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Open House


As I continue my independent grassroots campaign for Village Trustee...I’m going door to door across the Village; putting ads in the GCNews; contacting old and new friends and posting occasionally on social media...I am heartened by the response of the folks I meet. They are friendly, open, interested in the issues and encouraging. The biggest issues raised are generally: the Las Vegas Sands plans to build a casino focused extravaganza on the Nassau Coliseum grounds; Gov. Hochul’s plan to potentially interfere with our right to govern our community’s property development; addressing once and for all the future of St. Paul’s; and, traffic.

For this piece I’m going to briefly share my thoughts on the LV Sands issue...after attending the Hofstra presentation on the casino licensing process, Town Supervisor Clavin’s Town Hall and County Executive Blakeman’s overview on his thoughts and involvement on the project, it’s clear that our

Village is again unnecessarily facing potentially harmful development at the Coliseum (see the ill-fated Lighthouse plan of the early 2010’s). Additionally, it’s abundantly clear that the County has failed to come to the GC residents with viable, exciting ideas for growth that we can enthusiastically rally around. I ask: where is the County’s Industrial Development Agency and why are we compelled to again be the forceful naysayers or face hardship??

I think the failure of the IDA to generate good solid ideas for growth at our eastern end is more than a disappointment. To see a casino at the Coliseum is at best a risk on several levels and at worst, who knows how harmful. We are dealing with a very sophisticated, well financed casino conglomerate in the LV Sands, who has had a months long head start on us...therefore, we must remain active, vigilant and committed in our opposition.

I look forward to meeting many of you in the weeks ahead and continuing our discussions. Finneran for Trustee!

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