MariaHollandisaNashville,Middle TennesseeREALTOR®whospecializesin propertiesinWilliamsonandDavidson Counties Sheworksasbothabuyer's agentandalistingagent Hergoalisto have100%satisfactionfromallofher clients,andsheworkshardtohelpthem findahomeorgettheirhomesold
HavinggraduatedwithaMarketing degreeandhavingbeeninbusinessfor almost20years,Mariaputstogethera marketingplanwhenlistingahomefor sale Asabuyer'sagent,shestrivestoget toknowherclientsandtheirintereststo helpthemlocateanareathatbestsuits them AsaNativeNashvillian,sheknows thecityverywell,whichtranslatesintoa knowledgeablemoveforherclients
RelocationisMaria'sspecialty,whetherit befromoutofstateorwithinthecity
Beingabletovisualizethepropertythat someoneisdescribingalongwithalltheir wantsandwishesandtransformingthat intoanactualhometakestalent
Listening,deciphering,investigating, probing,readingbodylanguage,and moreallgointothisprocess With100% satisfactionbeinghergoal,Mariawants toensurethatshesellsaclient'shome quicklyorgetsthemintothehomeof theirdreamssotheyarehappyclients. Whenclientsthinkofarealtor,shewants themtothinkofonlyher
Furthermore,Mariahashands-on experienceintheremodeling/design focusofthisbusiness,aswellasnew construction Beingabletohelpaclient visualizethefinaloutcomeofaprojector takeanexistinghomeandprovideideas onpossiblechangesoradditionscanbe veryhelpful Knowingcodes,theprocess involved,andthestepsneededtoensure ahomeisbuiltwellmakesclientsglad theyhaveanadvocateontheirside
Licensedsince2005,Mariawasawarded2023's#2RE/MAXREALTOR®inthestateof Tennessee,andthereisnoquestionwhy.HerdedicationtoservingthefollowingGreater Nashvillearea’srealestateneedsistrulyunparalleledandunmatched:Nashville,Franklin, GreenHills,Brentwood,SpringHill,Nolensville,MountJuliet,andHendersonville.Specializing inmanyindustrysectors,includingluxury,MariaHollandisyourtrustedREALTOR®.
MARIA HOLLAND | REALTOR®, ABR, CDPE, GRI, SFRElevated living awaits on verdant single-acre lot in beloved Belle Rive comm Brentwood, TN. Beautiful appointed timeless finish every corner exude a uniq combination of elegance comfort A sight to behol grandeur of this home's e conveys as you enter, wit story foyer boasting a ma staircase, chandelier, deta millwork, and more
There is nothing quite like an intentional floorplan. Moving from the foyer, through the formal living room, and into the kitchen, excitement builds as you discover an open layout with a purpose. The heart of this meticulously maintained home lies in the kitchen, with clear sightlines over the informal living space and two separate dining areas Entertain without missing a beat. Completely remodeled, the kitchen comes equipped with abundant counter space and storage. Top-of-the-line stainless steel appliances, gleaming white countertops, and two center islands steal the show as focal points on the main level.
Find sanctuary in the main-level owner's suite Natural light pours into the room, creating a bright and airy retreat that you may never want to leave. Unwind in the luxurious bathroom with a soaking tub, a tiled steam shower, and double vanities
Downstairs, a vast, fully finished basement is highlighted by a double-sided fireplace, floor-to-ceiling windows, mini-kitchen, game room, and weight room.
| REALTOR®, ABR, CDPE, GRI, SFRTwo levels of outdoor living are sure to transform your summer nights. From the basement, walk out onto a lovely covered patio Above, enjoy covered and sunlit lounge areas overlooking a pool and pergola Start living the elevated life you envision here in Belle Rive, with a top-performing school district, plus Arboretum Park and Granny White Park, both within walking distance.