Lisa M. Syverson Fine Art, Photography & Special Projects

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Lis a M . S y v e rso n F i n e A r t • I l l u s t r a t i o n • P h o t o g r ap h y • S p e c i a l P r o j e c t s

© Copyright 2013 Lisa M. Syverson

As a Chicagoan, born in Park Ridge, Illinois, Lisa’s artistic talents were nurtured at a very young age. Her mother, artistically gifted as well, provided her with new experiences and the artistic tools needed to experiment and explore ways to express her imagination, her experiences, and the world around her. At Lawrence University (Appleton, WI.), she was mentored by a professor who helped her realize that her artistic talents and potential were not just an interest, but gifts to nurture and pursue on a higher level. He provided guidance, helped her focus on specific curriculum, as well as pursue art schools. Lisa received a scholarship and chose to attend The Maryland Institute, College of Art (Baltimore, MD). She embraced the opportunity to do in-depth study and exploration, developing her gifts and challenging herself to grow to a higher artistic level. In Maryland, she began her lifelong dream to travel. She visited museums, galleries, and other places of interest in the local Baltimore-Washington, DC area. She had her first opportunity to travel abroad to Turkey. Lisa gathered personal stories from the people she met (ranging from remote villages, to gorges and seaside towns). From these travels she created several paintings about the Turkish people, their life and culture. In the painting, Konusulan Hativalan ve Kahramen - “Spoken Memories and Brave Spirits”, Lisa tells the story of two 80-year-old, bright red-haired, identical twins who shared the story of their great grandfather who died in the Greek & Turkish War. She depicts his life as a fisherman, his conflicts and sacrifices during the war, and his spirit (seen in the upper left of the painting) who nourished his family with the bounty of fish he caught, and now acknowledges this gift by releasing them back to the sea. In her continuing travels, she has studied and was influenced by many artists, including a contemporary Spanish painter, Sunol Alvar, who had a major influence in the development of her work, along with other famous artists such as Hundertwasser, Klimt, Degas, Monet, and Manet. Her travels continued over the years to England, Scotland, Jamaica, Mexico, France, Greece, Italy, and Belgium. Each of her extended visits to those countries resulted in volumes of photographs, stories, sketches, and research to aid in the development of her paintings. As an artist, Lisa’s lifelong dream has been to enhance and touch the lives of people around the world through her rich creativity and imaginative works of art. Her artwork expresses her insatiable love of people and travel, sharing their intriguing stories along with the colorful tapestry of patterns, symbols, color, and textures of their lives and culture. She teaches us to see, not just observe our life that we may take for granted. She has developed unique techniques in her paintings that provide brilliant color and depth - capturing the essence of their experience, and environments. In her giclées and photographs, she has created digital painting techniques that take photography to a new, and unique, level of creative expression.


Recently Lisa has begun to focus her artistic intention on health and healing. She is exploring how her art can enhance the health and well-being of all who come to experience and appreciate her work. She has a particular affinity with children and young adults, and enjoys teaching, nurturing their creativity through workshops and classes. Lisa looks to develop new projects and commissions which will allow her to express these new directions. Lisa invites you to have the delight of sharing her world, her vision, her dreams and stories through the art, photography and projects you find in these pages. Enjoy the journey......

CONTENTS n S P E C I A L P R O J E C T S .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pa g es 4 ~ 2 3 C hi l dre n ’ s H o s p i ta l s


C l i n ics


M inneso ta

Stars, Beamz and Ribbons on the Skybridge.....................................................................................................................................................................Pages 6~9

Illuminations I & II.......................................................................................................................................................................................................Pages 10~13

Fanciful Flying Machines in the Sky.............................................................................................................................................................................Pages 14~15

C hi l dre n ’ s B o o k ~ C l o s e Y o u r E ye s . ..........................................................................................................................................................................Pages 16~19 N at i o nal A m e r i ca n R e d C r o s s . ......................................................................................................................................................................................Pages 20~23

n F I N E A R T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pa g es 2 4 ~ 3 5 n P H O T O - I L L U S T R AT I O N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pa g es 3 6 ~ 4 8 n P H O T O G R A P H Y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pa g es 4 4 ~ 11 5

Travel.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................Pages 44~ 67

Cityscapes.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................Pages 68~75

Nautical..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................Pages 76~85

Nature...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................Pages 86~109

Black and White......................................................................................................................................................................................................... Pages 110~117

n V I TA E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pa g e 11 8 n A B O U T T H E W O R K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pa g e 11 9



Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota


~ P rojects ~ Stars, Beamz速 & Ribbons on the Skybridge Minneapolis Campus

Illuminations I: Rays of Hope Illuminations II: Wholeness, Harmony & Healing Minneapolis Campus Fanciful Flying Machines in the Sky St. Paul Campus


Stars, Beamz速 & Ribbons Minneapolis Campus


Children’s Hospital and Clinics of Minneapolis: Stars, Beamz ® & Ribbons on the Skybridge Industry: Healthcare Client: Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota • Minneapolis Campus, and Aesthetics, Inc. Project : An artist competition to create a public installation along the skyway at Children’s Minneapolis using glass, light, and interactive music The Stars, Beamz® and Ribbons project was conceived in 2010 by Creative Collaborativ, Inc. for Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota. Andy Zaid (developer and project manager), Lisa M. Syverson (artist and designer), Jerry Riopelle (musician and inventor of the Beamz®) and Bob Guenter (GlassArt Designs) brought together art, glass, and music to create an experiential public artwork on the Skyway between Children’s Hospital and the Clinic. Walking across the skybridge gateway, we invite all those who pass through to participate in a creative interactive experience of music, color and light. The passageway consists of playfully swirling glass stars, with undulating ribbons while music softly plays from the Beamz®. Each person can join in and “Play the Light” of the Beamz as they move between instrument stations along the south windows of the skybridge. [Continued on page 8)


The Glass Stars (created in two sizes) use the shape of the Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota stars, using the various glass fabrication techniques - including color staining and painting, molding, carving, sandblasting and etching. The swirls within each star, which are a combination of color representing the seven colors of light, act as a metaphor of transformation into wholeness and healing. The stars float across the windows in the natural light of day, playfully casting shadows which dance across the SkyBridge. This creates a sense of positive, up-lifting energy - inspiring health and healing. The Ribbons, the forms influenced by the swashes in the Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota stars logo, are made of brightly colored powder coated steel rods. They undulate in waves, connecting the stars and Beamz® stands, creating a visual flow, and representing the journey on the path to healing. Music and the Beamz®: The Beamz® is a musical instrument that everyone can play and enjoy. The 5 music compositions that Jerry Riopelle and David Yackley have composed have been developed to create a stream of calming music that are complemented by sixteen different instruments as light Beamz. When children and adults “Play the Light”, they break the light paths (safe low powered lasers) creating unique and harmonious compositions. This universal music combined with the Stars and Ribbons becomes an extraordinary experience - rich in discovery, learning, and healing. Our hope is that the Sky Bridge will act as a gateway experience, bringing light and powerful healing energy to the patients, families, and staff of the hospital, and can be shared with the community at large. ••• The beamz® are a patented product and a registered trademark of Beamz Interactive, Inc. All Rights Reserved.• Copyright 2011 Creative Collaborativ, Inc. 8


Illuminations I & II Minneapolis Campus


Illuminations I: Rays of Hope & Illuminations II: Wholeness, Harmony and Healing Two, painted and etched 58” circular glass sculptures. Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota • Minneapolis, MN. Industry: Healthcare Client: Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota • Minneapolis Campus, and Aesthetics, Inc. Project : Children’s Hospital Minneapolis • Two, painted and etched 58” circular glass sculptures The Illuminations are stories about the power of healing through the creative process, expressed by children who joyfully paint each other, as well as elements of nature, in color and light. The figures (representing a range of ages, gender, ethnic backgrounds, and relationships) embody a sense of positive and uplifting energy. They float within the glass sculptures in a circular motion, reinforcing their wholeness and well-being. Engaged in the creative process, they paint swirls of color and light which flow from child to child, then to the elements of nature: the clear blue water, green plants and foliage, red, pink, and orange tulips, a violet and indigo butterfly, and the “healing tree”, which emerges from the entire spectrum of light. The overall palette in both Illuminations use bright colors and dichroic circular prism-like discs which represent the seven colors of light: violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, and red. Each color emanates a unique property of vibration, wavelength and frequency, which all bring balance and harmony to the mind and body. The glass in both of the Illuminations is laminated safety Starfire glass that has been waterjet-cut, carved, etched, painted and airbrushed. The artwork and their stories were created by Lisa M. Syverson for Children’s Hospital, which was fabricated in glass by Bob Guenter of GlassArt Design, Inc. This project was developed and managed by Andy Zaid of Creative Collaborativ, Inc., for Aesthetics, Inc.


