St Theodore's Church Re Ordering

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Design and Access Statement St Theodore's Church Re-ordering for

The Parish of Kenfig Hill

September 2015

GILLARD ASSOCIATES architecture and design

The Quaypad Cardiff Marina Watkiss Way Cardiff CF11 0SY Tel No 02920 229 133

Design and Access Statement

St Theodore's Church Re-ordering

Executive Summary This Design and Access Statement is prepared in support of a full planning application for the extension to St Theodore's Church in Kenfig Hill. The proposals are put forward on behalf of the Parish of Kenfig Hill. The site falls within the jurisdiction of Bridgend County Borough Council. The proposals have been sensitively designed by an experienced architect in close collaboration with the client group and is based upon a full understanding of the site and the context that it sits within. The proposals contained within the application have evolved as a result of extensive assessment and refinement, and are the product of a collaborative process involving the congregation and wider community of Kenfig Hill. Since the scheme was also submitted to the LPA as a pre application enquiry the comments put forward by the statutory consultees have also been taken into account in the preparation of this application. The proposals involve the demolition of a lean-to porch and the erection of a modern lightweight building which is designed to be sensitive yet out reaching to the community. The proposals also provide new vehicular parking, cycle parking, and accessible pedestrian movement. The proposals indicated in this DAS are complemented by a re ordering of the interior of the church, but the details of this are outside the scope of the planning application and will be considered by the Diocese under a separate process.

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Design and Access Statement

St Theodore's Church Re-ordering

Contents 1. Introduction 2. Planning Policy Context 3. Site Assessment 4. Design & Character 5. Access & Movement 6. Environmental Sustainability 7. Community Safety 8. Conclusion

This Design and Access Statement was produced by


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Design and Access Statement

St Theodore's Church Re-ordering

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Design and Access Statement St Theodore's Church Re-ordering

1. Introduction

Design and Access Statement

St Theodore's Church Re-ordering

1.1 Introduction 1.1.1 The Need for a DAS

1.1.2 Document Aims

1.1.3 Authors

The DAS has been prepared in accordance with the guidance contained within the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Wales) Order 2012 (as amended) and Technical Advice Note 12: Design (TAN 12). Notably, the DAS sets out to: • Demonstrate an appraisal of the physical, economic and policy context of the development; • Explain how the design of the development has taken the context into account; and • Provide an explanation of the design principles and concepts that have been applied to the development, taking into account, amongst other matters: - Access; - Movement; - Community Safety; - Environmental Sustainability; and - Character.

This DAS forms part of a full planning application for proposed development at the site. This document explains the background and rationale to the proposals which have been informed by a site and context analysis and relevant national and local planning policy. Relevant planning policy is presented and interpreted in relation to the proposals. This is accompanied by a comprehensive analysis of the site and the character of the surrounding area.

This DAS has been prepared by Gillard Associates, the scheme architects.

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Design evolution is presented to demonstrate the relationship between the proposals and their context and illustrate the form, scale and quality of development that the site can deliver.


Design and Access Statement St Theodore's Church Re-ordering

2. Planning Policy Context

Design and Access Statement

St Theodore's Church Re-ordering

2.1 Planning Policy Context 2.1.1 Development Plan As noted by Section 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (as amended), if regard is to be had to the development plan, determination must be made in accordance with the plan, unless material considerations indicate otherwise.

The principal objectives contained within PPW (paragraph 4.4) require that planning decisions and proposals should: • Promote resource-efficient and climate change resilient settlement patterns that minimise land-take and urban sprawl; • Be located so as to minimise the demand for travel, especially by private car; • Minimise the risks posed by, or to, development on or adjacent to unstable or contaminated land and land liable to flooding;

2.1.2 National Planning Policy

• Play an appropriate role to facilitate sustainable building standards that minimise the environmental impacts of buildings;

National planning policy is predominantly found within Planning Policy Wales (PPW) (Edition 7, July 2014) and various Technical Advice Notes (TAN s). Key points are summarised below:

• Contribute to the protection and improvement of the environment, to improve the quality of life and protect ecosystems;

PPW confirms that the planning system operates a presumption in favour of sustainable development to ensure that social, economic and environmental issues are considered together. It makes it clear that proposals which follow the development plan for an area should be supported, unless material considerations indicate otherwise.

