Buderfliz Word 2007 tutorial

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Buderfliz T










Office Word 2007 Inform

F r o m

t h e


H e a r t ,

t o

S t r e n g t h e n


t h e

M i n d

Table of Contents

THE USER INTERFACE ............................................................................................................................3 Quick Access Toolbar ............................................................................................................................................. 4 Setting Up the Quick Access Toolbar .........................................................................................................................4 The Title Bar .......................................................................................................................................................... 5 The Status Bar ....................................................................................................................................................... 5 The Office Button ................................................................................................................................................... 6 The Mini Toolbar ................................................................................................................................................... 6 The Ribbon ............................................................................................................................................................. 7 Live Preview ........................................................................................................................................................... 7

PREPARING THE WORK SPACE ............................................................................................................8 Rulers..................................................................................................................................................................... 8 The Quick Access Toolbar ....................................................................................................................................... 9

CREATING DOCUMENTS ...................................................................................................................... 10 FORMATTING TEXT .............................................................................................................................. 11 Selecting Text ...................................................................................................................................................... 11 Editing Text.......................................................................................................................................................... 12

FORMATTING PARAGRAPHS ............................................................................................................. 13 Line Spacing ......................................................................................................................................................... 13 Indenting ............................................................................................................................................................. 14 Alignment / Justification ...................................................................................................................................... 16 Tabs ..................................................................................................................................................................... 17 Tab Leaders ......................................................................................................................................................... 18

CREATING COLUMNS ........................................................................................................................... 19 CREATING TABLES................................................................................................................................ 20


Inserting a New Blank Table ................................................................................................................................ 20 Drawing a Table .................................................................................................................................................. 21 Converting Text to Tables .................................................................................................................................... 22 Working with Tables ............................................................................................................................................ 23

WORKING WITH BULLETS AND NUMBERED LISTS ..................................................................... 25 Bullets .................................................................................................................................................................. 25 Multi Level List .........................................................................................................................................................25

WORKING WITH PICTURES AND OBJECTS .................................................................................... 26 Inserting Graphics ................................................................................................................................................ 26 Wrapping Style Options explained ..........................................................................................................................27 Rotating / Resizing Objects .................................................................................................................................. 28 Keeping Aspect Ratio ........................................................................................................................................... 28 Inserting Objects .................................................................................................................................................. 29 Word Art ..................................................................................................................................................................29 Clip Art .....................................................................................................................................................................29 Shapes .....................................................................................................................................................................30 Charts ......................................................................................................................................................................30 Smart Art .................................................................................................................................................................30

NAVIGATING LARGE DOCUMENTS ................................................................................................... 31 Shortcut Keys ....................................................................................................................................................... 31 Scroll Bar ............................................................................................................................................................. 31 Browse by Object ................................................................................................................................................. 31

MARKING YOUR DOCUMENT ............................................................................................................. 32 Marking the end of a page. ................................................................................................................................. 32 Marking the end a Column. ................................................................................................................................. 32 Creating A Reference ........................................................................................................................................... 33 Creating a Table of Contents ...................................................................................................................................33 Page Numbering Your Document ......................................................................................................................... 34

WINDOWS SPEECH RECOGNITION .................................................................................................. 35


The User Interface Let’s Get Comfortable with the New Look

“You can’t teach an old dog new tricks!” Or can you? Well it may be possible if the new trick is easier to learn and perform than the old trick. The same is true for learning Microsoft Word 2007. If you’re familiar with earlier versions of Word, it’s time to drop it like it’s hot! After all, would you rather work harder or smarter? Well smarter of course! Microsoft Word 2007 is informative and fun to use. Features like Ribbon, Live Review, and Galleries, which are all a part of the new Fluent User Interface (FUI), make Microsoft Word 2007 more efficient and easy-to-use. The magical Ribbon alters to display features and options that are relevant to the task you’re working on. In addition, the Ribbon organizes commands in a clear and concise way. Live Preview enables users to view various styles of layouts without changing the document. And, thanks to Galleries, beginner users can create professional documents in a matter of minutes! The Word 2007 layout, or User Interface, is totally transformed! Talk about working smarter! We have a lot of ground to cover, so let’s get started!


