25 anos de Natália Gromicho

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Natรกlia Gromicho


Started to paint in 1995, Natalia represented her country in international exhibition such as Italy (in the biggest international Human Rights exhibition), Brazil (the most important south America Arts and Fashion Exhibition Casa Cor), USA Miami (World Tour Exhibitions Contemporary Artists) and New York (The Power of Perception II represent Portugal), Australia (the first Portuguese Artist at Adelaide, Adelaide Fringe Festival with solo exhibition and Auction), Russia (Moscow - invited by the Portuguese Embassy), France (Bordeaux invited to present her work for commemoration of Portugal day at the embassy), UK (London´s Hay Hill Gallery solo exhibition and representation), East-Timor (Dili - Human Rights solo exhibition and Live Painting performance to Portuguese embassy in Dili and in Fundacao Oriente), Singapore (Artz Space Gallery representation and Lucanna Fine Art & Exquisite Luxury Auction at Singapore yacht Show), Shanghai (Noeli Art Gallery representation), Macau (Artistic residence at Fundacao Oriente, exhibit at Casa Garden) and several exhibitions at Portugal, more recently at Lisbon´s Museu Oriente (exhibition and Live Painting event) Her works are represented in several private and institutional collections all around the world, to refer Portugal, Australia, USA, Brazil, Italy, Russia, France, UK, East-Timor, Singapore, India, EAU, Shanghai, Macau.

Critic AICA Critic Creative Concept Statement Press ARTiculAtion March 15 Schon ARTiculAction January 2014 Miami Art Scene Wall Street International Yareah Magazine Trouble Magazine Golden Lifestyle Diamond Lifestyle Lux Woman Gotaz Palop News Deepart Rtro Magazine Stylish Mag Flic Magazine ALLIMITE Arte Informado E-Cultura Hoje Macau mART Agenda Cultura Lisboa Jornal das Noticias Diรกrio de Noticias Time Out Visao, i, Publico Diรกrio Digital Arte|Ref Exhibitions Italy Miami Australia New York Moscow Bordeaux London New Deli Singapore East-Timor Macau Portugal

I find Natalia Gromicho´s work very interes ting, an expressionist style in which figuration and abs traction merge. Colour and shape appea r in mos t of her works, but also as a form of surrealism to s how an incohe rent reality, which is also present in her pictorial works. Gromicho, through the human figure, aims to teach the conce rns, issues and reflections which happen to every human being in their immediate surroundings. They are not always pleasant scenes, as the appearing protagonists, at some point show hostile and aggressive pos tures. In contrast, if we look at the primal position, the Portuguese a rtist has an attitude more expectant, as though, the animals are observing our movements. The colour indicates the intangibility of their proposals, since they are not real s hades at all, but rathe r appeal more to the e xpressionis t idea of colour, from which the mos t intimate feelings a re reflecte d in all its magnitude. Also, the female nudes , who star in some of her works, are m ore reminiscent of the mannequins we see in a fashion showcase, not animated be ings, approaching the metaphysical world of De Chirico or surreal Wifredo Lam. The chrome background with primary hues , are balanced against the white of naked bodies , indicating that the artis t is more inte rested in protecting the most intimate aspects of human beings. As for the part whe re abstraction takes prefere nce, we see the real Natalia Gromicho, in her m ost raw state , because her intention is to express he rself with the mos t free dom, without too many conside rations and ensuring that her proposals comply more with a European, expressionist style, rather than to action painting. In conclusion, Natalia Grom icho, has cemented a firm value in the European art scene with a s trong and cons istent presence , which indicates a great professionalism , as does her varied exhibitions held throughout Europe , as well as in other continents

Ramon Casalé Member of International Association of Art Critics (AICA)