• Play an appropriate role in securing the provision of infrastructure to form the physical basis for sustainable communities; • Help to ensure the conservation of the historic environment and cultural heritage, acknowledging and fostering local diversity; • Maximise the use of renewable resources, including sustainable materials; • Encourage opportunities to reduce waste and all forms of pollution and promote good environmental management; • Ensure that all local communities – both urban and rural – have sufficient good quality housing for their needs; • Promote access to employment, shopping, education, health, community, leisure and sports facilities and open and green space; • Foster improvements to transport facilities and services which maintain or improve accessibility; • Foster social inclusion by ensuring that full advantage is taken of the opportunities to secure more accessible environment; • Promote quality, lasting, environmentally-sound, flexible and diverse employment opportunities; and • Contribute to the protection and, where possible, the improvement of people’s health and well-being.

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Planning Policy Context - National

Design and Access Statement

St Theodore's Church Re-ordering

Technical Advice Notes TAN 12: Design

TAN 5: Nature Conservation and Planning

TAN 12 (September 2014) is the Welsh Government’s commitment to achieving the delivery of good design. It identifies five key objectives of good design:

TAN 5 (September 2009) provides advice about how the planning system should contribute to protecting and enhancing biodiversity and geological conservation.

The objective of achieving successful access is ensuring ease of access for all and meeting clear connections with adjacent areas. TAN 12 is also focused on achieving character by responding to local landscapes, townscapes, culture and distinctive patterns of development, materials and building forms. Community safety features as a third key objective making sure good development has attractive and safe public spaces that are naturally surveilled. One of the fundamental objectives underpinning TAN 12 is environmental sustainability and making sure there is an efficient use and protection of natural resources and enhancing biodiversity. The final design objective is movement and promoting sustainable means of travel through safe and clear connections whilst promoting cycling, walking and public transport.

TAN 18: Transport TAN 18 (March 2007) seeks to promote an efficient, sustainable and accessible transport system across Wales. Amongst its objectives is a requirement to promote travel efficient settlement patterns, ensure new development is located where it would be accessible by public transport, provide an appropriate level of parking provision, promote cycling and walking and creating a safe public realm.

TAN 23: Economic Development TAN 23 (February 2014) provides guidance for local planning authorities on implementing national planning policy on economic development, this includes assessing the economic benefits of new development. Economic development is defined in PPW, broadly, as any form of development that generates wealth, jobs and income. As well as the traditional employment uses, economic land uses include retail, tourism and public services. Economic land uses also include construction, such as house building.

" Design is taken to mean the relationship between all elements of the natural and built environment. To create sustainable development, design must go beyond aesthetics and include the social, environmental and economic aspects of the development, including its relationship to its surroundings." (PPW, 2014)

Technical Advice Notes

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Design and Access Statement

St Theodore's Church Re-ordering 2.1.3 Local Planning Policy

Policy SP2


The site falls within the jurisdiction of Bridgend CBC. The following are relevant policies which are set out in the Bridgend Local Development Plan (BLDP).

All new development must reach a high design standard. SP2 states:

Whilst the church is not listed or in a conservation area it was decided that the approach to the re ordering of the church would follow CADW documented conservation principles:

SP5(6) Locally Significant Buildings Whilst the church is not listed or within a Conservation Area, it is included on the draft list of buildings of local architectural or historic interest, becasue of its contribution to the local scene and community value. The church is therefore recognised by Policy SP5(6) Conservation of the buildt and historic environment of the BLDP. Development should conserve preserve or enhance the built and historic environment of the County Borough and its setting. In particular development proposals will only be permitted where it can be demonstrated that they will not have a significant adverse impact upon the following heritage assets: SP5(6) locally Significant Buildings

Policy ENV8 Heritage Assets and Regeneration This policy states: Developments which respects and utilises heritage assets and which preserve conserve or enhance the local distinctniveness of the County Borough will be permitted.

SP13 Community Buildings In order to maintain and improve the quality of life of residents the following social and community uses and/or facilities will be retained or enhanced: - community buildings - cemeteries In the interests of improved service provision all proposals for new or replacement social and community facilities should demonstrate that every reasonable attempt has been made to consider the colocation with another social and community facility before a standalone facility is considered.

