Local Matters: Issue 126, 7 November 2018

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LOCAL MATTERS /,6025( &,7< &281&,/ 1(:6 ,668( 129(0%(5

NEW TECHNOLOGY MAKES INFORMATION MORE ACCESSIBLE &RXQFLO KDV UHFHQWO\ SXUFKDVHG DQG LQVWDOOHG 5HDG6SHDNHU technology to ensure that people with a disability can access content on Council’s website. 7KH WHFKQRORJ\ SURYLGHV WH[W WR VSHHFK VHUYLFHV HQDEOLQJ SHRSOH WR KDYH website content read aloud at the click of a button. For 28-year-old Lismore man John Zambelli, who is vision impaired and a member of Council’s Disability Access and Inclusion Advisory Group, the new technology makes a huge difference. “I tested it and it works brilliantly… for reading general information about VRPHWKLQJ OLNH UHF\FOLQJ RU UDWHV DQG ZDWHU , MXVW SXVK D EXWWRQ DQG LW UHDGV WKH WH[W WR PH ,WµV IDQWDVWLF ³ -RKQ VDLG ², FDQ DGMXVW WKH VSHHG RI WKH YRLFH DQG WKH VL]H RI WKH WH[W The words are also highlighted, so should I wish to, I can make WKH WH[W UHDOO\ ELJ DQG IROORZ DORQJ ,WµV LQFUHGLEO\ KHOSIXO ³ The installation of ReadSpeaker technology is one of many actions being rolled out as part of the Disability Inclusion Action 3ODQ 0DNLQJ &RXQFLO VHUYLFHV DQG GRFXPHQWV PRUH accessible is a key element of the plan as well as working to improve physical barriers such as access to Council-owned buildings and public facilities. 0HPEHUV RI &RXQFLOµV 'LVDELOLW\ $FFHVV DQG ,QFOXVLRQ $GYLVRU\ Group play a key role in advising Council on how best to implement actions and were strong advocates for the installation of ReadSpeaker technology. The Disability Access and Inclusion Advisory Group is a passionate voice for people with a disability in the Lismore community. They are not shy in advocating for themselves and others, and pushing Council to make change happen. -RKQ KDV EHHQ D PHPEHU IRU VL[ PRQWKV DQG LV SURXG RI WKH ZRUN they are doing. He is very keen to see other agencies and local EXVLQHVVHV IROORZ &RXQFLOµV H[DPSOH

²:KHQ ZH VHH WDQJLEOH FKDQJHV OLNH WKLV QHZ WHFKQRORJ\ LW IHHOV OLNH WKH group is really achieving something – we’re making a difference in the FRPPXQLW\ WR HQVXUH HYHU\RQH KDV HTXDO DFFHVV ³ -RKQ VDLG “It’s hard to put into words, but when you need to access information from government agencies or local businesses and you can’t, it feels very UHVWULFWLYH :LWKRXW HTXDO DFFHVV , QHHG WR DVN VRPHRQH HOVH IRU DVVLVWDQFH But the thing is that people want to be independent and have information available to them no matter what their abilities are. ²:H EHOLHYH WKDW SURYLGLQJ DFFHVV WR LQIRUPDWLRQ IRU SHRSOH ZLWK disabilities should be absolutely essential. Not to mention you are GH¾QLWHO\ PLVVLQJ RXW RQ FXVWRPHUV LI \RX GRQµW DQG ZKDW VRUW RI EXVLQHVV GRHVQµW ZDQW PRUH FXVWRPHUV"³ People can now access the ReadSpeaker technology on the Lismore City Council website at www.lismore.nsw.gov.au.

RURAL LANDHOLDER INITIATIVE EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST NOW OPEN Expressions of Interest open today (7 November) for round six of the Rural Landholder Initiative project funds. Applicants will have ¾YH ZHHNV WR VXEPLW DQ (2, The Rural Landholder Initiative program has been operating for three years and is proving a success with landholders seeking small grants to boost their efforts in:

• Bush regeneration works restoring areas of native habitat or revegetation with local native plants.

• Assistance with environmental weed control and initial follow-up maintenance.

• Plantings for erosion stabilisation using local native plants. • Purchasing fencing materials to control livestock in riparian and wetland areas, and remnant vegetation improvement.

• Purchasing off-stream watering equipment to protect waterways from stock impact.