Illuminations I: Rays of Hope The adolescent girl, emerging from nature’s healing elements and light, paints a magnificent butterfly which symbolizes the beautiful transformation of healing through it’s creation, and embodies the seven colors of light. The prismatic sun (sustaining all life) radiates warm, healing rays, with small mirrors. When passersby peer into these mirrors, it is a reminder that we are all part of this miraculous healing process and the experience of co-creation.


Illuminations II: Wholeness, Harmony & Healing The young boy and girl (being both the giver and receiver of healing) move harmoniously around the prismatic circle, with the seven colors of light radiating from its center. They float independently on opposite sides of the spectrum, yet represent the importance of balance and the interconnection of relationships through caring, love and support during the healing process. The color and light continues to flow outward, embracing the figures and nourishing the healing force of nature.


Fanciful Flying Machines in the Sky St. Paul Campus


Fanciful Flying Machines in the Sky Industry: Healthcare Client: Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota • St. Paul Campus, and Aesthetics, Inc. Project : Children’s Hospital St. Paul 6th Floor Triptych & 4th Panel Project / Four giclées with etched glass faces Whimsical and sophisticated, “Fanciful Flying Machines in the Sky” will appeal to both the child and adult – with vibrant and tantalizing images that a child may see in real life, or can imagine in the sky. In the triptych being represented, nature’s creatures (such as dragonflies, birds, lightening bugs, and bees) morph into imaginary flying aircrafts – with small pulleys, wheels, ropes and propellers facilitating their floating and fluttering through the sunlit and evening sky. The art further reinforces the theme of “Sky” with different times of day and night being represented - with a colorful sky transitioning from sunrise to sunset, then an evening sky —with a moon, stars and planets within the universe. Natural elements (also pertaining to the healing power of nature - such as clouds, trees, flowers, and the sun) will act as grounding elements — giving a sense of vastness and freedom, as the objects float and soar through the sky. The fourth panel (to be developed) will continue the story from the last panel in the triptych (with the evening moon), expanding into the Galaxy – with magical flying machines, planets and swirling stars to whisk children away to a fantastical world of fun and discovery.


Close Your Eyes By Michael Greenbaum

Illustrated by Lisa M. Syverson ★

Children’s Book: “Close Your Eyes” Chicago, IL


Close your eyes and you can dream in any color, red, green or blue. Imagine your favorite things in that color and it will come true. Your walls can be green, your teddy bear red. It can happen while you’re dreaming in bed.

If your animals are small and you want them to grow, close your eyes and your dreams will make it so. If your bed is too small and you want a bigger size, in your dreams it can happen when you close your eyes.

“Close Your Eyes” Industry: Children Client: Michael Greenbaum • Chicago, Il Project : Design & Illustration of a 28 page, full color, Children’s Book / Mixed Media: Acrylic, Watercolor, Colored Pencil Lisa Syverson was introduced to Michael Greenbaum after he sought an artist who could illustrate his children’s book, Close Your Eyes, written as a gift and legacy to his grandchildren and family. Inspired by Michael’s writing and their conversations, Lisa has designed and illustrated Close Your Eyes to honor Michael’s wishes to provide a story dedicated to celebrating the child in all of us. Michael spent more than 30 years in the advertising/marketing industry and was cofounder of his own agency receiving more than 50 national and international awards for his creative work.


Close your eyes and you could dream that you’re flying on top of a cloud. You could swoop up and down until you’re laughing out loud.

Tonight you could dream of your favorite flower in bloom. And you could see it happen right here in this room.

“Close Your Eyes”


Close your eyes and you can be an astronaut flying to the stars and the moon. In your dreams you can do it without leaving your room.

Imagine your room full of cute puppies of every size. It can happen in your dreams. Just close your eyes.

“Close Your Eyes�


National American Red Cross: F.A.C.T - First Aid for Children Today International Campaign Washington, D.C.


N ational A merican R ed C ross : F irst A id Industry: Client: Project :


C hildren T oday

Health & Safety National American Red Cross • Washington, D.C. F.A.C.T. - First Aid for Children Today International Campaign Design & Illustration of Seven 5/c posters, 45 page book, stickers, certificate, & teachers guide


N ational A merican R ed C ross : F irst A id



C hildren T oday

N ational A merican R ed C ross : F irst A id


C hildren T oday



France: Le Violin Ancien Medium: Mixed Media [Original Painting & Giclée Editions] Often during my travels I seek a quiet place, one of reflection, a place where I can find solace from other travelers and the realities of the day. Today I explore an abandoned cathedral, carved into the hillside, with a fresco barely visible upon its walls; I climb a seemingly infinite number of steps inside a stone tunnel, barely enough room for a child, to the top of a tower in the village center, there in the pouring rain; And finally, as the rain ceases, I discover a museé in which to absorb the essence of this place, its history, its people. I venture inside and find tapestries of a royal fox hunt, another of aromatic triste; an old wooden table is set near an open window looking out to the village, where a writer has abandoned his feathered ink pen for an inspirational walk; and a violinist entertains my imagination, softly playing 18th-century Jean-Baptiste Senaillé: Sonata in E major and L’Anthologie sonore 74, unbeknownst to the elusive crowd mingling in the room. My escape is brief, an apparition, and the beautiful violin now rests in tribute to a time when music was an enchanting part of every day life.

24 24

Greece: A Sultry Day and the Gift of Peaches Medium: Mixed Media [Original Painting & GiclĂŠe Editions] During my travels to Greece, I spent endless hours walking from village to village, with a multitude of heart-warming encounters with the inhabitants from various farmhouses, cafĂŠs or villages that I came across during my journey. One very hot and sultry day, I had traveled for miles and could see a small village with its looming stone buildings nestled into the hillside. I hiked up the steep hill, and found myself in a magical place, resplendent with vibrant teal shutters, open air markets abundant with delectable fruits and legumes, and was welcomed by doves that cooed their welcome, perched high above upon the tiled rooftops. I then came across a robust, jovial, elderly woman, with a toothless grin from ear to ear, that offered me a sumptuous ripened peach from her beautiful basket of peaches. It was an incredible gift of which she will never know, that of her generosity and kindness, especially on such a hot, steamy day. We shared stories, drank a cup of cold mint tea, and enjoyed the camaraderie of two woman who came from different parts of the world, but somehow of the same heart.


France: Sunflower Fields of Provence Medium: Mixed Media [Original Painting Sold / GiclÊe Editions] Provence in Summer....a symphony of Cicada’s humming a monotonous chorus, coming to an intense crescendo at dusk, camouflaged amongst the olive branches, and, with only the slightest movement, give their curious audience a brief glimpse at their coveted hiding places. During my visit to the balmy South of France, I stayed in an enchanting Chateau near St. Remy, surrounded by lavender bushes and swarming bees, entranced by their rich fragrance. I took my evening walk down a winding gravel path and came across a magnificent sunflower field, radiating its golden warmth for as far as the eye could see. The scene and spirit of the moment embraced me, and, feeling like an adventurous child, I took the opportunity to dance through the tall, languid sunflowers, facing the horizon in unison as the sun set, only changing direction with the dawn and a new day. An azure sky, swirling, twirling clouds, playing against the warm soft light of dusk and the rich green hues of the majestic Cypress trees...a farmhouse in the distance, seemingly abandoned, a quiet and peaceful playhouse for the swallows who darted and played about its rooftop, adding to the tapestry of the iridescent evening sky.


Greece: Sunset in the Peloponnese Medium: Mixed Media [Original Painting & GiclĂŠe Editions] While hiking through remote villages in the majestic gorges of the Peloponnese, Greece, I reveled in the magnificent and rich landscape of lush cypress trees, golden hillsides, and rustic ancient ruins. Nestled amongst the fragrant olive groves, I took peaceful refuge in a romantic, quaint church after a long, arduous day. I journeyed for ten days and remember feeling the crackling of dry brush beneath my feet, the fervent little lizards that darted across the rocks, small watering holes with archaic fountains built for passersby, a soft, aromatic breeze which whispered softly through the bramble and trees, and small sparrows that frolicked between the wispy clouds.