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All development should contribute to creating high quality attractive sustainable places which enhance community in which they are located whilst having full regard to the natural historic and built environment by: 1 complying with all national policy and guidance where appropriate 2 Having a design of the highest standard possible while respecting and enhancing local character and distinctiveness and landscape character 3 Being of appropriate scale size and prominence 4 Using land efficiently 5 providing for an appropriate mix of land uses 6 Having good walking cycling public transport and road connections within and outside the site to ensure efficient access 7 Minimising opportunities for crime to be generated or increased 8 Avoiding or minimising noise air soil and water pollution 9 Incorporating methods to ensure the site is free from contamination 10 Safeguarding and enhancing biodiversity 11 Ensuring equality of access by all 12 Ensuring that the viability and amenity of neighbouring uses and their users occupiers will not be adversely affected 13 Incorporating appropriate arrangements for the disposal of foul sewage waste and water 14 Make a positive contribution towards tackling the causes of and adapting to the impacts of climate change 15 Appropriately contributing towards local physical social and comminuity infrastructure which is affected by the development

Principle 1 Historic assets will be managed to sustain their values Principle 2 Understanding the significance of historic assets is vital Principle 3 The historic environment is a shared resource Principle 4 Everyone will be able to participate in sustaining the historic environment Principle 5 Decisions about change must be reasonable, transparent and consistent Principle 6 Documenting and learning from decisions is essential

Planning Policy Context - Local

Design and Access Statement St Theodore's Church Re-ordering

3. Site Assessment

Design and Access Statement

St Theodore's Church Re-ordering

3.1 Site Assessment 3.1.1 Site Location

3.1.2 Site Description

3.1.3 Site Surroundings

The site is a church and churchyard located within the settlement of Kenfig Hill on the south side of Cefn Road, the B4281 from Pyle to Bridgend.

The site covers an area of approximately 2235m2 and is accessed via a small gate in a stone rubble wall at the back of pavement.

The church is in a commanding position on the main road which is developed on both sides with dwellings of various types, detached, semi detached, and terraced, set back with generous frontages.

St Theodores church is a large stone clad brick building dating back to 1889. It was built in a commanding position at the top of the scarp which overlooks the Glamorgan coast at Port Talbot. This is probably not accidental - the visual link to Margam, the family home of the Talbot family who were the main benefactors of the church, is significant.

St Theodores church is a large stone clad brick building dating back to 1889. It was built in a commanding position at the top of the scarp which overlooks the Glamorgan coast at Port Talbot. This is probably not accidental - the visual link to Margam, the family home of the Talbot family who were the main benefactors of the church, is significant.

To the west is a plot of land which previously was the site of the rectory. It was sold by the church and has been developed with three detached houses.

The site is located in Kenfig Hill about halfway from Pyle in the west, to Cefn Cribwr, a small village in the direction of Bridgend.

A full appraisal and description of the building is given in a later section.

The village is well connected to the transport network (railway station in Pyle), there is a bus route which stops outside the church, and there are a number of well used shops and other facilities in the area.

The churchyard is predominantly laid to lawn, and slopes both from east to west following roughly the gradient of the road, and from south to north, requiring the church to be dug into the slope.

To the south the churchyard is bounded by open farmland. To the east is a large bungalow set in generous gardens.

At the upper level there is s memorial garden. There is no large public gathering space or building in the vicinity which makes St Theodore's an important community hub.

Aerial view of site (source Google maps)

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There is relatively little planting, the trees being ornamental plants with low ecological value.

St Theodore's Memorial Garden (source Parish Council)

Houses along Cefn road (source Gillard Associates)

Site Assessment

Design and Access Statement

St Theodore's Church Re-ordering 3.1.4 Ecology and Arboriculture Wildwood Ecology were asked to make a survey of the church and report on the likelihood of bats roosting in structures affected by the new building.

3.1.5 Archaeology

3.1.6 Conservation and Heritage

The Gwent and Glamorgan Archaeological Trust was consulted in regard to the possibility of there being archaeological remains which might be damaged during earthworks.

Whilst the church is not listed or within a Conservation Area, it is included on the draft list of buildings of local architectural or historic interest, because of its contribution to the local scene and community value. The following extract is from the quinquennial report carried out in 2012:

A copy of an email response from Judith Doyle is included in the planning application and contains the following statement: The site has a number of ornamental trees which are attractive and in good condition, and occupy the south east corner adjacent to the memorial garden. Since this area is both a considerable way from the proposed development and sacrosanct it is considered that a detailed survey and protection plan is superfluous. There is a small and unkempt Norwegian spruce (less than 4m) adjacent to the entrance with a trunk diameter around 75mm at 1m above ground level which would need to be removed as part of the proposed development. It is proposed that it be replanted as part of the development.

"There are no indications that there are likely to be any buried archaeological remains that would be encountered during groundworks for the proposed extension; and the area does not appear to have been used for burials. We do not consider that any pre-determination archaeological work would be required; and given our current knowledge it is unlikely that we would recommend any archaeological works as a condition when the proposal is submitted.

