16 minute read

New crosswalks to improve walkability near Middle School

From page 3

Trustee Ed Finneran added that in general a new crosswalk linking to the neighborhood will be good for casual walkers.

The Commission unanimously approved the crosswalk project, as Kelly mentioned that another sidewalk for the vicinity could also enhance walkability – from Cathedral of the Incarnation to Garden City Middle School.

Raymond Court parking area

The May 4 Traffic Commission agenda presented the potential of restoring the parking lot sign on Raymond Court for the new parking area (paved over the historic Long Island Motor Parkway) as the lot has remained closed except for events that are expected to draw over 135 vehicles; involve parking for school buses or for other special circumstances.

DPW Superintendent Borroni has provided a conceptual plan and cost estimate to Traffic Commission members regarding the request. The Commission continued to review the plan he provided in early May.

At the Traffic Commission meeting, Deputy Mayor Lawrence Marciano noted that Little League baseball has been played at Stewart Field over the last several weeks. He asked Police Commissioner Kenneth Jackson about the parking situation thus far. On weekdays there may be just two games played, not creating a mass of vehicles filing into the parking lots. Weekends are starting to present some crowds. Jackson said while late April’s rainy weather canceled some games, there were three games at once and everything seemed to work fairly well.

“It seems to be working out as they are filling up the Stewart Avenue parking field and Raymond Court field, and some people utilize Stewart School field – Recreation has ensured that the gates have been open on all occasions. This weekend (May 6 and 7) we plan to have four games so it could present a challenge, as the biggest issue is when a game ends and the other teams are coming in. But for the most part drivers are staying off Raymond Court to the most degree,” Jackson noted.

Trustee Kelly said the two weeknight games do fill up the Stewart Avenue parking lot as the Raymond Court lot not being open during the week “is a plus for residents of Raymond Court.” Kelly said the gates were open for the Stewart School parking lot though from his observation, he was the only attendee of those midweek games that parked there.

Truck restrictions on streets

The Traffic Commission considered a map DPW Superintendent Borroni created of truck-restricted streets in the village. The measure proposed by Trustee Kelly was for implementation of a 9 p.m to 6 a.m. prohibition of truck traffic on both Clinton Road and Washington Avenue, with further study.

The effort came as part of the Commission’s evaluation of the addition of trucking route restrictions for village roads that currently do not have restrictions. The map provided to the Commission includes types of trucking restrictions currently in place.

In early April Police Commissioner Jackson provided the Commission members with 2019 DOT statistics on the truck volume numbers for Garden City roadways.

Deputy Mayor Lawrence Marciano said the measures for restrictions on trucks would be for only where the village has jurisdiction; for example at the north end, Clinton Road turns into Glen Cove Road which is a New York State DOT roadway.

Trustee Kelly clarified that trucking restrictions considered were for both Washington Avenue and Clinton Road, between Meadow Street and Old Country Road (as a north border).

Commissioner Jackson said it will be easier for GCPD to enforce southbound traffic coming into the village as northbound in that vicinity there is no outlet for trucks to turn off. “If the sign is at the village border but the officer will be unable to enforce it as we have to give them a chance to exit that area – from the enforcement standpoint you have to give an outlet (route) and that poses a problem. What I am afraid of then is trucks going down some side streets in the East like Willow, Meadow and Pine to try to adhere to that sign. But southbound Old Country Road is a big road and there will be room for signs so I think it is doable,” Jackson noted.

Trustee Ed Finneran agreed that northbound truck traffic could be problematic. “I think we should look to undertake further study with measures for southbound traffic, and table the measures for northbound traffic,” he suggested. Trustee Kelly emphasized that to best control the trucks northbound coming up, it would be a consideration for outlets to work with the Village of Hempstead. He then requested more input from Police Commissioner Jackson.

Jackson was comfortable with a southbound restriction taking effect.

“The only other issue we also have is the way village lines are constructed, because we also have Stewart Avenue, the line starts right after Ring Road (Roosevelt Field). Those trucks also need an option as they will go past the sign before realizing they are in a no-truck zone when they get to Clinton Road. They will need a regress,” Jackson said.

He noted that at the south end of the east, sometimes the empty trucks going through can be the noisiest ones because of humps and dips on the roadway causing them to make a lot of noise.

Jackson said the roads are smoother going north.

Trustee Kelly added that because Washington Avenue will be home to the new Nassau County Family Court facility it will likely cause a situation with more traffic concerns.

Clinton Road resident Angela Belford Boyce told the Traffic Commission she understood their desire to act on the southbound truck traffic, but she was concerned that the northbound traffic could not be included for the purpose of a study.

Trustee Finneran said the action by the Commission will spur a reaction. He lives on Franklin and is sure the county road will see increased trucks as a result of the Commission’s new restriction. Commissioner Jackson agreed and said Franklin Avenue sees over 1,000 trucks for volume.

