Imagine Lismore 10 Year Plan 2013-2023

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YEAR PLAN 2013-2023





Imagine Lismore Message from the Mayor To have a dream of what might be possible is not confined to children. Creative people take their imagination and paint pictures, write books, compose songs and use their talents to show us their aspirations for a better world. Whether we think of ourselves as creative or not, all of us have ideas on how our lives and the lives of our family, friends and broader community might be richer and more fulfilling. Council is no different. We too want โ€˜whatโ€™s bestโ€™ for the people we serve, the natural and built environment we care for and the economy that keeps us prosperous. As part of Imagine Lismore we asked our whole community to imagine a Lismore of 20 years hence. Inviting people to think about the next generation and how their place in the world should look brought out some wonderful ideas. Those ideas have now been turned into a plan of action to achieve the goals and dreams of this community. Imagine Lismore demonstrates how we are responding to our communityโ€™s needs and has opened the way for Council and our community to have important discussions about funding priorities, service levels and to plan in partnership for a more sustainable future. Community partnerships are pivotal to the success of Imagine Lismore and you will find in this document potential partnering projects. We will also develop community panels. Council will listen and work with our community to help residents of our city and villages shape their place and create the future they imagined. Our previous strategic plans were developed in-house with a facilitator and placed on exhibition for community feedback. That was how we did things back then. Lismore City Council has come a long way in the intervening years. We understand and embrace community engagement and the Imagine Lismore process has given us all a new appreciation for the wealth of talent, expertise and energy that exists in our community. This cutting-edge engagement has drawn the attention of councils and other organisations around the nation. I have had phone calls and emails from councils throughout NSW, Victoria and Queensland that want to know how we reached out to our community. In addition, the leaders of The new Democracy Foundation, ex Premiers Nick Greiner and Geoff Gallop, wrote to praise Imagine Lismore as an excellent example of community-driven future planning. Now begins the exciting task of turning our plans into reality. Mayor Jenny Dowell



Contents Imagine Lismore


Imagine Our Economy


Executive Summary


Community Vision: A vibrant CBD


Asset renewal and maintenance


Community Vision: A resilient economy


Delivering the vision


Community Vision: Wilsons River




Community Vision: Environmental leadership


Getting our own house in order


Community Vision: Lismore as a model of sustainability


Being financially responsible


Imagine Our Services




Service: Waste


Our community challenges


Service: Strategic planning, assessment and construction


Our economic challenges


Service: Parks


Our environmental challenges


Service: Water cycle management


Our service challenges


Service: Transport and infrastructure


Our Values


Civic leadership/Council management


Imagine Lismore


Resourcing Strategy


Developing our Community Plan


The road to financial sustainability


Community Engagement Strategy


A balance between assets and aspirations


The Plan in Context


Long term financial plan 2013-2023


Imagine Our Place in Our Region


Key assumptions


Growth in Lismore


Financial reporting - consolidated


The communityรข€™s vision for growth


Key performance indicators


Where should growth occur?


Income statement consolidated


How should growth be managed?


Balance sheet - consolidated


Four Pillars of Sustainability


Cash flow statement - consolidated


Imagine Lismore in a nutshell


Key performance indicators - consolidated


Imagine Our Community




Community Vision: Aboriginal recognition


Managing our assets


Asset management policy


Asset management strategy


Asset Management Plans


Path to sustainability


Workforce planning


Workforce planning framework


Managing our people


Lismore City Council people development and HR strategy


Message from the General Manager


Community Vision: An inclusive and aware community and community participation in decision making


Community Vision: Safety and wellbeing


Community Vision: Affordable health


Community Vision: Partnerships with service providers


Community Vision: Lismore as a sporting centre


Community Vision: Affordable housing


Community Vision: Improved transport options


Community Vision: Community Cultural Centre





Executive Summary

The Imagine Lismore 10 Year Plan is a multi faceted document to change the face of Lismore in the future. In a nutshell, it is a transition strategy to financially, philosophically and practically align Councilโ€™s goals and actions with the communityโ€™s vision for their places.

The central focal points of the document are:

Asset renewal and maintenance Council needs to redirect a total of $7.3 million each year into renewing and maintaining assets into the future. We will fix our roads and improve wastewater infrastructure to cope with a growing population. Over the next decade Council will take responsible action and find the resources we need to address a legacy of asset neglect. Our assets are our most pressing concern but we know residents need more than just bricks and mortar to make a community great. They also need us to govern well and they need a vibrant community, good economy and healthy environment. Getting this balance right is our challenge.

Imagine Lismore projects

Delivering the vision Council will spend $423,500 on projects that progress the Imagine Lismore vision in the first year and this will increase each year over the 10-year life of the plan. The first year includes improvements to the CBD and funding our new partnering projects. More money will be allocated in future years. Many of Councilโ€™s current projects specifically align with the communityโ€™s vision and these will continue.



CBD improvements



Communication and engagement



Hospital precinct



North Lismore Plateau roads



Partnership projects



Housing officer



2013 & 2015/16


CBD office building



CBD footpaths



2013 & 2020/21






CBD plaza/gallery (Quad project)

River/riverbank projects Lismore Park Operating costs and loan repayments Total




The community also told us they want Council to engage and communicate better. Council is working on strategies to do just that. Feedback from the Imagine Lismore process was hugely positive and we are ready to let go of the traditional approach of deciding what the community wants for them. Our new focus is to listen, work together and deliver.

Partnerships We have developed a Partnering Strategy that includes 23 different projects with more than 49 partners including government and non-government agencies. We are spending $75,000 in the first year to get these off the ground and this will increase to $225,000 in subsequent years. We know we need to do more with less. We also know that a small amount of money can go a long way when we have community support and participation. This is how we can achieve great things in the future. These projects are outlined in the Partnering Strategy that accompanies this plan. In addition to these projects, Council will move toward a model of community-based panels to engage the community and seek collaboration in improving where we live. This is our new Community Partnerships project. The model represents a new way of Council doing business. Instead of making decisions on what community priorities are we will ask the communities themselves, and with their help provide funds, guidance and facilitation to implement those priorities.

Getting our own house in order Council recognises that in order to find savings for asset management and community projects, we need to do better. We need to find efficiencies within Council that improve productivity and ensure we are getting the biggest bang for our ratepayer buck. We cannot raise revenue and ask the community to collaborate with us without challenging ourselves to lead by example. We need to ensure we have an adequate skills base in our organisation and implement the Australian Business Excellence Framework, being guided by the eight quality principles. We need to maximise our output with our limited resources.

Being financially responsible We are working toward financial sustainability over the next 10 years through Zero Based Budgeting and a Service Level Review. We need to look closely at where every dollar is spent and align our budget with the Imagine Lismore vision. We also need to be realistic about our ability to provide services. Over the next two years we will review and prioritise where services are most needed and direct funding to these priorities. As an example, we are closing our CBD office. While we would love to keep this open we recognise that the money spent on maintaining this service can be better spent elsewhere, such as on our roads.

These community panels will be place-based as we know that what people want in urban Lismore is very different to what people want at The Channon. The community panels will enable Council to begin tailoring projects to community wishes so our unique places grow in the style and character that people desire.

The Imagine Lismore 10 Year Plan is your strategic action plan for the future. The Imagine Lismore Four Year Plan details specific project costs and delivery timelines to achieve the goals and aspirations of Imagine Lismore. The Imagine Lismore One Year Plan shows how the budget is changing to align with the communityรข€™s vision in this financial year. 6


Challenges The future is exciting and full of opportunities, with the promise of stronger communities enjoying better services and infrastructure and an enriching lifestyle. When considering the long-term future of our community, Imagine Lismore seeks to address the myriad of challenges we face now and those that may influence or test us into the future. Some of these challenges are somewhat localised and other fall within broader regional and state frameworks. From our ageing infrastructure to climate change and an ageing population, the challenges are both complex and varied. Imagine Lismore aims to provide solutions into the future.

Our community challenges รข€ห˜ Most important is whether or not the community we live in helps us to connect with other people or leaves us feeling lonely and disconnected. As a society we are getting older, family structures and sizes are changing, and our communities are becoming more culturally diverse. While there is no easy way to change these social trends, the way we connect in our communities through public spaces, activities and facilities can help bring people together. รข€ห˜ A high dependence upon commuting and very limited public transport can have social, environmental and economic impacts on our community and as a result, transportation planning is a particularly important component in the overall planning for what we want our community to be. รข€ห˜ Very limited housing choice both in quantity and quality (i.e. few 1-2 bedroom houses in Lismore) results in the community, especially the ageing community, having little choice but to remain in their 3-4 bedroom homes or to move elsewhere. Lack of choice also impacts on attracting people to live and work in our region.

From our ageing infrastructure to climate change and an ageing population, the challenges are both complex and varied . . . IMAGINE LISMORE 10 YEAR PLAN 2013-2023


Our economic challenges โ€ข A thriving community needs a growing and vibrant region; this is obtained by retaining and supporting key regional institutions such as education and health as well as the promotion of our region and local economy. โ€ข Identified for its cache of leading services in health, education and business, which is underpinned by an unrivalled creative, environmental and social consciousness, Lismore City has an important role in developing the future capacity of the region. Foremost, this will require courage and collaboration from all leaders to deliver regionally beneficial results including sustainable resident wellbeing and prosperity. Keeping pace with business and industry opportunities, encouraging innovation and entrepreneurialism and ensuring that Lismore City continues to retain and attract investment, a continued proactive approach to private and public sector governance and productivity gains is imperative. โ€ข The new frontier for business and community is to embrace the digital economy opportunity presented by the high-speed broadband infrastructure rollout to Lismore City in progressing our shared community vision for thriving people, places, economies and environments. โ€ข Creating a sustainable economy requires a 360-degree view. Lismore City will be known globally as a regional city situated in one of the most diverse and inclusive regions in the world.

Our environmental challenges โ€ข The many challenges the environment faces in our LGA are well documented. The quality of the Wilsons and Richmond Rivers acts as an indicator of the health of the wider environment as they are the receiving waters of rainfall across the whole catchment. Sediment, nutrient and chemical runoff has a significant impact on our rivers. An estimated 678,000 tonnes of sediment enters the Richmond Catchment every year, with 97% of the nutrients (attached to these sediments) coming from diffuse, as opposed to point sources. โ€ข Drainage and flood mitigation infrastructure to allow agriculture on the floodplain has resulted in a severe degradation of both the environment and hydrological processes. Some of these include the exposure of acid sulfate soils, formation of monosulfidic black ooze (MBOs) in drainage channels and the decomposition of dryland pasture during floods, all which can have devastating impacts on our rivers including major fish-kills in the lower estuary.