"St Theodores church was constructed in 1876 to a simple plan comprising a nave, chancel, with a vestry to the south and a porch to the north leading to the rear of the nave. In 1908 the church was substantially extended with the addition of the south aisle and an enlarged vestry. At the same time the addition of a further bay extended the west end. Changes since this date have been largely cosmetic including a new kitchen to the rear of the south aisle."

It is therefore considered that the protection of trees does not present any constraint to the proposed development.

This description does not do justice to the special quality of the interior of the church. Despite - or perhaps because of - the simplicity of the materials used, plastered walls, bathstone mouldings, dark timber exposed joists, there is an intimacy, and a sense of peace, which has to be experienced to be appreciated. On entering the church one's eye is drawn to the sanctuary, which is simply adorned with colourful fabrics according to the calendar, and exudes warmth and serenity.

Ornamental fir at site entrance (source Gillard Associates)

The church does not benefit from the visual clutter which has accumulated through the years. Redundant fittings, tired flooring materials, and a fitted kitchen detract from the sense of order and calm. The re ordering of the interior of the church falls outside the scope of this DAS and will be the subject of a faculty application to the Church in Wales.

Our file reference is BRI0292." Therefore it is considered that the site presents no constraints in this respect.

Church interior (source Gillard Associates)

All walls are in coursed sandstone rubble with dressed bathstone quoins and window reveals. Buttresses set up a pleasing rhythm along the perimeter, framing the lancet windows which contain stained glass. One of the south windows has a modern glass painting by a notable local artist. The north elevation is somewhat spoilt by the addition of a modern porch - the original porch was destroyed by a bomb in World War II. The west end has a modest sandstone bellcote with a single bell which emphasises the verticality of the building - and provides a convenient location for the clock. The significance of the site - historical, cultural, and to the community - will be key factors in the development of the proposals.

Ecology, Arboriculture and Conservation

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Design and Access Statement

St Theodore's Church Re-ordering 3.1.7 Topographical Analysis

3.1.8 Flood Risk

3.1.9 Accessibility

The site is located along the main road which has a gradient of approximately 1 in 20 along the east-west axis.

Thhe site is some distance away from the flood plain in Pyle and the Cynffig river valley as indicated on the plan below.

Vehicular Access and Highway Network

There is also a cross fall on the site from south to north.

Therefore the site is considered to be at little or no risk of flooding.

The site has very good highways accessibility being adjacent to the main road linking Pyle and Bridgend.

Pedestrian and Cycle Access

The gradients are modest and are both capable of accommodating the proposed pedestrian and car access and parking, and building extensions, with relatively modest excavation.

The site has very good pedestrian accessibility with footways on both sides of the road. At the present time wheelchair access is difficult due to gradients and thresholds - the proposals will address these issues as part of the inclusive design philosophy.

The topography is not considered to constrain the development.

Public Transport The site has very good access to public transport. A bus stop is located outside and adjacent to the north site boundary. The bus links to Pyle rail station which is approximately 20 mins walk away.

Topographical survey (source Atlas Surveys)

Flood risk advice map (source Environment Agency)

Bus stop outside site (source Gillard Associates)


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Topography, Flood Risk, Accessibility

Design and Access Statement

St Theodore's Church Re-ordering 3.1.10 Character Appraisal

3.1.11 Character

Historic Context

Kenfig Hill is an extension of the village of Pyle along the High Street, or B4281.

The church is dominant when approaching from both directions on the B4281.The building's visual importance is enhanced by its floor level being a metre above the road level. There is also a sense that the church is a 'shepherd amongst its flock' by the way it has obvious cultural significance, when seen in context - the surrounding housing is of a style and density typical of South Wales mining communities. the contrast in quality could not be greater - particularly in comparison with the new and unsightly replacement dwellings on the site of the old vicarage.

It is typical of Welsh industrial settlements which are often developed along a main road.

This is also clear from the historic map - Kenfig Hill was a mining village, and had been since the middle ages. At the time the church was built, the village was almost isolated in a network of railways and sidings linking the open cast and drift mines with the harbour in Porthcawl.

The variety of architectural styles reflects the era of development. As one moves east from the village centre the victorian terraces give way to 1930's bungalows and then later speculative developer vernacular. The common feature are the fairly deep frontages parallel to the main road and the tight side areas at right angles to it, which generates a dense street frontage. The church stands out from the predominantly low rise housing and is the only culturally significant building in the neighbourhood.