The User Interface

Quick Access Toolbar The Quick Access Toolbar is a group of buttons that are linked to frequently used functions, also called Shortcut Buttons. At first glance, this new feature looks very limited. However, you can customize this feature by adding your favorite functions at the click of a button . Setting Up the Quick Access Toolbar To add common features to the quick access toolbar: 1. Click the Quick Access Dialogue Button . 2. Click to select the appropriate feature to be listed on the toolbar (New, Open, Quick Print etc). 3. Repeat to add additional features. To add commands from the ribbon not listed there: 1. Click the Quick Access Dialogue Button . 2. Click More Commands. 3. Browse for and select the command you wish to add from the left pane. 4. Click the Add Button. 5. To change the order of the commands, click the move up or down button


The User Interface

The Title Bar The Title Bar is located at the very top of the screen. It displays the name of the document you are currently working on. If the document you’re working on has not been named, the Title Bar will display Document X (X being a number).

The Status Bar Current page

Word count

Page View

The Status Bar is located at the bottom of the screen. This is where detailed information about your document is located, such as: word count, current page number, as well as the number of pages in your document. In addition, you can also change the view and zoom in or out of your document with this feature.


The User Interface

The Office Button Located in the upper left hand corner of the Title Bar, the Office Button is the redesigned “File Menu” of previous Office versions. When this button is pressed, options such are “Open,” “New,” “Save” and “Print” are displayed.

The Mini Toolbar The Mini Toolbar provides easy access to the most frequently used formatting commands. Instead of using the right click of the mouse to view this option, simply highlight the text and it will automatically appear.

In the diagram above the Mini Toolbar reveals itself just above the highlighted text.


The User Interface

The Ribbon

Here lies the control center for editing your document. The new Ribbon is what I call the artificial intelligent Menu Bar. The Ribbon is context sensitive (it’s modified to suite what you’re working on, or have selected in your document). The new Ribbon makes formatting and designing your document much easier, with less effort.

Live Preview

Live Preview allows you to preview how a given Gallery command can alter your document first, before it actually happens. Once your mouse is positioned over any Gallery image, you will literally see a live preview of how your document would look. This is a cool feature, to see it in action watch the video tutorial.


Preparing the Work Space Rulers Rulers offer a graphical representation of your margins and spacing. It’s also a quick way to adjust your margins without going through the menus or memorizing keyboard shortcut keys. We’re going to need these Rulers, so let’s turn them on.

By default Rulers are turned off. To turn them on: 1. Click the View tab on the Ribbon. 2. In the Show/Hide group click the empty box next to Ruler to display them.

View Tab Show/Hide Group


Preparing the Work Space

The Quick Access Toolbar The Quick Access Toolbar is a one-click solution to frequently used functions. This feature greatly reduces the time it tales to perform repeated actions. Throughout this tutorial, we will open, save and print sample documents. Let’s setup the Quick Access Toolbar to help us quickly perform these tasks.

1. Click the Quick Access Dialogue Button . 2. Click New to add it to the toolbar (Options with check marks are already added). 3. Repeat to add “Open” and “Quick Print” to the toolbar. Too many shortcut keys add clutter and reduce interaction response time, so keep it moderate.


Creating Documents Creating a New Document To create a new document: 1. 2. 3. 4.


Or simply click the

Click on the Office Button Click New Click Blank Document Click Create

New Document icon in the Quick Access Toolbar.


Formatting Text Selecting Text If typing text onto the screen was all there was to creating professional documents, this tutorial wouldn’t be a necessity! Often times after typing a document, you may realize that you’d like to make adjustments to make your document more appealing. Before you can make those changes, Word has to know what it is that you’d like to change or adjust. This is called selecting text. Text can be selected a character (one letter) at a time, by word, sentence, paragraph or you can select the entire document. Here are some tips that will help make selecting text a piece of cake.

To select one or more characters:  Left Margin

Click and drag over character(s).

To select one word:  Double click within the desired word. To select an entire line:  In the Left Margin of the document, click once directly across from the desired line of text. To select a paragraph:  Triple click anywhere within the paragraph Or  In the Left Margin of the document, double click directly across from the desired paragraph To select the entire document:  Triple click in the Left Margin Pane of the document


Formatting Text

Editing Text Changing the look of your documents text is by far one of the most effective ways of enhancing the appearance of your document. Doing so, will draw your reader’s attention, evoke emotion, and or highlight important points in your document.

