Lisbeth Mora

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LISBETH MORA Columbia University


M. Arch 2014

Front and back cover: Murmuration completed as part of the Architectural Drawing & Representation sequence.

LISBETH MORA Columbia University


M. Arch 2014

GSAPP | Graduate School of Architecture, Planning. and Preservation Columbia University New York, NY

Master of Architecture 2011 - 2014

Š Lisbeth Mora All rights reserved.


Design Studios Dali Cultural Center American Embassy in Amman San Andreas National Park Housing Agave Student Loan Bank Food Research Center

01 13 27 39 53 69

Visual Studies Exoskeleton Murmuration Skyscraper

77 79 81

Building Technologies Tech Shop 89 Rose Center 97 Taxi Stand 107 Filter 113 Fabrication Boom Multifaceted Stumpy

119 125 131

Workshop i2A Workshop



This portfolio is a compilation of my studies as a Master of Architecture student at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation from 2011 - 2014. My research and interests in the field of architecture are rooted in the realm of form and fabrication, seeking to reinvent space through experimentation and materiality. I am deeply fascinated by the role of architecture in the urban fabric, and seek to question the notion of public space within it. While my interest with architecture stems from how it is visualized, the overall experience of the user is the ultimate driving force, as I challenge the methods of visual representation, design strategies, and processes through experimentation. While this does not represent a stage of completeness, it is reflective of my personal interests in design and fabrication and the ongoing research that I hope to further in my professional career.

Lisbeth Mora

Design Studios

DALI CULTURAL CENTER Advanced Studio 6 | Jeffrey Johnson & Pei Zhu

Located within a rural isolated part of Dali within the Yunnan province of China, nature became a key factor in considering the context of locating a museum and cultural center. The current overpopulation of uncurated museums in China today questions whether the museum of the future can be rooted in local culture and be better situated within the local community. The museum and cultural center in Dali is centered on creating a public space rooted on local culture and cuisine as a means of integrating the community of Dali within the existing agricultural fabric. The natural features of the site, including the landscape, the neighboring forest of trees, and mountainscape provided a canvas for creating a building that seamlessly blended into its context. The abundance of markets and street vendors, selling everything from local crops to artisanal handmade objects questions whether the new museum can become a part of the current network of markets in Dali. The notion of an occupiable roof that would allow for market space beneath, led to the integration of the ground floor with the landscape. Additionally, a grid of columns provided a structural system for the building, and additionally served as an organizational tool for the market which could be organized according to the rigid system.


Left: Models depicting the structural grid of columns, sandwiched in between two layers of program.




A 75 meter cube provided the basis for the structural gird of columns and created an open ground plan to enable the market space while generating social activity. Entrances oriented towards the street, the neighboring forest of trees, and the residences to the north allow for circulation through the ground plane, with several connections allowing for entrances to the more private spaces located below and above. The open middle layer would be able to adapt to various programmatic elements, and the flexibility of the space resulted from the landscape in its continuous form. At night, the building also functions as a community center holding cultural events, such as dances and theatre events.


art studios







tea house

tea house


market : activated

ground �loor



entrance library

artist studios


theatre gallery






Below: Entrances oriented towards nearby points of interest create circulation paths through the market.


Several cuts within provide skylights and entry points in to the building. The suspended roof allows for several visual connections with the landscape, mountains, and forest. The manipulation of the roof consists of wooden offsets to create a porosity and allows light to penetrate through while creating seating throughout the public open space. The porous wooden members also allowed for visibility outwards, where users would have viewing abilities towards the natural features of the site. For the roof, the offsets served as a tool for organizing the theatre, library, and artist studios. Contouring the ground plane of the roof created seating for the theater, shelves for the library, and divisions for the artist studios.


Below: Interior view of the main galleries and entrance to the tea house below the market space.



AMERICAN EMBASSY IN AMMAN Advanced Studio 5 | Amale Andraos

The current American embassy in Amman, a highly secure and protected edifice, is a manifestation of power in foreign territory. The existing embassy maintains several guidelines of security - parameters that include offsets, barriers, and distance requirements from the exterior of the more confidential elements. As a physical boundary and yet another sign of protection, a 9-feet stand alone wall wraps the site which not only contain consular offices and administration of diplomatic significance but also house residences for the ambassador, marines, and plenty of recreational facilities for those who live and work onsite. The new American embassy in Amman embraces the image of the current embassy. It is an object within a foreign urban fabric - a compound seemingly made to appear like a fortress to the outsider. In this new fortress, the wall is the defining boundary between the inside and outside and ultimately serves as a symbol of security and power to the public. As a result, the entrance - the break in the boundary, is the first point of interaction and contact with the compound itself. On a 539, 294 square foot site, where only 34% of the site footprint is utilized with built program, the current US embassy embodies a surplus of space that is reflective of American culture and its economy of excess. As a critical approach to this excess of space on foreign territory, the new embassy accepts the surplus area and utilizes the existing site boundary as the building footprint.


Left: Massing models; 1/64� scale.


public : private

offset : wall


parking / service


ambassador marine

entrance : incision

circulation : axis


In the new embassy, the seemingly disconnected wall, which serves as a physical barrier, security, and buffer zone, becomes the new building perimeter where the wall is extruded and manipulated to form space within. Program is embedded into this new wall, housing recreational and leisure facilities of the embassy, including a commercial shopping center. The wall becomes symbolic of American life as leisure is pushed to the perimeter, giving the illusion of power and density from the exterior. Carvings from within form the embassy itself and provide a hyper real environment, where gardens form a fictional landscape embedded in the wall of power and leisure.



As a tool for increased public participation, the new embassy houses programs to encourage local use. The wall, which not only houses the recreational facilities associated with the embassy and its residents, such as a gym and pools, also houses a commercial center. This commercial aspect, which is also symbolic of American leisure, strives to redefine diplomatic programs

abroad. The existing wall of security of the embassy is a stand-alone, 9-foot concrete wall. The new embassy incorporates a mere security guideline into the principal overall design, where the once opaque wall meant to hide everything within, provides some transparency into the seemingly hidden program of diplomacy.


While the wall contains moments of visibility inwards, the consular and confidential programs of the embassy are hidden in a mosaic of smaller buildings within. The buildings provide the illusion of carvings from the extrusion of the exterior wall, where several axis’ of circulation dissect the secure programs. Each building houses a distinct component of consular services - ranging from

administration to maintenance to residences for the ambassador and marines. Greenery and recreational areas are dispersed throughout, which are meant to provide places of relaxation and recreation for the residents and employees. The incisions into the wall provide points of entry for each user - the public, the ambassador, the marines, employees, and service vehicles.

top secret


kiddie pool

indoor basketball

indoor track


Right: Second and third floor plans highlighting rooftop gardens. While the recreational areas on the ground floor are floral gardens, the gardens on the second and third floors are dry gardens, depicting the beautiful landscape of Amman. 20




rooftop rock garden green garden

EMBASSY CORE consular service

chancery marine housing ambassador housing


WALL OF LEISURE commercial parking gym

american club

SITE BOUNDARY 100’ offset


From above, the site of the new embassy portrays a mosaic of smaller edifices, as a security measure meant to camouflage the more confidential buildings. Some roofscapes however, provide a place for social gathering for users, where an elevated garden provides shade below. Several buildings also contain courtyards, meant to maximize natural sunlight and allow air circulation in what is now an artificially lit embassy in the desert of Amman. The famous limestone that is found throughout Amman is further implemented in the embassy through the use of limestone bricks which are not only utilized for the exterior wall, but for the interior buildings as well. As an approach to massing in a site over 500,000 square feet in size, the building footprint

serves as a base for the extrusion of the exterior wall. The wall maintains a specific thickness needed to house the recreational facilities and leisure activities, allowing for the interior core to serve as the space for consular and diplomatic services. This offset of 100 feet, per regulations of the American government, maintains for a density found within.


