Fabulous Nurse Magazine

Page 1

Issue 10

Special Issue 10 September/October 2011

Ethical Dilemmas

in Maternal Nursing


Online Education

Career Advancement

Man Enough

to be a Nurse

Short Haircuts

for Nurses

Germaphobe’s Guide

to Nursing Jobs

Travel Beautiful



Fabulous Nurse Magazine


Issue 10


Fabulous Nurse Magazine


Issue 10


Fabulous Nurse Magazine

Elsie Ekwa



The vision behind Fabulous Nurse Magazine, Ms. Ekwa saw the need for a lifestyle magazine that all at once serves as a celebration of nurses, a guide for better living, a resource for career development, and a guilt-free escape from the sometimes grueling shifts that nurses work. Ms. Ekwa’s distinguished career as a commercial model, college newspaper editor, and intensive care nurse informs and influences the creative direction of Fabulous Nurse Magazine. This is evidenced by the magazine’s fresh approach to home life, dynamic content, inspiring stories about real nurses, and professionally relevant editorials. Ms. Ekwa is also the managing editor for the Pacific Writer’s Corner online magazine. She writes as Sonya Justice and speaks on health and wellness issues, the business of writing, and entrepreneurship.

Zee Nickerson Writer

Zee Nickerson has a B. S. in Psychology and has owned several successful businesses. She is currently a writer, fashion consultant, and public speaker. Ms. Nickerson has taught English in Japan, Communist China and state side. As a thrifty world traveler, she can travel for as little as a $1.00 a mile. Along the way, she taught herself spoken and written French, German, and Japanese. She has traveled in all 49 states and would like to add Alaska to her collection. Her watercolor paintings are currently displayed at the Creator’s Gallery in Jacksonville, Oregon. Ms. Nickerson is pleased to announce she is just starting to twitter at HelloZee! A play on the French words for Let’s Go! Contact Zee via email at Zeechic2000@yahoo.com.

Olusegun Iselaiye Editor & Writer

Olusegun is seasoned freelance writer, researcher, and entrepreneur. He taught nursing students Human Anatomy in his home country of Nigeria before going into fulltime writing. Olusegun, whose mother happens to be a respiratory nurse, is also a huge fan of the nursing profession. His ambition is to offer a meaningful contribution to Africa and his home country. When some give his country a bad reputation, it is good to see that there are many who live by higher standards. It is thanks to Olusegun that Fabulous Nurse Magazine will be bringing you its rating system. Contact Olusegun via email at isedot@yahoo.com.

Matthew Fowler Writer

Matthew Fowler, founder of A Sodality of Wordsmiths, is currently a professional writer for the US government, namely, the US Department of Labor, where he adjudicates claims and writes formal decisions regarding labor issues. He got his start in the career field of language arts as an active duty soldier, civil affairs division, writing press releases and the like. As an active duty soldier he traveled, literally, around the world in various capacities and including combat operations in Bosnia, the Philippines, and Afghanistan to deliver the Army story. His practical experience is bolstered by considerable education, a B.A in Communications and an M.P.A in Public Policy.

Margaret Smith Writer

Margaret Smith is a native Texan who loves God, family, country, and writing. She has a variety of interests, and has worked in diverse fields from retail to education. Although she is not a nurse, she has done volunteer work in hospitals, where she has always admired the dedication and skill of the nurses she has seen in action. She recently made the decision to become a full-time writer. Margaret enjoys the process of discovery and development in each new project.

Karen Kalis Writer

Karen Kalis has ten years of experience as a professional copywriter. She has worked in industries such as education, real estate, healthcare, technology, and with non-profit organizations. With an M.A. in Creative Writing, Karen’s clients include: Fabulous Nurse Magazine, RMS Technologies, Lincoln Electric, Multi-Care Management, and The EPIC Group. An entrepreneur at heart, Karen focuses on helping businesses communicate what they have to offer with precision. 6

Masthead/Contributor Publisher Sony Publishing Corporation

Editorial Elsie Ekwa

Art & Graphic Design To submit artwork / ad creative Email: ads@fabulousnurse.com

Advertising & Marketing For advertising opportunities Email: ads@fabulousnurse.com Contact our Sales Director, Tel: (503) 877 – 3617

Writers To submit articles for publication Email: editor@fabulousnurse.com

Reach Us By Post Fabulous Nurse Magazine 29030 SW Town Center Loop E Ste. 202 Wilsonville, OR 97070-9490 info@fabulousnurse.com www.fabulousnurse.com

Issue 10


Fabulous Nurse Magazine


It Takes A Nurse

Editorial Issue 10


etter to the editor: As a pediatric nurse, I take care of my patient, the child, and their parents. Understand this, providing support and being there for a patient’s family is an expected part of my job duties. However, this is remarkably more challenging when dealing with a precious infant. Seeing the look of despair in the parent’s eyes as they seek to understand the diagnosis or prognosis of their child’s condition is heart-wrenching. Watching them suffer from self-inflicted guilt and wishing they could alter their genetic make-up, if only to save their child’s life is especially difficult.

My typical day is filled with sounds of joy, relief, fear, guilt, anguish, and desperation. It is no easy feat to stay strong when faced with the possibility of a child’s death. This is made even more difficult as I watch even the most private of parents publicly reach their breaking point. I don’t usually discuss my work but your published article on, Parenting the Attachment Challenged Child, struck a nerve. My patients are not typically attachment challenged but sometimes their little bodies are so ravaged with disease that they are a mere ghost of the active, happy, affectionate child their parents used to know. This is why Fabulous Nurse Magazine has been such a God sent to me and my patients’ families.

The staff at Fabulous Nurse understand the nurse’s life because we know firsthand that it takes a nurse to understand the intricate complexities and myriad of emotions nurses experience every day in their respective roles and at their respective places of work. This is why I will like to share a little known secret: “It is okay to cry.” Tears are released reflexively by your body when faced with extreme sensory stimulation. This sensory stimulation can be physical or emotional resulting from a positive or negative experience. It is okay to let go sometimes. It is okay to cry. It is okay to seek comfort and advice from your peers. It is okay to share your emotions. Nurses are after all, people first. When you take care of youself and deal with your own emotions, only then can you truly provided the added experience that makes us distinct from other healthcare practitioners – tender, loving care – TLC. Go ahead and nurse with heart. We have your back. Nurses, you rock!

I have shared some of the coping strategies from that article with them. I have also borrowed from other articles like, Grief for Caregivers, too. That in combination with the grief services and support system our community hospital offers has been helpful. We have found reasons to laugh when we read the jokes. I just wanted to say, “Thank you for being there for us, Fabulous Nurse.” From Robina Mayfield, RN, MSN - Pediatric Oncology Nurse. While the very personal experience that Robina shared with me may make for excellent drama on TV or in a movie, we nurses know only too well how real, in-discriminatory, and unforgiving disease can be. The best people and the worst amongst us are afflicted at one point or another. The challenge is especially tough for the family members who live through this experience and carry the memory with them. They are forever changed whether their loved ones live or die. As practitioners of the Art of Healing, we want the best possible outcomes at all times. We want to prevent pain and alter the progress of disease. We want to do what we do best, always - nurse. This can be made especially difficult when faced with the death of a patient or grief of family members. Even when the patient does make it, the current joyful state does not undermine the pain of previous days or weeks. 9

Table of Fabulous Nurse Magazine





Germaphobe’s Guide to Nursing Jobs


Vasquez: Changing the Landscape for Nursing


Online Education & Career Advancement


Libido at 50


Sweat Resistant Makeup


The Nurse’s Cap: Symbol to Artifact


Man Enough to be a Nurse


Short Haircuts for Nurses


Travel Beautiful Canada


Burger King Diet


Ethical Dilemmas in Maternal Nursing


Does Marriage Make you Gain Weight?





CU nurses have the uncommon privilege of working with some of the most critically ill patients in a hospital. They work diligently to monitor sophisticated medical technology and provide compassionate care for those who need it most. Becoming an ICU nurse is one of the most challenging and yet potentially rewarding areas for RN’s.

Issue 10

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Special Issue: Fabulous Nurse Magazine

Sept/Oct 2011

Fabulous & Fit


Adidas Running Shoes


Best Fitness Programs



Virtual Assistant: Idea to boost your income



It Takes a Nurse


Saving Money with the Kids



A Clog’s Point of View



Scrub Colors to Flatter Your Skin Tone


5 Star Hospital Rating: Good Samaritan Hospital, LA Mayo Clinic, Phoenix



Natural Anti-Aging Skincare


5 Star Staffing Agency Rating: American Traveler


5 Diamond Nursing School Rating: University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing


Nursing Home: Matulaitis Nursing Home



Beauty Tips (A Lesson on Morality)



Nursing Humor


General Humor



Cloudy With a Chance of Blue



Amber Butler: Nurse Firefighter With a Cause



Canadian Nursing Shortage


Food & Drinks that Increase Anxiety

Home, Hobbies & Parenting


5 Theft Deterrents for Home & Property


Obesity in Pets


How to Make a Shaving Brush

Fabulous Foodie


Fabulous Recipes



Book Review – Inspired Nurse


October Nursing Conferences


Job Opportunities – Perm & Travel


Nursing News – Press Releases

Issue 10


Fabulous Nurse Magazine


Nurse’s tation I SProfessional



Ethical Dilemmas

Issue 10

By Matthew Fowler


ince the very first days of your undergraduate nursing program, you have discussed ethical quandaries.

From Aristotle to Mills, Socrates and Sanders, and of course, Hippocrates, you have

in Maternal Nursing

pondered what to do and say in situations where your head and your heart are at odds. You probably even digested some theory you couldn’t abide just so you could spit it out again on a test or a paper. Among ethical constructs of modern medicine, Hippocrates has special relevance and prominence, and taking the Hippocratic Oath is often a right of passage for health care providers. The basic tenet of the oath is respect for all human life with an emphasis

From Theory to Praxis

on safeguarding both a patient’s health and dignity. Simultaneously, the care giver also acknowledges that s/he is part of a larger, collective society and must act accordingly. Soon after, however, you were faced with real life situations; situations where applying one or two sentences of a dictum seemed nebulous at best, and probably hit you in the gut like a runaway train. These problems could even have made you question your choice to become a nurse. With that in mind, please do not think of the following ethical questions and scenarios as yet another strict dictum to repeat to yourself as you face ethical problems at work. Instead, our intent is to summarize and explore some of the most salient ethical dilemmas you might face, and in that exploration, offer you a path already traveled. Part of that exploration is to think about the Hippocratic Oath and its ethical prescription. Is the oath still relevant? How does it fit into the world of modern medicine as technology changes so quickly?

Nurse.com offers the following real life sce-

be removed from the heart-lung machine; he

nario for analysis and possible solution. A

had to spend his last few moments in the OR.

surgical liaison nurse at Boston Children’s

The hospital, however, had very rigid rules

Hospital found herself between a rock and a

disallowing such a visit. Though unfathom-

hard place, the needs of the patient and fam-

ably tormented, the nurse did not allow the

ily versus the hospital’s rules. The mother

parents entry to the OR, and the parents were

of a dying baby had asked to be with her

only able to see their son after he had expired

son in the operating room (OR) as he passed

and his wounds were closed.

the surly bonds of Earth to touch the face of God. The baby had undergone open heart surgery which had failed, and he could not

Heartbroken, the parents returned to the hospital the following day and asked to say 15

Fabulous Nurse Magazine

one last goodbye to their baby boy. The

conceived via in vitro fertilization, seemed

worked directly with social services because

nurse sent the parents to the chapel, warmed

uninterested about her baby’s welfare, and

the mother only seemed concerned with le-

the baby in an incubator, wrapped the baby

the nurses were not only disturbed by the

galities and paperwork.

in a clean blanket, and then presented the

mother’s attitude, but confused about what

baby to the parents in the chapel. The par-

to do. Let’s rewind a bit.

ents painfully and tearfully talked to the baby

The stark contrast in these scenarios emphasizes the range of scenarios you may have to

When the mother was brought to the hospital

face as a nurse. It may also tend to empha-

for preterm labor and instructed to rest, she

size the need to adhere to your employer’s

continued to work, though she did remain

stated policies. How else would you address

in bed. As attempts to stop the premature

the uninterested mother? Can we return to

Weeks passed, and the nurse was still pro-

delivery failed, the mother asked that no

Hippocrates? Did the nurses safeguard the

foundly disturbed by what had transpired.

extraordinary measures be taken to save the

dignity and welfare of the baby? The moth-

So, she addressed her concerns to her su-

baby’s life. The baby lived, but the mother

er’s? Did they act as responsible citizens to

pervisor and through persistence was able to

seemed uninterested in the baby’s welfare;

the rest of our society? How does that fit

get an appointment with the OR governance

she even refused to talk to the nursing staff

into a scenario where modern science helped

committee and the ethics advisory commit-

and social services about the baby’s medical

a woman conceive a child, but subsequently

tee. The nurse invited the parents to the


didn’t even seem to want that child? Could

for about an hour, explaining everything that happened, and eventually said their ultimate good-bye to him.

meeting, and their combined story was so compelling, the hospital changed its policy; parents are now allowed into the OR during the most dire circumstances. This is a true story. The nurse’s supervisor presented this scenario during the Massachusetts Association of Registered Nurses’ Annual Spring Conference in the spring of 2009. The obvious ethical question is one of weighing your duty to your employer versus the needs of your immediate patient and his/her family. The rule of thumb in such a scenario is to follow policy and subsequently petition to redress the policy which you find unethical, just like the nurse did. But can you honestly say you would have done the same? Did the nurse adhere to the tenets of the Hippocratic Oath, preserving the health and dignity of the patient, while being a responsible member of a collective society? Is that even directly applicable here? Could Hippocrates have conceived of a heart and lung machine? As heart wrenching as the above tale was, the ethical problem was fairly clear cut. Not all situations will be. Nurse.com describes another series of events in Beth Israel Hospital in Boston, where the nursing staff was faced with an essentially opposite situation. The mother of a preemie baby, whom she 16

The mother drifted even further away when the baby suffered some brain damage during

they nurses have done anything other than help the mother give her baby away?

a bleeding episode; she was even mad that

Summarily, the breadth of circumstances you

the staff had fought to save the baby’s life.

will face as a nurse is as wide as the diversity

She considered their efforts extraordinary,

of patients you will have. Though no ethi-

and thus, against her wishes. The mother put

cal construct can comprehensively address

the baby up for adoption.

all possible scenarios, the Hippocratic Oath

The nurses had attempted to spark the mother’s maternal instincts, but to no avail. They often presented the baby to the mother for some bonding time, but the mother only went through the motions for appearance sake.

The nurses were disturbed by the

mother’s attitude and actions, but ultimately assisted her in giving away her baby. They

does seem to form the appropriate guideline in a profession where technology constantly raises the ethical bar. However, weighing the dignity and welfare of your patient against the needs of society is something you must do individually and frequently; there is no ethical decoder ring… or app for your iPhone.

Issue 10


Fabulous Nurse Magazine

The Germaphobe’s

Guideto Nursing

Jobs By Margaret Smith

few years. So here’s the dilemma: you’re a dedicated nurse with a strong desire to help people. But how do you work in the health field and avoid catching all those germs that are trying to get a foothold in your own immune system? One way is to choose a job where the utmost care is taken to create and preserve a sterile environment. There really are some jobs out there where a nurse is less likely to be exposed to those tiny organisms that have such potential for damage.

The OR Nurse Perioperative nurses work in the OR in several capacities. They are directly involved in patient care before, during, and after surgery. One OR position is dubbed the “scrub nurse.” The term comes from the fact that the nurse has “scrubbed in” for the surgery, wearing sterile garments and washing up with special soap so that she can work at the


ot everyone is an Adrian Monk,

was meant to be funny, and he was; but germs

the OCD detective who needed

are no laughing matter these days. With the

an assistant just to hand him a

recent attention that several varieties of “su-

wipe whenever he had to shake hands with

perbugs” have been receiving, it’s no wonder

someone. The endearing, pathetically ger-

that hand sanitizers have been flying off the

maphobic character on the popular TV show

shelves, sales having nearly tripled in the last


side of the physician right in the operative field. The duties of this nurse include handing instruments to the surgeon as needed while visually monitoring the condition of the patient. Another type of OR nurse is the circulating nurse, who works outside of the operative field, on the perimeter of the op-

Issue 10

Share their story at

Facebook.com/MedicalInflatableExhibits and nominate them for


Fabulous Nurse Magazine

erating room. The duties of the circulating

rooms. Nevertheless, for those seeking an

as there would be in a pediatric or fam-

nurse include monitoring the patient, keep-

environment where the risk of infection is

ily practice office. But any office that has

ing an account of instruments and sponges,

low, the cath lab is a good place to work.

scores of people in and out all day, touching things, reading magazines, opening doors,

and safeguarding the stringent sterile conditions of the operating room.

The Dialysis Nurse

and breathing in and out has the possibility

After you have been certified as an RN, you

Another area where utmost cleanliness is re-

may decide that you would like to be trained

quired is a dialysis center. Because people on

ful germs and contaminants. Even though

for the job of an OR nurse. According to

dialysis can be more susceptible to illness,

Wise Geek 9/10/11, it’s an intense job, but it

according to DaVita 9/12/11, it’s especially

can also be intensely satisfying. These nurs-

important to maintain an environment that’s

es can work long shifts, and may addition-

free of contaminants. Health workers in the

ally be called upon to assist with emergency

center wear appropriate scrubs and lab coats

surgeries at all hours of the day or night. But

to preserve the sanitary conditions, and visi-

as a highly trained professional, the compen-

tors are restricted or limited so that outside

sation is often more than satisfactory, and the

sources of infection are inhibited. Because of

fulfillment of playing such a vital role in the

these factors, nurses can care for patients in

lives of patients is priceless. If you’re very

most dialysis centers without worrying about

conscious of the presence of germs in some

the possibility of picking up any infectious

of the other fields of nursing, the OR is the


ideal place because of its strict adherence to sterile conditions.

The Cath Lab Nurse

There are two types of dialysis, hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. According to Wise Geek 9/12/11, a nurse in a dialysis center has a wide range of duties: monitoring vital

Advanced training is also necessary for cer-

signs before, during, and after the procedure;

tification to be a nurse in the cardiac cath-

administering medication, fluid therapy, or

eterization lab. These nurses are needed for

blood products; reporting changes in the pa-

assistance to physicians in performing stent

tient to the doctor; and communicating with

placements, angioplasties, valvuloplasties,

the patient about options in treatment so that

and other cath procedures. In a busy lab, a

they can make informed decisions regard-

nurse can sometimes assist in 12 different

ing their care. Since patients must continue

operations during an 8 hour shift.

regular treatments at the center, nurses can

While cath lab standards vary across the country, most labs are set up to have a “clean” environment, although there are a few that actually maintain the same sterile conditions of an operating room. Of course all the equipment in the lab is sterile, and hats, masks, and sterile gloves are generally

actually develop longer-term relationships with patients than they can in other areas of

of creating an environment full of unhealthstandard practices are applied, such as paper sheeting and gowns, hand washing and sterile gloves, sterilized equipment, and regular disinfecting of surfaces, it’s virtually impossible to keep up with all the possible contamination that occurs as patients come and go, sick or well. Nurses who are concerned about germs might want to think very carefully before considering a job in some doctors’ offices.

