Imagine Lismore Partnering Strategy 2013-2023

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YEAR PLAN 2013-2023

PA R T N E R I N G S T R AT E G Y What if our community could design its future?



A partnership commitment creating opportunities for community advantage Imagine Lismore and associated initiatives such as the Lismore Leaders Group have strengthened the resolve among service providers to embrace a partnership approach to achieve community outcomes. The Imagine Lismore 10 Year Plan identifies a series of specific partnership projects that will deliver on the community’s vision for Lismore over the next 10 years. Building upon the work initiated through the Lismore Leaders Group and successful partnering principles, there is a partnership commitment to the following actions: To collaborate on projects through sharing of knowledge, resources and time to achieve the best community outcomes. To commit to improving the lives of residents of Lismore and the Northern Rivers region through strategic alliances and service provision. To connect people and opportunities where possible and appropriate to secure community outcomes. To extend our capabilities and build capacity in our communities for sustainable practices.



Partnership conversations making the most of our strengths and opportunities

Good partnerships are built on trust. Building collaborative and sustainable relationships often takes time and many conversations before ultimate goals are achieved. This is accepted and encouraged as the results will be far reaching, long term and beneficial to stakeholders and the community.

Conversations for Generating Possibility

Conversations for Generating Opportunity

A conversation for possibility envisages the future as

A conversation for opportunity is concerned with

a rich scenario of inspiring possibilities. It is about

generating concrete joint commitment for

sharing creative and imaginative ideas. Questions of feasability are of no concern at this stage. Rather a conversation for possibility is intended to bring out


breakthrough action. It is a conversation about shared accountabilities. It is through such a conversation that partners arrive at agreement about which of the

intuitive and aspirational views of how the best

possibilities that have been created earlier constitute

possible future might appear.

concrete opportunities for the future and could be realistically pursued by the partners.


Conversations for Generating Completition

Conversations for Generating Action A conversation for generating action can be held at

Being ‘complete’ with something means being ‘whole’ with it. Completion not only applies when terminating a certain process, but it is equally important that partnerships are complete on an ongoing basis. This


all stages of the partnering process, whenever joint or individual action is required. It helps to clarify individual responsibilities and create a common understanding of who is accountable for what. It

helps to promote understanding and create alignment

also helps to take the partnering process a step

between the partners. A conversation for completion

further, turning possibilities and opportunities into

can therefore be conducted at all stages of the

concrete activities.

partnering process.



Partnership conversations a trajectory of change in the right direction



Embracing the RAP (Reconciliation Action Plan) in the Region Project


Lismore Health Precinct – Lismore Base, UCRH, St Vincents


Fit for School – Healthy Lifestyle


Community Services Hubs – Lismore CBD, Nimbin, Goonellabah


Lismore City Sports Hub – A Sporting Centre


Living in Lismore – Housing Strategy


Regional Transport Plan – An Integrated Partnership


Travel Plans – Health/Lismore Base Hospital Pilot


Lismore CBD Commercial Office Building


CBD/Riverbank Master Plan Project


Business Friendly Council Project


Lismore City Infrastructure Alliance


Procurement Website – Local Suppliers and Buyer Groups


Lismore Education Plan – Learning Lismore


Future Leaders Group/Entrepreneurs Assist Project


Arts Hub – Creative Lismore


Workforce Development Plan – Health


Wilsons River Regeneration and River Walk Project


Wilsons River Footbridge – Bridging the City


Environmental Partnering Project – Rural Landholder Capacity Building


Farming the Sun – Lismore Community Solar Farm Project


Promotion & Marketing – Lismore Pride and Identity


State of the Community Report



COMMUNITY VISION • Aboriginal recognition • A resilient economy

Embracing the RAP in the Region Project (Northern Rivers)


Project Brief

Lismore City Council


Community Benefit

Private Enterprise

They say lessons are only good if you learn

Create positive, long-term relationships with

something. Australians have learnt the value

the Indigenous community in the Northern

of an apology and have taken a positive step

Rivers and develop opportunities to work

toward reconciliation. Lismore City Council

together to increase and support Indigenous

has embraced the opportunity to develop and

employment initiatives.

Reconciliation Australia Northern Rivers Councils Lismore Leaders Group key council contacts Community Services Coordinator Aboriginal Community Development Officer

implement their own Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) and see the value in expanding on this breadth of work to share their understanding and knowledge with the broader community and organisations across the Northern Rivers region. Reconciliation Action Plans (or RAPs) are

What does success look like?

about turning good intentions into real actions. A RAP is a business plan that uses

outcomes. Timeframe 4 years Key Actions

relationships and sustainable opportunities


Workshop sessions


Monitoring and Evaluation

RAP Forum


employment opportunities

commitment to delivering real action and

RAP Forum

provide a greater level of acceptance and


for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander

• Increase Indigenous

approach to Aboriginal reconciliation will

a holistic approach to create meaningful

• Aboriginal community recognition initiatives

A whole-of-community and whole-of-region

Lismore City Council’s RAP provides a framework for the future, detailing steps

• A regional approach to

and priorities to advance both Indigenous

Aboriginal reconciliation

equality and social sustainability within the

and actions

Lismore LGA.

Resources Staff time and partnership funds towards RAP Forum and workshop sessions/ communication strategy (used in conjunction with existing RAP funding and LCC Aboriginal

Leveraging the positive framework of the RAP

Community Development Officer time).

and Council’s work in this area, the Embracing the RAP in the Region Project will involve a RAP Forum and workshop sessions to assist other stakeholders to develop and implement the RAP actions within their own organisations or workplaces. Specific focus areas include: • Community engagement • Cultural awareness and understanding • Employment PARTNERING STRATEGY IMAGINE LISMORE 10 YEAR PLAN 2013-2023



Affordable health Partnerships with service providers Transport

Lismore Health Precinct – Lismore Base, UCRH, St Vincents

partners Northern NSW Local Health District


Community Benefit

Building on the early planning work undertak-

A coordinated approach to the development

University Centre for Rural Health

en, via the Northern NSW Local Health District

of health facilities and their allied services in

Charrette in November 2012, the Lismore


St Vincents Private Hospital Southern Cross University Goonellabah GP Super Clinic key council contacts ED Sustainable Development

What does success look like? • A stronger health facilities

offering in Lismore

• Well planned and

Project Brief

accessible health precinct

• Attracts a diversity of

health professionals/


Health Precinct Project partners have expanded to include the University Centre for Rural Health and St Vincents Private Hospital. The Project was initiated as a land use planning project to strengthen the health facility offering in Lismore through coordinated and facilitated partnerships.

assist to attract health professionals and investment into Lismore. Timeframe 4 years Key Actions 2013

Partnering facilitation

Precinct development

partners are working towards and now


Ongoing planning assistance and

includes the implementation of the Precinct

precinct charrettes as required

There is an ongoing facilitation role and planning priority process which all of the

Plan (section 3 of the Lismore Health Precinct report).

