Little Village magazine issue 284: July 1 - Aug. 4, 2020

Page 24


How to

Be a Backyard Yogi An easy-going sequence for the quarantined. BY LILY ALLEN-DUENAS


hat better practice to turn to in times of turbulence than yoga? Whether it is self-care, solitude or gratitude you’re seeking, both beginner and experienced yogis can find refuge on the mat. Some yoga studios have reopened with COVID-19 mitigation measures, but there is still no more safe and convenient place to get your yoga fix than at home. If you can salute the sun while basking in sunlight, even better.

Here is a backyard, beginnerfriendly yoga sequence for you or the whole family, designed to bring a balance of strength and fluidity to your body.

Courtesy of Lily Allen-Duenas

gentle bend in the knees. Inhale

exhale and in the standing back

here in Anuvittasana, and exhale in

bend that you inhale.

the next pose. Standing Side Bend Standing Forward Fold with

(Urdhva Hastasana)

Shoulder Opener

This standing side-bend is

1. Standing Backbend

(Uttanasana Variation)

repeated four times in total,


A backbend followed by a forward

changing back and forth from

Steps 1 and 2 are to be practiced

fold is perfect for awakening

right side to left side two times. To

three to six times each, alternating

the back muscles and providing

stretch the right side of your body,

one after the other.

lubrication to the spine. Keep the

raise your right hand in the air,

hands tightly clasped together,

clasp your right wrist with your left

behind the back, sliding down to

with the intention of getting the

hand and actively pull your body

the thighs, to engender a gentle

arms as close to the earth as

in the left direction. Make sure you

backbend. In the next pose, the

possible. Make sure to keep a soft

aren’t rotating or twisting, and

arms launch overhead, inducing

bend in the knees. Remember that

that you are pulling the body as

a strong shoulder opener. Keep a

it is in this yoga pose that you

evenly as possible. Also, make sure

Clasp the hands together




9. 24 July 1–Aug. 4, 2020 LITTLEVILLAGEMAG.COM/LV284








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