โ€ข Approximately 34% of the LGA has native forest cover, however, the majority is located in the far north of the LGA making up the Nightcap National Park, Whian Whian Conservation Area and surrounding private land. This leaves the middle and lower parts of the LGA with highly fragmented remnants of native vegetation. Due to its fragmented nature it is also highly exposed to the invasion of weeds. The lack of forest connectivity severely impacts the viability and dispersal of native species. The distinct lack of riparian (riverbank) vegetation also results in the erosion of gullies, spread of weeds and poor water quality. โ€ข We are yet to recognise the full impacts of climate change on the environment and ecosystem-based industries such as farming and fishing. However, it is likely that more severe weather events (flood and fire) and prolonged dry or wet periods will impact on these ecosystem-based economies and the infrastructure they rely on.

Our service challenges โ€ข Communities need their councils to be able to provide adequate infrastructure and services to facilitate economic and community development, maintain environmental amenity and ensure quality of life. Many NSW councils are currently faced with a number of complex challenges. These include providing more with less and ensuring quality of life for current and future generations within the confines of limited resources. โ€ข Improvements in infrastructure and assets which serve our community are required and must be prioritised in the future. The roads, footpaths, kerbs, gutters, parks and playgrounds which we all use and enjoy require an ongoing financial commitment to renew and replace so they, and the benefit they provide to the community continues. Imagine Lismore aims to address these challenges by providing a plan that is vibrant, diverse and reflective of current community needs. It is a plan which will lead Lismore confidently into the future.

Our Values Lismore City Councilโ€™s values were developed in 2012 with staff and elected members; developed by the people, for the people. The following values of Lismore City Council are the basic elements of how we go about our work, the practices we use every day and in everything we do. The values have formed the foundation on which we have developed Imagine Lismore.

โ€ข We cultivate a sense of belonging for everyone. โ€ข We are honest and build trust between each other. โ€ข We consider our actions and our reactions to others. โ€ข We are understanding, caring and respectful of differences. โ€ข We are accountable for all that we do and support others in their responsibilities.


โ€ข We are determined, disciplined, consistent and realistic. โ€ข We plan, prepare and take ownership of our efforts. โ€ข We show leadership through professionalism. โ€ข We support each other to achieve our best. โ€ข We work safely together.


โ€ข We are passionate about the work we do. โ€ข We improve and look for better ways to do things. โ€ข We care about each other and our community. โ€ข We recognise and reward hard work. โ€ข Itโ€™s ok to have fun.


โ€ข We encourage participation and inclusion in all our communications. โ€ข We are transparent, fair and accountable. โ€ข We are trained to do our jobs well. โ€ข We communicate respectfully. CONNECT, LISTEN AND LEARN



Who We Are Lismore is the geographic and economic heart of a region of immense wealth โ€“ the Northern Rivers. While our economic assets and beautiful natural landscape contribute to Lismoreโ€™s strength, its soul is its people. Lismoreโ€™s real โ€˜heartโ€™ โ€“ its community โ€“ is unlike any other. It is a community sculpted from a unique convergence of historic and cultural events. Together, they have forged a place where diversity is not just accepted, but actively embraced. From the fertile soils of the now-extinct Wollumbin volcano to our abundant river floodplains, this region was first called home by the Widjabul/Wyabul people. They have lived in this region for more than 50,000 years and are part of the Bundjalung Nation. Today, there are 1950 Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people in Lismore, accounting for 4.5% of the population compared to 2.5% for NSW. It is with pride that Lismore acknowledges this. Imagine Lismore shows us that recognition for Aboriginal people is one of the highest priorities for people living in the region. Later the area was settled by cedar getters and cultivated by generations of dairying and farming families, many of who still work the land today. Italian migrants came across the sea from Europe for a better life, bringing with them new farming techniques and old, rich traditions. Our abundant agricultural lands have created a booming food industry around Lismore that ranges from small, organic producers who sell at local markets to farmers exporting



goods across the globe. In 1973, the Aquarius Festival brought an alternative subculture of people disillusioned with mainstream society who sought to live differently. Threats to our rare native flora and fauna forged world-famous environmental movements and this has evolved into many individuals and local industries exemplifying the principles of sustainability. More recently, Lismore became home to tree-changers who wanted to leave the city behind and embrace a more sustainable existence. Our rich natural environment and rural setting play an important part in shaping our way of life. Many move or settle in our LGA to enjoy the relaxed pace of country life with the convenience of high-level services that a regional city offers. All of this combines to create a foundation for a strong city with a character that is vibrant and individual. Lismoreโ€™s population of 44,282 encompasses university students, businesspeople, artists, sportspeople, refugees, farmers, people of diverse sexualities and many others. It is a community of myriad cultures, demographics and skills. While our growth is modest, it is expected to increase with future land releases planned over the next 20 years. By 2036, the population is expected to reach 47,900. Lismore City is the recognised centre for health, education, retailing, entertainment, commerce, culture and sport in the Northern Rivers. It continues to strengthen its place as a regional centre with hospital service upgrades, expansion of university courses and, in the hills surrounding the city, the

Lismoreโ€™s real โ€˜heartโ€™ โ€“ its community โ€“ is unlike any other. It is a community sculpted from a unique convergence of historic and cultural events.

growth of cottage industries that celebrate and export the best of the regionโ€™s food and natural products to the world.

placed to meet our challenges head on and grow stronger for it.

The economic potential that exists within Lismore City is expanding. As a growing regional services hub, and with the availability of affordable industrial land, business and industry continue to see the benefits of investing in Lismore.

Like our population, our infrastructure is ageing. With 1200km of roads, high rainfall and large traffic movements as people to travel to and from work, maintaining the areaโ€™s vast road network is an ongoing challenge. There is also a legacy of underfunding wastewater infrastructure. It would be prudent to correct the mistakes of the past and adequately and continually fund asset renewal into the future.

Our community predominantly lives in the urban area (63%) while 33% live in rural areas and 4% live in outlying villages. With our proximity to services, the coast and a major capital city, Brisbane, combined with our natural beauty and charismatic culture, Lismore offers an attractive lifestyle. Like any city in Australia, Lismore will face challenges in the future. We are an ageing population with a median age of 40 and 15% of us are over 65. We are seeing our large Italian, Greek and German populations ageing. At the same time, we are seeing more people come from China, the Philippines, Thailand, Africa and Germany. Population ageing has major implications for Lismore in terms of health care, housing, employment, community services, economic effects and demand for services. It is interesting to note that 5.7% of residents have a severe disability requiring assistance with tasks, while 13.2% of the population care for a person with a disability. Our largest industry of employment is health care and social assistance.

Our community has always shown leadership and a capacity for change and innovation. We will need to keep changing and adapting to ensure our economy is resilient and our rich way of life is maintained. We need to protect that which makes us special. Lismore is not simply a convenient point on a map or a town with a good climate. Much like the globally unique World Heritage environment that surrounds us, we boast rare diversity. A distinctive, extraordinary community. Our real wealth comes from one single asset โ€“ our capacity to accept and celebrate all people who call this place home. That is what truly makes Lismore the heart of the Northern Rivers.

With the services and skills base to face the demands of an ageing population, and a loving community that wishes to support those who need care in their lives, Lismore is well



Developing our Community Plan

Community Engagement Strategy The most important element in the development of Imagine Lismore was the engagement with our community. The engagement we did was based on a number of key principles: โ€ข Random Selection. For many years the agenda of Council has been set by a very small number of vocal community members. We know the views of these people very well and wanted to know if they were representative of the wider community view. To do this we selected participants through random selection of a demographically representative sample of the relevant community. โ€ข Social Justice. By particularly targeting hard-to-reach groups within the community, using random selection rather than self-selection and providing transport and support for participants, we made sure that everyone in our community had the opportunity to contribute to the engagement. โ€ข Respect. Too often governments do not trust the community to properly consider complex issues. This is both disrespectful and undemocratic. In the development of Imagine Lismore we have fully respected the views of the community and have done all we can to help create the future that our community has articulated. We engaged with the community through an extensive three-stage consultation process that was designed to capture a comprehensive and representative understanding of the communityโ€™s aspirations.



STAGE 1: Developing a community-wide vision MAY 2012 to SEPTEMBER 2012 โ€ข A major feature of stage one was to recruit a randomly selected and demographically representative group of citizens who formed a โ€˜Citizensโ€™ Juryโ€™. The idea of a Citizensโ€™ Jury is to give a representative group of people (usually between 12 and 30) the opportunity to consider diverse local perspectives and credible information from experts. As with a legal jury, ordinary citizens consider the information presented to them and deliberate to come up with recommendations on behalf of the community. Experience has shown that typically this model enables juries to come up with balanced and sensible recommendations that take into account the diversity of community views on any particular issue. They came up with a very detailed vision for Lismore that was used in stages 3 and 4 and delivers a bright future for Lismore. โ€ข We also hosted targeted discussions with older people, youth, people from the Aboriginal community and people with disabilities to capture their particular perspectives and experience. Representatives from each of these groups formally presented their perspectives to the Citizensโ€™ Jury. โ€ข A community-wide survey was conducted so that all residents could provide their input into the community vision. The survey was available online and hard copies were available at various locations throughout the LGA. A summary of the feedback from the survey was provided to participants in the Citizensโ€™ Jury for their consideration. โ€ข We completed a telephone survey of 500 randomly selected residents. The survey was designed to provide insight into peopleโ€™s quality of life and an understanding of the communityโ€™s satisfaction with the services that Council provides. The information from this survey was provided to the Citizensโ€™ Jury. โ€ข Council liaised with other service providers in the community, such as state and federal agencies and other local groups and organisations, to establish working partnerships in preparation for developing a whole-of-community response to the communityโ€™s vision.

