Attachments included excluded only (part 1)

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An ORDINARY MEETING of LISMORE CITY COUNCIL will be held at the Council Chambers on Tuesday, 10 March 2015 at 6.00pm

Attachments Excluded From Agenda

Gary Murphy General Manager

3 March 2015

Attachments 11.4

South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 1:

Schematic of existing South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant .................................. 3

Attachment 2:

Response from EPA regarding proposal to upgrade or replace South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant. ............................................................................... 4

Attachment 3:

Response from NSW Office of Water regarding proposal to upgrade or replace South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant. ....................................................... 6

Attachment 4:

Peer review of MWH report on upgrade of South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant dated October 2014. .......................................................................... 9

Attachment 5:

Report on Site Inspection of Cessnock Sewage Treatment Plant............................. 24

Attachment 6:

Report on Site Inspection of Beaudesert Sewage Treatment Plant .......................... 29

Attachment 7:

South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final .................... 31

Attachment 8:

Risk Assessment - Refurbishment Option. .............................................................. 588

Attachment 9:

Risk Assessme nt - IDAL Option ..............................................................................591

Schematic of existing South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant

Attachment 1

Schematic of existing South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade


Response from EPA regarding proposal to upgrade or replace South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant.

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 2


Response from EPA regarding proposal to upgrade or replace South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant.

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 2


Response from NSW Office of Water regarding proposal to upgrade or replace South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant.

Attachment 3

From: Robert Chong [] Sent: Monday, 8 September 2014 9:30 PM Subject: Re: FW: Sth. Lismore STP: Draft report for review comments

Hi Rod, We have reviewed the MWH report "South Lismore STP Options Assessment - Draft" dated 12/6/14. Both options presented in the report are appropriate for the augmentation of the South Lismore STP. The option to construct a new IDAL is a better option than the option to refurbish and augment the existing trickling filter plant. The IDAL option is a lower cost option utilising modern wastewater treatment technology that would better serve future needs than the older trickling filter plant treatment technology. The modern IDAL wastewater treatment process will provide better effluent quality than the trickling filter plant and is thus better placed to meet any future increase in effluent quality requirements. Most IDAL plant operating in NSW are required to meet the EPA "sensitive waters" standard shown in the following table. Parameter

Sensitive Wayers (90 % ile values)

BOD (mg/L) Suspended Solids (mg/L) Total Nitrogen (mg/L) Ammonia-Nitrogen (mg/L) Total Phosphorus (mg/L) Grease & Oil (mg/L) pH Faecal Coliforms (cfu/100mL)

10 15 10 2 0.3 2 6.5-8.5 200

The trickling filter will have great difficulty in achieving similar effluent quality on a consistent basis due to the following factors. 1. The tricking filter performance can be greatly reduced during the cold winter months. The cold air circulating around the filter media will significantly reduce the treatment performance such as the nitrification process. The assessment of the trickling filter plant performance based on sampling and testing in April 2012 presented in the report is not representative of its lower performance in the winter months. The IDAL tank is less affected by the cold winter temperature as the diffused air from the blowers is warm and the process in the tank is exothermic releasing heat to the tank MLSS. 2. Chemical P removal is not as effective in the trickling filter plant than in the IDAL plant. Phosphorus in the sewage is usually in the forms of orthophosphate, polyphosphate and Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade


Response from NSW Office of Water regarding proposal to upgrade or replace South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant.

