2017 #1 Spring (pinyin with simplified characters)

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The dragon in the drawing flew away?

亲子活动: 彩蛋劳作!

Fun family activity: Paper Mache Egg!

2017 #1 Spring

Simplified Characters


中华文化杂志 Hua-Chinese Cultural Magazine


14-15 甜葡萄还是酸葡萄?


Sweet or Sour Grapes?

Egg Hunt Maze

、彩蛋劳作 10-11 复活节 Easter, Paper Mache Egg



作品欣赏 Showcase of Chinese Writings

作为青少年的我们, 致力于打造一本为孩子们写的, 给孩子们看的,真正属于孩子们的

6-7 童谣《两只老虎》 Nursery Rhyme: Two Tigers

4-5 古诗《蜂》 Classical Poem: the Bees

双语杂志。希望你在享受阅读乐趣的 同时,提高中文的阅读水平,并对 中华文化有更多的了解。让你在以后的 生活中,对自己的中文更有自信!


我们的宗旨 出版一份活泼且生活 化的文化学习读物

Illustration: Azusa Kawata Spring 2017

1 春

2017 #


Table of Contents




Dotting Dragon's Eyes

Dear Readers, As teens, we are

18-19 图画书《谁的鞋子》 Picture Book: Whose Shoe?

committed to write and

20-21 温哥华太阳跑 Vancouver Sun Run

create a bilingual magazine for children. We hope that you

find this magazine enjoyable and that you feel your Chinese has improved and you understand more of the Hua-Chinese culture. We hope that you will feel more confident in your Chinese!

22-23 幸存者的图腾柱 Survivors Totem Pole

Little Lantern Creation Team

封面图 Cover Art by Linda Zhang

Our Mission Publish a fun & engaging

If you wish to use the contents of Little Lantern Magazine, please send your inquiries to: 如想使用小灯笼杂志的内容,请来信洽询:

cultural learning magazine




Classical Poem



不论平地与山间,无限风光尽被占。 采得百花成蜜后,为谁辛苦为谁甜。 The Bees

Ta ng Dynasty

written by Luo Yin

Wherever in the fields a nd on the mounta in pea ks, Bees conquer the beauty of a ll flowers. After collected necta r from hundreds of flowers a nd made honey, Who do the bees work ha rd for? Who do they sha re the sweet success with? - Tra ns lat io n a n d text by Fra n k Ba o



Luo Yin lived from 833 to 910, he - 910年)

数次进京城考试。落榜十次后非常得 失望,使他写出了这首《蜂》。罗隐 用勤劳工作的蜜蜂来比喻像他一样勤

was a poet in the late Tang dynasty, who went into the capital city several times to take the imperial examination that would give him a job in the government. After failing the exam for the tenth times, he was extremely dissapointed, so he wrote “The Bees.” Luo Yin used bees as a metaphor for people


like him who worked very hard for the exams.


Spring 2017

Jett Dylan

Connor Thank you to all students, teachers and parents who have submitted artworks and writings.

Send us your drawings and hand-written works about the four seasons 春、夏、秋、冬 !

L ittl eL a nternMa gaz i n e@g ma i l.c o m





Nursery Rhyme

好多星星哦! 迷宫里,有几颗? So many stars! How many are in the maze?

十 八

从一数到十,带小老虎找朋友! Count from 1 to 10 in Mandarin and take Little Tiger to find his friend!




Spring 2017

Illustration: Azusa Kawata


T h is nu rse ry rhy m e is very wel l-kn o w n ! Co m e o n & s in g w ith us !

《两只老虎》 Two Tige rs 两只老虎,两只老虎,

Two t igers, two t igers,


Ru n n i n g fast, r u n n i n g fast,


O n e d o es n ot have ea rs,


O n e d o es n ot have a ta i l ,


Very st ra n ge! Very st ra n g e ! -Tra n s lated by V io la S he n

你最喜欢什么动物? What is Yo u r Favo r ite An ima l?

马美玲 www.LittleLantern.org


case Show ese in of Ch gs n writti






阮文楽 Have you been to the aqua riu m ( 水族馆 )? What a re you r favou rite sea a nima ls?

Ca n you imag ine how 廖培元



looks like?

Would you like to join the Monopoly ga me ( 大富翁 )?