• Stabilising stock crossing points. Assistance of up to $5000 is available for primary works and initial PDLQWHQDQFH LQ WKH ¾UVW \HDU ZLWK FRPSOH[ UHVWRUDWLRQ SURMHFWV HOLJLEOH IRU VHFRQG \HDU IXQGV RI XS WR 6LWHV DORQJ ¿RRGSODLQ ULYHUEDQNV FDQ apply for up to $10,000 if works include fencing and off-stream watering. $V SDUW RI WKH 5XUDO /DQGKROGHU ,QLWLDWLYH &RXQFLO KRVWHG ¾YH ¾HOG GD\V LQ WKH /LVPRUH /RFDO *RYHUQPHQW $UHD GXULQJ 7KHVH IUHH ¾HOG GD\V DUH YHU\ popular, with local landholders coming together to learn up-to-date techniques in weed control, restoration and best-practice farming. $ PDMRU PHVVDJH RI WKHVH HYHQWV LV WKH LPSRUWDQFH RI D ZHOO WKRXJKW RXW DQG SODQQHG SURMHFW ,I \RX DUH FRQVLGHULQJ DSSO\LQJ IRU IXQGV SOHDVH PDNH XVH RI WKH UHVRXUFHV DYDLODEOH RQ RXU ZHEVLWH WR SODQ \RXU SURMHFW and address the questions in the application. These include using bestpractice techniques, addressing priority conservation issues in our region, talking to your neighbours and connecting with others in the natural resource management community. Our Environmental Strategies staff, along with many practitioners and natural resource specialists in the region, can help landholders with ideas, knowledge and resources. However, the single most important thing you can do to make \RXU SURMHFW PRUH DWWUDFWLYH IRU IXQGLQJ LV WR JHW VWDUWHG \RXUVHOI $ VLPSOH SURMHFW SODQ ZLOO VKRZ XV ZKDW \RX DUH DOUHDG\ GRLQJ ZKHUH \RX QHHG VRPH H[WUD KHOS DQG ZKDW DUH \RXU RYHUDOO JRDOV 7KH (2, URXQG FORVHV RQ 7KXUVGD\ 'HFHPEHU IRU QHZ SURMHFWV WKDW ZLOO begin mid-2019. )RU PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ RU WR GLVFXVV \RXU SURMHFW DQG HOLJLELOLW\ FRQWDFW RXU 5XUDO /DQGKROGHU ,QLWLDWLYH ([WHQVLRQ 2I¾FHU .DWH 6WHHO RQ

SAVE THE DATE FOR CAROLS! Carols in the Heart is coming g up p on Sunday, y 9 December from 4.30pm p at Crozier Field in Lismore. There will be singing, performances, food, fun, a special visitor kids will ORYH DQG ¾UHZRUNV WR HQG WKH HYHQLQJ .HHS WKH GDWH IUHH IRU D IDEXORXV DIWHUQRRQ RI IUHH &KULVWPDV IXQ

in the heart Sunday, December 9 Crozier Field Lismore

Gates open 4.30pm

NOMINATIONS SOUGHT FOR 2019 AUSTRALIA DAY AWARDS Lismore City Council is now calling for nominations for the 2019 Australia Day Awards. 0D\RU ,VDDF 6PLWK VDLG WKH DZDUGV ZHUH GHVLJQHG WR UHFRJQLVH SHRSOH ZKR FRQWULEXWHG WR WKHLU FRPPXQLW\ YROXQWHHUHG RU H[FHOOHG LQ WKHLU ¾HOG of endeavour. “Australia Day Awards give us a chance to single out people in our community ZKR PDNH D GLIIHUHQFH WR WKH OLYHV RI RWKHUV RU DUH DFKLHYLQJ H[FHSWLRQDO WKLQJV LQ WKHLU SURIHVVLRQ ³ ,VDDF VDLG “If you know someone who is passionate, talented or works tirelessly in the FRPPXQLW\ , HQFRXUDJH \RX WR QRPLQDWH WKHP ³ ,VDDF VDLG RIWHQ WKH RQO\ ZD\ IRU &RXQFLO WR KHDU DERXW WKH H[WUDRUGLQDU\ DFKLHYHPHQWV RI RUGLQDU\ FLWL]HQV LV IRU FROOHDJXHV IULHQGV RU IDPLO\ PHPEHUV to nominate them. “Inevitably, people who deserve reward never seek it, so we need your help to ¾QG WKH ZRQGHUIXO ORFDO SHRSOH GRLQJ JRRG GHHGV RU DFKLHYLQJ JUHDW WKLQJV LQ RXU FRPPXQLW\ ³ ,VDDF VDLG “It only takes 5-10 minutes to complete an online nomination, and it brings JUHDW MR\ WR ZDWFK KDUG ZRUNLQJ SHRSOH UHFHLYH D OLWWOH RI WKH UHFRJQLWLRQ WKH\ GHVHUYH ³ &DWHJRULHV LQ DUH &LWL]HQ RI WKH <HDU <RXQJ &LWL]HQ RI WKH <HDU $ERULJLQDO &LWL]HQ RI WKH <HDU Services in Community (Individual), Services in Community (Group), Sportsperson (Senior), Sportsperson (Junior), Sports (Team/Group/Organisation), Sustainable Environment and Art/Cultural. Nominations close on Thursday, 13 December 2018. Council now only accepts online nominations. Please visit www.lismore.nsw.gov.au to apply.

