Lisa Roberts FOLIO

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LISA ROBERTS FOLIO Creative participatory platforms in public space in Finland and the UK.

“In Finland I work independently as a transdisciplinary artist and curator and as part of Pagan collective (technologist Daniel Blackburn, designer Tuomo Tammenpää and artist Lisa Roberts). We have designed and implemented computation art installations and commissions such as Bucket VR and Chrysalis. Most of my extensive work in the UK was designed and delivered with my partner Andrew Wilson as independent socially engaged arts organization, Blink.

My community projects include writing, poetry and music and spoken word audio created during face-to-face workshops. Here is a brief introduction to some of my unique site/object specific initiatives where community participation was integral. I have used text messages, Open data, Google maps, QR codes, RFID, Bluetooth and AR to create site-specific and site-sensitive interactions.”

City Poems

Departures lounge at Leeds City Airport, waiting rooms, bus stops, bars 2003-5

A text message biography of Leeds, delivered from a network of Poem Points around the city. In 2004 Stadschromosomen used mobile phones and text messages to link the cities of Leeds and Antwerp for UNESCO’s World Book Capital celebrations. City Poems archived here


Esplanadi Park, Malminkartano Hill and Suomenlinna, Helsinki

A site-specific installation in augmented reality that emitted strange frequencies in response to all kinds of environmental stimuli. There were two virtual creatures to discover and interact across in special places using a free AR app. To find out more and listen to audio recordings here. Chrysalis

Bucket VR and Bucket Reality

Explored the future of sculpture in the everyday world of virtual reality. Visitors are invited to explore three miniature handmade worlds using a VR headset mounted inside a bucket that hangs from the ceiling. Featured in media art collective Kruk’s TAKEOVER exhibition 2018 Sculptor Gallery and in the Pagan showcase in Kulturhus Björkboda in 2021. We ran DIY miniature diorama scene workshops at Pixelache in 2018-19. More.

Sound Cleaner

A site-specific audio installation that invited visitors to listen to sounds while moving around the gallery, posing as a cleaner. Gallery visitors put on the headphones and gently sweep the modified mop through the gallery. Dierent short sounds play automatically and transport the visitor to another place or time through the dreams of the cleaner. Each sound can in some way aect how you see the other artworks in the exhibition. Made with LauNau and Leena Pylkkö. Anniversary Exhibition of the Turku Artists’ Association. ARS NOVA 2020. More.

Island Audio

A multi-site sound installation made with composers Laura Naukinnen (Lau Nau) and Antti Tolvi. We collected and shared sounds from eight sites across Kemiönsaari including Söderlångvik, the Lock Museum and now closed Lock factory in Björkboda, Mjösund brick works, the steel factory in Dalsbruk, church bells in Västanfjärd, children’s choirs and sounds of migrating birds in Kiila. Walkers accessed the audio by scanning a QR code with their mobile phones.More.

Room 41 Huoneiden Kirja (The Book of Rooms)

With composer Laura Naukkarinen and artist Leena Pylkkö I created Room 41 as part of the immersive theatre experience and art installation the Book of Rooms in Turku. Based on Saila Susiluoto’s poem, The Book of Rooms was created by artists in an empty building with its courtyards into a multi-artistic and sensual experience. Using RFID chips, sensors and a modified vacuum cleaner, we invited curious visitors to discover sounds hidden in objects around the dressing room. Awarded with the Finnish National Performing Arts Price 2021.

Mobile Museum

Leeds City Museums and Art Galleries including Leeds Art Gallery, Royal Armouries, UK - Leeds Industrial Museum, Abbey House Museum 2008 Writing and text message initiative connected visitors with objects

LifeSize was an urban design initiative delivered as part of the Regional Renaissance programme in Bridlington, East Yorkshire. The week-long intensive project enabled young people to map out their town centre using mobile phones, sms and flickr. Later in the year participants presented their ideas about the future of Bridlington to the Renaissance Town Team


G8WAY and VIEWPOINT was a two-year collaborative project led by Fenland District Council

were we found new ways to engage and connect groups of young people using creative challenges, mobile phones for writing, photo-documentary, dance and a relay picture messaging project called Postcards from Fenland.

Viewpoint connected heritage museums and collections with families and children across the region through a two-way mobile phone treasure hunt. More.

Podcamp 2009

An onsite-residency brought young carers, artists, poets, forestry professionals and sculptors to make shelters and write text poems for each new private space in Grizedale Sculpture Park. More

Further reading about my work with hand-held technology and creativity Archaeology of Mobile Film: Blink, Bluevend, and the Pocket Shorts by Kim Louise Walden. Here.

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