The Font Menu Group is located on the Home Tab of the Ribbon.

To change text appearance: Select the text you want to change, while the text is selected click any of the enhancement tools in the Font Menu Group. Bold Text Tool

Highlight Tool

Italics Tool

Subscript Tool (H2O)

Underline Tool

Superscript Tool (3rd)

Strike Through Tool

Font Selector / Resize Tool

Font Color Tool What font fits best with my document? A wonderful new feature in Word 2007 saves time and frustration when making a font change. Live Preview works automatically and gives you a live preview of how the text will look and fit in your document before you make the change. Just Click the Font Selector Toolbar and hover your mouse over any of your fonts to get the preview.

in the

Text can be edited a character at a time and manipulated individually even if within the same word. Here are some examples Sample Text

Sample Text

Sample Text

ample Text

Too many font changes can give a hint of unprofessionalism, keep it moderate.


Formatting Paragraphs Line Spacing Line Spacing is almost like giving your document a haircut. By adjusting the space between lies, a few lines of sentences can appear to fill the page, or a two-page double spaced document can be condensed to one page without adding or deleting text.

Home Tab

Paragraph Group

In this diagram of the “Ribbon” the “Home Tab” contents are displayed. The Line Spacing Button is located in the Paragraph Group. To change line spacing: Click anywhere within the paragraph you would like to change or select multiple paragraphs you wish to change. Making sure the Home tab is highlighted, click the Line Spacing Button in the Paragraph group and select the line spacing increment appropriate for your document.

This paragraph is single spaced. This paragraph is single spaced. This paragraph is single spaced

This paragraph is double spaced This paragraph is double spaced This paragraph is double spaced.


Formatting Paragraphs

Indenting Indentation is used in many written languages to signal the beginning of a new paragraph. Maybe I’m an old fogy, but indented paragraphs are the signature of documentation. Professionalism, organization, and intelligence are projected through an indented document. While various types of indentation are used, the most common are First Line Indent and Paragraph Indent.

In this diagram the “Home Tab” contents are displayed. The Increase Indent Button the Paragraph Group.

is located in

First Line Indent The First Line Indent Button, located on the ruler’s pane, will only indent the first line of the paragraph.


The most popular way to add a first line indent is by pressing the tab key. You can also set up automatic indentation by configuring the first line Indent button. All paragraphs typed thereafter will automatically be indented.


To setup First Line Indentation: 1. Click the tab setup button until the First Line Indent button is displayed. 2. Then click on the ruler where you would like your indents to begin. Save yourself from headaches. Never, never, never use the space bar to create indents or tabs.


Formatting Paragraphs

Paragraph Indent

Increase Indent Button

Paragraph Indents will indent the entire paragraph not just the first line. To setup Paragraph Indents: 1. Click anywhere within the paragraph or select multiple paragraphs to indent. 2. Then click the Increase Indent Button. Below is an example of First Line Indent. Notice that only the first line of the paragraph is indented. Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth. Even the all-powerful Pointing has no control about the blind texts it is an almost unorthographic life.

Below is an example Paragraph Indent. In it, all the lines in the paragraph are extended half an inch to the right and will continue with each press of the increase indent button. Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth. Even the all-powerful Pointing has.

Removing Indents can be done by:  

Dragging the First Line Indent tab from the Ruler, for first line indents. Pressing the Decrease Indent Button for Paragraph Indents.


Formatting Paragraphs

Alignment / Justification In Word 2007, justification of a paragraph applies to the entire paragraph. This is true if the entire paragraph is highlighted, or not highlighted. To apply justification to a single line of text, be sure to press the “enter” key at the end of the line of text. The text is then recognized as a paragraph and can be modified from the text above and below it.

In this diagram of the “Ribbon” the “Home Tab” contents are displayed. The Alignment Buttons are located in the Paragraph Group. Left Justified Peter Piper picked a pack of pickled peppers. He must like peppers.


Right Justified

Peter Piper picked a pack of pickled peppers. He must like peppers.

Peter Piper picked a pack of pickled peppers. He must like peppers.

Full Justified Peter Piper picked a pack of pickled peppers. He must like peppers.