Attachment 3

organic phosphate. Dosing of alum upstream of the primary tanks will remove the orthophosphate and not the polyphosphate and organic phosphate and is the less efficient use of the metal salt. The polyphosphate and organic phosphate are transformed into orthophosphate in the IDAL tank resulting in lower chemical dosage. Also the metal phosphorus precipitate may not flocculate and settle well in the Humus tank. This is supported by trials conducted over 9 months at the Cowra trickling filter plant. This view is also expressed in the well established publication "Wastewater Engineering Treatment and Reuse" by Metcalf & Eddy, Construction of the new IDAL plant would be simple without interruption to the operation and performance of the existing trickling filter plant during construction. Augmenting the trickling filter plant would be complicated with significant interruption to the operation of the plant during construction. Treatment unit would have to taken out of service one at a time for refurbishing to minimise upsetting the treatment process and degrading the effluent quality. The units would have to be cleaned and disinfected before construction staff can work on the units. Augmenting the trickling filter plant would take much longer than constructing the new IDAL plant and time is costly to the construction contractor. It is considered that the IDAL option should score better than the trickling filter option in the non cost multi criteria assessment for the following reasons. 1. The IDAL plant is simpler to operate and maintain than the trickling filter plant and should score higher in the operability and maintainability. The trickling filter plant has 12 treatment units to operate and maintain (3 primary tanks, 3 trickling filters, 3 humus tanks, 3 anaerobic digesters). The IDAL plant has only 2 IDAL tanks and 2 aerobic digesters. The trickling filter plant anaerobic sludge digestion process is very sensitive compared to IDAL aerobic processes. Maintaining a stable operating temperature in the anaerobic digester is very critical as the bacteria, especially the methane formers, are sensitive to temperature changes. Generally, temperature changes greater than 1 degree C/d affect process performance and changes less than 0.5 degree C/d are recommended. Uniform feeding is also very important in the anaerobic digestion process. There is also significantly requirement for instrumentation/equipment (temperature meter for sludge and hot water system, gas flow meter, flame arrester, pressure and vacuum breaker) and testing/monitoring (volatile fatty acid, alkalinity, VSS and SS, pH). Standby fuel such as natural gas is also required for the boiler when methane gas production falls below the boiler heating requirement. 2. The IDAL option should be given a higher score for the environment category as there is no by-pass. In the trickling filter plant raw sewage flows above 180 L/s (3.8 x ADWF) are by-passed to the deep pond and maturation pond without treatment. No flow by-pass is necessary in the IDAL plant as the IDAL tank can handle flows up to the design PWWF of 6.6 times ADWF with the incorporation of a design dry weather flow cycle (for flows up to 3.8 x ADWF) and a wet weather flow cycle (for flows above 3.8 x ADWF). This is a standard design practice for IDAL plants in NSW. 3. The IDAL should also score better in reliability as the IDAL aerobic process is very stable and less affected by low winter temperature than the trickling filter pant. The trickling filter anaerobic process is also very sensitive and less stable than the IDAL process. Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade


Response from NSW Office of Water regarding proposal to upgrade or replace South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant.

Attachment 3

The trickling filter plant also has more drives than the IDAL process and not less. The trickling filter plant has at least 21 drives - 6 drives for the primary tanks (3 sludge pump and 3 sludge scrappers), 3 drives for the trickling filter (filter distributors), 6 drives for the Humus tank (3 sludge pumps and 3 sludge scrappers) and 6 drives for the anaerobic digesters (3 sludge and 3 hot water recirculation pumps for the heat exchanger). In comparison the IDAL plant has 12 drives - 2 recycle pumps, 3 blowers, 2 WAS pumps, 2 decanters for the IDAL tanks, 1 sludge thickener, and 2 air blowers for the aerobic digesters. Comments on the design of the IDAL plant are as follows. 1. The design sludge age of 16 days is on the low side. A sludge age of 20 days would be preferable. 2. Pre-anoxic compartment and associated a-recycle pumps are not necessary as most IDAL plants have proven performance without them. 3. Surface aerators should be used instead of diffused air for the aerobic digester due to the low efficiency of diffused air in aerobic digester - low alpha factor of 0.3 for diffused air compared to an alpha factor of 0.85 for surface aerator. 4. Aerobic sludge digestion is not required if the waste activated sludge (WAS) is not reused. Sludge disposed on-site or in land fill will not require aerobic digestion. 5. If the sludge is to be beneficially reused, there may be less costly alternative options than to provide aerobic digestion. One option is to store the WAS for 6 months prior to reuse. This is a common option adopted in many STPs in NSW. The two existing sludge lagoons and tanks (primary and humas tanks) could be used for this purpose. Another option would be to adopt barrier control by injecting the sludge into the soil or ploughing the sludge into the soil soon after applying the sludge onto the land. 6. Can cost saving may be achieved by: - Converting existing tanks to aerobic digestion tanks. - Disposing the trickling filter media in existing tanks.

