Katie Lance 30 Day Social Media Challenge

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Welcome to the

30-DAY SOCIAL MEDIA CHALLENGE This 30-day challenge is meant to boost your social media strategy and help get your plan in place (once and for all!) HERE IS WHAT YOU CAN EXPECT EACH DAY: Each day you will receive an email from me with a simple task including all the links and resources you will need for that day’s challenge. Consider saving these emails in a folder in your email so you can go back to them as needed! Each task should take no more than 30 minutes a day. Time block 30 minutes a day on your calendar to complete each challenge. Join our Facebook Group (link in your daily emails) so you can check in daily, meet other agents taking part in the challenge and get your questions answered!


30-day schedule WEEK 1

Getting Started & LinkedIn






Putting it All Together: Create a Smart Plan

It’s going to be an awesome 30 days. Let's get started!

DAY 1 Ready to dive in!

Here’s your first assignment:

DON’T BE A SECRET AGENT! When people go to your social media profiles and they aren’t friends with you - is it clear to them that you are in real estate? Or, where they can contact you?

NOT SURE WHERE TO START? Start with your personal Facebook profile, business page and then your LinkedIn profile.

Checklist GO TO YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA PROFILES: Make sure your contact info (email and website) is visible to the public. Make sure you have listed what brokerage you are at. Make both of these sections visible to the public. Easy peasy right? Once you have completed your first challenge, check in over in our Facebook Group.

DAY 2 OPTIMIZE YOUR PROFILE ON LINKEDIN Yesterday you updated your contact info on LinkedIn - but let’s take this one step further.

DID YOU KNOW? When you get “Googled” - your LinkedIn profile is one of the first things to come up? So if it’s out of date - there is the perception that you aren’t in business. Let’s change that!

Checklist Go to the work experience section of your LinkedIn Profile. Make sure you have listed your brokerage. Write 2 or 3 sentences about why you love the industry, your passion for working with clients, what you feel your expertise is and what cities you serve. After you are done, go over to our Facebook Group and share the link to your LinkedIn profile.


DAY 3 OPTIMIZE YOUR SKILLS AND ENDORSEMENTS ON LINKEDIN Have you ever been endorsed for something on LinkedIn and scratched your head wondering why? It may be because you haven’t set your key words.

Checklist Go into LinkedIn and edit your skills and endorsements. Think about what you are an expert at - i.e. negotiation, first-time homebuyers, luxury real estate, etc. List those as your keywords and then you can rearrange your skills and endorsements to show which ones are most important to you and what you would like to be known for. After you are done, go over to our Facebook Group and share the link to your LinkedIn profile.


DAY 4 CONNECT WITH YOUR CLIENTS AND PROSPECTS ON LINKEDIN LinkedIn is a great place to connect with clients and prospects because it’s one of the only professional social media platforms.

Checklist Click on ‘My Network’ and accept any pending friend requests from people you know as well as people who are friends of friends. If you don’t know them or they don’t have a picture or any info about them delete the request (they will never know!) Do this quickly - 15 minutes on this part of the task. Don’t overthink it! Search 3-6 past clients or colleagues that you loved working with and see if they are on LinkedIn - if so send them a connection request. After you are done, go over to our Facebook Group and share the link to your LinkedIn profile.


DAY 5 GIVE TO GET: RECOMMENDATIONS ON LINKEDIN One of the best things you can have online is ‘social proof’ and LinkedIn is a great place to give and receive recommendations. One of the easiest ways to receive a recommendation is to leave a recommendation.

Checklist Who have you worked with in the last 3-6 months that you’d like to recognize? Connect with them on LinkedIn and then give them a recommendation. So often when you give a recommendation, you will receive one in return! Feeling really generous today? Recommend more than one person! After you are done, go over to our Facebook Group and share the link to your LinkedIn profile.


DAY 6 POSTING RELEVANT CONTENT ON LINKEDIN Besides updating your profile on LinkedIn, how should you spend your time over there?

A few times a week, I recommend to share an interesting article about the real estate market over on your LinkedIn news feed. The feed on LinkedIn is much quieter and so by posting once or twice a week you can start to get some traction over there.

Checklist Go to LinkedIn, click the 'home' button. In the News Feed - share a link to an article you have read about real estate. Include the link and also include a sentence or two about your thoughts and why it is a good read. After you are done, go over to our Facebook Group and share the link to your LinkedIn profile.

LOOKING FOR INSPIRATION? Check out articles from Inman News, NAR or your local association.

DAY 7 TIME TO CATCH UP It’s the last day of the 1st week of our 30-day challenge! Take your 30 minutes today and catch up on anything you may have missed from this week.