The importance of this building - as a focus for community, wellbeing, and worship - cannot be underestimated. It has played an essential role in the lives of local people and is very much part of the landscape. This is what makes St. Theodore’s Parish Church a natural choice for the Church in Wales to reinvent and remodel. Historic map (source OS)


Character Appraisal and Significance

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Design and Access Statement

St Theodore's Church Re-ordering Photographs The photographs below illustrate the building and site in its context, as existing. View of west boundary (source Gillard Associates)

View west to new development (source Gillard Associates)

East elevation of church (source Gillard Associates)

View of church entrance (source Gillard Associates)

View west along High St (source Gillard Associates)

View east along High St (source Google)

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Design and Access Statement

St Theodore's Church Re-ordering

3.2 Social and Economic Context 3.2.1 Community Consultation

3.2.2 Socio-economic Benefits

At the current time there are few community rooms in Kenfig Hill. St Theodore's fulfills an important pastoral role in the community but recognises that worship is only part of the service which the Church in Wales seeks to provide.

Provision of an extension to the building would create a more welcoming aspect to the church. The extension would accommodate improved kitchen and toilet facilities and added space for community use.

Extensive consultation has been carried by the church to raise awareness of the project, its vision, suggested activities and to consult on what facilities the community of Kenfig Hill wants to see in the locality and where the perceived gaps in provision are.

The building would be made fully accessible which would allow greater scope for community events and activities. Greater numbers of users would make use of the building which would be more sustainable financially and environmentally.

A wide range of local individuals and organisations were invited to the focus group sessions, including representatives from local schools, local councillors, and representatives from other community facilities. Attendees were given the opportunity to see the proposed plans and were asked to share their thoughts and knowledge regarding the Kenfig Hill community.

Provision of a car park would improve accessibility and also relieve the on-street parking problems for residents. With increased scope for offering a wide range of community activities and events, volunteering opportunities are extended. This option would allow for the creation of job opportunities to manage and care take the building.

Identified needs The results of the consultation process revealed a need for: ∑ Flexible spaces with large and small meeting areas ∑ Spaces to provide wide range of activities for all ages ∑ Performance space ∑ Larger kitchen to provide opportunities for training and as a social enterprise ∑ Low cost hire facility for local groups ∑ Fully accessible building ∑ Car park

This option will allow us to achieve our outcomes of: 1 More capacity for local groups to meet through the provision of a safe and inclusive space 2 A diverse programme of activities that help to promote equality and fairness 3 A strong financial model that will ensure sustainability and growth in line with demand 4 A range of volunteering opportunities through a structured volunteer and mentoring programme that will increase the training, education and services for the community The church is conscious of the need to ensure that the redeveloped St. Theodore’s is environmentally and financially sustainable and a business plan has been developed to demonstrate this to the Community Lottery Fund. It would appear that the proposals meet the lottery fund's stringent criteria but a planning consent is a pre requsite not only under planning legislation but also to access the funding required to develop the proposals.

Social and Economic Context

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Design and Access Statement

St Theodore's Church Re-ordering

3.3 Opportunities and Constraints 3.3.1 Overview

3.3.2 Constraints

3.3.3 Opportunities

This section considers the principal opportunities and constraints of the development. In putting forward any design proposal for development it is crucial that the opportunities and constraints are carefully assessed and taken into account. These factors have helped shape the proposals for the site and enabled a significant level of assessment and design review to achieve the most appropriate form of development.



A major problem is a lack of vehicular access. Car parking takes place on an ad hoc basis and is problematic on a regular Sunday but when the church is used for other events - weddings, funerals, concerts, civic services, etc - the parking becomes unacceptable, particularly for less able visitors. The situation is a source of annoyance for neighbours.

St . Theodore’s Parish Church is well placed to integrate with sustainable transport solutions. There is a regular bus service to the church and there are bus stops and a shelter on the north boundary.

The opportunities and constraints are identified in the following sections.

Pedestrian access is limited to the iron gate which is difficult to manage. The sloping path is not steep but lacks assistance. The front door has a step which makes wheelchair access difficult. Access to the memorial garden at the higher level is difficult. Generally the feeling on arrival is that the church, set behind stone walls, cast iron gates, a sloping path, and an unwelcoming porch, is rather defensive. This is contrary to the aspirations of the members. Any new addition to the building would need to take account of levels which rise to the south.

