Local Matters: Issue 74, 9 November 2016

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THE DIRTY DOZEN 12 Recycling Rules for your yellow bin


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BAG THE BAG You can recycle all soft plastic packaging including plastic bags, clean cling wrap, frozen vegie bags, pasta and biscuit packets etc. Place it all in a bag, tie it up and put it in your recycling bin.

ROADS PAVED WITH GLASS All glass and crockery will be crushed into sandand used for road base. Pyrex, drinking glasses, crockery and window glass are now accepted in your recycling bin along with glass bottles and jars. No windscreens please.

NO STRINGS ATTACHED String, rope and electrical cable can become tangled around the MRF machinery, hindering the recycling process. Please do not place these items in your recycling bin.

THE DIRTY DOZEN 12 Recycling Rules for your yellow bin




Recyclable containers need to be empty and free of food but they don’t need to be washed. Save time and elbow grease.




Clean, white polystyrene can now be placed in your recycling bin. Put it in a plastic bag and tie it up. Please no bean bag beans.




The labels on bottles and containers wash off during the recycling process. There is no need to remove them.




Place recyclables into the bin loose not stacked inside one another or in plastic bags. (This excludes polystyrene and soft plastics.)



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You can place all hard plastics in your recycling bin regardless of whether they display the triangle or not. This includes plastic tableware, toys and plant pots.

GRAB A SATCHEL Grab a Resource Recovery Collection Satchel for household batteries, reading glasses, corks, X-rays, CDs and DVDs, mobile phones and accessories, printer cartridges, small electronics, electrical cords and smoke alarms.



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NO FOOD PLEASE Food and food-spoiled paper and cardboard items such as pizza boxes and paper towel do not belong in your recycling bin. Please put these items in your green organics bin.

PUT A LID ON IT You can now leave the lids on all your recyclables. Put the lids back on your plastic bottles and containers, glass jars and bottles (including twist tops) and put them in your recycling bin.


Place all small plastics such as bread tags andstraws in an empty milk bottle, put the lid on and place in your recycling bin. They are too small for the MRF machinery to remove on their own butare still a valuable resource.

For more information visit www.northernriverswaste.com.au

CELEBRATING NATIONAL RECYCLING WEEK Community Open Day and Dirty Dozen reminder We are celebrating National Recycling Week and the 15th anniversary of Northern Rivers Waste this month with a big Community Open Day on Saturday, 19 November. As you will notice to your left, we are also reminding residents about The Dirty Dozen: 12 Recycling Rules for Your Yellow Bin. Please stick these rules on your fridge until you learn them off by heart! Following the Dirty Dozen rules helps us to recycle everything we can possible, saving valuable resources, helping our environment and earning money to put back into sustainability initiatives.

Lismore is a leading council when it comes to recycling, waste innovation and sustainability, but we need everyone to make the effort and recycle right to truly be a recycling capital. But enough of that... back to the birthday celebrations! Northern Rivers Waste is Lismore City Council’s waste operations arm. It was launched 15 years ago to help Lismore get its act together in the waste management department and it has surpassed all expectations. Lismore has an incredible list of achievements under its belt including being Australia’s first council to make 100% certified organic compost from food and garden waste and the first NSW council to cap and regenerate landfill with native vegetation. At our Community Open Day you can learn all about our recycling history and enjoy bus tours of the Lismore Recycling & Recovery Centre, including the Materials Recovery Facility (our state-of-the-art recycling machine) and the newly opened organics processing pad. There are lots of other family friendly activities for all ages including: • Wheelie bin-lifting competition • Recycled Market and Old Wares Sale • Guided walks through the Lismore Rainforest Botanic Gardens and landfill rehabilitation areas • Recycled craft and composting activities for kids • Love Food Hate Waste cooking workshops

• North East Waste’s The Greenhouse (fun recycling games for kids) • Interactive water catchment model • Free face painting • Food and coffee • Recycled sculpture displays • Prizes and giveaways

Northern Rivers Waste’s 15th birthday Community Open Day is on Saturday, 19 November from 9am to 2pm at 313 Wyrallah Road, East Lismore. All activities are free and everyone is welcome. Please note: The facility will be closed to waste disposal from 9am to 2pm.


