Decoding The Colours of Exchange_2

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Decoding the

of exchange Tools and tactics for designing with trade in Tema, Ghana

Decoding the colours of exchange Tools and tactics for designing with trade in Tema, Ghana Sanne Berghmans Lise Gruwez

Thesis submitted to obtain the degree of Master in Engineering: architecture Promotor: Prof. dr. ir. arch. Bruno De Meulder Co-promotor: Prof. dr. Ann Cassiman Readers: Viviana d’Auria Victor Kootin Sanwu

Academic Year 2011-2012

© Copyright by K.U.Leuven

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K.U.Leuven Faculty of Engineering 2011-2012

Master’s Thesis file Students: Sanne Berghmans Lise Gruwez

Title: Decoding the colours of exchange, tools and tactics for designing with trade in Tema, Ghana UDC: 72

Content in brief:

Africa is one of the least urbanized regions in the world, but its urban population is growing faster than in any other continent. This leads to an enormous growth of informal activities and an increasing number of people seeking their livelihood in retail trade. This phenomenon forms the main socioeconomic core of urban environments in Sub-Saharan Africa today. Tema is no exception: numerous of commercial activities are spread over the city. These are violating the planning norms of the statutory bodies TDC/TMA and the original principles of expatriate architects concerning fixed locations for trade. Based on an analysis of the values as well as the defects on social and spatial level of these activities, our research will complement on-going local research on kiosk scale by developing a design- toolbox for sustainable and flexible interventions on urban scale.

Thesis submitted to obtain the degree of Master in Engineering: architecture

Supervisor(s): Prof. dr. ir. arch. Bruno De Meulder, prof. dr. Ann Cassiman

Table of contents

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31 45

59 References Pictography



Out of a two months submersion in colourful Tema and a period of analysis, there emerged a desire to work with Tema’s sites of innovation. As the occupation of open areas by the many shops forms a paragon of selfclaim the rights to take in vague spaces of the city and upgrade or sell their shop, step by step, based on their earnings. This is in our opinion an enthralling scene to consider as an architect. Local architect DK Osseo Asare as “kiosk culture”, to stress that the existing structures are strongly embedded in the culture of Ghana. This characterising culture has the potential to function as a source to generate the environment with advanced processes, based on local materials, connections and knowledge (Francis Kéré). As we soon discovered during our stay

and Asare also mentioned, there is ground and the conventional modes planning instances as TMA and TDC are not pleased with the contemporary situations and strive for a perfectly clean city, without messiness and with functional zoning, it forms a challenge to develop alternatives in which no inhabitants are excluded. Indeed, their Africa stands for: the messiness, the dynamic, the vibrancy, etc. and what need to be embraced instead (Osseo Asare). Even more so, the current condition of self-made shops based on recycled materials, ingenuity and improvisation leading to innovation is as least as durable as large shopping malls. For example, today many shops are made up by containers, which are easily available thanks to the harbour.


in the right direction to convince the the government in Tema, more and more designers, both in the western condition as that of the third world, because of the aspect of recycling and durability. Tsai Design Studio from South Africa good designs by applying containers for sport centres, schools, etc. in the context of the developing world and they even won an award with it. Such material should be appreciated, or as Asare formulated it: “the containers will continue to be key units of the construction of kiosk culture.� Because of these acknowledged values of the already used materials and the present condition with the vicious circle of upgrading, our analysis let us conclude that we do not want to redesign the shops themselves. With this decision, we do not want to neglect the different known proposals for new shop infrastructures, mainly based on the aspect of sustainability, and we absolutely not want to disdain these and even agree that, in the future, this can add a value to the city life. Tema is one of those thinking paths we strongly appreciated. Based on a thorough analysis of the existing city and its commercial and harbour activities, combined with his roots in the city, Osseo Asare developed a scheme for Tema with a strong focus on the need of information, especially for the traders in the kiosk culture. The ideas behind are very renewing by introducing the use of local materials as bamboo and sustainable aspects as biogas, solar panels,etc. In this way, his research seems to be an important step

into the formal framework, and instead respect and recognize the large amount of informal traders. Other local architects, as Joe Osae Addo, also developed new prototypes of shop infrastructure, as for example motorized vending carts, with a focus on the use of local materials and methods in combination with advanced techniques. We often were charmed by

basic comfort and we did not recognize an extremely need for new built-up structures. Therefore, the analysis led us to the decision to intervene on another scale, which led to the concept to design some small elements which can strengthen the social atmosphere, improve the working conditions of problems or discussions that can be for entrepreneurs a bit easier or more comfortable in a way all citizens can street scene as a social space with an eye on public activities or social gathering that take place in the city. For doing this, we took a lesson of the previous importance of building on the existing processes and embracing the culture (Osseo Asare) or as Mr. Addo described it: to develop an inno-native design process. To succeed in our intent, also on site to get people trusted in the concept and create a feeling of pride, is something we want to keep in mind.


