is. More of the cultural dance essence of it. So it had more dancing in it, it was a little more commercial. It was to introduce bacchata to the people who don’t know what bacchata is. The people who don’t know Spanish. I think they’re both very good videos. I like them both. I think the second one was kind of cool and it was kind of more urban and more hip. The first one had a good message. It has several millions views on YouTube and I think a lot of people liked it a lot.

“It doesn’t matter what ethnicity you are, it doesn’t matter where you’re from, it doesn’t matter what language you speak, we just need to stand by each other.”

Pho to s co urt esy of: T op S top Mus ic

PR: For the guys, really be careful with the girls that you’re dating too. Because once you take a chance like that, or you get a girl pregnant or whatever, there’s no really turning back. You’ve got a responsibility now with the kid You need money to take care of them and you’re gonna be stuck with that girl for the rest of your life. Basically, whether you’re together or not. Be very precautious with stuff. Because of the way that

my parents helped me grow up, I’ve always been cautious about having protected sex and being careful with who I hang out with. You could be just hanging out with friends that you don’t really know and then you get stopped by the cops and then there’s drugs in the car. Whether you use drugs or not, everyone in the car is getting arrested. So, be very aware of your surroundings, who you’re hanging out with, who you’re having sex with… because you never know, you know? And one time, I was in the car with some people. I knew one of the guys, but the other ones, I didn’t really know. And we got stopped by the cops because of a random thing and one of the dudes had weed on him. Thank God I didn’t get locked up or anything, but it depends on which cop it is. This is just an example of stuff that really happens out there - with worse scenarios. Say you get stopped with a pounds of coke or something [in the car] then it really gets bad for you. Just be precautious of who you’re with and who you’re messing with. And always use protection. That’s key.

A Lip Gloss Exclusive! LG: How much involvement do you have in the creative direction of your videos? PR: Usually before, we sit down and just kind of talk about it. What it’s gonna be about and how we’re gonna… I don’t try to get into it too much. If it’s something I don’t like I definitely speak up. But we originally sit down with the directors and the production team and try and brainstorm everything before the videos. (pauses, then laughs) There are also two videos to Corazon Sin Cara. (laughs again) LG: That’s right, there’s the one in the high school too? PR: Yeah. There’s one in black and white and there’s the one in the high school. LG: The most exciting thing about performing live? PR: That’s it’s not a recording. When you listen to a track you already know what it sounds like. You already know what’s coming next. You already know how the beat’s gonna sound after hearing it over and over again. Live… it’s the same song, but it’s different every time. And it’s a different reaction every time. I mean, I love performing. I love seeing reactions. When I was in Europe, I thought that nobody knew who Prince Royce was. I thought that I was going for promotion. But when I was doing shows, girls were crying, singing every song, fainting... It’s really different. I like that, it’s different experiences depending on where you are. Even with the band it’s a whole different thing. Sometimes the guitar messes up and I catch it, and sometimes we extend the song longer than it already is. It’s always cool to keep on expanding on what was a 3 minute song and you’ve expanded it to 5 minutes. It’s a whole different feeling, with the crowd singing along and the girls yelling. It’s a whole other world. That’s one of my favorite parts. That difference between a live show and a recording. LG: What’s the goofiest thing you ever did to get ready for a show? PR: I don’t know. I do random stuff. Sometimes I just eat a lot of candy (Skittles, Jolly Ranchers). Sometimes I jump on the bed if I’m really excited. Umm, I do lip noises to warm up my voice. Anything to kinda just… sometimes I do these shows that I’m kind of nervous about. So, anything to just forget. Listen to music or start joking around or jumping around or whatever. Anything to make me laugh. Then I jump on stage. LG: How do you relax? PR: Play a lot of video games. That’s also how I keep in touch with a lot of my friends and family. Cause we can just play online, and talk and kind of like hang out even though we’re not close. It’s a way of releasing stress. Like, you can be the bad guy that you’re really not in real life. You can be that in a video game. You can punch people at a boxing game or you can shoot people. You can just fight against your friends or whatever. It’s kind of just forgetting about everything and focusing on the game. It’s a cool way for me to relax and unwind. LG: What was the highlight of 2010 for you?

choose one. I’ll try to narrow it down. The album was number one on the tropical charts for multiple weeks. I remember, when I first started, I was like who’s gonna buy this darn album? Now when I think about it, I’m like wow. 200,000 people actually went out to buy the CD. If you think about it, that’s a lot of effort. You gotta go out. You gotta go to the store. You gotta try to find it. Out of thousands of CDs on the rack, they chose mine. I think that’s one highlight. Another highlight was the Latin Grammy nomination. A Grammy is something really prestigious. Really kinda important, you know. It was really kinda weird and kinda great for me to be nominated for Best Contemporary Tropical Album. I think that was just really cool. I only had 7 months out on the market officially, and to be nominated for the Grammy- that’s awesome. LG: What are your goals for this year? PR: I know that I’ll be dropping a new album. My goal is for the new album to be as good as this one. Actually, no… Better than this one. (laughs) I didn’t expect this one to go this good. I believe in myself, but sometimes I’m like damn- are people gonna like it.. Is it good enough? I though this album was good, but I didn’t know if people were gonna like it. I am really impressed with the love that I’ve been getting from the fans and with everything. So I want the next album to be even better. Fans can go to to connect to his Facebook, MySpace and Twitter. It’s really Prince Royce that replies on the pages!