Checklist Have you updated your bios? Updated your LinkedIn work experience? Skills and expertise? Cleaned up your LinkedIn inbox? Connected with a few clients or prospects? Posted a link to an article? Go over to our Facebook Group and check in let us know how this first week is going for you.


DAY 8 CREATE OR UPDATE YOUR CLIENT LIST ON FACEBOOK It’s day 8 and this week is all about Facebook! Do you feel like your Facebook news feed is a noisy mess sometimes? Wouldn’t it be better if you could use it as a way to keep in touch with your clients quickly?




Go into facebook.com/bookmarks/lists and create a list called “Clients” (note: this list is private for your eyes only - your clients will not know they have been added)

Add the last 5-10 clients you worked with into this list. You need to be friends with them first. If you aren't friends with them yet, send them a private message that you would like to connect and then put them into your Client list. Review that list and comment on 3-5 of your client’s posts on this list After you are done, go over to our Facebook Group and check in.

The benefit of creating a list is now, instead of looking at your noisy News Feed you can go to your client list a few times a week to intentionally comment and engage with your past clients. Remember relationships are built with small interactions over the course of time. Every like, comment and share - adds up!

DAY 9 FOCUS 5 ON FACEBOOK It’s less about you and more about others. Focus on connecting with five past clients or prospects on Facebook!

Checklist Pick 5 people on your client list and be proactive and find a recent meaningful post click like and then leave a meaningful comment. After you are done, go over to our Facebook Group and check in.



Is a minimum of 4 words. So instead of, “congrats!” or “great view!” - a meaningful comment would be, “Congrats Joe - so happy for your success!” or, “Wow, what an amazing view what has been the best part about your vacation Suzy?”


Checklist Look at those 5 people again on your list and look for ONE person doing something really great. Write a Facebook post on your personal profile OR business page highlighting one of these people, tag them in the post and talk about WHY they are doing something great. Questions? Be sure to post them in the Facebook group!

Example 1 “I want to give a big shout-out to one of our past clients Anne Smith. Anne is a teacher at Such and Such High School and is one of the hardest working people I know. Who is the one teacher that really influenced you? Comment below!”

Example 2 “Kudos to one of our awesome past clients Bob Jones - founder of Bob Jones Tires. We love supporting local businesses and we can’t say enough good things about Bob and the folks he works with. Give them a follow here on Facebook!”

DAY 11 SELF-AUDIT YOUR FACEBOOK BUSINESS PAGE This week we’ve talked about your personal profile and using it to intentionally stay in touch with past clients and prospects. Today, let’s talk about your business page. Your Facebook business page is the place to post about your listings, promote your business and generate new referrals.


Checklist Go to your business page on Facebook and double check that your About section is filled out with a link to your site and your contact info. Consider updating your Facebook Cover photo (I recommend updating this seasonally) - ask your broker if they have any cover photos you can use or upload a photo of your local area or of a recent listing. Create a post for your Facebook business page. What are you working on this week for your business? Create a post with a picture and/or 2 or 3 sentences giving people a sneak-peek behind-thescenes! When you are done - check in over in our Facebook Group!

DAY 12 RECORD AND UPLOAD A VIDEO TO FACEBOOK Did you know that most people retain 95% of a message in a video compared to only 10% of what they read in text? Also, video is the #1 type of content to post on your Facebook business page.

Checklist Create a quick 30-60 second video using your phone, upload it to your Facebook business page. Add Facebook’s caption feature (available on the desktop version of Facebook.) Pin it to the top of your Facebook page. That’s it! Be sure to also share your video in our Facebook group!

HINT Shoot your video facing natural light - facing a window is best and smile before you hit ‘record!’

Here’s a simple script you can borrow: “Hi! Katie Lance here with XYZ brokerage! I serve the San Francisco Bay Area and I am super passionate about helping make your real estate transactions as seamless and as simple as possible! If you have any questions about buying or selling real estate, I’d be happy to help - please leave me a comment below or reach out to me on my website ____________. Thanks and have a great day!

DAY 13 GO LIVE ON FACEBOOK Did you know? 80% of people would rather watch live video than read a blog? Take out your phone or go live on your business page to share the 3 biggest tips you can give someone moving to your market area.

Checklist Take out your phone and go live on Facebook for 3-5 minutes. After you’ve gone live, be sure to share the replay in the Facebook group! You got this! You don’t have to be live for long - 3-5 minutes is perfect.

Here are a few tips: Jot a few notes down before you go live (no need to script just have a couple notes handy!) SMILE, then push the LIVE button. Introduce yourself in the beginning of the FB live. Tell people what you are going to tell them. At the end, wrap it up by asking people to like/comment below.