Below: Interior view of the wall, which houses recreational and leisure facilities for residents, employees, and the public. The American Club, which is situated on site in the current embassy, is also housed inside the wall.



SAN ANDREAS FAULT NATIONAL PARK Advanced Studio 4 | Geoff Manaugh

Located within the Tomales Bay in Northern California, the 15 mile long bay created by the San Andreas Fault serves as the proposed site for the San Andreas Fault National Park. Tomales Bay is a 1-mile wide rift valley of the San Andreas Fault between the Point Reyes Peninsula and the California mainland, and is located 45 miles northeast of San Francisco. Known for its oyster cultivation, this popular tourist destination offers amenities such as oyster bars, kayak rentals, and campgrounds for visitors. Water and hiking trails also provide access to the park’s 120 square miles with designated key points that present information relating to the fault and seismic activity. Tomales Bay, where the Pacific plate meets the North American Plate, is the site for the Seismic Interpretive Center, a facility for seismic study and research. The Center is located in the heart of local seismic activity - along the Bay itself. Public program and exhibitions in the Seismic Interpretive Center cater to the many tourists who visit the area.

Tomales Bay National P



roads hiking trails water trails




Park 1


Below: Trail infrastructure plan, with kayak dock station.


water fountain seating


exhibition space


kayak rental shop kayak shed


The trail infrastructure consists of a fragmented language that mimics the tectonic language of the fault, and is composed of Mahogany planks, a type of wood that is ideal for its resistance to deteriorate outdoors. The Redwood planks create moments of program along paved points of the trail including seating, kayak docks and enclosures for ranger stations and restrooms. Equipped with seismic and geological laboratories, museum space, and an auditorium aiming to educate the public and relay seismic information. With current kayaking activities being popular in Tomales Bay, an added dock station allows visitors to further circulate the park and learn from the exhibition space located within. Water trails within the park lead to points of interest and the Seismic Interpretive Center.



Below: Entry leading to the Seismic Interpretive Center, where the trail intersects the building and visitors enter through the roof.


Lower Level

Auditorium - First Level


Private Lab


Oyster Bar

Ground Floor

Seismology Lab Outdoor Seating

Auditorium - Second Level

Gift Store


Amphitheater Overlook


Auditorium - Balcony Level



Light Wells

Scientists and geologists researching the fault co-habitate with tourists in the Center, increasing the possibility for interaction between the two groups and the intellectual exchange of knowledge. The trail dissects the Seismic Interpretive Center made of rammed earth, and much like the fault, is fragmented to create smaller paths of circulation throughout the building. Additionally, the accessible roof, which serves as an extension of the trail itself, includes a cafĂŠ, amphitheater, and several overlooks for public use and gatherings, with views being oriented towards Tomales Bay. Several public programs located within, such as a simulator and public lab, allow for public interaction with researchers, while providing educational insight into seismic activity and the San Andreas Fault.


The trails found throughout the park intersect the building, becoming the main circulation path inside and the roof above. Additionally, the trails interweave to create pockets of programming and the public elements. Research labs located within the Seismic Research Center allow for interaction between lab scientists and the public. Visitors circulate through the labs, while gaining exposure to the seismic research being done. Skylights found on the roof are projected into the layout of the main floor, and provide visibility to the social activity above.

te Lab

Oyster Bar

Exhibition Space

eating Earthquake Simulator


Light Wells


Below: Fragmentation of the Seismic Interpretive Center, resembling the diaspora of the San Andreas Fault itself, is visible in the formal qualities of the building and the subdivision of areas.





HOUSING AGAVE Core Studio 3 | Ada Tolla & Guiseppe Lignano with Thomas Demonchaux In collaboration with Ricardo Vega

Utilizing building infrastructure as the basis for design, housing units incorporate the growth of agave to produce agave nectar, the healthier alternative to sugar sweeteners. Agave would be utilized for the community of East Harlem in New York in efforts to lower the rates for obesity and diabetes which are at an extreme high. In efforts to create housing fit to the cultural context of the site, the co operative allows for housing units to be communal - meant to allow extended families to share common areas such as the kitchen and living room. Additionally, each level also contains several microunits, for the other extreme - those who do not have larger families. The agave production and processing occurs within the housing units themselves. Each programmatic function of the building itself maintains a process, method, or technique, of producing the agave itself. Residents maintain the agave in a communal effort to sustain its production and growth. As a tectonic and structural precedent, an airplane wing was utilized as a precedent for its functional qualities in the development of each level, where gravity was utilized as the main tool for allowing the flow of infrastructural properties such as filtered water, irrigation, and the nectar itself. The slight rotation of each level allows for maximum sunlight to penetrate the agave, which rests on each floor on a structural waffle grid.



90 °

Me ch an ica lS ec o

Total : 260

Me ch an ica

*Slightly angled to slowly �ilter �luids as they �low into the core. One base per unit, including microunits.

ain lM





l er Ov

Agave Growth Pattern




low be ap erl Ov

Infra (Structure)


ab ov e Ab ov e+

bel ow ove rla p

Housing Overlap Zones

Total Agave : 7,217 In Harvest Cycle : 481 Nectar per Month : 144, 340 L Syrup per Month : 28, 868 L Revenue Approx : $447, 454 / Month Production/unit : 147 L = $2, 278


otal : 20-25 Per Floor Arranged within a 14’ wide grid.

n tio ta Ro

y ar nd

otal Communal Spaces : 64 itchens : 46 aundromats : 8 ym: 1

W in g

Each level, a wing of the building, contains communal and micro units with are arrayed linearly, with the core at the center and the unifying structural component. As the building increases in height, each level increases horizontally the overall building toBase Communalallowing Kitchens Infrastuctural taper. Each wing is rotated 15 degrees to optimize sunlight for agave production. Programmatically, each wing contains two levels - the lower level contains the private living quarters, and the upper level houses all communal areas - the kitchen, living room, libraries, and laundry rooms meant to be shared amongst residents. The ground level floor and the top level, being the smallest, both contain public elements.

Housing Total Units : 196 Family Cluster : 48 Micro Units : 100 Approx. Pop. : 388-484

Communal Kitchens Total Communal Spaces : 64 Kitchens : 46 Laundromats : 8 Gym: 1

Infrastuctural Base Total : 260 *Slightly angled to slowly �ilter �luids as they �low into the core. One base per unit, including microunits.

er Ov

Primary Circulation Internal Hallways : 8 (One Per Floor) Swithcbacks : 48 (Six Per Floor)


Infra (Structure) Total : 20-25 Per Floor *Arranged within a 14’ wide grid.

Agave Growth Pattern Total Agave : 7,217 In Harvest Cycle : 481 Nectar per Month : 144, 340 L Syrup per Month : 28, 868 L Revenue Approx : $447, 454 / Month Production/unit : 147 L = $2, 278

5th Floor

Lower Level Plan

Micro Unit

Micro Unit

1 Cluster

1 Cluster


Ground Floor Level 2 Level 3

Level 4

Communal Level



The processing of the agave nectar and the production of the Agave Infrastructure plant itself centers on a structural Heating Filteredwhere nectar is heated and waffle grid, the infrastrucsent to processing cores ture needed is the also embedded. where agave nectar where �inal processing and Pipes for irrigation and for the packaging occurs. nectar itself run alongside the beams of the waffle system, where Water Pipes the size of the grid is dependent on its distance to the housing Nectar Filter units. The waffle structure also wraps around the housing units themselves, forming the envelope for the communal units and sepWaf�le Structure Main Water Infrastructure arating the communal areas from Follows the diagonal structural memberlevels. across the wing and the private delivers water for irrgiation to the is unitfiltered below. The agave nectar from the waffle structure to the communal kitchens. Once heated through the heat produced by the resident in the kitchen, it is then transferred to processing coresWater Sprinkler via pipes in the main corridor of each level, Bathroom/living Room Kitchen Porch Water Nectar Services


1 Harvest











Hydrolosis (High Heat) Raw Process (< 117 )

Agave Growth Area


Agave nectar �lows downward and into diagonal member where it slowly �ilters until it arrives at the kitchens to heat.


