4 Trends for Small Businesses - Lisa Laporte

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4 Trends for Small Businesses | Lisa Laporte | Professional Overview

a 4 Trends for Small Businesses by Lisa Laporte | Jun 22, 2019 | advice, Business, Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Lisa Laporte

The establishment and ownership of small businesses are on the rise. Small businesses dominate the national and global economy, even as more workers contemplate leaving the employment sector to become entrepreneurs and self-employed businesspersons. Here’s an overview of the major trends observed in the small business sector today. Incorporation of arti cial intelligence Small businesses are nding the various applications of arti cial intelligence bene cial to them. Business owners, according to a survey, believe that their businesses would be at a better competitive position in the market with the implementation of arti cial intelligence. AI is utilized in various sectors, including customer service and marketing. AI-competent software is applied in helping businesses to generate leads across the web while autonomously attending to web customers who seek general inquiries. Expanded digitization Small business owners are investing in simple digital solutions such as the utilization of point of sale (POS) systems to help with business logistics and supply chain management. https://lisalaporte.com/4-trends-for-small-businesses/



4 Trends for Small Businesses | Lisa Laporte | Professional Overview

Advanced digital solutions such as virtual reality and augmented reality help business owners to optimize their businesses for customer experience and strategic planning. Enhanced data security With the digitization of small businesses come additional challenges such as data insecurity. Every small business with an element of digitization, such as websites, has employed su cient data security mechanisms. Businesses which handle customer data such as payment details and sensitive personal information have been forced to enhance their data security measures to help avoid potential challenges such as hacking. Governments across the globe have seen the need to enforce the data security trend, especially given the latest cyber security trends. Increased focus on employee satisfaction Gone are the days when small businesses targeted satisfying their customers only. Small businesses have realized the secret behind enhancing employee satisfaction and the bene ts they stand to gain thereof. Business owners are creating favorable working conditions for their employees, such as organizing for exible working arrangements where employees can work remotely. Employers are also focusing more on o ering employees employment bene ts that are tailored to enhance their workplace satisfaction in order to reduce employee turnover rates. Such businesses stand to gain much as satis ed employees are generally more productive. Photo by Stephan Henning on Unsplash

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