Greece: A Fisherman’s Dream Medium: Mixed Media [Original Painting & Giclée Editions] During my visit to a small coastal village in Greece, I came across many fisherman who spent their days in the hot sun, fishing from dawn till dusk. I loved the clear, mesmerizing and mysterious water, where I visually feasted upon multi-colored coral, ancient rock formations, and a plethora of sea life, all magically seen in minute detail. It was as if all was an illusion, dancing on the surface and not truly existing numerous feet below. Fish teased and taunted the fisherman, disinterested in the tasty morsels of the well prepared bait. They frolicked and plunged deep beneath the boats, tantalizing their foe with cunningness, successfully avoiding the temptation of fulfilling their supposed destiny. Perhaps some day the fish will gladly succumb to their captures, and leap into the boat to fulfill The Fisherman¹s Dream...


Italy: Along the Grande Canal Medium: Mixed Media [Original Painting & GiclĂŠe Editions*] Venice - Heaven on Earth: romantic hues of golden-peach light at dawn and pinkish-purple at dusk...Ochre stucco walls...blossoming poppies and yellow spotted flowers perched in windowsills...reflections of infinite color, size and shape dance on the narrow fluid gondola negotiates through a historical maze, gliding along the Canal Grande, revealing secret places and stoic elderly figures that walk silently together hand in hand. Then we turn the corner. Under a bridge. A new story unfolds. This magical place makes bare my curiosity, like a child seeing water for the first time, not knowing whether it has a beginning or an end. I am the first to explore this mysterious place, but I will not be the last....I let my childlike innocence prevail so as not to spoil this enchanting illusion.


Autumn’s Bounty Medium: Mixed Media [Original Painting & GiclÊe Editions*] Walks in the countryside during the harvest inspired this tribute to the natural beauty of fall. Vermont autumn is both spiritual and spellbinding, with scents and colours that tantalize the senses and imagination. Flowers hibernate until the spring...Farmers plant acre upon acre of bright orange, bulbous pumpkins, which flourish and spread wildly shortly before the massive harvest. An explosion of deep ruby red, tangerine-orange, golden-yellow, amber and russet five-pointed Sugar Maple, Beech and Yellow Birch leaves undulate across the mountain tops, creating a whimsical horizon.


Healing Waters of Vichy Medium: Mixed Media [Original Painting & GiclĂŠe Editions*]


Turkey: Konusulan Hativalan ve Kahramen - “Spoken Memories and Brave Spirits” Medium: Mixed Media [Original Painting NA & Giclée Editions*] Many moons ago I traveled extensively throughout Turkey, with one of my magical discoveries being a small, secluded island off the Mediterranean, accessible only by boat. While traversing the rocky shore, I came across an archaic, white-washed fishing hut where I met two elderly, 80-year-old identical twins who lived on the mountain top surrounded by aromatic and bountiful sage filled hills. Garnishing white cloth turbans which held back their unruly, fiery orange hair, they sat adjacent to one another, expertly grinding dried wheat with their strong, large weathered hands with a massive, rounded stone. The twins shared their tragic stories about the many deaths which resulted from the Greek and Turkish war. They spoke to me with pride of their great grandfather, a fisherman, who was amongst thousands of other sons, fathers, and great grandfathers, and of heroism and bravery of those who fought and died for their families and country. Yet they made no mention of their great grandmother, not the thousands of survivors who were burdened by the hardship of caring for large, extended families, harvesting crops, hunting, and tending to all those who were left behind. In listening to their stories, in addition to the thousands of men and women whom had died, it was the generations of survivors who were also “honorable and brave.” “Konsulan Hatiralar ve Kahraman Ruhlar” was inspired by the meeting of these strong, resilient women. It is a painting of life and death, bravery and courage. Bright green figs fall from the treetops, symbolizing abundance, life, and the fruits of labor. The swirling ornate patterns, originally derived from prayer rugs, signify daily ritual and dissolve into the objects around them. The boat in the upper left evolves into a sliver of the moon and the cross, and the Turkish half moon and star — which illuminates the evening sky — all represent the many lives that were lost by both Christians and Muslims alike. And finally, the spirit of the twins great grandfather lingers above his great granddaughter, showering them with the plentiful catch of fish that now flows freely back to the sea. 32

Turkey: Chi Along the Bosphorous Medium: Mixed Media [Original Painting & Giclée Editions*] It was in Turkey where I was first exposed to other cultures and their customs. One of the most delightful traditions common throughout the day, whether in the early morning hours of dawn, at the home of a friend, or in a café in the midst of a busy day, was the ceremony of having tea (or “Chi”). The act of making the tea in and of itself is an art — boiling the tea and water separately in a Samovar, then serving each guest individually, honoring the special time spent together. One sweltering afternoon along the Bosphorus, I came across an engaging spectacle of two women, immersed in conversation, having afternoon Chi. The atmosphere was somber, tinted by natural hues of brown, rust and green, shadowed by the elegant arches lining the corridors of the ancient café. Then, without a sound, a magnificent peacock adorned in a colorful array of iridescent feathers, gracefully walked in front of a stack of bright red, wooden Coca cola crates, announcing his royal presence. It truly was a magical scene of the unexpected.


Kiss of Bliss Medium: Mixed Media [Original Painting Sold / Giclée Editions*] “Kiss of Bliss” was created to convey the feeling of intimacy between two people, and uses color and symbols such as peacock feathers to reflect movement and sensuality.


Spirit of Peace Medium: Mixed Media [Original Painting Sold / Giclée Editions*] “Spirit of Peace” represents the infinite and vast celebrations of life - of each and every ceremony, ritual, custom, belief and thought. Regardless of one’s ethnicity, race or background there exists a commonality of peace, love and higher connectivity to us all.


P H O T O ~ I L L U S T R AT I O N

Série De Kaléidoscope Floral I: Tulipe Orange [Prints & Giclées] (Additional paintings available in this series.)


Série De Kaléidoscope Floral II: Tulipe Violette [Prints & Giclées] (Additional paintings available in this series.)


Magical Transformation Lake Geneva, Illinois [Prints & GiclĂŠes]

38 38

Une Petite Fille De Robe Magnifique Andersonville, Chicago, Illinois [Prints & GiclĂŠes]

39 39

Amish Tapestry of Life Pennsylvania, USA [Prints & GiclĂŠes]

40 40

Off the Beaten Path in Chinatown Italy

[Prints & GiclĂŠes]

41 41

Chi Along the Bosphorous Medium: Mixed Media [Original Painting & Giclées] It was in Turkey where I was first exposed to other cultures and their customs. One of the most delightful traditions common throughout the day, whether in the early morning hours of dawn, at the home of a friend, or in a café in the midst of a busy day, was the ceremony of having tea (or “Chi”). The act of making the tea in and of itself is an art — boiling the tea and water separately in a Samovar, then serving each guest individually, honoring the special time spent together. One sweltering afternoon along the Bosphorus, I came across an engaging spectacle of two women, immersed in conversation, having afternoon Chi. The atmosphere was somber, tinted by natural hues of brown, rust and green, shadowed by the elegant arches lining the corridors of the ancient café. Then, without a sound, a magnificent peacock adorned in a colorful array of iridescent feathers, gracefully walked in front of a stack of bright red, wooden Coca cola crates, announcing his royal presence. It truly was a magical scene of the unexpected.

Pink and Blue Barn Door Jerome, Arizona [Prints & Giclées]


Roadway Farmhouse Northern Wisconsin [Prints & GiclĂŠes]




Cathedral Nestled Within a Winding Street Cinque Terre, Italy [Prints & GiclĂŠes]


Colorful Passageway Cinque Terre, Italy [Prints & GiclĂŠes]


Chi Along the Bosphorous Medium: Mixed Media [Original Painting & Giclées] It was in Turkey where I was first exposed to other cultures and their customs. One of the most delightful traditions common throughout the day, whether in the early morning hours of dawn, at the home of a friend, or in a café in the midst of a busy day, was the ceremony of having tea (or “Chi”). The act of making the tea in and of itself is an art — boiling the tea and water separately in a Samovar, then serving each guest individually, honoring the special time spent together. One sweltering afternoon along the Bosphorus, I came across an engaging spectacle of two women, immersed in conversation, having afternoon Chi. The atmosphere was somber, tinted by natural hues of brown, rust and green, shadowed by the elegant arches lining the corridors of the ancient café. Then, without a sound, a magnificent peacock adorned in a colorful array of iridescent feathers, gracefully walked in front of a stack of bright red, wooden Coca cola crates, announcing his royal presence. It truly was a magical scene of the unexpected.

