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It’s What’s Happening for Young Adults Through the Library

Poetry for Community Service

Tweens and teens in Grades 6–12 can earn community service by writing poetry for the Tweens & Teens Department National Poetry Month Display in April! Each volunteer can submit up to 5 poems and volunteers must use a different shape for each poem they submit. Volunteers’ poems will be displayed as they are submitted outside the Tweens and Teens Room throughout the month of April.

Volunteers must come to the Library to pick up a volunteer form and shapes to write their poem on. Shapes to write poems on and the volunteer form can be found outside the Tweens & Teens Room at the Library. If supplies are low, please check back another day for more supplies.

Volunteers must use the shapes provided by the Library to write their poem on and must cut out their shape before submitting their poem. Poems should be legible and written in large enough print and with a dark pen, sharpie, marker, etc so they can be read from a distance. Volunteers can also decorate their shape. All poems should be original work.

Volunteers must return a volunteer form with their poems; volunteers do not have to submit all 5 poems at once and should do an additional form for poems they submit at a later date. Poems will be accepted until Sunday, April 30, 2023. Please return poems and volunteer forms to the Community Service Drop-Off Box on the metal cabinet in the Tweens and Teens Room.

Volunteers will receive 1 hour for every poem they submit, at the discretion of the Tweens and Teens Department.

If you have questions, please contact the Tweens and Teens Department at: https:// www.gardencitypl.org/young-adult-department/contact-the-young-adult-tweensteens-department/.

Vote for This Year’s Tweens and Teens Summer Reading Club Prizes

This year’s Tweens and Teens Summer Reading Club Prizes will be decided by the tweens and teens! Submit your vote either in person by visiting the Library or online by visiting our website at https://www.gardencitypl.org/vote-for-teens-tweens-reading-club-prizes/

To vote you must be entering Grades 6-12 in Fall 2023 and are asked to only fill out one ballot. The nominees, as chosen by the Library’s Teen Advisory Board, are as follows:

• Soft Serve Ice Cream Machine

• Cotton Candy Machine

• Chocolate & Candy Gift Basket

• $50 Amazon Gift Card

• $50 Target Gift Card

• Seventh Street Gift Card Lunch Package worth $60 (3 $20 gift cards to Guac Shop, Burger Spot, and Garden City Pizza)

• Seventh Street Gift Card Dessert Package worth $60 (3 $20 gift cards to

Dunkin, Starbucks, and TCBY)

• $50 AMC GIft Card

• Portable Bluetooth Speakers

• Noise-Canceling Bluetooth Headphones

• Airpods

• $50 Barnes & Noble Gift Card

Voting will be held from April 1 to April 30. Each teen can select up to 5 of the 12 nominees on his/her/their ballot. The nominees with the most votes will be this year’s Summer Reading Club Prizes, so make sure to get your vote in at the Library. Contact Young Adult Librarian Laura Giunta at https://www.gardencitypl.org/young-adult-department/contactthe-young-adult-tweens-teens-department/ if you have any questions.

Tweens and Teens Yarn Group

Tweens and teens in Grades 4–12 can learn how to knit or crochet during our Tweens and Teens Yarn Group that will be held on Saturday, April 1, at 11:30 a.m. Registration began Tuesday, March 21 online via Eventkeeper (www.gardencitypl.org). Space is limited, so check Eventkeeper for availability. Participants will be able to take home knitting needles or crochet hooks to continue working on their projects, but must return the knitting needles or crochet hooks they are using by Saturday, April 15.

Tweens and teens in Grades 6–12 who know how to knit or crochet can volunteer at this program! Please contact Laura Giunta at laurag@gardencitypl.org if you are interested in volunteering.

This program has been funded by the Friends of the Garden City Public Library.

Teen Crafternoon: Egg Painting for Community Service

Join us on Saturday, April 1 at 3PM for Teen Crafternoon: Egg Painting for Community Service! This program is for tweens and teens in Grades 6–12 only. Registration is required and began Tuesday, March 21, online via Eventkeeper (www.gardencitypl.org). Space is limited, so check Eventkeeper for availability. Participants will be painting foam eggs at the program. In order to earn community service, at least one of the eggs the participant paints must be given to the Library to be used for the Library’s Egg Scavenger Hunt that will be held April 17–May 1. Afterward, participants can pick up their egg until May 12. Eggs will be held no longer than May 12. This program has been funded by the Friends of the Garden City Public Library.

Paint An Egg for our Egg Scavenger Hunt for Community Service

Earn community service by painting a foam egg at home for the Garden City Public Library’s Egg Scavenger Hunt Project! Registration begins Tuesday, April 4, at 10 a.m. Each volunteer will receive 1 egg and a set of paint pens to decorate their egg at home. Egg and paint pens must be picked up at the Library. Paint pens must be returned to the library. Volunteers’ eggs will be used in the Library’s Egg Scavenger Hunt! Pumpkins are due back no later than Thursday, April 13, 2023. Volunteers are also welcome to use their own supplies that they have at home. Volunteers will receive 2 hours for participating in this project, at the discretion of the Tweens and Teens Department. The eggs will be used until the end of April. Afterward, participants can pick up their eggs until May 12. Eggs will be held no longer than May 12. This program has been funded by the Friends of the Garden City Public Library.

Teen Advisory Board Meeting

The next meeting of the Teen Advisory Board will be held on Tuesday, April 4, at 4 p.m. Registration begins Tuesday, March 28, at 10 a.m. online via Eventkeeper (www.gardencitypl.org). The meeting is for Tweens and Teens in Grades 6–12. If you are interested in helping to come up with programming ideas, volunteer ideas, or social media outreach ideas for tweens and teens in Grades 6–12, consider joining the Teen Advisory Board. Online applications are available at https://www.gardencitypl.org/teen-advisory-board-application/ Applicants should be in Grades 6-12.

Chick Incubation Project

The Library’s Annual Chick Incubation program is returning this year! Eggs will arrive on Tuesday, April 4, and are scheduled to begin hatching Monday, April 24. Chicks will be returned 1–2 weeks after they hatch. Eggs are picked up from Cornell Cooperative Extension at Suffolk County Farm in Yaphank, NY and chicks are returned back to Cornell Cooperative Extension at Suffolk County Farm in Yaphank, NY. Before they hatch, make sure to enter a name into our annual Name the Chick contest for your chance to name one of our chicks!

Teen Crafternoon: Free Paint and Craft

Paint and craft at a special Teen Crafternoon: Free Paint and Craft on Thursday, April 13, at 3 p.m. We’ll have a variety of art supplies you can use to paint and craft, leftover from previous Crafternoon programs. Please note there's a limited amount of each craft supply, so registrants may not be able to do every craft project. This program is for tweens and teens in Grades 6–12. Registration begins Tuesday, April 4, at 10 a.m. online via Eventkeeper (www.gardencitypl.org). Space is limited, so check Eventkeeper for availability. Teens who complete an online survey after the program can receive community service for participating in this program. This program has been funded by the Friends of the Garden City Public Library.

Egg Scavenger Hunt

This year, patrons can participate in an

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