Filtered nectar is heated and sent to processing cores where the agave nectar where �inal processing and packaging occurs.

Water Pipe

Nectar Filte

Main Water Infrastructure

Irrigation Misters

Waf�le Stru

Follows the diagonal structural member across the wing and delivers water for irrgiation to the unit below.

Receive new and recycled water from the wing above (via diagonal members) and sprays water into the wing below.

Water Sprin

Bathroom/living Room Kitchen Porch Water Nectar Services




The facade of the building, made to correspond the activity of the residents inside, consists of operable screens. These screens allow for transparency when needed, and are adaptable to different scenarios of interaction amongst residents. The screens on the communal level also have the ability to open, and create an extension of the kitchen to the outdoors, and are catered towards

larger events residents may have. The corridor along the screens, which serve as private circulation paths, with bedrooms located on either side. The suspended agave plants above provide some shading, but also allow natural lighting to seep through the plants. With the operable screens, the facade of the building will constantly be in flux, adapting to the needs of the residents on a daily basis.


e tch Ki

Communal Kitchen h rc Po




y wa







c bli

alk W

Below: Operable screen interface adapts to the daily needs of the residents. The communal kitchen serves as a hub for social activity and interaction amongst residents.


Community & Privacy

Housing Overlap

Access & Circulation

Public Laundromats

Public Switchback Combined Kitchen + Social Space Processing Cores

Private Kitchen Access Semi-private Corridor




Public Escalator Microunit Multi-generational Cluster

Public Semi Public Private Hyper Private


Public Access Public Walkways Semi Private Corridor

Above Overlap

Private Egress

Below Overlap

Each modular wing, with housing unit embedded within the structural waffle system, has the ability to be adapted and deployed according to different systems. While the clusters have the capability of being aggregated in distinct methods, the functions of communal living maintain similar functions. The systematic possibilities for aggregation are many, and allow for the adaptation Switchback Stack


Switchback Stack & Turn

of custom environments and scenarios. The switchback stack method of aggregation allows for the systematic relationship between two structures, where access between the two occurs in the intertwining structural elements. The radial system, on the other hand allows for a radial distribution of units, where the agave is situated on the exterior.

Radial Clusters






























































STUDENT LOAN BANK Core II | Mabel Wilson

Through initial material studies, coffee filters and bristol apertures served an explorations in the tectonics of everyday objects. Translucency and light filtration became key components which ultimately translated into a secondary skin while the initial coffee filters served as inspiration for cells, spaces which could be adapted in scale according to programmatic function and use. Located near New York University in lower Manhattan, the bank seeks to cater to students in an economy where student debt is on a rise, in an environment with a high density of students. Providing services such as loan and financial counseling, the bank strives to lower student debt and provide aid to those in need. The bank seeks to address the next economic bubble - that of student loan debt which is at an all time high. In efforts to lower student debt, the bank focuses on addressing the initial problem - lack of financial knowledge. By providing financial advising to students before they commit to large quantities of borrowed funds, the bank hopes to make students financially responsible and autonomous from corporate financing institutions.



The coffee filter, assigned as the everyday object of the coffee filter as the material study element, became a tool for the study of transparency, translucency, and light. The coffee filters were sewn together to create a method of aggregation, Additionally, layering a varying degree of filters became the mechanism by which light filters were created, with varying light densities as a result. Focusing on the negative pockets of space from the coffee filters, bristol apertures were created to simulate the voids by which light passed. The opaque qualities of the bristol, in contrast to the translucency of the coffee filters, allowed the bristol modules to become light apertures.


Left: Coffee filter model highlighting density and translucency. Right: Bristol apperture translation model, which served as the inspiration for the facade of the bank.



With increasing tuition and higher unemployment rates, students are facing their own financial crises. This bank seeks to provide autonomy to students from corporate sponsorship and financial institutions to decrease the amount of student debt nationally.


With today’s current financial situation involving student debt, educational financing awareness is more important than ever. Although many of today’s students blindly accept loans without fully understanding the long term effects, counseling would aid in making healthy financial decisions while learning about financial responsibility. This exchange of knowledge, made possible through financial advising at different scales, allows students to gain insight on the consequences of student debt. Individual advising cells, group classrooms, and a large auditorium provide distinct environments for the exchange of knowledge in the student loan bank.












Left: Components of individual cells, and structural layering with appertures providing a gradience in visibility outwards.


Right: Longitudinal section highlighting auditorium space with classroom cells around the periphery.









FOOD RESEARCH CENTER Core I | Mark Rakatansky

The plaza - often a mere transitional space - is incorporated in 3 different levels of the food research center to generate social interaction. The center focuses on the interrelationship and attributes of plazas to increase public awareness of food research and methods. These social places become key areas of high social activity, in Manhattanville where spaces shared by the community are lacking. To further create opportunities for public use, the plaza occurs at intervals throughout the building, and addresses key nearby points of interest. The nearby Hudson River, neighboring bridge, and its proximity to Manhatanville are directionally addressed. Open spaces to congregate face each significant point, with additional entrances being stationed accordingly. Aquaponics became a focus of the food research center, where the application, techniques, and methods of the food-growing system was visible from the exterior. The key components of aquaponics, including the fish tanks, additionally became landmarks for the plazas, where each plaza contained a significant part of the aquaponic process.



Pedestrian Bridge Hudson River Manhatanville

Right: Exterior view, with the aquaponic lab visible from the street.


Aquaponic Fish Tank

Plant beds

Data hub Food Prep

Seed Storage

Seed Library


Vertical fluidity of the aquaponic components allow for eased transportation between stages. Pipes connected to the fish tank transport nutrients to the plant bed boxes. Additionally, public classrooms are dispersed to create educational areas for workshops and other public events. Food preparation areas also demonstrate the use and effectiveness of aquaponics, to increase awareness amongst the local community. A seed library and storage system at the entrance plaza allows the public to be in constant interaction with the research center, and additionally contains seeds for public use in hopes of encouraging use amongst locals. A connection to the neighboring bridge creates an additional access point, and increases circulation.


Left: View from nearby pedestrian bridge, with the aquaponic tank visible.



Visual Studies


EXOSKELETON Architectural Drawing + Representation | Kutan Ayata

Experimenting with software such as Grasshopper for visual representation, this drawing is influenced by Santiago Calatatrava’s use of repetitive skeletal structural elements in L’Hemisferic within the City of Arts & Sciences in Valencia, Spain. The torsion of the individual members serves as a critical interpretation of the static tectonics the structure evokes. The exoskeleton of the existing structure, represented through infinite lines intersecting on the canvas, create an organic movement of elements, that in whole produce a fluid movement. The density of lines mimics Calatrava’s constant use of repetition - in both construction and execution. The infinite qualities of the lines that seem to extend beyond the border of the drawing, insinuates an undefined quality that is often not associated with his work - especially that of the hemispheric and controlled environment inside.



MURMURATION Architectural Drawing + Representation | Kutan Ayata

Analyzing the abstract qualities of murmuration - the synchronized movement of birds in group settings - this drawing seeks to illustrate the flow and density of a field in contrast to its environment. Giving the notion of a fabric-like texture, this drawing experiments with light, movement, and fluidity. The textural qualities produced by the contrast and density of lines illustrates the fluidity associated with murmuration, where small components produce a collective whole. Experimenting with parametric functions, color, and light, a gradience of density and light was produced across the whole, insinuating a movement in a field condition. Consisting of independent lines of distinct sizes and directionality, the aggregation of objects in the field produces a collective organization of fluidity. Much like the gradual movement of birds in murmuration, the gradience produced as a result is indicative of the delicate movement and the process of fluidity that is relative to the field condition.