DAY 14 TIME TO CATCH UP It’s day 14 of our 30 day challenge! Today’s challenge is to catch up on any items you may not have had time for over the past seven days. Read through this week’s Facebook challenges and make sure you have completed all the items for this week.

Checklist Have you done your Focus 5? Created your video? Done your Facebook Live? If you are all caught up - take your time today to schedule a few pieces of content on your Facebook Business page for the next 3-5 days. You can use the free scheduling tool Facebook has on your business page.

Add Yo

Here are a few ideas for posts:

Own Id e a s


MONDAY: Market update OR ___________________________ TUESDAY: Tip OR _______________________________________ WEDNESDAY: Wisdom OR ______________________________ THURSDAY: Throwback OR ______________________________ FRIDAY: Feature OR _____________________________________

DAY 15 HALFWAY THERE! We are at the halfway point in the challenge! So far we have covered LinkedIn and Facebook. What are your questions so far? Have you gotten stuck? Check in over in our Facebook Group today and let us know how it is going for you so far! This week we are covering Instagram!

Checklist IF YOU DO NOT HAVE AN INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT - TODAY IS THE DAY TO SET IT UP: Go to the app store on your phone and download Instagram for free. Create your username (your name or whatever you are known for in business) I recommend creating a business, public account. For business - having a business public account will help you get seen by more people and it will allow you to generate business with Instagram. Add a photo to your profile and add a bit to your bio plus add a link to your website. Give me a follow @katielance

Already on IG?

Make sure you are following me @katielance. Tag me in a post today on Instagram or message me and let me know you are going through this challenge!

Why Instagram? Instagram (owned by Facebook) is one of the most important places to be on social media. Although many people are still on Facebook many have left because of the ‘noise.’ Instagram is strictly photos and videos and is ideal for real estate!

DAY 16 GIVE YOUR INSTAGRAM BIO A KILLER MAKEOVER Your bio is one of the first things people see about you so it’s important to make it look fabulous! Here’s my favorite “secret” tip and your challenge for today. Ready - GO!

Checklist Open up your mobile device and open up the Notes app (if you are on iOS on an iPhone) or Notepad (if you are on Android) and type out your bio in list format listing your job title, where you work, any hobbies or interests. Type out your Instagram bio in list form inside the Notes (or Notepad) app. As you type it out use emojis to make your list stand out. Your bio should include your job title and brokerage, city or area you serve, something personal about what you are passionate about. Select all the text. Copy it. Open up Instagram and click ‘Edit Profile’ and paste in your new bio. Click ‘Done’ and voila - you are done! Note: You only have 150 characters! When you are done - post in our Facebook Group and post a link to your Instagram handle!

DAY 17 CREATE A 15-SECOND INSTAGRAM VIDEO Now that you have your account and your bio set up - it’s time to create a video for Instagram!


Open up the video setting on your camera to take a video. SMILE then start recording. Open up Instagram, click the ‘+’ button at the bottom middle of your screen. Upload the video and adjust to fit in the frame. Add a filter if you’d like and choose a Cover photo for your video Type a caption and tag me @katielance in the caption so I can see your video. After you are done - post in our Facebook Group - check in and let us know how it went!

Sample Script “Hi everyone! I am participating in Katie Lance's social media challenge. I just updated my Instagram bio would love for you to check it out and let me know what you think. Leave me a comment below!”

DAY 18 SHARE YOUR VIDEO TO YOUR IG STORIES In addition to posting in the IG News feed you can also post in your Stories. Stories last 24 hours. Today, we are going to share the video you created in your feed over to your stories to get more exposure for the video.


Go to your video on your Instagram. Click the paper airplane icon under the photo. Click ‘add post to your story.’

Already active over on IG Stories? You have the

From here you will see the post in your Story and you can add text, GIFs, emojis if you’d like. Click ‘send to’ and then ‘your story.'


After you are done - post in our Facebook Group - check in and let us know how it went!

re-share it!


challenge but tag me in your story so I can

DAY 19 10X YOUR INSTAGRAM ENGAGEMENT Wondering how to get more likes, comments and engagement on Instagram? The key here is to be interested in others. For today’s challenge, let’s 10x your Instagram engagement. Ready - GO!

Checklist Open up Instagram and like and comment on 5 posts that really resonate with you. Watch 5 Instagram Stories (the circles at the top of your feed) and send 5 private messages in response to Stories that stand out to you. Create a 15 second video and upload it into Instagram saying, “Hi everyone! I am participating in Katie Lance’s social media challenge! Would you like me to check out what YOU are posting on Instagram? Leave me a comment below and I’ll make sure to check it out!” Share the video from your News feed over to IG Stories. After you are done - post in our Facebook Group - check in and let us know how it went!


