We Salute our Veterans We honor the memory of those who lost their lives protecting our nation’s freedom, and we salute all those who have served in our military past and present. Their selfless dedication reminds us that freedom is not free, and we will never forget their courage and extraordinary contribution to our country.
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Editorial Team: Dorma J. Tolson, Jim Mackey, and J.D. Creer Layout and Design: Ron Flaviano Stories provided by reader submission and by the Morning Journal, The Review and Salem News editorial departments Special thanks to all of the veterans and their families who contributed material for this special publication. ©2016 Morning Journal, The Review, Salem News MORNING JOURNAL • THE REVIEW • SALEM NEWS
Aging veterans reflect on service years By KEVIN HOWELL Staff Writer
As World War II fades further and further into the past, the young men and women who served in the battles are moving into assisted living complexes, senior housing or limited to their homes.
“It was scary, I’ll tell you that, it Curry said he enlisted in Navy beCurry is currently awaiting the doesn’t matter what age you were,” cause all his friends were going into French Legion of Honor medal for his he said. the Navy and merchant marines. participation in D-Day.
And like many of the servicemen He ended up in Normandy on Dat the time, Martin was just a young Day, demolishing obstacles on Utah man during his tenure. Drafted out Beach. of Salem High School, he did not even get to finish his high school de“I was 17 years old, real thin, running up and down the beach,” he gree before heading off to war. But even as they move into the said. “We were being shot at from shadows of today, their past still “It was kind of sad at the time,” both sides, it looked like pepper it shines brightly in the freedom our he said. was coming in so thick.” society looks to carry into tomorrow. Martin hit Parris Island, then Miraculously, Curry was never hit Those who fought in World War II, Camp Lejeune, San Diego and Maui nor wounded in any way. as well as Korea and Vietnam, and before Iwo Jima. He returned to San even into the most recent wars in Diego after his injury and recuper“And it’s not because I couldn’t the Middle East the past 30 years, ated at Great Lakes, Ill., then fin- have been,” he noted. “I very well will never be forgotten, their stories ished up service in Washington D.C. could have.” living on in family and friends, colleagues and compatriots, peers and Looking back, Martin said his time He also avoided injury during purveyors of history. in the service has remained an im- combat with the Army during the Korean War, for which he enlisted portant part of his life, From nursing homes and rehabiliagain and also served as comtation centers to neighbors and “It means a lot to me,” he ex- bat/demolition. community leaders, veterans across plained. “It’s an honor to serve your the community have stories to share. country.” “That’s why I’ve always been supTake the time to listen. portive of the Disable American VetWILLIAM C. CURRY erans (DAV),” he added. “I know I A special thank you goes to Salem was fortunate and I’m thankful for resident Edna Behner for her assisit.” tance in recognizing these local veterans. Even though he served his time in BILL MARTIN the Navy in World War II, Curry said he felt an obligation to re-enlist. “There was a war on, so I did what I had to,” he said. He even had one over on the draft board, getting his draft notice while in camp with the Army. — When most young men were being drafted into service, William C. Curry voluntarily went to war twice.
“We all had a good laugh about that,” he said.
CHARLES SLAVENS — Struthers native Charles Slavens served 36 months in World War II. He was drafted at 19 years old and chose the Army. After spending time typing in forms at Fort Hayes in Columbus, Ohio, he eventually landed in La Halle, France. He noted that the war had been going on for about a year, but that there was no fighting in France at that time. Serving with the 97th chemical mortar battalion, Slavens was attached to Gen. George S. Patton’s 3rd army. His battalion never saw any real trouble, he said, but had the opportunity to lay down a smoke screen for an advancement once. Even if he did not see the combat others may have, Slavens did witness the horror of concentration camps, seeing the aftermath of the Jewish death camps following the end of the war. “Pictures don’t tell half of what was really going on,” he described the experience. The lifetime member of the Salem VFW said he is proud of his service and described his time in the military as “exciting and a good experience.” He also said he feels the military is a good learning experience for youth. “The first impression is it would be good for the kids out of high school to get four years of service,” he said.
Garnering a multitude of medals and honors in both the Navy and Slavens is currently awaiting the The New Brighton, Pa., native Army, Curry said he actually enjoyed French Legion of Honor medal for his — Bill Martin of Salem served as served almost three years in the his time in the service. participation in D-Day. a rifleman in the Marines during Navy during World War II and apWorld War II, earning a Purple Heart proximately five years in the Army ROBERT McCLUGGAGE “I’m glad I was able to do it,” he in 1945. He fought at Iwo Jima, during the Korean War, enlisting said, although he acknowledged the — Goshen High School graduate catching shrapnel in his leg. both times. He was just 17 when he misfortune of others. “I’m sorry that Robert McCluggage enlisted in the joined the Navy and 22 when he so many boys got killed or Army Air Corps two days before his “I would have been killed if I was joined the Army. 18th birthday. He would go on to wounded.” there any longer,” he said. serve 27 years and three wars, and Martin described his experience in retire as a lieutenant colonel. the war as harrowing. 4 MORNING JOURNAL • THE REVIEW • SALEM NEWS THE STORIES OF OUR VETERANS FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2016
“I enlisted because I wanted to go kill Nazis and Germans and Japs,” McCluggage said. Two missions into World War II and the fighting ended. McCluggage, who had earned his wings in 1944, missed out on the majority of the war. “I was disappointed, I wanted to fly for my country and all I got was two missions,” he noted. McCluggage got his chance in Korea, flying 31 missions as a copilot of a B-29 bomber. Even though he was in the air, McCluggage could still knew how bad that war was and realized his good fortune to be flying. “Korea was awful,” he said. “I never looked down on any place as rough and rugged. I sure feel bad about what our GIs went through there.”
Local World War II veterans from left, front row, Herman Kuyper, Army; Frank Lancaster, Air Force; Gail Bartchy, Army; Warren “Joe” Hawkins, Army; Joe Wojtecki, Army; second row, Charles Slavens, Army; William Martin, Marines; Robert McCluggage, Air Force; Donald Behner; Gayle Paxon, Navy; and Sanford Metz, Seabees. (Salem News photo by Kevin Howell)
By the time Vietnam rolled around, McCluggage was a lieutenant colonel running a command post in North Dakota. And although he did not fly any missions in the war, he had to ensure planes got to the their correct locations. The icy, snowy climate of the north made for its own unique dangers unlike those faced overseas. “There was ice covering the runway and the planes’ wheels would just spin when we tried take off, but we had to move those planes,” he explained of one incident in particular. “And we did get them out.” Looking back on his time in the service, through three wars, McCluggage said he felt the B-52 was the best bombing plane ever. He flew 1,000 of his 6,000 total hours on the B-52 and lamented the fortune befallen the flying fortress.
Local World War II veterans from left, William C. Curry, Navy; Ray Weingart, Army; Dean Mercer, Air Force; James Dorsey, Navy; and Lester Weingart, Army. Lester Weingart has been awarded the French Legion of Honor medal for his participation in D-Day.
“There’s not too many veterans who were in three different wars,” he said “I’m proud of that fact, but it still doesn’t compare to what others have done.”
“It’s a shame, how very few left there are,” he said. He also acknowledged his opportunity to serve his country in three wars, a feat of which he said he is proud, but showed appreciation for the price other veterans paid in shorter service time.
Local veterans from left, first row (with branch noted where available), Tom Bennett; Dennis Ripple; Ferris Thomas; Gordon Waithman, Army; second row, Warren Hale, Navy; and Jay Detell, Marines.
Gerald Mullen served in Korean War By J.D. CREER
clock repairman. “A very profitable she’s a true daughter to me,” he business,” he said remarking that he said. could take a clock apart piece-byHe has also been treated for postLeetonia resident Gerald Mullen, piece blindfolded and put it back totraumatic stress syndrome, ironically 82, served six years in the U.S. Army gether again. not so much caused by military servduring the Korean War era, achievHe also served as pastor in various ice but from a rough upbringing. ing the rank of Master Sergeant. communities including Beloit and He and his wife Lois had seven “Very poor,” he said. “No plumbchildren. The Mullens have been Salem. ing, no electricity. Had to go out married 62 years. Today he, suffers from an assort- back in the woods behind a barn to Post-military, he worked in various ment of maladies including Parkin- get drinking water.” His father liked to drink and Gerpositions and became a pastor. “I son’s Disease. ald bore the brunt of his alcohol-fuwas a working pastor because I did“I can’t stand up without some eled wrath. n’t always get the biggest church,” kind of help, either mechanical or he said. Among his positions was as “It would be putting it mildly to radio announcer for a Christian- with someone helping me,” he said. His wife is also physically comprosay he had a drinking problem,” he based station in Pennsylvania. mised. said. “The last time I saw him, he was crouched like a wild animal in His service as pastor took him to Visiting Angels stop by twice the corner of our house; carrying on places such as Kansas. Eventually he weekly. Family members also help like a wild beast. settled in our area. He worked at including his son and daughter-inSheely’s Furniture in North Lima and law, Doug and Nancy, who live in “He never said, ‘I love you son.’?I the Hospice of the Valley. Salem. He had high praise for Nancy. never heard him say a prayer,” GerHis developed keen skills as a “Drop the ‘in-law’ from her name; ald added. “The only time I saw him Salem News Managing Editor
in church was when he was wheeled into it.” Nowadays being homebound, the master clock repairman often makes good use of all his free time by writing. He was encouraged to put his military experience into words. His account follows: —————————— When I saw this article about veterans in the news, I immediately wanted to contribute my “two cents worth.” I served during the Korean era, thinking that after basic training I would be sent to Korea. That was my purpose for enlisting. However, fate has a way of changing our plans and I wound up for two years in central Alaska. So, this may seem dull, but I am positive, (it) will be to the real hero stories that you receive. Honestly, all
I fought was mosquitos and 50 began my leadership training. below zero temperatures. I don’t even know if I received a medal for My first test of leadership was anything. when one of my men shouted out to me, “Hey Sarge, got a minute?” As a 19-year-old skinny kid, our regimental commander began a “Yea, what’s up?” leadership skill school of 40 men, asking for prospects from our com“Somebody has borrowed money pany commander. from me and will not pay it back, though I have asked several times. To my surprise, I was selected and Can you help me?” very much wanting to fit into my army role I put my heart and soul “Yea, I’ll see what I can do.” and gave it my all. A few days later, I saw this man After the class had ended, to my and shouted out to him, “ I want to surprise, I checked the graduation talk to you!” We went into the barlist and this 19-year-old kid’s name, racks and so I asked him, “Do you who did not even have a high school owe this man some money?” education. Nevertheless, to my utter astonishment, I saw my name at the The answer came slowly, very top of the graduation list. “You do realize that if you don’t pay it back, you will be strongly repThe regimental commander im- rimanded.” mediately contacted my company commander and to him to promote There were a few other words to this man to sergeant and place him follow, but basically that was the in a place of responsibility. It just end of our conversation. happened there was a platoon sergeant’s opening and so that
A few days later, I heard someone yelling at me, “Hey, sarge, I got my money back! But, sarge, there’s more. You don’t know this, but I followed you guys into the barracks, you did not see me but I saw you. I positioned myself so I heard clearly every word that you told him.” I almost fainted. What would I have done, had I not been honest? What if I had said, “Don’t worry about it. They aren’t paying us enough anyway.” But I didn’t. To this day, I have sincerely tried to adopt that honest philosophy to my life and gained the confidence of my men. By the end of my total army time of six years, I was honorably discharged with my rank as M/Sgt. I have instinctively tried to deGerald Mullen velop this philosophy, however my fault is, I am sometimes brutally honest, which has caused many en- proud to be a small cog in the greatest military of the word, a member emies. But I am working on it. of which you and tens of thousands I will close with this thought to of men/women belong.” the real heroes, “I am glad and
BEAVER LOCAL SCHOOLS Preschool-12th Grade 46090 Bell School Road • East Liverpool, Ohio
Administration Building 46088 Bell School Road • East Liverpool, Ohio
Beaver Local Schools Would Like To Invite Local Veterans & Their Families To A Special Veteran’s Day Program At The School On Friday November 11th. Breakfast Will Be Served At 8 A.M. & The Program Will Begin At 8:45 A.M.
