architectural thinking

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portfolio liqi sun ..................................................... kindergarten design / dwelling design / office design / graduation design: automobile museum / ..................................................... urbanisation and capitalism / rethinking randstad / library of the philological subjects at the lmu / competition: feyerabendhaus moosburg a.d. isar / digital construction: shanghai expo 2010 service centre / .....................................................

Harbin is a sub-provincial city and the capital of the Heilongjiang Province in Northeast China. It lies on the southern bank of the Songhua River. Harbin is ranked as the tenth largest city in China, serving as a key political, economic, scientific, cultural and communications center of Northeastern China. Harbin is originally a Manchu word meaning „a place for drying fishing nets“. Harbin bears the nicknames „The Pearl on the swan‘s neck“ because the shape of Heilongjiang resembles a swan, and „Oriental Moscow“ or „Oriental Paris“ for the architecture in the city. Harbin is also known as „Ice City“ for its long and cold winter. This city is most famous for its beautiful display of ice sculptures in winter and is known as China’s gateway to trade with Russia.In the 1920s, Harbin was considered to be the fashion capital of China as new designs from Paris and Moscow reached here first before arriving in Shanghai While Dalian is considered the region’s shipping center and Shenyang its financial hub, Harbin is striving hard towards becoming the key trade and shopping center of the region. The city is located in one of the fastest growing regions in the world and can boast a number of advantages such as an abundance of natural resources, good transport system and plenty of human resources. In 2008, Harbin‘s GDP reached RMB286.82 billion, an increase of 13.2 percent over the previous year. Tertiary industry output remained the largest component of GDP reaching RMB140.04 billion, an increase of 13.9 percent from the previous year. The total value for imports and exports by the end of 2008 was US$3.64 billion. The soil in Harbin, called “black earth” is one the most nutrient rich in all of China, making it valuable for cultivating food and textilerelated crops. As a result, Harbin is China’s base for the production of commodity grain and an ideal location for setting up agricultural businesses. Harbin also has industries such as light industry, textile, medicine, foodstuff, automobile, metallurgy, electronics, building materials, and chemicals which help to form a fairly comprehensive industrial system. Harbin Power Equipment Group Company and

Northeast Light Alloy Processing Factory are two key enterprises. Harbin is also known as the capital of “power manufacturing”; hydro and thermal power equipment manufactured here makes up one-third of the total installed capacity in China. Foreign investors seem upbeat about the city. The Harbin Trade and Economic fair, has been held for 17 years annually, cumulatively attracting more than 1.3 million exhibitors and visitors and resulting in contracts of over US$90 billion. Japanese, Russian and Eastern European nations are increasingly looking to North China and Harbin for investment. Foreign direct investment remains low, but is growing as a result of government efforts, with utilized FDI totaling US$570 million, up 28.1 percent, in 2008. * Harbin Development Zone o Harbin Economic and Technological Development Zone o Harbin High and New Technological Development Zone o Harbin Port * Daqing High-tech Industrial Development Zone Harbin is one of the largest railway hubs in Northeast China. Five major railways (Jingha, Binsui, Binzhou, Binbei and Labin) meet here. Currently 138 trains terminate in or pass through Harbin daily, with trains available to Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Guangzhou, Jinan and many other major cities in China. [8] The Harbin Taiping International Airport is the second largest international airport in Northeast China. There are flights to/from more than 30 large and medium-sized cities, including Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Hong Kong.[9] There are more than 1,900 rivers in Heilongjiang, including the Songhua River, Heilongjiang River and Wusulijiang River, creating a convenient system of waterway transportation. Harbin harbor is one of eight inland ports in China and the largest of its type in Northeast China. Available from mid-April until the beginning of November, passenger ships sail from Harbin up the Songhua River to Qiqihar, or downstream to Jiamusi, Tongjiang, and Khabarovsk in Russia.



Called the Oriental St. Petersburg, Harbin is one of China‘s most beautiful cities. The city is well-known for its unique, Russian and Europeaninfluenced architecture. Zhong Yang Street (Central Street, also known as Kitaiskaia St.), one of the main business streets in Harbin, is a perfect remnant of the bustling international business activities at the turn of the 20th century. The 1.4km long street is a veritable museum of European architectural styles: Baroque and Byzantine façades, little Russian bakeries, French fashion houses, American eateries, and Japanese restaurants. The Russian Orthodox church, St. Sophia Cathedral, is also located in this central district of Daoli. St. Sophia took nine years to build and was completed in 1932. It has now been made into a museum as a showcase of the multi-cultural architecture of Harbin. Many citizens believe that the Orthodox church damaged the local feng shui, so they donated money to build a Chinese monastery in 1921, the Ji Le Temple. There were more than 15 Russian Orthodox churches and two cemeteries in Harbin until 1949. Mao‘s Communist Revolution, and the subsequent Cultural Revolution, saw many of them destroyed. Now, about 10 churches remain, while services are held only in one.