DAY 20 INCREASE YOUR FOLLOWING BY MAXIMIZING YOUR HASHTAGS ON INSTAGRAM Hashtags can make a HUGE difference in getting FOUND on Instagram. But, how do you know which hashtags to use?


N o t e : fo r posts in your IG F e e d yo u can h av e u p to 30 h ash tag s a n d fo r IG Stories it is up to 10 (althoug hI re c o m m end usin g only 3)

Open up a blank Word or Google document (on your computer) OR on your phone open up the Notes app (iPhone) or Notepad app (Android) Now, go back over to Instagram and start searching hashtags related to your market area and start to make a list of your hashtags. For example, if you are in NYC, you may start to search #NYCrealestate and see that #NYCRE comes up too. Add both of those to your list. The goal here is to have a running list of at least 15 hashtags. Save this document (to your computer or your phone.) Open up Instagram and post something pretty around your home - could be the beautiful sky, a front door, pretty flowers etc. And in the caption say something like, “I sure love where I live!” Then, use your hashtags. Going forward use these hashtags for your IG posts as they are relevant! After you are done - post in our Facebook Group check in and let us know how it went!

DAY 21 TIME TO CATCH UP: INSTAGRAM Today’s challenge is to catch up on any items you may not have had time for over the past seven days. Read through this week’s Instagram challenges and make sure you have completed all the items for this week.

Checklist Have you updated your bio? Tried out Instagram Stories? Created your video?

we Next week g it are puttin r all togethe g and talkin about schedules s! and system

Used hashtags? If you are all caught up - take your time today to schedule a few pieces of content on your Instagram page for the next 3-5 days. You can use the free Facebook Creator Studio to schedule some content or use a free tool like later.com. Go over to our Facebook Group and check in - let us know how this week is going for you.

Here are a few ideas for posts:

Add Yo Own Id e a s

MONDAY: Market update OR ___________________________ TUESDAY: Tip OR _______________________________________ WEDNESDAY: Wisdom OR ______________________________ THURSDAY: Throwback OR ______________________________ FRIDAY: Feature OR _____________________________________


DAY 22 PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER GETTING YOUR CALENDAR IN ORDER We are in the home stretch! This is the last week of the challenge. This week is all about putting it all together to create a smart plan.

Checklist Today, I would like you to download and print a free calendar (this one is my favorite). This is going to be helpful as we map out your social media plan. Go to: CalendarLabs.com and download the quarterly or monthly calendar. Once you download it, write on the calendar any important days that you are taking off (i.e. family birthdays, vacations, etc.) Go over to our Facebook Group and check in!

Over the next week, we are going to fill out your calendar with your social media content and you can also use this for other business planning!

DAY 23 DAILY TIME BLOCKING FOR SOCIAL MEDIA In the beginning of this challenge we talked a lot about being intentional, focus 5, relationship building, using lists, etc. It’s important that you make the time daily or at least a few times a week to do this.

Checklist Look at your calendar and time block 15 minutes a day at least three times a week to do this. It could be in the morning with your coffee as you start your day, lunchtime or even after dinner. Set aside this time to engage with others, build those relationships and also check your notifications and respond to anything you are tagged in. If you are active on more than one platform you are going to want to block off time for each platform. Check in over in our FB group and then we will see you tomorrow!


You may block off M/W/F from 9am-9:15 for Facebook and then T/TH from 1-1:15pm for Instagram. The key is just getting it onto your schedule so it becomes a routine.

DAY 24 MONTHLY TIME BLOCKING Yesterday I had you block out time to engage with people

Checklist Today I want you to look at your calendar and block out 30-60 minutes once a week where you will schedule content for the week ahead. It’s easier to do it all in one batch versus just posting. Check in over in our FB group and let us know what day you picked each week to time block for your schedule - and then we will see you tomorrow!



This is when you will schedule your posts for: Your open houses Your new listings Upload videos Tips Graphics Motivational quotes

DAY 25 CREATING YOUR MONTHLY PILLAR CONTENT PLAN One of the best ways to stand out in social media isn’t just to post for the sake of posting but posting original content ideally video content.

Checklist For today’s challenge - I want you to brainstorm a list of topics in your workbook you get asked all the time. What questions are you constantly answering in email or over the phone, or in person? Check in over in our FB group and then we will see you tomorrow!

Tomorrow, we are going to start adding those topics to your calendar and time blocking on a monthly basis - but for today, try to come up with a list of at least 12-15 topics.