Creer reflects on atom bomb drop By J.D. CREER Salem News Managing Editor
“What’s an atom bomb?” That was the response of WW II United States service personnel anticipating an invasion of Japan. Among them was U.S. Army PFC William “Bill” Creer who was stationed on the Phillipines.
“It saved lives,” said the 93-year“Someone said they had dropped old Creer. “We were told that we an atom bomb but nobody knew were going to Japan to invade. They what an atom bomb was,” he rewere priming us for that. We didn’t called. know when. “It was top secret. Nobody knew it was going to happen. Thinking back, I’m glad Truman was president.
“I was proud to have served my country.”
Thank God Obama wasn’t president back then. Truman didn’t even know about (atomic bombs) until he was sworn in as president. I don’t think he hesitated one minute.”
A planned invasion changed the morning of Aug. 6, 1945 when a U.S B-29 bomber dropped an atomic bomb on the Japanese city of HiA lot of us would’ve been slaughroshima, instantly killing about tered. But then the big thing hap80,0000 people. pened.” Three days later, 40,000 more died Meaning, the bombs were when a second atomic bomb was dropped. dropped, this time on Nagasaki.
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Two weeks after the bombings, Creer and his fellow soldiers were going ashore on Japan, meeting “no resistance.” Born in San Jose and raised in San Diego, Creer served 47 months in the service during war time. He had tried to enlist in the Navy but was told he was color blind. “The Navy later dropped their qualifications,” he quipped. “They would’ve taken someone walking in with a cane.”
U.S. Army PFC William “Bill” Creer, a Salem resident, served in the Pacific Ocean theater of WW II.
“It is an absolute shame the way those soldiers were treated,” he said. Following the war, Creer returned to California before moving east to Ohio.
So then came his Army calling. He and his wife, Agnes, had 12 Prior to going to the Pacific, he was children including a son, Robert, stationed in Oklahoma and then Fort who served in the U.S. Navy during Meade in Maryland. the Vietnam War era. The Salem resident is an Eljer foundry retiree. “I was proud to have served my country,” Creer said. He believes that World War II veterans for the most part get the respect they deserve but sympathizes with Vietnam War veterans who got ill treated.
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Robert Eskay proud of time in Navy By MARY ANN GREIER Staff Writer
LEETONIA — Leetonia resident Robert Eskay spent his days and nights during World War II on the water, recalling the icebergladen Atlantic and the smooth Pacific when he criss-crossed both oceans protecting needed supplies on merchant ships while searching for enemy subs. “It was really rough in the Atlantic, up and down, big waves,” he said. For him, the Pacific was the complete opposite. “The water was like a sheen glass. I never saw anything like that before,” he said. The motion sickness that felled a few of his fellow sailors never bothered him, which was good considering his military service kept him out to sea during most of the war.
He served on four or five different ships during his four years from 1942 to 1946 and said the trip from New York to England took about six or seven days.
the ship, but he wanted to go back and later in life he visited the islands with his sister. Going back evoked memories of his time in the service, especially seeing the USS Arizona Memorial where part of the battle“They didn’t tell us very much. All ship can still be seen at its final restwe had to do was protect and ing place at Pearl Harbor. watch,” he said. He said he’s proud of his service in His last trip across the Atlantic the U.S. Navy. was to England and he never saw so many ships in there. He learned later “I did my job, I served my country that they were carrying supplies for and came home,” Eskay said. the Normandy invasion. He took three trips to England, one to He had worked as an apprentice Canada and one to Japan. machinist, but then used the G.I. Bill to become an apprentice carpenter. “I was sure glad to come home,” “Best move I ever made in my he said. The ships always traveled in life,” he said. convoys and there was a submarine escort to try to make sure the GerEskay is the last survivor of 10 sibman or Japanese submarines would- lings. After the war he stayed in Leen’t hurt the ships. As a gunner’s tonia, married his wife Barbara, and mate, his job was to watch. He said they had two children, Lynn and he never had to fire on anybody. Ac- Lawrence, and a grandson. Barbara cording to websites about the passed away in 2007. Armed Guard history, more than 2,000 members died during World War II.
The war was winding down and Eskay remembered traveling on a troop train from New York to California to the Treasure Island Naval The 94 year old joined the U.S. Station located in San Francisco. He Navy in 1942, a year after graduat- ran into fellow Leetonia residents ing high school in the little town of Norman Briden, Carmen Ferry and Leetonia in 1941. Joseph Kiliany, who also served as gunners in the Armed Guard. “I liked the service, liked the uniform. I could swim pretty good,” he From there they traveled to said. Hawaii, then Guam en route to Japan. When his ship docked in Eskay didn’t want to get drafted, Japan, he said there were piles of so he volunteered. He liked every- guns and ammunition and other thing they did in the Navy and found items. He managed to get a gun, himself in basic training at the Naval ammo and calipers, but only the Station Great Lakes in Illinois. calipers made it home after he sold the gun and ammo along the way. Upon completion of basic, he traveled to Gulfport, Miss. for gunnery He still has his uniform packed school. He was a Gunner’s Mate 3rd away and lots of photos in an Class in the Armed Guard, a branch album, even a few of the icebergs he whose job was handling the guns on saw on the Atlantic en route to Engthe cargo-hauling merchant ships. land. There were usually two 20mm guns in the front and then a larger deck He never got to see Hawaii during gun at the rear. the war because they didn’t leave MORNING JOURNAL • THE REVIEW • SALEM NEWS
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U.S. Navy Gunner’s Mate 3rd Class Robert Eskay of Leetonia stands in uniform.
“It just makes me proud to be a veteran. I think we were all proud,” he said about his fellow service members.
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George Schmidt COLUMBIANA – George Schmidt spent two of his threeand-a-half years in the Army Air Corps. in England and France as a ground radio operator directing pilots to their destinations.
Floyd E. Stansbury
The operators were required to always be on the alert in order to guide home a lost plane or straying formation of bombers, it said.
After returning to East Liverpool, he worked for Smith & Phillips as a truck driver and installer and became the company’s top salesman.
Some of their other responsibilities included giving up-to-date weather reports to pilots and announcing when important personnel arrived at the station.
He and his late wife, Marguerite, had eight children, 18 grandchildren; 14 great-grandchildren (”soon to be 25,” he noted); and two great-greatgrandchildren.
Schmidt participated in the Battle Schmidt, now 96, was just a of Britain during his service, and young man later earned a when he diBronze Star rected pilots for his efforts. from his station at a U.S. Prior to Ninth Air Force going overbomber staseas his traintion in Enging took place land. in Mississippi, Wisconsin, Despite his Florida and young age, he South Carhad already olina. earned the rank of serBefore joingeant and in ing the milione instance tary he served in particular at as a structural bomber stafitter at the tion, successfully guided a formation Enterprise Company in Columbiana. of Marauders returning from bombing an airfield in France during the Originally from New Waterford, Battle of Britain. Schmidt currently resides in Columbiana. A newspaper clipping from years ago that focused on Schmidt’s work in England said the ground radio operators worked in two-man shifts 24 hours a day, operating costly British equipment.
EAST LIVERPOOL – Floyd E. Stansbury, 98, Globe Street, spent two years in the U.S. Army, serving with the 87th Recon/7th Armored Division under Gen. An avid golfer his entire life, George S. Patton, earning the rank of Stansbury is a past member of the Corporal/Specialty Scout. East Liverpool High School champi“My regiment was sent out to onship golf team and a member of draw fire. A shell hit behind my fox- First Nazarene Church. hole, damaging my eardrums. My ears and feet froze,” Stansbury recalled of his time while fighting in the Battle of the Bulge and at Arbennes, Rhineland and through Central Europe.
“You just tried to stay alive,” he said, adding, “War was something that had to happen. They had to straighten things out. There were a lot of crooked people in the world.”
Stansbury earned the Good Conduct Medal, Victory Medal and EAME Thr Service Medal and three bronze stars during his stint in the military.
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Franklin witnessed war up close By KEVIN HOWELL
Drafted into the military shortly “It was 2 in the morning, I’m out after beginning his first job at the there in it; it was a scary time,” he now defunct Mahoning County Farm said. Few can understand the absolute- Bureau, Franklin chose the Navy. ness of death and destruction as During picket duty, in which a ship those who have fought in battle. He trained at Great Lakes, Ill., be- is used to increase radar detection fore shipping out of Oakland, Calif. to help protect against a surprise air Few have seen the absoluteness attack, the USS Daly took out two of death and destruction as those After that, Franklin’s service in- planes but fell under fire, taking a hit who witnessed Nagasaki and Iwo cluded sailing the wide expanse of that killed five men and all commuJima after the bombs were dropped. the Pacific Ocean. nication, Franklin said. Staff Writer
Rodman Franklin, a New Albany native and Greenford High School graduate, returned from World War II having borne witness to the end of the war up close and personal.
“We traveled to Hawaii and everywhere between Guadalcanal and the Japanese coast,” he said, noting Iwo Jima, the Philippines and Okinawa.
A machinist’s mate in the Navy from 1944 to 1946, Franklin served on the USS Daly (DD-519) destroyer, which saw action in the Battle of Okinawa and checked the Nagasaki bomb site a month after the explosion.
In the Battle of Okinawa, the U.S. military’s final confrontation with Japanese forces, the USS Daly provided amphibious support, credited with sinking a destroyer and several other boats that night. Franklin was stationed on the main deck during the torpedo run.