A Kaleidoscope of Adventure Strasbourg, France [Prints & Giclées]


Mystical Passageway Strasbourg, France [Prints & GiclĂŠes]


Chi Along the Bosphorous Medium: Mixed Media [Original Painting & Giclées] It was in Turkey where I was first exposed to other cultures and their customs. One of the most delightful traditions common throughout the day, whether in the early morning hours of dawn, at the home of a friend, or in a café in the midst of a busy day, was the ceremony of having tea (or “Chi”). The act of making the tea in and of itself is an art — boiling the tea and water separately in a Samovar, then serving each guest individually, honoring the special time spent together. One sweltering afternoon along the Bosphorus, I came across an engaging spectacle of two women, immersed in conversation, having afternoon Chi. The atmosphere was somber, tinted by natural hues of brown, rust and green, shadowed by the elegant arches lining the corridors of the ancient café. Then, without a sound, a magnificent peacock adorned in a colorful array of iridescent feathers, gracefully walked in front of a stack of bright red, wooden Coca cola crates, announcing his royal presence. It truly was a magical scene of the unexpected.

Majestic ALleyway in Strasbourg Strasbourg, France [Prints & Giclées]


Strasbourg Canal Strasbourg, France [Prints & GiclĂŠes]


Chi Along the Bosphorous Medium: Mixed Media [Original Painting & Giclées] It was in Turkey where I was first exposed to other cultures and their customs. One of the most delightful traditions common throughout the day, whether in the early morning hours of dawn, at the home of a friend, or in a café in the midst of a busy day, was the ceremony of having tea (or “Chi”). The act of making the tea in and of itself is an art — boiling the tea and water separately in a Samovar, then serving each guest individually, honoring the special time spent together. One sweltering afternoon along the Bosphorus, I came across an engaging spectacle of two women, immersed in conversation, having afternoon Chi. The atmosphere was somber, tinted by natural hues of brown, rust and green, shadowed by the elegant arches lining the corridors of the ancient café. Then, without a sound, a magnificent peacock adorned in a colorful array of iridescent feathers, gracefully walked in front of a stack of bright red, wooden Coca cola crates, announcing his royal presence. It truly was a magical scene of the unexpected.

Blue Ness

Strasbourg, France [Prints & Giclées]


Venice Square at Dusk Venice, Italy

[Prints & GiclĂŠes]


Chi Along the Bosphorous Medium: Mixed Media [Original Painting & Giclées] It was in Turkey where I was first exposed to other cultures and their customs. One of the most delightful traditions common throughout the day, whether in the early morning hours of dawn, at the home of a friend, or in a café in the midst of a busy day, was the ceremony of having tea (or “Chi”). The act of making the tea in and of itself is an art — boiling the tea and water separately in a Samovar, then serving each guest individually, honoring the special time spent together. One sweltering afternoon along the Bosphorus, I came across an engaging spectacle of two women, immersed in conversation, having afternoon Chi. The atmosphere was somber, tinted by natural hues of brown, rust and green, shadowed by the elegant arches lining the corridors of the ancient café. Then, without a sound, a magnificent peacock adorned in a colorful array of iridescent feathers, gracefully walked in front of a stack of bright red, wooden Coca cola crates, announcing his royal presence. It truly was a magical scene of the unexpected.

Venice Canal at Sunset Venice, Italy

[Prints & Giclées]



Strasbourg, France [Prints & GiclĂŠes]


Chi Along the Bosphorous Medium: Mixed Media [Original Painting & Giclées] It was in Turkey where I was first exposed to other cultures and their customs. One of the most delightful traditions common throughout the day, whether in the early morning hours of dawn, at the home of a friend, or in a café in the midst of a busy day, was the ceremony of having tea (or “Chi”). The act of making the tea in and of itself is an art — boiling the tea and water separately in a Samovar, then serving each guest individually, honoring the special time spent together. One sweltering afternoon along the Bosphorus, I came across an engaging spectacle of two women, immersed in conversation, having afternoon Chi. The atmosphere was somber, tinted by natural hues of brown, rust and green, shadowed by the elegant arches lining the corridors of the ancient café. Then, without a sound, a magnificent peacock adorned in a colorful array of iridescent feathers, gracefully walked in front of a stack of bright red, wooden Coca cola crates, announcing his royal presence. It truly was a magical scene of the unexpected.

Colorful Canal Venice, Italy

[Prints & Giclées]


Rose Porte

Strasbourg, France [Prints & GiclĂŠes]


Chi Along the Bosphorous Medium: Mixed Media [Original Painting & Giclées] It was in Turkey where I was first exposed to other cultures and their customs. One of the most delightful traditions common throughout the day, whether in the early morning hours of dawn, at the home of a friend, or in a café in the midst of a busy day, was the ceremony of having tea (or “Chi”). The act of making the tea in and of itself is an art — boiling the tea and water separately in a Samovar, then serving each guest individually, honoring the special time spent together. One sweltering afternoon along the Bosphorus, I came across an engaging spectacle of two women, immersed in conversation, having afternoon Chi. The atmosphere was somber, tinted by natural hues of brown, rust and green, shadowed by the elegant arches lining the corridors of the ancient café. Then, without a sound, a magnificent peacock adorned in a colorful array of iridescent feathers, gracefully walked in front of a stack of bright red, wooden Coca cola crates, announcing his royal presence. It truly was a magical scene of the unexpected.

Découlant Vignes

Strasbourg, France [Prints & Giclées]


Céleste traite à la Chocolaterie et Pâtisserie Bigot Amboise, France [Prints & Giclées]


Chi Along the Bosphorous Medium: Mixed Media [Original Painting & Giclées] It was in Turkey where I was first exposed to other cultures and their customs. One of the most delightful traditions common throughout the day, whether in the early morning hours of dawn, at the home of a friend, or in a café in the midst of a busy day, was the ceremony of having tea (or “Chi”). The act of making the tea in and of itself is an art — boiling the tea and water separately in a Samovar, then serving each guest individually, honoring the special time spent together. One sweltering afternoon along the Bosphorus, I came across an engaging spectacle of two women, immersed in conversation, having afternoon Chi. The atmosphere was somber, tinted by natural hues of brown, rust and green, shadowed by the elegant arches lining the corridors of the ancient café. Then, without a sound, a magnificent peacock adorned in a colorful array of iridescent feathers, gracefully walked in front of a stack of bright red, wooden Coca cola crates, announcing his royal presence. It truly was a magical scene of the unexpected.

Reflections on the Venice Canal Venice, Italy

[Prints & Giclées]


French Passageway Venice, Italy

[Prints & GiclĂŠes]


Chi Along the Bosphorous Medium: Mixed Media [Original Painting & Giclées] It was in Turkey where I was first exposed to other cultures and their customs. One of the most delightful traditions common throughout the day, whether in the early morning hours of dawn, at the home of a friend, or in a café in the midst of a busy day, was the ceremony of having tea (or “Chi”). The act of making the tea in and of itself is an art — boiling the tea and water separately in a Samovar, then serving each guest individually, honoring the special time spent together. One sweltering afternoon along the Bosphorus, I came across an engaging spectacle of two women, immersed in conversation, having afternoon Chi. The atmosphere was somber, tinted by natural hues of brown, rust and green, shadowed by the elegant arches lining the corridors of the ancient café. Then, without a sound, a magnificent peacock adorned in a colorful array of iridescent feathers, gracefully walked in front of a stack of bright red, wooden Coca cola crates, announcing his royal presence. It truly was a magical scene of the unexpected.