What topics come up over and over? Who pays for what? Perhaps How is the market? things Is now a good time to buy/sell? like: Why should I stage my house?

How do I get the best price for my home? ____________________________________________________________ Add your own:

____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________

DAY 26 TIME BLOCKING YOUR MONTHLY BATCH CONTENT CREATION If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Today’s challenge is critical to your success!

Checklist Look at your topic list from yesterday. Pick one topic a week and add it to your calendar. That week - that is going to be your topic. For example, If you have 12 topics on your list you will add one topic per week for the next 12 weeks. If you are a rockstar and you came up with 52 topics - you now have 52 weeks of topic ideas! As you add a topic to your calendar - pick a day each week and stick with it. This will be the day that you publish a video on this topic (more on this tomorrow!) Consistency counts! It’s just like our fave TV shows we know what day/time they come out. We may DVR it ;) but we know! Go over to our Facebook Group and check in! Let us know what topics you came up with and what DAY you will be publishing your weekly content.


DAY 27 BATCH VIDEO CREATION This week you made a list of topics and you scheduled one per week on your calendar. Today, I want you to experience batching videos and yes, you can create 4 in 30 minutes - I promise!


Go to a quiet location - perhaps in your home office. Turn on all the lights and face a window for natural light. Write your 4 topics and/or bullet points for your 4 videos on a post-it or piece of paper. This is your 'cheat sheet!' Start your videos! SMILE then hit record.


Video Topic 1: Video Topic 2: Video Topic 3: Video Topic 4:

: a l u m r o f e l p m Here’s a si

1. Introduce yourself - name and brokerage 2. What is this video about 3. Give a few details or tips 4. Wrap it up - thank them for watching and ask them to comment below if they have questions.

DAY 28 REVIEW YOU CALENDAR Today, I want you to review your calendar. You should have these things blocked off:

Checklist Important birthdays, family days, vacations, etc (i.e. non work days!) 15 minutes a day (3-5x a week) to connect with people on social media per platform. 30-60 minutes once a week to schedule content for the week ahead. One topic per week (decide what day you will publish) One hour once a month to batch create videos for the month ahead. You should block off at least the next 3 months on your calendar. It will feel so good to have planned that far out! Make sure you now add these dates/times to your digital calendar. Can you believe we are almost near the end of the challenge? How is it going? What has been your big 'aha' moment? Go over to our Facebook Group and check in and let us know how it went today!

DAY 29 BECOME A MASTER AT REPURPOSING CONTENT I saved one of the best things for last! As you start to create your weekly videos - I recommend you repurpose and repost them on various platforms. I don’t mean ‘spray and pray’ but rather what is a systematic approach for repurposing video content each week. Here is a simple checklist you can use going forward to repurpose your content.

Checklist Post the video initially to FB (upload to you business page.) Share the video again as a new post the following week or month. Do an Instagram post about the video. Do an IG Story about the video. Add the video to IGTV. Upload the video to LinkedIn. Send an email to your database about the video - send them the Facebook link. Use your calendar to decide how and when you will repurpose. Questions? Go over to our Facebook Group and check in and let us know how it went today!

DAY 30


YOU COMPLETED THE 30-DAY CHALLENGE! I am sending you a virtual high five! I am so proud of the work that you did.

NOW - IT IS ALL ABOUT IMPLEMENTATION. Take today to finish any part of the challenge you did not finish. Don’t wait - time is of the essence. Then, check in over in our FB group and let us know how you did and what your big aha moments were!

Lastly - the fun is not over! If you enjoyed this challenge - and are not yet part of our #GetSocialSmart Academy - check it out today!

KatieLance.com/Academy DON’T MISS OUT - SIGN UP TODAY!


Additional Resources CHECK OUT THESE ADDITIONAL RESOURCES FROM KATIE LANCE CONSULTING Free Resource Library - Tons of FREE downloads including our content grid, Instaguide to Instagram and more! KATIELANCE.COM/FREE-RESOURCE-LIBRARY YouTube Channel - Weekly videos to help you hone your social media strategy. YOUTUBE.COM/KATIELANCECONSULTING The Katie Lance Podcast - Weekly episodes all about business, social media, motherhood and entrepreneurship. KATIELANCE.COM/PODCAST #GetSocialSmart Book - A guidebook for creating your social media strategy. KATIELANCE.COM/GET-SOCIAL-SMART-BOOK #GetSocialSmart Academy - Our premier offering! Access to our complete training library, weekly #CoffeeWithKatie chats, private Facebook Group, accountability and so much more! KATIELANCE.COM/ACADEMY

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