Nurse Educator For a nurse educator, the prevalence of germs in the environment isn’t as controlled as in the actual medical practice venues. Students come in and out of classrooms, and not all of them are healthy all the time. There is a lot of contact made with objects in the classroom, and with items they hand in for the teacher to evaluate. At the end of the day, the floor gets swept, the trash emptied, but there are not many classrooms, if any, that disinfect surfaces on a regular basis. If a nurse has the skill and the passion for teaching others, hopefully, there isn’t also an issue with germs.

nursing. To qualify to be a nurse in a dialysis

Considering the ongoing need for people

center, a nurse must hold certification in ne-

with skill and compassion to enter the field

phrology (CNN) or dialysis (CDN), as well

of nursing, it would be a shame if anyone

as CPR.

were to turn away from the profession because of a concern about germs. There are

worn (there are a few exceptions, accord-

Doctor’s Office Nurse

plenty of positions where the exposure is

ing to Cath Lab Digest, March 2009), but

If a nurse works in the office of an ortho-

the greater preference of cath labs does not

pedic surgeon or a podiatrist, there probably

nity will build up in most people. On the

include the sterile gown used in operating

isn’t as much risk of exposure to infection


strictly controlled, and eventually immuupside, there will always be a CPR certified nurse nearby!

Issue 10

CNE/NE: Winter Deadline Approaching As an RN interested in continuous improvement of patient care and teaching, an MSN as a Clinical Nurse Specialist/Nurse Educator will help you gain knowledge and skills through a unique dual degree. The goal of this program is to help you achieve these credentials through a flexible online and community-based curriculum.

Why should you pursue an MSN as a Clinical Nurse Specialist/Nurse Educator from UC? • • • • •

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The application deadline for the winter 2012 term is October 14th. Space is limited, so contact your Enrollment Advisor today! GET STARTED TODAY! CONTACT: University of Cincinnati College of Nursing - Distance Learning PHONE: 1-866-225-6764 EMAIL: info@nursingonline.uc.edu

Share on: *Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE), One Dupont Circle NW, Suite 530, Washington, D.C. 20036; p (202) 887-­‐6791; f (202) 785-­‐8320 www.aacn.nche.edu/accreditation


Fabulous Nurse Magazine


Issue 10



urses N By Karen Kalis


CU nurses have the uncommon privilege of working with some of the most critically ill patients in a hospital. They work diligently to monitor sophisticated medical technology and provide compassionate care for those who need it most. Becoming an ICU nurse is one of the most challenging and yet potentially rewarding areas for RN’s.

On the Job Typically, ICU (or Critical Care Unit-- CCU) nurses are RN’s who have a passion for working with critically ill patients and who have pursued additional training to work in the very demanding environment of an ICU or a CCU. In addition to adult ICU/CCU areas, critical care work opportunities include neonatal intensive care units, pediatric intensive care units as well as cardiac care units. While on the job, ICU/CCU nurses have

(Occupational Outlook Handbook, 20102011 edition), “Critical care nurses provide care to patients with serious, complex, and acute illnesses or injuries that require very close monitoring and extensive medication

a varied workload, including not only the

protocols and therapies.”

close monitoring of a patient, but also work-

to detail is key to assisting critically ill pa-

ing with the medical team to help patients

tients. To complete this level of care, ac-

heal and to administer treatment plans. ICU

cording to Net Industries (2011), ICU/CCU

nurses not only assess a patient’s needs and

nurses must have an excellent understanding

follow the prescribed plans, but they care-

of medical technology such as extracorpo-

fully document any care that has been or-

real membrane oxygenation circuits, cardiac

dered and completed. ICU/CCU nurses also

monitoring systems and mechanical ventila-

communicate with family members and may

tor therapies. A broad knowledge of medical

give advice on health maintenance as well as

conditions, as well as experience in a wide

case management during treatment.

variety of settings, assists ICU/CCU nurses

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics

This attention

in quickly adapting to the needs of their 23

Fabulous Nurse Magazine

patients. In addition to RN’s, PayScale, Inc. (2011), reports that advanced practice nurses, such as nurse practitioners, certified registered nurse anesthetists, and clinical nurse specialists also work in ICU/CCU units.

Education and Certification

career path that is desired. Certification through the American Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN) is well regarded in the healthcare community as it reflects depth of knowledge and superior understanding of pathology in the nurse’s chosen critical area of practice. The AACN

Most ICU/CCU nurses have completed their

website, www.aacn.org, offers detailed in-

RN degree as well as a hospital adminis-

formation on eligibility requirements and

tered internship. Hospital-based internship

examination fees. Opportunities for exam

programs, which can last anywhere from

preparation are also discussed. The com-

13weeks to a year, assist nurses in becom-

bination of an internship and certification

ing familiar with the work of an ICU/CCU.

gives ICU/CCU nurses the requisite knowl-

Whether a new grad or working nurse, if you

edge needed to respond to the challenges of

are thinking about making the transition to

critical care medicine.

ICU, a hospital based internship or training program is the minimum expectation. In addition, ICU/CCU nurses have the opportunity to be voluntarily certified through the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses in areas such as adult, neonatal and pediatric acute/critical care nursing, progressive care nursing, cardiac surgery subspecialty, or nurse manager and leader, depending on the


22 percent from 2008 to 2018, much faster than the average for all occupations. Growth will be driven by technological advances in patient care, which permit a greater number of health problems to be treated, and by an increasing emphasis on preventive care. In addition, the number of older people, who are much more likely than younger people to need nursing care, is projected to grow rapidly.” Given their additional responsibilities and additional training, PayScale, Inc. (2011), reports that ICU/CCN nurses can expect an income of anywhere from $44,000 - $91,000, with an average of about $65,000 per year. Overall, becoming an ICU/CCU nurse can

Salary and Job Outlook for an ICU Nurse In general, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (Occupational Outlook Handbook, 20102011 edition) reports that there will be growth for all areas of nursing, “Employment of registered nurses is expected to grow by

be a challenging yet rewarding career path for RN’s who are interested in working with the most ill of patients, guiding them on a path to recovery. With a combination of sophisticated medical knowledge, the highest level of technology, and a great deal of compassion, ICU/CCU nurses assist families and patients in the most difficult of times.

Issue 10


Fabulous Nurse Magazine


Issue 10

an Enough M To Be A Nurse By Matthew Fowler


uch is a stereotypical perception of the male nurse: male nurses are men who couldn’t handle medical school or my personal favorite, as described to me by my brother, Jordan Fowler, RN, St. Luke’s Hospital, Newburgh is that male nurses are usually gay because gay men have a natural tendency to seek predominantly female professions. This is the year 2011, right? I must say I find such regressive thinking to be... tiring. My fatigue, however, doesn’t change things. The 2010 census says that only a paltry 13% of students currently in student R.N. programs are men, and that among existing nurses, men make up much less of the profession, slightly more than 5%. So while you may want to disregard the stereotypical perceptions of male nurses, there is nothing stereotypical about acknowledging that male nurses are in the minority. Further, being outnumbered 19:1 has implications beyond also being the butt of bad jokes and putting up with ignorant commentary. But before we get to that, we should also acknowledge from whence these stereotypes came. Prior to Florence Nightingale, nurses were not well educated, were considered hand maids to doctors and patients, and were sometimes prostitutes in less reputable institutions, according to Minority Nurse, a nursing website for male and other minority population nurses. Men were not allowed to serve in the Army Medical Corps as nurses 27

Fabulous Nurse Magazine

until 1955, and male nurses were often dis-

However, addressing men’s issues in nursing

Having more male nurses would help to

allowed from being present during baby de-

takes more than individual or even an or-

erode stereotypical perceptions, but Tarn-

liveries as recently as the 1960’s. Today’s

ganization’s efforts; it requires the industry

barger opines that recruitment is only part of

profession has evolved, at least regarding

to change itself, and Russell E. Tranbarger,

the solution. The answer to “what’s a male

competency and professionalism, but many

a Nurse Practitioner and author of Men in

nurse to do?” regarding these perceptions is

problems still linger.

Nursing: History, Challenges, and Oppor-

simply “be a good nurse.” Though poten-

tunities says the nursing profession is mov-

tially tautological as a solution, Tarnbarger

ing in that direction. Tranbarger points to

points to how his own competence helped

numerous efforts to recruit more male stu-

him overcome many obstacles in his career

dents to nursing programs, such as the 20-20

because at the end of the day, patients react

program and the Oregon Center for Nurs-

to how they are treated, not the gender of

ing campaign “Are you man enough to be a

the caregiver. Summarily, the referents here

nurse?” featuring a black belt in a martial art,

suggest that to succeed as a male nurse, men

a rugby player, and a male nurse. Indeed,

have to reach out to their sister nurses, be

Tarnbarger points out that recruiting efforts

competent, and convince other men to join

are enjoying some success as more and more

the profession. My brother makes a point to

men enroll in nursing programs.

mention his girlfriend on a regular basis.

Minority Nurse describes a work environment where men feel victimized by gender discrimination. The website points to studies which demonstrate a slower rate of career progression for male nurses than female nurses. Male nurses often feel that they have little to no opportunities in some areas of nursing, particularly obstetrics and other women’s health specialties. Is this all of product of gender bias, or are there some “natural” consequences of the differences in gender? Can a male nurse really teach a female patient how to breast feed? Is it common sense that a female patient would feel more comfortable with a female nurse teaching her how to breast feed? And what about the converse? Would a male patient feel comfortable describing the erectile dysfunction (ED) associated with his prostrate condition to a female nurse? Would a male patient even make an appointment over the phone when a female nurse answers if he had to describe his ED? In short, how much of the “battle of the sexes” in nursing simply “is what it is?” The American Assembly of Men in Nursing (AAMN) suggests that joining an organization like itself can help bridge the gender gap in nursing. The AAMN directly addresses the issues men face in working in a field predominately comprised of women. However, the focus is not confrontational or “us vs. them;” the idea is to reach out to women in nursing through courtesy, professionalism, and commonalities, what unites all nurses, the urge to help the sick. Moreover, the AAMN does have considerable female membership. 28

Issue 10


Fabulous Nurse Magazine


Issue 10

The Blueprint for Change

vancement are almost limitless.

investment of time.

Professional Development Helps Nurses

Online Programs: A Solution for the Time-Challenged Nurse

Pre-requisite: Self-Discipline & Computer Literacy

Unfortunately, nurses are extremely busy.

Are online nursing programs really a viable

It’s difficult to find time to commute to a

option, or is the idea too good to be true? The

site, sit in a class taking notes, and commute

truth is, they’re not for everyone. According

back to job or family. Unless, of course, the

to Find Nursing Schools 7/3/11, online stu-

professional development is part of an online

dents need to be highly disciplined self-start-

nursing program, the answer to a prayer for

ers, able to regularly dedicate part of their

many nurses.

schedule to the courses and study. Addition-

Good online programs provide the profes-

ally, if students are uncomfortable with com-

Stay on the Cutting Edge. In order to maintain a high level of proficiency and stay on the cutting edge of the field, nurses can explore opportunities for advancement through professional development.

According to

Discover Nursing 6/29/11, when nurses with ADNs raise the bar by going for a BSN, they instantly open more doors and find greater flexibility in changing specialties and practice locations. Nurses with a BSN can apply for positions as nurse managers or hold titles such as assistant director of nursing. By obtaining an advanced degree, nurses have even more options as to how they make their contributions. Moreover, Find Nursing Schools 7/2/11 reports that nurses with an MSN can become nurse practitioners, where they’ll be able to offer primary care, make diagnoses, and prescribe treatment. They may also opt to become a researcher or a nurse entrepreneur. MSN degrees enable nurses to meet the continually increasing demand for nurse leaders, educators, or executive positions, such as policy advisers and innovators. The choices for career ad-

sional instruction of the traditional classroom, but without the time or geographical constraints. Through online bridge programs, RNs can advance their careers with BSN, MSN, and sometimes even PhD degrees. Working with a laptop computer, they can participate from virtually any location. Ac-

puters, there may be a problem with online classes. A working knowledge of computer technology is necessary to navigate the complexities of discussion boards or chat rooms, as well as upload, download, and email assignments. And some people really do need the face-to-face interaction with faculty and

cording to Accelerated Nursing Guide, most


RNs can complete a bridge course to an

Other than those considerations, there are

MSN degree in under three years, and BSNs

many advantages to obtaining advanced de-

can earn their MSN in approximately two

grees through online courses. The major

years. Considering that a higher-level degree will pay off with higher-level duties, a better pay rate and more options for career advancement, two to three years is a minor


Online Education


Advancement By Margaret Smith


Fabulous Nurse Magazine

benefits are the convenience and flexibility they provide. Students can locate and enroll in programs that address their personal interests without ever having to drive to the campus. Although there are programs that require some online classes to meet at specific times, most lectures can be attended at the student’s convenience. They can log in to classes early in the morning, late in the evening, or at random opportunities. Moreover, lectures can be interrupted, then continued— or revisited, if students feel they’ve missed anything.

Program Accreditation In researching online programs, students will find that some may be more expensive than brick and mortar institutions, and some may be less expensive. This is where a little caution is required. While there are a multitude of reputable programs out there, according to Discover Nursing 6/29/11, there are also some charlatans, sometimes referred to as “diploma mills,” just out to get your money. Many prospective nurses have invested their time and money only to find that the online “degree” they’ve acquired is not recognized

The accelerated nature of courses is another

by potential employers. What a waste! But

advantage to online professional develop-

if you do your homework, you can avoid

ment. Again, this aspect may not be in some


students’ comfort zone. The pace may be too intense and the assignment deadlines too tight for some, but if a student is up to the challenge, the time necessary to graduate will be reduced.

The only sure way to a degree is through a recognized accredited program. You can obtain a list of accrediting bodies from the Council for Higher Education, and see if the program you’re considering meets the prop-

er standards. Another way to make sure the program is genuine is to verify that it leads to the NCLEX exam which is required to obtain a nursing license. It’s also a good idea to check out the pass rates for the exam, the failure rate of students in the program, the cost, the demand on your time, and credit transferability. But students should beware of programs that offer credit for life experience; according to an article on Ezine 7/2/11, this is not always legitimate, and some employers may be prejudiced against it. By keeping their eyes open, students can avoid the pitfalls. In many cases, employers will even pick up the tab! Online professional development programs can be the answer for RNs who want to remain employed while furthering their education or a valid option for those looking to transition into the nursing profession. Many outstanding institutions offer excellent accredited online nursing programs, such as the University of Central Florida, Drexel University, Keiser University, University of Phoenix, and Jacksonville University. With many esteemed online programs to choose from, along with a commitment and drive to go the distance, aspiring nurse leaders will be exceptionally well-prepared to help guide America’s health care system.


Issue 10


Fabulous Nurse Magazine

UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL FLORIDA UCF College of Nursing Offers Advanced Doctoral Degree Online ORLANDO, Aug. 29, 2011 -- A new doctoral degree

support the growth of practice-based doctoral degrees to

track at the University of Central Florida prepares nurses

address national concerns about quality of care and pa-

in a leadership role to succeed at the highest level of ad-

tient safety. UCF’s program will prepare nurses to use the

vanced practice by becoming “change leaders.”

latest technologies, trends and research to address chang-

The degree track, a post-master’s Executive Doctor of

ing regulations and anticipated nursing shortages over the

Nursing Practice (D.N.P.), is the most recent example of

next decade.

the College of Nursing’s efforts at creating cutting-edge

Designed for working professionals, the part-time, flex-

programs that give its graduates the ability to adapt and

ible degree consists of online courses and an intensive

lead during challenging times in healthcare. The track

three-day seminar at the start of each semester. The semi-

will prepare students to shape practice, and their proj-

nar brings together theory and practice to round out the

ects will make a difference in improving care for patients

comprehensive program.

where they work. “For busy nurse leaders, the program promotes out-of-

leadership and organizational analysis. In addition to

the-box thinking to shake up what they are already do-

opportunities for online collaboration with peers, the

ing, to support them in becoming change leaders,” said

seminar will allow students to meet their professors and

Associate Dean for Graduate Affairs and Professor Susan

develop deeper relationships with faculty members and

Chase. “They’re not just responding to new policies, but

their colleagues. Nationally recognized leaders in health-

informing the policy and putting into practice the evi-

care will share their best practices during the seminars

dence that is there.”

and in presentations open to interested nurses in the Or-

The federal Institute of Medicine and other groups are

lando area.

calling for more advanced educational programs as the

The first group of students, who will stay together for the

nation’s healthcare environment grows ever more com-

required nine semesters, starts coursework in January.

plex and demands of nurses a higher scientific knowledge and practice expertise. The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) and its member schools also


Curriculum focuses on areas such as decision making,

As nurse leaders and administrators plan for policy changes, the Executive D.N.P. will provide them with analytic

Issue 10

skills they can use to actively impact the environments in which

“We want them to think about the whole system of care, such as

they work, be it acute care, clinics, community health programs,

how to guarantee quality for outcomes, while letting people on

Magnet preparation, strategic planning or overall interdisciplin-

their teams be creative,” Associate Dean Chase said.

ary leadership. Through study and testing of evidence-based practice strategies, students will learn how to evaluate and apply existing research to improve practice innovations and outcomes. “It’s a new opportunity to prepare nurse executives from different backgrounds to change practice in ways which reflect their professional and personal interests,” said Diane Andrews, assistant professor and program coordinator. Led by UCF’s outstanding practicing faculty who have been on the front lines of change, students will put what they learn to work. The degree culminates with a project that is completed during residency, which allows nurse executives to examine how to improve patient care and safety.

Nurse executives who hold a M.S.N. in Nursing Leadership and Management are encouraged to apply. However, interested, registered nurse leaders with a non-nursing master’s degree also may apply. An online application with all supporting application materials is due Oct. 1. Eligibility will be considered with a portfolio review to determine course equivalency and verification of completed practice/laboratory hours. For candidates without a M.S.N., individual plans of study will be developed to include missing elements of the M.S.N. curriculum. Interested applicants may review additional program information and apply online at www.nursing.ucf.edu/academics/Executive_MSN-DNP.asp.

Contacts: Rebecca Basu, News & Information, 407-823-1637, rebecca.basu@ucf.edu Carolyn Petagno, College of Nursing, 407-823-1665, carolyn@ucf.edu UCF Stands For Opportunity: The University of Central Florida is a metropolitan research university that ranks as the 2nd largest in the nation with more than 56,000 students. UCF’s first classes were offered in 1968. The university offers impressive academic and research environments that power the region’s economic development. UCF’s culture of opportunity is driven by our diversity, Orlando environment, history of entrepreneurship and our youth, relevance and energy. For more information visit http://news.ucf.edu. 35

Fabulous Nurse Magazine

FASHION Watch 36

Issue 10


Fabulous Nurse Magazine


Nurse’s Cap Symbol to Artifact By Margaret Smith


t wasn’t too many years ago that the word “nurse” conjured up an image of a focused, efficient female dressed all in

white, floating silently through hospital corridors in unattractive white shoes with thick rubber soles. As she went about her duties, many patients must have thought she looked like an angel on a mission. (Maybe that’s where the phrase “angel of mercy” came from.) She was definitely visible and easily discernable from the other hospital workers because on her head perched the universal symbol for nurses everywhere—the nurse’s cap.