Regards, Robert Chong

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade


Peer review of MWH report on upgrade of South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant dated October 2014.

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Attachment 4


Peer review of MWH report on upgrade of South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant dated October 2014.

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Attachment 4


Peer review of MWH report on upgrade of South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant dated October 2014.

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Attachment 4


Peer review of MWH report on upgrade of South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant dated October 2014.

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Attachment 4


Peer review of MWH report on upgrade of South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant dated October 2014.

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Attachment 4


Peer review of MWH report on upgrade of South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant dated October 2014.

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Attachment 4


Peer review of MWH report on upgrade of South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant dated October 2014.

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Attachment 4


Peer review of MWH report on upgrade of South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant dated October 2014.

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Attachment 4


Peer review of MWH report on upgrade of South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant dated October 2014.

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Attachment 4


Peer review of MWH report on upgrade of South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant dated October 2014.

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Attachment 4


Peer review of MWH report on upgrade of South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant dated October 2014.

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Attachment 4


Peer review of MWH report on upgrade of South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant dated October 2014.

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Attachment 4


Peer review of MWH report on upgrade of South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant dated October 2014.

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Attachment 4


Peer review of MWH report on upgrade of South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant dated October 2014.

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Attachment 4


Peer review of MWH report on upgrade of South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant dated October 2014.

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Attachment 4


Report on Site Inspection of Cessnock Sewage Treatment Plant

Attachment 5

Report on site inspection of Cessnock Sewage Treatment Plant, conducted 11 September 2014. Inspection undertaken by Rod Haig, Paul Smith and Matt Torr of Lismore City Council, assisted by Bob Jennar and Darren Cannon of Hunter Water Corporation. Report prepared by Rod Haig. Cessnock Sewage Treatment Plant (CSTP) was originally constructed as a trickling filter sewage treatment plant (STP) in the 1930s. The plant treats a load of approximately 32,000 equivalent persons (EP). This corresponds with approximately three times the load currently treated by South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant (SLSTP) and approximately double the likely future load to be placed on SLSTP. In 2006 a major upgrade of CSTP was undertaken, comprising the following:  Construction of new inlet works.  Construction of new primary clarifiers, replacing old Imhoff style primary sedimentation tanks.  Replacement of cold sludge digestion with new heated sludge digester and new sludge dewatering facilities.  Construction of a new recirculation pump station allowing recirculation of effluent from downstream of the trickling filters back to the inlet works.  Construction of new secondary (humus) clarifier replacing old humus tanks.  Construction of dissolved air flotation (DAF) plant at outlet of oxidation pads to remove algae from treated wastewater. The upgrade involved some good re-use of old infrastructure with old digesters being utilised to store digested sludge prior to dewatering, and old humus tanks being converted into the recirculation pump station. In 2013, following receipt of grant funding, a cogeneration plant was added to enable methane produced by the sludge digester to be used for cogeneration of electricity. Prior to this, methane gas produced by the heated anaerobic digester was used for heating of sludge only, with any excess methane produced being flared to the atmosphere. CSTP, in its current configuration, is very similar to the proposed refurbishment option for SLSTP with the following exceptions:  Whilst reticulation of wastewater is utilised, the trickling filters at CSTP rely on hydraulically driven, rather than motor driven distribution arms. At the time of inspection, the use of recirculation seemed to produce a continuing rotation of the distributor arms and the operator indicated the arrangement resulted in a reasonably even distribution of effluent over the whole area of the trickling filters.  The existing rock media within the trickling filters has continued to be used at CSTP, whereas the refurbishment option proposed for SLSTP involves the proposed replacement of old rock media with new Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade


Report on Site Inspection of Cessnock Sewage Treatment Plant

Attachment 5

plastic media. From observation, the rock media used at CSTP is smaller and more uniform in size and shape than that currently used at SLSTP. ď‚ˇď€ Cessnock STP does not use wetlands for polishing of tertiary effluent, instead relying on oxidation ponds and the DAF plant. In discussions with the plant operator (Darren Cannon) the following relevant information was determined. Initially the plant had been designed for two-point chemical dosing for phosphorous removal, using ferric sulphate, with dosing occurring prior to both the primary clarifier and after secondary treatment by the trickling filter. [This second dosing point was originally located between the secondary clarifier and the oxidation ponds, but was later relocated to prior to the secondary clarifier due to the resulting build-up of ferric sludge in the first oxidation pond]. The current arrangement is similar to that proposed for the refurbishment of South Lismore STP where two-point chemical dosing is proposed prior to both primary and secondary clarifiers. The one distinction is that CSTP uses ferric sulphate for phosphorous renewal while, at present, aluminium sulphate is used for phosphorous removal at SLSTP. The operator indicated to us that at CSTP they had found it necessary to discontinue the dosing of ferric sulphate prior to the primary clarifiers, as the resulting presence of ferric sludge within the digester was adversely affecting the performance of the anaerobic digester. They now rely solely on dosing prior to the secondary clarifier for the removal of phosphorous, with sludge from the secondary clarifier being pumped to the sludge lagoons which also receive scum from the DAF plant. This combined sludge stream is then handled separately from the primary sludge which is treated in the anaerobic digester and dewatering facilities. The operator indicated that filter flies were still a concern, particularly in warmer months, though less problematic than at other STPs that did not use recirculation of wastewater within the plant. This may not be indicative of likely performance from the proposed refurbishment option for SLSTP, which would include motor driven distribution arms and a change of filter media. However in the case of CSTP the use of recirculation alone has not resulted in satisfactory filter fly management. The wastewater manager present at the inspection (Bob Jennar) also indicated they were consistently getting nitrogen concentrations within final treated effluent that were close to their licence limits. Some of this was attributed to the reduction in storage within the first oxidation pond, as a result of the previous build up of ferric sludge, which was limiting the denitrifying potential of the oxidations ponds. While there were particular circumstances at CSTP limiting the capacity of the STP to treat nitrogen, (ie. the build up of ferric sludge in the first oxidation pond), this does demonstrate the limited potential trickling filters have to remove nitrogen from the wastewater stream, leading to a high reliance on downstream oxidation ponds, facultative ponds or wetlands to denitrify wastewater. This is a clear weakness of a trickling filter plant compared to an aerated STP. [Note: there is some similarity in circumstances at CSTP and SLSTP, given that the first oxidation pond at SLSTP has been subject to carry over of alum sludge from the catch pond]. We were provided with a detailed inspection of the anaerobic sludge digester and related cogeneration plant and heat exchanger. Operation of the cogeneration plant is determined by the level of the methane gas in the digester. If the cogeneration plant is operating, and the temperature of the sludge digester is below the maximum level Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade


Report on Site Inspection of Cessnock Sewage Treatment Plant

Attachment 5

set, waste heat from the gas turbine, that is used to generate electricity, is used to heat the sludge within the digester using the heat exchanger and sludge recirculation system. If the temperature of sludge with the digester falls below the minimum set point, the boiler will burn methane gas to produce hot water which is used to heat sludge within the digester using the heat exchanger and sludge recirculation system.