Hometown: Bronx, NY Birthday: May 11th. Favorite Color: My main favorite color is green. That’s my emerald… I’m a Taurus. I like purple too, as weird as it sounds. I like when girls wear purple. Purple looks alright on me. Purple shirts. (laughs) I like grapes. (laughs) I love purple on a lady. Favorite Food: I like a lot of pasta… like spaghetti. Lasagna is like... the best. The way my mom makes it. I ate it at a lot of restaurants, it’s not the same. But I went to Italy and that was the best pasta I could ever eat. Yeah, lasagna is one of my favorites. Favorite song from your album: Corazon Sin Cara. I put in some work into that one. I wrote it on my way to school on the 4 train. It’s a song that reminds me of NY and of when I was writing songs on the train. It’s a good message, I like the melody, I like the production, I like the violins that we threw on it. I like the song. It’s a nice one and I think the ladies like it too. It’s my favorite.

PR: There’ve been a lot of highlights. I don’t know if I can Lip Gloss Teen Magazine | Issue VI




By Je ffre y Bo wman

Is the pas sion o f t h e Tea Pa r ty Movement somet h ing t o b e feare d or co uld it po ss i b l y b e a s park t h at we a ll sh oul d c a tc h?

We’ve all seen it, and it’s no different than “beef” between a pair of musicians (probably just as fabricated too). As elected officials become consumed by political beef, they in turn distance themselves from us: the people they’re supposed to represent. Worse, we’ve just come to accept it as “…that’s just how it is.”


E nter the T ea P a r ty .

’ll just come right out and admit it: I am in favor of a Tea Party.

Mind you, I’m not saying I support the Tea Party, but I certainly favor a movement or organization like it. As far as comedy is concerned, you can get a lot of mileage out of any given Tea Party candidate or function. However, there is a great deal to be learned from the Tea Party concept, and I don’t want that significance lost on the rest of us. (And if you happen to be a Tea Party supporter, know that I still love you; laughing at you uncontrollably is a sign of my love). I actually think the Tea Party is good for American politics. Let me clarify: Congress and State/local governments have become engaged in a bitter battle of two-party politics. Kind of a “political beef.” Some (myself included) feel this beef between Democrats and Republicans has hamstrung the political progress. Legitimate ideological differences have turned into grandstanding on the news and a mindset of one-upsmanship.


Have you seen these people?! They show up ANGRY! A mass of chanting, rallyholding, sign-waving fury! They have real beef! Beef with the government itself and the entire process. And though I think many of their ideas are from beyond left field, they are getting people elected.

S o wha t ca n we l ea r n f r om this ? We don’t have to resign ourselves to how things have always been. We should demand that our elected officials represent our thinking and our needs and settle for nothing less. The Tea Party is unwilling to take this lying down. The Tea Party might be ridiculed by late night hosts, but they can’t be ignored, that’s for sure. Members are willing to get out and do what it takes to see change occur. I like that . I want to see more of that. And do you know why? Because pro-active voters are good for politics.

The LG Ch a tR O om


o f LG O n l i n e P o l l What is the biggest challenge facing teen girls today?

HEre’s What we’ve been talking about online. Join us at lipglossmag or @LGMAG on Twitter.

School 6%

LG Teen Magazine What do YOU think is the biggest challenge facing teen girls today? How can we fight it?

Sharell W. Having Sex or being perfectly skinny. When ever I speak to my friends those seem to be the only things we discuss. Monica H. Learning how to say sexy and strong (or even be in charge) without becoming promiscuous or objectifying themselves and without being a um “female dog”.

MD I agree, a lot of girls are trying so hard to be sexy and missing the whole point. Easy is not sexy or strong. Sharell, what’s the big thing about being skinny now? It seems like curves are more appreciated nowadays... but not so? Sharell W. Yeah but many young girls find it difficult to adhere to the stigma of pleasingly curvy and not unappealingly big. The girls who I know who have what I think are nice curves still think their fat and not voluptuous. Even when a girl has curves she still has some bulge someplace that gets complained about. I think it makes girls strive to be perfect in every body part. Many girls want to look like a certain celebrity we all know who is revered for her curves, a big butt, a plump chest, with a tiny waist and a flat stomach, not easy to do. As much as I try to assure my friends and myself that perfection is not possible and that the curves we have are fine it still seems to be an issue.

Obesity 6%

Difficult Home Lives 4% STD’s 4% Media 1% Eating Disorders 1%

Pregancy 19%

Peer Pressure 21%

BigAc eLilDeuce



NOW L EWDNESSo i s WAY c B n END SU e b e k a h F r a by R

(Rants, Raves & what’s really real)

n a late Friday night in February, I unfortunately had the privilege of becoming one of the many female NYC straphangers who have experienced sexual harassment wh ile on the train. I initially did not get very upset. I was shocked and offended, but even more so, I did not want to be around the man. I pr oceeded to exit to the next car. During the entire incident I was on the phone with my sister and was relaying the situation to her. When I got onto the last subway car, that’s when I spotted my homeboy and immediately ran to sit beside him. I woke him up in my hysterics saying something to th e effect of “OMG! A guy just flashed

himself to me on the last car!” And when I looked up, there the creep was. He had followed me. The sicko seemed to be put off by my male companion, so he sat down and pretended to be aslee p. My sis’ told me to call the cops. I was hes itant. In my mind I knew what he did was wrong, however the part of me that wishes to not escalate things caused me to second guess. With my sister in my ear demanding I alert the authorities, I started to wonder what would have happened had I not seen my friend. The last car which we were in had only 5 passengers; the two of us and the pervert included. I decided to call 911. By the time the train got to the last stop (my stop), policemen were waiting for my offender on the platform. They took him into custody and when they were searching him, his penis

was still in the open. As I waited to file a report in the precinct, the cops told me he had been arrested 26 times. For similar offenses, as well as crimes like robbery at gunpoint. Never give anyone the benefit of the doubt. A man revealing himself one day can be a rapist the next. If you experience sexual harassment anywhere, do not let it go untold. As women we do not have to t olerate men who think it’s okay to objectify us or make us feel uncomfortable in any way. Always go with your instincts and fight back. The more we speak up and take a stand, the faster we will one day see the end of lewdness on our public transportation systems.

