Local Matters, Issue 151, 23 October 2019

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THE MASTER AND HIS APPRENTICES Geoff Hannah, creator of the world-famous Hannah Cabinet, has revealed his latest work Jubilee House at a new exhibition of fine woodwork at the Lismore Regional Gallery that also features the work of his students. While smaller than the Hannah Cabinet, Jubilee House is also an exquisite labour of love that was three years in the crafting. It is made of Brazilian and Sapele mahogany, ebony and satinwood and includes many stone features including window panes of Brazilian agate, 730 jade roof tiles, 18 ebony columns and a jasper foundation.


Front cover: Master craftsman Geoff Hannah. Left: Jubilee House almost ready to go on display.

The exhibition – Chesta Drawz and The Lowboys – also features more than 60 beautiful works by 26 of Geoff Hannah’s students, some of who have been studying under Geoff for more than 19 years. The works include intricate boxes, sideboards, dressers, mirrors, tables and two guitars. The pieces are made of woods including red cedar, walnut, ebony and brazilian mahogany. Some works are adorned with beautiful marquetry of king parrots, horses, grass trees, plants and street art, or simply the elegant lustre, grain and colour of the various woods. The exhibition runs until December 1.

RURAL LANDHOLDER INITIATIVE 2020 FU • Are you working towards bushland restoration on your rural property? • Are you seeking innovative ways to achieve sustainable farming and landscape regeneration? • Are you working with your neighbours on habitat connectivity and riparian restoration? • Are you seeking professional bush regeneration help to give you the skills and knowledge to tackle your own project? A small grant over two years to assist your project may interest you. The Lismore City Council Rural Landholder Initiative small-grants program is designed to help private rural landholders undertake staged works for bushland restoration, habitat improvement and landscape regeneration. The Rural Landholder Initiative (RLI) will best suit farmers and property owners who are already focused on efforts to conserve and restore the

UNDING OPPORTUNITIES land, but require some funding and mentor support to meet the challenges of environmental weed management, assisted natural regeneration, revegetation and conservation. Integrating farming practices that improve long-term health of farming and grazing systems are also a critical aspect of looking after the landscapes and industries of the Northern Rivers. The funding program will support applicants who are seeking to implement practices that offer mutual benefits for the natural environment and production. Contact our Rural Extension Officer for more information about eligibility, project ideas and planning, or submit an Expression of Interest form to be considered in the 2020 funding round. The RLI is funded through the Biodiversity Management Strategy, which has a broad aim to improve the quality and extent of native habitat in the Lismore Local Government Area. Expressions of Interests will open on the Council website on 6 November and close on 13 December. Phone 1300 87 83 87 for further information.

HELP SHAPE THE FUTURE Council is updating its Community Strategic Plan to guide our planning and delivery over the next 10 years. To do this we are engaging with the community to develop goals and strategies that will take Lismore and its villages through to 2030. Council is also preparing a Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS) which will be the core strategic land-use planning document for Lismore. Our new LSPS will outline the 20-year vision for land use in the local area, special characteristics which contribute to local identity, shared community values to be maintained and enhanced, and how growth and change will be managed into the future. We need your assistance with this work, so we are engaging early with the community before preparing the LSPS. We’re keen to involve the whole community in both of these plans. In coming months there will be a range of opportunities for you to have your say and get involved. This includes a survey, which closes on 11 November, and a series of workshops and forums next February. You can also go to Your Say Lismore at www.yoursay.lismore.nsw.gov.au to submit your ideas for the future of Lismore.

