. . ... ByManuscriptedit Do not misrepresent yourself. Dont include anything that doesnt answer the questions. Dont lengthen your paper.... . . ... The Dos Use language such that the ideas are presented clearly without any ambiguity. Present your ideas and methods used in the research.. . . ... Do and donts Of the research Do and Donts of research Key elements to Academic writing Write in a clear, plain style. Key elements to.... Research can be an intimidating and overwhelming process, but it doesnt have to be! Weve compiled a list of Dos and Donts of research to help guide you.... Research DOs and DONTs. READY! SET! RESEARCH! How to Write Super Research Papers! ... Purdue University has an outstanding writing lab that can help with.... . . ... Dos and Donts for Research Writing . Dont blow off grammar. Grammar mistakes look very unprofessional and immediately sink your standing in.... . . ... The Dos And Donts of Writing Research Papers Never write any false statement as it reduced the effec