PARAMETRIC TOWER Integrated Parametric Delivery | Brian Lee + John Lee In collaboration with Yiwen Yuan

Located in the vicinity of Washington Square Park in New York, the Parametric Tower seeks to create an icon in the midst of the educational environment near New York University. Incorporating programmatic functions to meet the needs of the students, the building encompasses a multi-use dorm building. Fit with a library, studios, and an auditorium, the 32-storey tower is designed around the lighting needs of each programmatic element. A single atrium unites each floor, where daylight allows for maximum exposure inside. Oriented towards the sun, the atrium, contained with public elements, stretches the entire length of the facade. The remainder of the exterior consists of vertical strip panels, meant to provide privacy for the dormitories. Two types of vertical panels, each of different extrusion lengths, allow for a rough distinction in comparison to the smooth glass atrium.



Right: Form finding experiments through Grasshopper via wind analysis and sunlight exposure.


To create the overall form of the tower, Grasshopper was utilized to orient the atrium to maximum sunlight exposure, while creating a delicate undulating form. Additionally, a wind analysis on the form of the building was tested against wind patterns of varying degrees. The main structural element is a 3 dimensional space frame, from which the glazing and vertical panels of varying opacity are secured. To create a welcoming environment, the facade peels onto the ground floor, where the main public programs are located for increased interaction with the students.



Left: Exterior rendering of the parametric tower. Right: The 3 dimensional space frame of the tower is visible from the exterior via the atrium, where maximum sunlight penetrates the tower and provides sufficient daylight for the programs inside.



Building Technologies


TECH SHOP Tech V | Anton Martinez In collaboration with Dan Luo, Tina Gao, & Sarah Habib

The Tech-Shop serves as part fabrication, part prototyping lab and part artist gallery/studio space. Tech-Shop provides professional equipment, software, studio and exhibition space for renters of the space to utilize. Additionally, the Shop offers comprehensive instruction and expert staff to ensure a safe and rewarding educational experience. It also offers a space for artists to explore their creative potential both individually and in a collaborative environment. In the spirit of an open access creative facility and a do-it-yourself aesthetic, the building adopts simple, open and flexible floor plans. The first floor is dedicated to public use, while the second to seventh floor is dedicated to labs, studios and event space. The facade is also an expression of prefabricated modular system, utilizing entirely precast pre-insulated panels for a clean exterior. The atrium, which spans the entire height of the building, divides the building into two spaces, where the studios are separated to achieve privacy and a focused work environment.



Each panel, which spans the length of a wall, is subdivided through exterior indentations to create a seamless, elegant aesthetic. The panels are 6 inch wide sandwich panels, which are low risk pre-insulated pre-cast panels: (2 inches of concrete on interior and exterior sides with 2 inches of rigid insulation sandwiched in be- tween). The joints between the panels are “two-stage” joints. These joints have two lines of defense for weatherproofing (two pairs of sealant and backer rod). The joint consists of a rain barrier near the exterior face and an air seal close to the interior face of the panels. The rain barrier is designed to shed most of the water from the joint and the air seal is the demarcation line between outside and inside air pressures. Between these two

stages is an equalization or expansion chamber, which is vented and drained to the outside by proper flashing installations. The rain barrier prevents most of the rain and airborne water from entering the joint. If airborne water (wind-driven rain) penetrates this barrier, it will drain off in the expansion chamber as the kinetic energy is dissipated and the air loses its ability to carry the water. The panels are connected to the concrete slab via welded plates connecting anchors in both the panels and slabs, which then are finished with grout to give the joints a clean finish.

Typical Panel

First Floor Panel

6’ - 2”

4’ - 8” 9’ - 3”

4’ - 8”

3’ - 2”


6’ - 3”

12’ - 4”

South Elevation

3/4 ” Indentation

Panel Design

1/16” =1’


North Elevation

East Elevation

West Elevation

1/16” =1’

1/16” =1’

1/16” =1’














24’ 6” 24’ 6”

24’ 6”


24’ 6”

24’ 6”

24’ 6”

24’ 6”

24’ 6”

24’ 6”

24’ 6”



24’ 6”


Jan Storage

21’ 6”

Mechanical Room

Mechanical Room W




Elec W


21’ 6”





21’ 6”



1 2 A1



Typical Floor Plan 1/8” =1’


24’ 6”

24’ 6”


D 24’ 6”

E 24’ 6”



24’ 6”


24’ 6”


24’ 6”


24’ 6”


24’ 6”




24’ 6”

24’ 6”



Storage Mechanical Room 21’ 6”

Mechanical Room W




Elec W


21’ 6”




21’ 6”

Event Space




7th Floor Plan 1/8” =1’


24’ 6”


24’ 6”

D 24’ 6”

E 24’ 6”

F 24’ 6”

G 24’ 6”

H 24’ 6”

I 24’ 6”

J 24’ 6”

K 24’ 6”




L 24’ 6”


21’ 6”

Delivery Mechanical Room

Mechanical Room

Heat Exchanger/ Pump







21’ 6”





21’ 6”




Section Cc

1 1 A1

92 Ground Floor Plan 1/8” =1’

The prominent seven story atrium provides a more public circulation and gathering space. The atrium also doubles as a media wall, further activating the center of building and giving the overall minimal concrete structure a provocative focal point. Many of the design choices reflect this play on tension between transparency and opaqueness, monumentality and delicacy; from the glass window perforation


Section AA

of the concrete panel system, to the seeming division of the entire concrete building with the glass atrium. The structural skeleton of the building is an entirely cast-in-place reinforced concrete slab, droppanel and column system to continue on the walls and floors the concrete look of the pre-cast facade panels.

Section BB


Laminated Glass Treads


Laminated Glass Panels

+116 ft



Sideview Laminated Glass Treads Laminated Glass Panels

Laminated Glass Treads Connectors Bolt Sideview Injected Mortar


Laminated Glass Panels Laminated Glass Treads

Top View

Floor 7 +88 ft



Bolt Injected Mortar

2” =1’

Laminated Glass Panels

Top View

Floor 6


Insulation Wall Abutment

Rigid Expanded Polystyrene, adhesive and protectuve �ilm One Side

2” =1’

+74 ft

Double Glazing

Low-e Insulating Glass With Argon Gas Fill

Aluminium Panel

Supporting Bolt


Cover Insulation Supporting Bolt Wall Abutment

Rigid Expanded Polystyrene, adhesive and protectuve �ilm One Side

Pressure CompensA Drainage

10”x10” Steel Tube Double Glazing Low-e Insulating Glass Spacer With Argon Gas Fill

Floor 5 +60 ft

Aluminium Panel

Double Glazing

Low-e Insulating Glass

With Argon Gas Fill Supporting Bolt


Cover Supporting Bolt

Pressure CompensA Drainage

10”x10” Steel Tube

Detail_3-02 3” =1’

Spacer Double Glazing

Section bb

Floor 4

Low-e Insulating Glass With Argon Gas Fill

+46 ft

Detail_3-02 3” =1’

Floor 3 +32 ft

Floor 2 +18 ft

Section aa

Section aa

Laminated Glass Structure Fins 2”1/4x1’6” Connection Detail 2-06 Concrete Slab

Bracket Connecting Glass Stringer To Structural Slab

Floor 1 +0 ft

Connection Detail 2-05

Laminated Glass Railing Panels

Suspended Ceiling Connection Detail 2-03.1

Connection Detail 2-01 Connection Detail 2-02

Connection Detail 2-08 Steel Rode 2”diameter

1/2” =1’

Connection Detail 2-02

Section bb


Connection Detail 2-04


Hung to the floor above, each non-load bearing pre-cast sandwich panels utilizes a bolted anchor system. The bolted anchor which is embedded in the precast sandwich panel is welded to a plate attached to the concrete slab, minimizing and concealing the connection from the interior. At the ground, the precast panels provide a 4” clearance from the ground, and are raised to create a shadow on the sloped ground. Giving the illusion that the building is floating, the raised panels sit on a granite base that is sloped away from the ground to allow for water protection and keep rain from penetrating inside. The parapet, comprised of a pre-cast sandwich panel that extends past the roof, is waterproofed through the use of an aluminum cap sitting atop a sloped panel.