Lip Gloss Teen Magazine | Issue VI




Di d you know th a t the ave rage fe ma le Am er i can pro stitu te is betwe en 12- 1 4 year s ol d? Many p eople a ss o cia te sex t raf f i cki ng, th e ille gal trade of huma n s fo r com m er c ial s exu a l exp loitation , wit h devel opi ng countries . Ame rican sex t raf f i cki ng is bec o min g p re v a le n t . H er e’ s how YOU ca n pro te ct yourse lf from b ecom i ng a victim.

PARTY SAFE: Don’t mix with people you don’t know well, especially if you’re under the influence. FIND SHELTER: Runaways are at high risk for prostitution. If you live in a broken home or you’re on the streets, call 1-800-RUNAWAY to locate shelters. WATCH OUT FOR SCAMS: People living in poverty need an education. They often fall for human traffickers posing as agencies/recruiters for a better life. Make sure your education spokesperson has references, traveling expenses, pictures, more than one source, and contracts written in your language. HOW YOU CAN HELP: “If you want to make a difference, get educated,” advises Darius Alemzadeh, Executive Director and Founder of Team Wisconsin, a Milwaukee-based organization which raises awareness and trains social workers to help sex trafficking victims. “The best thing is to flood the system with role models for children and developmental volunteer activities such as Big Brothers/ Big Sisters, housing, labor rights, and education all reduce the amount of potential victims.“

Did You Kn ow? • Sex trafficking is the fastest growing illegal trade and is expected to surpass drug trafficking within two years. • Many children sold into the sex trade come from broken homes or are in foster care. • Victims have a seven year life expectancy. • Sex trafficking victims endure physical and psychological torture from their captors. • Over 100,000 children in the U.S. are sex trafficking victims each year. • 5 and 6 year old girls are forced into sexual acts to profit traffickers.

I f y o u wa n t t o v o lu n t eer fo r Tea m W isco n sin , ca ll (4 1 4 ) 5 0 2 -T EAW o r v isit www. t r a ffick in g en d swit h a ct io n . or g f o r mo r e in fo r ma t io n .

B y Mrinal Gokhal e

Artwor k by T yst arr

3 4

Do it!

All Stars Project

T h e All St ar s Pr o j e c t i s j o i n i n g a wave of ne w o r g a n i z a t i o n s o ff er ing us t he j o y o f l e a r n i n g an d p e rfor ming ne w a r t s a t n o c o s t .


hi s p a r ticu l ar p ro j e ct p ro mot es learning o u ts i d e of trad i tion al e n v ir on m e nts , me ani ng yo u ’re n ot stu ck b e h i n d a d e s k al l d ay. P l u s , t h ey use t he a r t of pe rfo rmance to e xp an d t h e imag i na tion a n d t o b u i l d l e ad e rs hi p skills. So u nd c ool ? I t g e ts co o l e r.

Images Cou rte sy of T he All St ars Net work

The i r l a te s t p r oje ct, UX , gi ve s s tu d e nt s of all a g e s a c h a n c e to g ro w and l e arn . For fr e e . It c a n ’t g e t mu ch co o l e r than t h at . Thi nk a b out it. Ho w o fte n have yo u b egged t o g e t i n vol ve d i n a d ance o r the atre c lass o nl y t o f in d out yo u can’t affo rd i t? Hav in g But wh at if you’re n ot lookin g to b e i n t o p u t of f a p a s s i o n b e cau s e o f a l a c k of t h e spot ligh t ? Good n ews; t h ey a l s o of f er fun d s is th e ul ti mate o f d o wne rs . L uc kily, t h e Developmen t Sc h ool f or You th. I n it ’s no t a p r ob l e m wi th UX . DSY worksh ops, t een s get f ac e ti m e wi th leadin g N ew York C it y prof ess i ona l s i n every in dust ry f rom f in an c e t o h ea l th c a r e wh ile get t in g t ips on in t erv iew i ng a nd resume writ in g. Summer is c oming u p a nd t h eir Get Organ ized an d Lead in ter ns hi p s c ould give you valuable lea d er s hi p experien c e wh ile makin g a dif f er enc e i n your c ommun it y. Did I men t ion the AS P does all t h is f or FREE? ! Th ough t h e All St ars Projec t or i gi na ted in N ew York over 25 years ago , you c a n get in volved all over t h e c ou ntr y. S a n Fran c isc o, Ch ic ago an d N ewark a r e j u s t some of t h e c it ies you c an f in d thi s gr ea t If yo u ’r e f ee l i n g the atri cal , the Win t er/ organ izat ion makin g a dif f eren c e . T her e i s Sp ri ng 2 0 1 1 c a tal o g o ffe rs the A l l St ars even a c h apt er in t h e N et h erland s ! Chec k Tal e nt S h ow Ne two rk . No t o nl y d o you get t h em out on lin e at w w l s t ars . or g f or a t o p e rfor m , you a l s o l e arn ho w to run t h e f ull list of c it ies an d f or more inf or m a ti on sh o w fr om b e h i n d the s ce ne s . on c lasses t h rough UX. - Sh ey Za notti Lip Gloss Teen Magazine | Issue VI


Elle v a rner Th e d e f i n i t i o n of fl y I n t e r v ie w b y S h akara R enae Ph ot o g r ap h y b y J o anna Pet it -Frere Makeup by Visage-1 Studios Hair: Nancy Brown Wardrobe: Heiress Boston


lle Varner is born to be a legend. Both of her parents were professional songwriters, so music became Elle’s first love at a very young age. As an MBK/J Records artist, 22 yr. old Elle’s music offers a refreshing blend of R&B, Hip-Hop, and acoustic soul. I had a chance to chat with this rising star. It’s my pleasure to fill you in on what makes Elle Varner “So Fly”!