Resources Staff time and partnership contribution (funds)

Major considerations for the precinct are:

towards additional charrettes and stakeholder

• Car parking arrangements


• Lismore Base Hospital Stage 3A


• McKenzie Street flats redevelopment • LEP and DCP requirements and • Access from Dalziel Street to LBH Taking the project forward, the partners will work to an itemised action plan and continue to meet every 2 months. This partnership project continues the development of actions and priorities to build on Lismore’s strength as an origin for major health providers to the region. Other associated partner projects include: • Travel Plans and Procurement Website.


Improved health facilities and amenity will


COMMUNITY VISION • Affordable health • Partnerships with service providers

Fit for School - Healthy Lifestyle


Project Brief

Northern NSW Local Health District Health Promotion Unit


Community Benefit

Lismore provides an extraordinary depth and

Better informed families, increased links with

breadth of community services for the region.

education programs, improved preparation for

Northern Rivers Social Development Council

This can often be a minefield for families

school and access to assistance for families.


relating to school preparation.


The Fit for School Project aims to map the


health, social and education services and

looking for specific assistance or programs

Timeframe 3 years Key Actions 2013

Service provider forum

toward better coordinated services and

Services mapping and


improved communication.

communications strategy

Lismore City Council

The first stage of the project would focus


key council contacts

on services for antenatal to six years (as an

Staff time, contribution towards project

identified high-need area).

partnership and one-day forum and project

Community Services Coordinator

The scope of the project includes:

GP Superclinic

gaps for children and families with a view

• A service provider one day forum with a ‘minus to six’ exchange to flesh out who

What does success look like?

• Mapping and gaps analysis

- Identify services that support children

• Improved services and

- Highlight families and communities

access to services for


• Better relationship with

education providers to

ensure improved

learning outcomes

• Young people and their

families feeling

supported with school

preparation leading to

longer term education


initiatives over the longer term.

is doing what and to test the concept

in need

- Identify gaps, opportunities for integration/alignment across programs

- Clarify data collection and opportunities for sharing

- Identify collaboration program activity in

new areas • Marketing and promotion of integrated collaborative program The Northern NSW Local Health District is currently facilitating the partnership group and its development.




Affordable health A resilient economy Partnerships with service providers

Community Services Hubs – Lismore CBD, Nimbin, Goonellabah


Project Brief

Northern Rivers Social Development Council


Community Benefit

Lismore has three key ‘location touch points’

Retention of community service providers in

Lismore City Council

for access to community services; Lismore

Lismore. A multi-service offering from one


CBD, Goonellabah and Nimbin. Each location

site provides for better community delivery.


has a differing depth and scope of services on

Increased and improved connectedness

Nimbin Community Centre

offer however each is seen as growing, with

between services providers and achieve

an expectation that there will be continued

economies of scale where appropriate and

LCC Nimbin Advisory Group

and substantial future growth in this sector. It


Nimbin Neighbourhood and Information Centre

regional provider of services.

Goonellabah GP Super Clinic

in relation to ‘service provider office/admin-

key council contacts

should also be noted that Lismore CBD is a

This growth presents challenges, specifically

by providers and has the potential to impact

Data gathering on space

on service delivery in the future with current


Commence strategy development


Property assessment and facilitation

Finalise strategy


Working with all hubs to facilitate

service space and delivery needs

Community Services Coordinator

seamless service delivery across service

services organisations in


• Improved scope and

access to services for a

regional community

multiple disjointed sites which can impact on areas and increased operational costs. The first stage of this project includes an extensive consultation process with service providers to map their growth, space needs and employment forecasts for the next 2, 5


and 10 years. This mapping would also allow

Staff time and partnership funds contribution

a property assessment to be undertaken and

towards the service provider forum and

identification of a suitable future ‘hub zone’ in

consultation program, data report and

Lismore’s CBD.

strategy development.

The longer term vision is to create Community Services Hubs and in the case of Lismore CBD a location where multiple services can be provided from one site. The risk of not doing this consultation, strategy and scoping work could be the loss of services to Lismore if longer term needs are not planned for and met as a collaborative group.


Key Actions Service provider consultation (forum)

Business Facilitator

• Retention of community

3 years


istration space’. This is a real challenge felt

services (particularly in Lismore) operating from

What does success look like?



COMMUNITY VISION • Sporting Centre • Partnerships with service providers

Lismore City Sports Hub – A Sporting Centre

partners Lismore City Council APN/Northern Star North Coast Academy of Sport Clubs and other sporting organisations (local and regional)

Project Brief Scope

Community Benefit

The passion for sport and recreation is

Increased use of sporting infrastructure.

abundant in Lismore with a broad community

Leveraging the sports/recreation economy

offering that ranges from athletics, cricket and

as a tourism drawcard.

baseball to karate, gymnastics and pony club. Lismore is a sporting centre for the region and

aspirants and galvanise longer term

has the capacity to draw and service a state-

community partnerships.

LCC Sports and Recreation Advisory Group

wide interest in a variety of pursuits. Lismore is

Southern Cross University

There are four key fundamentals to being a

NSW Trade and Investment

successful and competitive sports centre:

key council contacts Community Services Officer (sport infrastructure) Tourism Manager

What does success look like?

host to the region’s key sporting associations and home to over 50 individual clubs.

• Sporting infrastructure – fields, tracks,

Showcase Lismore as a sporting centre and create a sense of pride around sporting achievements. Timeframe 2 years

grounds, lighting, amenities, maintenance

Key Actions



Partnership development

• Proactive Clubs and Associations –

Sports Directory content

sustainable management, active members,


talent support.


Sports Directory production

and distribution

• Community – value sporting infrastructure,

support young sportspeople endeavours,

actively support events.


• Marketing & Promotion – maximise use

Staff time and partnership funds contribution towards project outputs.

of facilities, create community leverage

opportunity, acknowledge and promote

• A comprehensive directory

rising stars and sporting codes.

of Lismore’s sporting

This partnership project will look to leverage

infrastructure, support

each of the four areas and strengthen and grow

services and rising stars

our capacity across each.

• Secured partnerships for

An early partnership initiative will be the

development of a Sports Directory to promote

longer term initiatives

Develop support for young local sporting

• Increased awareness of

the breadth of Lismore’s sporting infrastructure,

Lismore as a Sporting

support services rising stars, clubs and related


services such as SCU’s School of Health and Human Sciences.




Affordable housing Partnerships with service providers A resilient economy

Living in Lismore – Housing Strategy

partners Lismore City Council North Coast Community Housing Real Estate Industry Private Enterprise Northern Rivers Social Development Council Master Builders Association Southern Cross University key council contacts ED, Sustainable Development Strategic Planning Coordinator

What does success look like? • Lismore has a part-time

Housing Officer

• Housing Strategy

partnership initiatives are

being implemented

• Lismore’s diversity of

housing offering has

increased/is more

accessible and caters for

both existing residents

looking to relocate in

Lismore and new

residents looking to

establish in Lismore


Project Brief Scope Lismore City Council has taken a proactive approach to supporting and encouraging further land release and housing development in Lismore and in collaboration with a group of project partners has developed the Lismore Housing Strategy which was endorsed by Council in 2012.

Community Benefit

Council is now looking to continue this partnership and invite similarly focused organisations and private sector stakeholders to reinvigorate a partnering approach to the implementation of the Lismore Housing Strategy.

in Lismore to meet current and future housing

The Housing Strategy provides a comprehensive response to addressing housing issues by identifying a range of planning, advocacy, partnership, education and awareness actions. These actions will facilitate an increase in dwelling and land supply, improve housing choice and diversity and assist in providing socially responsive housing. To implement the Housing Strategy and facilitate further partnering opportunities and collaboration a Housing Officer resource is critical to this process and to meeting longer term objectives of the Strategy. The creation of this position (for a minimum of 3 years), whose only role is the implementation of the Housing Strategy, is considered essential to ensure the proposals in the Housing Strategy Action Plan are not ‘lost’ and that collaboration, communication and partnerships are facilitated so as to fast track outcomes and achieve economies of scale across multiple organisations. The provision of a partnering and marketing budget is included in this scope.


Whilst the provision of a part-time Housing Officer will not solve all of Lismore’s housing needs, it will make a marked difference in the ability to facilitate increased community housing and private sector activity in the delivery of housing and address the critical need to increase the rate of housing requirements. Timeframe 3 years (to ongoing) Key Actions (immediate) 2013

Recruit part-time Housing Officer

Establish partners group

Commence implementation of

Lismore Housing Strategy

partnering projects

Resources Staff time, partnership contribution funds towards implementation of housing strategy (in particular a marketing campaign).

Background note: Council has also been successful in securing Federal Government Building Better Regional Cities funding which (whilst an infrastructure delivery project for Council) is contingent on the provision of affordable housing.

COMMUNITY VISION • Transport • Partnerships with service providers

Regional Transport Plan – An Integrated Partnership

partners Lismore City Council Business and Industry State and Federal Government Northern Rivers councils

Project Brief Scope

Community Benefit

Elevating the importance of transport

Elevating Lismore and the Northern Rivers as

planning, policy and partnerships at a regional

a priority area with Transport NSW.

level is high priority for Lismore. As the regional centre for the Northern Rivers, Lismore City Council works closely

Ensuring a coordinated and collaborative effort on all transport projects is achieved. Addressing the transport needs of rural

key council contacts

with business and industry, community

ED, Infrastructure Services

councils to ensure the Far North Coast is seen


as a priority area in relation to transport

4 years

infrastructure and assistance.

Key Actions

What does success look like?

The intent of this project is to formalise the


Ensure opportunities to partner in

intent as a regional initiative and build further

model development are initiated

partnerships to ensure the Northern Rivers

Development of a formal response

• Lismore/Northern Rivers

can maximise the Regional Transport Plan

paper highlighting the transport


challenges and opportunities for

Key priorities include:

Lismore/ Northern Rivers

• Lismore/Northern Rivers

• Bruxner Highway improvement

Participation in Transport NSW

achieves transport

• Pacific Highway upgrades

forums and communication on

solutions for the

• Bus service enhancement

outcomes to local/regional


• Tabulam Bridge upgrade/replacement


Advance local transport solutions

has a place at the table

with Transport NSW

• There is a significant focus

on transport needs in

regional NSW – in

balance with metropolitan


organisations and other Northern Rivers

• Cross border travel and transit • Public transport and community transport

communities and villages.

• Regional landing slots at Sydney Airport


• Quality of road networks – primary

Staff time and funds towards development of

a formal issues paper and progression of local


• Preserving the amenity and character of

transport solutions.

regional towns

• Meeting the needs of an ageing regional


• Improving the mix of transport options

across regional NSW

Background: Reference materials – providing-essential-access-for-regional-nsw/ your-region/




Partnerships with service providers Transport Safety and wellbeing

Travel Plans – Health/Lismore Base Hospital Pilot


Project Brief

Northern NSW Local Health District


Community Benefit

Travel plans are widely used for hospitals to

The implementation of travel plans can

Lismore City Council

reduce car/traffic congestion and parking

reduce pressures on car parking and traffic


congestion, reduce land-use conflicts,

Sustain Northern Rivers

Northern NSW Local Health District in

key council contacts

partnership with Lismore City Council,

ED, Sustainable Development

public transport providers and community

What does success look like? • A pilot travel plan has

been developed for

Northern NSW Local

Health District and this

model for the

development of a travel

plan has been showcased

• The implementation of the

travel plan shows a

reduction on car parking

pressures and traffic


• Other stakeholders are

undertaking the

development of travel


Sustain Northern Rivers, local and regional

transport costs for employees and make commuting to work easier and in some instances increase physical activity.

organisations will initiate a Travel Plan


pilot project for the Lismore Base Hospital/

3 years

Health Precinct.

Key Actions (immediate) 2013

Confirm partnership agreements

Engage consultant to develop

Travel Plan

assessment of the workplace’s situation and


Travel Plan implementation over

geographical footprint and be designed to

3 stages

increase the use of sustainable transport

Workshop with other organisations

options including walking, cycling, car

to share learnings and develop

pooling and public transport.

their plans

This project was developed as an outcome


f the Health Precinct Charrette held in

Staff time and contribution towards partnering

November 2012. The hospital redevelopment

facilitation, promotion and communications to

project, including the Stage 3A upgrade,

broader stakeholder group.

Lismore Base Hospital and its employees will be the basis for a strategy which helps to better manage how people travel to, from and for work. The Plan will be built on a thorough

will put more pressure on car parking in the hospital precinct and this is to be addressed through the Travel Plan pilot. A partnership approach is being embraced to facilitate a collaborative way of identifying both challenges and solutions and the sharing of this information for longer term outcomes at a service provider and community amenity level.


showcase sustainability principles, reduce



A resilient economy A vibrant CBD Partnerships with service providers

Lismore CBD Commercial Office Building

partners Lismore City Council Private Enterprise Lismore Chamber of Commerce Northern NSW Local Health District

Project Brief Scope

The Lismore CBD Commercial Office

A need has been identified by industry stake-

Building is also an important aspect of

holders and commercial property agencies for

Lismore’s broader CBD/Riverbank

the provision of high quality ‘green-star’ rated

Master Plan.

office space in Lismore’s CBD as a proactive way to retain key government service providers and stimulate further investment

Community Benefit Building collaborative partnerships and attracting investment into the Lismore CBD

key council contacts

attraction and CBD revitalisation. To address this need, a commercial

community assets for economic stimulus and

ED, Sustainable Development

‘sustainable building’ project be developed

with this grow employment opportunities for

through collaborative partnerships between

Lismore and the region.

Manager Assets & Support Services

government and/or the private sector is

Business Facilitator

being encouraged.

provides an opportunity to maximise

Timeframe 4 years (to ongoing)

As a collaboration partner, Council is in a position to put forward prime CBD land

Key Actions (immediate) 2013

Prepare a project prospectus/EOI

proposals and/or further discussion on

Promote the partnership opportunity

appropriate models to ensure this project

to the marketplace

• A project partnerships

delivers an economic stimulus to the Lismore


Facilitate partnership discussions

CBD and attracts or retains key industry and

What does success look like? prospectus is developed

suitable for such a venture and is open to

• There is a proactive

organisations who provide employment

approach to develop

opportunities for the residents of Lismore and

partnerships and attract

the region.


Investment attraction is an important aspect

Resources Staff time and costs associated with prospectus development and further modelling scenarios and promotion.

• Partnerships are formed

of building a resilient economy. This

Background note:

to develop the Lismore

partnership project is a proactive approach

In 2012 a large Lismore-based regional service

CBD Commercial Office

towards facilitating private and public sector

provider identified a potential need for


partnerships and the provision of AAA-rated

significant office space (due to their impend-

commercial real estate.

ing site developments) at which time Council

The initial project output includes the

looked at the feasibility for a commercial office

development of a project partnership

building partnership in the Lismore CBD.

prospectus and EOI process for use by

Whilst this venture did not progress due to

Council’s Asset Management Team to

changes in the organisation’s development

facilitate and encourage potential partnership

situation, it is likely that this opportunity or


similar will reappear.




A vibrant CBD A resilient economy Partnerships with service providers

CBD/Riverbank Master Plan Project

partners Lismore City Council


Community Benefit

Business and property owners

A dynamic and thriving city centre has a

Building on the investment and efforts already

critical role to play in both the economic and

actioned in the CBD revitalisation program

social foundations of a community. Lismore’s

through improved promotion, sense of place

CBD is home to strong retail, business and

activities (such as Art in the Heart) and

government services and serves as a

beautification actions, it is appropriate that

significant cultural meeting place for the

longer term infrastructure improvements

region. For Lismore’s CBD, the Wilsons

are now implemented to ensure Lismore’s

River also plays an integral role and is

CBD maintains its competitive advantage as

incorporated into the Master Plan Project

a regional hub for key service businesses.

and its implementation.

Recognising partnerships as vital to building

Lismore Chamber of Commerce Lismore Business Promotion Panel Community members/ groups State and Federal Government key council contacts ED, Sustainable Development

Key Actions

partnership-based projects to be undertaken


Engagement workshops to determine

Manager Assets & Support Services

and will ultimately extend beyond 2023 to

priorities, action plan and timeframe

reach it full potential. This is a ‘whole of

for masterplan works schedule.

Business Facilitator

Council’ partnership with the community,


Determine staged costings and

resource/ financing arrangements

per stage/project.

Communication strategy - discuss

works plan with all stakeholders and

complementary LBPP activities.

immediate, mid-term and long-term goals


Commence stage 1 infrastructure

for this important community asset.



Continue implementation

business stakeholders and all levels of government to deliver a regional benefit. Utilising the master planning work commenced in 2012, a communications and priorities series of workshops will facilitate community engagement to determine

CBD/Wilson River

• Value for money achieved across all works

• A successful investment attraction project

• Partnerships formed for



communications strategy

This exciting project will be one of the largest

• A highly desirable Lismore

termed ‘the heart’ of the region.

ED, Infrastructure Services

What does success look like?

1. Master Plan consultation/priorities and

Min 10-year project

City Centre Manager

on the revitalisation of what is affectionately

This is a two-stage project:

2. Infrastructure improvement works

Manager Integrated Planning

Project Brief

‘...getting the balance between addressing the needs of critical infrastructure, beautification and public/private use will be a critical aspect of implementation...’


Resources Staff time and funds for engagement workshops and communications strategy plus


long-term opportunity PARTNERING STRATEGY IMAGINE LISMORE 10 YEAR PLAN 2013-2023


cost of infrastructure works.

COMMUNITY VISION • A resilient economy • Partnerships with service providers

Business Friendly Council Project


Project Brief Scope

Community Benefit

Creating an environment where businesses

Employment generation, healthy businesses

can thrive is important to Lismore’s future.

and economy.

Lismore Chamber of Commerce

Lismore City Council prides itself on ‘an open-

Introductions and connections between

for-business’ ethos and actively supports

private enterprise and all levels of government

Private Enterprise

business and industry development through

enhanced with tangible outcomes for

the employment of a Business Facilitator.

business and investment in Lismore.

Council also provides a DA pre-lodgement


meeting for stakeholders to assist them with

4 years

Lismore City Council NSW Trade and Investment

key council contacts Business Facilitator Manager Development & Compliance

navigating through the DA process and expectations relating to information and

Key Actions 2013

Establish Business Friendly Council


Initiate promotional campaign

the challenges of red tape and address any

Implement, monitor and evaluate

internal processes and procedures that

project rollout

• Improved business and

improve integration and deliver better


outcomes for stakeholders.

Staff time and partnership contribution

• Stronger business and

The Business Friendly Council Project aims

towards business retention and expansion

industry relations with

to both promote Lismore as a place for

activities and promotional program.


businesses to expand and establish and

What does success look like? industry environment

material presented. Lismore City Council is taking a proactive role with business and industry to work through

• Exceeding service

promote Lismore City Council as a place

where business people can be assisted


through this process. Council, in partnership with other agencies at both State and Federal Government level as well as industry leaders and organisations, is proactive in promoting Lismore as a business investment location and looks to secure additional support for this investment where available. There is a collaborative commitment to rolling out the red carpet not the red tape.



COMMUNITY VISION • Partnerships with service providers • A resilient economy

Lismore City Infrastructure Alliance partners

Project Brief

Lismore City Council


Community Benefit

RDA Northern Rivers

The Lismore City Infrastructure Alliance is

Social connectivity, environmental outcomes,

NSW Trade and Investment

primarily a communications project providing

community services access, business

a mechanism for sharing information and

investment and employment generation are

opportunities for collaboration.

accelerated through enabling infrastructure.

Southern Cross University North Coast TAFE

The Alliance facilitates timely responses to funding and partnering across all areas of

track infrastructure are captured and explored

Office of Environment and Heritage

enabling infrastructure and by its nature,

through an alliance of key stakeholders.

facilitates opportunities to maximise the


State and Federal Government

outcomes of enabling infrastructure across

4 years (to ongoing)

key council contacts

Sharing knowledge across these focus areas

ED, Infrastructure Services Business Facilitator

What does success look like? • A productive alliance

partnership facilitates

enabling infrastructure


a breadth of critical focus areas.

Develop Alliance framework

and pursue projects at a local and regional

Establish Alliance partners

level to deliver economic, environmental and


Collaboration on an enabling

social outcomes over the next 10 years.

infrastructure projects register

The impetus is with the Alliance members to


advance from knowledge sharing to innovative

Staff time and contribution towards

solutions and productive collaboration and

partnership facilitation and the development

capacity building. The enabling infrastructure focus areas include: • Digital economy • Energy • Water • Roads/bridges/footpaths and cycleways

access information and

• Buildings

identify opportunities to

• Land (industrial, commercial, housing)

fast track infrastructure

• Airport

• Lismore is a well

Key Actions 2013

allows decision makers to prioritise, partner

• Partners are able to

• Cultural (arts, sport, recreation)

networked city,

• Social (education facilities)

proactive in its approach

The Alliance meets on a quarterly basis to

towards partnering

share knowledge and progress opportunities for collaboration. Interim communication is through the use of a Google groups noticeboard.


This initiative will ensure opportunities to fast


of the infrastructure register.

COMMUNITY VISION • A resilient economy • Partnerships with service providers

Procurement Website – Local Supplier and Buyer Groups

partners Lismore City Council ICN (Federal Government) Northern NSW Local Health District University Centre for Rural Health Chambers of Commerce Private Enterprise

The procurement website is a digital economy

Retention of local expenditure is critical to

project which provides an opportunity to

enabling a resilient economy and has a direct

stimulate the local business economy with its

impact on employment generation and jobs

capacity to generate medium to large volumes

growth. Facilitating opportunities for business

of local business sales.

development and achieving economies of

The project aims to facilitate the use of an online portal as a tender/ordering mechanism for local buyer groups and local supplier

scale for key regional organisations will open up further opportunities for business sustainability. Timeframe

ED, Sustainable Development

Industry Capability Network (ICN) at no cost.

Key Actions

ICN is an independent organisation financially


Finalise website parameters with ICN

Manager, Information Services

supported by Australian, New Zealand, State

Coordinate training session for

Business Facilitator

base currently stands at 60,000 suppliers with


around $247 billion worth of projects listed.

Initiate promotional campaign

The buyer group will be established by Council


Suppliers session/registration

and Northern NSW Local Health District with



• Meet targets for supplier registration

• Meet targets for buyer

Community Benefit


• A functioning procurement


key council contacts

What does success look like?

Project Brief

group usage

• Local supplier contracts

increase and jobs growth

is achieved

The website infrastructure is being provided by

and Territory governments. The ICN supplier

3 years (to ongoing)

a view to expanding this to other large buyer

Technical support and assistance for

organisations such as SCU and Norco.


A key element of project delivery will be to


Suppliers session/registration

encourage local suppliers to register on the


Technical support and assistance

for suppliers

new site so that they receive notifications of RFTs and RFQs. This will be done through a promotional campaign. Technical support and assistance in the buyer/seller procurement


process will also be provided.

Staff time and contribution towards

The buyer group and other key partners such as the Chambers of Commerce,

ongoing promotional campaign and assistance to suppliers.

neighbourhood centres and industry associations would contribute to the promotional campaign with databases, call centre activity and media promotion.



COMMUNITY VISION • Partnerships with service providers • A resilient economy

Lismore Education Plan – Learning Lismore

partners DET Southern Cross University North Coast TAFE

Project Brief Scope

Community Benefit

To develop a collaborative and coordinated

Enhance the quality of learning opportunities

approach to maintaining and strengthening

for all ages in Lismore.

our educational assets in Lismore and hence

Catholic Education Office

the educational and employment futures and


aspirations of our young people.

Community Colleges

The Learning Lismore Project incorporates

key council contacts Business Facilitator Community Services Coordinator

the hosting of an Education Forum of key stakeholders including educators, business, industry and community to identify the

• Enhanced learning


• Increased numbers of

students accessing higher

learning opportunities

• Improved engagement

across education sector

• Relationships developed

with industry

preschool to university. Create rewarding futures for young people with support from educators, business, industry and community. An engaging and proactive community.

opportunities are afforded from preschool to


Year 12 students in all sectors of education

4 years

Expectations of the Forum would be to: • Identify the key priorities/needs for young people in Lismore • Identify actions to increase alignment between providers • Identify actions that will increase education and employment opportunities for young people • Match learning needs with provision of activity

Key Actions 2013

Education Forum

Mapping of education delivery and

SWOT analysis


Develop the Lismore Education Plan

including partnering action plan

Implementation of key projects


Continued implementation of projects


• Enhance efficiency of delivery

Contribution towards forum costs and

• Enhance the quality of learning

education plan development and

opportunities for all ages in Lismore It is proposed the stakeholders play an ongoing and active role in the development and implementation of the plan and through collaboration increase the capacity for Lismore and the region to meet the needs of young people whilst securing community economic and social wellbeing.


Lismore including our ability to educate from

major priorities for ensuring all possible

(public and private) in Lismore.

What does success look like?

Maximise the educational asset held in




Partnerships with service providers A resilient economy An inclusive and aware community

Future Leaders Group/Entrepreneurs Assist Project

partners Lismore City Council Southern Cross University Rotary

Project Brief Scope

Community Benefit

Providing Lismore’s young entrepreneurs and

Stimulating a leadership perspective amongst

leaders with an opportunity to connect with all

young people and growing a community of

levels of government, business and industry,

aspiring leaders.

Lions Club

community leaders and organisations is a


catalyst for building community capacity

Community Colleges Private Enterprise

and engaging our youth in effective leadership skills training and personal

Providing an opportunity to establish social enterprise initiatives and a leadership culture in the community. Timeframe

development programs.

4 years

key council contacts

This is an incubator project, as it will require partnership and development time to reach its

Key Actions

Business Facilitator

full potential. However, it has been advocated


Develop partnership group/

ED, Sustainable Development

as an important project to showcase the


leadership capacity and capabilities of our

Develop project framework and

Community Services Coordinator

community leaders and transfer this

key initiatives


Host inaugural Future Leaders Forum


Host 2nd year forum


Host 3rd year forum

knowledge and confidence to our aspiring future leaders and young entrepreneurs.

What does success look like? • An engaged and involved

The project would centre around an annual Future Leaders Forum, a two-day event that brings together aspiring leaders who are committed to their chosen field with passion and determination. The Forum will provide

community supporting

young people on their

leadership, drawing on the experiences of

leadership quest

leaders from a variety of fields including

participants with practical perspectives on

• Commercial projects

business, sports, education, politics, health,

environment and the community sector.


• Established young leaders

There will also be an opportunity for young

entrepreneurs to showcase their ideas and

development program

Resources Staff time, partnership development time and partner contribution funds towards forum speaker costs.

concepts for ‘dragon’s den’ feedback with a select panel of advisors. Business and community organisations will be invited to partner on this initiative and be part of developing our leaders of tomorrow.



COMMUNITY VISION • Partnerships with service providers • Safety and wellbeing

Arts Hub – Creative Lismore


Project Brief Scope

Community Benefit

Lismore is a creative city. It is a place where

Improved industry development in the arts

the creative industries thrive and the centre of

sector. Employment opportunities in the arts

a region that has been formally identified as

sector. Community inclusion and participation

Arts Northern Rivers

having the largest number of creative people

in cultural activity.

Southern Cross University

outside of metropolitan Sydney. Lismore’s

Creative Lismore Private Enterprise Lismore City Council


cultural enterprises include every creative form – the visual arts, all forms of music, film,

Timeframe 2 years

television, new media, theatre, poetry and

Key Actions

key council contacts

literature, in clearly defined sectors such as


Lismore Arts Hub development

education, health and wellbeing, public and

and fundraising project

ED, Sustainable Development

private galleries and museums, performance


and community arts.

Staff time and provision of seed funding for

Director, Lismore Regional Gallery

Lismore has a significant investment in the

fundraising initiatives.

creative industries with major stakeholders such as Southern Cross University, Northern

What does success look like?

• Investment attraction into

the Arts sector in Lismore

Rivers Performing Arts (NORPA), the Lismore Regional Gallery, Arts Northern Rivers, the Lismore Art in the Heart project, the Northern Rivers Conservatorium Arts Centre, Lismore TAFE, ACE, the Richmond River Historical Society, the North Coast Entertainment

• Lismore is recognised as

Industry Alliance (NCEIA) and NGOs

a leading arts and cultural

operating in the area of mental health and


disabilities, community-based galleries and

• Economic and social

workspaces such as the Serpentine and

utcomes are achieved for

‘C Space’ and a large number of private

the community

galleries, cafés and other operations which support the arts. The aggregation of all these cultural offerings result in a rich cultural landscape and a substantial creative base for


both economic and social outcomes.


The Arts Hub – Creative Lismore, aims to

Creative Lismore was established through

effectively promote this offering and attract

an industry strategic plan workshop in March

investment for the creation of a 24/7 cultural

2013. Creative Lismore is currently working

precinct in Lismore’s CBD.

through Vision and Values statements.


COMMUNITY VISION • Partnerships with service providers • Safety and wellbeing

Workforce Development Plan – Health

partners Lismore City Council Building Australia’s Future Workforce (DEEWR) Janelle Saffin Thomas George NSW Trade and Investment SCU

Project Brief Scope

Community Benefit

This project is aimed at improving industry

Employment generation and skills

access to skilled labour and providing

development, business and industry

employment opportunities for Lismore’s

development and support, improved


community services.

Based on documented business challenges to


secure skilled labour and the regional

4 years

challenge being faced through a declining workforce, this project has become critical

Key Actions 2013

Industry consultation and mapping



Property assessment

Health sector organisations/businesses

and provides an opportunity for Lismore to

Chambers of Commerce

The focus of the project in the first instance

key council contacts

will be a heath and allied services sector


research and mapping exercise to determine

Staff time and partnership contribution

Business Facilitator

the employment base, skill requirements and

towards the Workforce Development Plan

corresponding demand over the next

consultation program, reporting and strategy

10 years.


What does success look like? • Comprehensive

understanding of the

health sector employment

and skills needs for the

next 10 years

• Skills development

programs being

undertaken to meet

industry needs

retain and up-skill an older workforce.

The challenges for this sector are the longer Jobs

term forecasts of a declining workforce due to a mass exodus of retiring workers and the demands on the health sector with an older population. Effectively it is today’s 12-year-old that will be this potential workforce.

Education & Skills

Heath & Allied Services

Workforce development requires a longer term planning scope and a collaborative and coordinated effort between industry,

Community/ Job seekers

education and the community.

• Lismore/Northern Rivers

health and allied

services sector labour

security ensured

Background: Initial meetings have been held with key stakeholders including industry.



COMMUNITY VISION • Environmental leadership • Wilsons River

Wilsons River Regeneration and River Walk Project

partners Lismore City Council Southern Cross University Hurfords EnviTE Richmond River County Council Rous Water key council contacts Manager, Integrated Planning Environmental Strategies Coordinator Environmental Strategies Officer

Project Brief Scope

Community Benefit

The Wilsons River is a significant community

Improved river and riverbank health

asset and intrinsic to the amenity of the city

(critical to the health of the Lismore

and the CBD activity.

environment). A recreational area for

The river has a major role to play in CBD revitalisation as both a ‘natural environment’ and ‘recreational activity’ asset. This project provides the opportunity to integrate what has been a continuous but unintegrated effort to

community use and enjoyment. Improved communication across disciplines to ensure economies of scale and coordinated deliverables. A highly visible demonstration site for riparian restoration.

balance the needs of:


• Engineering systems

4 years (to ongoing)

• Restoration programs • Recreation access The scope of the project essentially includes two works sites: 1. The regeneration project includes the development of a landscape and works

What does success look like?

plan for approximately 2km of riverbank (Bridge to Bridge) revegetation and

Key Actions 2013

Steering Group established and

project scope defined


Site plan created to scope and

prioritise the regeneration works

and project milestones

Actions commenced

restoration. The implementation of the plan


will require the engagement of skilled bush

Staff time and costs associated with

• Improved river and

regenerators and landscapers, however

partnership facilitation and site plan

adjoining (less restricted) areas could

development. Also partnership contribution

integrate with a volunteer labour force.

towards site works.

riverbank health

• Completion of 2km

revegetation and


2. The River Walk aspect of the project includes approximately 80 metres of

• Completion of River Walk

footpath construction to provide a

continuous walking link along the


Wilsons Riverbank. Both sites require significant engineering investigation to ensure the riverbank stability is addressed.



COMMUNITY VISION • Partnerships with Service Providers • Safety and wellbeing

Wilsons River Footbridge – Bridging the City

partners Private Enterprise Hurfords Lismore City Council

Project Brief Scope

Community Benefit

No-one was really looking for a big hairy beast

Increased connectivity between the CBD and

at the Partnering Summit – but he always

North/South Lismore.

manages to find a way of popping up.

key council contacts

Buoyed by the energy surrounding both CBD

Business Facilitator

keen to see development of the Wilsons River

What does success look like? • Private enterprise

contribute to the

construction of the

Wilsons River Footbridge

and river projects, Summit participants were

4 years Key Actions

government partnerships.

Host a meeting of interested stakeholders to

This infrastructure would connect the CBD

explore opportunities for joint-venture project.

to North and South Lismore and open up


opportunities for expanded retail traffic and

Staff time and small partnership contribution

tourism products.

towards feasability, concept drawings and

This is very much an incubator project and


would require concept drawings, construction quotes and significant private enterprise buy-in, however the benefits to community

amenity, geographical linkages, CBD

• Increased engagement

expansion, and river awareness and

enjoyment would be considerably enhanced.

with the river precinct


Footbridge explored by private enterprise and

• Increased retail and tourism outcomes

Introduction of new locals/visitor experience.

The project opportunity will be further explored with the stakeholders and as a group determine this as a short, medium or longterm partnership aspiration.




Environmental leadership A resilient economy Partnerships with service providers

Environmental Partnering – Rural Landholder Capacity Building


Project Brief Scope

Community Benefit

Lismore has a long-standing and consistent

Environmental and economic outcomes

sustainability credential and environmental

will be achieved through improving

awareness that is a source of great pride.

information exchange between rural

Through the Imagine Lismore project, the

landholders and support networks with a

community again reinforced its view on the

specific focus on environmental restoration,


significance of the natural environment to

sustainability and building capacity within

Wetland Care Australia

community wellbeing and places a high

the community through best practice land

Chambers of Commerce/ business groups

importance on its protection and the


sustainable use of natural resources.

Lismore City Council Rural Landholders NSW Department of Primary Industries Landcare

Rural landholders will be supported to

SNR – Food

The community has also put forward a

enhance their land holding with sustainable

mandate to strengthen our capacity for

land practices and improve opportunity for

key council contacts

sustainable food production and provide

food production and land-use profitability.

Manager, Integrated Planning

opportunities for our local farming families.

Environmental Strategies Coordinator

broaden our sustainable environment capacity

longer term sustainable production

The aim of this partnership project is to

Timeframe 3 years (to ongoing) Key Actions 2013

Engage NRM Officer

opportunities with rural land managers and

Establish delivery framework with

food producers, Landcare groups, natural

partnership group

resource managers, private sector businesses

Initiate contact with rural

and regional primary industry stakeholders to

• Measurable environmental

landholders/create register and

deliver two key outcomes:

information needs analysis

1. Improve environment outcomes through


Implement capacity building delivery

framework (sustainable production

practices, marketplace development



Continue implementation –

information delivery and cluster


What does success look like? outcomes on rural land

through furthering partnerships and

• Food production

genuine partnerships with Lismore’s rural

improvements and land-


use profitability increase

• Improved capacity for

2. Initiate and support best land management practices and improve land-use profitability

sustainability across the

farming and business

The NRM officer will facilitate the partnership


development and work with the partners to

• Partnerships formed for

define the project delivery framework,


establish a rural landholders register and

Staff time and project funds towards the

facilitate a communications strategy with all

development of the partnership/industry


cluster and delivery program.


long-term opportunity



Lismore as a model of sustainability Community participation in decision making

Farming the Sun – Lismore Community Solar Farm Project

partners Lismore City Council Office of Environment and Heritage Starfish Enterprises Community Stakeholders key council contacts Environmental Strategies Coordinator Environmental Strategies Officer

Project Brief Scope

Community Benefit

Farming the Sun is the largest community

Opportunity to reduce Council’s community

solar energy initiative to date and has won a

infrastructure power costs.

NSW Government Green Globe Award for its contribution to sustainability.

community driven.

Lismore has the opportunity to be the first to establish a community solar farm in Australia. The solar farm concept is based on a community ownership model where Lismore City Council is the host (based at the East Lismore Treatment Plant). The establishment of the solar farm

What does success look like? • A community-owned

solar farm demonstrating


• A showcase model which

encourages further

investment in solar energy

• Return on investment for

community members

Showcase a model for sustainability that is

Inform and involve community members in decision making based on practical, clean solar energy projects. Timeframe 4 years Key Actions 2013

MOU – site feasibility process


the solar farm in partnership with Council.

Development of investment materials

The project allows for community owners

Community promotion program

and investors to play a significant part in


Commence construction of

increasing the uptake of more affordable solar

solar farm

infrastructure enables local investors to pool their funds and collectively own and operate

energy with the aim being to deliver ‘better than bank’ returns along with social and environmental benefits.

Resources Staff time and small contribution from Infrastructure/Assets departments.

The key requirements for the host are to: • Provide the infrastructure operation and space to locate the solar farm (625m2 for 100kW) • Ensure the infrastructure operation has the ability to consume a large portion of the electricity generated at the time the electricity is produced. As a guide a 100kW+ solar system will produce up to 550-600kWH+ per day during daylight hours.



COMMUNITY VISION • A resilient economy • Partnerships with service providers

Promotion & Marketing – Lismore Pride and Identity

partners Lismore City Council Southern Cross University Northern NSW Local Health District Real Estate Industry Private Enterprise

Project Brief Scope

Community Benefit

Lismore has an identity story, which centres

A stronger connection to brand identity and

around our location, our natural assets, our

promotional messages that set Lismore apart.

people, our diversity - how we embrace that diversity and how we nurture and provide for our future. Building pride and communicating our identity

key council contacts

can be achieved through strategic develop-

Communications Officer

effective marketing and promotions strategy.

Tourism Manager

We believe there is a vested interest in the

ment and use of a place brand and an

promotion of Lismore as a place to live, a place to visit and a place to invest. We will

What does success look like?

invite partners to work together in the

Place brand use and recognition that builds pride and a stronger sense of community, belonging and inclusion. Initiating a place brand project will have a positive impact on projects such as housing development, investment attraction, visitor attraction and business and industry retention and expansion. Timeframe 4 years

development and implementation of the

Key Actions (immediate)

brand story, brand positioning and


Document Lismore’s identity and

• Lismore City Council and

promotional strategy.

aspirations, including unique

partners have a adopted a

Linking Lismore’s identity and aspirations to

selling point

global place brand that is

the brand and clearly defining this story for


Consolidate the Lismore Come to the


partners will facilitate the implementation of

Heart brand around the documented

the strategy and the broader and longer term


• Lismore has gateway

signage (and street signage) buy-in.


Realise partnership and funding

that reflects the values and

Council can take a leadership role in gateway

opportunities with stakeholders

signage, road signage, visitor and investment

who have an interest in the

• A visual identity style guide

materials and work with partners to integrate

promotion of Lismore

has been created for

place branding, promotional strategy and


Develop a marketing and promotions

effective use of the place

pride building initiatives into their own

program around the brand


marketing signage and promotional materials.

aspirations of the city


• Partners are using the

The project scope includes:

Staff time and communications budget

global place brand on

• the articulation of Lismore’s identity,


building and property

signage and reinforcing the

values and aspirations of

the city


aspirations and unique selling point • partnership buy-in for brand and strategy development. • brand development that allows extension of the brand for partner use.



Partnerships with service providers Inclusive community Safety and wellbeing

State of the Community Report

partners Lismore City Council Richmond Local Area Command Southern Cross University TAFE

Project Brief Scope

The partners will work together to develop

The Lismore Leaders Group was established

the wellbeing indicators, appropriate report

in early 2012 with a clear goal to identify

framework and timeframes.

actions, initiatives or projects that would improve the lives of the residents of Lismore. This was a very important lead-in to the

Community Benefit A formal monitoring and evaluation process linked to community assessment and factual


Imagine Lismore process with the LLG an


early advocate for the partnership project

Northern Rivers Social Development Council

approach. The group has gained considerable

Inform and involve community members

momentum with a number of projects

in decision making based on tangible

included within Imagine Lismore.


This is the ideal partnership group to drive

Instil a sense of responsibility for community

and implement the State of the Community

outcomes across the partnership group.

State and Federal Government

Report. The report will include community


wellbeing indicators which match a set of

4 years

key council contacts

agreed objectives that correspond with the

Manager, Corporate Services


Establish a Steering Committee to

Community wellbeing indicators can help

develop the State of the Community

local government to govern better by

Report community wellbeing

improving councils’ knowledge,

indicators and framework model

Work with partners to establish

focus area-specific data collection


Chambers of Commerce Neighbourhood Centres

What does success look like?

Imagine Lismore visions.

responsiveness, effectiveness and accountability. The process can also provide the basis for engaging key partners in


Key Actions

• Create a partnership model

dialogue and action for improving community

that effectively reports on

outcomes and strengthen local communities


Author the inaugural State of the

community outcomes

in direct and practical ways.

Community Report

• Established community

Utilising the 2012 Community Survey data as


wellbeing indicators for

a perceptions and positioning benchmark, the

Staff time and internal resources of each

Lismore (and data collection

Lismore Leaders Group will take a lead role in

partner organisation.


developing the wellbeing indicators by

• Improve community

outcomes and community


providing factual data and dialogue for the annual State of the Community Report. This will also allow the opportunity to compare perceptions with reality and address the gaps in between. PARTNERING STRATEGY IMAGINE LISMORE 10 YEAR PLAN 2013-2023


For more information contact: Lismore City Council Corporate Centre 43 Oliver Avenue, Goonellabah NSW 2480 | PO Box 23A Lismore NSW 2480 Business hours: 8.30am to 4.30pm Phone: 1300 87 83 87 | Fax: 02 66 250 400 28


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