“The reaction I think will most heavily be felt on Franklin Avenue going southbound. Whenever we do something, something else will happen,” Finneran said.

Central resident Jack Pascal came to the Commission meeting to represent Rockaway Avenue, and said he agrees with Finneran about the unintended consequences for any restrictions.

“As you squeeze more and more into other areas you should be cognizant of what that is causing. There is a school on the corner at Stewart Avenue and Cherry Valley, and as you push the streets for north-south traffic I am very concerned about the consequences,” he shared.

The Commission voted to ban overnight trucking on the southbound sides of Clinton Road and Washington Avenue, between Old Country Road and Meadow Street, from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. Kelly noted the Commission will study the northbound roadway potential further and “determine if Hempstead Village has an interest in working with us on making a detour.”

Stop sign requested

Also at their May meeting, the Commission reviewed a proposal for an all-way stop sign at the Linden Street and Bayberry Avenue intersection. The item came up as a request by 9-yearold Linden Street resident Del Medford. Trustee Kelly shared that in March, the Commission discussed how the hedges at the residential property at the northwest corner had not been cut and it seems to obstruct drivers’ views. Police Commissioner Jackson noted that a hedge or bush could cause two issues –blocking the view and/or the sidewalk.

“It looks like hedges on both sides (northeastern and northwestern corners) have been cut so the view is pretty good now. When we did a traffic survey the average vehicle speeds recorded for Linden and Bayberry was 21 mph and the 85th percentile speed was 24 mph. We have not had an accident there in three years,” Jackson said.

The Commission understood that the hedges being trimmed significantly improved visibility and there was not a pressing need for an all-way stop. The request was denied following the Commission discussion.

The request made by a resident asking for retiming of the traffic light at the intersection of Atlantic and Cathedral Avenues continued to be deferred. The Commission first deferred the item at its March 16 meeting and noted that the examination of the intersection was included as part of the Cathedral Avenue Road Diet traffic calming study, Trustee Kelly made note that Garden City has provided the study results to Nassau County for its review.

Another Traffic Commission item for a review of adding stop signs at the “T” intersection of Oxford Boulevard and St. Paul’s Place was brought up at last week’s meeting. Two stop signs are proposed for Oxford Boulevard. Trustee Charles Kelly indicated he was still speaking with residents for their opinions on the request. A resident spoke at the Commission meeting. She lives at one of the residences surrounding where the stop signs would be, and the message the Commission received is that there would be more problems minus a corner (separation of traffic) and with the stop sign put in the middle of Oxford Boulevard. The resident suggested the Commission turn its attention to the intersection of Merillon Avenue and Newmarket Road, with heavy speeding going down the block.

Trustee Kelly made a motion for the Commission to reject the new stop signs for Oxford Boulevard, and the vote to reject them was unanimous. Later in the meeting, Effie Campbell offered public comments with her view to have a stop sign at Oxford and St. Paul’s Place because it becomes a raceway in the mornings with the traffic rushing to school.

Trustee Kelly said he will discuss the potential for one new stop sign on Oxford with Police Commissioner Jackson. Meanwhile, Jackson heard the prior comment and said he will be directing GCPD to examine concerns about speeding on Newmarket.

“Consideration of one stop sign at the intersection (Oxford and St. Paul’s Place) was not on this agenda, but we will be happy to take it up after this meeting,” Trustee Kelly explained.

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Email editor@gcnews.com will easily assure the approval of our legislature. To attempt to block this (probably done deal) would be fruitless and wasted money.

Garden City is a great place to live, not the cheapest for a retiree such as myself and my wife. For the past 37 years we have lived here, we have seen countless costly studies, improper trustee decisions, costly litigation and some questionable dealings.

Maybe it’s time for “some good old common sense.”

Frederick G. Garttner

Mother’s Day Tribute

To the Editor:

We would like to bring to the attention of your Garden City News readers that in today’s issue we have placed another beautiful, full-page Mother’s Day Tribute.

This year’s annual Tribute features excerpts from an inspirational reflection on The Heroism of Motherhood, authored by The Most Reverend Nicholas T. Elko in May of 1983. His Excellency’s words are timeless.

Also included in the Tribute is a list of names of parishioners from St. Anne’s and St. Joseph’s Churches, members of the Knights of Columbus St. Joseph-Bishop Baldwin Council #15809, and area residents all who recognize the most sacred and important role of mothers in cooperating with God’s Divine Plan to nurture and protect every child born and pre-born. They made the tribute possible with their generous donations.

For confidential assistance with a pregnancy and for information about alternatives to abortion, call the compassionate and professional staff at Women First 516-408-6300.

If you have taken the first dose of the abortion pill and regret your decision, immediately call 855-209-4848 for help in reversing the effects of the abortion pill.