To align a paragraph: 1. Click anywhere within the paragraph or select multiple paragraphs to align. 2. You can now click the left, center, right, or full justify buttons to adjust your paragraphs. To align multiple paragraphs: (See example below.) 1. Click anywhere within the first paragraph 2. Click on the Line Spacing Button 3. Click Remove Space after Paragraph For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16


Formatting Paragraphs

Tabs Tabs or Tab Stops are a speedy and efficient way to align data in your documents. When used, editing the data is quick and effortless. In our example below, we’ve created three Tab Stops. Notice how the text aligns left of the left Tab Stop, center on the center Tab Stop, and to the right of the period (.) on the decimal Tab Stop.

Tab Stop Setup button


The Tabstop set up button is located in the top left hand corner of the rulers pane.

Left Tab Stop

Center Tab Stop

Right Tab Stop

Decimal Tab Stop




Mc Donalds Burger King Rally’s Trump’s

Big Mac Whopper Hamburger Fired Grill

3.99 3.99 .99 12.99

To create a Tab stop: Click the desired Tab stop button. Then click on the ruler where you would like the Tab stop to function. Each time the tab key is pressed the cursor will move to the created Tab stop.


Formatting Paragraphs

Tab Leaders If lining text from one column to the next was rocket science for you in the past, get ready to blast away! Tab Leaders guide the reader from column to column. When created properly, left and right margins down the page remain straight despite the edits you make (We’re working smarter). PROGRAMME Master of Ceremonies ................................................................................................................... Paul Grant National Anthem ..................................................................................................................... Carley Samson Guest Speaker ..................................... 2007 Femmey Award Winner ................................... Patrick Gunther

Dialogue Drop Down Button

To setup Tab Leaders: 1. Making sure the Home Tab is selected click the Paragraph Group’s dialogue drop down button. 2. Click the Tabs button 3. Select the correct Tabstop position 4. In the Leader section select the type of guide you’d like to use 5. Click OK


Creating Columns Basic Columns Setup There are many reasons for using columns, but the most common are for creating newsletters and organizing data. Here are the basic steps for setting up simple columns in Word. The example below is a flowing text column (used in newspapers and articles)

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language

ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth. Even the all-

To setup flowing text columns: 1. Select the text you want in columns. (Text does not have to be a separate paragraph)

2. Click on the Page Layout Tab. 3. On the Page Setup Group click the Columns Button. 4. Click the desired number of columns or select More Columns. Experiment with the options in More Columns to find design that fits you.


powerful Pointing has no control about the blind texts it is an almost unorthographic life One day however a small line of blind text by the name of Lorem Ipsum decided to leave for the far World of Grammar.

Creating Tables Inserting a New Blank Table Tables are used to create a number of different elements in Microsoft Word 2007, such as calendars, inventories, and lists. There are few ways to create a table in Word, in this example we will insert a new blank table.

Figure 1

To insert a new blank Table: 1. On the Insert Tab Click the Table Button listed in the Tables Group. 2. From the Tables Drop Down Menu hover your mouse over the squares to enable a Live Preview of an auto generated Table. 3. Click on the square that gives you the appropriate Row/Column configuration for the table you wish to create. Clicking on the last highlighted square will generate a table within the margins of your document. The Live Preview is an exact preview of how the Table will fit in your document. In the capture to the left, we are creating a 3 row, 3 column Table, which creates the table you see above (figure 1). Notice that this method creates a table with equally sized rows and columns. Pressing the tab key in the last cell creates a new row of cells. When you are finished with your Table, click anywhere above or below the outside of the Table outline.


Creating Tables

Drawing a Table Drawing your table gives you more control over the shape and Cells in your table at creation.

Figure 2

To Draw a Table: 1. On the Insert Tab Click the Table Button listed in the Tables Group. 2. Click Draw Tables.

3. Using the Click and Drag technique, Drag to draw the outer shell of your table. 4. Click and drag to draw your row and column lines (figure 3).

Figure 3

5. Press the Escape Key (on your keyboard) to quit drawing. In figure 2, you can see that my columns are different sizes and shapes. You can draw your table to match your desired output quick and painlessly.


