Lisztomania Magazine 001 - Mina Tobias

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Wrong Crowd - Tom Odee Heaven on Hold - Bryce Fox


Brielle Barbusca

Who is your favorite actor/actress and why? I feel like I have a lot of favorites. I find myself consistently so impressed by performances in almost everything I watch. Just some off the top of my head are Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Michelle Williams, Frances McDormand, Sam Rockwell. Also is it really a favorite actors list if Meryl Streep isn’t on it? Tell us a little bit about the film you just worked on, Big-Time Adolescence? Big Time Adolescence is pretty much a coming of age story about a teenager looking up to someone who isn’t isn exactly someone he should be looking up to, and eventually realizing that….with a bunch of messed up things in between. How did you relate to the character you played? I found it pretty easy to for this particular role since my scenes were with my brother and we played siblings and we got to improv for a few takes as well, it was kind of like playing exaggerated versions of ourselves in our scenes. How did you end up getting casted for your part in Big Time Adolescence? I was cast in a pretty random way. My brother Thomas was attached to the movie, and I think he p mentioned me to the director. Next thing I knew I was written in to play his sister. Is acting what you've always wanted to do? Completely. I’ve been doing it since I was a kid and the idea of doing something else has never really crossed my mind. Describe an average day in the life of Brielle Barbusca: Firstly, it always starts copious amounts of coffee. The rest of the day kind of varies but it usually always includes work or an audition, keeping up on college assignments, trolling Instagram, and t then being ashamed at the amount of time I spent trolling Instagram. What do you like to doing your free time? I do a lot of reading in my free time. When I’m not doing things for work or school, my friends are awesome and like to drag me out of my house. Oh yeah and my dog. My dog is my life. If you weren't living in LA where do you think you would be living? If I wasn’t living in LA, I want to say maybe I’d be in New York.

What's your favorite TV show to binge watch right now? I’ve been getting over a cold so there has been a lot more binging going on in my household this week than I’d like to admit. I just watched Russian Doll on Netflix in less than a day. It was my favorite thing I’ve watched in a while. Do you have a certain process you go through and getting into character? I wouldn’t say it’s a certain process. I just do my best to acknowledge that I’m playing or auditioning for someone who is a real human being outside of the material given to me and go from there based on the specifics of the character. What are your top three favorite movies? And why? In no particular order: Girl, Interrupted. It’s also one of my favorite books as well. Superbad, because well, who doesn’t love McLovin. And I feel like I have to honor my New Jersey Italian family and say Goodfellas. Your brother is an actor as well, do you think growing up with a sibling is also in the industry has affected you as an actress and as a person? act Yeah, it definitely has. Even though he’s my little brother, I’ve learned a lot from him as an actor t hrough watching him and running lines with him all the time. I don’t want to give him too much credit here, but I’m constantly in awe of his talent and work ethic and I think we’ve affected each other’s work for the better. What do you think you would be doing if you weren't an actress? It’s not something I think about often, but if I wasn’t an actress, I think I’d be a writer, which is something I’m still very open to doing as well as acting or maybe an anthropologist. anth Do you have any upcoming projects you're currently working on? In the last few months, I worked on another movie as well as couple guest stars that’ll be coming out later this year! What can we expect from Brielle Barbusca in the future? I ask myself that all the time. I feel like I’m still figuring things out but I have a couple of projects coming out this year and I’m working towards getting a degree too. What advice would you have for fo aspiring actors and actresses trying to enter the industry? Most importantly I would say follow your instincts and know that everything happens for a reason. In this business, sometimes you need a reminder of that.

