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Creativity Leads to Results Beyond Architecture
from Beyond Workplace Vol. III
by Little
In today’s competitive and rapidly changing world, creativity plays a vital role in a business's success.
“Can you deliver the most vibrant solutions we’ve never seen before?” That was the final interview question posed to us by a curious and deeply serious client.
The design team responded with a clear, confident, “Yes, absolutely,” and the client, Northeastern University (pictured left and right), selected Little for the project. We made that commitment to Northeastern University as we emerged from the pandemic. The future was hazy, but the spirit, optimistic. Now, we proudly report that we delivered on our promise to an incredibly happy client, whose student population continues to rise year after year, exceeding their growth expectations.
This is the type of success story we love to share as design professionals who deliver Little’s promise of “Results Beyond Architecture” every day. As architects and designers, successfully leading another client toward their optimistic future, we apply creative processes and creative thinking to our clients’ businesses. We know the power of creativity, and we have the joy, honor, and responsibility of applying it as we address our clients’ biggest challenges – the ones discussed in the board room and the ones that keep them up at night.
Creativity Allows Us to Shift Perspective
Avoiding the status quo while moving forward and persevering in challenging times is a special trait of an effective leader. This trait requires one important skill — the ability to shift perspective.
As Astro Teller, the director of Google X, said, “Shifting perspective is more powerful than being smart.” Shifting perspective allows one to see things differently, helping you become more flexible and open minded in your thinking. It can bring the good into focus, elevate your mood, and all you to uncover new, creative solutions. You shift perspective by thinking or doing something differently to change yourself, your situation, or the people around you.