Issue 10

It was Florence Nightingale who first conceived the notion of a uniform for nurses. According to The Victorian Web 9/9/11, in the 1800s, before Nightingale reformed the profession of nursing in England, it was viewed as an occupation that didn’t require any particular training, or even intelligence. In fact, nurses were considered almost on a

actual hospital work. The styles of the cap continued to change over time, and varied according to the nursing schools where they were awarded. It was

book to maintain its shape. Sometimes black bands of different widths were added to the cap to denote a student’s level or a nurse’s position on the floor.

common for nurses who had graduated from

Eventually nurses began to tire of the im-

the same nursing school to recognize each

practicality of the cap. In the era of “cap

other in a hospital and bond with each oth-

folding,” it continuously had to be cleaned,

er because of their caps. According to Life

re-stiffened with starch or sugar water, and

Bridge 9/9/11, many caps were traditionally

meticulously refolded to the proper shape.

hand-made by a friend or fellow student. In

The caps didn’t last very long, so they had to

the early 1900s, the University of Maryland

be continually replaced, at the expense of the

adopted a cap they named the “Flossie,” in

nurses. And the very item that was once ex-

honor of Florence Nightingale. This cap was

pected to preserve sanitary conditions came

very feminine, with subtle fluting and point

to be viewed as a possible contaminant. Fur-

d’esprit lace. Some other schools’ caps also

thermore, in the 1970s and 80s, more and

attempted to have a feminine appearance

more men were being drawn into the pro-

with frills and ruffles, while others were

fession, and the cap was no longer the main

The cap wasn’t just for adornment or style. In

stiff and box-like—all business. Many were

recognizable feature of nurses.

the days of long hairstyles, it kept the nurses’

considered “Dutch style,” some appeared to

hair in place so that it wouldn’t get in the

have wings, and others appeared to be knot-

way of their important work. The early caps

ted kerchiefs. Most of the styles needed to be

covered all the hair, and were considered

accessorized with bobby pins so they would

unbecoming by the women who wore them,

stay in place on the nurse’s head.

par with prostitutes! The only groups that seemed to practice disciplined, trained nursing were nuns from St. Vincent de Paul in Paris. It was the nun’s cap that Nightingale decided to incorporate into her idea for a professional-looking uniform that would be worn by educated, trained women who would tend the wounded soldiers in the Crimean War.

according to University of Iowa Health Mu-

So by the late 1980s the nurse’s cap had been almost completely phased out in favor of a unisex uniform (scrubs) and a pin. There are some situations in which caps are still worn—countries that are still developing

After a nurse was awarded her cap, it became

and some where women still fill the major-

an identity for her. The sight of a nurse’s cap

ity of nursing positions. And many people,

inspired recognition, confidence and trust,

especially older patients, miss the days when

and often there were rules that had to be

you could instantly recognize a nurse as she

The nurse’s cap lasted for many decades and

strictly followed. Nurses were not allowed

swished by in her white uniform and cap, all

became the universal symbol of nurses ev-

to alter the shape of the cap in any way, and

professionalism and efficiency. The nurse’s

erywhere. It became an object of ceremony

smoking a cigarette was forbidden when

cap may have become a relic of the past, but

as it developed into a tradition as nursing

wearing a cap. When a nurse removed the

everything it has ever stood for will endure

students went through a “capping ceremony”

cap for any reason, she could tuck it inside

throughout time as nurses continue to leave

to transition from their classroom training to

her apron bib, or fold it flat and carry it in a

their imprint on history and society.

seum 9/9/11. Eventually they were replaced by smaller caps that they wore to cover the knot of hair at the top of their heads.


Fabulous Nurse Magazine

By Zee Nickerson

A Clog’s

Point of View T

How much do you know about the clogs you wear to work?

he Dutch are famous for their

Another fashion of the 1980s and 90s were

At the Scrubs and Beyond website, many

wooden shoes. In the Netherlands,

platform clogs or sandals, some as high 6

clog makers offer fresh variations on the ba-

they have been popular for about

inches. Often the sole and insoles were made

sic clog. Each season designer, such as Dan-

700 years. Wearers of wooden shoes claim

of cork, although knock off versions were

sko and Sanita, offers new styles so you can

they are warm in winter, cool in summer and

made of plastic. The sole, most often, was

express your fashion tastes while delight-

give good posture support. The wood ab-

made of a light weight rubber.

ing in the healthful benefits of clogs. Styles

sorbs perspiration so feet can breathe. Clogs are so iconic to Dutch culture that men present their fiancées with wooden shoes. Since medieval times the Dutch have been wearing wooden clogs or “Klompen”. Originally, the shoes were carved of a wooden sole and a leather top or strap tacked to the sole. After awhile, the shoemakers carved the clogs entirely from wood and they used alder, willow and popular. The first guild of clog carvers dates back to 1570 in Holland. In Holland farmers, artisans, fishermen and factory workers wore them to protect their feet. Sharp implements, nails, and fishing hooks protected feet. On ships, docks and wet fields feet kept dry in the sturdy wooden clogs. When exactly nurses began wearing clogs is unknown. Swedish clogs became popular fashion accessories in the 1970s and 1980s for both sexes. Usually worn without socks and they were considered appropriate wear for the Avant-garde man. 40

In 2010, clogs revisited the fashion runways when Chanel and Louis Vuitton featured them in their Spring/Summer collections.

range from basic white and solid black to amazing faux snake leathers and realistic animal prints to finely finished patent leathers. In this collection, many of the clogs of-

Women everywhere have discovered the un-

fer traditional, durable stapled construction

contested support and comfort of clogs. For

and are hand stretched.

the majority of people who spend vast hours of the day on their feet, clogs offer lasting relief. These shoes are especially popular among teachers, restaurant workers, and nurses. No matter what your job there is a clog style that is suitable for your work environment.

There is a clog to fit every outfit and Scrubs and Beyond writes, “We know that once you experience the comfortable support of a well-made clog you will be back for a second or even third style.”

Issue 10


Fabulous Nurse Magazine

Scrub Colors to Flatter

Your Skin Tone S kin tone is the color of your skin.

The amount and type of melanin in your skin and the size and number

of blood vessels that lie closest to the skin’s

surface determine your skin’s hue. Skin colors differ immensely from person to person, although those within the same ethnic group tend to fall within the same range of color tone. Even more, getting a sun tan deepens your skin’s pigmentation, but this does not change your skin tone. In order to make the appropriate choices for cosmetics, hair coloring and scrub or clothing colors, it is important

foil, then silver foil to your face. Note the

seem to be greenish in color, then you are a

get started.

effect of the foil’s reflection on the look of

warm tone. If they appear to have a bluish tint, then you are a cool skin tone.

Step One: Determine Your Skin Tone

your skin. Your skin will appear healthy and glow with the right foil. The wrong foil will

to understand one’s own natural hues. Let’s

There are different ways to determine skin tone. You may find your own by following these steps. Prepare Your skin. Wash your face thoroughly with warm water and a facial cleanser. Pat dry. Do not apply any lotions, toner or moisturizer. Wait 15 minutes. In a bright naturally lit room, stand in front of a mirror and examine your skin. Determine your skin tone. To successfully choose the right scrubs’ colors to flatter your skin, you will need to figure out if your skin is warm or cool. Choose one of the following methods to find out: Gold and Silver Test. Alternately, hold a gold 42

make you appear gray and sickly. Warm skin tones tend to have a yellow or gold tone. Silver denotes a cool tone. Ear Test. The area behind your ear has the purest skin tones. Have a friend look behind your ear. The skin tone will appear to be yellow for warm skin tones and pinkish for cool skin tones. Paper Test. Hold a piece of white paper to your face. Take note of your skin’s tone in contrast to the white. If it looks yellow or golden, then you have a warm skin color. If it looks pinkish, you have a cool tone. Wrist Test: Hold your wrists out and facing up under direct sunlight. If the blood vessels

Often times, blue undertones can be seen as red cheeks or slight ruddiness. NOTE: Skin conditions like acne, eczema and rosacea do alter your skin’s appearance and may make it difficult to determine your skin tone. If you suffer from one of these conditions, the Ear Test or Wrist Test will be the best method in identifying your tone.

Step Two: Choose a Scrubs Color: Flatter Your Skin Tone Once you understand skin tone and color, it’s relatively easy to create your professional nurse’s wardrobe. You can be professional and still flatter your skin tone, and well, ego, too!

Issue 10

Like every item of clothing you own, scrubs’ colors are based on seasons. Your coloring with its warm or cool tone can be described as a season. If your coloring is warm and clear, your ideal color choices will reflect the colors of Spring. Cool and clear skin tones should choose from a Winter palette. Warm and muted skin tones are most flattered by the colors of Autumn/Fall. Finally, cool and muted skin tones pop in the colors of Summer.

Colors palettes by season: Spring .............salmon or lime. Winter .............black, white, and navy blue. Autumn/Fall....olive green or terracotta. Summer...........Burgundy or pastels. Most people are naturally drawn to their best colors so this can also be an indication. You may prefer the quick reference guide below: •

Fair skin - try gray

Beige skin - try blue

Golden skin - try green

Bronze skin - try orange or pink

Deep skin - try red or pink

Colors that are not part of your seasonal palette can be tricky. Ideally, you should match the color with another item of clothing which belongs to your color group. For example, match a scrubs pant that is not part of your seasonal palette with a top that is. This works with most colors. For a healthy glow to your skin, it is preferable to wear shirts, blouses, and scrub tops of the same color as your seasonal palette group. Remember fashion is meant to be fun. You can look very attractive, yet demure and professional in the best colors. Have fun, mix and match if you wish. It is all about you. 43

Fabulous Nurse Magazine

Beauty Secrets 44

Issue 10


Fabulous Nurse Magazine


Short Haircuts

By Zee Nickerson

Issue 10




cenario. You wake up late. The dog


whines to be fed. The children must

Always, style your hair in a way that plays up

hustle out the door now or they’ll

miss the school bus again. You’re late to work and there is no time to fix/fiddle with your hair. Then you spend 12 hours helping patients while feeling awful and out of sorts because you know you don’t look your best. Maybe it’s time the fussy hairdo disappears. Besides, what would be more refreshing than a short, perky, low maintenance haircut? A cut for all seasons; a change of style. There is nothing like the ease of short hair. A fresh, cut feels glorious and less work makes life simple and saves time. But what

what you believe are your best features. Irregular shapes can be more interesting, more charming than the traditional oval. For example, a heart-shaped face (the kind that features

Oval Face (slightly narrower at jaw line than at temples). Do’s: To enhance your perfect oval face, focus attention on the temples and around the ear areas for balance, keeping hair fullest at the widest part of your face. Don’ts: None! You have the ideal face shape and can carry wear almost any style.

a “widow’s peak”) is unusual. It is different and attractive. Many nurses would want to play up that feature by wearing a center parts and hair pulled back to reveal it shape. But if a woman feels she does not want play up her heart shaped face, she could part her hair on the side, wear short bangs to cover the widow’s peak and have wavy side curls stopping just below the ears.

Oblong Face

kind of modern style should you get? Hilda

This is the basic question to ask yourself: Do

Cruz, of the Medford JCPenney Salon, who

you want to emphasize the real shape of your

also provides in-patient salon services says,

face? If you do, then choose a hairdo that

“A number of things need to be considered

follows the outline of your face. If not, then

may have narrow or pointed chin).

when choosing your haircut: Type of hair; is

choose a hairdo that gives your face the shape you’d like it to have.

Do’s: If you have a high forehead, minimize

it straight, wavy, curly? Amount of hair; fine, thick or damaged? How much time do you


want spend to maintaining it; wash and wear, blow and go, or curl and spritz? It takes an expert to cut hair well. On a limited budget it’s smarter to spend less for a dress and have your hair cut by an expert every time. A good hair dresser knows the length of your neck determines how long your hair should be cut, while the shape of your face influences the style of haircut.

“The right hairstyle will flatter your facial shape, minimizing any “beauty flaws,’” says styling pro Laurie Cook. “The wrong style,” she adds, “will emphasize certain problems, so it’s essential that you and your hairdresser take your face shape into account before she begins to cut.” Here is Real Beauty ...Real Women’s guide to cuts that flatter the six basic face shapes.

(slender, long with equal widths at forehead and just below cheek bone;

the width and length with soft bangs and a side part. To “widen” a narrow chin, choose a short or medium length style with fullness in the nape area. Don’ts: Steer clear of too much height in the crown area, this can “lengthen” your face. Avoid short, short boy cuts featuring a shaved or bare neck. They’ll make your chin look “pointy”. Don’t comb hair away from your forehead; again, you’ll add length to your face. 47

Fabulous Nurse Magazine




HINTS Long neck: Be happy! You can wear short, medium, or long styles, anything that plays up this beautiful feature. Short neck: Choose shorter hair with height at the crown to make your neck appear longer.

Triangular Face

Heart Shape Face

(strong jaw line, narrowing to a slightly

(wide at temples, narrowing

pointed chin; narrowing just a little upward in

gradually to a small chin).

cheek and temple areas).

Do’s: This shape needs a little “camouflag-

Receding chin line: Balance by wearing hair high on top, fuller at sides. Prominent chin line: Balance by wearing hair high on top, fuller at sides.

Do’s: Keep hair close to face, covering the

ing”, do this by creating soft side bangs at the

Double chin: Camouflage by wearing hair in a

widest part of the temple areas. Choose a tiny

temples to minimize the width. Longer hair

modified pageboy, with shorter sides and lon-

bit of height at the crown to break the triangle

with fluffiness or fullness in the chin area will

ger, fuller back, or flip ends upward.


“widen” a narrow chin. (Curly hair works well

High forehead: Try bangs or a side part to

Don’ts: Ignore off-the-neck styles, which will

to reproportion a heart shaped face.)

emphasize the line of your face shape. If your hair

Don’ts: Opt out of styles, which accentuate

is straight, avoid tucking it behind your ears. It

the heart shape, call attention to a “pointy”

will call attention to the widest part of your face.


minimize length. Low forehead: Create the illusion of length by combing hair away from the face. If you prefer the look of bangs, make sure they’re light, and

Avoid too much fullness at the jawline.

wispy. Large nose: A full hairstyle, with fluffy bangs, will detract from your prominent nose. Glasses wearers: Keep hair smooth, soft, a pretty frame for your face. “The purpose of hair is adornment,” says Hilda. “Some people say, ‘I don’t care what the back looks like’ but the back should look as good as the front. Your cut should look

Round Face

Square Face

(round, full with rounded chin ,

(square, strong jawline).

widest part is at cheeks and ears).

Do’s: A square face is a beauty plus, showing

Do’s: Bring your hair forward onto the fame

strength. You can be creative, experimenting

to create a more “oval” appearance. Choose

with various styles. You can brush or pull hair

style for height at the crown to “lengthen” the

back from your face to accent the shape.


Don’ts: Avoid the temptation to soften the

Don’ts: Avoid wearing hair back and off the

geometric lines of your face. This will play

face, which highlights the roundness.


down; rather enhance your natural beauty.

stylish and communicate to patients that you take care of yourself and thus you can take care of them.”

Issue 10


Turn Back The Fabulous Nurse Magazine

Clock I

t seems like every day there’s a new prod-

With Natural Anti-Aging Skin Care be helped by drinking plenty of water and eating right.

uct on to market to help turn back time.

To supplement your healthy skin diet you can

Truthfully, no matter what any company

try a few natural products to maximize the ef-

tells you, there’s no such thing as a fountain

fects. Try these at-home ideas that keep you

of youth, but there are steps you can take to

looking young and vibrant.

make yourself look and feel younger without

To help reduce your wrinkles, mash up a ripe

surgery or expensive treatments or products. A well balanced, nutrient rich diet is the best

banana, apply to your face and allow to sit for about 15 minutes before rinsing.

way to keep yourself looking young. A lot of

Use lemon juice to remove age spots. Just ap-

skin aging is caused by free radicals. They are

ply daily to gradually lighten them away. If

damaging chemicals from the air we breathe,

lemon juice is too harsh for your skin, mix it

the food we eat, and our environment in gen-

into your daily moisturizer to see results while

eral. Just like free radicals can hurt us, antioxi-

keeping your skin soft and smooth.

dants can combat free radicals.

To reduce eye puffiness, grate a small potato

Antioxidants like vitamins A, E, and C are

and mix with a small amount of chilled apple

found in many fruits and vegetables. Try eat-

sauce. Place on eyes and cover with a moist

ing a variety of vegetables along with a diet

towel for 5 to 10 minutes.

rich in protein, whole grains, and low-fat dairy

Gently exfoliate your skin daily to help the


cells renew themselves and keep the skin

Just like some foods can help you look young-

looking youthful. Simply use a little natural

er, other foods and bad habits can speed up

uncooked oatmeal mixed with a teaspoon of

the clock. To stay looking your best, don’t

honey and gently rub on your face. Rinse off

smoke and limit your consumption of alcohol

with cool water. Your skin will look vibrant

and caffeine. You should also try to eat fresh

and soft.

(preferably raw) foods daily and avoid a lot of

Use natural vitamin E oil on your face at night.

processed foods and preservatives.

Simply rub on a very thin layer in the areas

Another skin ager is sugar – soft, sticky and

most prone to wrinkles and let absorb into

deadly – it is not awful for your health in gen-

your skin overnight. In the morning try the

eral it’s extremely ageing to your skin. Avoid

exfoliating scrub mentioned above and you’re

or reduce sugar as much as possible from your

set to go.

diet and you will see a difference in your skin.

While nothing can stop the clock altogether,

Dry skin, acne, and other skin issues can all

healthy, youthful skin is achievable and these

make you look older as well, and they can all

easy steps will help you get started.


Issue 10



Secrets to Soft Hands

Fabulous Nurse Magazine

1 2 3


Once a week soak hands in a bowl containing warm water and Soda Bicarbonate for 10 minutes.

Take a large scoop of petroleum jelly and two drops of olive oil, rub into hands (rub hands together as if washing them). Put hands into plastic freezer bags and cover with a warm towel. Relax for thirty minutes, then wash in usual way.

Use a moisturizing hand soap. Mix a few drops of lemon juice and glycerine in whole milk cream. Rub on your hands and fingers at night to make them soft.

Rub rich cuticle cream on your fingertips to prevent ragged hangnails. Splurge on a paraffin dip. If your hands are extremely chapped, a paraffin dip treatment coats your hands in a protective layer of paraffin wax. The end result is softer, smoother hands.

Issue 10


Sweat Resistant Makeup For Active Nurses Fabulous Nurse Magazine


he secret to long lasting, sweat resistant makeup is concealer. Listed below are widely acclaimed sweat-resistant foundations and concealers. Relax, go to work and focus on providing optimum patient care. Let’s do the worrying

about make-up types on your behalf. We’ve got you covered.

Max Factor Pan Stick Foundation Match color to your skin tone. Apply with a damp sponge, or fingers. Cover your whole face, lips and eyelids and ears and neck and chest included. Apply loose translucent powder to set the foundation. Brush off the excess. Finish make-up application per usual. Coverage is 100% when set and powdered.

Bobbie Brown Foundation An absolutely fabulous waterproof foundation!! “My friend decided to get a make up artist for her wedding and this was the foundation that the makeup artist used. My friend’s makeup was done at 9:00 am and we ended the wedding festivities after midnight even in the Arizona weather her foundation absolutely remained flawless. If I ever start performing I will definitely invest in this foundation, I worked with makeup for years and I have to say I was extremely impressed.” 54

Issue 10

Estee Lauder’s Maximum Coverage

L’Oreal AirWear Contains silicone which is one of the trendiest ingredients in the world of makeup these days. It provides an easy glide that allows you to layer the makeup just perfectly without looking noticeably “done”. This concealer is easy to blend and will give you a matte effect. This is an ideal concealer for someone with a lot to hide as it is easy to layer. Cover these with your normal foundation shade.

Sue Devitt Automatic Camouflage Concealer

Set foundation with loose powder. It looks fresh for up to 18 hours. If hot and sweaty while at work, you can spray a fine mist of water over your face to cool down without messing your makeup up.

