Trends And Prospects In Metacognition Research
Introduction.- Animal metacognition.- The multiple facets of metacognition and their mechanism: Neuropsychological evidence.- Fringe consciousness as a form of metacognition.- The metacognitive role of familiarity in artificial grammar learning: Transitions from unconscious to conscious knowledge.Cognitive interruption as object of metacognitive monitoring: Feeling of difficulty and surprise.- Tracking on-line metacognition: Monitoring and regulating comprehension.- Studying metacognition via the calibration paradigm using the methods of differential psychology.- The realism in children's metacognitive judgments of their episodic memory performance.- Confidence judgments in the event recall of children and adults: Does feedback contaminate confidence and can the effects be counteracted?.- Prospective memory failure and the metacognitive experience of "Blank in the mind".Metacognition in young children: Current methodological and theoretical developments.- Metacognitive development in early childhood: New questions about old assumptions.- Children s theory of mind and metacognitive language: Preliminary evidence for a developmental relationship.- Metacognitive knowledge about decision-making: An investigation of naive conceptions of decision processes through the "Solomon" questionnaire.- Computer-supported learning in primary school - An observational study of self-regulated learning.- Writing worse than we tell? Exploring the relationship between metacognition and spelling in higher education.- Metacognition and reading comprehension: Developmental trends and gender differences.- Metacognition-based training programs in the field of reading among 4th grade
Hungarian students.- University teachers as reflective learners How may they influence their students? EAN/ISBN : 9781441965462 Publisher(s): Springer, Berlin, Springer Science & Business Media Discussed keywords: Kognition Format: ePub/PDF Author(s): Efklides, Anastasia - Misailidi, Plousia
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