SAVING KOALAS ONE SIGN AT A TIME 3HRSOH LQ /LVPRUH DUH LQFUHGLEO\ OXFN\ WR OLYH DPRQJVW D VLJQL¾FDQW NRDOD SRSXODWLRQ There are not many urban places where you can go for a drive or look in your backyard and see such an iconic Australian species. But what people may not know is that koalas are listed as vulnerable to H[WLQFWLRQ LQ 16: /LYLQJ FORVH WR KXPDQV SODFHV NRDODV DW JUHDWHU ULVN RI LQMXU\ DQG GHDWK from cars and dogs, which are the two greatest threats to their survival after habitat loss and disease. To try and limit these koala deaths, Council is installing signage and SDYHPHQW PDUNLQJV DORQJ WKH :\UDOODK 5RDG 7XFNXULPED 5RDG NRDOD blackspot area. This section of road has the highest known rate of koala deaths due to vehicle strikes in Lismore. Drivers will be made aware that koalas are about and urged to slow down to the posted speed limit of 80km/hr. This can greatly reduce the chances of hitting a koala as well as making the roads safer for all motorists. Other things to keep in mind when driving: •. RDODV DUH FRQVWDQWO\ PRYLQJ EHWZHHQ KDELWDW DUHDV DFURVV the landscape. They are most active during their breeding VHDVRQ IURP 6HSWHPEHU WR 0DUFK • Dusk and dawn are the peak times for wildlife to be moving between trees and bushland across the landscape. This is when drivers should be most vigilant. ²6HSWHPEHU WR 0DUFK LV ZKHQ )ULHQGV RI WKH .RDOD UHFHLYHV LWV KLJKHVW QXPEHU RI FDOOV IRU DVVLVWDQFH IRU LQMXUHG RU GHDG DQLPDOV ³ &RXQFLOµV (QYLURQPHQWDO 6WUDWHJLHV 2I¾FHU :HQG\ 1HLODQ VDLG “Driving at the speed limit of 80km/hr as opposed to 90km/hr in the :\UDOODK 5RDG EODFNVSRW DUHD PD\ H[WHQG \RXU WUDYHO WLPH E\ OHVV WKDQ RQH PLQXWH :H KRSH WKDW WKH FRPPXQLW\ ZLOO FRQVLGHU WKLV D VPDOO SULFH WR SD\ WR KHOS VDYH RXU EHDXWLIXO NRDODV ³

)ULHQGV RI WKH .RDOD KDV D QHZ Koalas and Roads JORYHER[ JXLGH WKDW tells people what to do and who to call if they see a koala on the road or know that one has been hit. 7R UHSRUW VLFN RU LQMXUHG NRDODV SKRQH WKH )ULHQGV RI WKH .RDOD hotline on 6622 1233. To get a copy of the Koalas and Roads glovebox guide phone the )ULHQGV RI WKH .RDOD &DUH &HQWUH RQ