Aluminum cap


Clamp bar

Cant strip Wood nailing strip Rigid insulation

Precast insulated panel hung from above

Grout �illed after panel is installed Rigid insulation

Steel angle tie back

S/s �lashing

Concrete slab

Granite base

Ground slopes away from wall (6” / 10’)

Vapor barrier 2” rigid insulation 4” gravel layer

Pre CAst Insul ATed PAnel Pre CAst Insul ATed PAnel Hung From Above Hung From Above

Precast Concrete Sandwich Panel Sandwich Panel Precast Concrete

GROut Filled After GROut PAnel Is InsAfter TAlled PAnel Is Ins TAlled Filled

Rigid Insul ATion Rigid Insul ATion S/s Flashing

Steel Angle Tie BackSteel Angle Tie Back

S/s Flashing GRAnite Base

GROund S LOpes AWAY FROm WAll AWAY FROm WAll GROund S LOpes (6 In. Per 10 FT) (6 In. Per 10 FT) Bolted Anchor

Bolted Anchor



Grout Finish

Grout Finish

Backer Rod

Weld Plate

Weld Plate Cast in Place Anchor Cast in Place Anchor

GROund GROund COnne CTion COnne CTion 1/8” =1’


GRAnite Base

COncr ETe Slab

COncr ETe Slab

VApor Barrier

VApor Barrier

Backer Rod



Metal Pin

Metal Pin

2” Rigid Insul ATion 2” Rigid Insul ATion 4” GRAVel L AYEr 4” GRAVel L AYEr

Concrete Slab (Reinforcement Not(Reinforcement Shown) Concrete Slab Not Shown) Insulation Insulation

1/8” =1’

Vertical Section Panel to Slab VerticalThrough Section Through PanelJoint to Slab Joint 1/4” = 1’

1/4” = 1’

Panel Panel VerticalThrough Section Through Horizontal Section Through Corner CornerVertical Section Horizontal Section Through to Panel Joint to Panel Joint Detail Detail 1/4” = 1’

1/4” = 1’

1/4” = 1’

1/4” = 1’

Vertical Section Vertic

Heat Exchanger

Heat Coils




24’ 6”

Supply Duct

24’ 6”

D 24’ 6”

E 24’ 6”

Heat Exchanger

F 24’ 6”

G 24’ 6”

H 24’ 6”

I 24’ 6”

J 24’ 6”

K 24’ 6”

L 24’ 6”

Return Duct

Return Duct

Supply Duct


21’ 6”


Return Vent

21’ 6”



Ceiling Panel Connection

Retractable Sprinkler

21’ 6”

Supply Vent

1 Sprinkler


Supply Vent

Re�lected Ceiling Plan

Suspended Ceiling Detail

1/16” =1’

Smoke Exhaust Fans

Smoke Exhaust Fans

Ahu 1

Heat Exchanger

Ahu 2

Heat Coils

Heat Exchanger

Roof Plan

Ground Floor Heating

Cutaway Suspended Ceiling Detail

1/16” =1’


ROSE CENTER Tech IV | Anton Martinez In collaboration with Anastasia Tania, Ricardo Vega, & Tina Gao

An in depth structural and mechanical analysis of James Polshek’s Rose Center for Earth and Science in New York City centered on the details found in the connections of the main structural elements. Designed to resemble an opaque sphere within a transparent cube, the museum’s structural members are exposed, with the curtain wall structure designed to be minimally visible from the exterior to maximize transparency. The 4-point spider clamps used to hold the 10’6” glass panels for the 9-story high glass cube, provide the main wind and dead load support for the curtain wall. The glass panels are attached utilizing customized stainless steel two and four-point spider clamps. The glass panes are sealed with silicone and seemingly disappear when viewed from afar to give the impression of a single sheet of glazing.



The curtain wall system that encloses the northern and western walls of the planetarium consists of single 10’6” tempered glass panels constructed with structural support and elements designed to resist lateral loads. The spider clamp configurations which hold each glass panel in place independently of the rest, are the main elements which accept the dead load of the curtain wall and the initial wind load. The spider clamps are designed with slotted holes which allow for movement, and are bolted onto the glass panels and held in place by vertical and horizontal tension rods. At the perimeter of the ground level the vertical tension rods are substituted by structural glass fins which maximize transparency.

Stainless Steel Ridge Cap Double Laminated 30 O Sloped Skylight

21’ - 0”

Inverted Roof Membrane Assembly



95’ - 0”

30 O

80’ - 0”

Suspended Ceiling

10’6” X 5 ‘Tempered Glass Panel

65’ - 0”

8” Diam. Stainless Steel Horizontal Pipe

50’ - 0”

Spider Clamps 4-point Support 2-point Support Wind Truss Connection Stainless Steel Horizontal Cables Stainless Steel Vertical Rods B/n Glass Panels


35’ - 0”

C Stainless Steel Truss 8” Diam. Vertical Pipes 6” Diam. Horizontal & Diagonal Pipes


G E Fritted Tempered Glass Panel

20’ - 0”

Glass Fin Columns

H 15’ - 0”

Truss Pedestal Pin Joint


Machined Stainless Ste

Truss Pin Co 1 1/4“ Thick Bearing 4” Diam. Stainless

Painted Stee

Concrete Post & Beam

8” Diam. Stainless Steel Pip

10“ Diam. Stainless Steel Pip

1/2” Thl Painted S Welded To Truss Pedestal Pi

I 0’ - 0”

Pile Cap Foundation Pile Cap Piles


3/4” Thk Tempered Glass


Chamfer Glass Fin As Required Stainless Steel Patch Plate Diam. Machined Stainless Steel Pin Connection

Glass Fin At Ground

3/4” Thk Stainless Steel Plate

G Pipe Connection C Wind Truss

8” Diam. Stainless Truss Pipe C Steel Wind Truss 1/2” Thk Stainless Steel Gusset For Tension Truss Bracket Connection Load 5/8” Thk Stainless SteelDead Gusset ForRod Dead Load Rod Horizontal Pipe Bracket Connection 6” Diam. Stainless Steel Horizontal PipeSpider Four-point Four-point Spider

Column Bracket Column Bracket Column Bracket Column Bracket Clevis Clevis 8” Pipe 8” Pipe 3/4” Diameter Rod 3/4” Diameter Rod

H Truss 8: Diam. Double Extra Strong Stainless Steel Pipe

D Spider Clamp D Spider Clamp


nection iffener eel Pin

Wind Load Connection Wind Load Connection Oversize Hole Oversize Hole Sleeved Connection Sleeved Connection



Dead Load Hanger Rod Dead Load Hanger Rod Dead Load Node Dead Load Node Dead And Wind Load Connection Dead And Wind Hole LoadFor Connection Slotted Movement Slotted Hole For Movement 12” Diam. Stainless Steel Pipe Spacer Glass Bolt Glass Bolt


el Plate Spacer



Ground Connection

Spider Clamp At Glass Fin Spider Clamp At Glass Fin

1/8“ Stainless Steel Glazing Channel Neoprene Bushing Continuous 1/4” Thk Bent Plate Oversize Hole For Adjustment Expansion Bolted To Concrete Oversize Hole For Adjustment Four-point Spider Wind Load Connection Four-point Spider Wind Load Connection

1/2” Diam. Pre-tensioned Stainless Steel Rod 1/2” Diam. StainlessMovement Steel Rod Slotted HolePre-tensioned To Allow For Vertical Slotted Hole To Allow ForStainless Vertical Steel Movement 8mm Plate 8mm Stainless Steel Plate 3/4” Thk Tempered Glass 3/4” Thk Tempered Glass

Sleeved Connection Permits Wind Load Granite Bolts Base Sleeved Connection PermitsTo Wind Load Bolts Travel 3/8” Each Way To Travel 3/8” Each Way Grout Non-permeable Membrane, Metal Flashing

Left: Spider clamp details, and ground connection.