Topography The land adjacent to the highway is generally at the same level which would facilitate opening vehicular access, subject to visibility splays being possible. The main entrance faces the street frontage which will enable any new development to remodel the building's approach and make it more welcoming.

Arboriculture One tree exists on the site. None of them are of a species or have a value which would make their removal as part of a considered development problematic, and there is scope for replanting and mitigation.

Generally Overlooking The newly built house directly on the west boundary presents an overbearing elevation which has a small window. This would need to be screened if development took place on the south side of the church. In any case the privacy of the memorial garden and the quiet amenity this area of churchyard contributes is compromised by the window.

The site is relatively open and suitable for provision of better access and entrance configuration.

Historic Significance and Context The building's status in the community will mean that any design proposals will need to be sensitive and enhance the setting and architecture, requiring a quality of execution and materials which will match the qualities of the existing building. It is crucial that the proposals are designed with conservation principles uppermost.

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Constraints and Opportunities

Design and Access Statement St Theodore's Church Re-ordering

4. Design and Character

Design and Access Statement

St Theodore's Church Re-ordering

4.1 Design Evolution and History 4.1.1 Preliminary Proposals This section of the DAS focuses on the principles that have informed the design, starting with the genesis of the project and the resulting brief.

Spatial Improvements As a large building the nave and chancel are useful for a wide variety of group activities. However, with no separation between areas, multi use occupation is not possible. The following is a list of spatial requirements which formed the core brief of the design:

Brief The parish of Kenfig Hill decided that reordering works were essential to make St Theodores a multi- function community building, as well as continuing its historic role as a place of worship. The elements of the brief can be split as follows:

Basic design concept sketch (source Gillard Associates)

a) multi purpose space for group activities, b) maintaining the church as a place of worship with the sanctuary forming the sacred area which should be enhanced and protected c) meeting room separate from the multi purpose and sacred spaces allowing for smaller groups and meetings in privacy d) improved toilet facilities e) improved kitchen facilities, preferably adjacent to: f) a remodelled and welcoming entrance g) improved storage

Maintenenance and repair Whilst the church building is in good condition, the 2012 quinquennial report identifies a range of necessary repairs to the building fabric: - roof repairs including rw goods - wall repairs (mainly west elevation) - bathstone moulding repairs to buttresses and windows - damp ingress caused by inappropriate paving levels

Environmental improvements a) Heating: at present the building lacks an effective and controllable heating system - it relies on high level radiant heaters which are expensive to run, have limited control and are unsightly. Obviously an improved and responsive heating system would be well used, requiring improvements in the building's insulation to minimise heat losses and reduce running costs. b) Lighting; at present the building is lit by a series of floodlamps which are effective but expensive to operate and maintain. The quality of light is harsh and the controls offer only two options - off and on. An improved lighting system would allow different combinations and offer the possibility of generating different moods/effects to suit the building's occupancy requirments c) Sound: the church lacks a hearing loop which is more or less essential; an acoustic strategy would also be desirable, to manage the requirements of speech and music. At present the reverberation time is too long.

2m high fence

Access It is essential that the building be provided with a level access, wheelchair toilet facilities, and disabled parking facilities.

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Design Evolution

Design and Access Statement

St Theodore's Church Re-ordering

Reach Out the entrance to the church should be made more welcoming and accessible. The whole ethos of the re ordering work is to reach out to the community and welcome them in. Therefore the design must in some way bridge the gap between the street and the church front door.

Demystify the church need to become more open as part of the 're invention process'. The removal of barriers - physical or philosophical is an important part of this process. The church must be perceived by the public not like a cult, but as a place where anyone can feel at home. This will not be achieved by operating inside a defensive building.

Declutter the beauty of this church is its simplicity and serenity, appreciated only by a visit. This value of this attribute in the modern world cannot be underestimated and is seen as a major aim of the project. This special quality is compromised by the various demands being placed on the building for services space, storage, and so on. There is an unco ordinated approach to furnishing. The first decision taken was therefore - declutter the church and build a new extension to accommodate the more secular needs of the congregation - toilets, kitchen, storage, etc.

Sign at consultation event (source Gillard Associates)

Design Proposals

4.1.2 First Design

4.1.3 Final Design

The first design was presented to the planning authority in the form of a pre application enquiry ref PE/230/2014.

Encouraged by the comments from the LPA, the client group then began to source funding for the project.

