the 5 most important inventions

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Paper  

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History of paper began in ancient Egypt 3700-3200 BC “Paper” derives from “papyrus” ,what Egyptians write on Modern paper invented in China by Cai Lun in 2nd century Entered production in Europe in 13th century Had many uses: money, cheque, books, envelopes……

Light Bulb  Humphry Davy made a 

incandescent light with a strip of platinum 1802 (didn’t work well) Warren De la Ru enclosed platinum filament in a vacuum tube (platinum too expensive) Thomas Edison made first successful light bulb 1880 (bright enough & lasts long) William Coolidge developed first tungsten filament later (what we use today) Helped us to read & write at night

Telephone  Innocenzo Manzetti, Antonio

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Meucci, Thomas Edison, Alexander Bell all been credited with pioneering work on the telephone Alexander Bell made first successful electric telephone Tivadar Puskás invented telephone switchboard 1876 6million telephone subscribers by end of 2009 Made it easier to communicate with friends far away

Automobile  Gottlieb Daimler, Wilhelm

Maybech, Siegfried Marcus, Karl Benz all worked on the automobile  Karl Benz acknowledged as the inventor of automobile  Benz made first engine 1879  Benz’s company was founded 1883; began to sell vehicles 1888  Made travelling a lot easier

Computer  The first working “computer” = 

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Manchester Small-Scale Experimental Machine (SSEM) (made 1948) EDSAC ( Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator)= first nonexperimental “computer”(1949) Computers use vacuum tubes as processers in 1950s, use transistors in 1960s, and microprocessors such as Intel 4004 in 1970s Modern processors are smaller, cheaper and work faster Made it a lot easier to write articles, calculate, listen to music, watch movies, chat with others…….

Presenter: Alex Y Text by Alex Y Illustrations by Alex Y Credits: All clip arts from Slide 6 background: Slide 7 Da Vinci designs:

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