Can you imagine the old Lismore Railway Station in South Lismore as a theatre? Artist studios down by the riverbank? Trapeze acts in the new Quadrangle? Night markets in the CBD? What are your good ideas? We want to hear them! Council is currently working with placemaking experts Village Well to create a plan for the CBD, the new Lismore Quadrangle and the riverbank between the two bridges. We want to hear your ideas, your experiences of Lismore, and what you value about your place. Village Well were instrumental in the activation of Melbourne’s Flinders Lane and Degraves Street in the early 90s and are experts at transforming spaces to create interesting experiences for visitors and locals.

Village Well would like everyone in Lismore to get involved! They are hosting three ‘Listening Posts’ during November where they will record people’s stories and memories as well as gather new ideas and creative ways to activate and populate Lismore. The information will help to develop three strategies: • A CBD Retail Strategy to boost growth in the city centre. This will include recommendations relating to retail mix, physical improvements, programming and events for the CBD, marketing and new projects. • The Quadrangle Creative Placemaking Strategy to activate the new public town square and Lismore Regional Gallery site. This will include recommendations on the management of public events and programming within the quadrangle. • A Bridge to Bridge Masterplan and Plan of Management to restore the riverbank between the two CBD bridges. There will be one plan for the CBD side and one plan for South Lismore with possibilities for future uses of the old Railway Station, Hurfords buildings and other unused areas along the bank. A shared vision will help set the direction for future uses and new attractions. The three Listening Posts are detailed below. • Thursday, 17 November at the Lismore Produce Markets in Magellan Street from 3.30-6.30pm. • Friday, 18 November at the South Lismore Railway Station from 9am to 12pm. • Saturday, 19 November next to the Lismore Transit Centre in the CBD from 9am to 12pm. Bring your ideas and your memories/stories of Lismore. Be part of making the city become more vibrant, diverse and interesting. Warning: You may be stopped by the Lollipop Ladies. They are joining us for a bit of fun, some hilarious crowd control and spontaneous roundabout antics!