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade


Report on Site Inspection of Cessnock Sewage Treatment Plant

Attachment 5

The operation of the gas turbine is limited to a maximum of 3 starts per day. Operators at CSTP have found the optimal performance is gained by operating the gas turbine at approximately half its maximum capacity to lengthen the duration of each operation of the cogeneration plant. The operator indicated that, at present, they are generating 30 kW for six hours a day, or an approximate total of 180 kWhr per day. It should be noted this is being achieved by a STP two to three time the size of SLSTP. The wastewater manager present at the inspection indicated that, if the cogeneration plant had not been funded by grant funding, the plant would not be economically viable. Electricity is not exported from CSTP to the grid, as the 30kW power currently generated matches the base load from the recirculation pump station. CSTP has utilised the covering of the inlet works, together with the installation of an air extraction system venting to a soil odour bed, to control odours at the plant. This has proved effective in managing odours but has not been effective in managing concrete corrosion due to sulphide attack, which has been exacerbated by covering the inlet works. The indication given was that, if covering of wastewater treatment facilities is used as a way of odour control, concrete structures require lining and other components would need to be designed appropriately to increase resistance to corrosion. [The alternative would be to use a much larger air extraction system, and consequently larger odour beds, to increase the turnover of air within the volume enclosed by covering of the relevant infrastructure]. In our discussions with the wastewater manager, he also mentioned a wastewater treatment plant operated by Hunter Water Corporation at Burwood Beach. This STP includes the use of an Activated Biological Filter (ABF), similar in nature to a trickling filter. The ABF was originally constructed with a wooden internal media that had been subsequently replaced with a plastic media. Following replacement of the media, performance of the ABF has been poor, with no discernible difference in performance noted during periods when the ABF has been taken off line and when it is in operation. This was attributed to biofilm failing to adhere to the plastic media and sloughing off too easily. These observations are not necessarily relevant to the proposed refurbishment of South Lismore STP, due to different circumstances including possible difference in the media used. However, it may provide reason to investigate further the performance of plastic media in trickling filters. Following the inspection of CSTP we were also given the opportunity to inspect a newly constructed reverse osmosis treatment designed to produce high quality recycled water from treated wastewater. The reverse osmosis treatment plant is able to produce 9 ML/day of recycled water, which is to be supplied to a nearby chemical processing plant operated by Orica.

Conclusions: The site visit raises several issues of relevance to Lismore City Council’s current investigations into the proposed upgrade of SLSTP, and the option of refurbishing the existing trickling filter plant in particular. These include:  the impact that the proposal to adopt two-point chemical dosing for phosphorous removal, with dosing prior to primary sedimentation tanks, may have on the operation of new heated anaerobic digestors. Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade


Report on Site Inspection of Cessnock Sewage Treatment Plant

Attachment 5

 experience at CSTP suggests that recirculation of effluent enabling continuous, evenly distributed wetting of media is insufficient, in itself, to manage filter flies.  trickling filters, by themselves, will struggle to meet licence conditions relating to nitrogen concentrations within treated wastewater and will be heavily reliant on downstream oxidation ponds and wetlands to provide denitrification of treated wastewater.  the operation of a cogeneration plant in conjunction with a heated anaerobic sludge digestor is technically feasible. However, based on the amount of power generated at CSTP, the likely power generated from an STP the size of SLSTP could be assumed to be relatively minimal and highly likely to be economically unviable. It is considered that an equivalent investment (approx. $0.5 million) in alternative forms of renewable energy, such as a photo-voltaic or a solar thermal power station, would be likely to be a better investment.  Hunter Water Corporation’s experience of operating the Activated Biological Filter at the Burwood Beach Sewage Treatment Plant (BBSTP) suggests further investigation into the effectiveness of plastic media may be warranted. In all the above conclusions, due allowance needs to be given to the differences between CSTP, BBSTP and the proposed refurbishment of SLSTP. These include:  CSTP is a much larger plant than SLSTP.  use of different chemicals for phosphorous removal at CSTP and SLSTP.  proposed use of different media at CSTP and SLSTP.  different drive mechanism for distribution arms of trickling filters at CSTP and those proposed for SLSTP.  different circumstances relating to build up of sludge in oxidation ponds.  CSTP does not make use of wetlands to polish effluent, but has the advantage of a DAF plant to remove algae from treated wastewater.  the trickling filters used at SLSTP differ from the ABF used at BBSTP. However, even allowing for the differences listed above, there is sufficient evidence gleaned during the site inspection to suggest that the adoption of a refurbished trickling filter STP may lead to future operational difficulties.