For couples having difficulty conceiving a child, the Gianna Center for Women’s Health and Fertility, located at Good Samaritan Hospital Medical Center in West Islip, offers a highly regarded and successful infertility program that provides specialized obstetrical and gynecological care for women, protecting both the dignity of mothers and the sanctity of human life. The Gianna Center’s skilled staff, headed by Dr. Paul Carpentier, MD, CFCMC, detects and treats the underlying causes of infertility to help couples conceive naturally. The Gianna Center can be reached at 631-376-3232.

For women who have experienced an abortion and may be seeking healing and confidential counseling, the wonderfully gentle Sisters of Life in Manhattan offer a caring program for post-abortive women. They hold Days of Prayer and Healing for Women. For information, visit https://sistersoflife. org/healing-after-abortion/ or call the Sisters of Life at 866-575-0075.

For men who carry the pain and suffering of losing a child to abortion, Lumina – Hope and Healing After Abortion is a ministry of Good Counsel Homes that assists those suffering from a prior abortion to reach healing and wholeness through talks, retreats, and other venues.

Lumina’s Hope and Healing After Abortion hotline is 877-586-4621. Their website is: www.postabortionhelp.org and their email is: lumina@postabortionhelp.org.

Thank You Mothers for the Gift of Life!

The Knights of Columbus St. Joseph-Bishop Baldwin Council No. 15809

Vote for Liz Gaffney

To the Editor:

On Tuesday, May 16, when you vote on the proposed budget for the 202324 school year, I urge you to elect Liz Gaffney as Trustee to the Board of Education by completing her name on the write-in ballot.

Considering the issues that confront the School District the residents require and deserve a candidate for Trustee who has the training, background and proven understanding of the issues confronting the District. It requires an individual who has the professionalism to address what needs to be accomplished, and skills to communicate to the residents the proposed actions or reasons why an action can or cannot be done.

She is a mother of children who are in the District’s schools and are engaged in academics/sports/other activities. A graduate of Columbia University and Notre Dame Law School, and as a former college soccer player, her goals are to enable the students of Garden City School District to compete at the highest levels both in the classroom and on the athletic fields.

Liz Gaffney is the current general counsel at Long Island University, having spent most of her legal career in education. First as a litigator for the NYC Department of Education and then with NYU. Her extensive background in education will be invaluable to the District as she has developed a unique skill set to meet the challenges facing the school district such as the upcoming teacher contract negotiations as well as the rising legal expenditures.

I urge you to vote for Ms. Gaffney for School Board Trustee.

Bruce A. Torino, Esq. Village Trustee Inc. Village of Garden City

Well qualified candidate

To the Editor:

We write in support of our long-time dear friend Elizabeth Gaffney, who is running as a write-in candidate for the Garden City School Board in the upcoming election on Tuesday, May 16th.

We have known Liz for over 20 years, dating back to our days together at Notre Dame Law School. Liz and her husband Steve are active members of the Garden City community and their three children can often be seen playing on various town sports fields. Liz is an excellent and extremely well-qualified candidate for the Garden City School Board. She has served as an attorney for various educational institutions, including the New York City Department of Education, New York University and presently, as General Counsel for Long Island University; her extensive relevant experience and depth of knowledge on the issues educational institutions must face, would make her an absolute asset to the Garden City School Board. In addition, Liz is a person of the highest integrity and moral character, who will not be swayed by partisan or one-sided thinking, but instead will critically analyze information and data on all important issues confronting the School Board. The School Board would be very fortunate to have Liz Gaffney serve as a member.

We encourage you to write in Liz Gaffney for School Board on Tuesday, May 16th at the Garden City High School, from 6:00am— 9:00pm.

Christine and Michael Johnson

The police have lost control

To the Editor:

In GC the cars come in one size: big. And the driving in one style: aggressive. Most motorists routinely travel ten or twenty miles per hour over the posted limit. In fact, I find myself being honked at and tailgated for driving the speed limit—and I’m driving at the LIMIT! The speeding in our town makes a mockery of its own “speed limit 30 mph” signs and the GCPD’s futile attempts to enforce them. Most drivers blow right by the dummy cop cars and radar displays at 50 mph, unfazed. The unconscionable speeding around our neighborhoods filled with playing children is shocking when compared against most other U.S. and even international communities, in which people seem happier to obey the social contract.

Speed humps, bump-outs, and more visible cross walk markings will help with the crazy driving to some extent. Radar guns with automatic ticketing by mail would help even more, in addition to raising revenue. Reducing Stewart Avenue to two wider lanes and adding a bike path would restore some dignity to this superhighway bisecting our village.

However, the most important change we can all make is to commit--as members of a community—to drive the speed limit. We should set an example for each other, and especially for the large number of non-GC residents who motor through our town, that this is how we do it in GC. How can we implore outside consultants to help us control the roadways when we ourselves do not demonstrate good behavior?