Derrick Freske photography by Jerry Maestas styled by Jerry Maestas interview by Caitlyn Hastings

Tell us a little bit about yourself, what’s your backstory? How’d you discover your passion for photography? I grew up in a small town in Michigan and I always had a passion for art. I would spend my childhood days doodling and doing arts and crafts. Besides those great flower photos I took on my flip phone, I really wasn’t introduced to photography until my sophomore year of high school. I decided to take a photography class because al somehow I already took all the other art classes offered at my school within a year and a half. I instantly fell in love with it and quickly found photography to be my favorite art form. My photography teacher saw potential in me early on and would always let me borrow the school cameras outside of class so I could keep practicing on my own time since I couldn’t afford a camera of my own at the time. Everything went up from there and I kept going above and beyond in class.

When and why did you decide to move to California? I didn’t just pick up a camera and suddenly move to California after high school. In between my passion discovery and the move to California, I decided to put the camera down and go away to college. In small towns, the arts aren’t seen as a practical career so I never saw photography as a full time career. With that as my mindset, I decided to go to college for Architecture. I knew I wanted something that was related to the arts but also practical. Two years into college, and one of my best friends found my Instagram. I never shared it with anyone at the time. It had a following, but at this point in my life I just stopped posting or only reposted old work. He was like “wow, you’re really really talented, why don’t you take photos anymore?” The next day we had a photoshoot — my first in two years. From that day on, I stuck with it and was comfortable enough again to start asking other friends in college to model for me. After finally getting my mojo back and posting on Instagram consistently again, a big brand reached out to me to do social media content. This was a turning point for me because it made me realized that I could potentially do this as a career. The brand kept loving my work I was delivering and ended up hiring me monthly — and boy does monthly income help...especially in college! I ended up finishing my third year of college, but decided to quit school and chase my actual passion after visiting LA for the first time over my spring break. I knew I loved LA, but didn’t want to admit that I wanted to move so far away from home. From the I decided to stay the whole summer with friends in LA as a trial period. there, Opportunities kept popping up, connections were established, and I finally admitted to myself it was time to make the move to California. How does life in LA differ from your hometown in Michigan? Oh I don’t even know where to begin! It’s so different you can hardly compare the two. LA is super fast paced with a larger population. I came from a town of a little under 11,000 people. Now I live in a city with almost 4 million people in it and there is traffic 24/7. It may be harder to get around this city, but I feel I never get bored like I would in a small town if that makes sense. There is always something to do! In the end, it was a big life change that took a while to adjust to, but now I love it. Tell us a little bit about your first year living in LA? They say the first year in LA is the hardest. If you manage to make it past your first year, it all goes up from there. You have to put in a lot of work initially to start getting established in the industry. My first year here consisted of a lot of free or low pay work to start building an “LA photography portfolio” and to be connected with people in the industry. It was a lot of work, but now I have an ever growing portfolio I’m really proud of. We know that struggles come and go with living in LA, as well as life in general, have you had to deal with any? Fortunately, I haven’t had many issues living out here. I used my summer trial period to make sure I could handle everything and that I could prove to myself I could book enough work to afford living out here. How do you think those have affected you as a person? Living out in LA definitely pushes you to work really hard — especially because it’s so expensive. I feel it has impacted me in the way that if I’m relaxing I get anxious because I feel like I’m constantly suppose to be working to stay afloat. How do you think they’ve affected your work? It brings on the constant pressure of pushing out new work. I never will put something out in the world that I’m not proud of, so lots of long days and late nights go into editing.