Spring 2017

放假你做了什么? 去哪里玩呢? 看到什么呢? What did you do du ring the holidays? Where did you go? What did you see? Send you r writing a nd drawing to us! L ittl eL a nternMa gaz i n e@g ma i l.c o m

吴耀熙 What is memora ble for you ( 难忘 )?

Cameron It is nice to meet a new friend! What ca n you tell you r friend a bout you rself?




Western Holiday

蛋 彩 纸

gg E e h c Ma an r e p a P im Du le by J Artic

第一步:向气球里面吹气直到鼓鼓的。 第二步:将胶水倒进空盒子里。 第三步:将纸张剪成长条形。 第四步:用刷子把长条形纸粘在气球上。 第五步:等待3-4个小时,让纸张干燥。 第六步:用彩色笔画上你喜爱的图案吧! 第七步:完成!

Step 1: Blow up the balloon. Step 2: Pour white glue into a bucket. Step 3: Cut coloured tissue paper into long strips. Step 4: Brush glue onto the balloon and cover with paper strips. Step 5: Wait for 3 to 4 hours until balloon is fully dry. Step 6: Draw your design with colour markers! Step 7: Done!

材料:气球、空盒子、白胶、刷子、彩色雪梨 、彩色笔纸

M ater ia ls : ba l loons, b u cket, wh ite g lue, brus h, c o lo u red tissue pa per, c o lo u r ma r kers


Spring 2017

Ha p p 复 y 乐! 快 活节 Ea s ter! 复活节是西方的宗教性节日,时间是每年春分过后的第一个 星期日。据圣经记载,耶稣被钉在十字架上的第三天复活。为 了纪念耶稣复活,复活节成为了基督教中重要的节日之一。 复活节的象征是可爱的小兔子。兔子具有极强的繁殖能力, 可以生很多的小兔子宝宝,所以被视为新生命的创造者!鸡蛋 也有春天和新生命开始的意义! Artic le by An ita An

Easter Day is a Western relig ious holiday, it ta kes place every yea r on the first Sunday after Spring Equ inox. According to the Bible, Jesus was resu rrected on the third day after he was crucified. To commemorate Jesus’s resu rrection, Christia ns sees Easter as one of the most importa nt holidays. A symbol for Easter is the cute bunnies. Ra bb its reproduce at a fast rate, this mea ns they ca n have ma ny ba b ies, so they a re seen as the creation of new lives. Chicken eggs a re a lso seen as a symbol for Spring time a nd newborn lives.

一 起

去 寻

Illustration: Jason Dai


L et ’s go


找 彩




蛋 吧! 11



小兔子想要带 四颗彩蛋给 两位朋友。 首先, 她需要穿过 一片迷宫。 聪明的小朋友, 你能帮帮忙吗?

Little Bunny wa nts to bring fou r eggs to her two friends. First, she needs to go through a maze. Boys a nd g irls, ca n you help her?


Spring 2017

Illustration: Jenny Jing www.LittleLantern.org





? 萄

Sweet Grapes or So u r Grapes?

! 拿 了 不到 Ca n 高 ! ’ t re 太 o o h ig h ! ach th T em!

! 呀 渴

口 好o th i rsty ! S

Re a


Illustration: Jason Dai Spring Spring 2017 2017



l ly w a nt to e at t hem !

狐狸在回家的路上路过一个果园,他停在果园前望着鲜嫩多汁的 葡萄直流口水。正好狐狸也走累了,有点口渴。于是狐狸就退后几 步,准备跳起来来摘葡萄。但是葡萄藤太高了,狐狸不管怎么跳都 摘不到葡萄。最后, 狐狸因为失败了太多次, 所以就放弃了。他还 说:“这葡萄还没有熟透,肯定是酸的。” Mr. Fox saw a vineya rd on his way home. He stopped in front of it looking at those ju icy grapes a nd his mouth was watering. Mr. Fox happens to be pretty tired from the wa lking a nd pretty thirsty. So he ju mped u p a nd tried to reach the grapes. But, the grapevines were too high, no matter how he ju mped, he wasn’t a ble to pick a ny grapes. In the end, because Mr. Fox fa iled too ma ny times, so he gave u p. And he sa id, “These grapes a ren’t ripe yet, so they must be too sou r to eat!.”