Creating Tables

Converting Text to Tables If you’ve ever had to copy text into table you may have wondered, there has to be an easier way. Well call me Mr. easy (never mind). Hope this helps you in the future. Let’s take this grocery list and convert it to a table. First we need to tell Word how to separate the data into cells. The character (comma) we use to do this is called a delimiter. Below (Figure 4) is the original list. Grocery List 2 One Gallon Jugs of Vitamin D Milk $2.99 3 Loafs of Wheat Bread $1.69 Figure 4 3 One Dozen Grade A Eggs $1.49 To Convert Text to Tables: 1. Place Delimiter Character (comma) after each cell data group. (Figure 5) Grocery List, 2, One Gallon Jugs of Vitamin D Milk, $2.99 3, Loafs of Wheat Bread, $1.69 Figure 5 3, One Dozen Grade A Eggs, $1.49 2. Select text to convert. 3. On the Insert Tab, click the Table Button located in the Tables Group. 4. Click Convert Text To Table. 5. Under AutoFit Behavior, click AutoFit to Window radio button. 6. Click OK. Viola! Our new Table is created and all we had to do was insert a few commas.

Grocery List 2 3 3

One Gallon Jugs of Vitamin D Milk Loafs of Wheat Bread One Dozen Grade A Eggs


$2.99 $1.69 $1.49

Creating Tables

Working with Tables Word 2007 gives so many options for enhancing and decorating your Table that I can’t list them all in this supplement. In the video of this tutorial I explain some of the feature a bit more in detail. I will show you a few buttons that will help you on your way if you haven’t seen the video yet. Tables and Live Preview

Grocery List Before 2

1 Gallon Jugs of Vitamin D Milk


3 3

Loafs of Wheat Bread 1 Dozen Grade A Eggs

1.69 1.49

Total My Grocery list is bland after typing text to fill in the cells, but Galleries give it pop in a matter of seconds by just hovering my mouse over the thumbnails. It changes my Table to show me how the Table will look if I decided to click on it. Check out the before and after.


Play around in the Gallery, you can always click the Undo button if you screw things up. On second thought if it’s an important document, make a backup first (Save As) then play around in the Gallery.


Creating Tables More editing tools for your table are listed on the Layout Tab under the Table Tools Menu. This menu is only displayed when your table is selected or being worked on.

Table Group Select the Table, View Grid Lines and Properties of the Table.

Rows & Columns Remove Cells, Rows or Columns. Add Rows to the left, right, above or below your table.

Merge Group Merge or Split Cells or Tables.

Cell Size Group

Alignment Group

Increase or Decrease the size of Rows or Columns.

Align text within a cell or change direction of the text. Change cell margins.

Data Group Sort Data alphabetically or numerically. Convert text in Table to plain old text. Add a formula to Cell.

Below are the editing tools listed on the Design Tab under the Table Tools Menu.

Table Style Options Group Let Word 2007 know you have a Header, First Column formatting or Banded Columns/Rows

Table Styles Group Live Preview Gallery templates.

Draw Borders Group Live Preview Shading. Create, remove, edit borders. Nest tables, edit cells.

Want even more control over your borders. Create your own beautiful borders with concise control from the start, using the Borders and Shading Drop Down Menu. Create 3d effects on the Page Border Tab. Take total control of shading through the Shading Tab.


Working with Bullets and Numbered Lists Bullets If you can change the color of your text, you can create a Bulleted List. There are two types, Ordered and Unordered. To Create an Ordered List (Numbered List): 1. Select or type text 2. On the Home Tab, Click the Numbered List Button

How to Boil An Egg

Ordered List Sample

1. Place Egg in Pot. 2. Run cold water into the saucepan until the water is 1 inch above the egg. To Create an Unordered List  Select text  On the Home Tab, Click the Bulleted List Button Multi Level List Multi Level List Sample How to Create Marbled Easter Egg 1. Boil Egg a. Place Egg in Pot b. Run cold water into…. 2. Color Egg a. Grate peeled crayons onto wax paper b. Place grated crayon pieces into jar with hot water c. As soon as crayons begin to melt drop in egg…. 3. Polish Egg a. When dry, polish with a dab of vegetable oil and a soft cloth. To Create Multi Level List 1. Select or Type Text 2. On the Home Tab, Click the Multi Level List Button 3. Press the Tab Key to Create a Sublevel.