A Roof Skylight Detail A Roof Skylight Detail 1/2” Stainless Steel Cap Screws Formed Stainless Steel Ridge Cap 1/8” Thk Silicone 1/2” Stainless Steel Cap Screws Non-metalic Spacer Formed Stainless Steel Ridge Cap 1/8” Thk Stainless Steel Glazing Channel 1/8” Thk Silicone Non-metalic Spacer Double Laminated Glass Skylight 1/8” Thk Stainless Steel Glazing Channel

Skylight Two-point Fitting Two-point Fitting

Double Laminated Glass Skylight Skylight Two-point Fitting Two-point Fitting

1/2” Thk Clear Tempered Glass 1/2” Thk Stainless Steel Gusset Plate 1/2” Thk Clear Tempered Glass Welded To 2” Diam. Stainless Steel Tube 1/2” Thk Stainless Steel Gusset Plate Welded To 2” Diam. Stainless Steel Tube Painted Steel Double Plate Welded To 8” Diam. Truss Pipe Painted Steel Double Plate Welded To 8” Diam. Truss Pipe

6” Diam. Horizontal Stainless Steel Pipe Welded To Diagonal Pipe 6” Diam. Horizontal Stainless Steel Pipe Welded To Diagonal Pipe 8” Diam. Diagonal Stainless Steel Pipe

Machined Stainless Steel Clevis 3/4” Diam. Stainless Steel Dead Load Rod

Machined Stainless Steel Clevis

3/4” Diam. Stainless Steel Dead Load Rod 3/4” Diam. Stainless Steel Rod Dead Load Hanger 3/4” Diam. Stainless Steel Rod Dead Load Hanger

8” Diam. Horizontal Stainless Steel Pipe Diagonal Stainless Steel Pipe 8” Diam. Welded To Diagonal Pipe 8” Diam. Horizontal Stainless Steel Pipe Welded To Diagonal Pipe

B R Oof & Ceiling Detail B Steel R Oof Ceiling Detail 20 Oz. Stainless Gravel&Stop With Splice Sleeve 20 Oz. Stainless Steel Gravel Stop Fully Adhered Fibre Reinforced With Splice Sleeve Membrane Roo�ing System Fully Adhered Fibre Reinforced 2” Thk Fastened Rigid Insulation Membrane Roo�ing System Mech. Fastened Base Board To Metal Deck Metal 2” Deck Thk Fastened Rigid Insulation Mech. Fastened Base Board To Metal Deck Heat-weld Reinforced Memb. Flashing Strip Metal Deck

Dpm Embedded Marble Chips In Asphalt Felt Wearing Coat

4-ply Built Up Roo�ing System

8” Ht T-section Stainless Steel Beam Bolted Metal Deck To 3/4“ Thk Plate 8” Ht T-section Stainless Steel Beam Bolted To 3/4“ Thk Plate 3/4” Thk Stainless Steel Plate Welded To I-beam Vertical Truss

Treated Wood Nailer

Gutter Drain Bolted Cont. 4” X 4” X 1/4” Thk Angle

6“ Ht I-section Stainless Steel Welded To Gussets & Bolted PlateWelded To I-beam Vertical Truss 3/4” Thk Stainless Steel Plate

Gutter Drain

Double Laminated Glass Skylight

Dpm Embedded Marble Chips In Asphalt Felt Wearing Coat

3/4” Thk Perlite Board

Tapered Polyisocyanurate Insulation 3/4” Thk Perlite Board 16 Ga Galvanised Steel Cont, Tapered Polyisocyanurate Insulation Metal Deck 16 Ga Galvanised Steel Cont,

Treated Wood Nailer Heat-weld Reinforced Memb. Flashing Strip Bolted Cont. 4” X 4” X 1/4” Thk Angle

4-ply Built Up Roo�ing System

6“ Ht I-section Stainless Steel Welded To Gussets & Bolted Plate

Sealant & Backer Rod Double Laminated Glass Skylight Double Painted Steel Plate Stiffener And Sealant & Backer Rod Bracket For Two-point Skylight Support Welded To Bent Steel Plate Gutter, Double Painted Steel Plate Stiffener And Welded To 3/4” Thk Plate Bolted Bracket For Two-point Skylight Support To Stainless Steel I-beam Welded To Bent Steel Plate Gutter, Welded To 3/4” Thk Plate Bolted To Stainless Steel I-beam Formed 16ga St. Stl. Closure Plate, Solder Joints In Field Formed 16ga St. Stl. Closure Plate, 4-ply Built- Up Roo�ing System Solder Joints In Field Tapered Polyisocyanurate Insulation

Drain Pipe To Rainwater Down Pipe Drain Pipe To Rainwater Down Pipe

4-ply Built- Up Roo�ing System

Continuous Painted Bent Steel Plate Gutter Tapered Polyisocyanurate Insulation Continuous Painted Bent Steel Plate Gutter

6” Ht C-section Stainless Steel Diagonal Truss Welded To Gusset 6” Ht C-section Stainless Steel Diagonal Truss Welded To Gusset

Vv4“ Ht T-section Stainless Steel Purlins Vv4“ Ht T-section Stainless Steel Purlins 1/8” Thk Bent Powder Coated Alum. Fascia Panel In 10’ 6” Sections, Screwed To 1/4” Thk Bent Stl. Reinf. Plate 1/8” Thk Bent Powder Coated Alum. Fascia Panel In 10’ 6” Sections, Screwed To 1/4” Thk Bent Stl. Reinf. Plate Gypsum Wallboard Suspended Ceiling Gypsum Wallboard Suspended Ceiling

Roof Expansion Joint Detail Roof Expansion Joint Detail Existing Building Existing Building

Stainless Steel Reglet Inserted Into Sawcut Masonry, Continuous St. Steel Counter Flashing Stainless Steel Reglet Inserted Into Sawcut Masonry, 3/16” Thl Painted Alum. Expansion Joint Cover Continuous St. Steel Counter Flashing Painted Alum. Expansion3/16” JointThl Assembly Painted Alum. Expansion Joint Cover Silicone Sealant Painted Alum. Expansion Joint Assembly Uncured Neoprene Water Barrier. Adhere To Exist Masonry Silicone Sealant And Cmuu Curb, Lap Over Base Flashing Uncured Neoprene Water Barrier. Adhere To Exist Masonry Continous AndBlocking Cmuu Curb, Lap Over Base Flashing 8” Cmu

Continous Blocking

Gravel Ballast Fabric Filter Rigid Insulation Uncured Neoprene Base Flashing

8” Cmu Gravel Ballast Fabric Filter Rigid Insulation

Fabric Reinf. Damp Proof MembraneUncured Neoprene Base Flashing Firestopping Fabric Reinf. Damp Proof Membrane Structural Slab Sloped To Drain

Firestopping Structural Slab Sloped To Drain


Column Bracket Column Bracket Clevis 8” Pipe 3/4” Diameter Rod

D Spider Clamp

Wind Load Connection Oversize Hole Sleeved Connection Dead Load Hanger Rod Dead Load Node Dead And Wind Load Connection Slotted Hole For Movement Glass Bolt