“It was something you never forget,” Franklin said. “There was nothing there but a few big stumps and tangled iron in...a 2-mile, 1-mile area.”
During his time with the USS Daly, the destroyer was credited with sinking one battle wagon, two cruisers, 27 planes and also with participation in bombardment runs with the fleet, Franklin said. He received a “We stayed out there all night, number of medals and accommodaunable to communicate,” he ex- tions. plained. “You feel so alone like On a lighter note, Franklin shared that.” an anecdote that shook his nerves at The USS Daly was with the fleet the time, but in hindsight is both huwhen the armistice was signed in morous and encouraging. August of 1945. “[I was] on liberty with a friend After the armistice, the USS Daly and we were in a baseball game,” swept the Japanese coast for enemy he explained. shipping and served occupation duty at Nagasaki, just one month after “Shore leave ended at 5 p.m., but the atomic bomb helped end the we thought it was 6 p.m. When we war. returned to the boat, there was no
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boat. You can imagine the feeling of getting back and your boat is gone and you don’t know where it is and if it’s coming back.”
“I knew I was doing what I should do,” he said, noting he had three younger brothers who also served in the Navy.
Franklin and his friend got a ride with a Marine on his private boat out to the main ship, where they had to wait a week before their boat returned to the port.
“That’s something you don’t see today. If they take some of these jobless [men and women] today and put them in the military, we’d see a different society.”
“There we were; we didn’t know anyone and no one knew us,” he said. “So we just set outside waiting, but were bustled in with everyone else at meal times, just like we were one of [the crew].” Looking back on his time in the Navy, Franklin said he is not necessarily proud, but sees a stark difference between generations.
Other Grace Woods Veterans • Marge Dumovic, World War II nurse, • Walter Johnson, Navy, Korean War, • Thomas McVeigh, Air Force, Cuban Crisis
New Albany native Rodman Franklin, a resident at Grace Woods Senior Living in Salem, displays a photograph of the USS Daly destroyer on which he served during World War II. Franklin saw action in the Battle of Okinawa and viewed Nagasaki a month after its bombing. (Salem News photo by Kevin Howell)
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Hannay carries his share of memories By J.D. CREER
Born in Salem, Hannay enlisted in The Invasion of Normandy and its the Navy when he was 17. He felt he incalculable impact on the war and had more to offer his country by world history loomed. Salem resident Robert Hannay got serving than staying at home. to see World War II up close. FightFor the June 6,1944 invasion, Haning the enemy on both sides of the He trained at Great Lakes Naval nay remembered how they emglobe, he was there fighting Nazis Training Station near Chicago. He barked in the English Channel and during D-Day at Normandy Beach. later went to the Brooklyn Navy Yard loaded their Higgins boat. He was there fighting the Japanese in New York City where his ship was at Okinawa. outfitted for war. That landing craft, vehicle, personnel boat (LCVP) was capable of The 90 year old carries his share Hannay was assigned to be a gun- delivering masses of men and equipof memories. But it isn’t just what he ner on the LST-281, a tank landing ment safely and efficiently from ship saw. But what he heard too. ship. He loaded 20mm guns while a to shore, eliminating the need for espartner served as shooter. tablished harbors. Like a German 88mm shell going by so close that he could “feel the “I put the magazine on, he’d Those boats were used extensively breeze from it.” shoot them up,” he said. during World War II amphibious landings. Serving in the U.S. Navy and surThe ship went to Nova Scotia beviving three invasions, the modest fore heading to England. After the beach was secured, Hannay will tell you he doesn’t have tanks were unloaded. Hannay much of a story to tell. “In England, we trained around stayed on the ship as a gunner, a there, beaching the boat,” he re- front row witness to epochal history Others would differ. called. “It was exciting, being on a in the making. big boat.” Salem News Managing Editor
“It was quite an experience,” Hannay recalled of Normandy. “It was just 18. We were out in the harbor. I was glad to be in the boat.” Have you seen “Saving Private Ryan,” the highly-acclaimed cinematic depiction of the Normandy? Hannay did and was impressed with its accuracy. “Best movie ever made,” he said. Recalling that fateful day he remembered “how they slaughtered our troops. Regarding troop placement and air cover he said, “There were lots of goofs.” Following Normandy, Hannay’s ship was dispatched to the Mediterranean, later hauling troops to the Corsica islands, just below southern France. Then came the invasion of Nazioccupied southern France, with his ship becoming beached.
Out went the tide and the ship was stuck on dry ground. Exposed and vulnerable to attack, the ship was a veritable sitting duck.
“I’m a knight,” “Sir” Hannay chuckled. He speaks highly of the French and how appreciative they were during the war and to this very day for the Americans saving their nation from Nazi rule.
A broad balloon, shaped like a dirigible, ascended over the ship. Its purpose was to keep away German dive bombers. But the balloon was A letter of recommendation reads spotted by Germans onshore, man- in part: “Through this award, the ning an 88mm gun. French government pays tribute to the soldiers who did so much for “Luckily, they never hit us. But France and Western Europe. they came mighty close,” Hannay said. Close enough for him to hear a 70 years ago, you gave your youth shell whistling by and actually cre- to France and the French people. ating a breeze as it flew by him as Many of your fellow soldiers did not he was standing on the ship’s edge. return but they remain in our hearts. His captain cut loose the balloon. “The crews in the bay saw that, and they had a plane and they launched it and went up and spotted the German shooter,” according to Hannay.
“Thanks to your courage, and to our Americans friends an allies, France and Europe have been living in peace for the past seven decades. You saved us.
During the Asiatic-Pacific CamWe will never forget. For us, the paign, Hannay and his crew mates French people, you are heroes. Grathad a harrowing experience. Their itude and remembrance are forever ship was going to beach at Okinawa in our souls.” and was awaiting its turn. The Legion of Honor distinction is Gas and smoke oil was used as the highest honor that France beconcealment from air assaults. But a stows upon those achieving remarkkamikaze plane came toward it. able deeds in that country. “We were saved by a destroyer Hannay, who also received formal that was anchored near there,” he recognition from the General Assaid. “He had more heavy power sembly of Ohio, was one of seven rethan us.” cipients honored Aug. 20 in Conneaut, located on the shores of Hannay served two years and Lake Erie. three months in the U.S. Navy. After returning home he earned his G.E.D., There the largest D-Day living hisand worked in various jobs — in- tory event in the United States is cluding at plants like Mullins and held yearly (www.ddayohio.us). Eljer — while raising a family. Nowadays, he admits to being He married Mildred Smith in 1948. “wobbly” but remains sharp of The couple resides in Salem. The mind. have two children, daughters, Shirley and Sharon; four grandchildren and His vivid memories and similar three great-grandchildren. recollections of his fellow service members should be preserved and A highlight and acknowledgement cherished as precious artifacts of the of Hannay’s service to his country — greatest generation in the history of and to the nation of France — came the United States. just this past summer. “I was proud to be part of the efPresented by the French, Hannay fort,” he said quietly. received a Knight of the Legion of Honor medal. He even got a cereHe should be. monial “kiss” from Consul General Vincent Floreani. MORNING JOURNAL • THE REVIEW • SALEM NEWS
Salem resident and World War II veteran Robert Hannay displays his medals and honors including, top right in the case, a Knight of the Legion of Honor medal accorded last summer during a D-Day anniversary celebration at Conneaut. (Salem News photo by J.D. Creer)
Otto Harold Kappler Backer Green Township native Otto Kappler served five years in the Army during World War II, including three in Europe. He was in the Army before Pearl Harbor and participated in D-Day. He also partici-
LISBON — Harold A. Backer of Lisbon served in the U.S. Air Force during the Korean War. Backer, now 85, reached the rank of Airman First Class and received a service ribbon for the three years and five months he served from 1951-1954.
pated in battles at Normandy, Ardennes and Rhineland.
During his time in the service, Backer did his basic training at Lackland Air Force Base and received Kappler earned the ranks of T-5 technical training in Louisiana. and specialist corporal. He was honored with the Liberation of Caen, Additionally he served at Wright France, 50th anniversary. Patterson base in Dayton for two years before going overseas in 1954 Kappler, 98, lives at Brookdale to the Taegu Air Force Base (K-2) in Senior Living in Salem. South Korea. He was a part of the 58th Air Base Group in Taegu.
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Virginia Conklin CHESTER, W.Va. — Virginia Conklin recently returned to Tybee Island, Ga., where she was stationed with the U.S. Coast Guard during World War II. Coast Guard members were fascinated as she shared her experiences from 70 years earlier. Officer-in-Charge Keith Kucera presented her with an honor coin for her service. Conklin, 92, of Chester, enlisted in the Coast Guard SPARS in 1944 and served stateside through 1946. Working at a grocery store at age 20, Conklin knew she wanted to do something more with her life. She thought about the Navy WAVES, but then a Coast Guard recruiter from East Liverpool came knocking. “He said the SPARS offered all the free education, same as the Navy, only they trained in Palm Beach, Fla., instead of Illinois. Florida sounded very good, so I spent the winter months there,” she said.
After boot camp, Conklin elected to continue her training in Florida at cook and bakers school. From there, she went to Charleston, S.C., and Savannah, Ga., where she was one of 12 female replacements for men sent to war. “When we reported to Capt. John in Savannah, he was in total shock. He was expecting 12 men, not women,” she said. “Capt. John was a career seaman who never married and obviously had a great dislike for women.”
Women’s reserves such as WAVES, WACs and SPARS were created durSix months later, Conklin reported ing World War II to provide domestic to Cockspur Island, Ga., a demobireplacements for the men who were deployed for military service over- lization center where she typed discharge papers for men returning seas. from overseas — until she, too, was The acronym SPARS comes from discharged in June 1946 with the the Coast Guard motto “Semper rank of Ships Cook 2nd Class. Paratus,” Latin for “always ready.” Conklin married William E. Conklin, a Navy veteran who served in “We were trained in every male duty, except steering a ship and fly- New Guinea, and, together, the couple pursued their dreams of an eduing a plane,” she said. cation via the GI Bill of Rights at West Virginia University. MORNING JOURNAL • THE REVIEW • SALEM NEWS THE STORIES OF OUR VETERANS
Ravelli served on U.S.S. Bremerton By LARRY SHIELDS Staff Writer
SALEM — Ray Ravelli of Beloit joined the U.S. Navy in 1944, a year when U.S. forces spread their arsenal of democracy might to the far reaches of the south Pacific, inching closer and closer to Japan during World War II.
“I thought I was going home that night, but they took me right away.” He took basic training at the big Great Lakes training center where a normal eight-week training cycle was reduced to four weeks, and to various Naval centers and he wound up in New York for training as gunner’s mate on the big five-inch battery. “There are five guys to operate it,” he said, of the surface and air gun.
