Lisette Paulson - What Matters in Artist Management, Quantity or Quality?
The age old debate in any field of work is whether you need quality in work or you need quantity. The same debate also applies to a social field of work like artist management. The question is always about whether you need more artists to manage to be a successful manager or whether you need bigger artists. While there are pros and cons to each, it is important to take an informed route towards having your clients and Maintaining them. When you have better clarity about what kind of work you need to take up, you can be sure about getting bigger success in your field of work that consists of experts like Lisette Paulson. Understanding both sides of the argument can give a better view of which one is better for an individual, quantity or quality.

When you are seeking to make it big in the arena of artist management, you need to have in-depth ideas about who you want to take your career ahead. Learning about what the others think works for their careers in the field can help you in building your own with much better clarity. Here are some of the ways in which you can evaluate whether you need quantity of clients in artist management or quality: