Outside Outside left left 9898 mm mm Outside left 98 mm
Outer Outer Back/middle Back/middle 99mm 99mm Outer Back/middle 99mm OUR OUR LOCATION LOCATION OUR LOCATION TheThe Gardens Gardens areare situated situated on on Wyrallah Wyrallah Road Road on on the thethe The Gardens are situated on Wyrallah Road on southern southern outskirts outskirts of Lismore, ofof Lismore, approximately approximately 3km 3km southern outskirts Lismore, approximately 3km from from the the CBD. CBD. from the CBD.
outer outer front front cover cover 9999 mm mm outer front cover 99 mm
Lismore Lismore Rainforest LismoreRainforest Rainforest Botanic Botanic Gardens BotanicGardens Gardens
TheThe entrance entrance is clearly is is clearly The entrance clearly marked marked approximately approximately marked approximately 100 100 metres metres from from thethe main main 100 metres from the main gate gate on on the the right. right. gate on the right. TheThe Gardens Gardens areare open open to toto The Gardens are open thethe public public between between the public between 7.00am 7.00am andand 4.00pm 4.00pm weekdays weekdays 7.00am and 4.00pm weekdays 9.00am 9.00am and and 4.00pm 4.00pm weekends weekends 9.00am and 4.00pm weekends Closed Closed Public Public holidays. holidays. Closed Public holidays.
VOLUNTEERS VOLUNTEERS WORK WORK VOLUNTEERS WORK MORNINGS MORNINGS MORNINGS AT AT SITE SITE AT SITE Last Last Sunday Sunday ofof month Last Sunday ofmonth month 7.30am 7.30am summer, summer, 8am 8am winter winter tilltill 11am 11am 7.30am summer, 8am winter till 11am
Each Each Wednesday Wednesday Each Wednesday
8am 8am - 11am - 11am Summer Summer and and Winter Winter 8am - 11am Summer and Winter
GUIDED GUIDED TOURS, TOURS, WALKS WALKS AND AND TALKS TALKS GUIDED TOURS, WALKS AND TALKS By By appointment appointment - ring - ring 0450 596596 705 705 or or contact: contact: By appointment - 0450 ring 0450 596 705 or contact: Email: Email: secretary@friendslrbg.com.au secretary@friendslrbg.com.au Email: secretary@friendslrbg.com.au Website: Website: www.friendslrbg.com.au www.friendslrbg.com.au Website: www.friendslrbg.com.au www.facebook.com.au/FLRBG www.facebook.com.au/FLRBG www.facebook.com.au/FLRBG
AAA Beautiful Beautiful Place Place tototo Visit Visit Beautiful Place Visit
Visitor»s Visitor»s Centre Centre Visitor»s Centre
(open (open Wednesdays Wednesdays from from 8 am 8 am till 11am) 11am) (open Wednesdays from 8till am till 11am) or or byor by appointment. appointment. by appointment. Self Self guiding guiding maps maps areare available available in boxes inin boxes Self guiding maps are available boxes at each atat each of of the the car car parks. parks. each of the car parks.
TheThe Gardens Gardens areare being being established established by by Friends Friends of Lismore of of Lismore The Gardens are being established by Friends Lismore Rainforest Rainforest Botanic Botanic Gardens Gardens with with great great support support from from Rainforest Botanic Gardens with great support from Lismore Lismore CityCity Council Council on on land land made made available available by by Council. Council. Lismore City Council on land made available by Council.
Free Free Entry Entry Free Entry Donations Donations welcome Donationswelcome welcome Close Close to town toto town thisthis isthis aisgreat a place place to walk, toto walk, observe observe Close town is great a great place walk, observe local local wildlife, wildlife, meditate, meditate, paint... paint... and, and, of course, ofof course, seesee asee aa local wildlife, meditate, paint... and, course, superb superb collection collection of local ofof local rainforest rainforest plants. plants. There There areare superb collection local rainforest plants. There are many many cool cool areas areas to relax to relax in on in on a hot a hot summers summers day day and and many cool areas to relax in on a hot summers day and open open sunny sunny spaces spaces forfor winter winter picnics. picnics. Sorry Sorry no no dogs! dogs! open sunny spaces for winter picnics. Sorry no dogs!
THE THEGARDENS GARDENS This Thisisisone oneof ofthe thenew newstyle stylebotanic botanicgardens, gardens, featuring featuringlocal localnative nativeplants plantsalmost almostexclusively exclusivelyand and with withvery veryfew fewmanicured manicuredgarden gardenbeds. beds.Prunings, Prunings, mulch mulchand andnatural naturalground groundcovers covershelp helpto tocreate create and andsustain sustainthis thisnatural naturalenvironment, environment,resulting resultingininaa collection collectionof ofbeautiful beautifulhealthy healthyplants. plants. Only Onlystarted startedinin2002 2002some someareas areasof ofthe theGardens Gardens are arestill stillbeing beingdeveloped developedbut butalready alreadythere thereare arethree three separate separatesections sectionsof ofwell wellestablished establishedrainforest rainforest and andother otherspecialised specialisedgardens. gardens. While Whilegeared gearedto to conservation, conservation,biodiversity, biodiversity,education educationand andresearch, research, these theseGardens Gardensare arealso alsoaawonderful wonderfulplace placefor for recreation, recreation,relaxation relaxationand andplay, play,with withpicnic picnicareas areas and andestablished establishedwalking walkingpaths, paths,some someof ofwhich whichare are wheelchair wheelchairaccessible. accessible.
RAINFOREST RAINFORESTWALK WALKstarts startsatatthe thesecond secondcar car
SENSORY SENSORYGARDEN GARDENbetween betweenthe thetwo twocar car
park. park.This Thisisisan anarea areaof ofdry dryand andsubtropical subtropicalrainforest rainforest plants plantswith withaagreat greatvariety varietyof ofunderstory understoryshrubs, shrubs, ferns fernsand andepiphytes. epiphytes.There Thereisisaasealed, sealed,all allweather weather path, path,shaded shadedseating seatingand andpicnic picnicareas. areas.Listen Listenfor for some someof ofthe the110 110species speciesof ofbirds birdswhich whichhave havebeen been sighted sightedininthe thegardens. gardens.
parks parkshas hasall allweather weatherpaths, paths,aaminibus minibusunloading unloading area, area,covered coveredseating seatingareas areasand andplants plantswhich whichhave have been beenchosen chosenfor fortheir theircolour, colour,texture textureand andperfume. perfume.
USEFUL USEFULPLANTS PLANTSGARDEN GARDENisisaccessible accessiblefrom from the thesecond secondcar carpark. park.ItItcontains containsplants plantswhich whichwere were used usedby bythe theAboriginal Aboriginalpeople peopleand andearly earlysettlers settlers for forfood, food,weapons, weapons,structures, structures,weaving, weaving,clothing clothing and andmedicine. medicine.Other Otherplants plantsare arethose thosebeing being developed developedby bythe thebush bushtucker tuckerindustry industryand andused used for formaking makingmodern modernmedicine. medicine.Illustrated Illustratedsigns signsand and an anAboriginal Aboriginaltalking talkingsign signgive giveinformation informationabout about the theuses usesof ofthese theseplants. plants.
WILSON WILSONPARK PARKGARDEN GARDENisisaawonderful wonderful collection collectionof oflocal localrainforest rainforestplants plantsfor forforest forest regeneration regenerationor orthe thehome homegarden. garden.The Thegarden gardencan canbe be accessed accessedfrom frombehind behindthe theBBQ BBQor orthe thered redbridge. bridge.
UNCOMMON UNCOMMONPLANTS PLANTSGARDEN GARDENfeatures features plants plantsthat thatare areeither eitherdifficult difficultto togrow growor orare arenot notvery very common commonininthe thewild. wild.This Thisspecial specialarea areaisisadjacent adjacentto to the thefirst firstcar carpark. park.
HOOP HOOPPINE PINEFOREST FORESTWALK WALKisisaamagical, magical,cool, cool, SUNNY SUNNYSLOPE SLOPEisisadjacent adjacentto tothe thesecond secondcar carpark park and andtool toolshed. shed.With Withits itsmix mixof oflocal localnative nativeplants, plants,not not necessarily necessarilyrainforest rainforestplants, plants,this thisarea areaisisatatits itsbest bestinin spring springwhen whenthe theshrubs shrubsflower flowerprofusely. profusely.
shady shadyarea areafor forjogging, jogging,walking walkingor orjust justbeing, being,with with almost almost1km 1kmof ofwell wellgraded gradedpaths. paths.The Theentrance entranceisisatat the theeastern easternend endof ofthe theeucalypt eucalyptforest forestbeyond beyondthe thefirst first car carpark. park.There Thereisisaalabyrinth labyrinthatatthe thesummit. summit.Enjoy Enjoythe the Rock RockCircle, Circle,Glade GladeChimes, Chimes,reptile reptilemosaics mosaicsand andthe the Old OldFig FigTree Treecommunity communityof ofplants plantson onthe theway. way.