Working With Pictures and Objects If a picture is worth a thousand words, then all I need are two pictures to complete my 2000 word Sunday School Essay. Ok, that didn’t work in high school either, but nothing spruces up a document like pictures. Importing pictures in Word and wrapping text around it used to be a frustrating task, not any more. Inserting Graphics Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth. Even the allpowerful Pointing has no control about the blind texts it is an almost unorthographic life One day however a small line of blind text by the name of Lorem Ipsum decided to .

To Insert Graphics: 1. Place cursor in text where you want to insert your graphic. 2. On the Insert Tab click the Picture Button listed on the Illustrations Group. To Move Graphic or enable text wrapping: 1. On the Format Tab, Click the Text Wrapping Button, located in the Arrange Group.

The In Line With Text option forces an image to align with the line of text in which it was inserted, making it impossible to move the image freely. To allow an image to be moved freely within your document, choose an option other than In Line With Text.


Working with Pictures and Objects Wrapping Style Options explained In Line With Text The rules that govern text are applied to the graphic and treats it as such. This makes the graphic hard to move around and generally aligns text at the bottom of the graphic if there is room. Square Wraps the text in a square shape around the image. The graphic is no longer treated as text and can be moved about freely. Tight If the graphic has a transparent background and in the proper format Word can wrap the text to the graphic and not as a square, otherwise it will wrap the same as Square. Behind Text / In Front of Text No text wrapping, the Graphic is placed behind or in Front of your text. Top and Bottom Wraps text above and below image(no text on the sides). Through Wraps the same as tight but will flow through any open areas of the graphic. Again only objects with transparent backgrounds or proper format will work, otherwise it will look the same as Square. Square

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden


Far far

away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden


Working with Pictures and Objects

Rotating / Resizing Objects Rotation Handle

Resize Handles

When your mouse is properly placed over any of the Handles it will change its shape to inform you that the graphic can be resized or rotated. To Rotate an Object or Graphic: 1. Click on object or graphic to select it. 2. Move your mouse to the the rotation handle until the pointer looks like this 3. Click and drag left or right to rotate. To resize an Object or Graphic: 1. Click on the object or graphic to select it. 2. Move you mouse to a resize handle until the pointer looks similar to this 3. Click and drag in or out to resize larger or smaller.

Keeping Aspect Ratio Enlarging an object and Stretching an object are not the same. Keeping its general shape or aspect ratio while increasing its size is done with the Shift Key (on your keyboard). To enlarge an object, hold down the shift key as you drag its resize handle.





Working with Pictures and Objects

Inserting Objects From the Insert Tab, a wide variety of Objects can be inserted into your document.

Clip Art Ready-to-use graphic files, such as drawings, movies, sounds etc.

Shapes Ready-made shapes such as lines, triangles, text box, callouts etc.

Smart Art Smart Art ranges from graphical diagrams to organizational charts.

Charts Bar, Pie, Line, Area and Surface Charts can be created here.

Word Art Decorative Text.

Word Art Word Art is text converted to a graphic. Although it is editable text, it is treated like a graphic. By default In Line with Text is its wrapping style. To move Word Art in your document, change it’s wrapping style. To Insert Word Art: 1. 2. 3. 4.

On the Insert Tab, click the Word Art Button located in the Text Group. Select a design (they can be modified, select the design closest to what you want). Type your message Click OK.

Clip Art To Insert Clip Art: 1. On the Insert Tab, Click the Clipart Button located on the Illustrations Group. 2. In the Search for: section type a description of what you want (keep it simple). 3. Click the image to insert.


Working with Pictures and Objects

Shapes There were so many shapes to choose from, I couldn’t decide which to use. Word gives you numerous options to color, shadow, rotate and even 3-D your shape. This is where Live Preview shines. Have fun and be creative without the undo button. To insert Shapes: 1. 2. 3. 4.

On the Insert Tab, Click the Shapes Button located in the Illustrations Group. Choose the Shape you want to insert. Resize or Rotate if necessary using the Resize / Rotation Handles. Modify if necessary from the Ribbon.

Charts 10 5




It’s easy to create professional-looking charts in Word. The same Chart Tools available in Excel are incorporated in Word. The created chart is then embedded into Word and the data is stored in an excel sheet built into your document. Still need more options? You may want to import an excel spreadsheet. Be sure to venture through the tabs on the ribbon.