Ravelli served as a gunners mate He said the training, discipline and on the U.S.S. Bremerton, a large ar- structure was what was needed for mored cruiser and flagship for the survival in war — and in life. commander in chief for the Atlantic fleet before moving to the Pacific Ravelli’s deployments gradually Ocean. led to Cuba and then through the Panama Canal and into the Pacific He served in the Philippines, Ocean where the biggest naval batChina, Panama and, after the war tle in history, Leyte Gulf, raged on. ended, in Japan. Ravelli is the son of Italian immiLeyte Gulf, sometimes called the grants and grew up in Alliance. second battle of the Philippines, was the first time Japanese Kamikazes “My father died early and I en- appeared in appreciable numbers. listed right after I turned 17 because they didn’t check very well back Since he was deployed on the then,” he said. U.S.S. Bremerton, Ravelli said he didn’t see much of that. “It made my mother proud and relieved from her supporting another The Bremerton was a Baltimorefamily member. My older brother class heavy cruiser with over 1,000 Louis had already joined the men including was a marine detachMarines.” ment of 45 men.
Ray Ravelli of Beloit served as a gunners mate on the U.S.S. Bremerton, a large armored cruiser and flagship for the commander in chief for the Atlantic fleet before moving to the Pacific Ocean. He is shown with his wife, Ginny, showing their passion for the Ohio State Buckeyes.
“They’d give everyone so much a The Navy considered the work so month for it,” he said. dangerous that in some cases it awarded battle stars to ships perRavelli recalled there was a time forming the job. the ship took up rescue duties. As the war was winding down the skies “We cut the chains,” Ravelli said. were pretty much cleared of Japan- “Cut them loose and then blew ese aircraft but there were American them up with 40mm and 20mm fire. pilots who got into trouble. They’d come to the surface and we’d shoot at them. “Lot of plane ditching, crashing action” he said. Still while the war We didn’t get much sleep; every was going on. now and then we’d get a bang against the ship. It’s keep you nervLeaving home on that day in early The ship was assigned to the 7th It was after the when things got ous day and night. You’re down 1944, Ravelli traveled to Cleveland Fleet. tense for Ravelli. below. You sometimes, no, a lot of to enlist in the navy. He had basically times hit big turtles. We cleared been directed there by Louis. “We mostly had trouble with the “After the war they sent us up to channels. They had to be completely submarines,” he said, adding, the “He went into the Marines and “wicked” part was earlier. “We China and Japan to clean up the cleaned up.” came home all shot up. He told me I picked up in the end. We did see mines,” he said. “We used paraHis unit took part in the Philipbetter join the Navy or you’ll wind some bad things, very bad, landing vanes.” pines signing of its independence up eating in a foxhole. barges with soldiers all laying The paravane is a device towed and he was awarded medals for around in the water. behind a boat at a depth regulated service in wartime China, the Occu“He was right,” Ravelli said, “I by its vanes or planes, so that the pation Equator medal, ASIACTIC Pawould have been living in a fox“We came in at the end and cable to which it is attached can cut cific Campaign medal, the American hole.” cleaned up everything ... cleaned up the moorings of submerged mines. Theatre Campaign and the Cambodies” on island battlefields, like paign Service Victory WWII medals. He was expecting to return home Saipan and through the Pacific It was developed by a British inafter enlisting but the manpower de- arena, while also performing shore ventor as a means to sweep enemy “God has watched over me and I mands into 1944 were too high. patrol duties. mines. pray every day for the men and women who did not make it through World War II,” he said. 20
Herron remembers war in Germany By KATIE WHITE
supplies from Frankfurt, Germany to and shovels cleaning the streets of the men serving on the front lines – Germany so that the German people about a 45-mile trip. could begin moving around in the COLUMBIANA German section. – Rolin Herron Herron would haul supplies like was working for canned goods, candy, cigarettes, amThat was during his last six his father’s com- munition, gasoline and medical months in Germany, near Berlin, he pany in Salem equipment. said. when he was drafted in NoHe spent 3.5 years in the Army When the war over he served as vember of 1943. and earned the rank of buck ser- motor sergeant in charge of 20 vegeant and also was a sharp shooter, hicles in Lindberg that were used in Aside from his although he never participated in a and around Germany during that father, Herron was the last man battle. time. working at Herron Transfer Company in Salem at the time, since everyone His hauling in Germany included “The German people didn’t want else was involved in the war. trips along the Autobahn Highway, the war either, any more than we where he could see German tankers did,” he said of the civilians who He began driving as early as 11 stationed off the road, and on were displaced by the war. years old, and later made more than barges along the Rhine River. 200 trips out of Salem to New York Herron remained in the Army until City all by himself for his father’s He explained they had to use May of 1946. He now lives in Whiscompany, he said. barges to haul since the Germans pering Pines Assisted Living in had knocked out all the bridges. Columbiana. When he was drafted, Herron put his driving experience to use driving At 93 years old he still remembers for the Army on special duty hauling seeing women with wheelbarrows Staff Writer
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Bill Evankovich By LARRY SHIELDS Staff Writer
proached them ... talked to them and went on in to land.” Evankovich explained they flew every day and from New Jersey. Europe was a frequent destination. They also went to Asia and South America.
COLUMBIANA — For Bill Evankovich, who ended his four-years in the U.S. Air Force as a staff sergeant, his time was spent first on the ground and later in the air as a radio operator. He joined the Air Force in 1951 and served during the time of the Korean War, and after training he was assigned to air rescue in Alaska. He was a ground radio operator but soon earned an air radio operators license and took to the air. Evankovich, 86, served just about half his time in Alaska and flew over the North Pole, and served out the rest of his time at McGuire Air Force Base in New Jersey. While in Alaska, Evankovich flew on the Grumman Albatross and in New Jersey he flew the C-118 passenger plane, the military version of the DC-6A. In Alaska, he started as a ground radio operator, after his training. “I talked to pilots,” he said, and later took the exam to become an air radio operator. “The only thing I did was call into base. I operated the radio while the plane flew, and talked to the tower and other planes. Gave them our position. That’s about it. In New Jersey, I talked to other areas as we ap22
Thomas Robert Powers Bertschy
Thomas J. Powers, 85, was a corporal who served in the U.S. Marine Corps from 1948 “Every day of the week, we flew,” through 1956, to he said. “To different places, having which he was a as passengers service members who member of had to be transported to different George Complaces. We pany, 3rd Battalion, 1st Marine Regstopped over iment of the 1st Marine Division, every three to 10th Corps. four hours to refuel, dropped off During his eight years with the and picked up Marines, Powers served during the passengers. That Korean War, where he guarded Preswas our daily job. ident Harry Truman in Key West, Fla. I’d go a week to 10 days at a time Powers also served as a machine to these different gunner in Korea, where he and his places.” company saw action in places such as Telegraph He liked fly- Hill, East Hill, ing. After getting Koto-Ri, Seoul, out of the service Inchon and the he obtained a commercial license Chosin Reserand an instructor’s license. voir as well as military opera“I liked getting up in the air,” he tions such as said, adding he was named airmen Operation Drysof the month twice. dale and Operations Killer and “I must have been doing some- Ripper. Powers thing right,” he joked. also received the Purple He recalled being in charge of Heart. radio operations in Casablanca while his wife, who had followed Powers and his unit’s experiences him throughout his military time, from the war were chronicled in the was due to give birth. book “Give Me Tomorrow: The Korean War’s Greatest Untold Story — Evankovich wanted to get home The Epic Stand of the Marines of for the birth. George Company” written by Patrick “They kept canceling my flights, K. O’Donnell and released in 2010. my wife was due. They kept canceling and by the time I got back she Powers and other members of the had the baby.” unit also shared their experiences in the six-part television miniseries, Evankovich received an early dis- Against All Odds, which aired in charge after attaining the rank of 2014 on the American Heroes Chanstaff sergeant to attend Ohio North- nel. ern where he earned his pharmacist’s degree and worked for Gray Powers and his wife, Joan, curDrugs, People’s Drugs, and owned rently reside on Grant Street in his store, the North Lima Pharmacy, Newell. for about four years.
EAST LIVERPOOL – Robert H. Bertschy, 89, of Poplar Street spent six years in the U.S. Navy, attaining the rank of 2nd Class Petty Officer, and although it has been more than 70 years since he fought in the battle of Iwo Jima, he is still involved with veteran issues. Bertschy served aboard a mine sweeper during that historic battle in Japan, having joined the service at the age of 17. He also served during the Korean War, traveling around the world during his military service. After being discharged, Bertschy returned to this area and worked at Crucible Steel until it closed in 1982 but has served as a Cubmaster, Scoutmaster, won the Silver Beaver Award and drove a van, transporting veterans to hospitals and other locations, logging more than 200,000 volunteer miles and more than 10,000 hours of service for veterans. “I finally gave it up at 89, thinking someone else could drive,” Bertschy said. He still is on the Veterans Service Commission and is active with the Disabled American Veterans, for which he is on the national executive committee and formerly served as state commander. For his service, Bertschy was named to the Veterans Hall of Fame.
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Family table armed service stories By Ron Flaviano
chest so he wouldn’t lose it. When I have great respect for all of them he was hit my enemy fire, the bullet and thank them for their service to was stopped by the condensed our nation. Growing up in the 1970s was in- pages of the Bible and the saved letdeed a unique experience. Com- ters from my aunt. pared to today, with all the distractions of cell phones, the interDuring the Vietnam War, my Uncle net and social media, the 1970s Joe Patrone was drafted into the must seem pretty dull to the current Army. As fate would have it, my generation. Without all of those dis- Grandpa Patrone insisted that all of tractions I learned many stories his children learned to correctly type about my dad and all of my uncles on a typewriter at a very young age. who served our nation in various The early typing lessons saved Uncle branches of the armed services. Joe from having to go into actual combat. Once he got to his station, We spent many Sunday after- the officers in charge asked anyone noons at my grandparents house, who knew how to type to raise their typically saddled up at my hand. My uncle was one of the few, grandma’s huge dining room table. and was assigned to a job typing All of my aunts, uncles and cousins and keeping track of the airplane typically joined us there, making for manifests for supplies being sent to quite a large gathering each week- Seoul. After returning from Vietnam, end. my uncle didn’t speak very often about the war. When I started putting this piece Joe Patrone, U.S. Army together for Veterans Day and readVietnam My other uncles who served during the stories, I began to recall sto- ing wartime were George Bufwack ries that my dad and uncles used to in the U.S. Army Air Forces, tell on occasion. Most who served George Kish in the U.S. Navy and during wartime didn’t speak of it Bill Grodesky in the U.S. Marines. often, but when they did the stories were fantastic. My dad, Anthony Flaviano, and his brother, Rocky Flaviano, both served One of my most vivid memories is our nation during peacetime. My of my Uncle Sam Biviano telling dad was in the U.S. Air Force staabout how he survived the Pearl tioned in El Paso, Texas and Nancy, Harbor attack. He was in the U.S. France. One of his responsibilities Navy and serving on the U.S.S. Okla- was mixing the liquid oxygen that homa. On the morning of December was used by pilots in the fighter jets. 7, 1941 Pearl Harbor was attacked During a mishap my dad’s hand was by the Japanese Empire. During the submerged briefly in liquid oxygen. Sam Biviano, U.S. Navy U.S.S. Oklahoma, WWII attack, the U.S.S. Oklahoma was hit With a temperature of -361 degrees by nine torpedoes and was one of fahrenheit, the liquid oxygen infive battleships that were sunk. stantly froze his hand solid. Morning Journal Art Director
My Uncle Sam managed to squeeze through one of the portholes in the ship, leap into the water and swim to safety on a nearby island. 429 of his crew mates were not so fortunate.