How would you describe a typical work day for yourself? I would say I have two types of work days — a computer day or a photoshoot day. Photoshoot days are pretty self explanatory, but on computer days I typically start my day off by responding to emails. After that, I typically spend the rest of the day editing photos and videos, planning more photoshoots, or brainstorming photoshoot concepts. If you didn’t move to LA, where would you have chosen to go? I feel that if I wasn’t introduced to LA, I probably would have ended up living in Chicago! I love Chicago and it’s fairly close to my family in Michigan. What are some of your goals for the upcoming year (2019)? Some of my 2019 goals include: 1. me continuing to elevate my photography style and try new things 2. show more of my personality online through video content 3. shoot a campaign for a large fashion brand with my photos in stores 4. have a photo I took be on a billboard Who are some of your inspirations? I don’t usually drive inspiration from other photographers, but I am inspired by my surroundings, experiences, and films. So far, what’s been your overall favorite shoot to work on? One of my favorite shoots to work on was one I did this past fall with Boohoo for their Halloween collection. I mostly enjoyed it because I got to shoot in the coolest location I ever got to shoot in. The shoot was located at the old Los Angeles theater in downtown. The theater has such an eerie vibe to it that the photos really fit the Halloween vibe and I loved it so much! How did you go about creating and discovering your photography style? I’ve gone through a few different “styles” on the path to discovering my current style. If you remember my photography from a couple years ago (or scroll back on my Instagram), my style use to be very dark and moody. That style didn’t fit my personality and pushed me to discover my style you see today! Now my photography is more bright, vibrant, dreamy and a better refection of who I am. If you could shoot with any one in the world, who would your top 5 choices be? I have a list on my phone actually of people on my photoshoot bucket list. I would have to say my top five right now are: Dua Lipa, Ariana Grande, Emma Watson, Rihanna, and Billie Eilish. I’m hoping I can make some of these shoots happen soon! Is photography your only passion at the moment? I would say photography is my only passion at the moment because it’s what I’m most focused on. Someday I would love to get into film and directing though!

What are your all-time 15 favorite songs? I always have trouble answering questions about music! I feel like I get bored of songs easily and my favorites are always changing. Some of my favorite artists though are Dua Lipa, Ariana Grande, LANY, Billie Eilish, and Tove Lo. Take us through your process for planning a shoot. A lot of people don’t know how much work is just in the planning process of a shoot. Photographers typically coordinate the whole shoot themselves. My process usually coo goes in this order: 1. concept planning 2. make a moodboard 3. location and prop scouting 4. model casting 5. coordinate hair, makeup and styling team 6. make a call sheet 7. shoot time! Do you have any rituals you do before a shoot? I don’t actually! I just do the typical camera bag check to make sure I have everything I need for the shoot. What would your advice be for an upcoming photographer? Just keep shooting — I can’t stress it enough! When I was first starting out, I would try to take a self portrait every day since I didn’t didn have anyone to model for me. All I needed was my camera, a tripod, a remote timer, and an idea. Photography skills take years and years to develop. I’ve been at it for over 7 years and I’m still learning. If you could choose anyone in the world to survive a zombie apocalypse with, who would your team consist of? (top 5-10 people) Knowing me, I’d probably choose people I know and trust! My zombie apocalypse squad would consist of my closest friends and family. How would you describe your you style exactly? I usually describe my style as colorful and dreamy, but someone recently put it into words that make me feel so cool that it’s too good not to share: “Freske, originally from Michigan, stunningly harnesses the evocative and sensual aesthetic of a colorful melodrama through his photography. Glitter-clad models, couture poses, neon glows, disco tones, and the flair of playful photo manipulation here and there, Freske expertly crafts a narrative of equally theatrical and climactic proportions fit for top-tier editorial photography.” p What’s your favorite type of photography? I really enjoy portraits! I love having people as subjects and capturing emotions which is why I chose it as my specialty.

Who are your biggest supporters? My family, my boyfriend, and all my closest friends (you know who you are) 100%! They’re always pushing me to do my very best and are always there during the highs as well as the lows. What do you enjoy doing in your free time? I dedicate a lot of my free time to photography, but if I’m not working you can usually catch me watching tv/movies, playing video games, hanging out with friends or all the above! What would you be doing if you weren’t a photographer? It’s weird to think about a life without photography, but I think I’d still be pursuing Architecture! I enjoyed it, but I just had more of a passion for photography. What’s something a lot of people don’t know about you? A lot of people are always so surprised to hear that I went to college and went to college for something other than photography! Those three th years of my life was basically my Hannah Montana moment. What’s something that you’re obsessed with at the moment? For photography, I’m really obsessed with shooting shiny, sparkly, and other unique materials. Outside of photography, I’m currently obsessed with the new Super Smash Bros.!