Roadway issues including speeding, aggressive driving, and traffic are often cited as the top quality of life issue facing Garden City today. Getting control is imperative for the safety of our residents, especially children. It’s also essential to regain our town’s pleasant suburban feel that maintains the quality of life-- and property values—in which we’re all invested dearly. So please—SLOW DOWN!!

Gregory Kenny

Do you know origins of Memorial Day?

To the Editor:

Flowers in tribute to the deceased has been a custom for at least 300,000 years. We know that movements to encourage tribute to soldiers deceased in battle with flowers became prominent in our country at the time of our American Civil War. During WWI a remarkable occurrence gave birth to the poppy as the accepted flower of remembrance for deceased veterans.

The convergence of the remains of the buried soldiers (many of them our own) with the composition of the war torn soil of Flanders Field in Belgium and France prompted the growth of grand arrays of poppies there. The poppy began to symbolize tribute to deceased veterans in Europe and to some extent right here in the United States. Just before the Armistice of November 11, 1918 was signed Moina Michael (now renowned in the USA as “The Poppy Lady”) began wearing and distributing all the artificial poppies she could find. With her example and efforts, citizens offered her donations for the care and support of veterans affected by their heroism in service. American Legion Auxiliary Units, such as ours, perpetuate this custom with emphasis on Memorial Day... the day whose purpose is to remember those soldiers who have died, particularly while engaged in the service of our country.

When you prepare for the festivities that are associated with this day, take the time to ensure with your family the sacred dimension of the day. Join us for the 9 a.m. service at our historic Cathedral of the Incarnation, the parade hosted by the veterans of our William Bradford Turner Post 265, and the memorial service at our beautiful Village Memorial Plaza... and wear the poppy a veteran of our Post or Auxiliary member of our unit may give you.

Then, enjoy your barbecue.

Jacqueline Burdi Eltringham, President, American Legion Auxiliary Unit 265

Letters To The Editor

Thank you

To the Editor:

To the fine officers of the Garden City Police Department who came to my daughter’s house last Friday when she passed away — I will never forget their compassion, respect & kindness. They made me feel calm and secure. I could not have gotten through it without them. My family & I will be forever grateful.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Lucille Minuto and Family

Saving our country

To the Editor:

Several years ago I proposed a possible solution to bring the many social and political factions of our country together. Since my last writing, our country has gone further into division. My solution then and still is Mandatory Military Service of all men and women physically and mentally able beginning in their 18th year.

I believe we can agree most of our problems begin with broken families. In addition, social media has become a negative force on our children through bullying, false rumors, and general negativity. Equality in all areas is being forced on us from our current government. One way with a minimal disruption and equal starting point for all, the Military.

Anyone who has attended basic training quickly realizes all trainees are treated the same from rising in the morning, eating, exercising, training and retiring in the evening.

Today over 70 countries require military training. Countries including Austria, Brazil, China, Denmark, Finland, Israel, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Vietnam and many de jure service in which the government may call up recruits. Some of the benefits of military training include:

• Equality — all would be treated the same

• Unparalleled sense of patriotism, duty, honor and self service

• Education and specialty training

• Health and dental care

• Leadership

• Camaraderie — one for all and all for one

• Physical fitness

• Socialization with all classes

• Trained military

• Discipline

The end product of a military person would be someone fit to live in today’s world. Of course there would be some exceptions, but few in comparison to what exists today.

A “military person” would ameliorate the costs to rehabilitate and “take care of” much of the population today. Areas of concern such as obesity, drugs and training, would be address with pos- itive results. Since we already have an established military, to implement military service for all may be the answer to the ills facing our country today.

John Appelt

Secure the border

To the Editor:

Two wrongs don’t make a right. NYC Mayor Eric Adams criticizes Texas Governor Greg Abbott for busing thousands of illegal migrants to NYC. Now, Adams turns around to send some of the same illegal immigrants to motels in Rockland and Orange County rented by NYC. Was Rockland County Executive Ed Day and Orange County Executive Stefan Neuhaus provided advance notification? Will Adams soon do the same for Nassau and Suffolk County? The real solution involves securing our southern border with Mexico. Under President Biden’s watch, over five million illegal immigrants have crossed. Now more are attempting the same at our Canadian border. Department of Homeland Security Chief Alejandra Mayorkas has the nerve to claim the border is secure. With the ending of Title 42, which afforded us the opportunity to return many illegal immigrants back to their home county, the situation will only grow worse. Regardless of how you feel about former President Trump, under his watch the flow of illegal’s was less and border security better.

We have spent over $100 billion to assist Ukraine in securing their border against the Russian invasion. It is time we spend whatever it takes to secure our border with both Mexico and Canada.

Larry Penner

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