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Group exhibition from the gallery’s collection.

Artists: Tsibi Geva, Ofer Lellouche, Elad Kopler, Michele Bubacco, Maya Bloch

Curation: Orit Ephrat-Moscovitz & Hadas Glazer

Text: Hadas Glazer

Installation view photography: Yuval Hai

Installation view

Installation view

The past 18 months since January 2020 present a unique opportunity (singular, hopefully) to reexamine relations previously taken for granted – interior-exterior, work-rest, safe-dangerous, and personal-public. Global and local systems, as well as ecological and cultural structures have undergone pronounced transformation. Now, with the gradual return to “life pre-Covid” we are experiencing the reorganization of the familiar systems and patterns that existed before the global pandemic. The exhibition Regroup at Litvak Contemporary celebrates the return to a vibrant cultural and artistic world and the reorganization of the gallery space itself.

Detail from: Elad Kopler Sunset in Paris, 2019 Oil and acrylic on canvas

Detail from: Michele Bubacco (1983) Parata d'identita (Identity Parade), 2009 Oil on canvas 95 x 106 cm

Installation view

This period saw the global world withdraw into national and local, largely familial, confinement. The relations between the group and the individual seem to have been transformed; many people were isolated and spent many hours and days alone and on the internet. Couples isolated together; certain groups, such as school classes or office staff ceased to exist; the family unit suffered ups and downs. Many communities moved from the physical to the virtual world and a new type of group formed – the capsule, which from the day of its invention, as a closed and defined unit, created a structure in which each capsule member was required to take their place and detach from friends in other capsules.

Ofer Lellouche (1947) Self Paortrait with A Model, 2016 Oil on canvas 156 x 105 cm

Tsibi Geva (1951) Balata, 2001 Acrylic on canvas 178 x 178 cm

Through the works in the exhibition we seek to ask questions that arise from the intersection of the delicate symbiosis within the group and the recuperation after a traumatic pandemic period. The collective fabric of the works attempts to examine in abstract and figurative means questions such as: Can a group be defined by an individual? What is the power of the group on each one of its members? How does a group develop from isolated individuals into a homogenic entity? Do the group members support or interfere with each other? The works on display become dependent on each other, shed light from one angle, criticize one another, interact internally and externally, aesthetically and ideologically. Their gathering creates a tempestuous relationship open to the interpretation of each viewer.

Elad Kopler (1974) Sunset in Paris, 2019 Oil and acrylic on canvas 177 x 115 cm

Elad Kopler (1974) Untitled, 2018 Oil, acrylic and spray paint on canvas 180 x 180 cm

Installation view

Detail from: Ofer Lellouche (1947) Group, 2012 Painted bronze 66 x 107 x 62 cm

Detail from: Ofer Lellouche (1947) Group, 2012 Painted bronze 66 x 107 x 62 cm

Installation view

Installation view

Michele Bubacco (1983) Parata d'identita (Identity Parade), 2009 Oil on canvas 95 x 106 cm

Maya Bloch (1978) Untitled (Big Flowers 2), 2015 Acrylic on canvas 150 x 120 cm

Installation view

Installation view

Michele Bubacco (1983) Caffe di gruppo Serie: Parallelel, 2009 Charcoal on paper 90 x 70 cm

Maya Bloch (1978) Untitled, 2011 Acrylic and oil on canvas 102 x 72 cm

Tsibi Geva (1951) Flower, 2013 Acrylic on canvas 178 x 120 cm

View more here: https://bit.ly/3rC4i32

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