The key elements of the design were: a) lightweight and transparent new extension with a sheltering roof/canopy providing welcoming approach with a direct line of sight between the street and the church entrance b) landscape proposals to provide new vehicular access maximum car parking space and level pedestrian access

Sustainability is a key concern for any funding body - financial viability is at least as important as the need for any community venture. The business plan developed alongside the architectural proposals and the requirement for a separate kitchen was identified. Due to the extremely limited space available on the site the kitchen was located in a discreet single storey extension on the west elevation of the church.

The response from the LPA was that generally the proposals were to be encouraged as they would ensure the ongoing and viable use of a significant community building. Areas of concern were: - use of timber externally and design of new roof - width of access road and parking bays - use of soft landscape - ecology (potential for presence of bats) - archaeology (potential for features in areas of excavation)

The comments of the LPA were also taken into account in the redesign of the proposals, and the following amendments were made: - the external cladding of the building was changed to a more urban material, the colour and tone of which is expected to be the subject of planning conditions - the roof was the subject of structural review and now the proposals show a roof edge which is more elegant and less over bearing - the access drive was widened where practical although it should be recognised by the highways authority that the site must accommodate both vehicular and pedestrian circulation - the ecology surveys carried out - the informal views of GGAT sought

Original design concept (source Gillard Associates)

Second design concept (source Gillard Associates)

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Design and Access Statement

St Theodore's Church Re-ordering

4.2 Masterplan new pedestrian access to garden upper level

N kitchen courtyard


Memorial Garden

new retaining wall

kitchen and toilet extension

turning head

grass grid porous paving

church lightweight glazed link

resin bound aggregate porous paving

car park new extension

High Street

cycle storage new vehicular and pedestrian access

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terrace and level access


Design and Access Statement

St Theodore's Church Re-ordering N

4.3 Design


Landscape The landscape design has been kept deliberately simple. Parking areas are accessed from a road paved with resin bound aggregates, the colour of which would reflect the local stone.


Contiguous with the road is a footway which leads to the entrance terrace. This would be of natural stone paviors of a type which would blend with local stone - the church has roak faced coursed rubble pennant stone with bands and features of yellow sandstone and feature brickwork on the plinth.

meeting Conference

The access ramp at the rear (south) side of the site would also require retaining walls but these will be in self coloured render to match the sandstone.




Excavating the car park will require retaining walls which would be generally be in stone to match existing where visible from the road.



Store Office

stone paving


Accessible WC


Simple dark painted steel railings will be used to guard the edges of ramps and steps. WC

Aboriculture Store


One tree will need to be removed to permit the new extension. Planting adjacent to the entrance will mitigate this loss and provide an attractive focus.


kitchen Kitchen



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Design and Access Statement

St Theodore's Church Re-ordering Architectural Intent


The illustrations on this page demonstrate how the new building imposes a street presence without overpowering the existing church. There is a tension between the two - new and old: lightweight, modern and approachable on the one hand; heavyweight, gravitas, and reassurance on the other.

The building is a bold and unapologetic contemporary design which nevertheless respects the main church building by remaining subservient as a small scale addition.

The materials are intended to provide a clean and low maintenance exterior over steel framed superstructure on a firm stone plinth - which has a symbology as well as a link to the recent industrial past. In line with accepted conservation principles, since the physical connection of the new with the old is almost imperceptible the whole building could be dismantled: so that the process can be seen as reversible.

Surface Water the building is designed with a sedum roof which will provide acoustic and thermal insulation, additional habitats for wildlife, and storm water mitigation by slowing run off. Combined with the porous pavings and grass grids in the car park and SUDs drainage this will mean that surface water run off will not create additional burden to the infrastructure.

"The proposals show how a new building could provide a workable, practical, and attractive solution to the needs of the church and the wider community of Kenfig Hill."

This will also be a sustainable feature - buildings should be designed for easy demolition and recycling where possible. The over reaching roof suggests shelter and welcome - the intention is that it is weightless and enhances its lightweight character. It should be recognised that the roof line does not overhang the public footway and follows the original back of pavement line. The base of the external wall has been set back to provide a more generous pedestrian approach.

Photo montage on view looking south west (source Gillard Associates)

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Photo montage on view looking north east (source Gillard Associates)

Street View

Design and Access Statement

St Theodore's Church Re-ordering

Street view

Photo montage on view looking west (source Gillard Associates)

Street View

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Design and Access Statement St Theodore's Church Re-ordering

5. Access and Movement

Design and Access Statement

St Theodore's Church Re-ordering

5.1 Access 5.1.1 General Accessibility

5.1.2 Vehicular Access and Parking

5.1.3 Pedestrian Access

The site is located at the eastern edge of Kenfig Hill and has very good accessibility. The building has been designed to be easily seen, with a legible entrance sequence.

