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D a y a p p y M o t h e r ’ s


The Heroism of Motherhood

baby’s whole world revolves around this person who bends over the crib, cuddling, feeding and comforting the infant whose complete dependence is in her hands. She is remarkably gentle as she shares the pains and tears of her child. A mother cares because she has been cared for by the Creator and has witnessed His help. In that sweet mystery of love, for the child that began at the conception, she has understanding because she has enjoyed the compassionate goodness of God through nature. God has conferred on her the privilege of co-operating in the birth of a human being with an eternal soul. Thus, she is rich in faith, her very steps exemplifying a trust in God. Valiant mothers today … have contributed to keeping the world in love with love, accepting the trail of sorrow and joy that ultimately led to Jesus’ prediction that after maternal pain comes the joy that a child has been born into the world. A mother can enjoy her special day because, like the Blessed Virgin Mary, she accepted the child and brought it to life, answering Our Lord’s request, “Let the little children come to me.

Excerpted from “The Heroism of Motherhood” by Archbishop Nicholas T. Elko, May 8, 1983

Today is the day we salute the qualities of motherhood –a precious jewel with many facets. As Pius XII so beautifully stated, “The heroism of motherhood is the exaltation and glory of the Christian woman.” The countenance of a virtuous mother can be the reflector of heavenly sweetness because it is in her face that the newborn child first discerns an association with God. It is the mother who guides not only the mind and the first steps of a babe, but guides him in a simplicity of faith. For instance, she teaches the child how to make the sign of the cross. She points to a picture of Jesus or a saint, identifying each. The

This Tribute to Mothers is made possible through generous donations from parishioners of St. Anne’s and St. Joseph’s Churches , members of the Knights of Columbus St. Joseph-Bishop Baldwin Council #15809 and area residents who recognize the most sacred and important role of mothers in cooperating with God’s Divine Plan to nurture and

T. Elko, May 8, 1983

Excerpted from “The Heroism of Motherhood” by Archbishop Nicholas him in a simplicity of faith. For instance, she teaches the child how to make the sign of the cross. She points to a picture of Jesus or a saint, identifying each. The enjoyed the compassionate goodness of God through nature. God has conferred on her the privilege of co-operating in the birth of a human being with an the little children come to me.

This Tribute to Mothers is made possible through generous donations from parishioners of St. Anne’s and St. Joseph’s Churches , members of the Knights of Columbus St. Joseph-Bishop Baldwin Council #15809 and area residents who recognize the most sacred and important role of mothers in cooperating with God’s Divine Plan to nurture and protect all children born and pre-born.

David & Anne Donnelly

Margherita C. Dougherty

Robert L. Dougherty

Maryellen & Doug Drogalis

Mary Agnello

Russ & IMO

Rita Alexander

George & ILMO


The Amato Family

M. Anderson

ILMO Agnes

H. Arthur Anderson III

Marygene Anderson


Deborah Auricchio

Robert & Mari Auricchio

Beth & Tony Bennett

Ann & Tommy Blair


T & Tasha Blair

Timmy & Nathalie Blair

James & Diane Brady

Mary Brennan


Diana & Chris Buffa & Family James Burke

Katherine Burke

Mary Burke John Byrne Ciro & Rose Cangialosi

Joseph Cangialosi

Peter Cangialosi

Michael Cassano

Maryanne & ILMO

Janet Churik & Family

Molly Connors


Carol Cook

Jim Corrigan

Rev. Prasanna W. Costa

Helen Coty


Sally Coyne

Irene & Bruno Crea

The Creeron Family

John & Anne De Luca

Alexander DeMarchena

Hector & Debra DeMarchena

John M. Delany

Mothers, we have a great admiration for you. We also have a special concern for mothers who are pregnant and find themselves in difficult circumstances. We want to help you with your baby whose tiny heart began beating 18 days after conception. For confidential assistance with your pregnancy and information about alternatives to abortion, call The Life Center in Hempstead at 516-408-6300 or https://lifecenterli.org/ ; Regina Residence in Merrick at 516-223-7888 or www.catholiccharities.cc/our-services/regina-maternityservices ; or MOMMAS HOUSE in Wantagh at 516-781-8637 or info@mommashouse.org .

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