JOIN THE AUSSIE BACKYARD BIRD COUNT Spring means birds will start reappearing from their winter hideaways ready to be counted in BirdLife Australia’s Aussie Backyard Bird Count from 21 October to 27 October. This year, Council is supporting the count and encourages everyone to get involved. Why? Because it’s fun and it’s easy to join in. Just download the free Aussie Bird Count app and you can get out and learn about birds. You can take part anywhere – your backyard, local park, botanical gardens, or schoolyard. Wherever you might see birds. You can do as many 20 minute counts as you like. Don’t worry if you don’t know all the birds. The app contains a field guide to look up birds. For those who don’t use “smart” devices or prefer to submit their counts later, there is a printable form available at www.aussiebirdcount.org.au. School materials can also be found there.


Discuss: What to do if a bush fire threatens your home Many households find that having a discussion over dinner works best as everybody is together and focused.


Prepare: Your home and get it ready for bush fire season There are simple things you can do around your home to prepare it for a bush fire, like keeping the grass low and having a cleared area around your home.


Know: The bush fire alert levels If there is a fire in your area you will find its alert level on the NSW Rural Fire Service website and in the ‘Fires Near Me’ app. The app is very user friendly. Users can zoom right in to the area you are looking at. You need to keep track of the alert level so you know what you should do.


Keep: All the bush fire information numbers, websites and the smartphone app In a bush fire, it’s important that you stay up to date on conditions in your area. Download the guide to start your discussion at www.rfs.nsw.gov.au Fires Near Me www.rfs.nsw.gov.au/fire-information/fires-near-me or download the app from your App Store.




In accordance with the provisions of Section 101 of the Act and Clause In In accordance accordance with with the the provisions provisions of of Section Section 101 101 of of the the Act Act and and Clause Clause 124 of the EP&A Regulation, notification is given that the undermentioned 124 of the EP&A Regulation, notification is given that the undermentioned 124 of the EP&A Regulation, notification is given that the undermentioned developments have recently been granted consent. developments developments have have recently recently been been granted granted consent. consent.

16/084-2 16/084-2 17 17 Alternative Way, Nimbin: Section 4.55(1A) modification to 17 Alternative Alternative Way, Way, Nimbin: Nimbin: Section Section 4.55(1A) 4.55(1A) modification modification to to

approved approved deck by increasing size from 2000 to 3600mm wide (Stage 2). approved deck deck by by increasing increasing size size from from 2000 2000 to to 3600mm 3600mm wide wide (Stage (Stage 2). 2). 18/306-3 18/306-3 111 Janice Janice Court, Bexhill: Section 4.55(1A) modification to Janice Court, Court, Bexhill: Bexhill: Section Section 4.55(1A) 4.55(1A) modification modification to to ground levels of secondary dwelling, relocation of entry stairs and change ground ground levels levels of of secondary secondary dwelling, dwelling, relocation relocation of of entry entry stairs stairs and and change change rear patio to a deck. rear patio to a deck. rear patio to a deck. 19/146 19/146 285 285 Rous Road, Chilcotts Grass: Detached dual occupancy and 285 Rous Rous Road, Road, Chilcotts Chilcotts Grass: Grass: Detached Detached dual dual occupancy occupancy and and removal of four trees. removal of four trees. removal of four trees. 19/208 19/208 387 387 Tuntable Falls Road, Nimbin: The change of use of an 387 Tuntable Tuntable Falls Falls Road, Road, Nimbin: Nimbin: The The change change of of use use of of an an existing out-building to be part of an expanded dwelling (to the principle existing out-building to be part of an expanded dwelling (to the principle existing out-building to be part of an expanded dwelling (to the principle dwelling); dwelling); and the change of use of the former dairy bales to a detached dwelling); and and the the change change of of use use of of the the former former dairy dairy bales bales to to a a detached detached dual occupancy including associated outbuildings (detached toilet dual occupancy including associated outbuildings (detached toilet and dual occupancy including associated outbuildings (detached toilet and and laundry) and infrastructure works. laundry) laundry) and and infrastructure infrastructure works. works. 19/210 19/210 38 38 and 42 Boundary Road, Lindendale: To undertake a 38 and and 42 42 Boundary Boundary Road, Road, Lindendale: Lindendale: To To undertake undertake a a boundary adjustment subdivision between two lots. boundary boundary adjustment adjustment subdivision subdivision between between two two lots. lots. 19/224 19/224 87 87 Keen Street, Lismore: To undertake alterations and additions 87 Keen Keen Street, Street, Lismore: Lismore: To To undertake undertake alterations alterations and and additions additions to the existing food and drink premises (bakery), comprising principally to the to the the existing existing food food and and drink drink premises premises (bakery), (bakery), comprising comprising principally principally the the construction of a new floor level to be used as part of the bakery and also construction of a new floor level to be used as part of the bakery and also construction of a new floor level to be used as part of the bakery and also flood flood free storage in a flood event. flood free free storage storage in in a a flood flood event. event. 19/230 19/230 81 81 Cameron Road, Boat Harbour: Shed. 81 Cameron Cameron Road, Road, Boat Boat Harbour: Harbour: Shed. Shed. 19/249 19/249 607 607 and 644 Boatharbour Road, Eltham: Subdivision 607 and and 644 644 Boatharbour Boatharbour Road, Road, Eltham: Eltham: Subdivision Subdivision (boundary alteration). (boundary alteration). (boundary alteration). 19/258 19/258 111 Cowley Cowley Road, Dunoon: Extension to existing shed. Cowley Road, Road, Dunoon: Dunoon: Extension Extension to to existing existing shed. shed.