Food and Medicine Industrial Park Research and Design Center and Campus City

Commercial Political and Cultural Center High-Tech and New Economy Fostering Park

HaDong (East Harbin) Industrial Park

Acamedic District

International Airport

Automobile Fabrication

Graduation Design Bachelor of Architecture Faculty of Architecture, Harbin Institue of Technology Spring Semester 2007, Harbin, PR China student:

Liqi Sun

supervisor: Prof. Dawei Li

The general spacial layout of Harbin

The morphological attribute in the old city planning

New high rise buildings

In traditional old city district it will be planed such as commercial and residential district. At the northern area of Songhua River there would be a food and medicine industrial park and a research and design center, which based on a series of campus development. the Pingfang district is the headquarter of hafei group, so that the resources could be better integrated and a new automobile fabrication center can be established. The western Harbin, Qunli district is proceeding to a high-tech and new economy developing center, as the industrial context is followed in the eastern part of the city.

The site locates in the periphery of the core area in Daoli triangle district, which the building environment was planed at the beginning but built primary at the second half of 20 century. The forms are quite out of date and lack of identification. The majority of them is residential building, but takes only a little influence to the design project.

Along the Songhua River centralize a group of skyscrapers, which shape the waterfront sky line of Harbin. These buildings include tow office towers and a 5 star hotel, and even a luxus high rise appartel in a neo-classical style nearby the site as a neighborhood.

Binjiang (waterfront) Aijian Community (the ex- habrin train factory)

High-rise block (Harbin post tower, Shangri-La international Hotel, Rongfu Kangnian grand Hotel, a very important quarter which involves in the foreign affairs )

Gongchengshi Street, typical floor- buildings in this area

Youyigong (friendship plaza) Youyi Street,Daoli district, identical landmark in the transition area.

the civil goverrnent (typical goverment building)

core area of Daoli district (bordered by Tongjiang Steet)



Vision of the waterfront As a very important issue is the waterfront design a opportunity for the urban space quality. As existing architectural heritage there are several small scale recreational buildings, eg.tee houses, pavilions and clubs, which were built at the end of 19th century by the European architects and under strongly preservation. The green belt - Stalin Park, is always considered as a very important recreational area for the citizens. There are all kinds if activities in the park all the time.

Therefore is the question to be think about, how to maintain the urban activities and spatial qualities in this project.

Secondly, the open space along the river is the important point, it is quite comprehensive, if we create a gathering square, or a place, in which the landscape serves as a urban factor, in order to get the First of all, the green belt of Stalin Park must be enhanced at the site, communication between the architecture and the environment more as a museum of automobile should be more public, not only concern efficiently. The pedestrian system at the waterfront should be more about the commercial interest of the enterprise, but also have a pro- communicative. posal to improve the cultural aspect.

Graduation Design Bachelor of Architecture Faculty of Architecture, Harbin Institue of Technology Spring Semester 2007, Harbin, PR China student:

Liqi Sun

supervisor: Prof. Dawei Li

Working Model

Formal statement The landscape along the river side is always considered as the most beautiful aspect of the city. There is a steady visitor flow from east. Therefore the façade facing to the river side become a very crucial task. First of all, in concern about the high dimension of the neighboring appartel, the roof was shaped into a wave form. Secondly, in order to fulfill the user‘s demands the exhibition spaces was decided as open space, which was enclosed by curtain walls, instead close and separate them, then this interactive facade is able to show the grandiose natural landscape as a background.



urban square in process

Jiuzhan Park

internal car port staff entrance basement entrance basement exit fire passage

Hafei Youyi Square

entrance at Youyi Road

pool entrance at waterfront

Hafei Binjiang Square

Ground Plan 1:750 Hafei Corridor

The construction site is a rectanglar with an area of 175 m x 120 m. Neibouring Youyi Street, Tongjiang Street, fangxun Road. The basic idea is a ensemble of indepent sectors, which includes: 1.Exhibition area is the main function of this project. The seperating and connecting between each parts is the most nesessary point. This sector locates in at the Fangxun Road, to get a good view and accesstbiliby.

Guanjiang Guoji international high rise appartel

2.Office, administration, research and library, which includes meeting rooms and archiv rooms. This part have a relative monotonous functional demand, it is pland at side of Youyi Road. And morphologicaly, a poly line shaped fasade was decided, in oder to take a positive reaction to the monotonous urban space. 3.Member‘s Club. This sector have its own modus. Its main purpose is to creat a place, where the members can get themselves communicated, educated, amused. The relationship between this part and the exhibition part is very interesting. A big enrance square serves as a welcoming element. Graduation Design Bachelor of Architecture Faculty of Architecture, Harbin Institue of Technology Spring Semester 2007, Harbin, PR China student:

Liqi Sun

supervisor: Prof. Dawei Li

Basement Plan 1:400

Concept Diagram

GRADUATION DESIGN Groundoor Plan 1:400






Graduation Design Bachelor of Architecture Faculty of Architecture, Harbin Institue of Technology Spring Semester 2007, Harbin, PR China student:

Liqi Sun

supervisor: Prof. Dawei Li

1. Floor Plan 1:400

1-1 Section 1:400



Graduation Design Bachelor of Architecture Faculty of Architecture, Harbin Institue of Technology Spring Semester 2007, Harbin, PR China student:

Liqi Sun

supervisor: Prof. Dawei Li

3.Floor Plan 1:400


HAFEI AUTOMOBILE MUSEUM, HARBIN, CHINA Perspective View from Riverside

interior perspective view

2-2 Section 1:400



Graduation Design Bachelor of Architecture Faculty of Architecture, Harbin Institue of Technology Spring Semester 2007, Harbin, PR China student:

Liqi Sun

supervisor: Prof. Dawei Li



Perspective View from Youyi Road

exterior ramp

ramp at the entrance

access to enterprise and product exhibition

access to enterprise planing exhibition

access to futural mobility experience

downstairs to aula

observation point and the entrance at 1. oor

Connecting System Diagram


ramp and stair


Northwest Elavation 1:400

Southeast Elavation 1:400

semi-seperating elements



Graduation Design Bachelor of Architecture Faculty of Architecture, Harbin Institue of Technology Spring Semester 2007, Harbin, PR China student:

Liqi Sun

supervisor: Prof. Dawei Li

projekt 1:

Entwerfen von Differenzen designing differences

paul mathey oguz örgün mathias scheibel liqi sun

Städtebau & Kapitalismus urbanization & capitalism

Lageplan M 1:15000

Beschreibung des Masterplans Dem Entwurf ging eine Analyse das previ housing in Lima, Peru von Aldo van Eyck voraus. Die Grundeinheit in diesem Projekt ist ein 2-geschossiges Haus mit hexagonaler Umfriedung, das privaten und öffentlichen Raum klar trennt. Das Haus mit Umfriedung bildet in unserem Entwurf den Ausgangspunkt. Der Charakter der Frei ächen sowie die Anzahl der Gebäude pro Flächeneinheit bilden die Parameter unserer Differenzierung. Die privaten Frei ächen nehmen kontinuierlich ab. Der Charakter der Frei ächen reicht vom vollständig umfriedeten Einfamilienhaus mit privatem Garten, bis zum Wohnturm im öffentlichen Raum. Innerhalb der graduellen Entwicklung bilden sich Hybridformen mit Höfen privater sowie kollektiver Qualität, die in Inselmitte die höchste Durchmischung erreichen. Auf der etwa 550m x 990m großen Insel sind ca. 5200 Wohneinheiten untergebracht. Die Erschließung erfolgt über eine Brücke und führt ins Zentrum, dem dichtesten Ort der Insel.

Entwerfen von Differenzen designing differences

Städtebau & Kapitalismus urbanization & capitalism

Frei ächen

2-3 Geschosse

4-5 Geschosse

6-7 Geschosse

8-10 Geschosse

der masterplan

Masstab: 1:3500

Entwerfen von Differenzen designing differences

Auf die markierten Bereiche wird auf der folgenden Seite “variationen der frei ächen sowie der anzahl der gebäude pro ächeneinheit” näher eingegangen

Städtebau & Kapitalismus urbanization & capitalism

urbane differenzierung

Masstab: 1:3500

Entwerfen von Differenzen designing differences

Städtebau & Kapitalismus urbanization & capitalism

variationen der frei ächen sowie der anzahl der gebäude pro ächeneinheit

Freisthehende Villa mit maximalem privaten Garten

Häuserguppierung mit zahlreichen, großzügigen, privaten Höfen, umschließt kollektiv genutzten Freibereich

Häusergruppierung mit großen Höfen umschließt kollektiv und öffentlich genutzte Freibereiche

Häusergruppierung mit mittelgroßen Höfen bilden öffentliche Freibereiche unterschiedlicher Größe

Häusergruppierungen mit wenigen Höfen mittlerer Größe umgrenzen große, öffentliche Freibereiche

Punkthäuser im öffentlichen Raum

Luxuriöse Einfamilienhäuser mit grossen privaten Garten

Hybridform mit privat genutzten Höfen umschließt gemeinschatliches Grün

Hybridform mit privat und kollektiv genutzten Höfen gliedert sich um gemeinschaftlich genutzte Grün ächen

Hybridform mit hauptsächlich kollektiv genutzten Höfen gliedert sich um gemeinschaftlich genutzte Grün ächen

Hybridform mit wenigen, kollektiv genutzten und kaum privaten Höfen und großzügigen öffentlichen Grün ächen

Freistehende Häuserguppen im öffentlichen Raum

Einfamilienhäuser mit privaten sowie gemeinschaftlich genutzten Gärten

Reihenhäuser mit abwechselnd privaten und gemeinschaftlich genutzten Höfe

4 Hofhäuser um einen gemeinschaftlichen Innenhof

10 Hofhäuser teilen sich einen langgestreckten, gemeinscha ichen Innenhof

Wohnkomplex mit kollektivem Erschliessungsgang und gemeinschaftlichen Grün ächen

Entwerfen von Differenzen designing differences

Freistehender Wohnkomplex mit kollektivem Erschliessungsgang im öffentlichen Raum

Entwerfen von Differenzen designing differences


frei ächen

Erschliessung und Strassennetz

Differenzierung der Frei ächen

private Höfe

Die Haupterschließung erfolgt über eine Brücke und führt ins Zentrum, dem dichtesten Ort der Insel. In dem Bereich der Insel mit der größten Anzahl an Gebäuden pro Flächeneinheit, ergibt sich eine strenge Erschliessung aus langen geraden Strassen. Je kleiner die Häusergruppen werden, desto mehr verästelt sich das Strassennetz. Die Strassenbreiten der verästelten Strassen sind geringer als die im Zentrum, da sie weniger Verkehr aufnehmen müssen.

Eine wesentliche Qualität des Projektes bilden die vorhandenen Frei ächen und ihre differenzierten Charaktere. So bilden im westlichen Teil private Höfe die dominierende Frei ächenform und in Inselmitte die gemeinschaftlich genutzten Höfe, die den benachbarten Gebäuden zugeordnet werden. Durch Boote wird der östliche Inselbereich mit vielen Wasser ächen der Öffentlichkeit zugänglich. Die Durchmischung der unterschiedlichen Frei ächenarten und Variierung ihrer Größen, bildet in Inselmitte ein Gefüge aus Höfen und Grün ächen unterschiedlicher Qualität.

kollektiv genutzte Höfe

Massstab: 1:6000 Entwerfen von Differenzen designing differences

Grün ächen

Massstab: 1:6000 Städtebau & Kapitalismus urbanization & capitalism



Durchmischung und Lage der Wohnformen


Anzahl der Gebäude pro Flächeneinheit

Es nden kontinuierliche Durchmischungen verschiedener Wohntypen statt. So verändern sich die Wohntypologien vom Einfamilienhaus über das Reihenhaus zum Hofhaus und letztenendes zum Wohnkomplex mit kollektivem Erschliessungsgang. Die hybriden Wohnformen mit kollektiv genutzten Freibereichen be nden sich hauptsächlich im Zentrum der Insel. Am nordwestlichen Rand liegen die teueren Einfamilienhäuser mit grossen privaten Gärten. Im Südosten gibt es freistehende Häusergruppen, Wohntürme und Punkthäuser.


Die Anzahl der Gebäude pro Flächeneinheit nimmt von dunkel zu hell progressiv ab.

Hofhäuser Wohnkomplex mit kollektivem Erschliessungsgang


Hybride mit kollektiv genutzten Freibereichen

Grundstücks äche: 36,3 ha

Freistehende Wohntürme und Punkthäuser

Wohneinheiten: 5200 Stück mit durchschnittlich 80 m² Wohn äche.

Freistehende Häusergruppen Bruttogeschoss äche: 416000 m² Geschoss ächenzahl: 1,15 Massstab: 1:6000

Massstab: 1:6000 Entwerfen von Differenzen designing differences


Städtebau & Kapitalismus urbanization & capitalism



2-3 Geschosse

nutzung der höfe

private Höfe

Nimmt die Anzahl der Gebäude pro Flächeneinheit ab, vergrößern sich die Abstands ächen und die Gebäude können in ihrer Geschosszahl zunehmen. Im Osten der Insel erreichen Gebäude eine maximale Höhe von bis zu 10 Geschossen, an der westlichen Spitze beschränken sie sich auf 2 Geschosse.

4-5 Geschosse

Private Höfe: Die privaten Höfe werden nur von den Bewohnern eines Hauses benutzt

kollektiv genutzte Höfe

6-7 Geschosse 8- 10 Geschosse

Kollektiv genutzte Höfe: Viele Bewohner nutzen gemeinschaftlich einen Hof um den sich mehrere Häuser gliedern Im nordwestlichen Inselbereich stehen den Bewohnern hauptsächlich private Höfe zur Verfügung, in Inselmitte be nden sich vermehrt kollektive Höfe und während im Südosten große öffentliche Grün ächen als Kommunikationsraum dienen.

Massstab: 1:6000 Entwerfen von Differenzen designing differences

Massstab: 1:6000 Städtebau & Kapitalismus urbanization & capitalism


Entwerfen von Differenzen designing differences

St채dtebau & Kapitalismus urbanization & capitalism


Entwerfen von Differenzen designing differences

St채dtebau & Kapitalismus urbanization & capitalism

Die Randstad Holland_Strategien für eine zögernde Metropole Städtebaulicher Entwurf

Lehrstuhl für Stadtraum und Stadtentwicklung TUM Fakultät für Architektur Gastprofessor: Paul Gerretsen

analyze the site

There is a city network in the region of Province Zuid-Holland:Rotterdam,den Haag,Delft,Leiden,Gauda ect. City centers in this area are quite visible.Regional or national infrastructures connect each of theme into a whole one.The morphological condition of the suburban is contrasty difficult to define.They are urbanised ensemble with a compact form.The system works very well because of the highways,trains and light trains. Many of the suburban development are so called Transit Oreanted Development.The settlements locatein the entrance/exit of motoways.Someof them even have better condition,the people needn‘t take public transportation or automobile,a bike will be enough.But the point is,no matter how central it is,the suban is alway a sleeping city. That is the character of suburbans.

In the Case of Delft there is a multicentral structure.The old city is definitely a concentration of cultural historical highlights.The other center is the campus,more than 20000 people living here at day time,but this academic center will be disappear at night time.With its surroundings--the industrial area,the campus is a very silence place with its open public spaces.

The only 7x24 center is the railway station.a transportation hub in the city center,with frequent visitors from other cities.The 3 centers are totaly different with their own languages,but the boundary of the city looks more alike.They are the areas along the highway ring.With double-sided lanfscape:housing and motoway.The successful point of the plan in this area is that: the periphry is also a popular place for the citizens. In the future the city should pay more attention to the coordinating of the 3 parts.There was already a tendency to connect the three parts.Several projects have already took place:a tram from campus to the city center,a green axis named Mekel Park.Both of them make better connection with the old city. And the most important,the industrial area is under renewal construction. A multicentral city will become more connected and interactive.A inter-mix-used city district with campus,old city,river side recreational potential maybe a better way.

The green structure and blue structure are 2 different discipline with different planing principals.But in South Holland where is full of water and green areas the tow couldn‘t be concerned separately.The cities are continually expanding,and only a little natural area remains.Water was the enemy of Dutch population,but now it is a opportunity to have a better life.There are some natural parks with both water landscape and a variety of vegetation.A very complex both ecological and economical system was made,in order to get more possibilities for leisure time.

Delft opts for recreational boating, particularly for the journey Delft-Zuidkolk/Leidschendam following the recreational connection with the Westland.

In the water system of Delft there are several types,which should be fomulated:man-made water nets in housing area,which mainly as landscape concerned;the other one is the historical canal in the city .They are cultural heritage,connecting the city water system efficiently,and provides a very poetry landscape.The third one is the Schie-Kanal,whose funktion is ware transportation.At the river side there are some factories,which should be transformed into other properties.The water in campus play a very important role to soften the campus enviroment,which can make the building enviroment more and more lively. If the old city with beautiful canal is the show window of the city,then the New Haven area of delft could be seen as the backside of the urban space.Sometimes it is unfriendly,unable to communicate,a piece of silence land,or even a place with problem.But in fact,the new haven do had so much contribution to the Delft‘s economy.The New Haven is a main port on the east bank of the Rhine-even Schiekanaal south of the Abtswoudsebrug. The port is 123.5 meters deep and 47.5 meters wide. On the north side is a paved quay of nearly 17.5 meters wide along the entire port (Annex 9). This quay is used by employees of Deltax as parking, but is fully owned by the Church of Delft.