Artic le by Rex L i

呢 葡萄

到 拿 么

x . Fo r 要怎 w o u l d Ma p e s ? 狸 gr 狐 w H o h th e c re a

www.LittleLantern.org www.LittleLantern.org





Dottin g E yes o nto a Dra g o n

李先生画了一条栩栩如生的龙。这条龙虽然漂亮,却没有眼 睛。因为李先生怎么也画不好它的眼睛, 改了很多次还是不行。 就在他苦恼的时候, 他的朋友王先生走了过来。 王先生拿起一支毛笔, 替他朋友画的龙点上了一双亮晶晶的 眼睛。 就在这时, 奇迹发生了! 因为有了眼睛, 龙变成真的 了。它从纸上跳了出来,飞走了! M r .L e e dre w a dra gon that is very rea l ist ic . The d ra g o n wa s very bea utifu l, b ut it d o es n ’ t have eyes yet. Be ca use no matter ho w he t ried , Mr .Lee c o u ld n ’t d ra w the eyes that b est match th is l ive ly dra gon. He wa s tro u b led by th is w hen h is fr ien d , Mr .Wa ng, ca m e over . M r .Wa n g p icke d u p a b rush to hel p h is fr ien d . H e d otted a pa ir of s pa r kl in g eyes o nto th e d ra g on. Just th e n, a m i ra c le ha ppen ed ! Beca use it g ot its eyes , the d ra gon be ca m e a l ive! It j u m pe d out fro m the pa per a n d fle w a wa y ! Artic le by Jim Dua n




n es

d ra

w a l ive e D ly ra g on?

一条 出 画 你可以 ? 国龙吗 中 的 生 栩栩如

* 栩栩如生:生动的形象,真实得就好像是活的一样 * a proverb that describes so m eth i n g that is l ife l i ke a n d rea l istic as if it is a l ive 16

Spring 2017

Illustration: Jenny Jing

Add ing a fin ish ing touch! 有时候, 一个小小的细节也能让整 件事变得更美好哦! 比如蛋糕上的一颗 小草莓能让它更加好吃。试试看衬衫上 加一条领带、连衣裙上佩一条项链 。 你是不是更漂亮 、更帅气了呢? www.LittleLantern.org

So m et im es , a s ma l l d eta i l ca n ma ke a b ig d ifferen c e! Fo r exa m p le , a st ra wberry o n a c u pca ke ma kes it m o re d el ic io us . Try a d d in g a tie w ith a s h irt o r pa irin g a n ec kla c e w ith a d ress . Do n ’t y o u lo o k m o re bea utifu l a n d m o re ha n dso m e?



Picture Book



这一只鞋子是谁的呢?小动物们议论来议论去的, 每个人都想要这只鞋子!于是蛇法官说:”你们试穿看 看吧!”最后大家发现,谁都不适合穿它。为什么呢? Whose shoe is this? The a nima ls discussed back a nd forth, everyone wa nts to have the shoe! So the Sna ke Judge says, “Why don’t you a ll try it on!” In the end, everyone found out, the shoe is not mea nt for a ny of them. How come?

Author: Dai Yun Illustrator: Xu Yu An Publisher: 少年儿童出版社 ISBN: 978-7-5324-8965-7

Artic le & il lust ratio n by Teresa Wa n g


Spring 2017

a imal n n a e h th Matc


小 动 物连 连 看


谁 誰


Manda r accent in has differe s, nt pronou both of the se nciatio ns are right!



( 1 ) s l oth



( 2 ) g e c ko



( 3 ) s n a ke



(4) flamingo


( 5 ) ost r ic h


( 6 ) h o rs e



(7) hippo

赶快去图书馆找找这本书吧!Hu rry a nd find this book in the libra ry! 看看不同的小动物怎么穿着鞋子生活呢?

Let’s see how do the a nima ls live the ir lives wea ring one shoe? D5, E6, F3, G4 Answer: A2, B7, C1, www.LittleLantern.org



Community Event

天气开始变暖和了, 不要再呆在家里看电视、


打电动了!一起出来在春 风中跑一跑吧!