Château d’Amboise Amboise, France [Prints & Giclées]


A Tranquill Passage Alsace, France

[Prints & GiclĂŠes]


Chi Along the Bosphorous Medium: Mixed Media [Original Painting & Giclées] It was in Turkey where I was first exposed to other cultures and their customs. One of the most delightful traditions common throughout the day, whether in the early morning hours of dawn, at the home of a friend, or in a café in the midst of a busy day, was the ceremony of having tea (or “Chi”). The act of making the tea in and of itself is an art — boiling the tea and water separately in a Samovar, then serving each guest individually, honoring the special time spent together. One sweltering afternoon along the Bosphorus, I came across an engaging spectacle of two women, immersed in conversation, having afternoon Chi. The atmosphere was somber, tinted by natural hues of brown, rust and green, shadowed by the elegant arches lining the corridors of the ancient café. Then, without a sound, a magnificent peacock adorned in a colorful array of iridescent feathers, gracefully walked in front of a stack of bright red, wooden Coca cola crates, announcing his royal presence. It truly was a magical scene of the unexpected.

Undulating Tree

Strasbourg, France [Prints & Giclées]


Violet Volets

Strasbourg, France [Prints & GiclĂŠes]


Chi Along the Bosphorous Medium: Mixed Media [Original Painting & Giclées] It was in Turkey where I was first exposed to other cultures and their customs. One of the most delightful traditions common throughout the day, whether in the early morning hours of dawn, at the home of a friend, or in a café in the midst of a busy day, was the ceremony of having tea (or “Chi”). The act of making the tea in and of itself is an art — boiling the tea and water separately in a Samovar, then serving each guest individually, honoring the special time spent together. One sweltering afternoon along the Bosphorus, I came across an engaging spectacle of two women, immersed in conversation, having afternoon Chi. The atmosphere was somber, tinted by natural hues of brown, rust and green, shadowed by the elegant arches lining the corridors of the ancient café. Then, without a sound, a magnificent peacock adorned in a colorful array of iridescent feathers, gracefully walked in front of a stack of bright red, wooden Coca cola crates, announcing his royal presence. It truly was a magical scene of the unexpected.

Jaune Lanturn

Strasbourg, France [Prints & Giclées]


River Ill

Strasbourg, France [Prints & GiclĂŠes]


Chi Along the Bosphorous Medium: Mixed Media [Original Painting & Giclées] It was in Turkey where I was first exposed to other cultures and their customs. One of the most delightful traditions common throughout the day, whether in the early morning hours of dawn, at the home of a friend, or in a café in the midst of a busy day, was the ceremony of having tea (or “Chi”). The act of making the tea in and of itself is an art — boiling the tea and water separately in a Samovar, then serving each guest individually, honoring the special time spent together. One sweltering afternoon along the Bosphorus, I came across an engaging spectacle of two women, immersed in conversation, having afternoon Chi. The atmosphere was somber, tinted by natural hues of brown, rust and green, shadowed by the elegant arches lining the corridors of the ancient café. Then, without a sound, a magnificent peacock adorned in a colorful array of iridescent feathers, gracefully walked in front of a stack of bright red, wooden Coca cola crates, announcing his royal presence. It truly was a magical scene of the unexpected.

Un Romantique Rue Ruel Alsace, France

[Prints & Giclées]


A Sunday Afternoon Stroll Vichy, France

[Prints & GiclĂŠes]


P H O TO G R A P H Y | cityscapes

Undulating Geometric Tapestry I Chicago, Illinois [Prints & GiclĂŠes]


Undulating Geometric Tapestry II Chicago, Illinois [Prints & GiclĂŠes]


Chi Along the Bosphorous Medium: Mixed Media [Original Painting & Giclées] It was in Turkey where I was first exposed to other cultures and their customs. One of the most delightful traditions common throughout the day, whether in the early morning hours of dawn, at the home of a friend, or in a café in the midst of a busy day, was the ceremony of having tea (or “Chi”). The act of making the tea in and of itself is an art — boiling the tea and water separately in a Samovar, then serving each guest individually, honoring the special time spent together. One sweltering afternoon along the Bosphorus, I came across an engaging spectacle of two women, immersed in conversation, having afternoon Chi. The atmosphere was somber, tinted by natural hues of brown, rust and green, shadowed by the elegant arches lining the corridors of the ancient café. Then, without a sound, a magnificent peacock adorned in a colorful array of iridescent feathers, gracefully walked in front of a stack of bright red, wooden Coca cola crates, announcing his royal presence. It truly was a magical scene of the unexpected.

Waterway Sunset Chicago, Illinois [Prints & Giclées]


Wintery Sunset

Chicago, Illinois [Prints & GiclĂŠes]


Chi Along the Bosphorous Medium: Mixed Media [Original Painting & Giclées] It was in Turkey where I was first exposed to other cultures and their customs. One of the most delightful traditions common throughout the day, whether in the early morning hours of dawn, at the home of a friend, or in a café in the midst of a busy day, was the ceremony of having tea (or “Chi”). The act of making the tea in and of itself is an art — boiling the tea and water separately in a Samovar, then serving each guest individually, honoring the special time spent together. One sweltering afternoon along the Bosphorus, I came across an engaging spectacle of two women, immersed in conversation, having afternoon Chi. The atmosphere was somber, tinted by natural hues of brown, rust and green, shadowed by the elegant arches lining the corridors of the ancient café. Then, without a sound, a magnificent peacock adorned in a colorful array of iridescent feathers, gracefully walked in front of a stack of bright red, wooden Coca cola crates, announcing his royal presence. It truly was a magical scene of the unexpected.

Aqua Blue Reflections Chicago, Illinois [Prints & Giclées]


Golden Tower

Chicago, Illinois [Prints & GiclĂŠes]


Chi Along the Bosphorous Medium: Mixed Media [Original Painting & Giclées] It was in Turkey where I was first exposed to other cultures and their customs. One of the most delightful traditions common throughout the day, whether in the early morning hours of dawn, at the home of a friend, or in a café in the midst of a busy day, was the ceremony of having tea (or “Chi”). The act of making the tea in and of itself is an art — boiling the tea and water separately in a Samovar, then serving each guest individually, honoring the special time spent together. One sweltering afternoon along the Bosphorus, I came across an engaging spectacle of two women, immersed in conversation, having afternoon Chi. The atmosphere was somber, tinted by natural hues of brown, rust and green, shadowed by the elegant arches lining the corridors of the ancient café. Then, without a sound, a magnificent peacock adorned in a colorful array of iridescent feathers, gracefully walked in front of a stack of bright red, wooden Coca cola crates, announcing his royal presence. It truly was a magical scene of the unexpected.

A Surreal Winter I Chicago, Illinois [Prints & Giclées]


A Surreal Winter II Chicago, Illinois [Prints & GiclĂŠes]




Seafaring Revealing Ribbons I Chicago, Illinois [Prints & GiclĂŠes]


Seafaring Revealing Ribbons II Chicago, Illinois [Prints & GiclĂŠes]


Chi Along the Bosphorous Medium: Mixed Media [Original Painting & Giclées] It was in Turkey where I was first exposed to other cultures and their customs. One of the most delightful traditions common throughout the day, whether in the early morning hours of dawn, at the home of a friend, or in a café in the midst of a busy day, was the ceremony of having tea (or “Chi”). The act of making the tea in and of itself is an art — boiling the tea and water separately in a Samovar, then serving each guest individually, honoring the special time spent together. One sweltering afternoon along the Bosphorus, I came across an engaging spectacle of two women, immersed in conversation, having afternoon Chi. The atmosphere was somber, tinted by natural hues of brown, rust and green, shadowed by the elegant arches lining the corridors of the ancient café. Then, without a sound, a magnificent peacock adorned in a colorful array of iridescent feathers, gracefully walked in front of a stack of bright red, wooden Coca cola crates, announcing his royal presence. It truly was a magical scene of the unexpected.

Seafaring Revealing Ribbons III Chicago, Illinois [Prints & Giclées]


Seafaring Revealing Ribbons IV Chicago, Illinois [Prints & GiclĂŠes]


Chi Along the Bosphorous Medium: Mixed Media [Original Painting & Giclées] It was in Turkey where I was first exposed to other cultures and their customs. One of the most delightful traditions common throughout the day, whether in the early morning hours of dawn, at the home of a friend, or in a café in the midst of a busy day, was the ceremony of having tea (or “Chi”). The act of making the tea in and of itself is an art — boiling the tea and water separately in a Samovar, then serving each guest individually, honoring the special time spent together. One sweltering afternoon along the Bosphorus, I came across an engaging spectacle of two women, immersed in conversation, having afternoon Chi. The atmosphere was somber, tinted by natural hues of brown, rust and green, shadowed by the elegant arches lining the corridors of the ancient café. Then, without a sound, a magnificent peacock adorned in a colorful array of iridescent feathers, gracefully walked in front of a stack of bright red, wooden Coca cola crates, announcing his royal presence. It truly was a magical scene of the unexpected.

