7 SEO Trends That Will Rule Year 2017

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7 SEO Trends to Watch in

Year 2017 https://www.gicree.com/

Evey SEO Agency, SEO Individual or SEO Freelancer must have seen ups and down in the year 2016. Now new year 2017 has approached and it’s time to think about the trend and strategy for this year. It looks like year 2017 will be very interesting year for SEO, with the following trends dominating the arena.


Top Trends in 2017 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

The Rise of AMPs (Accelerated Mobile Pages) “Dense” Content Machine Learning Language (Rank Brain) User Experience Optimization Mobile Application Marketing Video Content Voice Search


1. The Rise of AMPs Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) are an open source protocol launched by google which allows webmaster to create pages capable of loading almost instantly on mobile devices. So the simple structural changes will help your site load up to four times faster than normal pages and will use 8 times less data. Google has started favoring the sites who has switched to AMPs. In 2017 AMP pages will rules the SERP. https://www.gicree.com/

2. Dense Content World wide web is full of repeated content and people are getting bored now by reading such content over and over in different words. Till now the lengthy content were ruling the ranking. But as per my opinion, in the upcoming trend the content which fit in small space and have all the possible information will people love to read and will be more appealing to reader compare to lengthy contents.


3. Machine Learning Language (Rank Brain) Google released rank brain a machine learning language in last year. Google noticed that queries based search is being increased year by year. So they introduced the rank brain in which google will give customized answer as per the user’s query and the query will be added in the database for further assistance. Google might rolling out or will make change in this update in upcoming years.


4. User Experience Optimization User experience is always beneficial for the SEO. Google favors the sites which are properly optimized for users. Release of AMP shows how Google care more about use experience optimization. And in the upcoming days Google will surely release some updates regarding user experience optimization.


5. Mobile Application Marketing The rise of the mobile usage is almost doubled in the last 10 years. And the smartphones are ruling in the world so the significant increase in the mobile applications. Almost every small or big business now want their application in user’s smartphone. So in the upcoming years we will see the demand of mobile application marketing.


6. Video Content Marketing People started loving the video contents, because they help to convey the message easier compare to the written content. So properly optimized video will be getting more user engagement. In the upcoming years we will see the rise in video content marketing.


7. Voice Search Voice search is an ongoing project in the tech industry for a few years now. It is becoming fastest searching option for smartphone user. It’s hands-free, fast and futuristic. The goal for voice search in 2017 is to go above and beyond voice recognition and evolve into voice understanding. There’s no denying that voice search is a one of the biggest trends of the digital age. https://www.gicree.com/

Gicree.Com - Online Business Marketplace Are you planning to optimize your website for year 2017? Than be careful as Google is becoming more and more smart. You have to work according to Google’s algorithmic changes. At Gicree you will find hundreds of freelance SEO strategist who know the upcoming trends and how to deal with them. Hire them and rule your business in the SERP.


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