FEATURED INTERVIEW LG: With both of your parents being songwriters. What kind of music was being played in your house growing up? EV: Such a wide variety… Chaka Khan, a lot of Motown. My dad was a staff producer at Motown when I was growing up so I had all these tapes, compilation tapes of stuff that never came out and it was really cool. LG: Describe your music style in your own words and tell me what influenced such a unique blend. EV: I would say it’s like singer/ songwriter meets Hip-Hop, which I don’t think people have heard in a long time, since Lauryn Hill. Even then, I’m not as hardcore on the Hip-Hop side as her but from a singer/songwriter standpoint, it’s a unique blend because songs are a little more conscious. LG: With the exposure that you’ve had so far, do you find most people to be receptive of your sound? EV: Yes, very. I find that especially guys that are into heavier Hip-Hop can appreci ate the tracks. Women automatically identify with the song and they like it. So, I find across the board that everyone is finding something to appreciate about the sound. LG: Why do you think that is? Do you think people are bored with the current state that music is in right now and you’ve brought something that sparks a new interest? EV: I mean, I hate to be the one to say it… but to a degree, yeah. I think music operates in cycles, and every so often there needs to be that cycle of real music. You know… something different, something fresh. I’m on that wave of bringing back classic

elements of music to today and making it current. LG: Ok, now do you write all of your own m usic? EV: Yes LG: If you could record a song with any artist, who would it be and why? EV: Hmm… I would have to say Nas is one of them. I really appreciate him as a rapper. I love his tone. Another person would have to be…Oh My God… Adele! Put her and I on a duet, it would be the end of the world! (laughs) LG: Have you written songs for other artists in the industry? If not, is that something you would like to do? EV: I definitely would. I haven’t yet and I’m so open to working with other people. I just never really got around to it on this album. I think this album is so personal. Actually, I did some writing for producers. I’ve got Steve Austin on one of the tracks and we collaborated. I really enjoy collaborating when the vibe is right. LG: What inspired you to pursue music professionally? Like what was it that made you say, “I want to do this professionally”? EV: I think it would have to be that I realized early on that I have no desire to work a regular job…ever (laughs). I got m y first job when I was 16 at Universal Studios Theme Park. When you walk in, you know those guys that say ‘Get a free backpack if you sign up for this credit card?’… that was me! I was hustling credit cards for Chase

A Lip Gloss Exclusive! Bank and I was really good at it too. I just wanted to have the kind of lifestyle where I can create for a living and that is what I’m doing… it really works out for me. LG: How was your experience at NYU’s Clive Davis Department? EV: It was incredible. . Being in that program prepared me for any aspect of the music industry that I would ever encounter. Whether it’s business or creative or production, I can say that I can do everything… so it was a rea lly great program. I mean, I think the college experience alone was really important for me. When I first got to NYU, I was really let down because there was no campus. I’m used to someplace like UCLA, where you have all this grass and old buildings. At NYU, Manhattan really is your campus. So, once I got adjusted to that, it affected who I became as a person. LG: What can we expect from you on your debut album? EV: You can expect, like…a mind blowing experience. (laughs) You can expect a lot of color, a lot of diversity in terms of tracks. Anywhere from a club song to a heartfelt ballad, it’s all there… and you can expect honesty. Almost all of the songs are from personal experience. Some of them, I have a really good imagination. One of the songs, Welcome Home, I wrote before I even had a boyfriend. I would always sit and write things off of what I’d think it was, so there is a blend. Like I said, from the music standpoint of it being a Hip-Hop top on a singer songwriter type album, it’s a really interesting combination. LG: You wear your hair in its natural state and it’s very beautiful. As a woman of color, how do you stay true to your culture and who you are without caving into the pressures of society? EV: I try not to feel pressured in general to be any certain way. As a woman of color, I don’t feel like I have to have my hair straightened or anything. At the same time, I feel like as a woman, if I want to have fun or get a 20-inch weave, I will do that too. It’s all about how you feel. As long as it is not coming from a place of pressure from soc iety, I think you should have as m uch fun with your look and yourself as possible. You might see me with natural hair sometimes. You might see me with straight hair. You might see me with a weave. You might see me however… I just kind of go with the flow. 38

LG: What advice would you give LG Girls on staying true themselves? EV: I would say… just take a minute and really think about your values, your personal values, and think about the things you will and will not do. Always try to keep that in the back of your mind. 13-18 is the hardest time to make it without feeling pressured. Whether it’s to have sex or do drugs or to cut class… you can be influenced any which way during that time. So it’s really important to take a minute to think about who you are and let that be for you and not anyone else. The longer you can make it without it [sex], the better… trust me. I know from experience! It’s not going anywhere, none of it is going anywhere. You have plenty of time, so just enjoy youth and innocence and take your time. That’s my advice. LG: A lot of times we see young women looking to media for positive role models, but they have a hard time finding any. What makes a good role model in your opinion? EV: I think a good role model is someone that is real. Everybody has flaws and faults. Anyone that gets up there and says ‘I do everything right and I’m perfect’, I don’t even think is a good role model. No one is going to go through their whole life doing everything perfect. You need someone that has experience… that knows better, to maybe help prevent you from doing something that you can avoid. So yeah, A tangible person that is real, accessible and honest. I think someone who looks up to you has to feel like they can really connect with you. Not like you are this outside person that can’t be touched or reached. LG: Are you dating right now? EV: I am not dating at the moment (laughs). I’m one of those people that go a long time in relationships. I didn’t start dating until I was 18 and since then I have always been dating. I think it’s important for me right now to take a break and really think about what I want. As women, we are always concerned about how we want to make ourselves more attractive to a guy or what guys want. We want to put 20 things on his mind… blah blah blah… but we never stop to think… What do I want? LG: What’s currently playing on Elle’s iPod? EV: Frank Ocean, Adele, a lot of the artists from MBK, Fame, Anthony Hall, Allen Stone… I don’t have any Gabi Wilson yet… and honestly, my album. (laughs) We are in a really good and bad situation, where we

A Lip Gloss Exclusive!