To insert Charts: 1. On the Insert Tab, Click the Charts Button located in the Illustrations Group. 2. Choose a chart from the list of chart diagrams, press OK. 3. Adjust data, chart updates automatically.

Smart Art



Holy Spirit

Smart Art Graphics add emphasis and illustration to your document. Choose from a number of Smart Art Graphics that illustrate your point. No need to adjust the graphics to your text, Word does it for you. To add more fileds/categories to your Smart Art, hit the Enter key (on your keyboard) from the last field while in the Text Pane (located on the Design Tab).

To insert Smart Art: 1. 2. 3. 4.

On the Insert Tab, Click the Smart Art Button located in the Illustrations Group Choose from the list of Smart Art Diagrams Edit text to insert Modify from the ribbon


Navigating Large Documents As your document begins to increase in size, you may find it harder to browse it. Here are some tips to make sifting through your pages a breeze.

Shortcut Keys Shortcut Keys are a keyboard combination used to access functions in menus and sub-menus or browse a document. Up / Down Arrow Keys. Browse a line at a time up or down in your document. Left and Right Arrow Keys. Browse left or right one character at a time. Page Up


Scroll Bar Arrows


Scroll Bar Button

Page Up / Page Down Keys. Browse a screen full at a time.

Page Down



Hold down Ctrl Key and press End Key. Takes you to the very end of document. Hold down Ctrl Key and press Home Key. Takes you to the very top of document.

Scroll Bar The Scroll Bar Arrows on each end will advance you a line at a time in your document. Slide the Scroll Bar Button for quick advancement through your document. Clicking above or below the Scroll Bar Button will advance you a screen full at a time backward or forward.

Browse by Object You can configure word to browse by an object or Go to the next; Page, Graphic, Table etc. To setup, press the Browse by Object Button (Browse by page is default). Press the double-up or doubledown arrow to browse forward or backward.

Browse By Object Button


Marking Your Document Marking the end of a page. There are several ways to mark the end of your pages in Word. However I have found that certain edits may cause your End of Page markings to alter text or formatting of pages in your document unexpectedly. I have found the method below to be most reliable. To Create an End of Page Break: 1. Place Cursor at the very end of the last character for that page. 2. On the Page Layout Tab, Click the Breaks Button located in the Page Setup Group. 3. Click Page, to create a page break.

Marking the end a Column. Word will break your columns automatically for you. There may be times when you need the columns to break differently. A column break will force the end of the column and move that text to the beginning of a new column. To create an End of Column Break: 1. Place the Cursor at the point you want the column to break. 2. On the Page Layout Tab, Click the Breaks Button. 3. Click Column, to create a column break. Note: When adding columns to a page, it disrupts the page number sequence, if you are printing out page numbers. Don’t take my word for it, here is a quote from the Microsoft Website. “Page numbers are a section property, not a document property —so page numbering might change when you add a section break.” (A continuous section break follows your Columns) To correct your page numbers: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Double click the Footer of the page that contains the column. On the Design Tab Click the Page Number Button located in the Header & Footer Group. Click Format Page Number Click the Start At Radio button and type the page number that should be displayed. Press OK.


Marking Your Document

Creating A Reference In Word marked references are used to Create Indexes, Table of Contents, Table of Figures, Cross References, Bibliography pages, Footnotes etc. The methods are quite similar, so we’ll discuss one.

Creating a Table of Contents If you have ever had to create a Table of Contents for a large document and had to remove a page after editing your document, you may have had to redo your TOC. Word can automatically create your TOC and if you need to make changes, a single key press is all it takes to automatically update the table of contents to reflect the new headings or changes in your document. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Click where you want to insert the table of contents. On the Insert menu, point to Reference, and click Index and Tables. Click the Table of Contents tab. To use one of the available designs, click a design in the Formats box. Select any other table of contents options you want

As you Type your document: 6. Select the text you want to mark for the TOC. 7. On the References Tab, click Add Text located in the Table of Contents Group. 8. Choose a level for the selected text

The Start of a Revolution ................................ Level 1 The Boston Tea Party.................................. Level 2 The East India Company.......................... Level 3 You are now setup for a one (two) click update. When your document is complete: 9. On the References Tab click the Update Table Button 10. Click the Update Entire Table Radio Button 11. Click Ok Ok three clicks.