Spider Clamp At Glass Fin

Oversize Hole For Adjustment Four-point Spider Wind Load Connection

1/2” Diam. Pre-tensioned Stainless Steel Rod Slotted Hole To Allow For Vertical Movement 8mm Stainless Steel Plate 3/4” Thk Tempered Glass

Sleeved Connection Permits Wind Load Bolts To Travel 3/8” Each Way


Chamfer Glass Fin As Required Stainless Steel Patch Plate 4” Diam. Machined Stainless Steel Pin Connection

Glass Fin At Ground

3/4” Thk Stainless Steel Plate

G Pipe Connection 8” Diam. Stainless Steel Truss Pipe 1/2” Thk Stainless Steel Gusset For Tension Truss Bracket Connection 5/8” Thk Stainless Steel Gusset For Horizontal Pipe Bracket Connection 6” Diam. Stainless Steel Horizontal Pipe

The vertical steel rod supporting the spider clamps is received by a gusset plate at the top edge of the envelope. The gusset plate is welded to a connection plate which is then bolted to the truss behind it. A hybrid spider clamp is welded to its top, with a twopoint fitting supporting the curtain wall and another two-point fitting supporting the laminated glass of the skylight at an angle. The gusset also receives two diagonal dead load rods which brace the envelope against the additional load of the skylight at the top. The gusset acts not just as a connection point between the rods and spider clamp but also as a fascia covering connection plates and bolts between the glass panels and the truss.

H Truss 8: Diam. Double Extra Strong Stainless Steel Pipe

Machined Stainless Steel Cover Truss Pin Connection 1 1/4“ Thick Bearing/stiffener 4” Diam. Stainless Steel Pin Painted Steel Pedestal

8” Diam. Stainless Steel Pipe Spacer 10“ Diam. Stainless Steel Pipe Spacer 1/2” Thl Painted Steel Plate Welded To Truss Pedestal Pipe Spacer 12” Diam. Stainless Steel Pipe Spacer


Ground Connection

1/8“ Stainless Steel Glazing Channel


Although the Rose Center is an addition to the Museum of Natural History, the building is structurally self dependent, with no actual structural connections to the existing museum. Furthermore, there are two separate and independent structural systems at play, the structure that supports the curtain wall and roof, and the structure for the sphere. In the glass, curtain- wall enclosure, traditional columns have been replaced by two-way roof trusses and vertical trusses that entirely support the facades and roof. The suspended curtain wall is completely supported by a vertical and horizontal tension truss system that holds over 700 individual panes of glass in place. The pretensioned rods and cables also help the walls transfer wind loads from the glass panes to the vertical truss and down into the ground.

Roof Gutter System Ceiling Beams Ceiling Panels

Glass Panels

Stainless Steel Truss

Tension Cables Wind Truss Spider Clamp Structural Glass Fins

Existing Building Level 6 Level 5 Level 4 Level 3

Level 2 Level 1






Aluminum Panel Cladding


Planetarium Structure



amp Fins

ding vel 6 vel 5 vel 4 vel 3

vel 2

vel 1


Ramp and Planetarium Support Reinforced Concrete Columns

Reinforced Concrete Columns

Reinforced Concrete Foundation


The sphere, although visually and spatially an integral part of the exhibit behaves independently and differently from the rest of the building. Since the curtain wall and glass enclosure protect the interior from the elements, the sphere’s role in accommodating to the visitor’s thermal comfort is minimal. Instead the focus is to provide an optimal sound and visual experience inside the Space Theater.

Stainless Steel Handrail And Wall Bracket Welded To Steel Plate Matte Plastic Laminate Glued To 2 Layers Of 3/8” Plywood Bent To Curvature Of Ramp 3/8” Thick Stainless Steel Top Piece 1/4” Thick Steel Plate Welded To Round Bar, Spaced 2’ O.C. 1” Aluminum Square Tube Bent To Radius Of Curve Of Ramp Stiffener Plate 3/4” Thick 3-coat Plaster On Self-furring Metal Lath

uminum Tee Structural Hangers Connecting To Legs Of Sphere

m Extruded iffener


None of the structural and architectural connections are thermally sealed, and all joints are left open, however great care is taken to acoustically treat the interior of the theater. Each exterior aluminum panel is lined with an acoustically treated membrane that muffles the loud and explosive sounds generated by the cosmic show of the theater.

3” Diam. Steel Pipe Continuous Clip Angle To Support Lampholders And Brace Plywood 3/4” Thick 3-coat Plaster On Self-furring Metal Lath

Steel Clip Angle 12” O.C. Stancheon Cut From W10 Painted Plaster 8” Structural Pipe W/ Intumescent Fireproof Coating

Bracket Fastened To Purlin A Wl S PAce

Steel Torsion Tube W/ Intumescent Fireproof Coating

3/8” Thick Rubber Sports Flooring 1/4” Steel Plate C4 Purlin 7/8” Furring Channels, Mechanically Fastened To C4 Purlins

Built Up Tapered Steel Column 2 Hour Rated SprayOn Fireproo�ing 1/8” Thick Pre-treated Aluminum Enclosure

Metal Lath Screwed To Furring Channels Structural Girder With Spray-on Fireproo�ing Steel Angle Bent To Curvature Of Ramp And Attached To Girders (Beyond) Furring Channels 3/4” Thick 3-coat Plaster On Self-furring Metal Lath Lighting Cove



Roof Slopes For Drainage

Drainage Pipes Above Suspended Ceiling Acoustical fabric backing adhered to back of panel

W10 circular truss top chord

0.063” perforated aluminum panel Steel clip angle bolt to aluminum

Roof Drainage Pipe Sytem

Drainage Pipes Above Suspended Ceiling 23 Water Collection Points 2 Rainwater Down Pipes

Continuous aluminum tee SUB-GI RT 1/8” thick custom extruded aluminum edge stiffener

Gusset plate

Rainwater Down Pipes

Truss to crawl space

W10 sphere rib

W10 circular truss top chord Plate same size as W �lange

Sphere column 24” wide


W6 or W8 diagonal W10 circular truss Vertical & diagonals

Hvac System

The heating and cooling of the primary glass cube of the Rose Center is served by eighteen air-conditioning units contained within three mechanical rooms. Two mechanical rooms are on the lower level, one in the north side and one on the south. The system is generally a distributive one in the main glass cube and inside the sphere with heat rising from grills on the floor. The lower north mechanical room supplies heating to the glass cube just inside the north and west facades on the first floor via a displacement system of grills along the floor. The southern and eastern spaces on the lower levels are supplied in a similar way by AC units in the lower south mechanical room.


Supply Duct Return Duct

Mechanical Room Fifth Floor South

Mechanical Room Lower Level South

Mechanical Room Lower Level North


TAXI STAND Tech III | Will Lauf In collaboration with Hana Lee, Sarah Habib, & Leah Guszowski

A water taxi pavilion situated on the edge of Roosevelt Island provides a waiting area for users. The reinforced concrete shell, curved to provide programmatic function below, also serves as a seating area with scenic views outwards. A glass curtain wall provides maximum visibility towards the water, and buttresses allow for the structural load to be carried by the weight of the concrete shell. Hinges on the pier structure take into account buoyancy with movable joints. The water taxi stand, in addition to having allotted parking for the taxis, creates an enjoyable environment while waiting. The pavilion serves several functional programmatic elements, which carry on to the structural design.



Reinforcing Structure



Concrete Shell Handrail

Stair Seating

Glass Enclosure Tension Rods Spider Clamps

Hinges Pier Structure






In addition to serving as a taxi station, the stand is designed to maximize its potential for other programmatic uses. Although it is situated on Roosevelet island to accomadate the need for water taxis, its potential extends far beyond, having the possibility to expand to other harbors and waterfronts. The waiting time associated with the taxis increase the potential for creating a space where the users can comfortably wait for their transportation. The occupiable roof, which also shelters the public from rain and snow, allows users to catch a glimpse of their surroundings in a comfortable setting. The structural components of the taxi stand were designed to maximize the visibility of the exterior from within.