In accordance with PLANNING the provisions Section 101 ofACT the Act and Clause ENVIRONMENTAL ANDof In accordance with the provisions ofASSESSMENT Section 101 of the Act and Clause 124 of the EP&Awith Regulation, notification is given theAct undermentioned In accordance the provisions of Section 101 that of the and Clause 124 of the EP&A Regulation, notification is given that the undermentioned developments have recently been granted consent. 124 of the EP&A Regulation, notification isconsent. given that the undermentioned developments have recently been granted developments have recently been granted 14/100-2 52 Magellan Street, Lismore Sectionconsent. 96(1A) modification to change use 14/100-2 52 Magellan Street, Lismore Section 96(1A) modification to change use from takeaway frozen yoghurt shop to a restaurant or café with associated internal 14/100-2 52 Magellan Street,shop Lismore Section 96(1A) modification to change use from takeaway frozen yoghurt to a restaurant or café with associated internal fitout. from takeaway frozen yoghurt shop to a restaurant or café with associated internal fitout. 15/42-2 Blue Hills Avenue, Goonellabah Section 96(1A) modification to include fitout. 38 15/42-2 38 Bluewindows, Hills Avenue, Goonellabah 96(1A) and modification to include three additional a cooktop and rangeSection hood, laundry drying area to be 15/42-2 38 Bluewindows, Hills Avenue, Goonellabah Section 96(1A) modification to include three additional a cooktop and range hood, laundry and drying area to be located within the proposed shed and additional water storage tank. three additional windows, a cooktop range hood, drying area to be located within the proposed shed andand additional waterlaundry storageand tank. 15/60-2 80 Oakley Avenue, East Lismore Section 96(1A) modification to replace located within the proposed shed and additional water storage tank. 15/60-2 80 Oakley Avenue, East Lismore Section 96(1A) modification to replace the garage door with timber cladding and a window. 15/60-2 80 door Oakley East Lismore Section 96(1A) modification to replace the garage withAvenue, timber cladding and a window. 16/50 13 and 13A Carramar Drive and 21A Redwood Grove, the garage door with timber cladding and21A a window. 16/50 13 and 13A Carramar Drive and Redwood Goonellabah Subdivision of three lots to create two lots.Grove, 16/50 13 and 13A Carramar Drivelots andto21A Redwood Goonellabah Subdivision of three create two lots.Grove, 16/55 25 Alternative Way, Nimbin Detached dual occupancy with removal of one Goonellabah Subdivision of three lots to create two lots. 16/55 25 Alternative Way, Nimbin Detached dual occupancy with removal of one tallowwood tree. 16/55 25 Alternative Way, Nimbin Detached dual occupancy with removal of one tallowwood tree. 16/117 61 Uralba Street, To undertake the construction of a student tallowwood tree. Street, Lismore 16/117 61 Uralba Lismore To undertake the construction a student30 accommodation development comprising: 1. A four-storey building,ofincluding 16/117 61 Uralbadevelopment Street, Lismore To undertake the construction ofincluding a student30 accommodation comprising: A four-storey building, bedrooms and communal kitchen, laundry, 1. amenity (showers and toilets) and accommodation development comprising: 1. A four-storey building, including bedrooms and communal kitchen, laundry, amenity (showers and toilets) and 30 recreation facilities; and 2. Associated works, including car parking, civil works, bedrooms facilities; and communal laundry, amenity (showers and toilets) and recreation and 2.kitchen, Associated works, including car civiltrees works, bulk earthworks (inclusive of retaining walls), the removal ofparking, nominated and recreation facilities; and 2. of Associated works,the including carofparking, civiltrees works, bulk earthworks (inclusive retaining walls), removal nominated and landscape works. bulk earthworks landscape works.(inclusive of retaining walls), the removal of nominated trees and 16/152-2 6 Pearson Road, Eltham Section 96(1A) modification to add pool decking. landscape 16/152-2 6 works. Pearson Road, Eltham Section 96(1A) modification to add pool decking. 16/160 104 Gungas Road, of one lot to create 16/152-2 6 Pearson Road,Nimbin ElthamSubdivision Section 96(1A) modification to two addlots. pool decking. 16/160 104 Gungas Road, Nimbin Subdivision of one lot to create two lots. 16/186-2 1241 Keerrong Road, Keerrong Section 96(1) tolots. complete 16/160 104 Gungas Road, Nimbin Subdivision of one lotmodification to create two 16/186-2 1241 Keerrong Road, Keerrong Section 96(1) modification to complete the development in two stages. Stage 1 – demolition, alterations and additions and 16/186-2 1241 Keerrong Road,Stage Keerrong Section 96(1) modification to complete the development in two stages. 1 – demolition, alterations and additions and an expanded dwelling to the principal dwelling. Stage 2 – detached dual occupancy theexpanded development in two stages. Stagedwelling. 1 – demolition, alterations and additions and an the principal (conversion ofdwelling existing to dairy) with a plunge pool.Stage 2 – detached dual occupancy an expandedofdwelling the principal dwelling. (conversion existing to dairy) with a plunge pool.Stage 2 – detached dual occupancy 16/215 60 Tulsi Lane, Nimbin Shed with a building line variation to 13m to Tulsi Lane. (conversion of existing dairy) with a plunge 16/215 60 Tulsi Lane, Nimbin Shed with a pool. building line variation to 13m to Tulsi Lane. 16/242 72 Rous Road, Goonellabah Secondary and carport. 16/215 60 Shed with a buildingdwelling line variation to 13m to Tulsi Lane. 16/242 72 Tulsi RousLane, Road,Nimbin Goonellabah Secondary dwelling and carport. 16/250 Road, McLeans Ridges Detached dual occupancy, 16/242 2272Roseview Rous Road, Goonellabah Secondary dwelling and carport. demolition 16/250 Roseview Road, McLeans Ridges Detached dual occupancy, of existing shed, retaining walls, removal of one tree and vary the buildingdemolition envelope. 16/250 2 Roseview Road,walls, McLeans Ridges Detached of existing shed, retaining removal of one tree anddual varyoccupancy, the buildingdemolition envelope. 16/267 3 Hannigan Road, Numulgi Detached dual occupancy. of existing shed, retaining removal of onedual treeoccupancy. and vary the building envelope. 16/267 3 Hannigan Road,walls, Numulgi Detached 16/282 McIntosh Road, Road, ChilcottsDetached Grass Shed. 16/267 21 3 Hannigan dual occupancy. 16/282 21 McIntosh Road,Numulgi Chilcotts Grass Shed. 16/290 Place,Chilcotts Goonellabah Demolish carport and driveway 16/282 10 21 Allingham McIntosh Road, Grass Shed. existing 16/290 10 Allingham Place, Goonellabah Demolish existing and construct new garage and driveway, and removal of trees. carport and driveway 16/290 10 Allingham Place, and construct new garage andGoonellabah driveway, andDemolish removal existing of trees.carport and driveway 16/305 13 Ida Place, Goonellabah Shed with a building line variation to 1.6m to Ida and construct new garage and driveway, and removal of trees. 16/305 13 Ida Place, Goonellabah Shed with a building line variation to 1.6m to Ida Place. 16/305 13 Ida Place, Goonellabah Shed with a building line variation to 1.6m to Ida Place. 16/310 Molesworth Street, Lismore Change of use of ground floor from Place. 19 16/310 19 Street, Lismore Change use of fitout ground from restaurant Molesworth to office and shop (non food and drink),ofinternal to floor ground floor, 16/310 19 Molesworth Street, Lismore Change use of fitout ground from restaurant to office and shop (non food and drink),ofinternal to floor ground floor,

