How to Keep Your Focus on Your Company’s Original Vision as You Grow — Lisa Laporte
How to Keep Your Focus on Your Company’s Original Vision as You Grow — Lisa Laporte Lisa Laporte Feb 20 · 2 min read
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It can be easy to let your ambitions get the best of you, and that’s doubly true when you’re trying to run your own business. It’s hard to remember why we set out to do things years down the line and your objectives can quickly get mired down by the minutiae of day to day operations. If your business is in a state of rapid growth, it’s important to take a step back and make sure the direction you’re taking is aligned with the vision you started with. Let these tips help guide your way. Be direct and honest
How to Keep Your Focus on Your Company’s Original Vision as You Grow — Lisa Laporte
The business world is so overburdened with jargon and buzzwords that it can sometimes feel like a foreign language. And while that sort of language may impress your investors and peers, it’s not an e ective way to communicate with your employees and you can easily get lost under so much corporate speak that you lose sight of your company’s vision. Take a step back to put your short term and long term objectives into plain language and be sure to communicate what you need to your employees directly and e ectively. A clear vision is essential and transparency is important to conveying that vision. Be the guiding light Companies that truly thrive tend to be driven by a distinct culture. Outlining the values that your business stands for can be an e ective way to anchor yourself and your team in the decision making process, but you can’t lose sight of authenticity. If you decide on a set of values for your company, you have to live out those values. Otherwise, your employees aren’t likely to internalize them and your company can quickly fall into regressive patterns of mediocrity. Don’t be stingy with rewards You should re ect the values of your company, but you should also lift up the members of your sta who reciprocate the favor. Take the time to highlight the employees who live the values of your company and be sure to provide them with the spotlight and attention that they deserve for showing their commitment to your cause. Recognize the downsides Staying true to the values of your company isn’t always the most scally responsible choice in the short term, but moving forward with a clarity of vision can often pay o in the long run. But it’s important to make sure your investors and employees know what they’re getting into. Make sure that everyone involved understands the sacri ces that come from staying true to your values, and never punish employees who stand behind those values even if it results in losses for your business.