Anthony Flaviano, U.S. Air Force Peacetime
William Grodesky, U.S. Marines WWII
Had he accidentally bumped his hand in the frozen state it would have shattered like glass. Fortunately the medical team on base used the correct procedure of gradually warming his hand with cold to warm water. This process took sevMy Uncle Luke Monteforte served eral hours, but my dad did not suffer during the Korean War. He had met any loss of sensation in his hand. my Aunt Yolanda Flaviano prior to his tour of duty and they were enHis brother Rocky was stationed gaged before he left for Korea. My in Alaska during peacetime. A musiGeorge Bufwack aunt wrote him every day. Uncle cian all of his life, he played lead United States Army Air Forces George Kish Luke kept all of her letters in a Bible saxophone in the U.S. Army band WWII U.S. Navy, WWII that he always wore strapped to his during his years of service. MORNING JOURNAL • THE REVIEW • SALEM NEWS THE STORIES OF OUR VETERANS FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2016 27
Michael Traina says “don’t give up” By MARY ANN GREIER Staff Writer
SALEM — Don’t give up. Never slow down. Just keep going. No excuses — only results. “I learned so many great lessons in the military that I carried them with me.” U.S. Army veteran Dr. Michael Traina said.
carried that philosophy with me in daughter and six grandchildren. civilian life,” he explained. As a student at John Adams High The 80-year-old Salem resident School on the east side of Cleveland, gave eight years of his life to the he never had such lofty ambitions. service, from 1958 to 1964 in the He was last in his class of 485 and regular Army where he attained the had a speech problem. After high rank of E4 Corporal and from 1972 school, he was working in a factory to 1974 in the Army Reserves during at age 20 when his number got the Vietnam era when he trained pulled. young people out of basic training to become medics. “The luckiest day of my life was the day I got drafted and I thank He earned two honorable dis- God for that every day,” Traina said. charges in 1964 and 1974 and two commendations, one for exceptional He completed basic training at duty in the Army and one for exem- Fort Benning in Georgia, then took plary service as a training sergeant medic training at Fort Sam Houston in the Army Reserves. in San Antonio, Texas.
As a combat medic and as a training instructor for combat medics, he didn’t have the luxury of slowing down or stopping if he didn’t feel That time in the service led to a like doing something. series of decisions that made him into the man he is today: a retired “When you’re in combat, you college professor of business and a don’t slow down, because some- motivational speaker who married body wants to take you out. I had to the girl he met in his first master’s save other people. I never stopped. I class and ended up with a son, a
where he served with a medical combat training unit. They spent most of their time training, but when they were called out, they never knew where they were. They loaded up their equipment and off they went. One time they were high up in the mountains in freezing temperatures and another time it was just the opposite, high temperatures and high humidity. He participated in the Berlin Wall crisis in 1961, when the wall went up, and recalled being in Miami in 1962 for the Cuban Missile Crisis and seeing Marines loaded on ships for the invasion.
“That wakes you up,” he said. Those who took all the training were equal to registered nurses and Toward the end of his service, with some even took the state boards just six months to go, his unit was when they got out of the service. taking part in a very realistic training exercise where an infantry unit Traina was assigned to the Fitzsi- was acting like the enemy and using mons Army Hospital in Denver, Colo. live rounds. They simulated someone
Ronald Miller CHESTER, W.Va. — Ronald C. Miller served in Vietnam as part of the 101st Airborne Reconnaissance Platoon, a specialist unit within the 101st Airborne Division. His tour of duty lasted from 1970-1971. Miller’s long-range reconnaissance patrol, or LRRP, went deep into enemy territory. “They’d give you coordinates and locations on a map. Within that grid, you would “We’d give reports and then go search out the Viet Cong,” he exback out after a week,” he said. plained. “We would give indications of troop movements and then call in Today, Miller, 66, of Chester, is serartillery air strikes.” geant-at-arms for the Chester American Legion Post 121 Color Guard Miller’s LRRP also engaged the and the Tri-State Veterans Burial enemy directly. After a mission, they Group. were picked up by helicopters and returned to base. He is the father of two daughters.
getting injured and he was the closest medic. He thought to himself that if he got home, he was going to do something with his life. The next day he walked into the education office and enrolled in a correspondence course for criminology, He passed and took another course, this time in economics. After his discharge, he returned to his factory job but also enrolled in college and earned a bachelor’s degree at Kent State University. He decided to keep going and went to John Carroll University for his master’s degree. There he met Eloise Vaccariello, one of only two women in the class, and a year later they were married. He said he chose John Carroll because it was on his way home from work.
in Salem, where a new branch campus was being built. He and Eloise have been in Salem ever since and celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary next year. He taught at several universities before retiring in 2007 and also served as a motivational speaker and trainer through his own company, Motivation for Success. He’s had many speaking engagements, including on Memorial Day and Veterans Day. Traina credits all his success to the motivation he gained in the U.S. Army, that drive to never stop. “That kid who was last in his class and stuttered got the highest degree in the world and made a living speaking,” he said.
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He’s thankful for getting drafted To find out more about GreenFleet Loyalty Rewards. and serving his country. In life, he visit us in person or go to He continued his education back said hard work and determination www.JohnDeere.com/GreenFleet at KSU, earning a Ph.D. in 1970, and gets you through. No one owes you ended up teaching a summer course anything. MORNING JOURNAL • THE REVIEW • SALEM NEWS THE STORIES OF OUR VETERANS FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2016 29
Robert and Frank Goetz
Paul Davis Paul Davis, 68, served from 1968 to 1970 as a member of the U.S. Army, where he achieved the ranks of SP5/E5.
Brothers Robert “Bobby” Goetz and Francis “Frank” Goetz both served in the U.S. Navy, with Robert in for 20 years from 1962 to 1982 and Francis in for 10 years from 1958 to 1968. Robert, 72, now resides in Leetonia and ended his Brothers Robert and Frank Goetz pose together naval career on the during their service in the U.S. Navy. USS L.Y. Spear in April 1982, attainWhile serving on the USS Franklin ing the rank of Hull Tech Chief E7. D. Roosevelt (CVA-42), he received a commendation medal for leadership Francis, 76, resides in Salem and and superior fire fighting knowledge. attained the rank of Ship Fitter Metal 2nd Class and served during the He helped bring a fire under conVietnam War. trol which took the lives of eight men on the attack carrier.
Vietnam Service Medal, one O/S Bar, a Bronze Star for merit and service, and went beyond the call of duty.
Following his service, Davis attended Youngstown State University where he graduated in 1978 and 1988 with associate’s and bachelor’s During his two degrees in civil engineering technolyears of service, ogy. He is retired from FirstEnergy, he served in the Army Explosive Ord. where he worked in nuclear energy. Disposal at Fort Sill, Okla., in Giesen, Germany and Vietnam. While servDavis is married to Mary Ann Szaing in Vietnam, he battled in the lkowski and have seven children. He Vietnam Central Highland along currently resides on Glasgow Road South China Sea. in Salineville. A decorated and dedicated veteran, Davis received the National Defense Service Medal, the Exp. M-14 Badge, the SPS M-16 Badge, the EOD Badge, a Vietnam Combat Medal, a
On Veterans Day, we pause to reflect on the courage, dedication and loyalty of our nation’s military veterans. Throughout history, their hard work and sacrifice have kept us safe and protected our freedom. We owe them a debt of gratitude that can never be repaid, and we salute them for their service. To all of the brave men and women who have sacrificed to put their country first, we thank you.
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Popa worked on Cyclone engines By LARRY SHIELDS
The small numbers of C-74s built meant that the aircraft’s service was limited, but it gave the Air Force exSALEM — perience with the operation and utilJohn Popa, Sr. ity of large transport aircraft. served in the newly-estabPopa recalled engines on the huge lished United Globemasters had seven magnetos States Air Force and 46 spark plugs. Joe recalled his during the Ko- father talking about changing all the rean War. spark plugs on the big engines, a labor-intensive job in itself. Popa was born in Salem but moved to RomaHe also worked on B-29s that flew nia when he was 2 years old where over North Korea bombing enemy he grew up and lived throughout replacement equipment, armament World War II in that country. and supplies to North Korean army south of the 38th parallel, fighting in After the war, as part of an South Korea. arrangement to return to the United States, he joined the U.S. Air Force, They also bombed enemy strateexplained his son, Joe. gic and military targets in the north. Staff Writer
“He couldn’t speak English,” Joe said, but his father enlisted in June of 1952 and served until December 1956.”
John Popa Sr. Popa of Salem served as an aircraft mechanic in the Korean War where he worked on the Wright Cyclone engines, one of the most powerful radial aircraft engines in the world, keeping them in top running condition.
Popa also worked on jets and recalled one of the big stories was regarding major league baseball barely escaped with his life. player and United States Marine Corps pilot Ted Williams, who flew He also recalled one incident with John, 88, recalls flying out of combat missions in a U.S. Navy F-9. higher ranking officer and a dispute Miller Airport in North Benton before over a air-brake circuit breaker on an joining the Air Force and later Williams flew with the 33rd Maearned commercial and instrument rine Air Group and his plane was F-86 and told the lieutenant to “shut it down.” flight ratings. damaged by small arms fire during a strafing run over an enemy en“I saw something wrong, it Popa served as an aircraft me- campment. opened the dive brake and saw it chanic in the Korean War where he needed fixed. If he pushed it the worked on the Wright Cyclone enWilliams made it back to a friendly gines, one of the most powerful ra- field where he crashed. Former U.S. plane would have blown apart,”he dial aircraft engines in the world, Sen. John Glenn flew with Williams said recalling that the pilot was a West Point graduate. keeping them in top running condi- and witnessed the crash. tion. John was awarded the Korean John spoke about it repeatedly, as He received his training in Mobile, it was a pretty big deal. Williams Service Medal and United Nations Service Medal for his time in Korea. Ala. was assigned to Korea after that. He also worked on the C-74 Globemaster, which there were only 14 built, and of those 11 actually saw operational service.