Inno-native “We have to use innovative native technical solutions to solve our problems, rather than importing things from the west that did not work; that are often rejected by us, because it is not of us. Work has to be context based; based on local materials, indigenous qualities and knowledge base.� (Joe Osae Addo)



HOW? designing WITH trade

Using a TOOL


different elements to intensify city life focused on trade which is


build from indigenous materials in a way citizens can implement the elements themselves



As the use of indigenous materials and the support of the local economy are two important factors, a selected on their capacities, where a local economy can be set up around and be empowered. The materials for the design are selected on their characteristics, their availability and their multifunctionality. All embedded in city life.


Bamboo life cycling: growing bamboo in an urban setting, and using it to build temporary and mobile infrastructures. After use, discarded building materials can be used as low-cost and lowimpact cooking fuel.

(Osseo Asare) “We should do more with trees; we need more vegetarian architecture and bamboo is a natural steel, with which I can achieve the same things that an engineer does with steel, because they both offer the same resistance.�


guidance financing

gu i fin danc an cin e g







ten ain

Fig. 2.1 Possible cooperation between different actors (church community, NGO, school) to make the cultivation of bamboo a succes.



who are concerned about the environmental conditions, bamboo is selected as one of the materials to develop different tools which can intensify the environment of trade. Bamboo is an easy and fast growing plant, but in the beginning of the growth there is needed some follow-up, wherefore different options are possible. As churches are one of the most the process of cultivating bamboo, by disposing their

Fig. 2.2 School properties in Tema.

for the monitoring of the process. Many churches also have a school in their communion, which seems to be the perfect spot to start up the plantation. Since it is already a typical task for the children to maintain the open spaces of the school property, also cultivating bamboo can become a part of that process, which in the meantime also makes young children aware of the future possibilities with the material. Another option is to cooperate with an NGO that is associated the schools and have a start capital. In this way, the inhabitants of the city are involved in the process of developing new tools. After a while, when the crucial starting up is passed, the bamboo plants can be replaced to larger distribution points which in addition can give an added value to the urban space, by developing into recreational areas. In this way, the bamboo

Fig. 2.3 Vague zones in Tema.

space as public space.


In many cities in Ghana, where the car became the most important transportation, there is an oversupply in old tires. As they are stacked on several spots in the city, it would be a good alternative to use these tires as an inexpensive the roads, so it would be an option to address the mechanics of these spots to add a collecting point to their yard and start mechanics cooperatives. This means incomes, and in the meantime they can receive a more comfortable work environment. Today, tires in the scene of Tema mainly appear as boundary markers at schools or form a nice toy for the children. Based on the daily use and large stock tires as sit or play elements, but for other tools and constructions, they can also be durable and inexpensive foundations.

Fig. 2.4 Mechanic yards in Tema.



Tires and their use in Tema today.


on the available local resources. Mainly it is made of sand, clay, organic materials, and water. In northern Ghana, many traditional houses are built from adobe, but to go outside the city borders to make adobe, so he decided to set up a workshop on which use this material and the large vague spaces in Tema, it would be a good option to develop some adobe workshops on these empty areas. Some motivated citizens could run the workshop and set up a small cooperative. In turn for their that their work is part of a process of upgrading the public space in the city.

Fig. 2.5 Vague zones where adobe workshops are possible.


















Fig. 2.6 The initiator is the trader, who can group together and search for public funds for the development of his work environment. Eventually they can try to set up a cooperation with an NGO or a local church community, so all the providers can profit of this and even other citizens. This idea of self-sufficiency is supported trough the use of local materials. In the future this framework can become more extensive.



Analysis on district level

? Contemporary uses

To obtain a proper knowledge of the relation between the usage of space and booklet of the thesis. In this chapter, a summary of the main characteristics of these areas is repeated including the different destinations, the degree of interaction between different actors and the density of mobility. Based on those features in addition with the existing elements which make the daily activities in the city These concepts for development lead to the formulation of the main needs or options for the future city. These two approaches form the base for designing the tools, which are developed in a way it should be possible to implement them everywhere in the city where they are desirable. Next to the analysis of the whole city and some areas in detail, also the informed us about the habits of the vendors.

EXPERIMENTAL UNITS C4 This area has a lot of qualitative features by being car-free, in a quite well condition and hosting a nice social atmosphere. Thanks to these features, the scene for neighbours’ interaction is set up for cultural performers, playing children and trading residents, but the stage can be lifted up to make residential life a bit more pleasurable.