“ T h e r e is a

p a r t of me t h a t is r e ally r u g g e d a n d like

*ro a r *

I ’m r u g ge d and r o u g h a r o und t he ed g es , but I ’m s t ill femin ine and a g ir l… s o I ’m a

t o m gi r l . ”

A Lip Gloss Exclusive! have more songs than can fit on the album. So, we’re at a place now where we are starting to take songs off and it’s really hard. I’m just listening to try to… it’s really hard. LG: When you are not busy, what do you like to do for fun? EV: I kind of like to do nothing. I’m very low maintenance. I could go sit at a park, or go have brunch. I like to do weekend trips to random places like Maine, because my gra ndfather lived there, or Massachusetts. I don’t know… I have kind of chilled out. LG: Have you ever been star struck? EV: Yes! Adele. Beyonce… I didn’t actually meet her, she walked past me and I was like “Oh my God”. Alicia [Keys]… the first time I met Alicia, I was so nervous! Pretty much anybody, if I’m a fan of their music. I’m not a person that would act like I’m too cool for school, I will freak out! If I like you, I will freak out . LG: Is Alicia Keys a mentor for you right now or do you have anyone that is a mentor for you as you get adjusted to the busin ess? EV: I have a mentor, Robert Craft. But, pre tty much, I just talk to everybody about everything! I’m open. Sometimes I will have a conversation with a stranger (laughs). I try to suck as much information from people as I can navigate. The good thing is that my dad is one of my day to day managers. Having someone that has experienced all of this is really key. My mom too… I can always call them and get advice from the source. Also, my manager, I speak to Suzette almost every day and it keeps me focused and grounded. I have had a few conversations with Alicia. Of course, she is very busy woman. But when I have had talks with her, she is always giving me incredible advice. Straight to the point, regarding what to look forward to and what to avoid. That’s about it. LG: Tell us something about you that we haven’t heard or read about yet. EV: Hmm…I have a lot…well this isn’t really interesting. (laughs) I have about 70 to 80 pairs of shoes. I was counting yesterday, because there is no more room. I have about 20 that I havn’t worn (laughs). It’s pretty sad.

LG: Do you see yourself getting involved in fashion one day? EV: Definitely, I love to design stuff. I want to start my own line of frames. Glasses are a big staple of mine. LG: So you are a girly girl? EV: I am! I call myself a “tomgirl” (laughs) There is a part of me that is really rugged and like *roar*. (laughs) I’m rugged and rough around the edges, but I’m still feminine and a girl… so I’m a tomgirl. I love vintage. Most of the things that I own cost me like $5 or under, which is cool. LG: Are you a health conscious person? EV: Yes, I basically had some health issues and I just started this vegan diet which is really difficult (laughs). I’m half vegan, half vegetarian, I still eat fish. I try to eat healthy and exercise. I don’t want to be in my 40’s and really struggling. That’s kind of what I’m doing now. It’s like putting into my savings. LG: Do you read the blogs? EV: Sadly, I have to say that I am pretty much obsessed. I have to read it. People are telling me that I have to stop because there may come a day when I see something bad out there, but until then… LG: How do you think you w ould handle seeing something bad or that wasn’t true about yourself for the first time? EV: Actually, I have already had some negativity. At first I freaked out, but when I spoke to my Dad about it he really calmed me down and said, “You know who you are. You know what you are about. It doesn’t matter what people say. Peop le are going to say all kinds of things and they are going to make up things. You have to toughen up.” So, that is kind of my outlook. I am sure there will be things because I am a kind of person that pushes the envelope. I might provoke something and not know it. Whatever… we’ll see. LG: When is the album coming out, has that been finalized yet? EV: It has not been finalized, we are hoping for a fall release. Very possible , but we are not sure. It depends on how quickly we can get the single out. Everything is going to mixing. The train is about to take off.

LG: So you have a shoe fetish? LG: Is there anything else you want to make EV: I have a shoe fetish. I have a clothing sure we mention? fetish. You know, make-up… I just like to buy things! EV: Ias want girls save their cookies!! Drawing shethe does is to a special power indeed! 40

A Lip Gloss Exclusive!

“ I n t h e n ext

5 years, I s e e m y se lf d r o p p in g

that a lb u m … t h a t li ke

Oh m y God al b u m. T h a t g a me ch a n g in g a lb u m...

Lip Gloss Teen Magazine | Issue VI


EV is LG H ar r y P o t ter or Twilight? Hmm… I hav e t o say n o . Co ke o r Pepsi? Neit her, n o so da. B u r ger King or M cD o na lds? (long pause) Hm m …. M c Donald ’ s! Why di d yo u hav e t o say t hat ? (l au gh s) Ran do m Fa ct? I hav en’ t had a TV si n ce I was 1 8. I’ m j u st o n e o f t hose people t ha t i f I can go wit hout someth i n g f o r like a week or t wo , I f o rget t hat I d on’ t h ave i t. F o llo w Elle o n Twi tter @Ellev arner! 42 FEATURED INTERVIEW



Ph ot o: Angela Michell e Perez

St art s . Right . H er e F in d o u t wh e r e t o g e t t h e lo o k s on Page 69

Lip Gloss Teen Magazine | Issue VI





Dr e s s to impre s s


Ph ot o: Jo nat ho n C anny

Asia Mynor dr ess theasiamynorchronicl es . blogspot. com

S tay f eminin e & fresh !