19/273 19/273 32 32 Toongahra Circuit, Goonellabah: Inground swimming pool. 32 Toongahra Toongahra Circuit, Circuit, Goonellabah: Goonellabah: Inground Inground swimming swimming pool. pool. 19/294 19/294 33 33 Cathcart Street, Girards Hill: Removal of three trees (two red 33 Cathcart Cathcart Street, Street, Girards Girards Hill: Hill: Removal Removal of of three three trees trees (two (two red red

gum gum and one white gum) in a heritage conservation area. gum and and one one white white gum) gum) in in a a heritage heritage conservation conservation area. area. 19/298 19/298 111 Little Little Uralba Street, Lismore: New dwelling to create a Little Uralba Uralba Street, Street, Lismore: Lismore: New New dwelling dwelling to to create create a a detached dual occupancy and strata subdivision. detached dual occupancy and strata subdivision. detached dual occupancy and strata subdivision. 19/310 19/310 666 Myall Myall Court, Caniaba: Shed. Myall Court, Court, Caniaba: Caniaba: Shed. Shed. 19/311 19/311 32 32 Lomandra Avenue, Caniaba: Dwelling and retaining walls. 32 Lomandra Lomandra Avenue, Avenue, Caniaba: Caniaba: Dwelling Dwelling and and retaining retaining walls. walls.

19/312 19/312 128 128 Wilson Street, South Lismore: Change of use of an existing 128 Wilson Wilson Street, Street, South South Lismore: Lismore: Change Change of of use use of of an an existing existing building building to a specialised retail premises including minor alterations and building to to a a specialised specialised retail retail premises premises including including minor minor alterations alterations and and additions, 1.8m fencing and reconfiguration of car parking spaces. additions, additions, 1.8m 1.8m fencing fencing and and reconfiguration reconfiguration of of car car parking parking spaces. spaces.

19/312 19/312 128 128 Wilson Wilson Street, Street, South South Lismore: Lismore: Change Change of of use use of of an an existing existing building building to to a a specialised specialised retail retail premises premises including including minor minor alterations alterations and and additions, additions, 1.8m 1.8m fencing fencing and and reconfiguration reconfiguration of of car car parking parking spaces. spaces. 19/314 19/314 106 106 The The Channon Channon Road, Road, The The Channon: Channon: Farm Farm shed. shed.