STAGE 2: Developing a localised vision with communities throughout the Lismore area OCTOBER 2012 to MARCH 2013 โ€ข Demographically representative community members in local communities were invited, via random selection, to participate in Place-based Forums where they had the opportunity to express their vision for their particular localities in ways that reference the community-wide vision developed by the Citizensโ€™ Jury. The region was broken up into six parts and a Place-based Forum was conducted in each area. Place-based Forums were conducted in the following locations: โ€ข Dunoon โ€ข Clunes โ€ข Nimbin โ€ข Wyrallah โ€ข Lismore โ€ข Goonellabah

STAGE 3: Identifying the Imagine Lismore community vision and making a plan for the future MARCH 2013 to JUNE 2013 โ€ข Council reviewed feedback from other relevant consultation processes such as the Community Economic Transition (CET) community planning forum, the Business Retention and Expansion (BRE) survey and a community values survey. โ€ข This feedback was considered with regard to the community vision developed by the Citizensโ€™ Jury and local forums. โ€ข Council undertook an extensive internal deliberation process based on all feedback resulting from the community consultation to develop the draft Imagine Lismore 10 Year Plan. โ€ข The Plan includes evaluation and assessment methods to keep track of outcomes and provide a timeframe to inform the community of how well the Plan is delivering on its Imagine Lismore vision. โ€ข The draft Plan went back to the original Citizensโ€™ Jury to inform them of how their input has developed into a strategic plan. โ€ข The draft Plan was placed on public exhibition for a period of 4 weeks for further public comment. โ€ข Community responses made during the public exhibition period and the recommended draft Plan went to Council for consideration. โ€ข The Imagine Lismore 10 Year Plan was deliberated upon and adopted by Council in June 2013, ready to roll out by the end of July 2013. The Imagine Lismore consultation process included over 25 different events or โ€˜conversationsโ€™ that were held to gather wide input and viewpoints. In total, many people participated in the engagement process, including: 1. 107 people attended the Citizensโ€™ Jury and Place-based Forums. 2. 110 young people submitted to the poster competition. 3. Over 400 people completed a survey which was available online and at various locations throughout the LGA. 4. Staff spoke to the community face to face at various community events including the Car Boot Market, The Channon Market, North Coast National, Nimbin Show, SCU NAIDOC Week celebrations and the 2012 Lismore Lantern Parade.

The visions and values that emerged from the Citizensโ€™ Jury detailed a future for the Lismore LGA to aspire to. The community expressed a desire for: โ€ข Further recognition of the Aboriginal community and their contribution to this region โ€ข An inclusive and aware community โ€ข Community safety and wellbeing โ€ข Affordable health โ€ข A vibrant CBD โ€ข Affordable housing โ€ข Lismore to embrace its river and riverbank โ€ข Further development of partnerships between all community service providers โ€ข Community participation in decision making โ€ข The establishment of a Community Cultural Centre โ€ข Improved transport options โ€ข Further support for Lismore as a sporting centre โ€ข A resilient regional economy โ€ข Environmental leadership and for the Lismore area to be a model for sustainability. It is these visions that inform the Imagine Lismore 10 Year Plan, which aims to help the Lismore community move toward the kind of future the people would like to see.

The engagement process reached a wide range of community members. Participants represented a diverse range of cultural backgrounds and ages and included businesspeople, residents from both urban and rural areas, a diversity of community groups, and many people who had never communicated with Council or attended a previous Council event.



The Plan in Context

Imagine Our Place in Our Region

An Integrated Planning Framework is the framework used by all NSW councils to plan for the future.

Lismore is the recognised regional centre of the Northern Rivers. As a result, our actions are of particular importance. One of the key elements of Imagine Lismore is a much greater emphasis on the relationship with other service providers. The better our relationship with the Federal and State Government the better our community can thrive. It is for these reasons that we have aligned Imagine Lismore to the NSW 2021 plan and why we will continue to place the highest emphasis on our relationship with the Federal Government as well as the not-for-profit sector.

The Imagine Lismore 10 Year Plan is integrated within Councilโ€™s planning and reporting framework. The Imagine Lismore 10 Year Plan is a key element of the new framework. The Plan will be supported by other more detailed plans and strategies, including the Imagine Lismore Four Year Plan and One Year Plan. The 10 Year Plan is supported by a Resourcing Strategy comprising a Long Term Financial Plan (10-year outlook), a Workforce Management Plan (four-year outlook) and an Asset Management Plan (10-year outlook). The 10 Year Plan also influences Councilโ€™s Local Environmental Plan (LEP) as it sets the high-level objectives that inform land-use planning. The Imagine Lismore 10 Year Plan identifies the communityโ€™s priorities and aspirations as they emerged from our detailed engagement process with community members and other relevant stakeholders. The Plan builds on the social justice principles of equity, access, participation and rights, addressing social, environmental, economic and civic leadership issues while giving due regard to NSW 2021 and other relevant state and regional plans. The Department of Local Governmentโ€™s diagram below shows the integrated planning framework.

NSW 2021 was released by the NSW Government in 2011. The plan identifies the NSW Governmentโ€™s priorities over the next 10 years in relation to the economy, service delivery, infrastructure, the environment, communities and accountable government. NSW 2021 is based around five strategic areas and contains 32 goals. The four key themes in the Imagine Lismore 10 Year Plan are consistent with the priorities in NSW 2021, most specifically in relation to the areas of public transport (goal 8), keeping people healthy (goal 11), improving family and community services (goals 13 and 14), infrastructure (goal 19), strengthening our local environment and communities (goals 22-28) and accountable government (goals 29-32). The Northern Rivers Action Plan is the key part of NSW 2021 for our region. Imagine Lismore is highly aligned to this plan.

Communitny inclusio is true democracy



Growth in Lismore The communityโ€™s vision for growth A Discussion Paper has been prepared as the first step in developing a new Growth Management Strategy for the Lismore LGA for the next 20 years. The Growth Management Strategy is being prepared alongside Councilโ€™s Imagine Lismore 10 Year Plan to capture the communityโ€™s vision for the future growth and settlement of Lismore. In preparing the Imagine Lismore 10 Year Plan, a Citizensโ€™ Jury defined a vision for Lismore and, in a series of six (6) Place-based Forums held between October and December 2012, randomly selected members of the community were asked to express what they love about their place, how they would like it to look in 20 years and whether Lismore should grow. The communityโ€™s vision and aspirations for the growth and development of Lismore will shape the Growth Management Strategy and how and where we continue to live. At the Place-based Forums, the community was unanimous in accepting that some growth is necessary for Lismore and it was equally clear that growth has to be managed. Some level of growth was supported to ensure that the services, facilities, social cohesion and the diversity of our community remains viable and sustainable.

Where should growth occur? When asked where population growth should occur, the common themes across the forums were: โ€ข The priority for population growth should be in the Lismore urban area then in existing villages. โ€ข The geographical expansion of Lismore urban area should be limited, i.e. the concept of an โ€˜urban fenceโ€™ should be adopted. โ€ข Infill and higher density housing is supported in Lismore. โ€ข There could be some expansion of existing villages. Villages should not be high density but more housing options need to be provided. โ€ข There should be no expansion of McLeans Ridges or new rural residential estates but potential for limited extension of some existing rural residential estates. โ€ข More housing should be allowed on farms or with existing clusters of houses in rural areas.

. . . some growth is necessary for Lismore and it was equally clear that growth has to be managed



How should growth be managed? When asked how growth should occur the community expressed a view that it should: โ€ข Be centred around existing development and services such as water, schools and shops. No development should occur where servicing (water/roads) is not feasible, i.e. rural areas. โ€ข Not occur on prime (arable) agricultural land. Instead this land should be retained for food production, even on the fringes of the urban area. โ€ข Ensure potential conflict with agricultural uses is considered and managed. โ€ข Not occur on higher risk flood prone land. โ€ข Protect koala habitat. โ€ข Protect, extend and link green spaces/wildlife corridors both urban and rural. โ€ข Occur at a pace that does not destroy โ€˜our way of lifeโ€™. โ€ข Not dominate the ridgelines/view lines and not occur as ribbon development. โ€ข Occur by planning with the community and intelligence and transparency.



The Growth Management Strategy was released for community input in May 2013. The Discussion Paper asked people to think about several issues. What should Lismore look like in the future? Where should new housing and development be located? Should Lismore grow? It presented the challenges related to growth, employment, housing and how we live along with three possible options for responding to these challenges. The options ranged from a โ€˜business as usualโ€™, low-growth scenario to a high-growth, high-density, urban-focused option. The community and Councilโ€™s preferred option will guide the development of the Growth Management Strategy for Lismore.

Imagine igs becomin reality

Four Pillars of Sustainability Sustainability is a highly aspirational and visionary principle. It is about enhancing the quality of our life on Earth. At the same time it is about ensuring the way we live doesnโ€™t compromise either the present or future needs of other people, other living things or the health of the Earth itself. Sustainability is not an environmentalist agenda; it does not promote the environment at the cost of our quality of life. It recognises that the only way that we can ensure a viable long-term future is by ensuring a balance between the strength of the community, the economy and the environment. It recognises that without a strong economy we canโ€™t afford to look after the environment or invest in our community. Without a functioning environment, we cannot produce food or fibre; we lose the natural systems that cleanse our water, regulate our climate and keep us healthy. Without a functioning environment neither our community nor our economy can survive. Itโ€™s been proven that what makes us happy is how much a part of the community we feel. Only a community effort can fix the environment; without a good community people wonโ€™t stay and we canโ€™t have a good economy without people. The fourth pillar is normally โ€˜Governanceโ€™. But in our case, as a Council we actually need to provide governance and services. This is why we have changed the name to โ€˜Servicesโ€™. This is where we provide critical social, economic and environmental services to support the other pillars. This pillar includes roads, waste management, water services, civic leadership and Council management. Without these key services we cannot thrive. Imagine Lismore is divided into these pillars with activity designed to ensure that we find a balance for Lismore that ensures our future prosperity.