Wa t e r









w lo

Lip Gloss Teen Magazine | Issue VI















tra geo us

L ove




S t r eet Style be b o ld, Smart & C h ic G g Co llection s ski rt a n d halter

Lip Gloss Teen Magazine | Issue VI


A l l t h at G l i t t e r s

r o v a l F














Lip Gloss Teen Magazine | Issue VI








Diane v on Furstenberg



R i sk s!


Ph oto : EVO LIMAGE s


A Ccess o r iz e


A Ccess o r iz e


A Ccess o r iz e

Ma rc by Ma rc J a cobs



l o

F l i r t y


r o




Lip Gloss Teen Magazine | Issue VI

r 51

DAY OR NI G HT. . . Sh o w a l i t tl e COLOR a n d

LEAVE YOU R M ARK ! Photography by A n ge la M ic he lle P e r e z Wardro be

Franci sco C ol l azo

H air

Nancy B row n

Make u p

L i z W asher 5 2

v i n ta g e earr in gs, v i n tage bag, stylist ’ s own Top

Lip Gloss Teen Magazine | Issue VI


Vintag e jewelry, H ot Topic Leopard C lutch , H ot Topic top, Mad rag s Fashions vest , Bullhead Jeans for Pacsun

E x press J acket, Hot T o p ic Cord uroy Pants, H umanity Handbag

Lip Gloss Teen Magazine | Issue VI


H ot Topic S ung lasses, H ot Topic top, H o t topic jeans, J acket - Stylist’s own, H ot topic Necklace, Savers e arrings , Humanity handbag


O l d N avy SHirt, H umanity B elt

Lip Gloss Teen Magazine | Issue VI


What’s the deal with Fair Trade?


hether you’re shopping at H&M, bargain hunting at Walmart, or even saving for a new pair of Uggs, have you ever stopped to wonder whe re your clothes come from? Sure you can look at the label, but have you ever considered the people behind your clothes? Workers who spend countle ss hours in sweatshops making clothes they can’t even afford? If you have, and questioned what is being done to remedy that, then you might have heard of something called Fair Trade. Fair Trade is defined as “an organized social movement and market-based approach tha t aims to help producers in developing countries make better trading conditions and promote sustainability. The movement advocates the payment of a higher price to producers as well as higher social and environmental standards.” [Wikipedia: Fair Trade].


fair trade finds

When it comes to the Fashion industry, Fair Trade allows workers to be treated better by working in safe environments, hiring people of a proper working age (not children), allowing female workers to “properly valued and rewarded” [Fair Trade certification standards], and paying both the producers of the materials and workers better wages. When shopping for Fair trade clothing, such as Maggie’s Organics, look for a Fair Trade label, items made with organic cotton and merchants tha t sell “Eco fashion” or “Green” items. As a result, F air Trade certified items , such as clothing produced under these standards, do tend to cost a little more, but at least you as a consumer know that by buying the se items you are not only buying quality items, you can also feel good about helping others. Fair Trade fashion means that the people who made your clothes were paid fair ly and treated with respect, as was the environment in which they came from. So go out there and be Eco-Fabulous! 58


S If I had to describe my style I would use one word: “transcending”, because it’s forever manifesting. - Fashion Blogger Just Daisy (

Kai Mayordomo Age: 22

Just Daisy Age: 20

Philippines “I just basically think that everyday is a fashion show and the world is my runway. I dress up believing that I should find what makes me feel happy about myself and not what others tell me is fashionable.”

New York. NY “Each day I step out of my box and experiment with patterns, colors, and material! My style is vivacious, natural, and unique because it can only be mastered by me. ” Lip Gloss Teen Magazine | Issue VI


(CW FROM TO P LE FT) : NEF ERTIT I T A N K , E S T O V A R, $15; NOO K A S T RI P P URP LE B EL T, F L Y M O DE, $79. 99; PU RPL E & S I LV E R BE A D E D EARRING S , H A N D M A D E EARRING S BY PI LA 12903 ON E TSY, $14; CO A S T DIANA FRI LL BA N D E A U DRESS, MI N I S T RY O F F ASHION , £115. 00; L ocking Li p s Crossbod y B ag , B etse y Johnson , $89; Nike S B D u n k D o the Dew H i gh H eels, Airforce o n el o w . c o m , $99; GL E E Co llect i o n Na il Pol i sh i n H ell T o The No, S e p hora by OPI, $9.50; Gr o s gra i n B ow Hea d ban d , Juicy C outure , $36

6 0

Lip Gloss Teen Magazine | Issue VI


the locker room


W E B S I T E S T HA t W E A RE O B S E S S E D W I T H T HIs MON TH T h e s e ch ic a s h el p a l l us n at u r a l n ew b ie s g et it p opp i n !

I ’ v e got m y e ye on t h e P EN T A X K-X ... a p ur p l e D SL R ? #winning; A EGI S C A SE F O R A MA ZON KIND L E ( A c ov e r f or t h e po o r ma n ’ s i p a d ; SA NGEA N K - 2 0 0 D IGI T A L T U NING KI T C H EN R A D IO . . . u mm, I like p in k; A M A ZON KIND L E 2 ( T h e a f o r e me n t io n e d p oor m a n ’ s I P A D ) ; CH O B I CA M ON E D SL R ( I t ’ s t h e siz e o f my f in g e r . . . . MY F I N G E R !!! S o o o o o o o o do p e ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


THE LG WISH LIST: Iced Tea Icebreakers

6 2

The Cannon’s



Why Hershey? Why? If you sold it outside of Target it would have sold like hotcakes. Give us back our Iced Tea awesomeness please.