19/316 19/316 15 15 Misty Misty Valley Valley View, View, Goonellabah: Goonellabah: Inground Inground swimming swimming pool. pool. 19/317 19/317 567 567 Humpty Humpty Back Back Road, Road, Pearces Pearces Creek: Creek: Staged Staged dwelling dwelling

additions additions and and alterations alterations and and an an inground inground swimming swimming pool. pool. 19/323 19/323 11 Coleman Coleman Street, Street, Lismore: Lismore: Removal Removal of of two two trees trees in in a a heritage heritage conservation conservation area. area. 19/325 19/325 315 315 Warby Warby Road, Road, Jiggi: Jiggi: Change Change of of use use of of a a shed shed to to a a dwelling dwelling with with associated associated alterations alterations and and additions. additions. 19/327 19/327 313 313 Wyrallah Wyrallah Road, Road, Monaltrie: Monaltrie: Shed Shed addition addition (awning) (awning) at at Model Model Aeroplane Aeroplane Club Club House. House. Details Details of of applications applications and and consents, consents, together together with with conditions conditions attached, attached, may may be be inspected inspected at at Council’s Council’s Corporate Corporate Centre Centre during during business business hours hours or or via DA Tracking at www.lismore.nsw.gov.au. via DA Tracking at www.lismore.nsw.gov.au.



As As the the consent consent authority, authority, Council Council has has received received the the following following development development applications for consideration. applications for consideration.

DA DA NUMBER: NUMBER: 19/343 19/343 LOCATION LOCATION AND AND DP DP LOT: LOT: 84 84 Armstrong Armstrong Road, Road, Rosebank Rosebank (Lot (Lot 92 92 FDP FDP 828563). 828563).

APPLICANT: APPLICANT: Northern Northern Rivers Rivers Land Land Solutions Solutions Pty Pty Ltd. Ltd. DESCRIPTION: DESCRIPTION: Aquaculture Aquaculture – – production production of of spirulina spirulina algae. algae. CLOSING CLOSING DATE: DATE: 66 November November 2019. 2019.

If If you you wish, wish, you you may may make make a a submission submission to to the the Council Council in in relation relation to to the the development application. development application.

The The above above development development applications applications and and Statement Statement of of Environmental Environmental Effects Effects may may be be inspected inspected at at Council’s Council’s Corporate Corporate Centre, Centre, 43 43 Oliver Oliver Avenue, Avenue, Goonellabah, during ordinary office hours or via DA Tracking at www. Goonellabah, during ordinary office hours or via DA Tracking at www. lismore.nsw.gov.au. lismore.nsw.gov.au. Further Further information information relating relating to to written written submissions submissions is is available available on on Council’s website. There are laws regarding the mandatory disclosure Council’s website. There are laws regarding the mandatory disclosure of of political political donations donations in in relation relation to to planning planning matters. matters. Political Political donations donations disclosure reporting forms are available from the Department disclosure reporting forms are available from the Department of of Planning Planning at at www.planning.nsw.gov.au. www.planning.nsw.gov.au.

FREE BUSINESS WORKSHOP Event Ready Lismore! If you are a business operator, event organiser, sporting group, charity, supplier, potential sponsor or an outlying tourism business, this is the one event you must attend this year! Come and find out how to take advantage of the economic boost that’s generated from events in our region. Speakers include author, marketing expert and businessman Hunter Leonard and the Director of Tamworth Music Festival Barry Harley. This free breakfast event is being run in collaboration with Lismore City Council, the Lismore Chamber of Commerce, Southern Cross University and the Entrepreneur Facilitators Service. When: Tuesday, 29 October Where: Star Court Theatre, Molesworth Street, Lismore Time: 7.30am to 9am Register at: www.eventbrite.com.au To find other events in the region go to www.businessmonth.nsw.gov.au

ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION Draft Community Engagement Strategy and Community Participation Plan The community is invited to have their say on Council’s draft Community Engagement Strategy now on exhibition. The draft Community Engagement Strategy outlines our commitment to informing and engaging with the community about Council business. The document describes what Council aspires to achieve and assists in guiding how Council proposes to communicate with its community. The draft strategy includes Council’s Community Participation Plan in accordance with Schedule 1 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. The draft Community Participation Plan outlines how and when Council will undertake community participation when exercising its range of planning functions including development assessment and strategic planning functions. Council resolved at its ordinary meeting of 8 October 2019 to commence public exhibition of the draft Community Engagement Strategy and draft Community Participation Plan (Appendix 1 of the Strategy). Copies of the draft document are available at the front counter of our Corporate Centre, 43 Oliver Avenue, Goonellabah, and on our website at www.lismore.nsw.gov.au by following the ‘Your Say Lismore’ link. Submissions outlining grounds of objection or support can be made online at www.lismore.nsw.gov.au, emailed to council@lismore.nsw.gov.au or sent to the General Manager, Lismore City Council, PO Box 23A, Lismore, NSW 2480. Submissions must be received by close of business on 20 November 2019. For enquiries, please contact Council’s Community Engagement Team on 1300 87 83 87.

ONONPUBLIC PUBLICEXHIBITION EXHIBITION Draft Draft Economic Economic Development Development Strategy Strategy 2019-2024 2019-2024 TheThe objective objective of an of an Economic Economic Development Development Strategy Strategy is to is identify to identify ways ways to support to support sustainable sustainable growth growth of our of our existing existing industries industries andand services, services, andand encourage encourage thethe development development of new of new ones ones over over thethe coming coming years. years. Council Council resolved resolved to support to support thethe development development of aofnew a new Economic Economic Development Development Strategy Strategy at its at its ordinary ordinary meeting meeting of 14 of 14 May May 2019. 2019. To To obtain obtain input input from from thethe community, community, a survey a survey was was conducted conducted andand six six workshops workshops were were held. held. TheThe draft draft Economic Economic Development Development Strategy Strategy is on is on exhibition exhibition for for public public comment comment from from 16 16 October October to 12 to 12 November November 2019. 2019. Copies Copies of the of the draft draft document document areare available available at the at the front front counter counter of our of our Corporate Corporate Centre, Centre, 43 43 Oliver Oliver Avenue, Avenue, Goonellabah, Goonellabah, andand on on ourour website website at at www.lismore.nsw.gov.au www.lismore.nsw.gov.au by by following following thethe ‘Your ‘Your SaySay Lismore’ Lismore’ link. link. Submissions Submissions outlining outlining grounds grounds of objection of objection or support or support cancan be be made made online online at www.lismore.nsw.gov.au, at www.lismore.nsw.gov.au, emailed emailed to council@lismore.nsw.gov.au to council@lismore.nsw.gov.au or sent or sent to the to the General General Manager, Manager, Lismore Lismore CityCity Council, Council, POPO BoxBox 23A, 23A, Lismore, Lismore, NSW NSW 2480. 2480. ForFor enquiries, enquiries, please please contact contact Economic Economic Development Development Manager Manager Tina Tina Irish Irish on on 1300 1300 87 87 83 83 87.87.

HALF-DAY PUBLIC HOLIDAY: LISMORE CUP Council has received an application for a part-day local public holiday from the Lismore Turf Club for the Lismore Cup Day races for the next two years. The part-day public holiday would fall on Thursday, 24 September 2020 and Thursday, 23 September 2021 from 12pm to 6pm. The public is invited to make submissions regarding this application until Friday 22 November. Please email submissions to council@lismore.nsw.gov.au or post to the General Manager, Lismore City Council, PO Box 23A, Lismore, NSW 2480. Submissions should state reasons for objection or support.


1300 87 83 87 Corporate Centre: 43 Oliver Avenue, Goonellabah Hours: Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 4.30pm Post: PO Box 23A, Lismore, NSW 2480 Email: council@lismore.nsw.gov.au Web: www.lismore.nsw.gov.au

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