He was also awarded the National Defense Service Medal and Good Conduct Medal. After his time in Korea, he served at Selfridge Air Force Base in Michigan and was part of the storied 71st Interceptor Squadron which flew the F-86Ds. When he was discharged, John returned to Salem where he worked at Eljer Plumbingware, Mullins Mfg. (now American Standard) and Timko Supply and Hole’s Trailer Sales. He also worked for the Salem City School District at the renovated Reilly Stadium in the early 1990s.
All were used by the United States Army Air Forces Air Transport Command (ATC), and later by the United States Air Force Military Air Transport Service (MATS). The C-74 could carry 125 fully equipped troops, 115 litter patients with their medical attendants, or up to 50,000 lbs of cargo. MORNING JOURNAL • THE REVIEW • SALEM NEWS
Don Stapleton says war overlooked By J.D. CREER Salem News Managing Editor
Don Stapleton says to call it for what it was: the Korean War and not some kind of police action or conflict as Washington called it. “I really feel bad that they called it a police action when it was a fullscale war,” said the retired Army sergeant. “We were fighting Russian MiGs, the North Koreans and Chinese. There were three countries involved against us. I would call that a war.” Most would agree. The Korean War (1950-53) claimed 36,574 American lives, wounded another 102,284 and left 2,830 missing in action. The tall and angular 86-year-old Stapleton has a bayonet-sharp memory and doesn’t weigh but a rations can or few over his Korean fighting weight. And fighting it was. He was a forward observer in the front lines during some of the bloodiest and legendary battles of the Korean War: Heartbreak Ridge, Bloody Ridge and Punchbowl.
the mortars over my head from our — Mike is in the Salem High Hall of people firing over to the North Kore- Fame. He was a member of the 1976 ans.” district-winning Quakers before playing big time collegiate ball at Front line action was rotated, with the University of Tennessee, then a those infantry men serving up close national power. to danger receiving four points a month. Stapleton accumulated over 50 points. So, yes, he was in the thick Don was a longtime employee of of things. Electric Furnace. He later was a trucking salesman and a traffic man“I stayed until the armistice was ager at NRM in Columbiana. signed (July 27, 1953),” he said. “Then I came home and there were Nearly 60 years after leaving no big celebrations or anything.” He Korea, he returned to that country as expressed disgust that all of our vet- an “Ambassador of Peace,” a desigerans and those who made ultimate nation accorded by a grateful South sacrifices are marginalized if not Korean government. completely disregarded nowadays. The Korean War effort always seems An official proclamation he reoverlooked. ceived and cherishes reads: “It is a great honor and pleasure to express “It will all fade away; just like the everlasting gratitude of the RePearl Harbor,” said Stapleton who public of Korea and our people for earned a Commendation Ribbon for the service you and your countrymen meritorious service. “I’m proud of have performed in restoring and prewhat I helped do — saving a coun- serving our freedom and democracy. try from communism.” We cherish in our hearts the memUpon his return stateside, Staple- ory of your boundless sacrifices in ton raised a family with his late wife, helping us reestablish our Free NaEunice, who passed away in 2011. tion.
And talk about fate: the Stapletons shared the same birth date, “I was there and saw the bodies,” Sept. 3, 1930. He was a 1948 graduhe recalled solemnly. “I was on the ate of Salem High School and Eunice front line of resistance from October a 1948 Greenford High School. He 1952 to July 1953. You don’t forget plants mums in honor of his sweetall that you saw. heart at his Salem residence. I could just look across and see They had three children: Kris, Mike the Chinese. When I was in the and Rick. The boys were both talbunker at the outpost I could hear ented Salem High basketball players
Sgt. Don Stapleton received his Commendation Ribbon for meritorious service following his service during the Korean War. Making the presentation during an August 1954 ceremony was Brig. Gen. Russell Ramsey, the commanding general of the 83rd Division. (Photo courtesy Don Stapleton)
He marveled at the development of South Korea during his 2013 tour of the country, much of which was paid for by the South Korean government.
In grateful recognition of your dedicated contributions, it is our privilege to proclaim you an Ambas“It’s unreal how modern they sador for Peace with every good wish of people of the Republic of are,” Stapleton said. “They have Korea. Let each of us reaffirm our things we don’t even have in the mutual respect and friendship that United States.” they may endure for generations to come.”
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Randolph Davis
Robert Smith
William Doss Smith
William Doss Smith, 69, Annesley Road, East Liverpool, was a member of the United States Army for two years, where he served overseas as a Specialist (E5).
COLUMBIANA – A Bronze Star recipient who served in one of the largest military campaigns of the Vietnam War, Randolph Davis is now enjoying semi-retired life in Columbiana with his family.
E A S T ROCHESTER — Robert Smith of East Rochester spent two years and six months He earned the rank of E-5 serserving in the geant during his time in the Army, Army, was rewhich also included being trained as portedly honored a traffic analyst (codebreaker) and with three Purple was awarded top secret crypto seHearts and a Bronze Star for his curity clearance. service. He was also assigned to Fort DeSmith, 67, told the Journal he was vens, Mass. as crypto instructor, and is a Youngstown State University drafted at 19 to serve in the Army in Vietnam. graduate.
Smith’s service took place during the Vietnam War, where he drove truck and transported troops to different combat zones in Vietnam.
He was sent into the jungles and a week shy of finishing his tour of Smith and duty, Smith said he was shot and air- his wife, Evelyn, have been married lifted by an Army Air Vac helicopter. for 48 years and have four daughSmith was then hospitalized. ters, 10 grandchildren, and one great-grandson. The Smiths currently He obtained the rank of Sgt. E-5. reside in Liverpool Township.
Davis, now 69 years old, spent four years in the Army Security Agency from 1966 to 1970 and participated in the Tet Offensive, serving two tours in Vietnam from April 1967 to November 1968. The willingness of America’s Veterans to sacrifice for our country has earned them our lasting gratitude. -Jeff Miller
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Winston Larry Myers
Joshua L. Ross
“Though there were times when I thought my expiration date had arrived, we were always some distance from the front lines typically between Pleiku and Plei Me, before the Ia Drang Valley and the Cambodian border,” he said.
EAST LIVERPOOL – Winston Larry Myers, 74, McKinnon Avenue, spent two years in the U.S. Army serving as a radio operator with the Headquarters Company of the 227th Assault Helicopter Battalion.
LISBON — Sgt. Joshua L. Ross of Lawton, Okla. served nearly half of his life
Admitting he “returned home in a trance-like state,” Myers said he also returned to a supportive family and full-time employment that “aided my re-adjustment to civilian life and an escape from memories best forgotten.
He was part of the U.S. troop build-up when the First Cavalry Airmobile Division was deployed to Vietnam from Fort Benning in August and September 1965.
“I have since tried to prove myself worthy of a safe return when so many others were unjustly denied the same good fortune.
in the U.S. Army, including tours in the Middle East. Ross, whose parents are Ed and Charlene Farmer of Lisbon, has been ranked as a private and a staff sergeant.
Following nearly a month at sea, his service time in Vietnam was from September 1965 to March 1966 at the division’s base of operations at Camp Radcliffe near the village of An Khe in the central highlands.
I remain in admiration of our vetDuring his 17 years of service, erans through our history and those Ross has served in Operation Endurwho are still answering the call to ing Freedom; Operation Iraqi Freeduty.” dom and in Operation New Dawn. AdHis radio team was composed of ditionally, two, five-man teams that alternated R o s s “War exposes your every vulneraforward assignments to the temposerved in rary landing strips in support of 1st bility, but I managed to discount any Korea; Fort Cavalry engagements involving the personal sacrifice because of an Hood, Texas; Milwaukee, Wisc.; Fort overwhelming compassion for our 227th, Myers recollected. Sill, Okla.; and has served a recruitcombat troops who face life-threating command. He received the Vietnam Service ening situations for extended periMedal and Sharpshooter Medal and ods of time without relief,” Myers Ross is married to Lindsey and has attained the rank of SP4 during his said. both a step-daughter and a child on military duty. the way.
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James E. Fox
Joel Ciriello
CHESTER, W.Va. — James E. Fox was instrumental in the success of the U.S. Army Reserve in Hancock County in the 1950s, ‘60s and ‘70s.
EAST LIVERAfter leaving the military, Ciriello POOL – With jobs did not continue flying. “He left all scarce in the that behind when he got out of the area, Joel Ciriello, service,” his wife said. 58, Etruria Street, joined the U.S. Air Force a little later in life than many do, serving in the Gulf War and traveling the world in his plane.
He commanded 1,000 engineer Fox, 84, of Chester, joined the troops with units located in Wheel100th Airborne Division, a training ing, Weirton and unit within the U.S. Army Reserve, in elsewhere. 1951. In 1956, he was commissioned a second lieutenant, having graduated from Armor Officer School, Engineer Officer School, and the Command and General Staff College.
Fox served in the Army Reserve for 33 years, retiring as a colonel.
“He designed the nose art for his plane. He knew every nut and bolt on his B-52 bomber,” according to his wife, Connie, who submitted his name unbeknownst to her husband. Ciriello, a Beaver Falls, Pa. native, spent 14 years in the Air Force, attaining the rank of Sergeant and Master Crew Chief of his B-52 bomber.
Joel Ciriello
He was the only Master Crew Chief allowed to clear red X’s, according to his wife, who said this was a privilege normally allowed only higher level officers. She explained that a plane marked with a red X was not allowed in the air until it was repaired. He was stationed at McGuire Air Force Base in New York and Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota during his service. Ciriello’ father, Joe, also served in the U.S. Air Force.
After a variety of assignments, he was given command of the 463rd Engineer Battalion and promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel.
Ciriello’ father, Joe, also served in the U.S. Air Force.
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Eric D. Rankin - U.S. Air Force By LARRY SHIELDS
She said as a tactical air party member her husband was a liaison between the A-10, F-15 and F16 pilots flying close-air support for units engag-
Staff Writer
NEW WATERFORD — U.S. Air Force Chief Master Sergeant Eric D. Rankin served in Operation Enduring Freedom, Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Inherent Resolve. Rankin, 45, is stationed at Ft. Drum, N.Y., and previously served in Iraq, Afghanistan and Kuwait while serving in the three major U.S. armed forces deployments.
stroying its ability to use weapons of mass destruction or to make them. Iraq was attacked by a coalition of forces led by the United States and that resulted in the overthrow of Saddam Hussein’s regime. United States combat troops were withdrawn in 2010.
Rankin and his high school sweetheart, Shannon, got married in 1990 when Rankin was home on leave from his Air Force tech school. They will celebrate their 26th anniversary on Dec. 23. They are from New Waterford and Rankin’s worked as a tactical air have been together since being party, Shannon said of his three, sixfreshmen at Crestview High School. month deployments that were in support of U.S. Army and Marines ground units.