This best concealer is a favorite of Courtney Cox-Arquette. It conceals, corrects and hides imperfections. The stick formula makes it easy to apply. It’s water-resistant and crease-proof. This best concealer is a must-have for fashion shoots!

Mirenesse Velvet Maxilift foundation Australian brand with online store. Sets to a dewy finish by itself. Still okay to apply loose powder for a matte look. Mirenesse also have the BEST mascara EVER!! sweat proof, smudge proof, fine even for super sensitive eyes, I could go on and on....

M.A.C. Studio Finish Concealer

Revlon Color Stay Natural Concealer

It is “a lightweight, creamy, discreetly opaque concealer. Provides a smooth, long-wearing invisible coverage for all skin blemishes. Water-resistant, fragrance-free and non-acnegenic. This emollient-based, lightweight concealer is so concentrated that a tiny amount can provide opaque coverage of the skin’s imperfections and discolorations…Available in a wide range of colors. It can be applied with a medium to firm fiber brush, a latex sponge, or the fingertips.”

This Best Concealer is a liquid formula that can provide medium coverage of your flaws without settling into your wrinkles. Fair and Light concealers are the most natural shades for light skins and Deep is the most realistic shade for dark skins. This is a long wearing concealer so you can “set it and forget it” as they say in infomercial land.

Mary Kay MK Signature Concealer This Best Concealer is a silicone concealer that is squeezed out of its tube and blended easily over the skin. This concealer can provide a very full coverage and is recommended by celebrity makeup expert Paul Begoun for concealing dark under eye circles. It comes in six colors and the best ones are the three lightest, so pale faces and those with very light skin can find an almost-perfect or perfect match.


Fabulous Nurse Magazine


Issue 10




Cloudy With

Fabulous Nurse Magazine

a Chance C

olor has a powerful influence on mood and perception.

of Blue By Matthew Fowler

Lawyers tell their clients to wear blue in court because it connotes truth. Yellow and red elicit a violent reaction from

sharks. Warm yellows and amber in a movie lighting scheme help create a happy mood. Crisp blue light in a movie lighting scheme helps set a scientific or foreboding mood. The use of digital video or increasing the black levels in motion picture film when cut from a more standard lighting scheme helps signify a transition to real-time action. Doctors wear a purely white lab coat to create a perception of scientific accuracy and competence. As nurses you often contemplate what color your scrubs should be, based on how you think it would affect your patients.

But what about blue? Why is blue associated with sadness or melancholy? You know the expressions: blue Mondays, feeling blue, or blue skies. Blue skies? Wait. That’s not sad at all; blues skies connote good weather, happy times. So, when does blue connote sadness versus happiness.

Does Cloudy

With a Chance of Blue mean things are sad and getting sadder, or does it mean things are about to get better? This article is the first in a series of articles about how colors affect us. We choose to look at blue and its effects first. Think Quest, an on-line scientific journal illuminates the science of human optical perception. The human eye only has 3 color channels. In other words, our eyes are not able to distinguish the particular wavelengths of light and can only use three different sensors to determine what color an object should appear. We see the millions of colors around us because of the way that the color channels send signals to the brain. The color channels are called Red, Green, and Blue. Each channel is sensitive to a certain range of light. 58

Issue 10

Uh-huh, so that’s how the eye functions,

ger nails, black eye liner, and died, jet black

different parts of the eye perceive different

hair, and he may seem instantly less honest.

wave lengths of light, and different colors are basically a stew of perception. That broth, however, does more than tell us what shirt goes with what pair of pants. Color Affects, a web site about how color and its influence, claim that color is energy, and the fact that it has a physical effect on us has been proved time and again in experiments - most notably when blind people were asked to identify colors with their fingertips and were all able to do so easily. The shorter the wavelength, the stronger the underlying physical effect. That said, much of our reaction to color is learned; do pea-green corn flakes sound appetizing? What about pea-green soup with visible chunks of ham and tiny peas? How do you react to a purple and yellow patch of skin? What about the same colors of makeup with a matching outfit? These different reactions to the same colors tend to suggest color’s influence is entirely too subjective to predict. Or, in other words, Cloudy With a Chance of Blue means something different to every person who ponders its meaning. Color Affects disagrees with that idea and hypothesizes that color’s influence is not limited to the color of any one object, but in the context of a total picture. A gray sky during winter when snow is on the ground seems dreary; a gray sky during summer in a field of vibrantly colored flowers and deep green tall grasses seems refreshing. A blue suit on an average looking man could con-

Color Affects peered further into this question by conducting a series of studies about each of the colors of the spectrum. They found that color affects us in two primary ways, physiological and psychological. The color blue... Physiological Effect: In contrast to red, blue proves to lower blood pressure. Blue can be linked to the throat and thyroid gland. Blue also has a very cooling and soothing affect, often making us calmer. Deep blue stimulates the pituitary gland, which then regulates our sleep patterns. This deeper blue also has proved to help the skeletal structure in keeping bone marrow healthy. Psychological Effect: We usually associate the color blue with the night and thus we feel relaxed and calmed. Lighter blues make us feel quite and away from the rush of the day. These colors can be useful in eliminating insomnia. Like yellow, blue inspires mental control, clarity and creativity. However, too much dark blue can be depressing. When we think about blue and its influence, the connotations are both sad and happy, depressing and inspiring, or simply put, we have a range of thoughts and feelings about the color blue. The idea then, is that blue, or any clolor must be considered as part of a greater picture, and Cloudy With a Chance of Blue only has a definitive meaning when we look at more than just the sky.

note honesty; give that same man black fin-


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Fabulous Nurse Magazine



Issue 10

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Fabulous Nurse Magazine

Amber Butler By Karen Kalis

Nurse Firefighter With a Cause



climbing 69 flights of steps to raise money

in the race to the top. Like many firefighters,

for research. Butler didn’t decide to jump

Butler’s efforts were personal. “I did it in

in immediately. She said, “I didn’t think I

memory of the death of my friend Ryan and

was fit enough. I went for five years as a

a doctor I work with has multiple myeloma.

support person and bottle changer.” When

I wanted to do something for a really won-

she did decide to try the stair climb herself,

derful cause,” said Butler. The 2011 climb

she started a bit smaller than the 69 flights

raised $930,000.

in Seattle. “Portland had a stair climb up 41 flights for cystic fibrosis. I did that one

Path to ICU

last September,” she said, “I realized I can

When Butler isn’t climbing stairs or chas-

do this! I’m not triathlete fit, but I know I

ing after her kids, she works as a part-time

can do this.” After doing the cystic fibrosis

ICU nurse, and just passed her CCRN exam.

climb in honor of a woman she works with,

She’s been a registered nurse for eight years,

Butler decided it was time to try the Seattle

though she started off as an EMT. “I thought

climb. “I was so excited in March to be able

I wanted to be a firefighter paramedic. I got

to stay healthy enough to do the stair climb

my EMT basic which allowed me to work

in Seattle. I ended up finishing the race a

in the ER and I could see what nurses do

Butler’s interest in volunteer firefighting

minute faster than my training runs. I ended

and I could see what paramedics do. That’s

started as a family affair. “I’ve been a volun-

up 73 of 109 women. I finished 21st in my

where I met my husband who is a paramed-

teer firefighter for the last several years, fol-

age bracket. But, the thing that made my

ic. I realized I needed to think twice about

lowing my dad’s footsteps.” As a volunteer

heart race the most was the money I was able

my career and having kids. If we were both

firefighter, one of Butler’s passions is giving

to raise-- over $2500. I was in the top 3% in

firefighters, having child care would be ex-

back to the community. “About six years

fundraisers,” she said.

ceptionally difficult. Who watches your kids

mber Butler is a woman with endless energy. The mom of two children – four-year-old Abigail and

two-year-old Ethan, Butler is not only an ICU nurse, but a volunteer firefighter in Oregon.

A Nurse With A Cause

ago, we saw what firefighters were doing in Seattle for leukemia and lymphoma.” What Butler saw was firefighters, all geared up, 62

The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (www.llswa.org) reports that over 1500 firefighters from 271 departments joined Butler

for 24 hours while you are working?” she said. That realization led her to becoming a nurse and eventually to the ICU. Though

Issue 10


Fabulous Nurse Magazine


Issue 10

she loved the ER, with the help of mentors

“I’m going to give it my all. I need to be

to whether you have the talent to think on

she met along the way, she decided to pur-

able to say it’s worth is to be away from my

your toes, prioritize and work under pres-

sue work in the ICU. “In the ER, you just

family and it’s a great cause. If I didn’t have

sure all the time. Some of us, that’s not our

get them stable enough to move them to ICU.

a connection with it, I might not be as pas-

personality. It’s not that you are less of a

You don’t get to see the end result of what

sionate about it.”

nurse, it’s just not your thing. ICU is such

you do. [My mentors] wanted me to see more patho-physiology. I’ve enjoyed it so much

Advice For Future ICU Nurses

a different environment because it’s ever changing and fast paced. The CCU classes

that I haven’t left. Not all days are great days,

Butler is just as passionate about her work

help you, but when you get at the bedside

not all days end with a smile, but I wouldn’t

as an ICU nurse. She has some advice for

and start doing it it’s totally different. You

want to work anywhere else,” she said.

nurses who are considering working in the

have to have the mindset. More than any-

Family Matters

ICU. “You’ve got to make sure you love

thing else, you need to be flexible, humble,

what you are doing. If you don’t, the patient

determined, advocate for the patient and be

Knowing everything that Butler does makes

or the family of the patient will sense that.

soft and hard. There are some times when

you wonder how she gets it all done. “I’m

You need to be learning something every

you need to hold a hand or touch a shoulder

such a stubborn person that I think when I

single day, or at least seeking to learn some-

and there are other times when you have to

put my mind to something I get it done, even

thing every day. Also, you have to support

do the task at hand.”

if it means that I don’t get as much sleep as

each other in ICU. I know in our unit, it’s

I need. I want to show my children that it’s

not a single person sport. It’s a team sport.

just not about taking care of yourself, it’s

If it wasn’t for four other nurses yesterday,

about taking care of each other. It’s about

I would not have gotten through my day.”

making a difference. I want to do something

Whether or not you belong in ICU is a per-

big, something that means something other

sonal decision, Butler said, “Soul search as

than just living every day. I want to raise

Amber Butler, a mom, wife, volunteer firefighter, passionate fundraiser and committed ICU nurse, is an amazing woman with a unending compassion for people. With her focus on raising her family, everywhere she goes she is spreading hope and healing.

awareness, I want to raise money, I want to stay fit,” she said. But nothing comes ahead of her family. “While you need to make money, my kids come first. I have great family support and friend support in regards to helping with the kids for a few hours because I have an event today or because my husband Brian and I work today. If I didn’t have my big family and my big support system, I wouldn’t be able to do what I do.” Her family support has allowed her passion for raising money to bloom. “I enjoy the atmosphere of getting your brothers and sisters and raising money for a cause. When you tell people you are going to climb this building with all your gear on they look at you like you are a little crazy. Because I have my personal associations with it, that’s what makes it such a big deal for me.” When Butler does commit to something, her level of determination is extraordinary. She said, 65


Fabulous Nurse Magazine

Vasquez ProvencioBy Margaret Smith

Changing the Landscape for Nursing


e was the first in his family to attend college. Then he became the first Hispanic male in the United States to earn a doctorate degree in nursing. Eventually, he achieved another first—the first Latino male in the U.S. to head a nursing


Back in his teen-age years, when Elias Provencio-Vasquez was working in a hospital kitchen in Phoenix, he probably never imagined himself as the dean of a nursing school in the very town in which he was born. But in February, 2010, after a nationwide search, he took his place as dean of the University of Texas at El Paso School of Nursing. And it all started in that hospital kitchen in Phoenix where he washed dishes, delivered dinner trays to nursing stations, and became inspired.

Planting the seeds Getting to know the nurses, talking to them about the profession, and witnessing their interactions with their patients was a source of inspiration for Provencio-Vasquez. But he was a guy, and there just weren’t that many guys in nursing back in the 70s and 80s. When he first entered community college in Phoenix, it was to study psychology; but, as stated in Hispanic Tips 12/8/09, he ended up switching his focus—and following his destiny. He enrolled in nursing school at the age of 26 and began his journey toward making history.

the learning/working process took him about

tors, parents of premature infants were able

17 years, as he added more degrees and cer-

to make the transition from hospital to home

tifications to his résumé. In the 30-year span

more easily. According to the website for the

of his career, he has worked as a clinical

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 5/26/10,

nurse, a researcher, an educator, and admin-

Provencio-Vasquez used this project as the

istrator. He also received his certification as

subject for his dissertation thesis.

a nurse practitioner in neonatology and pediatrics. When he served as president of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, he was instrumental in raising awareness of the value of nurse practitioners and the justification for appropriate compensation.

Germinating consciousness As he pursued his Ph.D., Provencio Vasquez

In the beginning, Provencio-Vasquez, like

followed the progress of premature babies

many others, had to manage a schedule that

after their discharge from the hospital. He

combined an intense regimen of nursing

studied their development in their home set-

studies with regular shifts as a hospital and

tings, and used his findings to develop an in-

emergency-room flight nurse. All together,

tervention program. With nurses as facilita-


Using his doctoral work as a jumping off point, he continued to work with at-risk women and their families. According to Hispanic Tips, he achieved recognition both nationally and internationally for his groundbreaking work in issues involving women’s health, as well as neonatal and pediatric care. An expert in primary care and development assessments of HIV and drugexposed infants, children, and adolescents, he also worked as director of the Neonatal Nurse Practitioner program at the University of Texas at Houston and the University of Maryland.

Issue 10

Cultivating vitality In an article for The Chronicle of Higher Education, June 27, 2011, Provencio-Vasquez stated that all his

students are being recruited by other cities across the country who have an influx of immigrants that are Hispanic.”

mentors and role models in high school and college

Provencio-Vasquez credits the uniqueness of the de-

were white women. These women were both sup-

mographics for helping to attract top students, fac-

portive and inspiring, but as a Latino male, he was

ulty, and researchers to the School of Nursing. He

especially conscious of the role he could play as a

believes the potential exists for the UTEP School of

mentor for both men and members of minority ethnic

Nursing to become one of the top 25 U.S. nursing

groups. That’s one reason he was pulled toward the

schools in terms of education and research. The evi-

field of academics: he could serve as a role model to

dence is in the successful hiring rate of the graduates.

others. “Minority students are very fortunate in these

Provencio-Vasquez is proud to say that UTEP nurses

times that they have role models from their own eth-

can find jobs anywhere in the country.

nicity,” he says.

“Sixty percent of the nurses who practice in El Paso

According to Diversity Nursing 7/9/11, The National

are UTEP grads,” he said in the El Paso Times article.

Advisory Council on Nurse Education and Practice

“We have a UTEP nurse in every state in this country.

formally acknowledged that the increasing racial/eth-

When I first got here, I went out and met every chief

nic diversity of the RN labor forces had an important

nursing officer, every CEO of every hospital because

place in nursing. This is a component that should

I wanted to make sure we were educating our stu-

be recognized as a gauge for ensuring the presence

dents so that they wanted to hire them. I want them

of a culturally competent nursing workforce that will

to say, ‘UTEP grads are the nurses we want to hire.’ “

meet the needs of a diverse population.

In 2010, 228, or 70%, of the 324 nurses who gradu-

What a perfect time for a Latino male to be appoint-

ated from the School of Nursing were Hispanic. That

ed as dean of a nursing school. And when the school

figure was enough to raise UTEP School of Nursing’s

is situated in El Paso, right across the border from

rate of nursing degrees awarded to Hispanics from

Juarez, Mexico, it’s also the perfect place. “The fact

number three in the country to number one. When

that we educate bicultural and bilingual nurses makes

Provencio-Vasquez assumed his position as head

us very unique,” Provencio-Vasquez said in an article

of the school, it took only a year to move up to first

in the El Paso Times 6/11/11. “Other schools across

place. It seems like the perfect addition to his collec-

the country are looking at us as a model of educa-

tion of firsts.

tion for bilingual and bicultural nurses. Our nursing


Fabulous Nurse Magazine

Travel 68


ONTREAL - With so few people in such a large space, it’s a wonder that Canada - population: 34 million - has the largest per capita level of immigration in the world. More than 250,000 immigrants and refugee claimants come to Canada each year. Skilled professionals, ranging from architects to chefs to nurses, have been encouraged to submit their immigration applications over the years. And many have done so with success as they are now either perma-

Issue 10

New Cap On Immigration Applications From Nurses Yet government policy has recently changed when it comes to immigration. No one is yet sure, however, if these changes will be beneficial. As of July 1, 2011, Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) changed the application process for skilled immigrants interested in working in Canada. Until next summer, a maximum of 10,000 Federal Skilled Worker applications will be


Nursing Shortage By Renaud Dery, Esq.

nent residents or Canadian citizens. Yet Canadians, as well as skilled workers abroad, still face an odd reality when it comes to the nursing profession. Nursing Shortages From Province To Province The fact is that nurses can be surprisingly hard to find in Canada. Nursing shortages, and their negative public health ramifications, make national headlines on a regular basis. A recent article titled “Critical nurse-shortage looming” from Vancouver’s News1130 suggested the problem could be solved by increasing immigration levels for nurses to more than 300 annually in the province of British Columbia alone. On Canada’s westernmost coast, British Columbia is only one of 10 provinces and 3 territories. The Canadian Nurses Association (CNA) reports that Canada will be short almost 60,000 full-time equivalent RNs by 2022 if policy changes are not implemented in the wake of aging Baby Boomers and their growing impact on the healthcare system.

considered for processing. Of that 10,000, only 500 RNs and 500 Licensed Practical Nurses will be considered.


Received applications are monitored by the federal government on a regular basis and certain statistics shared with public. The September update indicated only 90 spaces were left for RNs.

The province of Quebec has a separate immigration system and, currently, it is much easier for nurses interested in immigrating to Canada to settle in this predominantly French-speaking province than anywhere else in the country.

The only exemption to this new rule set out by the federal government is for nurses who have a secured job offer prior to arriving in Canada.

Currently conducting immigration seminars geared for nurses in the Philippines, Dery is known for shedding light on the often intimidating immigration process.

One Overlooked Canadian Job Market

The perceived language barriers in Quebec need not be intimidating either as Quebec offers opportunities for English-speaking professionals who are willing to learn the fundamentals of French as they apply their much needed nursing skills to a healthcare system desperate for dedicated workers.