Have fun with your twins guys! Our eyes are crossed at the names though homies.

the locker room

the locker room THE



Making the Dollar count!



e ave n i s on e a r t h, a nd it s na m e i s Lu na . W e l l , my la nd lor d ’ s k ook y c a t is a lso na med L u n a, bu t we c a ll he r L oone y a nyho w … so do n ’t be c onf u s e d . I m e a n L u na Ba rs. The Cara m e l N u t B ro wnie one s in p a r t ic u la r . The la b el say s i t’s 70% O rg a nic a nd “ T he W hole N ut rit io n Ba r fo r Wo me n ” , bu t I t hink I g ot it out of c u rio sit y a ft er eatin g o n e to o m a ny C lif f b a r s f or m y ow n go o d. V erd i c t : I f I c o u l d e x p la in t he t a s t e s e ns at io ns t ha t w ere u n l e ash e d, you ’ d b e a t t he s t or e a l rea dy i nstead o f re adi n g t his . I t ’ s t his p e r f e c t m ix o f cho c o l ate an d c r unc h a nd d e lic iou s . A ND t hey are so f i l l i n g! S i g h. T he only p r ob le m t ha t I c a n rep o rt i s t h e m i st a k e t ha t I m a d e b y le t t ing t he bo y fri e n d h ave a b it e . H e f inis he d m y f ir st b a r a nd no w I am f o rc e d t o hid e a nd hoa r d t he m … w hic h i s no t l ady l i k e at a ll. B u t , d e e m s is a d b r ea k s. It’ s h e al t h y , i t ’s d e c a d e nt , it ’ s a d olla r a n d so rry babe … th e y ’re a ll m ine !

Lip Gloss believes that it is always the season to give, and that’s why we want to offer a few of our fondest wishes for others to the universe! ;oP Perhaps they will surprise us. BEYONCE

“Something New” Anything new. New wardrobe ideas. A new sound. A different new single. Something new homie. Give US something new.

AK and Beyonce

“A Video”

Could you release the video for Put it In A <3 Song already? Or at least tell us why you didn’t?

Lip Gloss Teen Magazine | Issue VI


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H ood


w a s b o r n a n d ra i sed i n M o n t c l a i r , N J . I w a s ed u ca t ed in th e p ub l i c s c h ool syst em w h i ch is b ot h e t hn i c al l y a n d econ omi cally d iv e r s e , w hi ch i s i mp ort a n t t o me. I n M o n t c l a i r I’ve ma d e l i fel on g f rie n d s . M y fri en d s h a ve va ri ed in t e r e s t s , a n d ma n y of t h em a re a r t i s t i c al l y i n cl i n ed su ch a s d a n c e r s , a r ti st s a n d mu si ci a n s. W e a r e a t i gh t l y kn i t t ed g rou p whi c h o f t e n feel s l i ke fa mi l y. I liv e o n a s treet t h a t d ea d en ds in t o a b i g p ark, a n d t h a t ’s a l w ay s b ee n n i c e t o g row u p n ext t o. Dan c i ng w i t h Da n ce Comp a n y at M o n t c l a i r H i g h Sch ool h a s b ee n s om e t hi ng t ha t I’ve rea l l y l oved to d o . I a l s o h a ve severa l fri ends th a t p l a y i n l oca l b a n d s a n d I lik e to g o t o t he i r sh ow s. I f e e l t h a t M on t cl a i r h a s b een a p er f e c t p l a c e t o exp eri en ce t he f irs t c ha p t e r of my l i fe.

seta morton Ph ot os: Rob Hann; Art work: S eta Mort on

mo n t cl ai r, n j

“ L et t he f ut ure be A suns h ow e r to break a heat wave“ - f r o m An Is land o f My Own ( by Se ta Morton)

Lip Gloss Teen Magazine | Issue VI




wanted to shoot a portrait project, concentrating on one person over a period of time. I thought that Seta, might be a good subject. I decided to include Seta’s friends and I liked the idea of shooting her in and around her hometown of Montclair, New Jersey. Suburbia is often mocked as being uncool but for me there was a beauty in that environment that I wanted to try to capture. I thought it would be nice for Seta to be as involved as possible in the project and to contribute her art and poetry. We decided to put everything together in a book and titled it The Child Gone. This was Seta’s suggestion and is taken from one of her poems. We started the project close to her 16th birthday and finished as she turned 17. It’s a very interesting time as Seta was leaving childhood behind and becoming a young woman. I think that the combination of my pictures and Seta’s beautiful artwork and poetry make a fuller portrait of her at that special time in her young life.

e x c e rp ts fr om T h e C h il d Gone a v a il a b le a t:

b lu rb .c o m /b

o o k s to re / d e ta il /1 9 0 2 236

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WIN Lip G l o s s & L O L T r en ds : ) are offering on e l u c k y w in n e r s o m e awesome lo u n g e we ar ! E n t e r in g is e as y p e asy:

1. F o l l o w bot h @ L GMAG a nd @ L o l t r e nds : ) o n t w it t er. 2 . Tw e e t “ S e nd M e S om e @ L o l t r e n d s :) Gea r, @lgmag! ” 3 . F B f o l l o w an d t a g us in t he s a m e p os t fo r a n ex t ra ent ry. 4 . Th at ’s i t . A winne r will b e p ic k e d a t r a ndo m o n Ju ne 1 5 t h!