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ing the enemy on the ground. “Eyes on the target,” she said. “With friendlies nearby they have to be very careful with support.” She said the A-10, known as the “Warthog,” is a favorite of tactical air party members. The TAPs comprised of just a few members work mostly with infantry units, Shannon explained. She noted that at Ft. Drum they were with the 10th Mountain Division and joked that during her husband’s 26 years in the Air Force, he’s only been assigned to an Air Force base once. Today, with four years of service left before retiring, he is a member of the 20th Air Support Operations Squadron.
Operation Inherent Resolve is the U.S. military’s operational name for the military intervention against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, ISIL, including both the campaign in Iraq and the campaign in Syria. The operation began in June of 2014 and has run until the present day. The Rankins have a son, Keegan, who is a senior and cross country runner at the University of Alaska. Rankin also spent time in Germany, Alaska, South Korea, California, Florida and Texas.
“Operation Enduring Freedom Afghanistan” refers to the official description the War in Afghanistan, from the period between October 2001 and December 2014
He was awarded the two Bronze Medals, five Meritorious Service Medals, three Air Force Commendation Medals, three Air Force Achievement Medals, and one Army Achievement Medal.
Operation Iraqi Freedom began on March 20, 2003 with the goal of removing the regime, including de-
“It’s been a good ride, he’s proud of his service, and I’m so proud of it,”Shannon said.
Dale Beveridge By TOM GIAMBRONI Staff Writer
LISBON — After graduating from the former Stanton Local High School in 1983, Dale Beveridge looked at his options before deciding to enlist in the U.S. Navy.
“I think I did 70 some days at a time without seeing the sun. It got old, but once you’re there you really don’t have much of a choice,” he said.
“To tell you the truth, I just wanted out of Hammondsville for a bit and I didn’t want to go to college,” he said.
Despite being deprived of sunlight for extended periods while living aboard a cramped submarine with 150 others, Beveridge enjoyed his time in the Navy. “It’s like anything. It was good and bad, but I had a lot of good times,” he said. While in the Navy, Beveridge married his high school sweetheart, Connie, and afterwards they returned to the area and settled in Columbiana County. They Beveridge, 51, who now lives on have three children: Derrick, 24, who Dobson Mill Road near Gavers, is a plant helper at the Beaver Valserved in the Navy from 1984-90, ley Nuclear Power Plant in Shippingrising to the rank of petty officer port, Pa.; Brandon, 21, a student at second class. the University of Akron, where he is studying computer networking; and He attended schooling to be an Katelyn, 16, a student at Southern electricians’ mate for a nuclear-pow- Local High School. ered submarine and was assigned to the U.S. Michigan, based out of BanBeveridge said his time in the gor, Wash. Navy enabled him to land a job at First Energy’s Sammis plant in StratDuring his six-year stint, Beveridge ton, where he currently serves as a was deployed seven times, requiring shift supervisor. When not working, he spend more than two months at he loves to hunt and fish. a time in a submerged submarine. MORNING JOURNAL • THE REVIEW • SALEM NEWS
Ken Joseph Gibson Traina
John Doug Bertschy Lammert
WELLSVILLE Joseph A. Traina, of Maple Avenue, Wellsville, served four years (1983-87) in the US Air Force — three overseas.
SALEM— Ken Gibson lives in Arroyo Grande, Ca. and retired from the United States Marine Corps as a gunnery sergeant in 2005 after 20 years of service.
EAST LIVERPOOL – Following in his father’s footsteps, John Bertschy, 56, Poplar Street, saw much of the world during 18 years in the military, retiring as a Staff Sergeant with 18 years in the U.S. Army.
EAST PALESTINE – A former Board of Education member for the East Palestine School District, Doug Lammert spent time in Thailand, Germany and Okinawa with the U.S. Army.
After completing basic training in Fort Dix, N.J., Bertschy also served two tours in Germany, Colorado, Texas, Korea and Panama.
Lammert, 63, was enlisted with the Army between 1972 and 1976 as a specialist 5.
Attaining the rank of Sargeant, Traina spent most of his service years in Lakenheath, England — site of the largest USAF He served as a mechanic and an base in the United Kingdom. instructor and stayed in Panama until the military pulled out as a result of the treaty implementation plan.
A Salem native, the 51 year old spent about half of his 20 years overseas and half stateside. In 2002 he was awarded the MaTraina was a Munitions Systems rine combat of the year award na- Specialist on the flight line for the Ftionally. 111 fighter jet. His duties included handling, storing, transporting, arm“I was able to travel all over the ing and disarming non-nuclear world and also knowing I doing a weapons systems. good thing by serving my country. I love Ohio and my hometown of Now 54, Traina — married 32 Salem. I have a really good job in years to his wife Lori — has worked California.” in the Wellsville School District for more than 25 years, serving as maintenance supervisor for buildings and grounds.
After returning to this area, Bertschy worked at a plant in Shippingport until it closed, drove truck “My time in the Army prepared then worked as an armed security me for my work for the rest of my guard at a nuclear plant. career,” he said. Currently, he is involved in conLammert is an electronics technitract work in Afghanistan. cian and currently serves on the board of education for the Columbiana County Career and Technical Center, representing the East Palestine School District. He is a graduate of Youngstown State University.
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Bob Sebo never regrets decision By MARY ANN GREIER Staff Writer
SALEM — Salem resident Bob Sebo remembers decorating his bicycle with red, white and blue crepe paper through the spokes of the wheels and riding in the Memorial Day parade — that was the American way of life.
He never regretted the decision. ground on rails and could be slid “I found the U.S. Army to be a over onto the launch pad, lifted on wonderful experience,” he said. an elevator and raised to firing position. To fire, keys were required to He seriously thought about mak- unlock the system at the launch site ing a career of it, but decided and at the command center. They against it. He didn’t want to go to never put the keys in, but could simGreenland as his next assignment. ulate firing a missile and tracking He served six years and attained the aircraft as part of the training. rank of 1st Lieutenant, with two years active duty from 1958 to 1960, He said this was during the Cold three years active reserve at Fort War when there “was a big concern Wayne, Mich. and one year standby that Russian aircraft would be bearreserve. ing down on us.”
His junior year of college he completed boot camp with two months basic training at Fort Campbell, Ky, home of the 101st Airborne. He said he had the opportunity to jump from a jump tower, but said no thank you. He grew up during World War II After college graduation, he entered and his Dad was called up to serve the U.S. Army as a 2nd Lieutenant but was given an exemption the day and missile air defense became his before he was supposed to leave be- job. He recalled traveling to White cause he had a family. He really Sands, New Mexico for live training wanted to serve. Sebo’s cousin was a where they fired a missile to bring B-29 pilot in World War II and an- down a drone. other relative served in the Battle of the Bulge while in the U.S. Army. Sebo was stationed at Naval Air Those were impressionable times. Station Grosse Ile, Mich., home of the U.S. Army Nike Surface to Air After graduating from Salem High Missile Base where he was part of School in 1954, Sebo went to college the missile defense command for the at Bowling Green and decided his perimeter of the Detroit, Mich. area freshman year to join the U.S. Army bordering Canada. Reserve Officers’ Training Corps, commonly known as ROTC. “Never had a serious alert, but we trained for it and we were ready,” he “I felt an obligation to serve and I said. know at the time that I was making that decision, we were in Korea and The Nike Ajax missiles didn’t carry some of my high school friends were nuclear warheads. They were underin Korea,” he said. “My patriotic interest began from the time I was a little kid,” the 80year-old businessman and philanthropist said.
Sebo said during their off time they flew night flights sometimes with the Navy pilots who would practice bombing runs near the Mackinac Bridge. His last six months of active duty were spent at Selfridge Air National Guard Base near Mount Clemens, Mich. in the multiarea command tracking center where every air flight in the Michigan area could be tracked.
in being prepared for a career,” Sebo said.
He served three years in the active reserves in a training command in Fort Wayne, Mich., just south of Detroit. If war had broken out, they would have set up bases for training.
Earlier this year in May, Sebo was inducted into the first U.S. Army ROTC Hall of Fame class, an honor that both flattered and humbled him considering half of the 100 cited were generals.
With the PayChex business, he and his partner started out with just a handful of employees and those numbers grew to 12,000. Now retired, the entrepreneur is known for his philanthropy and generosity, especially to his college and high school alma maters.
As an officer, he had people under “I made a lot of good friends him and said that was his biggest while I was in the Army that I still learning experience because of the stay in touch with today,” he said. diversity of the people. He said it Being in the Army was a rewardwas a great lesson on how different ing experience for him. people think and how they react to direction. “It’s a very proud feeling and I’m glad I can call myself a veteran, glad “The Army was very helpful to me I served the country,” he said.
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Fix Family has military history By TOM GIAMBRONI Staff Writer
LISBON — To say the the Fix family has a history of military service is an understatement. Not only did Lisa and Edward Fix serve 24 years in the U.S. Navy, their two children —Jessica, 26, and Brandon, 24 — have decided to follow in their footsteps and also make the Navy a career. “My head is so swollen. I’m so proud of both kids and so blessed,” Lisa said. Lisa and her husband live outside Lisbon on Davner Road. A 1986 graduate of Southern Local High School, Lisa grew up on Steubenville Pike. When she turned 18 her Uncle Mark, who served in the Navy, asked her what she planned to do with her life. When Lisa told him she didn’t have a clue, her uncle encouraged her in no uncertain terms to join the Navy because it would do her good, and she followed his advice. “The best decision I ever made,” Lisa said. Lisa served from 1987 to 2011, retiring as a senior chief petty officer. During her career she was stationed in Virginia, Okinawa and Diego Garcia, and included tours on
the U.S.S. Peterson, Caron and Dwight D. Eisenhower.
honor and duty by virtue of living in Brandon,who is stationed in a military household, she said they Portsmouth, Va., is currently petty ofmade the decision to enlist on their ficer second class. One of the tours was in Iraq dur- own, with Brandon deciding to do so ing 2009 as part of the global war right out of high school, where he He is currently stationed on the on terrorism. was in ROTC. U.S.S. Bulkeley, a destroyer, where his job is the repair and operation of a It was during her time in the Navy “He saw what we did and what major weapons system. Jessica, who she met her husband-to-be, Edward, we were able to do, and he wanted lives 20 minutes away, is a chief 51, who retired in 2008 as a chief to do the same thing,” she said. petty officer third class and currently petty officer after a 24-year career. stationed on board the U.S. Whidbey Jessica, who was also in ROTC in Island in support of the global war Originally from Oregon, Mr. Fix high school, attended college but on terrorism. served on board the U.S.S. decided that was not for her. Callaghan, Saipan, and Thunderbolt, Their mother said having Navy among others, and as a SERE Then she saw how much her little parents undoubtedly helped prepare (search, evasion, resistance and es- brother liked being in the Navy and their children for what to expect. cape) instructor. the career opportunities available to “They knew the sacrifices we made him and decided to enlist. because one of us was always deWhile their children obviously ployed,” she said. learned about love of country and The Fixes were big on discipline with their children. “They knew when the flag went up they knew to stand up ... When we were at Home Depot and misbehaved, I made them drop and give me 20 (push ups). They were embarrassed but they understood.” Sandy & Beaver
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Brandon and his wife, who is also in the Navy, are expecting their first child in January —a girl. Lisa will have to wait 18 years to learn whether her granddaughter “follows in the family footsteps.” FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2016
Malcom Lanham Kenneth Joseph Guy Harrison LaCROFT — Malcolm A. Lanham Sr. served his country in the U.S. Navy from 1965 through 1984, which included three tours in Vietnam.