With an already dire nationwide shortage and this recent cap on nurse immigration, it’s hard to see where any hope can be found for healthcare professionals worldwide. Canadian immigration lawyer, Renaud Dery, is based in Montreal, Quebec and is an expert in navigating the several dozen options for immigration which ensures moving to Canada is stress-free for his clients. And nurses are no exception because there is another place in Canada ready to accept immigration applications from nursing pro-

BIO: Renaud Dery is a Canadian immigration lawyer with 13 years of experience with helping expats come to Canada stress-free. Are you ready to make the move? Find out today by filling in the free, confidential assessment form at http://canadim.com/assessment.html 69

Fabulous Nurse Magazine


Beautiful A Visit to Our Friends up North


Canada By Matthew Fowler

f your nurse’s station is like almost every

and Canada. You’ve probably even heard of

official languages. Additionally, the indig-

other nurse’s station across our nation, by

American senior citizens traveling to Canada

enous people of Canada, primarily the Inuit

now you’ve heard of and probably even

for cheaper medication, or Canadians having

tribes, assimilated into mainstream Canadian

debated about the Patient Protection and

to wait six months for an MRI and exercis-

society relatively easily because they did so

Affordable Care Act of 2010. Part of that

ing their greener grass option to the US. So

mostly voluntarily. Moreover, Canada be-

discourse has probably included a compari-

despite your knowledge that at day’s end,

came independent from England without a

son to other health care systems in other

helping people recover is essentially the

violent revolution, and thus, Canada holds to

countries, especially the United Kingdom

same, regardless of location, your wander

her European heritage with greater reverence

lust may now include a jaunt to Canada to

than the U.S. The end result is a very inclu-

gain the real experience necessary to mold

sive, culturally rich, and pluralistic society.

an informed opinion about the whole mess. However, before you dig out the passport (something you now need just to get into Canada post 9/11), you have some questions. And since we are a magazine dedicated to your fabulousness, please consider the following before setting travel arrangements. Canadian Culture: Canada is a country with a multicultural history and ethos; the province of Quebec is primarily French speaking, and the other provinces are English dominant. 70

Both English and French are

One of the most enjoyable aspects of Canadian culture is the cuisine. It does vary across the provinces, but all food in Canada has French, European, American, and Intuit influences and origins. Among the most popular dishes are meat pie, a smoked meat sandwich, and poutine, a combination of French fries and cheese curds served with gravy. Fair warning - Canada is not the country in which to start a low calorie, low fat diet.

Issue 10


Fabulous Nurse Magazine

Travel Requirements: Traveling to Canada

traveling nurse agencies describe a 32 week

is not an easy process. Regardless of your

training regimen for all foreign nurses wish-

country of origin, as Canada seems to not

ing to work in Canada, regardless of your

distinguish between American and other for-

country of origin. These agencies describe

eign nurse applicants, you must secure a Ca-

a dormitory -cafeteria setting for you dur-

nadian work visa first. To do that, you must

ing your training period, and then offer as-

in essence, get a job. While you could ven-

sistance with finding a place to stay once

ture on your own and simply contact Canadi-

you start work. Further, you must pass the

an hospitals and complete their applications,

provincial licensing examination, regardless

the more typical route is through a travel

of your previous training (Canadian or other-

nursing agency. Further, these agencies of-

wise) and/or direct experience.

fer considerable assistance beyond simply shepherding your applications to numerous

Are you daunted yet?

employers (which would also save you much

Though the process seems complex and

leg work). They offer help with getting a

lengthy, there are various resources for the

place to stay and other “start-up” concerns.

traveling nurse. Canada needs nurses, and

Plus, the reputable agencies charge the em-

according to the Canadian State Department

ployer for their services, not you. But wait,

website, http://www.canadavisa.com, does

there’s more.

everything it can to make the immigration

Well, don’t be.

process easier (however, Canada does not Any potential employer must establish there

seem deferential to American nurses).

are no qualified Canadian citizens to fill your position and subsequently sponsor your im-

Compensation: Is it worth it? Strictly speak-

migration packet through Canadian immi-

ing and according to All Nurses, a website

gration authorities. Once you have permis-

for nurses, compensation for Canadian nurs-

sion to work in Canada, then you must meet

es is roughly the same as in the U.S. with a

the Canadian licenser requirements. Each

lower top end salary structure. But that’s not

Canadian province has its own requirements,

the whole story. It would be hard to describe

and there is no immediate reciprocal process

specific details given the size of both the U.S.

for you to “transfer” your credentials. Most

and Canada, but generally speaking, the cost

of living in Canada is considerably less than the U.S., making a strict dollar comparison more favorable to Canada. However, CBC News Online does state salary is the first and foremost issue for Canadian nursing unions. Aside from salary, the differences between Canada and America as a whole affect other areas of compensation. Almost all nurses in Canada belong to the provincial union, which of course, is advantageous to the employee. The union has negotiated 45 vacation days per annum for every nurse as well as a government sponsored, non-contributory pension. Further, because Canada has a quasi Socialist economy, Canadians have many free services that Americans don’t, such as universal health coverage and other social programs. Finally, many of the agencies that would help you obtain employment also help you (for a brief period) with your start-up costs like housing, meals, etc. Clinical Environment: Canadian culture and government policies would affect the clinical environment as well. Much Canadian health care is provided through her universal health coverage system. So, most health care is provided through large clinics and hospitals as opposed to a small office with just a few physicians. Concurrently, most of the available work is at these clinics, and is very often, shift work. According to CBC News Online in 2007, one of the nursing unions’ most frequent issues is shift work and the lack of control nurses have over their schedule.

Also, Canada has a nurse shortage,

and the national average ratio of nurses to patients is 1:136. 72

Issue 10

traveling nurse agencies distinguish between American nurses and others in their application process, the agencies I encountered were themselves American.


while immigration between America and Canada used to be a very easy and streamlined process, that seems to no longer be the case. There is no easily discernible difference between how American nurses are treated versus other foreign nurses. Conclusion: If your motivation is acquiring wealth, Canada is probably not the place to be a nurse, unless of course, you don’t measure wealth in dollar amounts. In researchThe difference between the two countries

memorize and use provincial methodology

ing what it meant to be a nurse traveling to

insurance systems also affects your work


Canada, I found the real difference and thus,

processes. While you probably won’t need

richness of traveling to Canada, would be

to learn how insurers cover their patients in

American Nurses Versus Other Travel-

to demystify all the theoretical implications

a given setting or bounce your treatment op-

ing Nurses: While many countries place a

of a health system fundamentally different

tions off the insurance provider’s guidelines,

higher value on the training and experience

than our own. How often have you thought

you would have to learn how to deal with the

of American nurses, Canada does not seem

about or even heard about a health care sys-

Canadian government. Also, nursing prac-

to do so. All nurses must conform to Cana-

tem with universal coverage? As a nurse in

tices are standardized, you would have to

dian standards, period. Though many of the

Canada, you can judge that for yourself


Fabulous Nurse Magazine


Issue 10

Breakroom Discussions


Fabulous Nurse Magazine


Well 76

Fiction: Beyond a certain age, people have little interest in sex. Fact: There is no age limit on sexuality, but for people age 50 and over, sexual satisfaction depends more on the overall quality of the relationship than it does for younger couples. A National Council on Aging survey reports that among people age 60 and over

Libido Get the Facts at 50

Issue 10

who have regular intercourse, 74 percent of the men and 70 percent of the women find their sex lives more satisfying than when they were in their forties. Fiction: As a man ages, he loses his ability to get an erection. Fact: Aging itself is not a cause of erectile dysfunction. However, diminishing hormone levels do precipitate some changes. A man may need more physical stimulation to become aroused, and his erection may not be quite as firm as when he was younger — but sex is no less pleasurable. While a 25-yearold man might be able to get a second erection as quickly as fifteen minutes after an ejaculation, a 50-year-old man might need several hours. Fiction: Emotional and psychological factors are responsible for a woman’s lack of interest in sex at midlife and beyond. Fact: Physical factors can play an even larger role. Hormonal changes at menopause can affect a woman’s sexual response. Low


udging from the images the popular media puts forth, you’d think sex was only for twenty some-things. Nothing is further from the truth. Sex at midlife and beyond is a subject mired in confusion and misinformation. Here are some com-

mon myths and the straight story about sex after 50.

Fact: Masturbation can increase sexual

es that take place aren’t all negative. Once

pleasure, both with and without a partner.

a woman is past menopause and no longer

For women, it helps keep vaginal tissues

concerned about pregnancy, many couples

moist and elastic and boosts hormone lev-

find it easier to relax and look forward to

els, which fuels sex drive. For men, it helps

lovemaking. And partners who are retired or

maintain erectile response.

working only part time often have more time

Fiction: A man’s inability to get an erec-

and energy for each other, for making love

tion is most likely the result of an emotional

as well as pursuing other shared activities.


By midlife, you know your own body and

women, lower testosterone levels can mean a

Fact: Actually, physical causes — such as

your partner’s intimately, and, hopefully,

lack of energy and a weaker sex drive. Other

circulation problems, prostate disorders,

women find their interest in sex increases

and side effects associated with prescription

after menopause, due, in part, to a shift in

medications — account for 85 percent of

the ratio of testosterone to estrogen and pro-

erectile difficulties


Fiction: Couples at midlife and beyond who

Fiction: A woman loses her ability to have

don’t have regular sex have lost interest in

orgasms as she ages.

sex or in each other.

Fact: Many women find increased sexual

Fact: When older couples don’t have regular

yourself with someone who loves you.

pleasure after menopause, including more

sex, it’s usually because one partner has an

Sex after age 65 may take place less often,

frequent or more intense orgasms.

illness or disability.

but many find it becomes more gratifying

Fiction: Masturbation diminishes your abil-

Of course, it’s true that sex isn’t going to stay

than ever. Reprinted with permission from

ity to enjoy sex with a partner.

exactly the same as you age. But the chang-

estrogen levels can result in vaginal dryness, causing discomfort during sex. And in some

you’ve figured out how to communicate what you find pleasurable. It’s likely that you’ve shed any sexual inhibitions, and your sexual confidence and experience probably result in better sex for both of you. Just as important, sex may be more emotionally fulfilling because now it is driven less by hormones and more by the desire to share

RD © 2011 77

Fabulous Nurse Magazine


Issue 10

Foods & Drinks That May Increase Anxiety


f you suffer from anxiety, you may blame certain triggers in your environment for bringing on the anxious feelings. But what you eat and drink can have a profound effect on your body’s chemistry. Some foods and drinks may actually worsen your

anxiety. Here are some of the culprits.




As you might have expected, the caffeine

While chocolate is often considered the

in coffee can make anxiety worse. It causes

“feel-good” food, it contains significant

constriction of blood vessels and that feeling

caffeine and large amounts of sugar. As dis-

of the “jitters.” It can also cause or worsen

cussed above, caffeine has the opposite ef-

insomnia. In addition, coffee inhibits the ab-

fect that an anxious person wants and needs.

for optimal mind and body function.

Soft Drinks and Colas Even if you choose caffeine-free, sugar-free soft drinks, you are still drinking a beverage that can worsen your anxiety. The high-acid content of dark colas produces an acidic environment in the body. In order to alleviate this acidity, calcium and magnesium are leached from your bones. Both of these min-

cussed below.

Excessive Sugar By “excessive,” some nutritionists mean anything over 5 tablespoons of refined sugar daily. While you may think that would be easy, it’s not. Sugar is in everything, and 5 tablespoons is just 1 tablespoon more than 1/4 cup. If you drink several large glasses


sorption of Vitamin C, an important nutrient

The sugar is another problem, and is dis-

of sweet iced tea, you have probably drunk close to 1/4 cup of sugar. And that does not take into account the sugar in your foods, either hidden (such as in frozen foods) or obvious (such as “frosted” cereals). So why is sugar a problem? For one thing, the body uses Vitamin B6, which is crucial to mood and proper hormone function, to metabolize sugar. In other words, sugar depletes your body of this and other important nutrients. It can also create highs and lows in mood, and bring on a post-sugar “crash,” or low blood sugar.

Refined Flour Refined flour acts much like sugar in the body. And it has none of the essential fatty acids, fiber, and

erals are crucial to proper brain and muscle

other nutrients that

function. In fact, muscles can not relax prop-

whole grains do.

erly without calcium and magnesium. The

Highly Processed Foods

tense muscles associated with anxiety are therefore exacerbated.

Many processed

So if you choose a clear, caffeine-free, sugarfree soft drink, it won’t worsen your anxiety, right? Wrong! The artificial sweetener in these drinks, aspartame, may have significant cognitive effects. It may indeed worsen the psychological aspect of anxiety.

foods are full of preservatives, dough “conditioners” (in the case of store-bought bread products), artificial flavors, and artificial colors. Some of these can pass through the blood-brain barrier, af-


fecting cognitive function. Tartara-

At first, this seems like the opposite of caf-

zine (FD&C yellow #5), commonly

feine, and therefore a good idea for anxiety

found in candy, gum, margarine,

sufferers. But actually, alcohol consumption

and many other processed foods

(beyond a small glass of wine a few times

can disrupt the hormone balance

a week) can worsen depression and inhibit

in the body.

absorption of key nutrients. 79


Marriage Dating

Fabulous Nurse Magazine


Issue 10


Fabulous Nurse Magazine



Does Marriage Make You Issue 10

Gain Weight By Matthew Fowler


trictly scientifically speaking, people gain weight (specifically, one pound) as a result of consuming 3,500 more

calories than they use. Those extra calories are converted from their most usable form, sugar, into fat for storage. The rate at which someone uses calories is determined by a combination of genetics, habits, and lifestyle. Genetics also determine where your body stores fat.


weight, of course, is the antithesis; you would have to use 3,500 more calories than you consume to lose one pound of body fat. While you have no control over your genetics, you could change your habits and lifestyle to facilitate weight loss: drinking at least half a gallon of water per daily, reducing how many calories you consume, exercising precisely to improve a specific area of your body, increasing your metabolic rate through general exercise, etcetera. So, Mr. Spock and Dr. Temperance Brennan would tell us to have some tests done to determine our metabolic rate in order to engage in the appropriate behavior and consume the appropriate amount of food to maintain a healthy body weight. What Spock and Bones miss are Bones and Booth, or in other words, emotions and feelings; you know, real life. I married my wife when I was 28, but before I get to that, let me set the stage. At that time I was an active duty soldier; I exercised every single morning of my life, including running like a scalded dog for several miles; I stood at 6’3�; and I weighed about 190 pounds, more than 20 pounds under my maximum allowable weight for US Army 83

Fabulous Nurse Magazine

standards. Then, I got married.

To my mind,

genuine empathy and mentorship “Look, this

reasonably good job. Let’s accept these figures

however, nothing had really changed with spe-

is what married life does; adapt and overcome.

as facts. Given that as we age our metabolism

cific regard to my fitness level, and my marriage

You’ll be a stud again soon enough.” I was able

slows, what are the circumstances unique to

to my gorgeous wife seemed utterly irrelevant in

to get back to my former glorious self for about

married life that precipitate greater weight gain?

that respect as well. I was wrong. My clothes

2 years, but the truth is that I have not weighed

Wedding Central (a private. commercial website

began to feel tighter, and at the first Army weigh-

190 pounds for about ten years. Minus the spe-

about married life), citing numerous sources

ing and physical fitness test, post marital bliss, I

cifics, does this scenario ring a bell with you?

such as the Cornell Chronicle and other schol-

weighed 207 pounds. I also scored almost 20

Was SSG Contreras right? Does Marriage Make

arly publications, offers some common sense

points less on the fitness component. Huh?

You Gain Weight? For the answer, if there is

reasoning. The following is a short list of what

one, we not only have to understand the science

may tend to occur early in marriage.

I was still within Army standards, but boy-ohboy, I was livid at my apparent failure. The older sergeants in my unit laughed at me and teased me mercilessly because I used to be a “P-T stud,” (someone exceptionally physically fit). One less surly sergeant, SSG Martin Contreras, approached me and said in a moment of

Temperance Bones would offer us, but factor into the equation what Bones McCoy would

tell us are the other, perhaps more important

try to please or even impress their partner with

variables. The October 23, 2007, issue of USA

well cooked meals. That partner reciprocates by

Today tells us that married women gain approxi-

showing appreciation for the effort which can

mately 60% more weight (over a 10 year period

lead to overeating. The effect over a protracted

starting at age 30) than single women. Married

period of time is that married couples cook and

men tend to gain about 25%

We cook for gratification. Spouses often

eat for gratification rather than sustenance.

more weight than single men. USA Today used various

We eat as much as our partner. Very often

university studies to em-

meals can become a subconscious eating con-

phatically state these facts,

test. We want to contribute equally to the mar-

but my article is not about

riage, and so we unknowingly eat equal portions

methodology. Let’s just ac-

of food to establish that equality. The end result

cept that USA Today did a

is both partners eat too much. •

We are no longer looking for a partner. As

the quest for a life partner ends, so do many of the things we used to do to attract a partner such as exercise and limiting your daily diet. Summarily, we become complacent with our bodies. The head and the heart, Mr. Spock and Temperance Bones, Bones McCoy and Agent Booth, science and emotion... there is no scientific fact that clearly demonstrates marriage necessitates greater weight gain, yet we know it happens. It happened to me, and it probably happened to you. To stay healthy we know what has to happen in the strictest analytical sense. We need to use the same amount of calories as we consume, and we probably need to use a lot more calories than we consume until we get to that point. Emotionally, we need to break the bad habits (which probably arose from the love we feel for our partner) that created the problem.


Home, Parenting & Hobbies

Issue 10


Fabulous Nurse Magazine


Theft Deterrents

for Home & Property O

ne way not to be robbed or burgled

is the use of theft deterrents. Theft deterrents are not necessarily things

that you buy but techniques that you employ that make you and what you own undesirable targets for criminals. Here are five theft deterrents that may work for you. There are a few things to know about criminals. Most are not like you see on movies like “The Italian Job” or “Ocean’s 11.” They will not pur-

sue your belongings relentlessly that is, unless you have several million dollars in a fortress of a house or a casino you own. For the most part, they ferret out people who are unaware of them and have something about them that says, “easy target.”

1. 2.

Post alarm system signs in plain sight. Thieves are reluctant to hit houses with alarm system signs outside or alarm stickers on windows. It is too big a risk to try and break into that

home even if the signs are decoys. There are easier targets without alarm systems. Remove all visible items from your car. Just because your car is in the driveway doesn’t mean a criminal won’t go for it. When you get out at night, take all of your valuables inside.

Don’t leave laptops, GPS systems, keys, iPods or money in your car where it can be seen. If a thief can see it, they will go after it. By the time you hear the window break, they’ll be long gone.


Lock your doors and windows. The first thing a burglar will do is check for the easy way in. open windows or closed but unlocked windows are perfect entrances for thieves. Also,

lock your garage door if it leads to the inside of your home. This advice extends to automobiles. Many people don’t lock their cars in their driveways or carports. Always lock your car doors. A thief won’t strike when you are awake and watching but asleep and oblivious.


Install outside motion lights. Even in the absence of an alarm system, anyone getting near the house will trigger the floodlights to shine and blind. A thief will run because they don’t

wish to be seen doing their dirty deeds. This is also an effective deterrent when you are away from home.


Panic buttons. Most car key fobs contain a red button that says PANIC. If you notice someone following you as you go to your car, push the button. Your car will light up like a

Christmas tree and squeal loudly. People will look and the thief will look for someone else to target. It’s like putting that stuff on your kid’s nails so they won’t bite them anymore. If you are too high maintenance, a thief will move on to easier prey.


Issue 10


Fabulous Nurse Magazine

Obesity in Pets


besity has not only become a pan-

watching TV, we tend to have a snack or two.

Let’s face it; you put food in front of any pet,

demic among humans, but pets as

Try to refrain from offering this type of tempta-

especially a dog, and they can swallow the con-

well. Weight gain can be attributed

tion to your pet.

tents of an entire bowl in seconds. Even then,

to over-eating, lack of exercise, genetics, and health conditions. Obesity in pets is more than a problem, it is becoming a lifestyle. To combat the effects of obesity in pets, here are some

As with humans, pets can also become sedentary. The more weight they gain, the harder it is for them to adjust to a healthier lifestyle.


In addition, there are certain breeds that are

Pets that are obese can develop a myriad of

more vulnerable to weight gain than others.

problems such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, arthritis, and skin conditions. To determine the appropriate weight for your pet, visit your vet. He can ascertain the ideal weight for your pet based on breed, bone structure, and type of body. Once you have these facts, you can then begin a regimen of diet and exercise. A diet consisting of a low fat and high fiber is the first step. Refraining from giving your pet treats is another way to reduce weight. Experts also advise that at dinner time, do not allow your pet in the dining area as he will inevitably want some of the scraps.