Creative Conce pt is please to announce the representation of Portuguese artis t Natália Grom icho. A gifted painte r, in the pures t sense, Natália has skillfully created a body of work tha t is simultaneously lyrical and mysterious , jubilant yet poetic. Employing these paradoxes, s he skillfully applies he r raw talent into diffe rent mediums and styles creating a sense of flux, depth and dominance. Natália ’s work takes elemental images, from nature and the landscape to culture and individuals she encounte rs on he r travels, and transforms using dramatic ploys such as contrasts in scale , s hifts in focus, mirrored refle ctions, stacca to images, and multiple or layered surfaces. Sensory perception for Natália is a spiritual activity, one that leads to a heighte ned awareness of both nature and culture—this thought process points to a new kind of realism—one that is engaged with the actual processes of life. Yet, it also refere nces the theore tical avant-garde conce ptions of decons truction emerging during Modernism. Her work is intense, yet moving, powe rful yet sensitive. Gathering he r subje cts in her field of vision, she draws on her inne r world, inviting us to join he r on a journey of discovery of the essence of being, depicting new truths of the meaning of existe nce. Drawing us into an e nigmatic and luxurious world of imagination, seduction, and spirit, she creates organic shape and flowing shapely contours. He r luscious approach is inspired. Layered shapes and elegant color distinguish he r recent body of work, exe cuted in a strongly stylized painting me thod. The energy and vigor of her explosive potraits haunt the viewe r with a dynamic juxtaposition of both playful, yet ee rie implications. Studying Arts and Crafts , including ce ramics, the Portuguese painte r, also graduated from the private ArCo School of Art in Lisbon, whe re she undertook Intens ive Painting. Multitalented, Natalia has additionally, specialized studies sculpture under the Cuban a rtist, Hans Vare la, before finding her focus withing painting. Her is often describe d as magical. From her rich application of paint, the balance and flows created on the canvas surface, all represent a zealous vision of an ardent enthusiast. Re lying equally on he r unconscious, and the world around her for inspiration, she employs a philosophy and approach embraced by many poets… Personal e xperimentation and an openness to forms enable Na tália to reach into a deep inside the soul, and allow he r to recreate these images with fervor on the surface, gorgeously applying the medium of paint with beauty and sensitivity, capturing some thing so spe cial and rare. Caught between description and dreamlike states, and the observed and the imagined, Natália’s work transforms the na tural world into poetic visions and fantasy, while still utilizing symbolic e lements to convey psychological ideas and emphasize the “freedom” of art from traditional culture.

Composição Sigapura 2015

Acrílico s/tela | 60x120cm | 2015

A luz

Óleo s/tela | 100x80cm | 2013

Atracão Fatal

Acrílico s/tela | 70x70cm | 2012

Lisboa já foi assim

Acrílico s/tela | 200x255cm | 2017


Acrílico s/tela | 210x205cm | 2014

Weekly article @ Yareah Magazine

O Cacilheiro

AcrĂ­lico s/tela | 200x200cm | 2013

Calçada de Lisboa

Acrílico s/tela | 100x100cm | 2013

O amarelo

AcrĂ­lico s/tela | 100x100cm | 2013


Acrílico s/tela | 100x80cm | 2014


Óleo s/tela | 90x120cm | 2006

Mares orientais

AcrĂ­lico s/tela | 200x300cm | 2015

À noite na cidade

Acrílico s/tela | 200x200cm | 2015

A Princesa

AcrĂ­lico s/tela | 100x100cm | 2016


AcrĂ­lico s/tela | 120x100cm | 2014

Natália Gromicho, the first Portuguese artist at the Adelaide Fringe, Austrália

“Human Being” sold half of the exhibition in the opening night

New York´s “The Power of Perception II” exhibition were Natália is the only Portuguese in the exhibition


AcrĂ­lico s/tela | 100x90cm | 2011

Jazz Concert

AcrĂ­lico s/tela | 120x100cm | 2016

In Pain

AcrĂ­lico s/tela | 90x60cm | 2013


Live Painting


Bio Notes Television RTP – Telejornal | RTP 2 – Agora Magazine | SIC – Jornal da Noite | TVI – As escolhas de Marcelo; Cartaz das Artes | TV Record – Fala Portugal | Project: Portugal – Documentary of Indian Filmmakers | TDM Macau | RTPi Radio Antena 1 |5EBI International Broadcast | Radio Onda Viva | Radio Elvas Critic to Natália Gromicho by Ramon Casalé, member of AICA made in 2013 | Creative Concept INC New York International Press Yareah Magazine | Wall Street International | The Messenger | Wall Street Messenger | Hoje Macau | Trouble Magazine | Mundo Português | Adelaide Fringe News | Arte Informado | Arte-Ref | Diário Digital | mArt | Schon! | ARTiculAction | ALLIMITE | Diamond Lifestyle | Flic | This is London | Miami Art Scene | Palop News | PINN | Portuguese Press Time Out Lisboa | Sabado | Visão | GQ | Diário de Noticias | Jornal i | Expresso | Jornal de Noticias | Publico | Jornal Impresso | Metro News | Artist Level | Cultura de Borla | Escape | Povoa Semanário | Algarve Central | Diário Online | Jornal de Lousada | Noticias do Seixal | O Mirante | Deepart | Rtro Magazine | Agenda Cultural Lisboa | Destak | E-Cultura | Cover by Tiago Costa

w – www.nataliagromicho.com | e - info@nataliagromicho.com

Natรกlia Gromicho


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