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Factors driving beef demand


Consumer confidence increases despite pandemic wreaking havoc worldwide


By Utah Beef Council Director of Marketing Jacob Schmidt, RDN

On Jan. 2, 2020 Helen Branswell, science journalist for Stat News tweeted, “Not liking the look of this” regarding the coronavirus outbreak in China. I would bet that most of us had no idea that it was the beginning of a worldwide pandemic. With over 91 million confirmed cases and 1.97 million deaths to date worldwide, there is no questioning its impact.

This impact was felt in the world of marketing beef as well. The Beef Checkoff’s No. 1 goal is to drive beef demand. According to the Checkoff-funded 2020 Consumer Beef Tracker, beef perceptions, beef consumption, and beef sales were up. How was this achieved during a global pandemic? In part, it is because Beef Checkoff contractors and state beef councils were able to look at the new reality, plan alternate courses of action, and promote beef in ways that made sense. We entered a new environment where travel, in-person gatherings, and restaurant meals were not possible. Local and national marketing plans needed a flexible approach to continue to drive the demand for beef.

The Checkoff works by encouraging beef sales and consumption through a variety of efforts, plans and programs. I would like to share some highlights and examples of how local and national activities worked to maintain and grow consumer confidence in beef throughout the 2020 fiscal year.


• The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) took existing resources and leveraged them to maintain consumer confidence in beef and boost beef consumption. One key tactic executed over the summer was the “United We Steak” campaign, aiming to connect producers and consumers in their shared love of beef. This will be the longest-running and most extensive campaign ever released by Checkofffunded Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner. The campaign garnered more than 153 million impressions through paid advertising and social media alone. –NCBA • The Utah Beef Council extended the “United We Steak” and beef holiday campaigns locally. In total, consumers in Utah were served “Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner.” ads more than 9.5 million times between the two campaigns. –Utah Beef Council (UBC) • Through social media, the Utah Beef Council reached an additional 870,000 unique consumers with beef recipes and cooking videos, which netted over 18,500 engagements. –UBC • The Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner. Beef Drool Log commercial ran more than 50 times on the Hallmark Channel over the holiday season. –NCBA • The #WienerWednesday campaign on TikTok received more than 27 million views and 3.5 million likes. –National Meat Institute (NAMI) ...CONTINUED ON PAGE 12


• A meat and mental health study demonstrated that beef consumption is positively associated with better mental health. The article has been downloaded more than 50,000 times by health and nutrition experts. –NCBA • Registered dietitians, nutritionists, and nurses advocate beef’s role in a healthy diet to their patients and clients and affirmed prepared beef’s role as a balanced protein source. –NAMI • A white paper, “A Guide to Meat Processing for the Nutrition Community,” provided health and nutrition experts with valuable information about meat processing and consumption that they could use when advising individuals about their dietary needs. – Foundation for Meat and Poultry Research and Education (FMPRE)


• More than 75 Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) educators heard from industry experts on biosecurity, foreign material avoidance, international trade, and meat quality at a virtual event. –NCBA • At the 10th annual Antibiotic Symposium, beef producers joined veterinarians, animal health professionals and animal agriculture leaders to collaborate on how to become better stewards of antibiotics while combating antimicrobial resistance. –National Institute of Animal Agriculture (NIAA)


• Market development programs paid dividends in China, with

U.S. beef exports reaching $130 million through September 2020. –U.S. Meat Export

Federation (USMEF)


• The Drive provides producers with timely information on how their dollar drives beef demand. Between its printed and e-newsletter subscriptions,

The Drive now reaches nearly 100,000 producers. –

Cattlemen’s Beef Board (CBB)


• Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner. captured beef producers and chefs working together in a unique video series.

One video featured feedyard manager Tom Fanning as he showed Chef Kathryn Mathis how they care for cattle at feedyards. –NCBA • More than 1,000 educators engaged with two livestream events to discuss how beef production provides an excellent context for exploring science for middle and high school students. –AFBFA • The USCA/KSU Meat Demand Monitor project, funded in part by the Beef Checkoff, has shown insight into how consumer behaviors may look after a COVID-19 vaccine is available. This type of research helps the Checkoff to determine the best use of producer dollars to promote beef. – USCA/


If I have learned anything from this past year, it would be that we can expect the unexpected. The going has been rough at times, but I believe we will continue to adapt and be flexible in administering Beef Checkoff programs in this ever-changing world.

Jeffrey Gitomer has said, “Change is not a fourletter word…but often your reaction to it is!” While we may not know exactly what the future holds, we can have confidence that the Beef Checkoff is poised to continue to drive the demand for beef.

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