Imagine Lismore in a nutshell There are four basic strategies that underline all that Imagine Lismore seeks to change. These are: โ€ข Community visions. The community has worked very hard with us to develop the visions that are contained within Imagine Lismore. We have recognised what can be done and embedded these actions and projects into the Imagine Lismore 10 Year Plan and Imagine Lismore Four Year Plan. โ€ข Partnerships with the community. We will implement the Imagine Lismore 10 and Four Year Plans in partnership with the community. One of the biggest changes that Imagine Lismore will initiate is that instead of Council doing things for the community, Council will work in partnership with the community. This means Council handing over some control of the way services are delivered and the way that decisions are made to the community. โ€ข Partnerships with other service providers. There are many agencies and organisations that serve the needs of the Lismore community. We will endeavour to help service providers work more closely together and coordinate efforts in order to make the most of the skills and expertise within our community and work towards achieving the Imagine Lismore vision. โ€ข Financial sustainability. We will ensure, through the Long Term Financial Plan, that Council has enough money to keep delivering services the community needs and ensure the condition of our roads and other infrastructure stops declining and starts to improve.

Community Aboriginal recognition An inclusive and aware community/community participation in decision making Safety and wellbeing Affordable health Lismore as a sporting centre Affordable housing

Social progress that recognises the needs of everyone

Maintenance of high and stable levels of economic growth and employment

Community cultural centre Transport Economy A vibrant CBD A resilient economy




Wilsons River Environmental leadership Lismore as a model of sustainability Services Waste



Strategic planning, assessment and construction Parks Water cycle management

Prudent use of resources

Effective protection of the environment

Transport and infrastructure Civic leadership/management



our community

Ten Year Objectives โ€ข Lismore will be a leader in Closing the Gap โ€ข Lismore will exceed national averages for Aboriginal educational achievement โ€ข Lismore will exceed national averages for Aboriginal employment Four Year Objectives โ€ข Implement Council RAP โ€ข Implement Embracing the RAP โ€ข Implement the Fit for School project โ€ข Implement the Workforce Management Plan โ€ข Implement the Lismore Education Plan

Community Vision: Aboriginal recognition They say lessons are only good if you learn something. Australians have learnt the value of making an apology and have taken a positive step towards reconciliation. This is only the first step in a very long and difficult journey. Our consultation has shown that the Lismore community is very keen to take this journey. During the Citizensโ€™ Jury a representative of the Aboriginal community told the Jury that the only way to address Indigenous disadvantage was to improve health, education and employment for Aboriginal people in Lismore. This view was wholeheartedly supported by the Jury and is the basis for our 10-year strategy for Aboriginal recognition.

Key initiatives We have been developing a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) for a number of years now. The RAP will improve cultural awareness and increase Aboriginal employment within Council to 24 positions by 2017 and establish four permanent Aboriginal traineeships. The success of our RAP has led to the development of a partnering project to roll out similar RAPs for other Northern Rivers Councils. As well as the Embracing the RAP project, the Workforce Management Plan will have a particular focus on the employment of Aboriginal community people in the health industry. Full details of these projects can be found in the Partnering Strategy. The health of the Aboriginal community will be addressed through the Lismore Health Precinct project, which will improve overall health care for Lismore, and the Fit for School project, which will help ensure that kids are physically and mentally fit when they start school. The Lismore Education Plan will establish a partnership with all the education providers in Lismore to tailor education to the needs of our community and the needs of our employers. This will include a particular focus on the Aboriginal community.

Ten Year Objectives โ€ข 95% of residents rate the following as โ€˜highโ€™ - I am proud to say Iโ€™m a resident of the Lismore area (currently 78.4%) - The Lismore area is a great place for people like me (currently 77.0%) โ€ข 80% of residents rate the following as โ€˜highโ€™ - Consulting with the community (currently 35.9%) - Informing the community of Council decisions (currently 42.3%) - Council leadership and advocacy (currently 35.9%)


Community Vision: An inclusive and aware community and community participation in decision making The community has told us loud and clear that what they most love about Lismore is its community. To build on this great strength will make Lismore an even more amazing place to live. To do this we need to increase the connectedness of the community, increase its diversity, awareness and its ability to look after the needs of the most vulnerable. The great irony of the communication age is that we can communicate with almost anyone in the world but weโ€™re increasingly isolated in our own communities. In days gone by we were much more locally focused; working together, socialising with our neighbours, going to the same church and all getting together to do something for the greater good of the community. We know that all of this is happening less and less and people are feeling more and more isolated.

Key initiatives One of the very basic strategies of Imagine Lismore is to hand over more control to the community. We know that working together for the common good is one of the very best ways to bring a community together. Through the Community Partnerships project Council will provide some financial support to local communities to do projects theyโ€™ve identified


our community

Four Year Objectives โ€ข Completion of the Improve Council Communication project โ€ข Implementation of the Community Partnerships project โ€ข 85% of residents rating the following as โ€˜highโ€™ - I am proud to say Iโ€™m a resident of the Lismore area (currently 78.4%) - The Lismore area is a great place for people like me (currently 77.0%) โ€ข 60% of residents rate the following as โ€˜highโ€™ - Consulting with the community (currently 35.9%) - Informing the community of Council decisions (currently 42.3%) - Council leadership and advocacy (currently 35.9%)

that both involve and benefit the wider community. Not only will this bring community together, it will create vital community infrastructure that Council could never afford to provide on its own.

Ten Year Objectives

Community Vision: Safety and wellbeing

โ€ข 65% of residents rate the following as โ€˜highโ€™ How safe do you feel walking alone at night within a short distance of your home? (currently 46.9%)

Four Year Objectives โ€ข Complete the Crime Prevention Plan โ€ข Complete amendments to planning regulations to reflect best-practice safe urban design โ€ข 55% of residents rate the following as โ€˜highโ€™ How safe do you feel walking alone at night within a short distance of your home? (currently 46.9%)

The Goonellabah Community Plan has been underway for some time now. It is already having a real impact on the Goonellabah community with some key community safety initiatives and plans for a Community Services Hub. This project will continue to bring the Goonellabah community together. The concept will be expanded to include Lismore CBD and possibly Nimbin. In the community phone survey we conducted there were three things people wanted that were consistent across all data analysis. These were maintaining town roads, consulting with the community and council leadership and advocacy. Through the Improve Council Communication project, the Community Partnerships project and through an ongoing improvement of our engagement processes, we will make significant improvements to these last two services.

A perception and feeling of safety is critical to our wellbeing. For Lismore to be an even more amazing community we need to ensure that we all feel safe both inside and outside of our homes.

Key initiatives Through ongoing partnerships with the police and other key agencies we will develop a Crime Prevention Plan. We will continue the ongoing work of the CitySafe project to reduce crime in the Lismore and Nimbin CBDs. There is much that can be done with urban design that can reduce crime. Council will undertake a project that will introduce the latest innovation in urban design. It is the perception of safety that is the important factor. We have seen crime rates drop over a number of years but this has not been reflected in peopleโ€™s perception. We will work with the police and other service providers to improve this perception. The Improve Council Communication project will be used to promote a perception of safety.



our community

Ten Year Objectives โ€ข To have all the health providers in Lismore work in coordination to meet the health care needs of the Lismore community

Four Year Objectives โ€ข The planning of the Lismore Health Precinct is complete and implementation of the project is proceeding to schedule โ€ข Completion of the Fit for School project โ€ข Completion of the Community Services Hub project

Ten Year Objectives โ€ข To have all the service providers in Lismore work in coordination to achieve the communityโ€™s vision for Lismore outlined in this Plan

Four Year Objectives โ€ข To, where opportunities allow, implement all the projects outlined in the Partnering Strategy

Community Vision: Affordable health With an ageing population and an ever-expanding increase in the cost of health care, this vision has never been more important. Lismore is a regional centre and is lucky enough to have both large public and private hospitals and associated specialist and allied health providers. We are in an excellent position to build on our existing infrastructure to make this vision a reality.

Key initiatives The key initiative for this vision is the Lismore Health Precinct. The details of this project can be found in the Partnering Strategy. In addition we will continue to facilitate and develop partnering projects with the health and education sector to assist in the coordination of health services to the Lismore community. The short- to medium-term projects are the Fit for School and Community Services Hub projects. The details of both these projects can be found in the Partnering Strategy.

Community Vision: Partnerships with service providers One of the major changes that Imagine Lismore has achieved is to put a heavy emphasis on creating and maintaining partnerships with service providers in Lismore. One of the great disappointments of government is the seeming lack of ability for organisations and even sometimes parts of organisations to work together toward a common goal. For the first time in Lismoreโ€™s history we have a reliable understanding of what we as a community want for the future. The plan is that we unite all the local service providers around this vision. Of course, Council can only help here; we canโ€™t, nor should we, insist that other organisations do anything. We also need to be very cognisant that service providers have their own strategies and priorities. But what we can do is provide support and leadership. This, with our excellent understanding of what Lismore needs, will be enough to begin tapping into the massive potential that working together and coordinating efforts and resources will provide. With the Lismore Health Precinct and Goonellabah Community Plan we have supported a considerable investment in public health and have gained enough community support for a purpose-built Community Services Hub, which will provide a wide range of services and support social enterprise. These are just two examples of what can be achieved with a modest contribution from Council and the passion of community members.

Key initiatives The key initiative here is our Partnering Strategy, which accompanies this plan.



our community

Ten Year Objectives โ€ข To have all the sporting service and infrastructure providers in Lismore working together to meet the sporting and recreation needs of Lismore โ€ข To position Lismore as a mecca for recreation and sport within and outside of our region โ€ข Implement the Lismore Sport and Recreation Plan

Four Year Objectives โ€ข Implement the activities in the Lismore Sport and Recreation Plan as per the project schedule

Community Vision: Lismore as a sporting centre Lismore has a long tradition as a sporting centre. This is a strength we intend to build on. Not only does sport keep us fit and healthy but it also strengthens our community participation and attracts a large number of people to Lismore. Over the next 10 years we will increase Lismoreโ€™s capacity to host large events and attract athletes at all levels for training and development. We want Lismore to attract people from the Northern Rivers, Australia and even the Asia-Pacific region and the world. We need also to ensure that we meet the changing needs of our community to support active lifestyles. Over a number of years the participation in organised sports has been static. However people are increasingly turning to less competitive fitness activities like running, walking and cycling. We need to make sure that our sporting and recreation facilities keep pace with these changes.