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade


Report on Site Inspection of Beaudesert Sewage Treatment Plant

Attachment 6

Record of site inspection of Beaudesert Sewage Treatment Plant Beaudesert Sewage Treatment Plant (BSTP) was initially constructed in the 1960s with an upgrade undertaken in the 1970s. The STP is a conventional trickling filter plant with inlet screening and grit removal, radial primary sedimentation tanks (PSTs), trickling filters and radial humus tanks. The sludge digester is constructed to operate as a heated digester using biogas to heat a boiler. However, at present, the boiler is non-operational due to the need to achieve regulatory approval of the boiler and gas system. At present biogas is being discharged to the atmosphere through a pressure relief valve on the digester’s floating roof. BSTP is being operated to a high standard. At the time of inspection, being a bright sunny day with no wind, there were no filter flies evident. The operator indicated that filter flies could not be eliminated altogether but they could be managed. He indicated that filter fly management was dependant on several factors including the type and shape of media and both the biological and hydraulic load. However, the critical aspect of filter fly management is controlling the ‘sludge age’ of the biofilm forming on the media. This requires regular sloughing of the biofilm from the filter media, which in turn is dependent on the nature and distribution of hydraulic loads to the filters. At present this is being achieved at BSTP through the use of recirculation of effluent through the PSTs and filters. However, the operator indicated that, in the past, at times they had had to use wires to restrain the distributor arms to distribute concentrated hydraulic loads to a section of the filter, then progressively rotate the arms till the whole filter was covered. The STP has working dosing syphons which help in the regulation of hydraulic loads. The plant recirculates effluent by pumping from the humus tanks back to prior to the PSTs. Effluent is drawn from the bottom of the humus tanks by the sludge pumps. This enables flow to be recirculated without increasing the upflow rate within the humus tanks. Under this arrangement, humus sludge is continuously drawn off with effluent and co-settled through the PSTs. There is a level sensor at the inlet channel of the STP. When peak flows are experienced at the STP, this discontinues recirculation to avoid hydraulic overloading of the plant. During periods of high flow, humus sludge pumps revert to pumping a few minutes in each hour to remove sludge from the humus tanks only. Through a combination of recirculating nitrified effluent from downstream of the trickling filters back to the PSTs, and also maintaining a long sludge age within the PSTs, the operators are also able to achieve nitrification and denitrification of wastewater. In discussions with the operator it became evident that BSTP operates under a very different licencing regime to that applicable to STPs operated by Lismore City Council, with much higher discharges of phosphorous and nitrogen permissible. In this regard, the operator indicated they would have difficulty meeting more stringent licencing limits applicable to other plants. They also operate under a licencing regime that places a limit on the hydraulic load taken by the plant, with any additional hydraulic load during wet weather being discharged at sewage pump stations directly to the river or stormwater system. They were also able to negotiate an agreement with the environmental licencing agency to undertake rehabilitation of eroded sections of the riverbank in return for nutrient discharge limits in the licence remaining unchanged.

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Report on Site Inspection of Beaudesert Sewage Treatment Plant

Attachment 6

In discussions with the operator they also mentioned they had seen attempts at replacing rock media with plastic media failing and seeing utilities remove plastic media and reverting back to rock media. However this experience was 10-15 years ago and related to their experience working in Britain.

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South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

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Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

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South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

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South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

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South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

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South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

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South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

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South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

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South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

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South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

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South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

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South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

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South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

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South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

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South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

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South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

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South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

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South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

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South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

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South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

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South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

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South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

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South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

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South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

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South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

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Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

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South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

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South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

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South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

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Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Options Assessment - Final Report

Lismore City Council Meeting held 10 March 2015 - South Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant Proposed Upgrade

Attachment 7


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