ACROSS 1. A long, thin piece of wood 5. Angry hooter (2 wds) 11. Scarlett O’Hara’s home 12. Stadiums 13. Military Sections 14. Stop working permanently 15. Black Girl’s Rock’s Founder (2 wds) 17. Glee’s “Trouty Lips” inspiration 18. Abrasive toilet cleaner 19. What crunches work on 22. A person who observed a crime 26. desperately urgent 29. one or 11 in blackjack 30. desperate housewife eva 31. Religious memento 33. A fit of slight anger 34. Prefix meaning “bad” 35. center of activity 37. small land surrounded by water 38. how old you are 39. the rise and fall of the ocean tide is it’s ____ and flow 40. Kami-Sama’s alias in Dragon Ball 41. Printing resolution measurement: Dots ____ Inch 42. Comes after Tues- and yester-

10. London School of Economics (for short) 16. curly, country rope 20. Burped 21. What a scrambled egg is 22. What the general plots his attack on 23. Prehistoric animated movie series (2 words)

24. bank customer service person 25. Stuck up 26. Foolish; weak 27. Gaelic speakers 28. long hunting weapon 32. ___ Love Lucy! 36. two syllable ending for an underwater sc- or a bandroom t-

Ans we r to P u z z le a t lip g lo ssm ag az i ne .c om


DOWN 1. Hit your toe 2. Large, country paths 3. A dissolvable tobacco tablet 4. Jason of “Arrested Development” 5. ICON Blige 6. Acronym for American Real Estate Broker Alliance 7. Cleaning for your insides 8. Another way to say “You may enter”; “Come ___ ___” (2 words) 9. An orphan is a “___ of the state”

Lip Gloss Teen Magazine | Issue VI


ROOTS he Queen of Hip-Hop Soul has spent the last 19 T years pouring her soul out to us in song. She has sung the hurts, the struggles and the triumphs of the

urban woman for years. A survivor of sexual and domestic abuse, Mary inspires us not only because of talent. Her sheer perseverance and willingness to grow and learn in the public eye has shown three generations of young women that it is possible move past the labels that society has placed on us and assert our right to expect more. We salute you Mary!


Mary J. Blige

Born: January 11, 1971 (Bronx, NY) Achievements: Beginning with the hugely successful “What’s the 411” in 1992, Mary has released 10 albums in 19 years. As of 2010, Blige has sold over 50 million albums and 15 million singles. Mary has won 10 Grammy Awards and been nominated 29 times. Mary J. Blige earned her GED in 2010 at age 39. In 2008, Mary J. Blige and Steve Stoute created their Foundation for the Advancement of Women Now, Inc. (FFAWN) to inspire women “to reach their individual potential”. FFAWN offers scholarships and programs to foster self-esteem and career development. The Mary J. Blige Center for Women is located in Yonkers, NY.

Find out more about Mary at!

Art work by T ys t arr

6 8

Contributors & Shopping Guide

www.lipglossmagazine.c o m


Cover & Elle Varner Interview (36-42)

Andrea Lewis & Shannon Boodram (20-24, Back Cover)

Visage-1 Studios

All images courtesy of

photographer, makeup artist & retouch artist

Naimah Rashid

wardrobe stylist

Nancy Brown

Artwork (26, 27, 34, 52-57, 68) Tystarr, Staff Artist

hair stylist

get the looks at:

Heiress Boston Boutique

Mast & Paint the Town (2, 3, 43, 52-57) Angela Michelle Perez photographer

Liz Washer

Prince Royce Interview (28-31) All images courtesy of Top Stop Music.

Dress to Impress Photo (44) Jonathon Canny


makeup artist

Nikki LaMontagne

Nancy Brown

Larry Andrew

hair stylist

Fran Collazo

hair stylist models courtesy of:

Dynasty Models & Talent

Maggie Inc.

(617) 536-2639

get the looks at: Humanity Boutique: Lowell, MA

Natural Hair Care (4) Austin McDowell


Spa Day Guide (8-14) Adrienne Anderson

photographer & stylist models courtesy of:

Benz Models

Paula Brown

makeup artist

Fair Trade Sources (58) press-room/in_the_news/fashion-labelapproved-fair-trade-clothing news/19904411-fashion-label-approvedas-fair-trade-clothing.aspx

My Hood (65-66) Rob Hann


makeup artist


Street Style Photos (47 & 61) 2ndhand Studios

photographer & wardrobe stylist

Gigi Cruz

makeup artist

Umeka Higgins

hair stylist

All logos, images, articles and any other intellectual property is the property of Lip Gloss Magazine, unless otherwise specified. Do not reproduce, publish or utilize material from this publication without written permission from Happy Inu Media. Legal action will be taken against anyone misusing tradmarked or copyrighted materials. If you have corrections, comments or questions please contact us via

LadyPop Productions concept & model

Deborah Render

designer for skirt/leggings and halter studio courtesy of:

Buford’s Studio One Photography Milwaukee, WI

get the looks at:

Gg Collection Boutique & Consignment: Milwaukee, WI

Jazz It Up Photo (50) EVOLiMAGES

photographer & wardrobe stylist

W ant t o be i n

L ip G lo ss? F i n d o u t h o w at: http : / / ww w . l i p g l os s m a g a z i n e .c o m / p a g e/ s ub m i s s i o n s - 1 Lip Gloss Teen Magazine | Issue VI


A n drea PG 20

Fa vo r ite so ng o n the album ? “Raindrops”

Fa vo r ite G L EE cha ract e r? Rachel. We all have a little of her inside

Fa vo r ite fo o d? I’m a foodie. but overall, pizza of any sort

Ho w ta ll a r e you? 5’2”. I’m what I like to call “shockingly petite”

W ha t la ngua ges do you spe ak ? Only speak English, but I understand Patois

W h a t’ s the b es t thing a bout Shann on? How strong she is. She has your back. She is confident and strong. I appreciate how strong she is and she inspi res me to be the same way.




favorit e fat he r/daught e r act ivi t y? BASKETBALL

What ’s t he be st t hing about aN DREA?


T . G .A. W. A RE L G

She’s so talented that I’m always amazed at how tale nted she is. what’s great ab out her is that she knew what she was great at since she was two and she’s been pursuing it ever since and she wasn’t wrong. She is an incredible singer and a tremendous actress. It’s really inspiring to meet somebody knew what th ey wanted to do from such a young age… I think that’s really great.

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