Key initiatives The two key initiatives here are the implementation of the Lismore Sport and Recreation Plan that Council adopted in 2011 and the Lismore City Sports Hub partnering project. The Lismore Sport and Recreation Plan sets out clear goals and projects needed to make sure that Lismoreโ€™s sporting and recreational facilities meet the needs of the community. The Lismore City Sports Hub partnering project will bring together all organisations in Lismore that have sporting facilities so that we can better coordinate an ongoing investment in this area. The full details of this project are in the Partnering Strategy.

Ten Year Objectives โ€ข Have a housing mix that meets the needs and demographics of the community

Four Year Objectives โ€ข Implement the Housing Strategy โ€ข Complete the upgrade of Invercauld/Ballina Road intersection โ€ข Complete the Oliver Avenue link โ€ข Complete the Living in Lismore partnering project

Community Vision: Affordable housing As a community we are on the cusp of a major demographic shift. Our community is getting older. Related to this is the decrease in household size. Added to the mix is an expected increase in the population of the Northern Rivers. The traditional housing mix of three and four-bedroom detached house is no longer appropriate and this trend will likely continue into the future.

Key initiatives Through the implementation of the Lismore Housing Strategy and the Growth Management Strategy we will ensure that Lismore provides housing options that are affordable, appropriate and accessible to the different economic and social needs of the community. Ensure that growth is centred in the urban area and existing villages and that there is higher density housing in and around the CBD. In addition we will open up for development an area north of the CBD called the North Lismore Plateau. There is potential here for around 1500 lots. This will widen the housing choice and take considerable stress off Lismoreโ€™s housing supply. We have been lucky enough to receive funding from Building Better Regional Cities. This funding will be used to upgrade the Invercauld/Ballina Road intersection and connect the two parts of Oliver Avenue to provide a new main road link to the Bruxner Highway. This will open up land to the south of Goonellabah and Lismore for development.



our community

Ten Year Objectives โ€ข Implement the Regional Transport Plan partnering project

Four Year Objectives โ€ข Complete the Travel Plans partnering project

Community Vision: Improved transport options Throughout the Citizensโ€™ Jury, the Place-based Forums and other community engagement, public transport came up again and again. To make a difference here there needs to be a massive investment well beyond the reach of Council. The only way that we can make a difference here is through advocacy and partnerships. There is however tangible things we can do to at least mitigate our dependence on car travel by getting fewer cars to carry more people.

Key initiatives The key initiative here is the Regional Transport Plan partnering project. This project will bring together Council, the State and Federal Government and business and industry to improve basic transport, including public transport, in the region. In addition we will also pursue the Travel Plans partnering project. Travel plans effectively make better use of the cars that transport employees to work. The implementation of travel plans can reduce pressures on car parking and traffic congestion, showcase sustainability principles, reduce transport costs for employees, make commuting to work easier and in some instances increase physical activity.

Ten Year Objectives โ€ข City Hall upgrade

Four Year Objectives โ€ข City Hall upgrade

Community Vision: Community Cultural Centre This was a vision of the Citizensโ€™ Jury โ€“ a multi-purpose Community Cultural Centre that is visible, accessible, unique to Lismoreโ€™s diversity in heritage and culture, and can attract large-scale events.

Key initiatives Council has redeveloped Lismore City Hall. This provides a multi-purpose cultural centre and with the $6 million upgrade, it is perfect for large-scale events.

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our economy

Ten Year Objectives โ€ข 80% of residents rating the quality of the CBD as โ€˜highโ€™ (currently 30.3%) โ€ข Construct the CBD Commercial Office Building โ€ข Replace CBD footpaths โ€ข Stabilise and regenerate the riverbank and activate the river โ€ข Redevelop Lismore Park

Four Year Objectives โ€ข 50% of residents rating the quality of the CBD as โ€˜highโ€™ (currently 30.3%) โ€ข Implement CBD/Riverbank Master Plan โ€ข Complete CBD gallery/plaza โ€ข Establish feasibility and partnerships to progress the CBD Commercial Office Building

Community Vision: A vibrant CBD The Lismore CBD is the heart of the Northern Rivers. The health of our heart is critical to the health of our community and that is why this vision is one of the most important in the Plan. The CBD is the focus for our economy; itโ€™s where we come to work, to meet, to shop and to play. Through the Imagine Lismore community engagement there was concern that the CBD is tired and in need of some TLC. The roads and footpaths need maintenance; the shopfronts need a coat of paint. The shops need to be open longer and there needs to be much more life after dark. We also need to address antisocial behaviour and graffiti. We also recognise that there is a critical lack of office space within the CBD. Unless there is some urgent investment we run the risk of key businesses and organisations leaving town and taking the jobs they provide with them. We must make sure that this does not happen. We received considerable feedback about the lack of a natural โ€˜town squareโ€™ in Lismore. The part of the Wilsons River that runs through the CBD was the subject of a huge amount of comment in the engagement. The riverbanks need to be rehabilitated and become hubs for active and passive recreation.

Key initiatives Dependant on considerable grant funding we are looking to improve the area around the old Lismore High School site by building a regional art gallery in place of โ€˜C-Blockโ€™ and converting the space surrounded by this new gallery, Lismore Library and the Northern Rivers Conservatorium into a plaza. We are also looking to partner with other organisations and the private sector to develop a commercial building in the carpark located behind the Lismore Library on the corner of Dawson and Magellan Streets. This will bring a large number of people into the CBD during the day and address the office space issue. In the short term we have limited financial capacity and will need to priorities the work that we do. This is why we will be creating a CBD and Riverbank Master Plan. To do this we will convene a CBD Citizensโ€™ Jury. Its task will be to work out where to spend the $750,000 we have allocated over the next four years for CBD and riverbank improvement. The footpaths around the CBD โ€˜blockโ€™ need to be completely replaced. We have committed $2.8 million to this work in 2018/19. The riverbank will be stabilised, regenerated and made accessible for active and passive recreational activity through the Riverbank Master Plan that will occur from 2020-2022. A major part of the Lismore Sport and Recreation Plan is the redevelopment of Lismore Park. This project is slated for 2022-2023. The Lismore Health Precinct, the housing growth at the North Lismore Plateau and areas to the south of Lismore and Goonellabah, the City Hall upgrade and a number of other key projects will all have a significant positive impact on the CBD.



our economy

Ten Year Objectives

Community Vision: A resilient economy

โ€ข Economic indicators to be determined as part of the State of the Community partnering project

Without a strong economy our community cannot function properly and we will never be able to financially combat the impacts of environmental degradation.

Four Year Objectives โ€ข Become recognised as a business-friendly Council โ€ข Complete the procurement website with significant benefits reported by users โ€ข Complete the Lismore Education Plan โ€ข Develop local leaders โ€ข Create an โ€˜Arts Hubโ€™ in Lismore โ€ข Help address the forthcoming skills gap in the health industry

Key initiatives In the previous section improvements to the CBD were outlined. Our economy is very much linked to the CBD and the project outlined here will have a major impact on the economy. Businesses in Lismore have long complained that Council has created too much red tape and has not been cognisant or supportive of their needs. Through the Business Friendly Council project we are looking to partner with businesses to make sure that we are as easy to deal with as possible. Further details can be found in the Partnering Strategy. The following projects make up the remainder of the initiatives designed to boost our economy. These are all partnering projects and are detailed in the Partnering Strategy. โ€ข โ€ข โ€ข โ€ข โ€ข โ€ข

Lismore City Infrastructure Alliance Procurement Website โ€“ Buy Local Gateway Lismore Education Plan Future Leaders Group/Entrepreneurs Assist Arts Hub Workforce Development Plan

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our environment

Ten Year Objectives โ€ข Improve the Wilsons River

Four Year Objectives โ€ข Completion of the Riverbank Restoration and Education project

Community Vision: Wilsons River The Wilsons River is obviously very important to Lismore. As part of improvements to the CBD there are a number of improvements to the river and riverbank. This vision relates to the Wilsons River as a whole. Community members, particularly in the southern region of the LGA, are concerned with the state of our riverbanks, especially the weeds and the water quality.

Key initiatives The major initiative here is the Riverbank Restoration and Education project. This project will include work by Council and Landcare groups and assist landowners with the regeneration of riverbank on their land.

Ten Year Objectives โ€ข Long-term objectives to be finalised in the State of the Environment report

Four Year Objectives โ€ข Medium-term objectives to be finalised in the State of the Environment report

Community Vision: Environmental leadership Environmental degradation and remedial action represents our biggest challenge. The risks to our way of life are huge and the cost of action mind boggling. However, we canโ€™t let the magnitude of the task distract us. If we all work together we can make the required changes. The Place-based Forums collectively rated the environment as the most important aspect of life in Lismore.

Key initiatives There are three critical initiatives for environmental leadership. We have already completed the Comprehensive Koala Plan of Management for South-east Lismore, which will be implemented in the coming years. This will protect key habitat, remove risks to koala health and ultimately increase the koala population. We are also in the process of completing the Biodiversity Management Strategy which will provide an understanding and increase understanding and enhance protection of the biodiversity in this ecological hotspot. In addition we are looking to foster a real partnership between our environmental groups and our landholders through the Environmental Partnering project. We hope to see everyone working together to ensure we have a healthy environment for our future generations.



our environment

Ten Year Objectives โ€ข To have Lismore recognised nationally and internationally as a centre for sustainable living โ€ข Make Council self-sufficient in electricity from renewable sources

Four Year Objectives โ€ข Complete the Farming the Sun project โ€ข Councilโ€™s self-sufficiency in electricity project to progress to schedule

Community Vision: Lismore as a model of sustainability Lismore has a long and proud history of sustainability and has been at the forefront of developments in this concept. We intend to build on our strengths here over the next 10 years. During this time Lismore will develop and export its expertise. With the โ€˜on the groundโ€™ knowledge we have from alternate lifestylers, business already involved in environmental sustainability and renewable energy, and the Centre of Excellence at Southern Cross University, sustainability has the potential to drive our economy for many years to come.

Key initiatives Council has committed to becoming self-sufficient in electricity from renewable sources within the next 10 years. It is hoped that this bold commitment will be an example to other organisations of how sustainability is not just about the environment but promotes both the economy and the community. This will save Council approximately $1.2 million each year. We will also look to create a partnership with other organisations within our region to recognise and realise opportunities in sustainability. We want to assist and promote the excellent work done by Sustain Northern Rivers and will become a key partner. In the short term we are looking to implement the Farming the Sun project, which could see the roof space on some of Councilโ€™s buildings being used for community-owned solar farms.