Devin Hayes photography: Melissa Pena wardrobe: Caitlyn Hastings makeup artist: Halie Arreaga hair stylist: Geneveive Gian

How did you discover that you had a passion for music? It was a process, I really didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life as every teenage kid deals with in high school and what not but as I explored the things that I liked, the hobbies that I liked and the interest that I liked,it all came down it music, whenever I went through a hard time I would fall to music, whenever I went through a good time I would fall to music, music was everything to me and I basically figured out that was the path I wanted to go with my talents. How has music helped you? Music has helped me through a lot like failures heartbreaks whatever it is I just turned to it, I like to write my thoughts and feelings out on a pen and paper or whatever whether it’s in my iPhone notes what not and usually that translates into Melody which translates into a song where I can express that feeling and whatever in need to to get it out of my system a song that I can like use to connect with my audience because they probably go through the same thing I think so, music is a great tool to get settled with your emotions and start feeling better in a more positive way, music is an everybod important for everybody. Do you feel that your hometown of Springfield Illinois influenced to where you are today? My hometown is definitely influenced me when it comes to that drive I just I really want to get out, there’s like no hate or no shade towards my city but like I just didn’t fit in there I really I had like different passions in a lot of people in my city and I was hated on a lot so it’s really hard to go out other places because I would just be constantly scared and having anxiety about people coming up to me and like making fun of me or like just teasing me in general, for that reason I couldn’t attend parties because people would theaten to beat me up and it was just like hard ha to do that because I kind of wanted to just be like everyone else and go like parties and have fun with everybody but one time I went to this party finally I decided to get out the house and go have some fun, immediately when I got there word came back to me that the owner wanted me out of the house instantly and i ask “why?” and they said “because I’m Devin Hayes” it was something along those lines so a lot of that made me sad and affected me some way, I wish everybody can love each other as human beings and just because I was doing A lot of things differently people took that as a negative, don’t don get me wrong I love the group of friends I had, they always kept me grounded and had my back but it was really hard to grow up there and to feel apart of my city just because all the other schools would say “Devin Hayes this Devin Hayes that” picking up rumors and do whatever they can to bring me down sometimes I get it sometimes I don’t but not to get deep here it’s just hard to think about growing up in my city and I’m so happy to be out here and to be in Los Angeles this is been my dream as I was 15 since I started doing all this stuff and I couldn’t be more like proud of myself I really did not think I was going to live out here famil my friends and my fans for getting me into this position so at this age. I have to thank my family, I thank you guys so much again for keeping me grounded and humble and to continue to do this.

How would you describe your sound? I don’t know, it’s like how I’m feeling that day, like I can go trap on y’all real quick but at the same time I can lay down some cool Daniel Caesar vibes, But lately I’ve been coming out with some pop EDM stuff, like cool drops in the chorus and hooks and what not, it just makes me feel inspired, music makes you feel inspired and awake and living, and I’ve been really pushing forward with that. Has anyone ever compared your voice to someone else’s? Yeah, definitely, growing up it was weird because a lot of my family and friends and fans would tell me I sounded like Shawn Mendes at one point just because I had this high raspy voice, I think that was before puberty though. I don’t know though, a lot of people tell me I sound like Jonah Marais, who’s a close friend of mine, because we’re both breathy when it comes to singing and we have the same range as well.