On 4 October, a member of the public rang the )ULHQGV RI WKH .RDOD hotline to report a koala sitting in the middle of :\UDOODK 5RDG DW 7XFNL after being hit by a car. The koala was slumped over, bleeding from the ear and left to die. The person who rang, Scott, waited by her side until help arrived. 4XD]]L UHFHLYHG PXOWLSOH abrasions to her face and tongue and a fractured cheek bone as well as several lacerations to her left arm and eye, a busted eardrum and other internal LQMXULHV )ULHQGV RI WKH .RDOD FDUHUV GLGQµW H[SHFW KHU WR VXUYLYH 4XD]]L ZDV WDNHQ WR &XUUXPELQ :LOGOLIH +RVSLWDO ZKHUH WKH YHW discovered she was lactating, however, after a thorough search of the DUHD ZKHUH 4XD]]L ZDV KLW FDUHUV ZHUH XQDEOH WR ORFDWH WKH MRH\ $IWHU WKUHH ORQJ ZHHNV RI UHKDELOLWDWLRQ 4XD]]L LV EDFN ZLWK )ULHQGV RI WKH .RDOD DQG WKH\ DUH FDULQJ IRU KHU XQWLO VKH LV VWURQJ DQG ZHOO HQRXJK WR be released back into the wild again.

DEVELOPMENT CONSENTS ISSUED (19,5210(17$/ 3/$11,1* $1' $66(660(17 $&7 In accordance with the provisions of Section 101 of the Act and &ODXVH RI WKH (3 $ 5HJXODWLRQ QRWL¾FDWLRQ LV JLYHQ WKDW WKH undermentioned developments have recently been granted consent. DA No. $OWHUQDWLYH :D\ 1LPELQ A 22-lot subdivision comprising 21 residential lots and one residue lot and associated civil, landscaping and regeneration works. -XOLH &UHVFHQW *RRQHOODEDK Dwelling with retaining wall forward of the building line. 17/413 DQG %ODFN 5RDG 7HUDQLD &UHHN Subdivision (boundary alteration). 9LUWXH 5RDG %H[KLOO Erection of a dwelling to create a detached dual occupancy and installation of an inground swimming pool. 5RVV 6WUHHW /LVPRUH $OWHUDWLRQV DQG DGGLWLRQV WR DQ H[LVWLQJ GZHOOLQJ house to create an attached dual occupancy and the strata subdivision of the attached dual occupancy, comprising the following stages: Stage 1 – erection of the car port and provision of driveway access to proposed Unit 2 from Ross Street; Stage 2 – internal alterations to create proposed Unit 1 and Unit 2; and Stage 3 – strata subdivision to create Unit 1 and Unit 2 and common property. %ULGJH 6WUHHW :\UDOODK Shed – amended site location. -RKQ 2µ1HLOO &LUFXLW *RRQHOODEDK Dwelling addition (covered deck). $OWHUQDWLYH :D\ 1LPELQ Dwelling. :\UDOODK 5RDG (DVW /LVPRUH 'HPROLWLRQ RI H[LVWLQJ GHWDFKHG JDUDJH DGGLWLRQ RI FDUSRUW DQG DZQLQJ WR H[LVWLQJ GZHOOLQJ FRQVWUXFWLRQ RI D QHZ GZHOOLQJ WR create a detached dual occupancy and strata subdivision. 5LFKPRQG +LOO 5RDG 5LFKPRQG +LOO Dwelling and plunge pool. 0XQUR 5RDG 'XQRRQ Change of use of a farm shed to a dwelling to create a detached dual occupancy. :RRGODUN 6WUHHW DQG .HHQ 6WUHHW /LVPRUH ‘Dollars for Dust’ fundraiser to be held on Sunday, 14 October 2018 from 12pm to 8pm. /XFLD &UHVFHQW +RZDUGV *UDVV Dwelling addition (covered deck).




5RVHKLOO 5RDG %ODNHEURRN Section 4.55(2) application to modify GHYHORSPHQW FRQVHQW 5RVHKLOO 5RDG 4XDUU\ WR H[WHQG WKH RSHUDWLRQ OLIH of the quarry until 5 January 2036. Details of applications and consents, together with conditions attached, may be inspected at Council’s Corporate Centre during business hours or YLD '$ 7UDFNLQJ DW ZZZ OLVPRUH QVZ JRY DX

DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS (19,5210(17$/ 3/$11,1* $1' $66(660(17 $&7 As the consent authority, Council has received the following development applications for consideration. '$ 180%(5 15/165-03 /2&$7,21 $1' '3 /27 224 Invercauld Road, Goonellabah (Lot 1 DP 1103669). $33/,&$17 0F&OR\ 3URMHFW 0DQDJHPHQW '(6&5,37,21 6HFWLRQ $ PRGL¾FDWLRQ WR UHORFDWH WKH VWRUPZDWHU GHWHQWLRQ basin and the sewer pump station. &/26,1* '$7( 21 November 2018. '$ 180%(5 18/401 /2&$7,21 $1' '3 /27 658 Ballina Road, Goonellabah (Lot 4 DP 406893). $33/,&$17 *0 3URMHFW 'HYHORSPHQW DQG 0DQDJHPHQW '(6&5,37,21 6XEGLYLVLRQ WR FUHDWH UHVLGHQWLDO ORWV DQG DVVRFLDWHG roadworks, earthworks, vegetation removal and civil works. &/26,1* '$7( 5 December 2018. ,I \RX ZLVK \RX PD\ PDNH D VXEPLVVLRQ WR WKH &RXQFLO LQ UHODWLRQ WR WKH development application. The above development applications and Statement of Environmental Effects may be inspected at Council’s Corporate Centre, 2OLYHU $YHQXH *RRQHOODEDK GXULQJ RUGLQDU\ RI¾FH KRXUV RU YLD '$ 7UDFNLQJ DW ZZZ OLVPRUH QVZ JRY DX )XUWKHU LQIRUPDWLRQ UHODWLQJ WR ZULWWHQ submissions is available on Council’s website. There are laws regarding the mandatory disclosure of political donations in relation to planning matters. Political donations disclosure reporting forms are available at www.planning.nsw.gov.au.

CHANGES TO ROADS AND ROAD NAMING Road closures In accordance with Section 38B of the Roads Act 1993, notice is given of the undermentioned proposals to close Council roads. • 5RDG UHVHUYH DGMRLQLQJ DQG )UDPH 5RDG 6RXWK *XQGXULPED • 5RDG UHVHUYH DGMRLQLQJ DQG (XUHND 'ULYH 5RVHEDQN • Unformed pathway between 63 and 65 Fig Tree Drive, Goonellabah. Upon closure of these roads, Council intends to sell the lands to the UHVSHFWLYH DGMRLQLQJ ODQGRZQHU

Proposed road names In accordance with Section 162 of the Roads Act 1993, notice is given of the undermentioned proposed road names: DOWRQ 'ULYH ° QHZ URDG FUHDWHG ZLWKLQ VXEGLYLVLRQ RI :LOVRQ 6WUHHW : South Lismore. Angela Place – road located within 32 Barham Street, East Lismore. Interested persons are invited to make written submissions concerning WKH URDG FORVLQJ DQG QDPLQJ SURSRVDOV WR WKH *HQHUDO 0DQDJHU 32 %R[ $ /LVPRUH 16: E\ 1RYHPEHU )RU PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ SKRQH RXU 3URSHUW\ DQG /HJDO 6HUYLFHV WHDP RQ

New road names In accordance with Section 162 of the Roads Act 1993, notice is JLYHQ RI WKH XQGHUPHQWLRQHG RI¾FLDOO\ QDPHG URDGV :D\QHV 3ODFH – road located within 40 Three Chain Road, South Lismore. Tranquil Court – new road created within subdivision of 198 Gungas Road, Nimbin.

ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION Planning Proposal to amend the Lismore Local Environment Plan at 407 and 379A Richmond Hill Road, Richmond Hill At its ordinary meeting on 14 August 2018, Lismore City Council resolved to support a planning proposal to amend the Lismore Local Environment 3ODQ /(3 WR UH]RQH SDUW RI DQG $ 5LFKPRQG +LOO 5RDG 5LFKPRQG +LOO /RW '3 DQG /RW '3 IURP 58 Primary Production to part Zone R5 Large Lot Residential (11.68ha) and SDUW =RQH ( (QYLURQPHQWDO &RQVHUYDWLRQ KD LQ DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK WKH (QYLURQPHQWDO 3ODQQLQJ DQG $VVHVVPHQW $FW 7KH REMHFWLYHV RI WKH SODQQLQJ SURSRVDO DUH WR IDFLOLWDWH ODUJH ORW residential development and conserve areas with ecological values. 7KH SODQQLQJ SURSRVDO VHHNV WR DPHQG WKH PLQLPXP ORW VL]H IRU ODQG SURSRVHG WR EH UH]RQHG WR =RQH 5 /DUJH /RW 5HVLGHQWLDO IURP KD WR Pï DQG DSSO\ D PD[LPXP EXLOGLQJ KHLJKW RI P $ PLQLPXP ORW VL]H ZLOO EH DSSOLHG WR HDFK DUHD RI ( WKDW LV FRPPHQVXUDWH ZLWK WKH VL]H of three different areas, those being 2ha, 1ha and 3500m². On 5 October 2018 the Department of Planning and Environment issued DQ DOWHUDWLRQ RI *DWHZD\ 'HWHUPLQDWLRQ ZLWK FRQGLWLRQV 7KH 0LQLVWHU IRU 3ODQQLQJ KDV QRW GHOHJDWHG WKH ¾QDOLVDWLRQ RI WKH /(3 WR &RXQFLO 7KH SODQQLQJ SURSRVDO LV RQ H[KLELWLRQ IRU SXEOLF FRPPHQW IURP 1RYHPEHU WR 'HFHPEHU &RSLHV RI WKH SURSRVDO *DWHZD\ Determination and technical studies are available at our Corporate Centre, 43 Oliver Avenue, Goonellabah, and on our website www.lismore.nsw.gov.au YLD WKH ´<RXU 6D\ /LVPRUHµ OLQN 6XEPLVVLRQV RXWOLQLQJ JURXQGV RI REMHFWLRQ RU VXSSRUW FDQ EH PDGH online, emailed to council@lismore.nsw.gov.au or posted to the *HQHUDO 0DQDJHU /LVPRUH &LW\ &RXQFLO 32 %R[ $ /LVPRUH )RU HQTXLULHV FRQWDFW 6WUDWHJLF 3ODQQHU 6DOO\ 6ODWHU RQ 6XEPLVVLRQV PXVW EH UHFHLYHG E\ )ULGD\ 'HFHPEHU

IDEAS WANTED FOR LISMORE WOMEN’S FESTIVAL 7KH /LVPRUH :RPHQµV )HVWLYDO LV VHHNLQJ SURSRVDOV IURP WKH FRPPXQLW\ IRU WKH WKLUG /LVPRUH :RPHQµV )HVWLYDO in March 2019. But you’ll have to be quick… H[SUHVVLRQV RI LQWHUHVW DUH GXH E\ 0RQGD\ 1RYHPEHU Festival organisers are looking for proposals including workshops, discussions and celebrations that strengthen, empower and support women. If you have a great idea for an event or activity, complete the form at www.surveymonkey.com/r/DQG3T92. <RX FDQ DOVR FRQWDFW WKH )HVWLYDO &RRUGLQDWRU RQ RU ZRPHQVIHVWLYDO#\ZFDQVZ FRP DX ZLWK any questions or to receive an emailable form.


DO BUSINESS WITH COUNCIL ONLINE 24/7 'LG \RX NQRZ \RX FDQ PDNH D UHTXHVW RI &RXQFLO RU ORGJH D complaint with us online at any time of day or night? ,I \RX QRWLFH VRPHWKLQJ WKDW QHHGV ¾[LQJ DIWHU KRXUV ZKLOH \RXµUH RXW KDYLQJ GLQQHU RU ZDONLQJ LQ WKH PRUQLQJ \RX FDQ VLPSO\ MXPS RQOLQH DQG let us know then and there and our staff will get to it as soon as they can. :H DOVR RIIHU D UDQJH RI RWKHU RQOLQH VHUYLFHV JLYLQJ UHVLGHQWV FRQYHQLHQW access 24 hours a day. These include: • Paying your rates, water and other Council invoices. • Accessing DA Tracking. • 0DNLQJ GHYHORSPHQW DSSOLFDWLRQ SD\PHQWV YLD WKH (OHFWURQLF Lodgement Portal. • 5HTXHVWLQJ D &HUWL¾FDWH To lodge a customer request simply go to www.lismore.nsw.gov.au and click on Report a Problem on our homepage.

YOUR COVER -RKQ =DPEHOOL LV DQG has a vision impairment. +H LV H[FLWHG WKDW &RXQFLO has installed ReadSpeaker technology on its website – another step to increasing access and inclusion for everyone in our community. Read his story in this edition.


1300 87 83 87 Lismore City Council’s Corporate Centre is located at 43 Oliver Avenue, Goonellabah. :H DUH RSHQ 0RQGD\ WR )ULGD\ IURP DP WR SP 2XU SRVWDO DGGUHVV LV 32 %R[ $ /LVPRUH 16: <RX FDQ HPDLO XV DW council@lismore.nsw.gov.au



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