Below: Skeletal model of concrete shell.


FILTER Tech I | Phil Anzalone In collaboration with Ruth Wang, Madeeha Merchant, & Ricardo Vega

Using the concept of filters, a facade system was developed that filters both water through a layered stone column and light through a pixelated wood pattern. The facade system works around a clear waterproof channel that contains stacked stone layers and a water filtration system. The channel attaches itself to the structural columns, flush against the floor slab and spans the height of the building uninterrupted. IGU glass panels attach to the side of the channels. Behind the glass rests a wood paneling system made up of cubes that has openings corresponding to the spaces which it covers. In sleeping areas of the hotel room, the grid is mostly filled and lets in little light, in the sitting areas the light is allowed to penetrate more. In the middle of the hotel, a lobby houses a small library in which the wood paneling system become book shelves.



Exploded Perspective 2-Bay Sample




4 3

2 1

1) Integrated Glass Unit 2) Stone Column / Water Filter 3) Custom Support Mullion 4) Structural Column 5) Structural Wood Support Embed 6) 8” x 8” Wood Stack Pattern 7) Floor Slab 114

Plan Detail 1. Wood Blocks 8” x 8” x 8“ and 4” x 4” x 4“ 2. Structural Wood 1.5” x 1.5” x 168“ 3. Concrete Column 13” x 13” x 168“ 4. Rigid Foam Insulation 2” x 10” x 180“ 5. Aluminum Mullions c-channel: 9” x 2” rectangular mullions: 4” x 2” 6. Filtering Stones 7. Glass 1.3“ x 10” x 180“ 8. Insulated Glass Unit 1.3 “ x 168” x 180” 9. Aluminum Insulation Cap 8” x 8” x 180” 10. Aluminum Beauty Cap 1” x 8” x 180”


2 3


5 6 9 8 10 7

Roof Connection Section

Concrete Parapet




14’ Horizontal Mullion






14’ 8” Concrete Slab 2’2”

Curtain Wall 14’ Ceiling Connection 2’2”








15’ 6”

Waterproof Rigid Foam Insulation




3/4” Glass

Glass Panels


Wood Block Paneling

Concrete Column


Steel Spider Connection

15’ Finished Floor 8” Concrete Slab Fireproo�ing


Ground Floor Connection Section

Finished Floor 8” Concrete Slab

5" Grey Pebbles

Steel Spider Connection


70" Granite Stones




Glass Panels

5" Grey Pebbles

Waterproof Rigid Foam Insulation

14’ 3/4” Glass

Wood Block Paneling







6 9 8 10 7

Roof Connection Section

Concrete Parapet

Roof Horizontal Mullion

8” Concrete Slab

Curtain Wall Ceiling Connection


Waterproof Rigid Foam Insulation



3/4” Glass

Glass Panels

Wood Block Paneling

Concrete Column


Steel Spider Connection Finished Floor 8” Concrete Slab Fireproo�ing

Ground Floor Connection Section

Below: Typical wood pattern of a 1-way sample; perspective render of a 2 bays Finished Floor 8” Concrete Slab

5" Grey Pebbles

Steel Spider Connection


70" Granite Stones

Glass Panels

Wood Block Paneling


Outside 5" Grey Pebbles

Waterproof Rigid Foam Insulation

14’ 3/4” Glass 70" White Limestone

Curtain Wall Ground Connection 5" Grey Pebbles

Horizontal Mullion Finished Floor 8” Concrete Slab Fireproo�ing Moisture Barrier Granular In�ill

Stone Trough



Filtered Water Tank Perimeter Insulation Sedimentation

Section I: Filtration Column

Section II: In�ill Wall





BOOM Parametric Realizations | Mark Bearak In collaboration with Anastasia Tania, Mi Rae Lee, Reece Tucker, & Ricardo Vega

Based on the conceptual idea of a modular wine bottle holder, Boom functions as a multi-purpose product, capable of holding bottles of different sizes. Formally adapted from the design of a boomerang, its curvilinear form allows for its vertical stacking. Its parametric capabilities also allow for Boom to produced in different sizes, with varying cavities in the center for bottles of distinct sizes. Boom also has the capability of being manufactured in distinct materials, as the prototypes were produced from wood and concrete. The wooden prototypes, produced from poplar, were milled with the negatives providing a cast for the concrete forms.



Right: Parametric design in Grasshopper. Below: Milled formwork and silicone molds prototypes.




Below: Final stackable wooden and concrete BOOMS.


MULTIFACETED Beyond Prototype | Jason Ivaliotis In collaboration with Albert Franco, Megan Murdock, Scott Overall, & Ekkaphon Puekpaiboon

The design problem was to create a structure that can be used for outdoor events such as BBQ, picnics and lounging. A multi-functional surface which smoothly transitions from being the structure and shading for the pavilion additionally serves other programmatic needs such as BBQ and seating. The design consists of three modules, namely solid panel, the frame and the infill glass, which connect together to form this seamless structure. The modules are structural and work together to support each other and the pavilion itself.



Point Grid


Shifted Grid


Right: Subdivision of surface - infill, frame, and solid components.



Voided Reciprocal








Left: Prototype and connection detail.


STUMPY Materials + Methods | Keith Kaseman In Collaboration with Astry Duarte & Heeyun Kim

Fabric was utilized as the main formwork to create a geometrically complex and thin, shell - a module with the possibility of being aggregated. Because the fabric lacks rigidity, a low technology method of shotcrete was adapted as a way to apply a mixture of dry and wet concrete instead of pouring into a formwork. Wire mesh and metal fibers were embedded within layers of concrete, resulting in a thin but structural concrete shell. Additionally, glycerin soap was applied to the fabric once it was stretched and suspended in tension to the formwork. The glycerin not only acted as a moisture barrier, but it also strengthened and reinforce the fabric. Once the glycerin was applied to the fabric, layers of wet and dry concrete were alternated to achieve a thin shell-like module.



Below: Formwork and casting process; glycerin and wet and dry application.






i2A Workshop Summer Workshop | Fred Levrat In collaboration with Mariana Sorjic

The workshop on rethinking the local airport of Lugano, Switzerland aimed to increase spocial activity in an unused space. The idea of a “linescape� - a horizontal continous element of programmatic social functions running alongside the existing river seeks to reinvigorate the area. Activities such as golf and a market allow visitors and travellers awaiting their flight to generate social activity.


Below: Proposed programming along the linescape, interweaving through the existing infrastructural elements of the site.

Train Station








Left: Renderings highlighting the public programming along the Linescape, where an under-used airport becomes a hub for social activity.




Thank you to the many people who have provided constant support throughout my studies at Columbia and Berkeley. Gracias a mi familia por todo su apoyo estos ultimos anos. Esto no seria posible sin ustedes. And many thanks to my fellow peers and collaborators: Astry Duarte Tina Gao Leah Guzsowski Sarah Habib Heeyun Kim Hana Lee Mi Rae Lee Dan Luo Madeeha Merchant Anastasia Tania Reece Tucker Ruth Wang Ricardo Vega Yiwen Yuan GSAPP Studio Sequence and Critics Core I | Mark Rakatansky Core II | Mabel Wilson Core III | Ada Tolla + Guiseppe Lignano, with Thomas Demonchaux Advanced IV | Geoff Manaugh Advanced V | Amale Andraos Advanced VI | Jeffrey Johnson + Zhu Pei Architectural Drawing + Representation | Kutan Ayata Parametric Realizations | Mark Bearak Materials + Methods | Keith Kaseman Tech 4 + 5 | Anton Martinez 142

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