Matthieu Lange How has social media influenced your current career as an actor? I don’t know that it has much... I guess yes definitely in terms of artistry, in the sense that it’s helped me develop my creativity. Also it’s helped me meet incredibly inspiring people along the way. What was it like growing up in France and South Africa? The majority of my childhood was London which was very a very rich city in terms of things to do, things to see and things to learn. Paris was until I was 6 so I wouldn’t say it shaped me but I was influenced by French culture growing up through my mom’s side of the family, you could call that my romantic side. South Africa was an escape every 2 years to go back to the roots on my dad’s side and get that family dynamic with cousins that I didn’t experience much other than there. How does life there differ from life here in LA? Mostly because I’m older but my life is more mo exciting here, it’s a huge city with infinite possibilities. But actually come to think of it, I enjoy the same things like going to the movies or trying out new food places What’s one thing you want to be remembered for life? I don’t don think being remembered matters as much most people believe it does. If anything I’d like my art to be appreciated and discussed while I can still be there to contribute and evolve from it. What I do hope remains when I’m gone is the impact I’ve made in my communities and maybe if I can, the impact I make on the world as a whole. I’ve thought a lot about what makes a life worth living and how each of us can find peace regardless of our path and I think it’s simply that we should leave this world having given more than we’ve taken

What can we expect from you in the upcoming year? My first film, it’s a short called Lost In A Mistake. I think it’s the first time I’m publicly saying the name actually. It’s something very close to my heart and that I hope will invite people to reflect on their own lives and how they deal with their own mistakes. Top 5 favorite songs at the moment: 1.) Can’t Say - Travis Scott 2.) Going bad - Meek Mill ft. Drake 3.) Mile high - James Blake ft. Travis Scott & Metro Boomin 4.) Matt Maeson - Hallucinogenics 5.) Small Worlds - Mac Miller Binge tv show: Peaky Blinders all the way

Mina Tobias photography: Melissa Pena wardrobe: Marissa Motley makeup artist: Halie Arreaga hair stylist: Lydia Ouellette

You earned a degree in psychology, tell us a little bit about that? What peeked your interest in that major? I've always been fascinated with neurons and how our brains function, and so I started taking general psychology courses and fell in love with the major. From there I learned that I was especially interested in the biological side of the field, and focused on cognition and neurological pathways. I was also able to have some crossover with my music minor, and have some classes that focused on both fields like the psychology of music, and the physics of sounds and how it affects us - which is so cool! If you lost the ability to sing, would you be doing anything with that psychology degree? If so, what would it be? Since a decent portion of my studies were sociological, I honestly use my psych degree everyday in performing, dancing, or acting. The degree spans over so many parts of my life that I find it helpful in pretty much every day situations, even auditioning for shows and films! What would your dream role be to play in a movie/tv show? Superhero! I used to be an athlete so it's my dream to flex those muscles again and get into some action Supe films or shows, especially in the supernatural realm. Who would be your ideal cast to be in a movie with? My mind just went to so many places because there are so many actors and actresses that I love and study! Maybe if I needed some sisters I would love to have Shay Mitchell and Rashida Jones with me! Some actors I love watching are Mahershala Ali, Christian Bale, Glenn Close, Denzel of course. There's so many talented people. What did you learn and experience interning at the Gersh agency and with Quincy Jones production? I'm so happy that I got to experience both companies because they taught me so much. I'm happy young Mina made some good intern choices haha! Interning at the Gersh Agency was really helpful in understanding how much of a business the entertainment business is. Seeing the talent agency perspective of the industry helped me as an actress because I didn't take rejection in the audition room personally. I was able to really understand that in reality, the actor's audition has a much smaller effect on if they get cast, funny enough! There The are so many more moving parts that I was able to look at my audition experiences in a completely different and more professional way. At Quincy Jones, I had an amazing experience seeing the chaotic and wonderful world of Quincy. I was able to witness just how much one person can do, and it was so inspiring to me because it completely raises the bar and all of the things you can accomplish in one lifetime! No one does what Quincy does, and to kind of get a glimpse of his insane day-to-day was unbelievable - literally.