Delft is currently one of the most creative cities in the Netherlands. - the promotion of the technical know-how existent in Delft. - the further internationalisation of the University of Technology and TNO. - the development of activities that would further strengthen the image of Delft as a ‚city of technology‘: conferences, events, recreational developments, etc.

The increasing of the demand for office building will result to a land use ratio changing:the proportion between the residential buiding and office building is not a fixed number any more.

In the immediate vicinity of the Delft University of Technology (DUT) is a large-scale spatial Reseach & development area achieved: Technopolis Innovation Park. One area, intended for those companies with high research and development component. For companies that are in Technopolis establish true that they get more benefit from the knowledge of the Delft University of Technology, a prime location and economic cooperation of the (local) government. Technopolis is one of the most important ‚science parks‘ of Europe. The other urban transition is the renewal project of the glue factory near the New Haven,some of the buildings will be changed in to consume places with the cultural heritage of industrial era.

Assistent: Frieder Lohmann Studenten: Sha Zhao 3200459, Liqi Sun 3200355

Die Randstad Holland_Strategien für eine zögernde Metropole Städtebaulicher Entwurf

Lehrstuhl für Stadtraum und Stadtentwicklung TUM Fakultät für Architektur Gastprofessor: Paul Gerretsen

growth patern 1: urban sprawl by the study of a map of randstad in 1980 and 2010 could the newly builded area maped in a clear way: the new urbanise area almost has a size of Rotterdam and Amsterdam.but the urbanisation still taking place in such a way.there are new business parks at the cities outskirt under construction,which change the cities appearence alot. this new proposition focus in the different phases of such a urbanistion.fist of all,the size and boundery should be strictly controled and designated.the park area should classified into different zones with different density.the purpose is trying to minimize the influence of the man-made building in nature and agricaulture area.such a goal could achieved through the combination of public transportation and public landscape.

more rural landscape will be the occupaied by urban buildings.more and more cities become crazy, a large number of high-rise office building in a new block the formation and abandon the historical context. at the same time, the boundery between city and countryside become more and more brings problems like identity confusion,and low density in total area.



growth patern 2: over flow The network of inter-firm relationship in randstad shows the economic activities in this network the increasing of urban land prices, land scarcity, and the saturation of local market,the new business park is designed to rural land, with relatively inexpensive land prices, a comfortable working environment and convenient transportation to reach a new economic development needs.Middle-aged people tend to live in small cities or countryside, enjoy a quiet life. the new growth concept could be named micro settelment,which take a sustainable way. applying the microcore idea,the randstad managed to stop the increase of urban sprawl by transforming and concentrating existing suburban and rural settlements. in co-operation with the local community, the municipalities of the region define the width of the ring around the urban areas.the size and form of the fields depend on the actual conditions of the landscape, the ecology, and the economy.

development directions

growth patern 3: nowhere is impossible as the technical improvement in the future,the location in a populated city or in the desert won‘t play an important role any can be a sustainable way of development in a area with monofuntional land use,for eg glass house area.without occupation of the city or rural landscape, agricultural land on the basis of the development of new urban functions.

Assistent: Frieder Lohmann Studenten: Sha Zhao 3200459, Liqi Sun 3200355







the decentrally located microcores were able overcome the traditional boundaries of the separation of urban functions:dwelling as well as handicraft businesses, think tanks or creative campuses use the metroscape advantage. many microcore developments were built referencing typical rural building types like barns, farm houses or grain silos. the concept provides the opportunity to embed various programs into the urban landscape. the small scale of the microcores allows a decentralised self-sufficient energy management. 1.good infrastructure 4.micro settelment typologies: waterfront settelment 6.micro settelment typologies: industrial settelment 2.variety of landscapes: waterfront 5.micro settelment typologies: vertical settelment 7.micro settelment typologies: forest settelment 3.variety of landscapes: hillside 8.micro settelment typologies: farmland settelment

the next step for technical innovation should pay more attention on the multifuntional intensive land use(MILU) the glass house in the future looks more like a high-rise building with curtain wall.the office and other institutions could be intergretated into that.a new builing system should be carried out in order to realize the mutifuntional concept in this area.