SITE 1 C1 The scene of this introspective social area is quite poor and the living conditions are tough, but this does not interrupt the social aspect. Improvements in this area should focus on the basic needs for livelihood, but in the mean time respect and intensify the conventional relations between the residents which are mainly traders and playing children.

MARKET C9 A main frustration of the market traders here is the fact that they are replaced from the main market in community one and cannot reach the amount of clients completely isolated because no-one crosses the inner court, while this immense into a full market which could become a new player on city level. To become a desolated character

DIVIDING ROAD C1 AND C4 The open spaces on both sides of the main road make, together with the aspect of busy circulation and the taxi stop, this area to a very prized spot among traders. Thanks to the spaciousness, there is a high potential to let the site evolve into an



DESTINATION Residential Circulation Commercial Vague





INTERACTION inhabitant


citizen city trader trader driver


pedestrian car taxi

Fig. 2.6 Analysing scheme of the detailed areas, discussed in the analysis booklet.

experimental units C4


C9 market








C9 market


C9 market

Market C9

Hospital road C8-C9-C10-C11

C9 market

site 1 C1




The contemporary uses of the spaces in the city by the citizens.








The previous chapter leads to the design of tools, made out of three materials, as discussed above. The tools are considered so that each tool of the proposed toolbox is build from one or more materials. As traders or citizens in a way become the initiator of the In the following pages, the tools are explained to the materials they are made of, while the second the different tools and the last scenes show the integration of these tools into the environment.

Many social events ask for a big open space. The provision of platforms in areas where these activities can occur,


meeting point for all citizens. For customers this podium can serve as a recognition point.

Many trading sites are not supplied with water, so dry toilet systems can be the (ecological) solution. A system based on the composted Ventilation Improved Pit latrine, can have the additional function of using the solid as fertilizer for the greenery of the environment and for the bamboo plantations.


PLAY BENCH The many tires form an easy source to create sitting possibilities, which are attractive for children.


36 Toolbox




Bamboo piles can easily be bound together in a pile-up construction which forms a rectangle bench. Thanks to this shape, the bench can also be used for trading, sleeping, etc.


BRIDGE DECK A cross over the wide gutters can be made from bamboo piles placed side by side. Because the bamboo is not exactly shaped, rain can still enter the gutters between the small openings and at the same time, waste can not be collected in the gutter anymore. As an optional element, bamboo benches can be attached on the bridge to create a higher social interaction for traders or citizens.


Light is an important element to extend street life and to provide the reassurance of safety. Commercial activities are limited by the day and night rythm because mostly electricity is not available and so also social life decreases during the evening. A few bamboo circles, one small bamboo pile and a pre-fabricated solar light element are the ingredients to lengthen the day.


In areas where no trees can be planted, the textile canopy forms a good alternative. This tool provides a construction where citizens can hang up some textiles, screens to create shade. In addition it can also be used as clothesline or to expose wares, etc.


Although there are already a lot of trees along the roadsides, there is still a lot of open space, so the easiest way to create shadow is to place more trees, under which merchandise can be stalled out and other shops can be aligned with.



“Right to urban life means right to the practical needs of everyday life”


38 Toolbox





“...people then have to rely on public lighting as a light source for their safety, their economic lives and their collective activities... It is exciting to imagine that public lighting can be a source of conviviality, of procurement, and a means to share lighting as a resource; it can become an anchorage in the city, a gathering point for the community...” Foundation CLU 2010-2011, edition theme: Light it for humanity. “The presence of light and design has an enormous potential of turning mere infrastructure into a pleasant place”

















Fig. 4.1 The tools complete the scheme whereby the tactics for generating new urban developing processes in Tema are represented.

Fig. 4.2 The following scenes show the integration of the proposed tools into the city of Tema.





Slices of Life

After the agreement of the church to manage the pilot projects, some motivated people were proposed to represent their neighbourhood. The implementation of the project will start in the market of C9 and in the experimental units of C4 under guidance of ...

Abiguel, would you like to join our project to upgrade city life for traders and citizens?

Mercy: a trader in C9 with the ambition to become the queen mother

Jussef: a student living in the experimental units, who likes our intensions

Abiguel : representative of the church of pentecost in community nine

Market C9

In cooporation with the church, the school, which sides to the market is chosen as a spot to start with planting and cultivating a bamboo plantation. The bamboo will be used for the tools in C9 and C4.

I present to you my team! Catharina Barbara Esther

Ben Salomon

The project is launched in the market with the implementation of the following tools...




What are they doing?

In the mean time defeatist David wants to interfere with the story.



We make our own adobe.


Because the bamboo didn’t grow as expected, the construction of the tools had to be deferred, but nevertheless...

The children learnt a lot!

Now we’ll be Let’s show the rest of Tema what is possible with bamboo.

maintain our own infrastructure.

as the podium is soon taken in.

I will take the manure to the plantation.