Do you think you’d be in the same place you are today if you hadn’t grown up with that experience? I have no idea what I'd be doing without an artistic family, but I'd like to hope that I'd apply the same passion that I've had for music, acting, and athletics to whatever path I'd choose. I've always been drawn to the arts and I can assume it's because it's the family business but who knows. What’s the most significant accomplishment/project in your career so far in your opinion? Tell us a little bit about that. Probably graduating from the Ivy League. It was a tough ride but one of my fondest memories and taught me so much. Aside from meeting a lot of my favorite people and getting the opportunity to be on a collegiate team, just being a part of a campus like Cornell's opened my eyes to the most passionate and bright kids from all over the world. Just spending time around all of these people who are going to be (and already were) changing the world is humbling and inspiring. Who would you love to collaborate with in the near future? My favorite artists that I'd love to collaborate with are Miguel, Robyn, The Weeknd, Halsey, Khalid. I love electronica and I'm so happy that its made its way into pop culture. Even back when I wrote elect 'Freedom' I was hoping that there would be more electronica and alternative sounds in pop music and in the few years since then there's a lot more of that sound in pop and hip hop/R&B which is amazing. Can we expect an album or EP from you soon? I'm finishing up my EP and waiting for the right time to release it, because I keep writing new songs that I want to be in it! So yes, soon. Do you have any upcoming projects that you currently working on? p I have some things that are in the works that I will be sharing very soon! I have a few new releases with the EC Twins which are amazing tracks, and I have a couple of other projects coming out too. I'll be sharing all of that on my sites when it's time!

Nova Miller We know you play the guitar, do you play any other instruments as well? Yes! I play piano, violin, and a bit of bass but Guitar is my main instrument.’ You just made a huge move to Los Angeles, all the way from Sweden, what made you decide to move and make such a large life change? City of angels, where everything feels possible! I’ve loved the city ever since the first time I went there because of how full of life it is. I got the opportunity to move there when my label 21:12 Entertainment Group signed a deal with 300 Entertainment last year. I just feel sooooo lucky that I'm even in a position where It's possible for me to make such a huge move. It wasn't even a decision it was just 'I'M DOING IT, BYE!' to my parents. What are some goals you’d like to accomplish throughout your first year in LA? I want to release music and would love to go on a tour also.I just want to be out there and sing my songs. I would also like to land a movie role. That’s something i´m working super hard on right now and as acting is a big focus for me. What traveling advice do you have for fo someone making a big move like that? Whoa that's such a hard question. I don't even know as I'm trying to figure it out myself right now but I think don't have too many expectations, because it will most likely be nothing like you think. Don't stress too much about friends, it'll happen when it happens. I keep telling myself to be open to anything that's meant to be. What are your top three, or five, traveling must-haves? Skin care for the plane !!! Like a sheet mask or moisturiser. I get super bored easily when traveling so I would also say a notebook so you can write down your thoughts or paint and get creative, and a cozy blanket.

Where do you see yourself 5-10 years from now? That's a big question! I hope I´m happy, working hard so I can be lucky enough to pursue what I love the most which is music and acting. Hopefully in a position where I can really give back to people, and speak about different topics I'm passionate about through my music and platform. When did you first realize that you wanted to pursue a career as a singer? Music is just home for me. I grew up with music all around me so I always had access to it which I'm so grateful for. fo Ever since I discovered you could be an artist I wanted to do it. Who are your biggest musical inspirations? I take a lot of inspiration from Christina Aguilera as she was the first pop artist i knew of. I also love Charlie Puth because of his musicianship, and older more classic artists like Aretha Franklin and James Brown. Do you have any pre-show rituals? If so, what are they? Walk up and down stairs to get myself excited, drink lots of water, warm up my voice and I like to get into my zone by being quiet and alone. Tell us a little bit about your latest EP, Yellow, what was your biggest inspiration for that? My EP Yellow was the start of me showing off my love for retro and the 70´s. It was the first body of work that I ever put out so it was such a huge deal for me and I just wanted to put it out with no expectations at all. It gave me a lot of courage and motivation to work harder and write even better songs, so you'll definitely be seeing me being even more myself by telling different stories, and even more excited to show people who I am through my music.