For example, a beagle is first and foremost a hunting dog. Most owners keep their beagles outdoors. They exercise the beagles daily and are usually taken to open fields on the weekend so they can run and do that which is natural for them. Conversely, there are beagle owners who keep these dogs indoors. While they may take them for daily walks, the beagle grows accustomed to the sedentary lifestyle. While beagles can range in size from 13 inches to 16 inches, the more they gain weight, the more they become sluggish and lethargic and lose the energetic flair they are most noted for. The lifestyle they

Do not leave any food around the kitchen or

lead under these conditions is contrary to their

living room area. Oftentimes when we are



they are not fully sated. Pets that are especially pampered and not given a daily routine can become obese. One day they are running around and the next day they can hardly walk. Prevention is the first step in ensuring your pet maintains a healthy lifestyle. They need to burn calories, and exercise can achieve that. If you can’t feel your pet’s ribs, but are met with folds of skin; it’s time to take put your pet on a diet. In addition to daily walks, take your pet to the park on weekends or arrange a play date with other pets in the neighborhood. The more active they are, the less likely they will develop health problems. Feed your pet the same time every day and refrain from leaving out a bowl of food for them, however, do leave out the dish of water. This is necessary for hydration and can alleviate their pangs of hunger. Pets rely on us for everything. Too much food, and the instant gratification it offers, would be the ultimate disservice to them.

Issue 10


Fabulous Nurse Magazine

How to Make

a Shaving Brush Hobby

Required materials:

Step 1

1. 3-4 inch piece of pipe. PVC or Brass, re-

Undo the paint brush from the base to separate the bristles.

ducers are best. So you can hang dry and no

Step 2


Clean the inside of your pipe. A good idea would be to scoff it up with sand paper.

2. Get a fine feather paint brush with the soft-

Step 3

ness or toughness you want.

Now that you have your bristles and a clean pipe, insert the washers with some glue. They

3. Scissors 4. Water proof glue. I used Shoe Goo but epoxy would be best. 5. Washer rings. So you can seal off the end and adjust the height of the bristles

will stop the glue from getting out of the bottom. if need be place a rag in the non-bristle side of your pipe. Also, use as many washers (with glue) as you need to adjust the size or your bristles coming out of the top.

Step 4 Place more glue on top of the washers. You want enough to cover the surface area of the washer. Take a 1cm chunk of bristles and place them on the glue. You should start from the outside and work in. Continue until all bristles are used or you can’t fit any more.

Step 5 Once the inside diameter of the pipe is filled with bristles let your shaving brush sit for 20 minutes.

Step 6 Take your scissors and begin to shape your shaving brush. Just a tip: apply concave to your brush if you use shaving cream, and slightly rounded or soap.

Step 7 Once the glue has set for 24 hrs please wash your new shaving brush to ensure all loose bristles are out. NOTE: Please remember shaving is a luxury not a chore. This is not an all-inclusive instructable. Find a brush that you like and try to replicate it. You can place the bristles in at different angles, use different bristles types, make travel brushes, the world is yours! For additional info, visit Ryan at http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-make-a-shaving-brush/. Happy shaving! 90

Issue 10


Fabulous Nurse Magazine


oodie F


Issue 10


Fabulous Recipes

Fabulous Nurse Magazine

Chocolate Banana

Bread Pudding



12 servings

Place bread in an oven-safe 9″ x 13″ baking pan.

Prep time:

Heat half and half and cocoa until cocoa is dis-

20 mins

solved. Whisk together eggs, yolks, and sugar.


Whisk half and half into egg mixture and strain.

• 1/2 pound of bread, preferably day-old, cubed

is submerged. Cover and leave in refrigerator over-

• 3 1/2 cups half and half


• 3 tablespoons cocoa

The next day, preheat your oven to 300 degrees.

• 2 eggs • 4 egg yolks • 2/3 cups sugar • 1/2 cup chocolate chips • 3 bananas, sliced thin 94

Pour strained mix over bread and make sure bread

Sprinkle chocolate chips and bananas evenly over bread pudding Cover lightly with foil and bake until custard has set, about 1 - 1.5 hours. To test custard, poke a knife in the bread pudding and push it to the side; if liquid moves around the knife, continue baking. Let bread pudding cool completely before cutting and serving.

NOTE: Remember to start the day before! Serve with a dollop of Creme Fraiche or Vanilla Ice Cream. Makes 12 servings.

Issue 10


Fabulous Nurse Magazine

Cinnamon Mocha Coffee

Pine Nut-Crusted

Tilapia Yields: 4 generous servings

Prep time:


25 mins

In a bowl, combine the pine nuts, flour, dill


and lemon-pepper. In another bowl, combine

1/2 cup pine nuts, ground

the egg, lemon juice and honey. Dip fillets in

1/4 cup all-purpose flour

egg mixture, then coat with nut mixture.

1/4 teaspoon dill weed

1/4 teaspoon lemon-pepper seasoning

1 egg

15 mins

3 tablespoons lemon juice


1 teaspoon honey

4 tilapia fillets (6 ounces each)

2 tablespoons butter


Additional honey, optional

Makes 4 servings.

Yields: 4 serving

Prep time:

1/3 cup ground coffee (not instant coffee granules)

3/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon

1 cup 2% milk

2 to 3 tablespoons sugar

2 tablespoons baking cocoa

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

4 cinnamon sticks, optional

Whipped cream, optional

butter over medium heat for 4-5 minutes on each side or until fish flakes easily with a fork. NOTE: Drizzle with additional honey if de-

Citrus Avocado




In a coffeemaker basket, combine the coffee and ground cinnamon. Prepare 4

In a large nonstick skillet, cook fillets in

1/2 cup canola oil 1/4 cup sugar

cups brewed coffee according to manu-


facturer’s directions.

12 serving

3 tablespoons lemon juice 1-1/2 teaspoons poppy seeds

Meanwhile, combine the milk, sugar, co-

Prep time:

• •

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/4 teaspoon ground mustard

1/4 teaspoon grated onion

coa and vanilla in a saucepan. Cook over medium-low heat for 5-7 minutes or until

10 mins

small bubbles appear on the sides of the


pan, stirring occasionally (do not boil).

• 12 cups torn salad greens

Pour hot milk mixture into four coffee

• 2 medium grapefruit, peeled and sectioned

cups. Add cinnamon-flavored coffee.

• 2 medium navel oranges, peeled and

NOTE: Garnish with cinnamon sticks


and whipped cream, if desired. Makes 4 servings. 96

• 2 medium ripe avocados, peeled and sliced • 1 small red onion, thinly sliced and separated into rings

Preparation: In a large salad bowl, gently toss the greens, grapefruit, oranges, avocados and red onion. In a jar with a tight-fitting lid, combine the dressing ingredients; shake well. Drizzle over salad and toss to coat. Makes 12 servings.

Issue 10


Fabulous Nurse Magazine


Issue 10


King Diet T

the best on a low carb diet.

he Fabulous Nurse fast food diet series identifies healthy choices on the menu of popular fast food restaurants so you can eat healthy on the go. In this issue, we’ll discuss the Burger King food menu options.

BK’s Tendergrill Chicken Salad looks pretty healthy as well with only 260 calories, 7 fat grams, 8 carbs, 3 fiber, 4 sugars and 29 grams of protein. They also have a garden salad without chicken that is low in fat, calories, and carbs as well.

Healthy choices on the Burger King menu are about the same comparatively speaking to McDonald’s, except they have a side salad with only 40 calories, 2 grams of fat, 1 gram saturated fat, 0 trans fat, 5 mg cholesterol, 45 mg sodium, 2 carbs, 1 fiber, 0 sugar, and 3 grams of protein.

The healthiest salad dressing choices on the BK menu are:

Burger King also offers their BK Fresh Apple Fries which are a much healthier choice than French fries at 25 calories, 0 fat, 6 carbs, 1 fiber and 5 grams of sugar.

Ken’s Fat Free Ranch Dressing with only 60 calories and 0 fat grams. However the carbs are in the high range at 15 and there are 5 grams of sugar, so this choice wouldn’t be

So yes, it is possible to eat at Burger and still keep those pesky pounds from accumulating. Bon apetit!

For a low carb choice dressing on the BK menu, your best bet is Ken’s Ranch Dressing with 2 carbs and 1 gram of sugar.


& Fit


Fabulous Nurse Magazine


Issue 10


Fabulous Nurse Magazine


Running Shoes foot. This is the most common type of run-

Before you hit the shoe store to try on run-

ning shoe because the majority of people

ning shoes, consider visiting the Adidas

either have low arches or normal arches

website. It gives you the ability to choose

both of which cause overpronation. Control

from men’s or women’s shoes, why you run,

shoes offer support on the inside of the shoe.

where you run, and then your motion me-

Cushioned shoes offer the least support along the inside of the shoe however they, as the name implies, offer the most cushioning. If you run on the outside of your feet, underpronate, or have high arches then this type of shoe is what you’ll be looking for.


ounded in 1920, Adidas made their first training shoes that same year and the rest is, as

they say, history. Adidas has a long standing reputation as a top running shoe maker. Let’s take a look at the

Popular Adidas Running Shoes for Control and Stability

3. AdiZERO Boston 4. AdiZERO Ace

Popular Adidas Running Shoes for Cushioning

Like many running shoe manufacturers,

6. AdiSTAR Revolt

Adidas, breaks their running shoes into two

7. Supernova Riot

bit more motion control and has a tendency to overpronate or run on the inside of their 102

short list of shoes to try on. Make sure to wear the socks you plan on wearing when you run so you can accurately assess the shoe’s fit. When choosing Adidas running shoes, take the time to try them on attention to any slips or rubbing you might

and running style.

and cushioning for the person who needs a

Then, when you get to the store you’ll have a

2. Megabounce

how to determine the best shoe for your foot

bility shoes. They offer a blend of support

those suggestions and write them down.

and take a little jog around the store. Pay

5. Supernova Glide

Control shoes are also commonly called sta-

will make shoe suggestions for you. Take

1. AdiSTAR Ride

different types of Adidas running shoes and

main categories: control and cushion.

chanics or how you run. From there they

8. Supernova Riot 365 9. AdiZERO Adios

feel. Make sure the shoe fits not only the length of your foot but also the width. Find a good fit for your foot and running style and enjoy your new Adidas running shoes.

Issue 10


Fabulous Nurse Magazine

Best Exercises To Burn Fat Fast


f you’re looking to burn fat quickly then there are a few fitness programs to consider. The key to a high fat burning workout is intensity. Take a look at these high impact fitness programs.

and music. And of course any jazzercise or dance aerobic class is going to be good for your body and mind.

Running. Running is great for fat burn-

Swimming. If you love the water then

ing. It’s one of the most effective and effi-

you can’t go wrong with swimming. Swim-

cient exercises you can do. It embraces both

ming is a whole body workout. It strengthens

be aware that muscle burns more calories

weight bearing activities and cardiovascu-

your upper and lower body. It builds your

than fat. This means if you add a strength

lar. Each time your foot strikes the ground

core muscles – the muscles on your stomach

training workout to your fitness routine

you’re bearing your own weight. This is

and back. It also provides a complete cardio-

you’re able to increase your fat burning re-

good for muscle strength and bone strength.

vascular workout. Swimming is a significant

sults. One easy way to add strength training

The cardiovascular is good for your heart

fat burner. It’s also great to help quiet the

to your routine is to purchase and use a fit-

and lungs. Combined, running is superior for


ness ball. You can also lift weights. If those

burning fat fast.


Strength training. Finally, you may

Dancing is so much fun. It’s

ideas don’t appeal to you consider rock

You might

great for the spirit. It’s also good for your

climbing, yoga, Pilates, or boxing and mar-

think that cross country skiing is only good

body. And perhaps even better, it burns fat.

tial arts.

for the winter months. Actually, with the use

There are many different dance fitness pro-

If you want to burn fat fast, consider add-

of indoor fitness equipment or outdoor roller

grams you can choose from.

ing one of these fantastic fitness programs to

Zumba is a particularly popular fitness pro-

your routine. The more energy you put into

gram right now. It blends Latin rhythms and

your fitness program, the more you’ll get out

dance steps with a fun filled and exciting fat

of it. Take a look at your perceived effort.

burning workout. There’s also Soul Sweat

If it’s less than a five, kick your effort up a

if you prefer a more soulful style of dance

notch. Enjoy the results.

Cross country skiing.

skis you can actually participate in this activity year round. It’s easy on your joints, unlike running. And it’s fantastic for your cardiovascular fitness. It builds muscle, burns fat and improves your health. It’s also fun. 104

Issue 10


Fabulous Nurse Magazine



Issue 10


Fabulous Nurse Magazine

Virtual Assistant

Ideas To Boost Your Income


id you know you can make money as an assistant from your kitchen table? With the internet and basic technology you can provide a valuable service to clients around the world.

Best of all, you can be online and working in just a few short days. You can become a virtual assistant.

What is a Virtual Assistant? A virtual assistant is someone who provides administrative help. Instead of working in an office environment, they provide the work online. As a virtual assistant you might communicate with your clients via email or a project management system. 108

You can specialize in a specific task, for example, managing a forum or an affiliate team. Or you can offer a variety of administrative services. You can also specialize in an industry.

Getting Started. What you will need: 1.

Computer with internet connection


Software to support your administrative services

3. Telephone and related equipment like a headset so you

can talk hands free


Website to market your services


Business Plan – Your plan will your business goals, marketing

strategy, audience, services, policies and procedures and so on.


Contact information - Email account/telephone number

Issue 10

Most of this you probably already have and

Like many other businesses, it can be ben-

example, you might partner with a website

the rest of it can be acquired or created. The

eficial to specialize. For example you might

designer who specializes in the same indus-

one thing you probably don’t have is a web-

market yourself as the 24-hour transcription-

try you do.

site. A one page website is all you need to get

ist – turning around any transcription order

started. Once you have customers you can

in less than twenty four hours. You might

expand your website. You can add content

specialize in managing affiliates, scheduling

and grow your business.

or managing customer service. You might

Making Money as a Virtual Assistant

also specialize in an industry. For example,

Most virtual assistants charge by the hour. You might also consider charging by the

you might focus on offering research for information marketers.

project. Another option is to charge by the

Your website will be your primary market-

minute, word, or post depending on what

ing tool. It’ll be where people can research

service you’re providing. For example, if

your services, rates and view your work if

you’re offering transcription you might

you have any samples or testimonials.

charge by the audio minute.

Marketing Your Administrative Business

Social networking, advertising, and content marketing all help to build awareness too. Finally, some virtual assistants find great success by offering memberships. For example, you might offer five, ten and fifteen hour memberships. Members get a discount for committing to regular work. And you get regular work. If you have an interest in offering administrative services and you want to work from home, from your kitchen table, you can do it.

Partnering with another service provider can

Create a plan. Build a website and start mak-

be a great way to promote your business. For

ing extra money today.


Fabulous Nurse Magazine


Saving Money A with the Kids ccording

Issue 10



the average parent will pay over $250,000 to raise a child born

this year. Ouch! I don’t know any nurses who have money to burn. Why not keep as


much of that quarter-million in your pock-

Beg, Borrow, and Beg Some More.

precious items to huge, impersonal thrift

Any parent knows that kids – par-

shops either. Moms want to know where

ticularly babies – need a lot of equipment.

their much-loved items have gone. Keeping

But the amount of time they stay at any one

the items closer to home, school, church, or

particular stage is almost laughable! Kids

workplace just feels better. If any of these

school, try buying four instead. Buy one pair

seem to move on to the next stroller, crib,

places has an email list, send out a request

of sneakers instead of two and two sweat-

highchair, and set of clothes with the blink

for what you’re looking for so the Moms you

shirts instead of four. You can always go

of an eye. That’s why before you invest hun-

know can help you find the items you need.

back if you need more!

dreds of dollars in carriages and high chairs,

Some of these lists may include items for a

you should check in with your friends and

price and not a freebie, but they’ll likely be

relatives first. Send the word out that you’re

far below the price you’d pay retail.

looking for a highchair, stroller, or even a be deluged with offers.


et as you possibly can? Here are five ways to keep more of your hard earned money while raising your kids:

When we’re talking about babies, don’t waste even a penny on little “outfits!” You’ll be amazed to find out just how many people

Under-buy Clothing and Toys. Rare

want to give you cute little dresses and bib

is the parent who hasn’t packed away

overalls as gifts for your baby. Let Grandma

unused clothing, toys, and equipment that

or Auntie spend her money on that sweet

Moms really do hate tossing their baby’s

they thought their child just “had” to have.

little hand-smocked pinafore that your little

good used clothes and equipment, so they

Instead of contributing to excessive con-

typically round up the stuff and donate it.

sumption, try to curb yourself a bit. If you

However, it doesn’t sit well donating these

think your son needs five pair of jeans for

snow suit in size 2T, and you’ll likely soon


Fabulous Nurse Magazine

one will wear once for pictures. After all, it’s a one time purchase for

If you don’t think you have a talent that someone else wants, think

them, whereas you have to consider the cost of clothing your child

again. Better yet, ask a friend or family member you trust this ques-

for many years to come.

tion; “What do I do that has value?” You’ll be surprised the things


other people can see that you can’t! Something as simple as making

Shop Ahead. Every summer, the same thing happens – we get the list of equipment and supplies for the coming school year

right around the second or third week in August – right when the stores are running out of all the school supplies they’ve had on sale for the past two weeks! We end up paying full price for a lunch box or binder that is the last one on the shelf, and we all come home cranky, with our wallets a little lighter. By planning ahead – not just for back-to-school, but for all your needs – you’ll be able to space out your purchasing and hunt for bargains. When you see a pair of rain boots on sale in a size that your son will fit into NEXT spring, you’ll snap them up because you know that he’ll need them. Keep an eye on your kids’ closets, and a running list in your day planner of what you’re going to need. Then grab it when you see it at a good price.


Barter for Extras. Raising kids is expensive enough without counting the gymnastic lessons, tutoring, horseback riding

classes, and the like. Cut down on your out-of-pocket expenses by bartering. I’ve swapped newsletter writing for tae kwon do lessons

chili or sewing on buttons can be valuable when you can’t do them and need them done. I witnessed one of my friends saying she didn’t have anything worth bartering while she was kneading the dough for her wonderful homemade yeast bread! So, yes, ask someone else what talent you have that could be bartered.


Split Costs. Another solution for expensive lessons and equipment is to split costs with another family. Instead of signing

up for an hour-long private swim lesson or tennis lesson, do a semiprivate at half the cost. And, yes, instructors are perfectly fine with this arrangement because they want to fill their time, shared or not, it doesn’t matter to them. They’re not going to force you into a private lesson one-on-one if you can’t afford it. They’d rather share the lesson than lose you entirely. Share sporting gear with another child who’s the same size as your player. Especially at the younger years when kids are just figuring out what they like to do, it’s not worth paying full-price when the interest might be short-lived.

for years! And I just discovered a neighbor wants to learn to knit,

It’s true, kids are expensive. And we all know they’re a joy rather

which I’ll gladly teach her in exchange for math tutoring for my

than an investment – well, maybe a “joyful investment.” But you can


find ways to tame the costs of raising kids while still providing most of the things you want them to have in life.