16/305 13 Ida Place, Goonellabah Shed a building and construct new garage and driveway, and with removal of trees.line variation to 1.6m to Ida Place. 13 Ida Place, Goonellabah Shed with a building line variation to 1.6m to Ida 16/305 Place. 16/310 19 Molesworth Street, Lismore Change of use of ground floor from restaurant to office and shop Lismore (non foodChange and drink), internal fitout to from ground floor, 16/310 19 Molesworth Street, of use of ground floor replacement of front building identification signfitout and to external retardant restaurant to office andaccess, shop (non food and drink), internal groundfire floor, replacement of front access, screens to windows in two building stages. identification sign and external fire retardant screens two stages. 16/315 to 87windows Dudley in Drive, Goonellabah Inground swimming pool. 16/315 87 Dudley Drive, Goonellabah Inground swimming pool. 16/316 20 Deegan Drive, Goonellabah Dwelling and retaining wall with a building 16/316 20 Deegan Drive, Goonellabah Dwelling and retaining wall with a building line variation to 5.5m. line variation to 5.5m. 16/317 117 Magellan Street, Lismore Shade sails over secured parking area. 16/317 117 Magellan Street, Lismore Shade sails over secured parking area. 16/318 15 Felicity Drive, East Lismore Deck and roof extension to existing patio. 16/318 15 Felicity Drive, East Lismore Deck and roof extension to existing patio. 16/323 6 Myall Court, Caniaba Dwelling. 16/323 6 Myall Court, Caniaba Dwelling. 16/32544Myall MyallCourt, Court, Caniaba Dwelling. 16/325 Caniaba Dwelling. 16/32625 25Wyreema Wyreema Avenue, Goonellabah Shed 16/326 Avenue, Goonellabah Shed and and rear rear deck.deck. 16/329162 162Dibbs Dibbs Street, East Lismore Inground swimming 16/329 Street, East Lismore Inground swimming pool.pool.