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our services

Ten Year Objectives โ€ข Exceed both the NSW and Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery waste diversion targets โ€ข 80% of residents rating our waste services as โ€˜highโ€™ (currently 72.5%)

Four Year Objectives โ€ข Materials Recovery Facility constructed โ€ข 75% of residents rating our waste services as โ€˜highโ€™ (currently 72.5%)

Ten Year Objectives โ€ข 60% of residents rating town planning and timely processing of building applications as โ€˜highโ€™ (currently 25.4%)

Four Year Objectives โ€ข Complete Growth Management Strategy โ€ข 40% of residents rating town planning and timely processing of building applications as โ€˜highโ€™ (currently 25.4%)

Service: Waste Council will continue to improve the way it manages the regionโ€™s waste. Already a recognised centre of excellence for waste management, we will continue to take a lead role across the Northern Rivers in recycling, resource recovery, landfill diversion and environmental management.

Key initiatives Over the next four years we will build a Materials Recovery Facility that will avoid us transporting our recycling to Queensland. This facility will take waste from a number of our surrounding councils, not only reducing our costs but also making a healthy profit. It is hoped that this project will be done in partnership with Ballina Council.

Service: Strategic planning, assessment and construction This next four years will see growth in Lismore. We need to make sure that this growth is consistent with the values and visions of the community that are expressed in this document. To do this we are developing our Growth Management Strategy in unison with the development of Imagine Lismore.

Key initiatives The Growth Management Strategy will be completed in 2014. The implementation of the Strategy will see the values of the community enshrined in Lismoreโ€™s planning framework. We will continue to improve our customer service and responsiveness in this area and make sure that the approvals process is as easy to navigate as possible. The implementation of the Business Friendly Council project will make it much easier for businesses in Lismore to work with us as they move, expand and develop their operations. We will review our contributions plans so that we get the balance right between new and existing users of our road, water and wastewater infrastructure. We want to find a system which both encourages development in accordance with our Strategy and is fair on existing residents.



our services

Ten Year Objectives

Service: Parks

โ€ข Implementation of the Lismore Sport and Recreation Plan โ€ข Redevelopment of Lismore Park โ€ข 70% of residents rating โ€˜Provision and Maintenance of Parks, Playgrounds and Reservesโ€™ as โ€˜highโ€™ (currently 54.7%)

To find the resources needed for the changes weโ€™ve made for Imagine Lismore some of the โ€˜Parksโ€™ budget has been cut. We hope to be able to minimise the reduction in service level through increasing efficiency and productivity but some drop in service level may be experienced. It is noted that parks are important to our community and important to a number of the visions in Imagine Lismore. We will ensure that any cuts to service will not impact on the communityโ€™s visions.

Four Year Objectives โ€ข Develop and implement the Lismore Sport and Recreation Four Year Plan โ€ข 60% of residents rating โ€˜Provision and Maintenance of Parks, Playgrounds and Reservesโ€™ as โ€˜highโ€™ (currently 54.7%)

Ten Year Objectives โ€ข Implement the next 10 years of the Strategic Business Plan for Water Supply and Wastewater Services โ€ข 80% of residents rating water and sewerage services as โ€˜highโ€™ (currently 70.9%)

Four Year Objectives โ€ข Implement the next four years of the Strategic Business Plan for Water Supply and Wastewater Services โ€ข 75% of residents rating water and sewerage services as โ€˜highโ€™ (currently 70.9%)


In 2011 we developed the Lismore Sport and Recreation Plan. This now needs to be prioritised and implemented. This will see us be guided by the underlying shift in participation rates from organised sport to passive and active recreation.

Key initiatives The key long-term initiative is the implementation of the Lismore Sport and Recreation Plan. This will include the redevelopment of Lismore Park.

Service: Water cycle management The overall objective of our water cycle management service is to achieve asset condition sustainability whilst providing strong water and wastewater services to our existing users and making sure that the infrastructure is available for our planned growth.

Key initiatives The key initiative is the Strategic Business Plan for Water Supply and Wastewater Services. This plan maps out how the water network will be maintained and extended over the next 25 years.


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our services

Ten Year Objectives โ€ข 40% of residents rating maintaining unsealed roads as โ€˜highโ€™ (currently 8.5%) โ€ข 40% of residents rating maintaining sealed roads as โ€˜highโ€™ (currently 11.5%) โ€ข 40% of residents rating maintaining town roads as โ€˜highโ€™ (currently 15.1%)

Four Year Objectives โ€ข 20% of residents rating maintaining unsealed roads as โ€˜highโ€™ (currently 8.5%) โ€ข 20% of residents rating maintaining sealed roads as โ€˜highโ€™ (currently 11.5%) โ€ข 20% of residents rating maintaining town roads as โ€˜highโ€™ (currently 15.1%)

Ten Year Objectives โ€ข Become as efficient and productive as the best of the private sector โ€ข Achieve a โ€˜Platinum Standardโ€™ in the implementation of the Australian Business Excellence Framework

Four Year Objectives โ€ข Achieve a โ€˜Gold Standardโ€™ in the implementation of the Australian Business Excellence Framework โ€ข Implement Resourcing Strategy (see next section).

Service: Transport and infrastructure The community survey that was undertaken in February 2012 reported real community concern about the quality of our roads. In fact, of the councils that the market research company conducted surveys for (about 50 councils) Lismore scored lowest in satisfaction. Clearly much work needs to be done here. It is true that there are some unique problems in Lismore. We have soils that are difficult to build roads on; we have challenging topography; and we have a vast road network compared with our neighbouring councils. However the problem of road maintenance is not new, nor is it unique to Lismore. In fact the problem has been growing since the post-war, large-scale government investment in infrastructure and almost every other council is in the same position. For the first time we as a Council are facing up to this problem and have committed the funds needed to resolve it. It wonโ€™t be an instant fix but it will happen.

Key initiatives Over the next 10 years we will end this decline and start to improve the condition of our roads. Over this time we will increase the funding of our roads each year.

Civic leadership/Council management To properly meet the needs of the community Council must run like the proverbial well-oiled machine. This is not currently the case. As with most organisations, and especially government organisations, there is considerable wasted effort and wasted resource. We must address these inefficiencies.

Key initiatives Accordingly Council has accepted the challenge to become as efficient and productive as the best of the private sector. This means leaving no stone unturned as we seek to find improvements to the way we do business. We need to make sure that we are the absolute best we can be. This will mean a difficult change in the culture of Council but one that we must undergo if we are to help Lismore reach its potential and establish and maintain the trust of the community.



Resourcing Strategy The Resourcing Strategy details how the implementation of Imagine Lismore will be paid for, staffed and how our assets will be managed. It includes a Long Term Financial Plan and Asset Management Strategy (both 10-year plans) and the Workforce Management Plan (four-year plan).

The road to financial sustainability We Have a Problem In the past councils have managed their finances based on a balanced cash position. Thankfully these days are behind us. By ignoring the ongoing deterioration of Council assets such as roads, treatment plants and buildings, reporting on a cash position failed to ensure enough money was on hand to maintain these assets. Whilst this system worked well in the short term we are now faced with ageing infrastructure that we donโ€™t have the money to fix. This is not a problem just for Lismore but for most other public asset owners in and outside of Australia. As with any problem, the first step is to admit that you have a problem, which weโ€™ve done. Then you work out how big it is and then you work out how to fix it. This page does just that. The Solution 1. Find Initial Savings. We have worked very hard during the development of Imagine Lismore to find savings in the current budget. Weโ€™ve managed to find a year after year saving of $1.01 million in the first year rising to $2 million by the fourth year. 2. Zero Based Budgeting. In the 2013/14 financial year we will go through every single line item in the budget and make sure that it supports the goals of Imagine Lismore. This detailed review is likely to produce considerable savings. 3. Service Level Review. Over the next two years, in close consultation with the community, we will review the levels of service we provide. This will lead to a prioritisation of services and a possible redistribution of funding. 4. Efficiency and Productivity Improvement. Regardless of the size or type of an organisation there are always efficiency and productivity opportunities. Council will use the Australian Business Excellence Framework (a worldclass framework for improving organisations) to squeeze every last opportunity for the maximum possible saving. 5. Asset Rationalisation. The ongoing cost of ownership of assets is the fundamental reason why we have difficulties with our long-term financial sustainability. Selling off assets we no longer need must be an element of our long-term strategy. 6. Rate Increase. After five years of working through points 1-5, if we can demonstrate to the community that Council has done everything it can, and if there is still a gap between the needs of the community, our assets and the funding we have, we will go to the community asking for support for a rate increase. Only with the demonstrated support of the community will we ask the State Government for an increase to our rates. 30


A balance between assets and aspirations Whilst we have a problem with our assets, our community has made it clear that there is more to life than just stuff that needs fixing. There are many other aspects to our lives that need our attention. This is why we wonโ€™t direct all the savings we make to asset management. We will also direct a proportion of the savings to other community priorities. In the first year, $423,500 will be allocated to implementing Imagine Lismore projects and initiatives. It will include CBD improvement ($125,000), partnering projects ($75,000), communication and engagement ($75,000), CBD Plaza and Art Gallery planning ($73,500), riverbank restoration ($25,000) and Lismore Health Precinct planning ($50,000). The amount allocated to Imagine Lismore projects and initiatives will increase over the 10-year life of Imagine Lismore. Extra money for roads/infrastructure 6,000,000 5,000,000 4,000,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000

Extra money for assets

0 Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7 Y8 Y9 Y10

Long term financial plan 2013-2023 Councilโ€™s long-term financial sustainability and level of infrastructure maintenance funding has been challenged. The term โ€˜long-term financial sustainabilityโ€™ is defined as: Councilโ€™s financial ability to deliver acceptable, affordable and ongoing services to its community. To respond effectively to the challenge, changes in what and how current works, services and programs are delivered by Council is required. Rather than an ad-hoc approach, Council has developed the Long Term Financial Plan in conjunction with Councilโ€™s Imagine Lismore 10 Year Plan, Asset Management Plans and Workforce Management Plan to ensure the maximum integration of Councilโ€™s strategic planning and the creation of community expectations that are deliverable.