Tiffany Stringer

Tell us a little bit about yourself and how you got started in music, what’s your backstory? Who is Tiffany Stringer ? Well I've been onstage since I was 2 years old.. dancing/acting/singing! But everything really kicked in when I was 16. I had the privilege of going on tour around the U.S. and it was then I decided that this is what I wanted to do with my life. There is nothing like being onstage - I am my " best self when I am onstage and "Tiffany Stringer" changes all the time - right now she loves pop punk and peach mango tea with lychee jelly. How does being from Texas influence your creative process? What do you love most about being from the Lone Star State? I LOVE TEXAS !!!!!! Being from the south shaped me in so many ways and I am grateful for the world I was lucky enough to grow up in. exp It was in my hometown I learned how to express myself even in atmospheres where people didn't always understand - a priceless lesson. And I also fell in love with some of my favorite things while living there - Tex-Mex, Dr. Pepper, pop music, & dancing!!!!

Who is your biggest influence in the music industry? Gwen Stefani & Katy Perry -- MY QUEENS! What were you most proud to accomplish this past year? The biggest accomplishments of 2018 we definitely releasing my first song and performing were my original music for the first time!! It was such a transformative year! What can we expect to see from Tiffany in the new year? Lots & lots of music, shows, & music videos!!! I'm very excited to share!!

You released your first single, Pieces on Spotify recently and since it’s gained almost 50K streams, what was your first reaction when seeing how well your music has done? Honestly .. I was like "wwwhhhaaaaa....? look mom I'm famous!!!" For real I was hoping to maybe get 1000 streams so it exceeded my expectations completely and I am sooo grateful to everyone who has been listening and sharing the music !!! How did you feel releasing the track with it being your first official single? EUPHORIC. Before I put the song out I sent out my prayers and said that no matter what happened, it was a win because I was finally doing what I love. Anytime we move in love, we succeed. What was the initial reaction from your family and friends? My family was obsessed - which shocked me! I remember my sister Melanie and her friend cho Allison sent me a video of them doing a choreographed dance to 'Pieces' before it had even released. It's up on youtube if you want to go watch - they are stars!!!!


Keaton Stromberg produced your songs, what was it like working with someone you’re so close with? How do you think it would’ve differed working with someone who you were so emotionally & mentally connected with in the way you are with Keaton? People always say "Don't work with your significant other " and I GET IT! Working with someone you are so close to can be challenging at times, but if you can make it work, it is so beyond worth it. It's like family - you know they are always going to love you no matter what so you can be honest, but you have to still respect one another in that honesty. We've learned when o speak, when to listen, and we have grown even closer because of it. Keaton is one of the most talented people on PLANET EARTH and I am sooo thankful that I get to witness his magic first hand. For those of us who don’t know, what is your song pieces about exactly? What’s the story behind it? 'Pieces' started out as me complaining in my journal about an unfortunate situation I found myself in, but as time went on I realized the song was really more about myself. I let myself down by not wanting to admit the truth. I was afraid of saying 'no' to certain opportunities in fear that I wouldn't have anything else come my way. Thankfully, I let those fears go through writing the song - it was very therapeutic for me. How would you describe your sound? According to my Instagram bio, it is "spunk rock," but honestly it's a really just compilation of everything I love and am inspired inspi by. What do you want your listeners to get out of your music? My hope is that people find the inspiration to live their truth in my songs. I think the best way for us to change the world is by doing what we love - and that is exactly why I do what I do. What’s a typical day in the life of Tiffany Stringer? Wake up. Write 3 pages in my journal. Go to Teapop. Order a Peach Mango Green Tea w/ Double Lychee Jelly. <3 Then spend the rest of the day recording, meeting new people, writing songs, going to shows, practicing/performing, studying different artists, planning videos/visuals, taking classes etc. - doing whatever I can to be 1% better everyday.