Wintery Blue Shroud Chicago, Illinois [Prints & Giclées]


Passageway Under the Hull Chicago, Illinois [Prints & GiclĂŠes]


Chi Along the Bosphorous Medium: Mixed Media [Original Painting & Giclées] It was in Turkey where I was first exposed to other cultures and their customs. One of the most delightful traditions common throughout the day, whether in the early morning hours of dawn, at the home of a friend, or in a café in the midst of a busy day, was the ceremony of having tea (or “Chi”). The act of making the tea in and of itself is an art — boiling the tea and water separately in a Samovar, then serving each guest individually, honoring the special time spent together. One sweltering afternoon along the Bosphorus, I came across an engaging spectacle of two women, immersed in conversation, having afternoon Chi. The atmosphere was somber, tinted by natural hues of brown, rust and green, shadowed by the elegant arches lining the corridors of the ancient café. Then, without a sound, a magnificent peacock adorned in a colorful array of iridescent feathers, gracefully walked in front of a stack of bright red, wooden Coca cola crates, announcing his royal presence. It truly was a magical scene of the unexpected.

Life at the Warf Chicago, Illinois [Prints & Giclées]


Crimson Port

Chicago, Illinois [Prints & GiclĂŠes]


Chi Along the Bosphorous Medium: Mixed Media [Original Painting & Giclées] It was in Turkey where I was first exposed to other cultures and their customs. One of the most delightful traditions common throughout the day, whether in the early morning hours of dawn, at the home of a friend, or in a café in the midst of a busy day, was the ceremony of having tea (or “Chi”). The act of making the tea in and of itself is an art — boiling the tea and water separately in a Samovar, then serving each guest individually, honoring the special time spent together. One sweltering afternoon along the Bosphorus, I came across an engaging spectacle of two women, immersed in conversation, having afternoon Chi. The atmosphere was somber, tinted by natural hues of brown, rust and green, shadowed by the elegant arches lining the corridors of the ancient café. Then, without a sound, a magnificent peacock adorned in a colorful array of iridescent feathers, gracefully walked in front of a stack of bright red, wooden Coca cola crates, announcing his royal presence. It truly was a magical scene of the unexpected.


Chicago, Illinois [Prints & Giclées]


Starboard Landscape Chicago, Illinois [Prints & GiclĂŠes]




Painted Edgewater Garden Chicago, Illinois [GiclĂŠe Editions]


Floral Reflections Chicago, Illinois [Prints & GiclĂŠes]


Chi Along the Bosphorous Medium: Mixed Media [Original Painting & Giclées] It was in Turkey where I was first exposed to other cultures and their customs. One of the most delightful traditions common throughout the day, whether in the early morning hours of dawn, at the home of a friend, or in a café in the midst of a busy day, was the ceremony of having tea (or “Chi”). The act of making the tea in and of itself is an art — boiling the tea and water separately in a Samovar, then serving each guest individually, honoring the special time spent together. One sweltering afternoon along the Bosphorus, I came across an engaging spectacle of two women, immersed in conversation, having afternoon Chi. The atmosphere was somber, tinted by natural hues of brown, rust and green, shadowed by the elegant arches lining the corridors of the ancient café. Then, without a sound, a magnificent peacock adorned in a colorful array of iridescent feathers, gracefully walked in front of a stack of bright red, wooden Coca cola crates, announcing his royal presence. It truly was a magical scene of the unexpected.

Spring Floral Opulence Chicago, Illinois [Prints & Giclées]


Purple Tulip

Chicago, Illinois [Prints & GiclĂŠes]


Chi Along the Bosphorous Medium: Mixed Media [Original Painting & Giclées] It was in Turkey where I was first exposed to other cultures and their customs. One of the most delightful traditions common throughout the day, whether in the early morning hours of dawn, at the home of a friend, or in a café in the midst of a busy day, was the ceremony of having tea (or “Chi”). The act of making the tea in and of itself is an art — boiling the tea and water separately in a Samovar, then serving each guest individually, honoring the special time spent together. One sweltering afternoon along the Bosphorus, I came across an engaging spectacle of two women, immersed in conversation, having afternoon Chi. The atmosphere was somber, tinted by natural hues of brown, rust and green, shadowed by the elegant arches lining the corridors of the ancient café. Then, without a sound, a magnificent peacock adorned in a colorful array of iridescent feathers, gracefully walked in front of a stack of bright red, wooden Coca cola crates, announcing his royal presence. It truly was a magical scene of the unexpected.

A Quiet Haven

Chicago, Illinois [Prints & Giclées]


Chou Rouge

Chicago, Illinois [Prints & GiclĂŠes]


Chi Along the Bosphorous Medium: Mixed Media [Original Painting & Giclées] It was in Turkey where I was first exposed to other cultures and their customs. One of the most delightful traditions common throughout the day, whether in the early morning hours of dawn, at the home of a friend, or in a café in the midst of a busy day, was the ceremony of having tea (or “Chi”). The act of making the tea in and of itself is an art — boiling the tea and water separately in a Samovar, then serving each guest individually, honoring the special time spent together. One sweltering afternoon along the Bosphorus, I came across an engaging spectacle of two women, immersed in conversation, having afternoon Chi. The atmosphere was somber, tinted by natural hues of brown, rust and green, shadowed by the elegant arches lining the corridors of the ancient café. Then, without a sound, a magnificent peacock adorned in a colorful array of iridescent feathers, gracefully walked in front of a stack of bright red, wooden Coca cola crates, announcing his royal presence. It truly was a magical scene of the unexpected.

Cactus Coloré I Chicago, Illinois [Prints & Giclées]


Cactus Coloré II Chicago, Illinois [Prints & Giclées]


Chi Along the Bosphorous Medium: Mixed Media [Original Painting & Giclées] It was in Turkey where I was first exposed to other cultures and their customs. One of the most delightful traditions common throughout the day, whether in the early morning hours of dawn, at the home of a friend, or in a café in the midst of a busy day, was the ceremony of having tea (or “Chi”). The act of making the tea in and of itself is an art — boiling the tea and water separately in a Samovar, then serving each guest individually, honoring the special time spent together. One sweltering afternoon along the Bosphorus, I came across an engaging spectacle of two women, immersed in conversation, having afternoon Chi. The atmosphere was somber, tinted by natural hues of brown, rust and green, shadowed by the elegant arches lining Cactus Coloré III the corridors of the ancient café. Then, without a sound, a magnificent peacock adorned in a colorful array of iridescent feathers, gracefully walked in front of a stack of bright red, wooden Coca cola crates, announcing his royal presence. It Chicago, Illinois truly was a magical scene of the unexpected.

[Prints & Giclées]


Rustic Impressionism Southern Indiana [Prints & GiclĂŠes]


Chi Along the Bosphorous Medium: Mixed Media [Original Painting & Giclées] It was in Turkey where I was first exposed to other cultures and their customs. One of the most delightful traditions common throughout the day, whether in the early morning hours of dawn, at the home of a friend, or in a café in the midst of a busy day, was the ceremony of having tea (or “Chi”). The act of making the tea in and of itself is an art — boiling the tea and water separately in a Samovar, then serving each guest individually, honoring the special time spent together. One sweltering afternoon along the Bosphorus, I came across an engaging spectacle of two women, immersed in conversation, having afternoon Chi. The atmosphere was somber, tinted by natural hues of brown, rust and green, shadowed by the elegant arches lining the corridors of the ancient café. Then, without a sound, a magnificent peacock adorned in a colorful array of iridescent feathers, gracefully walked in front of a stack of bright red, wooden Coca cola crates, announcing his royal presence. It truly was a magical scene of the unexpected.

Precipice Along the Grand Canyon Arizona

[Prints & Giclées]


Sandy Pathway in the Grand Canyon Arizona

[Prints & GiclĂŠes]


Chi Along the Bosphorous Medium: Mixed Media [Original Painting & Giclées] It was in Turkey where I was first exposed to other cultures and their customs. One of the most delightful traditions common throughout the day, whether in the early morning hours of dawn, at the home of a friend, or in a café in the midst of a busy day, was the ceremony of having tea (or “Chi”). The act of making the tea in and of itself is an art — boiling the tea and water separately in a Samovar, then serving each guest individually, honoring the special time spent together. One sweltering afternoon along the Bosphorus, I came across an engaging spectacle of two women, immersed in conversation, having afternoon Chi. The atmosphere was somber, tinted by natural hues of brown, rust and green, shadowed by the elegant arches lining the corridors of the ancient café. Then, without a sound, a magnificent peacock adorned in a colorful array of iridescent feathers, gracefully walked in front of a stack of bright red, wooden Coca cola crates, announcing his royal presence. It truly was a magical scene of the unexpected.