The infrastructure attracts more traders...

At the market...

Finally, a proper toilet!


Which brings more variety of products.


After a year, the market needs to be expanded and the inner court seems ideal for it.

Shadow is needed!

Scene of the upcoming new market in the inner court.

Is this a success story?

I want to transporting the customers.

And also the bamboo is doing well... As the school ground only serves for starting up the plantation, more space is necessary to make this


Over time, large vague spaces can be transformed into bamboo plantations, which not only can be used to harvest bamboo, but also as recreation parks for Tema.

As if a recreation park would work?! If you ask me, I’ll prevent it.

Experimental units C4

With this team I will intensify our environment. Grace Joyce





After a few weeks some new habits become integrated: in the morning... The bamboo comes from the school in C9.

Look at my new clothing line!

... in the afternoon... Easy to stall out my wares.

Haah, a cool resting spot.

... and in the evening.

Let’s build some seating furniture.

At the Dividing Road... I would like to buy some tires to make a play bench for the children of my quarter.

Take what you need, I have a lot in storage.

52 Come quickly! There is a new play element!

At the new bamboo plantation in C9 Jussef is going to buy some bamboo.

With bamboo we can make more seating furniture.

Yaay! Don’t want to hear it.

Wow! Now I can stall out some more wares

... and the neighbours themselves are creative with the new materials.

Over time, other tools are built...

Inhabitants are proud and share their experiences

Even other citizens become interested.

I would like to introduce this project as well in my neighbourhood

Good suggestion! I want to involve some more schools into this project

Site 1 C1

I am Prince and I want to make my neighbourhood more comfortable. Nicolas


Together with his team, Prince built a vip latrine and street lights to increase the living standards.

Samuel Christy




After the realisation of these projects, the street lights trigger other activities during the day. In the afternoon... Finally, a toilet that is always accessible.

Don gath formeiwith erin ng g sp ots!

and in the evening. A new gathering spot is formed.


By placing other tools we hope to reach all ages.

More tires!

The owner of the mechanic yard at Dividing Road is doing good business.



Dividing Road

I decided to open a collecting point of tires next to my mechanics yard Steven

Behalf of some incidents, the realised projects are successful, so all the representatives keep up the good work... Steven, do you want to expand your recycling point with an adobe workshop?


I contacted more schools for bamboo plantations

I’ll start an adobe workshop here behind all the sofas at the open spot and to promote it, I will build a podium and a vip latrine

The podium is a nice leisure spot and so, the environment receives other destinations besides being a commercial area.

Oh no, I think liking th is spoIt!’m



Community events like a performance...


or a funeral.

To promote the new bamboo plantation at the school nearby , they built some bridge decks

Now the project is really started and hopefully the citizens will become gradually more and more enthusiastic... Are you also curious what the future will bring? I’m curious!

These new activities ask for more tools... The lamp is charged, so I can hang it up in the tree



RE-INNOVATION Empowerment of local economy.



Intensifying existing commercial areas by conceiving the space as a public space of exchange.

The way how tools can be implemented to transform urban space into public space and generate new impulses, can hopefully create new inspirations for the local planning instances.

Appropriate technology


Creating spatial configurations that enable social gathering, hence inforce social relations.


Allowing the rich diversification throughout the city.

Connecting the most dense trading sites to increase the system value.


During the design process some statements of other architect formed an important guidance for us, so the most valuable references we used are mentioned below.

DK OSSEO ASARE - Radio interview on the BBC:, last retrieved on 21-05-2012 - African Architecture blog:, last retrieved on 20-05-2012 last retrieved on 20-05-2012

JOE OSAE ADDO - Video interview by anonymous source:, last retrieved on 21-05-2012 appealing homes, sept. 2007,, last retrieved on 21-05-2012

SIMON VELEZ last retrieved on 21-05-2012

Pictography 60

All images in this design booklet are made or taken by ourselves, expect those listed below.

Concept All maps, plans and sections of this chapter are based upon Google Earth 2011/2009 and maps of the geographical department of the university of Ghana


VIP LATRINE, last retrieved on: 19-05-2012, last retrieved on: 19-05-2012


05-2012 html, last retrieved on: 29-12-2011

TRADE BENCH com/projects/soe-ker-tie-house/, last retrieved on: 19-05-2012

BRIDGE DECK com/projects/soe-ker-tie-house/, last retrieved on: 19-05-2012 iabr-aqueous-thinking-art-and-collectivity-on-the-streets-of-douala/, last retrieved on: 20-052012 STREET LIGHT cl/publicos/ferias-libres/ferias-libres/#, last retrieved on: 20-05-2012 TEXTILE CANOPY html, last retrieved on: 20-05-2012 html, last retrieved on: 29-12-2011 last retrieved on: 20-05-2012


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