Advice for someone who has no idea what they want to do in life. Read 'Big Magic' by Elizabeth Gilbert. And try every single little thing that interests you! Advice for upcoming songwriters . WRITE ALL THE FRICKIN TIME. Write what you LOVE. Write what you FEEL. Advice for somebody making a move to a big city like LA. It's not about finding a path without adversity, but knowing that no matter what goes wrong you will forwa because you want this. Life rewards those who get back up after they fall. keep pushing forward


Blonde - Tiffany Stringer Just A Girl - No Doubt Any Other Way - The Social California Friends - The Regrettes Tell Me - Spencer Sutherland Someone Tell The Boys - Samia Pieces - Tiffany Stringer 1979 - Smashing Pumpkins Breakaway - Lennon Stella Hummingbird Heartbeat - Katy Perry Are You Bored Yet? - The Wallows What You Want - Fiona Grey 26 - Paramore Underneath It All - No Doubt



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tiffany stringer


If you were a fan of Emblem3, you’ll definitely recognize Wesley Stromberg’s vocals in his new solo venture, WESLEY. After his years in the band, Wesley is ready to branch out and release his own music. His sound is incredibly distinct. Wesley describes it as “a cross of beat-driven hip hop influence with vocal delivery nodding both to today's moody slow jams and a throwback to the powerhouse angst of punk.” Musically, Wesley draws from the artists he listened to growing up along with current chart toppers. “[I listened to a lot of] punk/ska/reggae/rock. My favorite band is Sublime, but now I listen to a little bit of everything. Post Malone is my most current inspiration.” (One of his top songs at the moment is Sunflower by Swae Lee and Post Malone.) Wesley also credits Xxxtentacion, Bazzi, Travis Scott, and Drake as influences, dreaming to someday collaborate with Drake. However, his inspiration doesn’t come from other musicians alone. Wesley credits his family as his biggest inspiration, even writing a track “Don’t Have To Say You’re Sorry” about his sister’s struggle with addiction. “The song is for her, to let her know I'll always be there for her no matter what.” Wesley has an incredibly dedicated outlook on his career. He has felt since childhood that he would go into music and his confidence has never faded. “I always knew I wanted to be a singer. I performed in the talent show in 5th grade and felt like I crushed it! Then I decided to start a band, which led to Emblem3, which has now led to where I am today.” states Stromberg, “[and] I've always used just WESLEY since going solo from Emblem3. It was what I've always wanted to go by as a solo act.” Wesley’s creative process relies on accepting the spontaneity of inspiration, and working immediately when it strikes. He will find himself in a mindset where he just needs to finish the song and has even written entire enti songs while stuck in traffic. You can understand Wesley’s mindset through his advice for other musical hopefuls: “Be creative: write, record, release, rehearse, tour, then repeat!” 2018 was a monumental year for WESLEY with the release of his breakout EP, REAL & TRUE. Throughout the those months, Wesley Stromberg wrote about 50 songs that would potentially make the album. After narrowing down to his five favorite, he proudly completed his EP. “The A&R process was intense,” says Wesley, “but I'm so proud of what I've released and what we still have to roll out!” But what about the other songs? Don’t worry, Wesley assures that the gems of the bunch will get future releases. “I plan to release my other favorites on an album sometime in 2019, along with a bunch of new music I'm working on.” His number one song of his upcoming tracks is titled SOBER. As the best representation of himself and his current artistic style, Wesley is beyond hyped for its release. He hopes that the positive energy he puts into his music translates to his fans. “Ultimately, I want them to be inspired to love everyone and everything to the fullest.” If you want to see more of WESLEY, check out his EP or catch him on his first world headlining tour, The Alive Tour, starting in Latin America!

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