Issue 10


Fabulous Nurse Magazine


Nurse’s tation II SFacility Ratings


Issue 10


Fabulous Nurse Magazine

The 5 Star Hospital Rating System

Fabulous Nurse Rating Summary Here is the summary of the Fabulous Nurse tenpoint rating system for GSH in Los Angeles, California:

Rating Parameter


Quality of Nursing Care


Nurse-Patient Ratio




Staff Quality & Welfare


Mortality Rate


Financial Base


Patient Volume


‘Green’ Factor


Academic Activity


Management Style


Total 89

Good Samaritan Hospital, LA Profile Good Samaritan Hospital is a general medical and surgical hospital in Los Angeles, CA. It performed nearly at the level of nationally ranked U.S. News Best Hospitals in 7 adult specialties – including Gastroenterology, Geriatrics, Heart and Heart Surgery, Kidney Disorders, Neurology and Neurosurgery, Orthopedics, Pulmonology. Quality of Nursing Care: In 2011 Critical Care, HealthGrades ranks GSH among the top 10% of U.S. hospitals for critical care. Good Sam received the HealthGrades Critical Care Excellence Award™ and five-star ratings for treatment of sepsis and for respiratory failure. Nurse-Patient Ratio: GSH has one of California’s best ratios, ranging from 1:1 to 1:4. Accessibility: Of all the 72 hospitals available within 25 miles of Los Angeles, GSH is among the most easily accessible – at 1.6 miles from the heart of Los Angeles. Staff Welfare: GSH staff welfare package is in three categories of benefits– some benefits are fully paid for by GSH; some are completely paid by the employee, and for some benefits, the cost is shared between GSH and the employee. Benefits offered include med116

ical insurance, dental insurance, vision insurance, life insurance, accidental death and dismemberment insurance, and day care and health care spending accounts. Organized compensation and educational/professional development benefits (like tuition assistance program) also exist. Mortality Rate: GSH is highly rated in patient safety, demonstrating commitment to reducing accidents and medical mistakes. Winner of Distinguished Hospitals for Clinical Excellence (Top 5% in the nation); GSH outperformed all other hospitals across all of the 17 mortality cohorts and six of nine complication cohorts studied from 2007 through 2009. As at April 2011, according to data from AHA, GSH’s mortality rate is at par with national average. Patient Volume: Good Sam has 374 beds. The hospital had 17,938 admissions in the latest year for which data are available – i.e., data provided by American Hospital Association, last updated July 2010. It performed 3,798 annual inpatient and 4,808 outpatient surgeries. Its emergency room had 33,805 visits. It is accredited by the Joint Commission (JC) and the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF). Financial Base: In FY 2008 (the latest

year for which data are assessable) financial report, GSH’s income and assets were $384,792,454 and $351,055,355 as against industry averages of $124,708,659 and $105,635,895 respectively. ‘Green’ Policies: GSH’s green programs include linens utilization initiative which has saved the hospital millions to date; and durable medical equipment decision (saves GSH approximately $10,000 monthly). There is presently no assessable information on GSH’s carbon footprint reduction efforts. Academic Programs: GHS caters to the educational needs of its nursing as well as other employees via its Center for Nursing Excellence, the Continuing Education Department, Department Management, and Hospital Administration. Management: Good Sam always strives to tackle the most difficult clinical and managerial issues facing the nursing profession and hospitals in general. Therefore, nurses are involved in virtually all levels including the managerial level. With a total of 89 points, Good Samaritan Hospital, LA is rated 4 Stars.

Issue 10

Fabulous Nurse Rating Summary Here is the summary of the Fabulous Nurse ten-point rating system for Mayo Clinic Hospital, Phoenix:


Staff Welfare: ’Partnership’ exists between Mayo and its employees when it comes to planning for the future and hedging against risks. Fantastic salary program, pension plan, 403(b)/401(k), relocation assistance, flexible spending accounts, insurances, and federal credit union are available.

Quality of Nursing Care: According to U.S. News Patient Satisfaction Survey, quality of nursing care at Mayo Clinic Hospital ranks far above national average.

Mortality Rate: Reports in the latest year for which data are accessible show that in-patient mortality is at par with national average.

Nurse-Patient Ratio: Nursing staff to patient ratio of 1:2 exists depending on the unit. Here is the comment on N-P from an employee nurse at Mayo:

Financial Base & Related Information: An isolated report for Mayo Phoenix is unavailable. However, total revenue of $7.94 billion was reported for Mayo Clinic (i.e., Mayo’s parent body) in the fiscal year 2010.

Ratios are generally pretty good. Depends on which PCU, but mine for example is usually 2 or 3 patients on days (never more except under crazy circumstances) and 3 or 4 on nights. Can be more on other PCUs- depending if they are medical cardiac, surgical card, or interventional.” Accessibility: Of all the 26 hospitals available within 25 miles from Phoenix, Mayo is among the farthermost five – about 20 miles away from the heart of Phoenix.


Quality of Nursing Care


Nurse-Patient Ratio




Staff Quality & Welfare


Mortality Rate


Financial Base


Patient Volume


‘Green’ Factor


Academic Activity


Management Style




Mayo Clinic Hospital, Phoenix

Winner of the 2011 Leadership Award for Clinical Excellence (for meeting or exceeding national performance standards for clinical care and improving the patient experience) from VHA Inc., a national health care network. Mayo Clinic is a nonprofit worldwide leader in medical care, research and education for people from all walks of life.

“I work at mayo, in a cardiac PCU- PM me if you want to know more about the specific PCU she is interviewing for (there are 5 cardiac PCUs plus a vascular PCU).

Rating Parameter

Patient Volume: Mayo Clinic is a 244-bed general medical and surgical facility with 13,699 admissions in the most recent year reported. It performed 7,826 annual inpatient and 4,326 outpatient surgeries. Its emergency room had 23,958 visits. It is accredited by the Joint Commission (JC). ‘Green Factor’: As a group, Mayo Clinic has made wonderful green efforts. Approximately 30% of its non-regulated wastes were recycled in Phoenix in 2010. Mayo Clinic employees in Arizona also helped divert more than 200,000 Styrofoam cups from

landfills in 2010 in a concerted effort to use reusable drinking containers. Further information about Mayo’s green efforts is available at http://www.mayoclinic.org/annualreport/2010/community_impact/social_resp/ environmental.html. Academic Activity: Mayo Continuing Nursing Education is accredited as a provider of continuing nursing education by the ANCC. In Arizona, Mayo Clinic offers nurses with ADN, BSN, MS and doctoral degrees the professional setting to practice in more than 50 specialties, as well as the opportunity to develop advanced practice and leadership skills. Management Style: Mayo has an organized system for all categories of nursing – RN, LPN, Clinical Nurse Educator, Case Manager (RN, BSW or MSW), ARNP, CRNA, Clinical Research Coordinator, Ambulatory Procedural RN, Clinical Informatics, Support Positions, PCT, Unit Admin Assistant, Monitor Technician II, Unit Secretary, and many more, including additional expanded nursing leadership opportunities include nurse manager, wound ostomy continence nurse, nursing quality manager, nurse administrator, and more. With a total of 91 points, Mayo Clinic Hospital, Phoenix is rated 5 Stars. 117


Fabulous Nurse Magazine

The Star

Fabulous Nurse Rating Summary Here is the summary of the Fabulous Nurse ten-point rating system for American Traveler, Florida:

Staffing Agency Rating

American Traveler, Florida

Rating Parameter


Insurance Coverage Retirement Package Education Opportunity Incentive Programs Earnings Logistics Support

27 20 9 10 15 10



Profile Located in South Carolina, Four times winner of Joint Commission’s Gold Seal of Approval –a symbol of quality that reflects an organization’s commitment to meeting certain performance standards, American Traveler met national standards addressing how a travel nursing agency determines the qualifications and competency of their staff, how they place their staff and then monitor staff’s performance. Insurance Coverage: Wide-ranging insurance benefits are available for all travel nurses. Benefits include Comprehensive Health, Dental & Life Insurance, Professional Liability Insurance, and Worker’s Compensation Insurance. Retirement Package: American Traveler has 401-k retirement plan for employees. Education Opportunity /International Placements: American Traveler provides unrestricted annual continuing education credits (CEU credits) to travel nurses on assignment. The high-quality curriculum meets technology at American Traveler with more than 400 continuing education (CE) courses for travel nurses all with real-time testing and printable CE certificate capabilities. All courses meet State Board of Nursing Requirements and include the Joint Commission related and APN quality subjects. 118

Incentive Programs: Protection Plus incentive (which ensures that travel nurses will be paid full time pay in the unlikely event of shift cancellations by the hospital) is available for most assignments in addition to licensure reimbursement. Earnings: In addition to lucrative nurse salary, there are many additional bonuses paid to travel nurses and therapists during their assignments. Tax Advantage Plan is targeted at increasing take home pay. Take home pay increases by as much as 15% for meals and incidentals. At many locations, bonuses are also offered. These vary from $500 - $12,000 and are paid at the end of the nursing assignment. Referral bonuses are also available.

Logistics Support: American Traveler has a reputation for offering some of the top travel nurse job featured properties in the industry and includes private, deluxe fullyfurnished apartments free of charge in every nursing job contract. Housing is centrally located with on-site management services and luxury amenities where available. Most are equipped with full kitchens (dishwasher, stove, microwave and refrigerator) and large walk-in closets. Many apartment complexes have fitness centers, spas, swimming pools, clubhouse and more. 24/7 support is available. With a total 91 points, which gives 4.5 when divided by 20, American Traveler is a 5-Star travel nursing agency.

Issue 10


Fabulous Nurse Magazine

CNE/NE: Winter Deadline Approaching As an RN interested in continuous improvement of patient care and teaching, an MSN as a Clinical Nurse Specialist/Nurse Educator will help you gain knowledge and skills through a unique dual degree. The goal of this program is to help you achieve these credentials through a flexible online and community-based curriculum.

Why should you pursue an MSN as a Clinical Nurse Specialist/Nurse Educator from UC? • • • • •

CCNE* and regionally accredited 100% online - no campus visits Work with a preceptor in your community to complete your clinicals Specialize in Adult Health (medical-surgical)/Gerontology or Critical Care and Nursing Education Top 10% of nursing programs in the U.S. according to U.S. News and World Report

The application deadline for the winter 2012 term is October 14th. Space is limited, so contact your Enrollment Advisor today! GET STARTED TODAY! CONTACT: University of Cincinnati College of Nursing - Distance Learning PHONE: 1-866-225-6764 EMAIL: info@nursingonline.uc.edu

Share on: *Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE), One Dupont Circle NW, Suite 530, Washington, D.C. 20036; p (202) 887-­‐6791; f (202) 785-­‐8320 www.aacn.nche.edu/accreditation


University of Pennsylvania

Nursing School Philadelphia Profile

Also known as Penn Nursing Science, University of Pennsylvania Nursing School in Philadelphia, PA is number 1 in 2011 U.S. News rankings.

Ivy League educational standard. Quality of Teaching Staff: Penn Nursing has country’s best hands on its academics

Academic Standards: Penn Nursing gives students remarkable Ivy League education and students are taught by the country’s top rated nurse researchers. Penn Nursing offers 18 master’s programs together with many flexible degree options. Students can pursue exclusive joint degrees with other Penn schools, such as combining a BSN degree with a bachelor’s degree in economics from Penn’s Wharton School. A list of programs offered at Penn Nursing is available at http:// www.nursing.upenn.edu/academic_programs/

Issue 10

Fabulous Nurse Rating Summary Here is the summary of the Fabulous Nurse ten-point rating system for Penn Nursing Science:

Rating Parameter


Academic Standards Student Quality & Turnover Financial Aid Accreditation Peer Review Quality of Teaching Staff Academic Facilities Students’ Reviews Affordability Job Prospects for Students

10 10 10 10 9 10 10 9 9 9



Student Quality and Turnover: Penn Nursing is rated first place (in a tie with the University of Washington and Johns Hopkins) as the best nursing graduate school by U.S. News & World Report. Four nursing specialties were also considered best in the nation. All those ranked areas landed Penn Nursing in the top three nationally — reflecting the dedication and scholarship of Penn Nursing faculty. Financial Aid: Nursing students at Penn Nursing can access various financial assistance programs through the Office of Student Registration and Financial Services (SRFS). Most of the loans are direct loans, grouped into different categories suited to specific needs. Further information is available at https://www.sfs.upenn.edu/loans/index.htm. Accreditation: Virtually all courses available at Penn Nursing are accredited by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation (ANCC) and other related accreditation agencies. Peer Review: According to information sourced from nursing peer review organizations such as American Nurse Today, peer ratings for Penn Nursing reflect its acclaimed

staff list. That’s why the school is home to several award winners, more than any other school of nursing in the country. Recently, Penn Nursing added Baxter International Foundation’s Episteme Award (an award that acknowledges a “major break-through in nursing knowledge development that has resulted in a significant and recognizable benefit to the public”) to its list of awards.

Students’ Review and Affordability: Nursing education fees are reasonably competitive and affordable at Penn Nursing. Kindly visit the following link to learn more: http:// www.nursing.upenn.edu/admissions/financial_aid/Pages/Traditional.aspx.

Academic Facilities: The school is well equipped with state-of-the-art research equipment.

Therefore, with total of 96 points,University of Pennsylvania Nursing School is rated a 5 Diamonds.

Job Prospects: Penn alumni have a history of being highly valued at the employment market, and being easily employed as well.


Fabulous Nurse Magazine


Nursing Home

Issue 10

Fabulous Nurse Rating Summary Here is the summary of the Fabulous Nurse Diamond rating for Matulaitis Nursing Home, CT:

Rating Parameter


Quality of Nursing Care


Inspection Reports


Residents’ Reports








Matulaitis Nursing Home, CT Profile

times) as well as fire safety issues (four

rehabilitation. All rooms are equipped with

Founded and funded by the Sisters of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Matulaitis Nursing Home is a Medicare and Medicaid certified, non-profit, 119bed skilled nursing facility providing longterm care, short-term rehabilitation, respite


private bathrooms, showers, WiFi and other

Residents’ Reports

home–like amenities for recovery. Hospice

Residents’ overall report about Matulaitis is satisfactory according to the satisfactory surveys conducted by Local-Nursing-Homes.

rooms at Matulaitis are specially planned and outfitted to meet the needs of those in hospice care to make that journey comfortable for family members and loved ones. A

services and hospice care.

com, and US News and others alike.

Quality of Nursing Care


room are available for therapeutic programs,

The quality of nursing care at Matulaitis is

As a policy, all patients are given the best

celebrations and family gatherings. A large

rated very high. That is why many top rat-

of treatments at Matulaitis without regarding

ing agencies such as Local-Nursing-Homes.

their financial status, nationality, or race.

com, HealthGrades, and US News and so


on have consistently rated Matulaitis 5 stars over the years.

Inspection Reports According to IQ Nursing Homes.com, deficiencies reported in the last 2 years include moderate health safety related issues (five

beautiful chapel and lounges and activity

auditorium is available for hosting numerous educational, residents’ entertainment and community programs. Several lounges and outdoor patios are used for special events,

The facility is spacious and well–furnished,

family gatherings and celebrations. Addi-

with private, semi–private, and couples

tionally, residents can enjoy the beauty of

rooms to provide privacy and comfort for

nature on the park like grounds with large

residents. Matulaitis’s newly renovated Re-

inviting patios, orchard, and wooded areas.

habilitation Unit offers modern, individually controlled, energy-efficient rooms for

With a total of 91 points, Matulaitis Nursing Home, CT is rated 5 Diamonds. 123

Fabulous Nurse Magazine


Issue 10


Fabulous Nurse Magazine

Beauty Tips By Sam Levenson

For attractive lips, speak words of kindness. For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people. For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry. For beautiful hair, let a child run his/her fingers through it once a day. For poise, walk with the knowledge that you never walk alone. People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed and redeemed: never throw out anyone. Remember if you ever need a helping hand you will find one at the end of each of your arms. As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands; one for helping yourself and the other for helping others.� This is a poem often quoted by Audrey Hepburn. It was read at her funeral.


Issue 10

Laugh Out

Loud 127

Fabulous Nurse Magazine

General Humor I asked my old man if I could go ice-skating on the lake. He told me, “Wait ‘til it

The Golfing Accident

gets warmer.”

After a particularly poor game of golf, a

“Well,” said the policeman very seriously,

popular club member skipped the clubhouse

“Your ball flew out onto the highway and

Rodney Dangerfield

and started to go home. As he was walking

crashed through a driver’s windshield. The

to the parking lot to get his car, a policeman

car went out of control, crashing into five

stopped him and asked, “Did you tee off

other cars and a fire truck. The fire truck

on the sixteenth hole about twenty minutes

couldn’t make it to the fire, and the building


burned down. So, what are you going to do

“Yes,” the golfer responded. “Did you happen to hook your ball so that it went over the trees and off the course?” “Yes, I did. How did you know?” he asked.

about it?” The golfer thought it over carefully and responded... “I think I’ll close my stance a little bit, tighten my grip and lower my right thumb.”

Nursing Humor A Surgeon and a Puppy What’s the difference between a surgeon and a puppy? If you put a puppy in a room by itself for an hour, it’ll probably stop whining.


Issue 10



Inspired Nurse

Fabulous Nurse Magazine

Book reviewed by Matthew Fowler

tional keynote speaker for nursing seminars

can help the caregiver recapture the essence

around the country.

of nursing as well as coping with life’s chal-

Nurse is an inspiration in and of itself. Rich shares his personal experiences in a way that flows naturally within the text and highlights moments which would easily be visceral to


anyone (like me), not just nurses; he tells

s part of our continuing series of

an utterly human tale. Beyond the spiritual

book reviews, we now take a look

journey, however, Rich brings the reader

at Inspired Nurse by Rich Bluni.

back down to earth by offering practical ex-

Summarily, Nurse is a passionate book, and

ercises and other techniques to address the

the passion Rich brings to his discussion of

doldrums nurses may experience resulting

how to remain “inspired” comes from his

from performing repetitive daily duties.

direct experience. After seeing how nurses changed his father’s life while he was fighting cancer, Rich became a nurse in 1993. “I saw the great and small things nurses accomplished in their day and realized that there was no higher calling, for me, than to become a nurse.” Since then he has worked in Pediatric Oncology, Pediatric Intensive Care, Flight Nursing, and Trauma Intensive Care. He has also served as an emergency department manager for a large community hospital. Finally, to spread his message of

The nursing industry agrees. Nurse Connect, a website about nursing offers “While many educational materials exist to foster nurses’ growth as clinicians, Rich Bluni, RN, found little to help him reaffirm the reasons he became a nurse. So he sought to discover some techniques and compiled them in Inspired Nurse, a book filled with thought-provoking exercises—called “spiritual stretches”—that are designed to sustain

lenges and changes. The author offers an abundance of spiritual/emotional exercises that enable the reader to incorporate the rewards and disappointments of nursing into everyday experiences. Though he tends to focus on the most heart-wrenching and negative events that he encountered, he does draw the reader in with these compelling accounts while allowing them to recall their own enlightening moments as a nurse.” Nurse is genuine and comes across as such through the simplicity of the story telling. Rich’s personal stories directly and powerfully remind nurses their chosen profession is fraught not only with challenging work, complicated by dire circumstances and the bludgeoning emotions that accompany those circumstances, but with the pitfalls of complacency and desensitization that can sap motivation.