Detailsofofapplications applications and consents, together conditions attached, Details and consents, together withwith conditions attached, maybe beinspected inspected Council’s Corporate Centre during business hours may atat Council’s Corporate Centre during business hours or or viaDA DATracking Trackingatat www.lismore.nsw.gov.au. via www.lismore.nsw.gov.au.


ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING AND ASSESSMENT ACTACT ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING AND ASSESSMENT As authority, Council hashas received the following development Asthe theconsenting consenting authority, Council received the following development applications (and/or applications for modifications to existing consents) applications (and/or applications for modifications to existing consents) for consideration.

for consideration.

DA NUMBER: 16/31 DA NUMBER: 16/31 LOCATION AND DP LOT: 105 Henson Road, Wyrallah (Lot 10 DP 1021225). LOCATION AND DP LOT: 105 Henson Road, Wyrallah (Lot 10 DP 1021225). APPLICANT: Stephen Fletcher & Associates. APPLICANT: Stephen Fletcher & Associates. DESCRIPTION: Additional information and amended plans for Resource Recovery DESCRIPTION: Additional information andofamended plans for principally Resource Recovery Facility involving the crushing and processing building materials, Facility involving the crushing and processing of building materials, principally concrete and bricks. concrete and bricks. CLOSING DATE: 23 November 2016.

CLOSING DATE: 23 November 2016.

DA NUMBER: 16/363 DA NUMBER: LOCATION AND16/363 DP LOT: 7 Sibley Street, Nimbin (Lot 25 DP 5446). APPLICANT: Nimbin Centre Inc. Nimbin (Lot 25 DP 5446). LOCATION AND DPCommunity LOT: 7 Sibley Street, DESCRIPTION: Re-siteCommunity existing house and change APPLICANT: Nimbin Centre Inc. of use to a community facility. CLOSING DATE: 23 November 2016. DESCRIPTION: Re-site existing house and change of use to a community facility.

CLOSING DATE: 23 November 2016. and Statement of Environmental The above development applications Effects may development be inspected at Council’s Corporate Centre, of 43Environmental Oliver Avenue, The above applications and Statement Goonellabah, or via DA Tracking at www.lismore.nsw.gov.au. Effects may be inspected at Council’s Corporate Centre, 43 Oliver Avenue, Further information relating to written submissions is available on Goonellabah, or via DA Tracking at www.lismore.nsw.gov.au. Council’s website. There are laws regarding the mandatory disclosure Further information relating to written submissions is available on of political donations in relation to planning matters. Political donations Council’s website. There are laws regarding the mandatory disclosure disclosure reporting forms are available from the Department of Planning ofwww.planning.nsw.gov.au. political donations in relation to planning matters. Political donations at

disclosure reporting forms are available from the Department of Planning

REQUEST FOR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Far North Coast Hockey Incorporated has requested that Lismore City Council loan it up to $250,000 to replace and upgrade artificial hockey fields and surrounds at Goonellabah. Council supports the request in ‘principle’ and is seeking public submissions on this position prior to a final decision being made at the 13 December 2016 meeting. For more information phone Rino Santin on 1300 87 83 87. Submissions can be made at www.lismore.nsw.gov.au. Submissions close on Friday, 9 December 2016.

LOCAL PUBLIC HOLIDAY: 2017 LISMORE CUP Council has received an application for a part-day local public holiday from the Lismore Turf Club for Thursday, 21 September 2017 from 12pm to 6pm to coincide with the Lismore Cup Day races. Council will consider this matter at its meeting on 13 December 2016. The public is invited to make a submission in respect to this application. These must be received by Wednesday, 30 November 2016. Please send submissions to the General Manager, Lismore City Council, PO Box 23A, Lismore, NSW 2480 or email council@lismore.nsw.gov.au. Submissions should state reasons for objection or support.

RATES REMINDER All Lismore ratepayers are reminded that your second rates instalment for the 2016/17 rateable year is due for payment on Wednesday, 30 November 2016.