温哥华太阳跑鼓励大 家一起锻炼身体、保持健 康、促进社区精神。2007 年的太阳跑创下了全国记 录,共有 54,317 人报名。








跑,已经被 10 公里的超 Ill




长距离吓得腿软!不要担 心哦!你可以报名 2.5 公 里的”迷你跑”。赶快和 家人、朋友一起跑起来 20

吧! Spring 2017

Article by C la rie Zha o The weather is getting wa rm, don’t just

The Vancouver Sun Run

stay home watching TV or playing video ga mes! Come on a nd let’s go running in the Spring breeze! Va ncouver Sun Run promotes fitness, hea lth a nd community spirit. In 2007, the Sun Run set a nationa l record, 54,317 people reg istered. If you a re not ready to run that long a nd the thought of 10km is ma king you r legs wea k. Don’t worry! You ca n reg ister for the Mini Run. Hu rry u p a nd sta rt running with you r fa m ily a nd friends!

一起念念看! Try rea d i n g th is n u m be r in Ma n da ri n!






五万 四千 三百 一十 七 www.LittleLantern.org



Community Report

在2016年11月5号, 我们在温哥华 downtown 东区见证了一座图 腾竖立的仪式。这座图腾的意义深刻,代表着种种受到歧视的经历与奋 斗。非常具有历史性。当天,人群聚集在中国城附近的白鸽公园。参与 活动的人们来自不同文化、背景,大家团结在一起互相支持。


Su rvivors Totem Pole

On November 5th, 2016, we witnessed a Totem Pole Ra ising Ceremony at Va ncouver Downtown Eastside. This totem is very mea ningful, representing the experiences a nd the fight aga inst discrim ination. It is a historica l event. On this day, the crowd gathered at Pigeon Pa rk, nea r Chinatown. People attending the event ca me from different cultu res a nd backgrounds, everybody stood together a nd su pported each other.

小灯笼感谢我们可以在 Coast Salish 原住民族的土地上生活。我们认知大温地区是 sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish), xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam) 和 sel̓íl̓witulh (Tsleil-Waututh) 原住民并没有投降割让的传统领土。


Spring 2017

图腾的木头来自 Haida Gwaii 群岛,是颗一千年老的红杉木。竖 立图腾的 potlatch 仪式按照着 Coast Salish 和 Haida 原住民族的礼 仪。许多人穿着传统礼装来参加活动。听着敲鼓、歌唱,我们目睹了 图腾柱的升起。这座图腾由不同社区人士合作,花了三年时间制作。 希望它能提醒着我们:祈望和愈疗。 Artic l e & P h oto by Li nda Zha ng & Wi n n ie Gua n The wood for the Totem Pole was a 1,000-yea r-old red ceda r tree, it ca me from Ha ida Gwa ii. The pole was ra ised in a potlatch ceremony following the protocols of Coast Sa lish a nd Ha ida First Nations. Ma ny people attending the event wore traditiona l rega lia. Listening to dru mm ing a nd songs, we witnessed the Totem Pole ra ising. This totem was a colla boration of people from different communities a nd it took three yea rs to ma ke it. We hope it rem inds us of Hope a nd Hea ling.

Little Lantern would like to acknowledge the ancestral, traditional and unceded Aboriginal territories of the Coast Salish Peoples, and in particular, sḵwx̱ wú7mesh (Squamish), xʷməθkʷəy̓ əm (Musqueam) and sel̓ íl̓ witulh (Tsleil-Waututh) First Nations in Metro Vancouver on whose territory we live, play, study and work. www.LittleLantern.org




e Yo uth Lead e rs

Illustration: Elizabeth Lum

Allan Lung

Karina Lai

Alvin Hu

Lucy Luo

Clarie Zhao

Linda Zha ng

David Song

Nea l Jiao

D a v i d Ya n g

R ex L i

El iza beth Lu m

Te r e s a W a n g

Emily Xie

Winnie Guan

F ra n k B a o

Wendi Wu

Irene Rua n

Willia m Wu

Jerry Pa n

Ye j i K i m

L itt l e L a nte r n

C u lt u ra l a n d H e r ita g e S o c i ety L itt l e L a n t e r n . o r g U n c e d e d C o a s t S a l i s h Te rSpring r i t o2017 ry of Vanco uver, BC, Canada

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