Golden Fortitude

Los Gatos, California [Prints & Giclées]


Autumn Enchantment Los Gatos, California [Prints & GiclĂŠes]


Chi Along the Bosphorous Medium: Mixed Media [Original Painting & Giclées] It was in Turkey where I was first exposed to other cultures and their customs. One of the most delightful traditions common throughout the day, whether in the early morning hours of dawn, at the home of a friend, or in a café in the midst of a busy day, was the ceremony of having tea (or “Chi”). The act of making the tea in and of itself is an art — boiling the tea and water separately in a Samovar, then serving each guest individually, honoring the special time spent together. One sweltering afternoon along the Bosphorus, I came across an engaging spectacle of two women, immersed in conversation, having afternoon Chi. The atmosphere was somber, tinted by natural hues of brown, rust and green, shadowed by the elegant arches lining the corridors of the ancient café. Then, without a sound, a magnificent peacock adorned in a colorful array of iridescent feathers, gracefully walked in front of a stack of bright red, wooden Coca cola crates, announcing his royal presence. It truly was a magical scene of the unexpected.

Secret Majestic Cove I Los Gatos, California [Prints & Giclées]


Secret Majestic Cove II Los Gatos, California [Prints & GiclĂŠes]


Chi Along the Bosphorous Medium: Mixed Media [Original Painting & Giclées] It was in Turkey where I was first exposed to other cultures and their customs. One of the most delightful traditions common throughout the day, whether in the early morning hours of dawn, at the home of a friend, or in a café in the midst of a busy day, was the ceremony of having tea (or “Chi”). The act of making the tea in and of itself is an art — boiling the tea and water separately in a Samovar, then serving each guest individually, honoring the special time spent together. One sweltering afternoon along the Bosphorus, I came across an engaging spectacle of two women, immersed in conversation, having afternoon Chi. The atmosphere was somber, tinted by natural hues of brown, rust and green, shadowed by the elegant arches lining the corridors of the ancient café. Then, without a sound, a magnificent peacock adorned in a colorful array of iridescent feathers, gracefully walked in front of a stack of bright red, wooden Coca cola crates, announcing his royal presence. It truly was a magical scene of the unexpected.

Solitary Barn in Fall I Northern Wisconsin [Prints & Giclées]


Solitary Barn in Fall II Northern Wisconsin [Prints & GiclĂŠes]


Chi Along the Bosphorous Medium: Mixed Media [Original Painting & Giclées] It was in Turkey where I was first exposed to other cultures and their customs. One of the most delightful traditions common throughout the day, whether in the early morning hours of dawn, at the home of a friend, or in a café in the midst of a busy day, was the ceremony of having tea (or “Chi”). The act of making the tea in and of itself is an art — boiling the tea and water separately in a Samovar, then serving each guest individually, honoring the special time spent together. One sweltering afternoon along the Bosphorus, I came across an engaging spectacle of two women, immersed in conversation, having afternoon Chi. The atmosphere was somber, tinted by natural hues of brown, rust and green, shadowed by the elegant arches lining the corridors of the ancient café. Then, without a sound, a magnificent peacock adorned in a colorful array of iridescent feathers, gracefully walked in front of a stack of bright red, wooden Coca cola crates, announcing his royal presence. It truly was a magical scene of the unexpected.

Autumn Marsh

Northern Wisconsin [Prints & Giclées]


Morraine Reflections McHenry, Illinois [Prints & GiclĂŠes]


Chi Along the Bosphorous Medium: Mixed Media [Original Painting & GiclĂŠes]

Majestic Waterway Northern Wisconsin [Prints & GiclĂŠes]



Winter Solace

Lake Geneva, Wisconsin [Prints & GiclĂŠes]


Chi Along the Bosphorous Medium: Mixed Media [Original Painting & Giclées] It was in Turkey where I was first exposed to other cultures and their customs. One of the most delightful traditions common throughout the day, whether in the early morning hours of dawn, at the home of a friend, or in a café in the midst of a busy day, was the ceremony of having tea (or “Chi”). The act of making the tea in and of itself is an art — boiling the tea and water separately in a Samovar, then serving each guest individually, honoring the special time spent together. One sweltering afternoon along the Bosphorus, I came across an engaging spectacle of two women, immersed in conversation, having afternoon Chi. The atmosphere was somber, tinted by natural hues of brown, rust and green, shadowed by the elegant arches lining the corridors of the ancient café. Then, without a sound, a magnificent peacock adorned in a colorful array of iridescent feathers, gracefully walked in front of stack Cheval Naoir I of bright red, wooden Coca cola crates, announcing his royal presence. It truly was a magical scene of the unexpected.

Wabeno, Wisconsin [Prints & Giclées]


Cheval Noir II

Wabeno, Wisconsin [Prints & GiclĂŠes]


P H O T O G R A P H Y | black & white

Southwest Sanctuary I Flagstaff, Arizona [Prints & GiclĂŠes]


Southwest Sanctuary II Flagstaff, Arizona [Prints & GiclĂŠes]


Chi Along the Bosphorous Medium: Mixed Media [Original Painting & Giclées] It was in Turkey where I was first exposed to other cultures and their customs. One of the most delightful traditions common throughout the day, whether in the early morning hours of dawn, at the home of a friend, or in a café in the midst of a busy day, was the ceremony of having tea (or “Chi”). The act of making the tea in and of itself is an art — boiling the tea and water separately in a Samovar, then serving each guest individually, honoring the special time spent together. One sweltering afternoon along the Bosphorus, I came across an engaging spectacle of two women, immersed in conversation, having afternoon Chi. The atmosphere was somber, tinted by natural hues of brown, rust and green, shadowed by the elegant arches lining the corridors of the ancient café. Then, without a sound, a magnificent peacock adorned in a colorful array of iridescent feathers, gracefully walked in front of a stack of bright red, wooden Coca cola crates, announcing his royal presence. It truly was a magical scene of the unexpected.

Secluded Pathway

Northern Wisconsin [Prints & Giclées]


Flowery Transformation I Chicago, Illinois [Prints & GiclĂŠes]


Chi Along the Bosphorous Medium: Mixed Media [Original Painting & Giclées] It was in Turkey where I was first exposed to other cultures and their customs. One of the most delightful traditions common throughout the day, whether in the early morning hours of dawn, at the home of a friend, or in a café in the midst of a busy day, was the ceremony of having tea (or “Chi”). The act of making the tea in and of itself is an art — boiling the tea and water separately in a Samovar, then serving each guest individually, honoring the special time spent together. One sweltering afternoon along the Bosphorus, I came across an engaging spectacle of two women, immersed in conversation, having afternoon Chi. The atmosphere was somber, tinted by natural hues of brown, rust and green, shadowed by the elegant arches lining the corridors of the ancient café. Then, without a sound, a magnificent peacock adorned in a colorful array of iridescent feathers, gracefully walked in front of a stack of bright red, wooden Coca cola crates, announcing his royal presence. It truly was a magical scene of the unexpected.

Flowery Transformation II Chicago, Illinois [Prints & Giclées]


Flowery Transformation III Chicago, Illinois [Prints & GiclĂŠes]


Chi Along the Bosphorous Medium: Mixed Media [Original Painting & Giclées] It was in Turkey where I was first exposed to other cultures and their customs. One of the most delightful traditions common throughout the day, whether in the early morning hours of dawn, at the home of a friend, or in a café in the midst of a busy day, was the ceremony of having tea (or “Chi”). The act of making the tea in and of itself is an art — boiling the tea and water separately in a Samovar, then serving each guest individually, honoring the special time spent together. One sweltering afternoon along the Bosphorus, I came across an engaging spectacle of two women, immersed in conversation, having afternoon Chi. The atmosphere was somber, tinted by natural hues of brown, rust and green, shadowed by the elegant arches lining the corridors of the ancient café. Then, without a sound, a magnificent peacock adorned in a colorful array of iridescent feathers, gracefully walked in front of a stack of bright red, wooden Coca cola crates, announcing his royal presence. It Cheval Noir III truly was a magical scene of the unexpected.