The outcome of the process is the Long Term Financial Plan 2013-2023 (LTFP). The LTFP is simply a financial assessment of the activities and projects that Council proposes to undertake in the short, medium and long term. The following fundamental objectives have been applied in the LTFP: โ€ข Progressively achieve long-term financial sustainability by generating an ongoing, at least balanced annual result before capital grants and contributions by 2023. โ€ข Progressive increases to asset maintenance and renewal funding in order to maintain current asset service levels and conditions. โ€ข Commitment to identifying and implementing initiatives which reduce expenditure and/or increase income and therefore improve Councilโ€™s bottom line and/or its capacity to deliver services. โ€ข Maintain a balanced annual budget from a โ€œcash perspectiveโ€โ€“ that is, operations are fully funded.

โ€ข Eliminate borrowings as a funding source for asset renewals, as opposed to major new projects, where inter-generational equity issues justify borrowing. โ€ข Maintain a debt service ratio within accepted industry benchmarks. The LTFP has been prepared in accordance with the NSW State Government Integrated Planning and Reporting guidelines. The following tables represent the key assumptions applied in preparing the consolidated model, the estimated financial reporting results and the key performance indicators for the period 2013 to 2023.

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Key assumptions Council has applied conservative but realistic assumptions to the LTFP. These have been predominately based on the NSW Treasury Corporation estimates. A list of key assumptions follows:

Lismore City Council 10 Year Financial Plan for the Years ending 30 June 2023 Assumptions 1 Base Year


2 Future Years

In accordance with T-Corp Modelling

Operating Income

Rates & Annual Charges


Interest & Investment Revenues - Investments


All Other Revenues


Operating Expenditure

Employee Costs (CPI + 1%)


All Other Expenses


Superannuation (indexed progressively to reflect Guarantee increase to 12% รข€“ 2019)

Interest rate on new loans


Depreciation รข€“ IPP&E Infrastructure indexed to reflect FV




Capital Expenditure

Purchase of I,PP&E Roads

Loan Principal Repayments (External)

2.50% Per Loan Schedules

3 Key Performance Health Checks - Council Benchmarks

In line with Financial Reports

Unrestricted Current Ratio

Debt Service Ratio

Rates & Annual Charges Coverage Ratio (min)

Min 1:1 Max 15% General






Rates, Annual Charges, Interest & Extra Charges Outstanding Percentage Building & Infrastructure Renewals Ratio


10% 50% in 2013/14 100% in 2022/23


Financial reporting โ€“ consolidated To highlight the estimated financial reporting results, an Income Statement, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statement have been prepared on a consolidated basis. The Income Statement shows Councilโ€™s financial performance growing from a small surplus of $452,000 in 2013/14 to a $9.8 million surplus by 2022/23. This is considered to be a positive trend and will move Council towards a position of financial sustainability. The Balance Sheet shows Councilโ€™s Total Equity increasing from $1.075 billion in 2013 to $1.179 billion in 2023. This indicates that Councilโ€™s financial position will be maintained during the period of the LTFP. The Cash Flow Statement indicates that Councilโ€™s Cash, Cash Equivalents and Investments will increase from $24.7 million in 2013 to $77.2 million in 2023. While externally restricted funds such as for water and wastewater will i ncrease from $19.6 million to $37.2 million, the most significant increases are for internally restricted funds such as those for quarry, waste and fleet operations, which grow from $4.7 million in 2013 to $40 million in 2023.

Key performance indicators KPIs for standard performance management have been included. It is planned to introduce other KPIs as part of the annual review of the LTFP. With regards to the KPIs listed, all are as anticipated except the Building and Infrastructure Renewal Ratio. Current planning indicates that the benchmark of 50%, increasing to 100% over a 10-year period, will not be achieved. This is being addressed by a review of current practices and reassessment of capitalisation thresholds. It is anticipated this will result in a positive improvement to this KPI.

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Lismore City Council 10 Year Financial Plan for the Years ending 30 June 2023 KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS - CONSOLIDATED Scenario: Preferred Model

2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23

KPI within Councilรข€™s target benchmark Unrestricted Current Ratio

Debt Service Ratio

Rates & Annual Charges Coverage Ratio

Outstanding Percentage

Building & Infrastructure Renewals Ratio

Rates, Annual Charges, Interest & Extra Charges

Key Green - within targets Red - needs corrective action

Council Targets Unrestricted Current Ratio



If below 1 needs action

Debt Service Ratio



If above 15% needs action

Rates & Annual Charges Coverage Ratio



If below 45% needs action



If above 10% needs action

Rates, Annual Charges, Interest & Extra Charges

Outstanding Percentage

Building & Infrastructure Renewals Ratio



Minimum - increasing




If below % target needs action

Min per year Min




Managing our assets

The following graphs have been provided to highlight the positive trends in the LTFP. The first, Total Income vs Expenses, highlights that income from continuing operations is growing at a rate greater than expenses. This effectively means Council has more available to spend on asset renewal, upgrades or replacements. The second, Financial Results, shows the Net Operating Result for the Year and Net Operating Result before Capital Grants and Contributions. This highlights the positive trend relates to ongoing operations and not one-off capital amounts.

Lismore City Council owns and manages assets with a current replacement cost of $1.47 billion.

Total Income vs Total Expenses 160,000,000 140,000,000

The objective of asset management is to meet a required level of service, in the most cost effective way, through the management of assets for present and future residents of Lismore and its surrounding villages. Lifecycle asset management encompasses all practices associated with considering management strategies as part of the asset lifecycle. The objective is to look at lowest long-term cost (rather than short-term savings) when making decisions.

120,000,000 100,000,000 80,000,000 60,000,000 40,000,000 20,000,000 0

These assets include: โ€ข Roads, footpaths and bridges. โ€ข Parks and ovals. โ€ข Buildings. โ€ข Stormwater drainage. โ€ข Operational and community land.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total income

Lismore City Councilโ€™s adopted framework for asset management is to build on best practice and is open and transparent. The key elements of asset management planning at Lismore City Council are:

Asset management policy

Total expenses

Financial Results 25,000,000 20,000,000 15,000,000 10,000,000 5,000,000 0 (5,000,000)

Asset management strategy

(10,000,000) (15,000,000)

Councilโ€™s Asset Management Policy was adopted in 2009 and is due for revision in 2013. Its purpose is to set guidelines for implementing consistent asset management processes throughout Lismore City Council. The policy broadly outlines the principles and requirements for undertaking asset management across Council in a structured and coordinated way, consistent with Councilโ€™s strategic direction.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Net operating result for the year Net operating result before capital grants and contributions

Councilโ€™s Asset Management Strategy was adopted in 2011 and is due for a maturity assessment and revision in 2013 now that core Asset Management Plans have been completed. The purpose of the Asset Management Strategy is to provide direction in developing the ongoing processes for managing infrastructure assets for the next 10 years. The Asset Management Strategy will continue to evolve as the strategic objectives of Council develop and change. The key steps in this process include reviewing the strategic trends assessing potential impacts on the asset stock, and assessing gaps in the asset knowledge required to prepare the Asset Management Plans and Asset Management Improvement Plans.



Council is initially undertaking asset management planning to meet minimum legislative and Council requirements for financial planning and reporting. This is referred to as the โ€˜coreโ€™ approach to asset management, and provides basic technical management outputs such as statements on current levels of service, forward replacement programs and associated cash flow projections.

Asset Management Plans Asset Management Plans provide information on how to manage assets. These plans include asset condition, lifecycle analysis, asset replacement costs and future maintenance requirements. Council has now completed Asset Management Plans for all major infrastructure asset classes. These include: 1. Transport โ€“ this covers roads, kerb and gutter, footpaths, bridges, traffic devices like roundabouts and any other asset related to transport. 2. Buildings โ€“ this covers all Council-owned and managed buildings. 3. Stormwater โ€“ this covers all pits, pipes, channels and pollution-control devices. 4. Land Improvements and Other Structures โ€“ this covers the majority of parks and open space assets along with structures that are not classed as buildings. 5. Water Supply Systems โ€“ this covers reticulation, valves, meters, pump stations, storage and water treatment plants. 6. Wastewater Systems โ€“ this covers pipelines, manholes, pump stations and wastewater treatment works. The development of these Asset Management Plans has been the focus of Councilโ€™s attention over the last few years with Council recently completing a number of condition assessments and revaluations to ensure the correct data is being used. One of the important aspects of the Asset Management Plans is the forecast of existing asset renewal requirements. For Councilโ€™s Asset Management Plans three scenarios have been considered when developing the forecast. โ€ข Scenario 1 uses the Councilโ€™s asset register valuation data to project the renewal costs. In this scenario the acquisition year of an asset is added to the useful life of the asset to estimate the year when renewal is due. The cost to renew the asset category can be aggregated to estimate the total renewal requirements for each year of the planning period. โ€ข Scenario 2 uses capital renewal expenditure projections assessed by technical staff. This assessment uses a combination of detailed technical analysis and an estimate of the average network renewals required. โ€ข Scenario 3 is the reality of the situation when the capital renewal expenditures that can be achieved are balanced with the available funds in the LTFP.

There are four key indicators for service delivery sustainability that have been considered in the analysis of the services provided by the Asset Management Plans. The Asset Renewal Funding Ratio is the most important indicator, illustrating whether Council has the financial capacity to fund asset renewal as required and therefore continue to provide existing levels of services in the future without additional operating income, reductions in operating expenses or an increase in net financial liabilities above that currently projected. If that index is less than 100% then more funds are required to successfully maintain and renew that asset. In all cases, Councilโ€™s Asset Renewal Funding Ratio is well below the required 100% value (based on Scenario 2). The Asset Renewal Funding Ratio and Councilโ€™s current core plans yearly shortfalls are provided below: Asset Management Plan

Transport Buildings

Yearly Funding Shortfall for 10 Year Planning Period using Scenario 2

Asset Renewal Funding Ratio








Land Improvements & Other Structures





Water Supply Systems



Wastewater Systems



Grand Total


As can be seen a total of $7.3 million per annum is required to begin renewing Councilโ€™s assets with an extra $4.8 million to be funded from general revenue and $2.5 million from โ€˜Water and Wastewaterโ€™ revenue. In all cases, Councilโ€™s Asset Renewal Funding Ratio is below the required 100% value.