PROPOSED CHANGES TO ROAD LEVELS FOR UPCOMING ROADWORKS Roadworks are planned at the locations described below. In accordance with the Roads Act 1993, proposed changes to road levels associated with these works are indicated below and are open to public comment for 30 days. Location & Roadwork Planned

Section of Road Affected

Maximum Change in Road Level

Dunoon Road, North Lismore

1.3km section of Dunoon Road south of its Pagottos Ridge Road intersection


40m of Union Street and Casino Street in each direction of their intersection


Fix road pavement Union Street and Casino Street intersection, South Lismore Construct a roundabout

Works would generally raise road levels for each location due to overlay of existing road pavement material. Adjoining driveway access would be modified to match these roadworks where necessary. These roadworks are planned to commence in the first half of 2017. Adjoining landholders will be further notified when we set dates for construction and the works will be advertised in Local Matters. The public are entitled to make written submissions, which should state any reasons for objection and the section of road it relates to. Submissions are due by 4pm on 13 December 2016. For more information phone our Design Engineer Barry Goodwin on 1300 87 83 87.

TRAFFIC ALERTS FOR CBD Roadworks continue in Cathcart Street near Crozier Field, Lismore We are making good progress on fixing the road and drainage in Cathcart Street between its Magellan and Conway Street intersections. Cathcart Street between Magellan and Ewing Streets will be temporarily closed except for local residents. Detours will be in place, with Magellan Street and Cathcart Street at Conway Street remaining open to traffic. Look for our electronic signboards for traffic control updates. Conway and Lockett Street intersection, Lismore We will be doing a final stage of roadworks in Conway Street soon to fix the intersection of Lockett Street and adjoining street drainage. Lockett Street will be temporarily closed at Conway Street and access diverted to McLennan Lane only. We will also need to close the parking lane outside Centrelink in Conway Street where traffic control will be in place. Works will take about one week to complete subject to dry weather. Keep an eye out for our electronic signboards for our start date. We will be in contact with affected businesses around this intersection before works commence.

MEETINGS AND BRIEFINGS COUNCILLOR BRIEFINGS Councillor briefings are held most Tuesday evenings so staff can provide background on issues or projects and Councillors have a chance to brainstorm and discuss. Briefings are coming up on Tuesday, 15 November at 6.30pm and on Tuesday, 22 November and Wednesday, 23 November at 6pm. Briefings are held in the Council Chambers at 43 Oliver Avenue, Goonellabah and everyone is welcome. Details on agenda items can be found on our website www.lismore.nsw.gov.au in our online calendar.

GALLERY CAFE EOI Lismore City Council is inviting Expressions of Interest (EOI from suitable organisations/individuals to lease the nominated area within the new Lismore Regional Gallery for the purposes of providing a café commencing on or around 1 August 2017. Council is interested in proposals that could also include a bookshop selling cultural products to Gallery and Quadrangle patrons, Council prefers to deal directly with the individual or organisation’s agent that will be the onsite operators of the Lismore Regional Gallery Café. No sub-letting will be permitted. EOIs must align with the identity of the facility as an arts and cultural venue. Submissions close at 2pm on Friday, 9 December 2016. All submission information is at www.tenderlink.com/lismore.

JOIN THE MASTERS GAMES COMMITTEE Lismore City Council is looking for people to nominate for the Lismore Masters Games Organising Committee for the 2017 and 2019 events. Council has made a commitment to continue to be the promoter and organiser of the biennial Lismore Masters Games. The aim of the Committee is to organise, promote and coordinate the Lismore Masters Games. Members of the Lismore Masters Games Organising Committee will provide advice and assistance to Council on matters pertaining to the management and organisation of the events. The closing date for nominations is 9 December 2016. To apply, complete a Lismore Masters Games Organising Committee Expression of Interest at www.lismore.nsw.gov.au. Completed forms should be emailed to council@lismore.nsw.gov.au.


1300 87 83 87 Lismore City Council’s Corporate Centre is located at 43 Oliver Avenue, Goonellabah. We are open Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 4.30pm. Our postal address is PO Box 23A, Lismore NSW 2480. You can email us at council@lismore.nsw.gov.au



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