During his service years, Lanham, who passed away in 2014, at the age of 67, was stationed with 21 different ships and shore stations. He was a member of the first crew and plankowner on the USS Siapan LHA-2. In Vietnam, he served one year in RVN Gallantry Cross with Palm, country and the remainder of his Republic of Vietnam Service medal, tour on ship and in mine-sweepers in waters and rivers around the and Navy Battle “E”ffeciency. country. He was awarded a Gold Rate EAST PALESTINE – Raised in East patch and Arm Gold Hashmarks His service included three MeditPalestine, Kenneth Edward Guy eranian cruises, two western Pacific spent two years serving with the U.S. cruises, Northern Atlantic and Suez Army in the Vietnam War. Canal cruises. Guy earned the rank of First LieuShore duty included stops in Virtenant and spent four years with the ginia, California, Mississippi and Army after completing two years of West Virginia. officer candidate school and serving as unit commander at Fort Lewis in He also served as a Navy recruiter the state of Washington. and Master at Arms. He was living in Florida at the Recognition included Navy time of his passing in October of Achievement medal, Navy Commed2015, and is buried in the Florida dation medal, Good Conduct with 3 National Cemetery. stars, National Defense Service medal, US Vietnam Service medal, Vietnam Campaign medal,
Today We Honor Those Who Have So Bravely Served Our Country! For That We Thank You.
On April 3, 1996, Joseph Daniel Harrison of Lisbon entered the United States Army. After graduation, Harrison was assigned to B Company, 1st Battalion, 74th Ranger Regiment (Airborne), Hunter Army Airfield, Georgia, where he served as an Infantryman, Fire Team Leader, Rifle Squad Leader and Weapons Squad Leader. From there he had many assignments, serving 12 deployments in Afghanistan and Iraq and participating in Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom. Among the numerous awards and decorations, he received were the Bronze Star Medal and a Bronze Service Star. Harrison died May 26, 2016 at the age of 39 in North Carolina. He is survived by his wife, Tracey, his three sons and three daughters.
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Pets for Patriots helps veterans find animal companionship ernarians interested in partnering with the organization should visit www.petsforpatriots.org. All the details about adoption, volunteering to be a partner or donating can be found there, along with access to the blog with all those stories.
easy to implement. Just visit the website to get the partner process started. She said they would love to hear from a local shelter wanting to become involved.
“We welcome any partner that “Our mission is to give the gifts of would like to work with us,” Zim- fidelity, joy and love to both veteran merman said. and pet through companion animal adoption,” the Pets for Patriots misJust recently, Adamson Veterinary sion statement says. Services in Salem hosted a Their methods for fulfilling that mission include collaborating with the animal welfare community, giving hope to the hopeless, being a leading voice for sheltered animals, helping veterans afford a new pet friend and sharing the love by providing ongoing support on a moral, informational and financial basis.
She saw two groups, veterans and homeless animals, who shared Stories of love, devotion, trust and similar needs and hope highlight the Pets for Patriots could benefit from a blog, tugging at the heart strings mutually healing relaand sharing the successes of a pro- tionship. gram aimed at pairing forgotten shelter animals and veterans who Pets for Patriots remay need a friend. lies on partnerships with both shelters and That was the result envisioned by veterinarians to help Beth Zimmerman, founder, executive the animals who may director and chair emeritus of Pets be less adoptable than for Patriots, a non-profit organiza- most due to their age, tion founded in 2009 to provide the medical problems or resources necessary to facilitate other issues and to help make care shelter pet adoptions by veterans of the animals less of a financial and break down any barriers stand- strain for the veterans. ing in the way. The group also relies on donations “Our goal is not just to get the and is very committed to financial veteran and the pet together but to transparency and accountability help keep them together,” she said with financial records available on in a recent phone interview. their website. Staff Writer
When Pets for Patriots launched in 2010, five adoptions took place. One year later in 2011, there were 75. Now the adoptions number in excess of a thousand. She recall the story of a young airman who returned after deployment only to find out his wife had left him. The dog he adopted had spent half of her life in a shelter and he saw her as being abandoned. “He immediately felt a connection,” Zimmerman said.
Very often, veterans say the anifundraiser at Ricky’s English Pub to mals choose them. raise funds for Pets for Patriots. The veterinary office is a local partner. She said that connection, that chemistry, makes all the difference. She said they have hundreds of The veteran and the pet form a speshelter partnerships and offer a cial bond that’s mutually beneficial. range of free tools to promote that partnership and the pet adoption “A pet forces you to focus on program. needs and issues other than your own,” she said. She said they’re looking for shelWhen she came up with the idea, People wanting to learn more The pet gets a home and love and she said she “literally had an about donating, veterans wanting to ter/rescue partners to join the program, including in the Salem area gives that love in return. epiphany.” adopt pets and shelters and vet- and Columbiana County, saying it’s 42
The Salem AMVETS Post 45 Honor Guard has 23 members including, from left, Commander Bill Edgerton, Dick Davis, Sergeant of the Guard Daryal Emelo, Tom Andrewski, Jerry Wright, Chaplain Caryal Emelo, Tom Scahill, Bill Pritchard, Melony Scahill, Ray Metzgar, Hank Alembaugh, Fred Cannell, Oscar Davison, Dale Iler and Jonnie Patrick. Members not pictured include, Charlie Clark, Dan Marchbanks, Glenn Prox, John Cannell, Pete Cannell, Sam Baier, Ted Barns and Dick Eichler.
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Thank You To All Veterans Who Have Served
America is a great nation because we are a free nation. Our freedom is due to the brave men and women in the armed forces who have sacrificed to protect our ideals, defending our country from the Revolutionary War to the current war on terror. With gratitude and respect, we salute each and every one of these veterans.
Earl Mather U.S. Army 1941-1946
Robert Mather U.S. Air Force 1962-1974
Bonnie Mather U.S. Air Force 1965-1967
John Woodman U.S. Air Force 1963-1967
Rick Mather U.S. Army 1976-1978
Tom Mather U.S. Army 1973-1976
Patsy F. Grandolfo Army/Airforce MIA / KIA John Woodman U.S. Navy 1992-2009
Brenda Woodman U.S. Air Force 1985-1987
Brandon Stinger U.S. Army 2005-2016
Jarrod Stinger U.S. Army 2008-Current
Jerry Sanor at Ohio State Serving in the Ohio National Guard
Joseph T. Gbur U.S. Army
SGT Charles Smith Air Force
James Mather Both Served in the Civil War with the Union Army
Thank you for your service. Your Loving Family
He cared not for himself but for the Nation.
SPC Ryan Marshburn U.S. Army 2014 - Current
William Dallas Cole II U.S. Army
Robert E. Warner Marines
“Anything can happen child, anything can be”
Thanks for serving and being a caring family man.
1959 - 1962
Andrew Nagle (no photo available)
We miss you. Love: Mom, Dad, Shannon, Zoe “If You Aint CAV”
2001 - 2010
1968 - 1974
1952 - 1954
America is a great nation because we are a free nation. Our freedom is due to the brave men and women in the armed forces who have sacrificed to protect our ideals, defending our country from the Revolutionary War to the current war on terror. With gratitude and respect, we salute each and every one of these veterans.
Cecil McKinnon (deceased) Air Force & U.S. Army Served 21Years You will forever be in our hearts. Love: Alma, Debbie, Pam and Grandchildren
Floyd Stansbury U.S. Army W.W. II Thank you Dad. God Bless You. Your Family
Sherman P. Rohr Jr. U.S. Army 1942 - 1946
You’re Loved and Missed! Vicki, Glenda, Bobby and Families
Bix A. Wallace Navy Chief Petty Officer Served 26 Years
Desert Shield/Desert Storm We Love You!
Donald Brown Sr. Air Force
Donald Hoal U.S. Army
Thanks for serving our country. Love You: RAP
We’ve always been proud to call you brother and uncle.
1951 - 1954
Jeffrey C. Huddlestun (deceased)
Air Force 1964 - 1972
1965 - 1967
William Albert Brown Sr. LCT USA Navy 2 yrs WWII 3rd Class Petty Officer
Thanks! Your Family: Shirley, Brian, Angel Sisters: Janice, Karen, Grandkids
1 of 5 brothers in Navy All in different branches of U.S. Navy. One brother, V Fred lost on submarine Tokyo water
Terry F. Stuchell U.S. Navy
Malcolm A. Lanham Sr. U.S. Navy
You’re Loved and Missed! Michael, Vicki, Glenda, Bobby and Families
So proud of your service.
Lieutenant/Colonel Rozanne Banicki U.S. Marines 1997 - Present
Thomas J. Powers, CPL U.S. Marine Corp. 1948 - 1956 Korea 1950-1951 W12 Nov. 29, 1950
1957 - 1967
Stationed at Quantico, VA We’re So Proud. God Bless You. Your Loving Family
1965 - 1984
Love and Miss You: Wife Vicki
America is a great nation because we are a free nation. Our freedom is due to the brave men and women in the armed forces who have sacrificed to protect our ideals, defending our country from the Revolutionary War to the current war on terror. With gratitude and respect, we salute each and every one of these veterans.
Second Lieutenant Helen Troy & Pfc Tony Troy U.S. Army Helen 3.5 yrs. • Tony 4.5 yrs. They proudly served our Great Country Love: Barb & Marsha
Donald D. Burton U.S. Army Gunnery Sergant Korean War Veteran 1952 - 1954 May God Bless You. Your Loving Family
Todd Vadino U.S. Navy 1991 - 1995
Sadly Missed by Family and Friends
Peter F. Marra Navy 1945 - 1946
You were one of The Great Ones during W.W. II
Frank Guy Army - Air Force 1943 - 1946
We will always be so proud of you. Love: Your Family
SSGT Harvey Galbreath, Jr. U.S. Marines 1985 - 2009 We are so proud. God Bless You. Your Loving Family
Honoring All Who Served To be a veteran one must know and determine one’s price for freedom.
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