Path to sustainability The progressive development of Asset Management Plans has identified the sheer magnitude of infrastructure works necessary to achieve satisfactory and sustainable service levels. This in turn has highlighted the current and expected deficiencies in resources available to fund the necessary works, representing a significant challenge for Council finances in coming years. The ongoing challenge to renew our assets at a rate equal to the depreciation of these assets is likely to become even more difficult as asset management planning advances. Over the next 10 years Council will slowly increase the amount of money that we spend on assets by approximately $4 million each year. In the short and medium term Council will find an extra $1.2 million per year for our roads, which are the most pressing problem, and we will spend extra money in the CBD to improve its facilities and appearance. The Water and Wastewater deficit is sizeable and options to



address this situation are being investigated. The solution is likely to be a combination of changes in current practices, cost efficiencies and increased user charges. Councilโ€™s $3 million operating deficit will be reduced through a series of measures including better productivity and identifying and reducing lower-priority expenditure. Council is also looking at โ€˜helping the community help themselvesโ€™. This wonโ€™t mean that the community will build their own roads, but it might mean Council helps them to plant out a park, build a clubhouse or hold a community event. Council knows that a little bit of money or effort invested in the community goes a lot further than if Council did the work on its own. Not only does this get the job done but it also improves the relationship between Council and the community.

Workforce planning Workforce planning is the continuous process of shaping the workforce to ensure it has the capability to deliver the organisationโ€™s objective now and in the future.

Workforce planning framework The key steps to workforce planning are illustrated in the diagram:

Managing our people Lismore City Council provides a broad range of services to our community, from design and construction services (roads, bridges and traffic services) and leisure and recreation services (Goonellabah Sports and Aquatic Centre, Lismore Park precinct, Lismore Regional Gallery, City Hall) to human services (support for our Indigenous community, youth services, libraries). To deliver this range of services we require a diverse workforce with varied skills, qualifications and experience. To ensure Lismore City Council delivers the best outcomes for our community, we need our organisation to regularly monitor our workforce profile. Lismore City Council employs 401.16 full-time equivalent staff to service the needs of our community. Our mix of employment types reflect Councilโ€™s support of flexible working arrangements with 20% of staff working part time and 80% working full-time. The gender mix is 35% female and 65% male. Council has a staff retention rate of 11% with 25% of staff having worked here for five years or more and 34% of staff having worked here for more than 10 years.

Lismore City Council people development and HR strategy Our strategy is to align our people, culture and organisation with Councilโ€™s strategic goals, purpose and Values. Our purpose is: To serve and connect with our community who are at the heart of what we do. Our Values are:

Workforce Planning The Imagine Lismore 10 Year Plan will guide our work for the next 10 years. On this foundation Council is implementing its Workforce Management Plan and People Development Strategy to ensure we have the right number of people with the right skills in the right jobs at the right time, now and in the future. The core focus areas of the People Development Strategy are: โ€ข Structure โ€ข Culture and Capability โ€ข Engagement, Empowerment and Partnership โ€ข Continuous Improvement and the Australian Business Excellence Framework (ABEF).



The Workforce Management Plan identifies challenges that the workforce may present Council with over the coming years. The areas that need to be monitored and managed include: โ€ข Ageing workforce โ€“ 31% of staff are over 40, 31% are over 50 and 8% of staff are aged 60 plus. The challenge for Council, with the number of retirements in the coming years, is a potential loss of corporate knowledge. โ€ข Skills shortages in the jobs market. โ€ข Ensuring we are able to attract and retain the right people with the required skills, experience and organisational fit. โ€ข Productivity improvements. The Workforce Management Plan details key strategies to mitigate the potential risks in the workforce profile, and enable successful delivery of the Imagine Lismore 10 Year Plan. Strategies to overcome these challenges include: 1. Developing and implementing actions arising from the HR Review. 2. Building on the development of staff via enhanced management skills, business acumen, leadership, cultural change and continuous improvement. 3. Training all employees in the skills and knowledge associated with goal setting, effective communication, change readiness, emotional intelligence, continuous improvement and decision making. 4. Utilising eLearning strategies. 5. Developing a strategic approach to industrial relations. 6. Reviewing retention systems and programs including Rising Stars, remuneration and recognition systems, and flexibility in the workplace.

7. Undertaking skills mapping and gap analysis of staff to assist with succession planning. 8. Reviewing and implementing the Regional Workforce Development Plan. 9. Conducting an organisation-wide re-education program highlighting changes in Work Health Safety legislation, including contractor management and volunteers. 10. Implementing the Reconciliation Action Plan. 11. Continuing support of equal employment opportunities and equity within Council. 12. Undertaking performance measurement and management via ABEF. This can all be summarised in the following graphic:


Purpose and our Values

Align People, Culture and Organisation with Councilโ€™s Strategic Goals

People and Organisational Development (HR) Strategies Leadership Development, Training, ABEF, IR Strategy, Recognition System, Culture Development, Engagement and Empowerment

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โ€œImagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine and at last you create what you will.โ€ โ€“ George Bernard Shaw

Message from the General Manager Imagine Lismore is the culmination of almost two years of hard work by Councillors, staff and our community. I would like to express my thanks and appreciation to all those involved for the countless hours of effort that has gone into this project. It is a product of the most extensive community engagement process Lismore City Council has ever undertaken. At the same time, we as a Council have been working to make ourselves more effective to deliver on the communityโ€™s vision. While looking after our assets for future generations did not come across that strongly in the community consultation, we know that to date we have not been adequately funding renewal and replacement of our assets. With the completion of our Asset Management Plans, we have better information about the state of our assets (such as roads, buildings, water and wastewater) and how much money we need to be spending on them to ensure they are maintained into the future. We need to find a balance between looking after our assets and also addressing community aspirations. Striking that balance wonโ€™t happen without some key initiatives. These include: โ€ข Finding savings โ€ข Zero Based Budgeting โ€ข Service Level Review โ€ข Efficiency and productivity improvement โ€ข Asset rationalisation โ€ข Rate increase These key initiatives involve actively looking to find savings in expenditure and increasing revenue. We will also carefully review all the services we currently deliver as well as the level of service provided and this may lead to a possible redistribution of funding and changes in services

42 42


and service levels. As part of our Service Level Review there may be some assets that we no longer need and selling some of these assets will free up capital and reduce ongoing obligations. While we will make every effort to do the best we can with existing resources, it may still not be enough and we may need to seek a rate increase above current rating caps midway through the plan. We have made some hard yet responsible decisions in the Imagine Lismore 10 Year Plan and we aim to lead by example. We are striving to be better in everything we do here at Council and I have set three challenges for us over the next 10 years in addition to what the Imagine Lismore 10 Year Plan sets out. These are: โ€ข Make Lismore City Council as efficient and productive as the best of the private sector. โ€ข Make Lismore City Council self-sufficient in electricity from renewables, saving $1,215,400 annually. โ€ข Relocate Lismore City Council to the CBD at an acceptable cost to the community to further revitalise our city centre. I believe there are many ways in which we can be a leader โ€“ weโ€™ve already shown that with the adoption of our Reconciliation Action Plan recently. I believe our LGA can also lead the way in demonstrating renewable energy at work. I believe we can work more collaboratively with the community so that our citizens see changes they want, not those we decide to impose on them. I believe we can help people achieve great things by offering guidance and support. Imagine Lismore is full of projects that will transform our city and villages into even better places to live and work. While there are many projects listed over the life of the plan, there are some which are worth highlighting.

The Growth Management Strategy is one of the key strategies for the future of Lismore. It will answer the questions of where and how Lismore should grow and that will determine the infrastructure and services required to support that growth. Revitalising the CBD and improving river amenity has been on the drawing board for many years. Funding has now been allocated to make the necessary improvements in consultation with a CBD Citizensโ€™ Jury. We will be exploring the feasibility of developing a commercial building on the corner of Magellan and Dawson Streets along with redeveloping โ€˜C-Blockโ€™ and creating a plaza with open space as a focal point in the CBD. We are already recognised as a centre of excellence for waste management and we will continue to take a lead role in the Northern Rivers by developing a regional Materials Recovery Facility. This will allow the processing of recyclables in Lismore rather than in Queensland. This ensures as a community we are taking responsibility and can even benefit from the waste we generate. It is an audacious goal to be self-sufficient in electricity from renewable sources within the next 10 years. Farming the Sun is one project that will assist in achieving that goal. This community-owned solar farm will enable local investors to own and operate the farm in partnership with us. Lismore has the opportunity to be the first city in Australia to establish such a farm. This would be an incredible coup for our city and would enable us to educate and demonstrate to business, industry and future generations that change is possible when we choose to embrace new technologies and shift our way of thinking.

I often like to talk about the three Rs. In this case it is not Roads, Rates and Rubbish but Respect, Responsibility and Relationships. Through our engagement processes we will afford respect to our community and stakeholders. We do not subscribe to the โ€œgovernment knows bestโ€ philosophy; we need to embrace the human capital of our community. We need to take responsibility and be responsible stewards of our communityโ€™s assets, our environment, our financial situation and our future. This also means showing leadership and taking ownership, not shirking our responsibilities or blaming others. No person is an island; two is better than one. We need to develop, foster and enhance relationships with our community, various levels of government, NGOs etc. Good working relationships and partnerships will help us achieve our goals together. While the future is always uncertain, and especially so for local government in NSW at the present time with Local Government Reform and Local Government and Planning Act reviews, I am confident that with the right attitude and passion for our community we will be able to deliver on the goals we have set ourselves. Most importantly, we will deliver an even better Lismore for all of us who call it home. Thank you, Gary Murphy

Imagine Lismore sets out an exciting and challenging journey for the next decade beyond. As a Council we face that challenge ready to work hard and also to ask others to work with us. Partnering projects with other organisations and with our communities form a vital part of the Imagine Lismore framework. IMAGINE LISMORE LISMORE 10 10 YEAR YEAR PLAN PLAN 2013-2023 2013-2023 IMAGINE

43 43

For more information contact: Lismore City Council Corporate Centre 43 Oliver Avenue, Goonellabah NSW 2480 | PO Box 23A Lismore NSW 2480 Business hours: 8.30am to 4.30pm Phone: 1300 87 83 87 | Fax: 02 66 250 400 Email: | 44


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