Wabeno, Wisconsin [Prints & Giclées]


Cheval Noir IV

Wabeno, Wisconsin [Prints & GiclĂŠes]





Fanciful Flying Machines in the Sky Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota - St. Paul Campus • St. Paul, MN Description: Four giclées with etched glass faces. Project developed and managed by Creative Collaborativ, Inc.


Project One: Illuminations I: Rays of Hope, and Illuminations II: Wholeness, Harmony and Healing Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota • Minneapolis, MN Description: Two, painted and etched 58” circular glass sculptures. Project developed and managed by Creative Collaborativ, Inc.

Project Two: Stars, Beamz & Ribbons Description: Public art installation on 90 ft. skyway including colored & etched glass stars, powder-coated metal ribbons and interactive musical instruments. Project developed and managed by Creative Collaborativ, Inc.


Close Your Eyes Private Commission - Chicago, IL Description: Eleven full color illustrative paintings for a childrens’’ book.


Kiss of Bliss Private Commission • France Description: Painting - Mixed media


Camp Stone Fund raising Cover Camp Stone • Western PA Description: Full color illustrative painting

“Carnivale” University of Illinois • Chicago, IL Description: Full color painting for an event poster

ChicagoSpeaks Cover Illustration ChicagoSpeaks Magazine • Chicago, IL Description: Digital illustration


“Seeking God’s Favor”, “Pray Your Heart Out”, & “A Lighthouse to Call Home” Guideposts/Spirit Led Women (National Publication) Description: Three illustrative paintings

2006- 2011

Stories from Afar: My Journey in Colour - Traveling Exhibit: City Olive • Chicago, IL Urbanest • Chicago, IL Homestead Lighting & Decor • Oconomowoc, WI On the Deck • Oconomowoc, WI


Stories from Afar: My Journey in Colour One-woman show - Maple Avenue Gallery • Evanston, IL

1991 & Art for Arts Sake 1992 Vermont Harvest: An Exhibit on the Contemplation, Cultivation and Consumption of Food Helen Day Art Center • Stowe, VT 1990 1989 1986 1984 1983- 1985

Bazak International/Private Collection • New York, NY Gracie Mansion • New York, NY Wood Art Gallery • Montpelier, VT Anne Reid Gallery • Princeton, NJ Society of Illustrators • New York , NY Cultural Exchange Exhibit with China, Morgan State University • Baltimore, MD Gallery GI5A, Morgan State, Murphy Fine Arts Center • Baltimore, MD The Maryland Institute, College of Art • Baltimore, MD Decker Gallery • Fox Gallery • Space Gallery • Thesis Gallery

n H O N O R S & AWA R D S ART 1998

CAAP GRANT/CHICAGO DEPT. OF CULTURAL AFFAIRS • CHICAGO, IL A series of paintings created to reflect travel experiences in Greece and Italy


CULTURAL EXCHANGE EXHIBIT WITH CHINA • BALTIMORE, MD The Maryland Institute, College of Art Juried exhibit of selected etchings

THE WALTERS MUSEUM OF MODERN ART • BALTIMORE, MD Nomination for the Walters Traveling Scholarship : Thesis on Turkish Art

THE SOCIETY OF ILLUSTRATORS • NEW YORK Chi Along the 1983 Bosphorous 1981-




Medium: Mixed 1984 Media Maryland Institute Academic and Achievement Scholarships & Grants; The Alumni Assoc. Award; B.F.A. Degree Exhibition, Participant in the Undergraduate Exhibition Juried Shows [Original Painting & Giclées]

2000 Sangria de la Noche, Vermont Harvest Moon, Fruit of the Vine & Mimosa d’Amouré After The Fall (Smuckers) • Washington, D.C. It was in Description: Four, fullI color paintings for non-alcoholic beverage labelsOne Turkey where was illustrative first exposed to other culturessparkling and their customs.

Lawrence University Academic Scholarships; Honorthe Society; of the1981 most delightful traditions common throughout day,Lawrencium whether inPhoto theEditor earlyAward. morning hours of dawn, at the home of a friend, or in a café in the midst of a busy day, was the ceremony of having tea (or “Chi”). The act of making the tea in and of itself is an art Anniversary Fund raising Campaign Cover DESIGN the tea and water separately theMAGAZINE special time spent together. — boiling University Lake School • Hartland, WI in a Samovar, then serving each guest individually, 2002 honoring FORBES • ONE OF TOP 4 WEB SITE DESIGN FOR CULTURAL TOURS Digital illustration 2002: Design of the Web Site OneDescription: sweltering afternoon along the Bosphorus, I came across an engaging spectacle of twoJuly, women, immersed in conversation, having afternoon Chi. The atmosphere was somber, tinted by natural hues of brown, rust and green, shadowed by the elegant arches lining the corridors of the ancient café. Then, without a sound, a magnificent 1999 Mission Posters and Children’s Book 2001 AMERICAN ADVERTISING AWARD • NEW YORK adorned in a Baptist colorful array of iridescent feathers, gracefully walked in front of a stack2001 of For bright red, of wooden Coca colaWeb crates, peacockNational American Conference • Chicago, IL the Design the Site announcing his royal presence. It truly was Description: Seven full color illustrative paintings for five posters and a 32 page coloring book. a magical scene of the unexpected.



F.A.C.T. “First Aid for Children Today” campaign on Health and Safety National American Red Cross - National Headquarters • Washington D.C. Description: Seven full color illustrative paintings and illustrations for a 45 page book.


Reclining Figure, Lilly, & Stairway in Nature Private Stained Glass Commission • Istanbul, Turkey Description: Three stained glass designs based on paintings of nature and figures, translated to stained glass.

n E D U C AT I O N 1981- 1984

THE MARYLAND INSTITUTE, COLLEGE OF ART Baltimore, MD [Scholarship/Cum Laude] B.F.A. Visual Communications (Graphic Design & Illustration)

1979- 1981


A B O U T T H E A RT W O R K [In order of presentation]

n A bout the Paintin g s Title Medium Dimensions (Commissions & custom sizes available upon request.) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ France: Le Violin Ancien u Mixed Media

Original: 33”w x 41”h Giclée Editions: 22.5”w x 30”h, 15”w x 20”h

Greece: A Sultry Day and the Gift of Peaches u Mixed Media

Original: 35”w x 27.5”h Giclée Editions: 24.25”w x 16.25”h, 17”w x 11”h

France: Sunflower Fields of Provence u Mixed Media

Original: SOLD Giclée Editions: 24.5”w x 16.5”h, 17”w x 11.5”h

Greece: Sunset in the Peloponnese u Mixed Media

Original: 28.5”w x 36.5”h Giclée Editions: 18”w x 26”h, 11.75”w x 17”h

Greece: A Fisherman’s Dream u Mixed Media

Original: 21.5”w x 27”h Giclée Editions: 12”w x 17”h

Italy: Along the Grande Canal * Mixed Media

Original: 32.5”w x 27”h Giclée Editions: 32.5”w x 27”h, 16.25”w x 13.5”h

Mixed Media Autumn’s Bounty *

Original: 35”w x 27”h Giclée Editions: 35”w x 27”h, 17.5”w x 13.5”h

The Healing Waters of Vichy * Mixed Media

Original: 17”w x 23”h Giclée Editions: 17”w x 23”h

Turkey: Konusulan Hativalan ve Kahramen - Mixed Media “Spoken Memories and Brave Spirits” *

Original: SOLD Giclée Editions: 37.5”w x 26 h”, 18.75”w x 13”h

Mixed Media Turkey: Chi Along the Bosphorous *

Original: 46”w x 35”h Giclées: 46”w x 35”h, 23”w x 17.5”h

Kiss of Bliss* Mixed Media

Original: SOLD Giclée Editions: 31.5”w x 31.5”h, 15.75”w x 15.75”h

Spirit of Peace * Mixed Media

Original: SOLD Giclée Editions: 24.25”w x 18.75”h, 16.25”w x 12.5”h

Notes: “ *” = Giclées have not yet been created. Available upon request. “u” = Each fine art print is hand painted and embellished with iridescent acrylics and gold leaf, making each piece of art unique. n A bout the P H O T O G R A P H S & P H O T O - I L L U S T R AT I O N S (Commissions & custom sizes available upon request.) 119

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