Marking Your Document

Page Numbering Your Document I was seventeen and running to my Theory of Knowledge class. In my hand was a 23 page Essay that I completed early that morning because I waited till the last minute to do it. Then it happened. I fell. Papers went everywhere and I had to put them back in order. If only I had numbered the pages. If you feel the need to number your pages here’s how. To page number your document: 1. From the Insert Tab, Click the Page Number Button located on the Header & Footer Group 2. Select where you want your page numbers to be displayed.

To remove the page number from the first page:

Page Setup Dialog Box Launcher

1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3.

Click anywhere in the document. On the Page Layout tab, click the Page Setup Dialog Box Launcher, and then click the Layout tab. Under Headers and footers, select the Different first page check box, and then click OK. On the Insert Tab, in the Headers & Footers Group, click Page Number Click Format Page Numbers. In the Start at box, type 0.

That’s it.


Windows Speech Recognition For those of you who are using Windows Vista, there’s a program installed called Window’s Speech Recognition. With this program users can interact with or control their computer. Although dictating in Microsoft word is not a new feature, it has been greatly improved and deserves a second look. There are few things to remember when using window speech recognition:

When the program makes a mistake, use the “correct” command instead of “select”. Greater love hath no man can this, that he lay down his life for a friend. In the dictated sentence above, the word “can” should be “than”. To make the correction: say “Correct can” In the list that is displayed say the number corresponding to the correct word (for this example you would say “2”). Say OK If the word is not in the list, say the word again. If the word is still not listed Say “Spell it” Spell the word then say “OK”. Windows Speech Recognition has now learned not to mistake “can” for “than”. Here are some other commands that will help you in Word.         

To select a word – Say “Select word” To select a group of words – Say “Select first word through last word” To correct a word – Say “Correct word” To start a new paragraph – Say “New paragraph” To start a new line – Say “New line” To delete a sentence – Say “Delete sentence” To move cursor to end of sentence – Say “Go to end of Sentence” To move cursor to end of paragraph – Say “Go to end of Paragraph” To move cursor to end of document – Say “Go to end of Document”

These are only the basic commands, for more information using Windows Speech Recognition, see my tutorial on Windows Vista.


Index Alignment, 16 Aspect Ratio, 28 Behind Text Wrapping, 27 Bibliography pages, 33 Browse by Object, 31 Bullets, 25 Charts, 30 Clip Art, 29 Columns, 19 Cross References, 33 First Line Indent. See Indenting Footnotes, 33 Graphics, 26 In Front of Text Wrapping, 27 In Line With Text Wrapping, 26 Indenting, 14 Justification. See Alignment Line Spacing, 13 Multi Level List, 25 Paragraph Indents. See Indenting Reference, 33 Ribbon, 7 Rulers, 8

Scroll Bar, 31 Selecting Text, 11 Shapes, 30 Shortcut Keys, 31 Smart Art, 30 Square Wrapping, 27 Tab Leaders, 18 Table of Contents, 33 Table of Figures, 33 Tables, 20 Tabs, 17 The Mini Toolbar, 6 the Office Button, 6 The Quick Access Toolbar, 4 The Status Bar, 5 The Title Bar, 5 Through Wrapping, 27 Tight Wrapping, 27 Top and Bottom Wrapping, 27 Window’s Speech Recognition, 35 Word Art, 29 wrapping style. See Wrapping Style Options

Special Thanks to: My wife Annetta, who encourages and believes in me so much, that if she told me I was Superman, I would try to save the world. Standing by me with every decision I make, even if it didn’t turn out the way I thought it would. I love and adore you. Cousin Crystal, you have such a wonderful gift for writing. Your time is precious but you spared some for me. As Mother Dudley used to say, when my ship comes in….. To all of my friends who called on me to help with their computer problems, tributes and training. Thank you for trusting and believing in me. It means the world to me. I will never forget. Finally, thank you for supporting God’s Ground.


Richard and Annetta Barnes littlerichard@godsground.com – Annetta@godsground.com

513.344.1164 www.godsground.com


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