Additionally, because Nurse

is not for the faint of heart, non-health care professionals who have read some of the sto-

nurses’ energy and passion.”

ries could easily be daunted by what it means

health care consulting firm and publishing

Gina Mangini-Snyder, BSN, RN, CSN, of

bonds of the cheesy self-help genre by being

house) in 2007, published numerous works

Advance Editorial Review opines “Inspired

powerful and true, and in that regard, truly

about nursing, and has become a motiva-

Nurse, a soul-probing, self-help workbook


inspiration, Rich joined the Studer Goup (a


to be a healer. Ultimately, Nurse escapes the

October Nursing Conferences

Issue 10

Around The World 22-24 September 2011 Hong Kong Fifth Pan-Pacific Nursing Conference and Seventh Nursing Symposium on Cancer Care,

6 October 2011 Akron, Ohio 18th Annual Pediatric Nursing Conference, “Kids’

“Issues, challenges, and future directions of

2011: Healthy Mind, Body, and Spirit.”

evidence-based healthcare.”

Web: www.akronchildrens.org/nursing

The conference aims to pool the efforts of nurses from across cultures and disciplines to examine sible client outcomes. Keynote speakers invited

6-7 October 2011 Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

to the conference are healthcare experts with an

Nursing Professional Inquiry Council’s First Na-

international reputation in evidence-based research

tional Conference: Applying Health Care Inquiry

and practice. Their experiences and insights will

(Research, EBP and QI).

stimulate dynamic discussions on innovative ap-

This conference will focus on how inquiry is applied

proaches and strategies for the delivery and promo-

at the point of care

evidence-based healthcare for achieving best pos-

tion of evidence-based healthcare in the Pan-Pacific region and beyond. Contact: Suzanne Lo; E-mail: panconf5@cuhk.edu.hk; Web: http://www.nur.cuhk.edu.hk/conference2011

Web: http://www.phs-nurse.org/

19-21 October 2011 Sydney, Australia

4-6 October 2011 Baltimore, Maryland, USA

Australian College of Children & Young People’s

ANCC National Magnet Conference

In 2011 the ACCYPN will be celebrating the inaugu-

At this conference, more than 6,000 nurses and nurs-

ral biennial conference. This conference will continue

ing executives from top hospitals celebrate Magnet

the tradition of the biennial conferences established

Recognition and gather to share evidence-based

and conducted by the Australian Confederation of

practices. This is the official annual conference of the

Pediatric and Child health Nurse (ACPCHN) for

prestigious Magnet Recognition Program®, serving

the past two decades. This exciting conference will

as both a celebration of accomplishment for newly

be held from 19 to 21 October 2011 at the Novotel

designated Magnet® organizations and a showcase

Sydney Brighton Beach, New South Wales, Aus-

of best nursing practices for the Magnet community.

tralia. The theme for the conference is Navigating

Anyone interested in improving their institution’s

New Directions in Children and Young People’s

nursing program and learning about Magnet is

Health Care as we celebrate and move forward as

invited to register. Attendees return to their hospitals

a new organization to promote excellence in health

energized to improve their nursing programs and

care for children and young people in the context of

equipped with proven methods to do so

their family and the community. The conference will


feature both international and national experts and

Nurses, “Navigating New Directions in Children and Young People’s Health Care.”


Fabulous Nurse Magazine

delegates will gain knowledge and insight into how to manage the challenges faced by nurses in today’s complex healthcare environments. The ACCYPN 2011 conference will be an event not to be missed and we look forward to welcoming you to Sydney in 2011! Contact: ACCYPN 2011 Conference Managers; Email: accypn11@eventplanners.com.au ; Phone: 61738585529; Web: www.accypn2011.eventplanners.com.au

20-21 October 2011 Kansas City, Kansas, USA TeamSTEPPS Fundamentals and TeamSTEPPS Master Trainer with Susan Hohenhaus, MA, RN, FAEN, President and owner of Hosenhaus & Associates and Jay Ho-

19-22 October 2011 Czech Republic

henhaus, MS, CRNA, TeamSTEPPS Master Trainer.

7th European Congress on Violence in

nication and other teamwork skills among healthcare

Clinical Psychiatry

professionals. It was developed by the Department

would like to invite psychiatric clinicians, psychia-

of Defense Patient Safety Program in collaboration

trists, practitioners, psychiatric mental health nurses,

with the Agency for Healthcare Quality and Research

psychologists, health scientists, educators, trainers,

(ARHQ) and is based on more than 20 years of

researchers, managers, and policymakers engaged

research and lessons learned from the application of

in the management, study or treatment of aggres-

teamwork principles in high reliability organizations

sive behaviour of psychiatric patients and/or persons

(HROs). Join us for a one day fundamentals course or

with intellectual disabilities and serious behavioural

become a trainer for your organization by enrolling

problems to the 7th European Congress on Violence

in both days.

in Clinical Psychiatry.

E-mail: mgambino@kumc.edu; Web: http://www.kuce.org/kumc

Web: http://www.oudconsultancy.nl/prague_cfa/index.html

19-22 October 2011 Anaheim, CA American Psychiatric Nurses Association 25th Annual Conference


TeamSTEPPS is an evidence-based system aimed at optimizing patient outcomes by improving commu-

22-25 October 2011 Washington, D.C., USA AACN Fall Semiannual Meeting

Web: http://www.apna.org/AnnualConference

E-mail: twagner@aacn.nche.edu; Web: http://www.aacn.nche.edu/Conferences/index.htm

19-22 October 2011 Las Vegas,Nevada

29 October-2 November 2011 Grapevine, Texas, USA

37th Annual Conference of the Transcultural

41st Biennial Convention, “People and Knowl-

Nursing Society,”Exploring the World of Trans-

edge: Connecting for Global Health.”

cultural Nursing: Coming Together to

Join this international audience for the opportunity

Transform Health Care.”

to learn and share nursing knowledge and leadership

Phone:(888) 432-5470; Email: staff@tcns.org

skills that sustain the health of the world’s people. Web: http://www.nursingsociety.org/STTIEvents/BiennialConvention/Pages/41_2011_BiennialConvention.aspx

Job Opportunities

Issue 10

Perm & Travel

ICU Director, San Antonio, TX

Fastaff Travel U.S. Opportunities!!

• Accredited Chest Pain Center •,Newly Remodeled Facility • Large, Open ICU Unit • Established Magnet System with Great CEO Director will be in charge of 20 bed ICU and 15 bed PCU with approx 80 FTEs. Position reports to the VP of Nursing.

Requirements: Critical Care Mgr or Director Level Experience, BSN, TX RN Lic Forrest S. Willcox


HEALTHCARE seeker.com has a new Travel position that we thought you, or someone you know, might be interested in. We pay referral bonuses up to $3000 for each person so please feel free to forward this over to your friends.


Position: Travel Nurse- Med/Surg


Location: NA, VT (Call for exact City and location)

CONTACT: Titus Thomas, Sr. Recruiter Phone: 888-327-7515 Mobile: 303-565-0114 EMAIL: tthomas@fastaff.com JOB CODE: EAE

Job Id: EB-1926242951 Job Type: Traveler assignment

Shift: 12 hr nights and Days, every other weekend Start Date: 10/17/2011 Compensation: Please call to discuss.

President, FW&A

Job Description:

(925) 949-8210 office

We have a new Travel contract with: Guaranteed hours, fully furnished-free-private housing or

(214) 242-2052 fax

High paying travel nursing positions all over the country!

housing stipend, transportation reimbursement,

TEXAS Needs: ICU, CVICU, LDR, MS, Tele, Neuro ICU, ER, LDR, & OR RNs!

license reimbursement, and a good rate based on experience and skills. If there is something special you want, just tell our recruiter. Our benefits plan includes weekly pay with direct deposit, GSA tax free per diem, a nationwide PPO Healthcare plan with full medical (with RX), dental, vision coverage, orthodontics, chiropractor, flexible spending accounts, life insurance, workers compensation and professional liability insurance. All depends

Make up to $1,100 take home

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Voted Recruiter of the Year: 2006, 2007, 2010

Give us a call at 800-755-1411 for additional information!

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on what you want and need.

RECRUITER: Mary Splihte PHONE: Phone: 1-888-331-3431 x10 EMAIL: marys@healthcareseeker.com

Travel Team Favorite Healthcare Staffing, Inc. 800-755-1411 x824 FAX 888-262-4335 Email: gotravel@favoritestaffing.com

Join my network on: 133

Fabulous Nurse Magazine

Nightingale, a nationally recognized leader in travel healthcare professionals, has Immediate and Exclusive needs for ICU with excellent pay needed in • • • • • • • • • • • • •


If you are available for consideration, please reply to this email and a recruiting specialist will contact you as soon as possible. Call us immediately: 800-591-7860 or click here

Permanent Openings

CONTACT: Trevor Renner

RN’s for Tele-Step Down Unit...44 per hr...

PHONE: 1-888-250-9550

We are seeking RN’s to join our award winning staff our Telemetry / Step Down unit. We are located just north of Seattle, WA right on the shores of Puget Sound.

Website: http://www.rennermedicalstaffing. com

Why would someone want to work here? Located right on the water, can live on one of the many islands in the area, established and quaint downtown, nice area with lower cost of living than Seattle but Seattle is still within ½ hr. Nursing leadership is very focused on staff development, continuing Education and a commitment to being a cutting edge medical center. Supportive, positive, warm and caring staff. Opportunities for advancement as growth is expected to continue. Quick Points **NO STATE INCOME TAX (an extra $2 to $4 per hour)

to apply online

**Full Benefits

There has never been a better time to work as a

**3 to 1 pts ratio for the unit

traveling healthcare professional. Top medical

**$27 to $44 per hour

facilities are always looking for qualified professionals to fill numerous travel positions. Nightingale offers: • Top salaries and personalized compensation packages • Private, fully furnished, company-paid housing • Weekly pay with available direct deposit • 24 hour support team • Health and dental insurance • 401k • Referral and loyalty bonus programs Have a great day!


**Relocation pkg provided **Staff RN for Telemetry / Step Down unit **Seattle area **Permanent position

Why live in Washington? From the Columbia River Gorge to the top or Mt. Rainer, Washington has something to offer everyone. Just about any outdoor activity imaginable is easily accessible: fishing, hiking, camping, windsurfing, kayaking, cycling, snow-boarding-you name it, you can do it in the state of Washington. Not to mention the local festivals, wineries, fine dining, art, theatre and shopping. From river valleys and mountain tops to rain forests and glaciers, Washington is open for adventure. As home to some of the country’s leading businesses, Washington is rich not only in natural resources but also in innovation and opportunity REQUIREMENTS **Will consider candidates that have at least 1 year of experience in at least ONE of the following areas, ICU, Telemetry, or Step down / Progressive care as a Registered Nurse.

Issue 10


Lindy Mueller Carhartt (313) 749-6588 lmueller@carhartt.com


Tim Gilman Leader Enterprises PR for Carhartt (562) 719-2140 tgilman@leaderenterprises.com

CARHARTT TO LAUNCH NEW LINE OF MEDICAL APPAREL WITH CID RESOURCES, INC. INC . New Carhartt Medical Scrubs Available Fall 2011 DEARBORN, M Mich. ich. – (August 9, 2011) Carhartt, America’s premium work wear brand since 1889, today announced the selection of CID Resources, Inc, a leading manufacturer of medical scrubs for America’s healthcare professionals, as the new licensee for Carhartt-branded medical scrubs. “For more than 122 years, Carhartt has created enduring work wear that always values the hard-earned dollar of the worker,” said Rick Fecowicz, director of licensing at Carhartt. “CID Resources delivers the same quality and value in their medical apparel. This partnership is a natural fit for Carhartt to begin servicing the fast growing healthcare industry,” Fecowicz further adds. The initial offering will include two new medical scrub lines including Carhartt Premium and Carhartt Ripstop. The Carhartt Premium line will include two new top and bottom styles for women and one new top and bottom style for unisex made from 55 percent cotton/45 percent polyester brushed micro canvas and available in eight color options including industry standard colors. The Carhartt Ripstop line will include two new top styles and one new bottom style for men made from 55 percent cotton/45 percent polyester Ripstop fabric and available in four color options. Carhartt’s medical scrub offering will be available to the public through select Carhartt and uniform specialty retailers and on Carhartt.com for Fall 2011. All styles to feature Carhartt’s signature premium fabrics, triple-needle stitching to reinforce seaming, multiple pockets for storage and a comfortable fit designed for movement. --more --more-more-135


Fabulous Nurse Magazine

“Carhartt is a well-respected work wear brand and we are thrilled to bring our expertise to build a Carhartt medical apparel line that incorporates the brand’s DNA throughout,” said Austin Park, director of branding at CID Resources. “This new premium scrub line will offer medical professionals the ultimate experience in Carhartt quality and style.” About CID Resources Inc. CID Resources Inc. is a leading manufacturer of medical uniforms based in Dallas, TX. The company focuses on passion, creativity and innovation and is committed to delivering functional and stylish uniforms for America’s healthcare workers. CID designs, manufactures and distributes uniforms under the WonderWink brand, which is available nationwide. CID’s licensed brand portfolio includes best-in-class American workwear brand Carhartt® and the “Queen of Cute” Mary Engelbreit. About Carhartt, Inc Established in 1889, Carhartt is a global premium work wear brand with a rich heritage of developing rugged apparel for workers on and off the job. Headquartered in Dearborn, Mich., with approximately 3,600 employees worldwide, Carhartt is privately owned and managed by the descendants of the company‘s founder, Hamilton Carhartt. For more information, visit www.carhartt.com. ###



Medical Inflatable Exhibits invites you to give MEGA Thanks!

Issue 10

NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. The Medical Inflatable Exhibits contest (“Contest”) starts on June 23, 2011 at 10:00 am CST via its Facebook page at www.facebook.com/MedicalInflatableExhibits and ends on Tuesday, September 6, 2011 at 2:00 pm CST (“Contest Period”). ELIGIBILITY: The Contest is open to legal residents in the fifty (50) United States and the District of Columbia who are at least eighteen (18) years old, and who have a Facebook user account and “like” Medical Inflatable Exhibits on Facebook. Employees of Medical Inflatable Exhibits (“Sponsor”) and their respective parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, promotion and advertising agencies and members of their immediate family (spouse, parent, sibling or child and their respective spouses, regardless of where they reside) and persons living in the same household of such employees, whether or not related, are not eligible to participate. The Contest is subject to all applicable federal, state and local laws and is void where prohibited by law. HOW TO PARTICIPATE: During the Contest Period, participant must select the “like” button on Sponsor’s Facebook page at www.facebook.com. MedicalInflatableExhibits and write and post a statement that recognizes a medical professional that has gone above and beyond to help a patient. The statement must express how the nurse helped or influenced the participant positively as a mentor or a role model. The nurse may be one who influenced the participant’s life, a fellow patients life or a nurse who has influenced the life of one of the participant’s children. Multiple separate entries per participating Facebook account are permitted. However, each entry must be completed in Facebook’s 420 character limit per entry. Entries that run over the 420 character limit into multiple posts will be disqualified. Sponsor is not responsible for lost, misdirected or incomplete entries. On September 9, 2011, five finalists will be selected from the Medical Inflatable Exhibits team of judges. Participants, colleagues, friends and family are invited to vote for their favorite nurse by liking their post. Voting closes September 23, 2011 and one winner is announced. PRIZE: On September 30, 2011, the one (1) winner (“Winner) whose entry received the most “likes” on Facebook will be awarded one (1) round-trip flight to Tuscon, AZ, one night at the Miraval Spa, and winner’s choice of a hour-long massage or private golf lesson for the medical professional nominated (“Prize”). Should winner be unable to provide nurse’ contact information -- including the hospital or doctor’s office where professional is employed -- the prize will be forfeited. In addition, should the contest receive less than 100 entries, the prize will be forfeited. Winner will be notified via a Facebook message or email no later than the Monday of each following week (September 26, 2011). (“Prize Notification”). The Prize will be shipped to the Winner upon receipt of the Winner’s confirmation of the Prize Notification. If the Prize Notification is returned as undeliverable, or if the potential Winner does not respond to Sponsor’s Prize Notification within three (3) days of the notification date, the Prize may be forfeited and, at Sponsor’s sole discretion, awarded to an alternate winner. No substitution, assignment or transfer of any portion of the Prize is permitted, except that Sponsor, in its sole discretion, reserves the right to provide cash or substitute prizes of approximately equal or lesser value. 137

Fabulous Nurse Magazine

Judging will be conducted by Medical Inflatable Exhibit’s marketing team. Entries will be judged under the following writing criteria: organization, unity, coherence, clarity, grammar, punctuation and spelling. GENERAL: Neither Sponsor, its clients, nor their respective parent companies, affiliates, subsidiaries, divisions, advertising or promotion agencies shall be responsible for any problems or technical, hardware, or software malfunctions of any failed, incorrect, inaccurate, incomplete, garbled or delayed electronic communications whether caused by the sender or by any of the equipment or programming associated with or utilized in this Contest, computer online systems, servers, or providers, computer equipment, software, failure of any entry to be received by Sponsor due to technical problems, human error or traffic congestion, unavailable network connections on the Internet or at any website, or any combination thereof, including any injury or damage to participant’s or any other person’s computer relating to or resulting from participating in this Contest or downloading any materials in this Contest. Use of automated devices are not valid for entry. Sponsor has the right to cancel, terminate or modify this Contest if it cannot be completed as planned due to tampering, unauthorized intervention, technical failures, or other conditions beyond Sponsor’s control. By participating in this Contest, participants agree (i) to be bound by these rules; (ii) that any and all claims, judgments and awards shall be limited to actual out-of-pocket costs incurred, including costs associated with participating in this Contest but, in no event, attorneys’ fees; and participant hereby waives all rights to claim punitive, incidental, and consequential damages and any other damages, other than for actual out-of-pocket expenses, and any and all rights to have damages multiplied or otherwise increased, some jurisdictions do not allow the limitations or exclusion of liability for incidental or consequential damages, so the above may not apply to you; (iii) that Sponsor has the right to use participant’s first name, last name, and city and state, photograph, image, and likeness on Sponsor’s website and in any and all publicity and advertising for Sponsor without any further attribution, notification or compensation to participant except where prohibited by law; (iv) to be contacted by Sponsor by public announcement, telephone, mail or email regarding this Contest; and (v) to release and hold harmless Sponsor and its agents for any liability, damages, loss or injury resulting from participation in this Contest or the acceptance, possession, shipping and handling, loss, use or misuse of any prize provided in this Contest. Participants and prize recipients assume sole liability for injuries, including personal injuries and/ or damage to person or property, caused or claimed to be caused by participating in this Contest or the acceptance, possession, shipping and handling, loss, use or misuse of any prize provided. CAUTION: ANY ATTEMPT BY A PARTICIPANT TO DELIBERATELY DAMAGE ANY WEB SITE OR FACEBOOK PAGES OR UNDERMINE THE LEGITIMATE OPERATION OF THE CONTEST MAY BE A VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE CRIMINAL AND CIVIL LAW. SHOULD SUCH AN ATTEMPT BE MADE, SPONSOR RESERVES THE RIGHT TO SEEK DAMAGES FROM ANY SUCH PERSON TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW AND TO DISQUALIFY THE PARTICIPANT FROM THE CONTEST. WINNER’S LIST: The names of the Nominees will be posted on Facebook September 9, 2011 and on Sponsor’s website. The final Winner will be announced September 23, 2001. ODDS OF WINNING: The number of valid entries received will determine odds of winning. Sponsor: Medical Inflatable Exhibits, XXXX, Houston, TX 770XX. For questions, please email info@integratePR.com. 138

Issue 10

Share their story at

Facebook.com/MedicalInflatableExhibits and nominate them for


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