Die Randstad Holland_Strategien für eine zögernde Metropole Städtebaulicher Entwurf

Lehrstuhl für Stadtraum und Stadtentwicklung TUM Fakultät für Architektur Gastprofessor: Paul Gerretsen

education eating transportation-central station


museum hotel caffee housing

office shopping

eating office


housing caffee

shopping hotel education transportation-central station

different world city system 1.15th-century world system in before european hegemony city network from 1985 global capitallism is a top-down system 3.chatacterisation of the current phase of globalisation as continuos circuits

concept of the design intervention

study about daily time distribution of emploee and students 1.regular work individual 2.regular group work in same place 3.regular group work in different place with 12 hour time difference 4.irregular work 5.extreme irregular 6.irregular group work in different place with 12 hour time difference

aditional program fills the 24 hour cycle local analysing a city with 24 hour-run program could fulfill the demand of 1.district area 2.area transformed 3.connections 4.connection and seperation social connection and macht the new consume trendency. non sleep city,or non sleep district could be a positive reaction to 5.typology alone the river 6.section study 7.reform the industrial buildings into service and housing such new demand and change.

regional new economy maping 1. Life Sciences :The University of Leiden is an important player in biomedical genomics research. Innovation is the driving force behind Life Sciences. 2. International Law: The concentration of institutes in the city of The Hague, which is known as the 4th UN capital, is unique in the world. 3. Glasshouse Horticulture: The glasshouse horticulture complex is one of the strongest and most competitive clusters in the world and is mainly concentrated in the so-called Glass Axis of the regions of Westland, Oostland and Zuidplaspolder. 4. ICT and Telecom: The ICT and telecom companies in South Holland are primarily concentrated in The Hague-Leiden and Rotterdam regions 5. Aerospace and Composites: The European Space Agency (ESA)and TU Delft are important knowledge centres in South Holland. 6. Water and Delta Technology: Dutch knowledge in the field of Water and Delta Technology is focused in and around the city of Delft. 7. Sensor and Nanotechnology: The main concentration of knowledge is located in the cities of Delft and Leiden, in the TNO and a number of other platforms. 8. Shipping, Transport and Logistics: The Shipping, Transport and Logistics cluster is specifically concentratedin the Rotterdam and Drechtsteden. 9. Process Industry and Petrochemicals: This cluster, which is mainly located in the Rijnmond region, occupies the leading position

regional new economy strategy 1.reclaiming the rotterdam international airport,form it into a international business transportation hub in the south-holland province. 2.connecting the municipalities into a hole chain,accelerating cultural financial and intellegential exchang 3.enhancing the indentity and advantage in each municipality westland:agriculture turism and eudcation delft:sub regional center zeotermeer:hi-tech manufacturing leiden:life science city 4.infrustructure and housing,officing program alone the tension lines

Assistent: Frieder Lohmann Studenten: Sha Zhao 3200459, Liqi Sun 3200355

Die Randstad Holland_Strategien für eine zögernde Metropole Städtebaulicher Entwurf

Lehrstuhl für Stadtraum und Stadtentwicklung TUM Fakultät für Architektur Gastprofessor: Paul Gerretsen 1



3 4



the district has a intermediate hybrid is a concentrate of the suburban,placed within an urban is an area where urban operativity and imagery overlap the suburban,where the line dividing the typically urban and the typically suburban is being erased. the spacial program include a shoping street,hotel,evening school,boutique,and some other functions,which can provide the citizens 24-hour activity in a neibourhood.onof the most important typology is the technological service small rooms,which provide also privacy and availlabe for the public to rent out for short periods of time.they the catalyst of urban life,and could be seen in such types:karaok room,cybercafes,dvd renting ect. high-density tearoom area typically found around major universities and large the industrial buildings have a big dimension,we can cut it into pieces and devide it into several levels.this action may creat 24-hour flows of people,improving the sense of community.liveliness and safety-transform the urban from within.




11 1. central station 2.shoping street



3.hotel 14

4parking log 5.history museum center

15 8.congress center


9.retail 17

10.evening school 11.IMAX 12workshop 13.housing 14.night life 15.faculty clubs


17.forest park 18.stadium


there 5 main axises in the project: 1.the academic axis:the connector trying to combine the academic activity and cultral recreation,alone the construc tion locate the student center,library,conferrenc center,porcelain museum 2.consumption axis connecting the noodhof district and the new district,through a evening school,a international cultural center there is a assemble of boutique and retails,mixed cultural atmosphere is the topic in this area, 3.residential axis:extending the housing,dormitory in a linear way.form a new image of delfts water gate. belt:protect the citizens from noise alone the provinci al highway. field:the sport field have already existed between the office area and campus,in the project they are extended into the residential area.

a new system of pedestrian infrastucture is inserted at the level of the first storey of build structure to allow pedestrians a relaxed movement unencumbered by the day time,plenty of parking spaces.In the night colorfully lit streetscape stayes a particularty active nightlife animated by cinemas,restaurats and bars that are open till is a place for shopping,doing business,exercising,watching films,eating,holding meetings and so on.this area of buildings has seen its interior spaces filled with carious leisure facilities:resta urants,bars,KTV,DVD and PC bars are plentiful.There are also spaces for rent in which groups of friends can play games,just as people would do in their homes.

specific intervention on site Assistent: Frieder Lohmann Studenten: Sha Zhao 3200459, Liqi Sun 3200355

the aim of this proposition is traying to improve the young people oriented cultural facility,to generate a kind of new communicative atmosphere.the cultural attraciveness could get promoted with this renewal project .delft could serve as a regional center,new qualified work force will be attracted and settled in delft.

Zentralbibliothek für die Philologischen Fächer der LUM_2009 München, Deutschland grundriss dachgeschoss m 1:200

teeküche 6,74 m2

büro 26,81 m2

büro 29,74 m2 sondermagazin 167,63 m2

technik 83,51 m2

aufenthalt 122,66 m2 probebühne 161,74 m2

schulungsraum 26,80 m2

technik 84,32 m2 zuschauer

audio / multimedia 134,71 m2

schulungsraum intern 40,31 m2

schulungsraum intern 44,92 m2

stuhllager 22,66 m2

aufenthalt 165,34 m2

schulungsraum 36,31 m2

werkstatt 97,52 m2

grundriss 1. obergeschoss m 1:200

büro 26,23 m2

büro 36,96 m2

künstlergarderobe 28,03 m2

künstlergarderobe 42,23 m2

technik 93,10 m2

technik 45,69 m2

technik 93,56 m2

grundriss 4. obergeschoss m 1:200


galerie auf probebühne 22,82 m2 büro 26,94 m2


foyer 107,19 m2

büro 29,64 m2

cafeteria 25,46 m2

lesesaal 1.038,11 m2

schliessfächer 71,15 m2

ausleihe/rückgabe 26,98 m2

lesesaal 1.237,75 m2

gruppenraum 17,84 m2 kopierraum

vortragsraum 91,02 m2



1 zuschauer 68,70 m2 gesichertbereich 376,72 m2


infomation thecke 15,90 m2

garderobe 14,20 m2

entrée 48,93 m2 ausstellung 264,95 m2

entrée 31,95 m2

garderobe 10,24 m2


grundriss 2. obergeschoss m 1:200 grundriss 5. obergeschoss m 1:200

büchermagazin 978,69 m2

lesesaal 1.051,47 m2 gruppenraum 21,96 m2 kopierraum kopierraum

+25,60 +25,00 2


grundriss 3. obergeschoss m 1:200

grundriss dachgeschoss m 1:200

+20,60 +18,10 +17,90

+14,65 +14,45

dachterrasse 29,79 m2

dachterrasse 31,40 m2

+11,95 +11,75 büchermagazin 1.277,80 m2

+8,50 +8,30

lesesaal 822,59 m2


gruppenraum 21,96 m2

+5,60 kopierraum


±0,00 -0,20


"philologicum" - 766 000 bücher


ect ...

"philologicum" - 766 000 bücher

Zentralbibliothek für die Philologischen Fächer der LUM_2009 München, Deutschland










"philologicum" - 766 000 bücher

Feyerabendhaus_2008 Moosburg an der Isar, Deutschland

Digitale Konstruktion: Bedachung des Expo Servicezentrums_2010 Shanghai, China

axonometric drawing

component generating in-between ent energy useing and recycalling: the construction could be seen as protector, at the same time the natural daylight was treated and it shines in a indrect way in oder to avoid dinl-light and other visuell polltion, which is very impotant criteria in the process of development in southern china.


2 2




4 geometry order:

formal metaphor for the classical chines ration and construction, which was usua system of orthogonality.



detail : an ultra-light material system 1 pre-fabricated plastic unit, in recycalled meterial with slightly tractility, paper thin, 3 the hole surface is hold by the wooden structure. 4 connection point of two materials is pland as a riveted bolt. 5 provided groove for artifacial lighting


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