The site is accessed from High Street via an enlarged opening in the stone boundary wall which is 5.5m wide. The position of the access is such that the 2.4m x 43m clear vision splays are achieved. The boundary walls have been set back as suggested by the highways officer in his email to the case officer dated 6/5/14. The car parking spaces are 2.4 x 4.8m and this is in accordance with South Wales Parking Guidelines Appendix 2. (The greater width suggested by the highways officer would result in two fewer spaces.)

Accessibility is a main element of the design. The building is designed to be welcoming and accessible. The landscape has been designed to permit level access from the car park whose gradient does not exceed 1 in 12.

The provision of car parking will make it easily accessible for less able visitors. The proximity of bus services makes it easy for visitors who live further than walking distance. In summary the site is an ideal place to locate a community building.

A turning space is indicated on the plan. No access gates are proposed. original back of pavement line

bus shelter


2.4x43m visibility splay


View of main entrance (source Gillard Associates)

8% gradient on centreline

5m level access for pedestrians


turning area car parking space suitable for disabled visitors

Access and Movement

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Design and Access Statement

St Theodore's Church Re-ordering

5.2 Movement 5.1.1 Access and Movement Strategy

5.1.2 Inclusive Access

The site is arranged with easy gradients, level access, and shared surfaces to encourage slow movement of vehicles and pedestrian movement throught the site.

An integrated approach to accessibility, safety and security has been adopted. The scheme has been designed for accessibility and inclusivity for all, including compliance with the requirements of the Equality Act 2010. Given the challenging topography of the site, gradients remain but have been appropriately managed and steps avoided in all public areas.

Surfaces have been chosen for permeability and encourage surface water to soakaway. As suggested by the conservation officer parking spaces are predominantly using grass grids to avoid too much hard surfacing.

Plan showing access to memorial garden (source Gillard Associates)

Cyclists are acommodated with a secure locking facility. Access to the memorial garden is also facilitated by means of a new access ramp.


retaining wall and hedging

View of access to memorial garden (source Gillard Associates)


Memorial garden


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Design and Access Statement St Theodore's Church Re-ordering

6. Environmental Sustainability

Design and Access Statement

St Theodore's Church Re-ordering

6.1 Environmental Sustainability 6.1.1 Overview

6.1.2 Environment

The three pillars of sustainability are usually defined as social, environmental and economic factors.

The building is designed so that energy consumption is minimised.

Gillard Associates is a practice with expertise and experience in designing environmentally sustainable buildings and in this project it is considered that all three criteria can be addressed. Indeed, it is also a condition of the funding source that these aspects are fully considered in the formulation of the project and the solution. Architecture, important as it is on this site of historic significance, will enable - but will be subservient to - the overall aims of the programme.

- insulating materials will be selected to reduce fabric heat losses - the glazed foyer will have background heating only and will serve as a draught lobby, and this combined with the installation of mechanical ventilation with heat recovery will reduce ventilation heat losses - heating will be zoned to allow flexible usage of spaces - an efficient heat source will be chosen to maximise use of fuels - rooflights and glazing will ensure that the building is well provided with daylight to reduce reliance on artificial lighting - the use of BIM and pre fabricated components will reduce construction waste - the life cycle of the building has been considered and will facilitate efficient demolition and recycling of materials

6.1.3 Social The project will build on the church's central role and location as the largest community building in the area. The programme of events and user groups is intended to increase the usage of the building which will maximise resource efficiency and also act as a cohesive influence to strengthen and make the community more resilient.

6.1.4 Economic The project's business plan has evolved in consultation with local community groups and enterprises which in turn will help to ensure that the project will be financially sustainable.

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Environmental Sustainability

Design and Access Statement St Theodore's Church Re-ordering

7. Community Safety

Design and Access Statement

St Theodore's Church Re-ordering

7.1.1 Background

7.1.2 Approach

Community safety is an increasingly important consideration.

Access, safety and consideration of public concerns are of paramount importance, both during construction and in aspects of the design and management of the completed scheme.

Schemes should be designed to maximise opportunities for ‘built in’ community safety, adopting good urban design principles such as natural surveillance and defensible space.

Designing high quality spaces to be well used and looked after and providing good quality public realm features and facilities facilitate and encourage this.

It is accepted that in relation to a significant historic building such as a church some aspects of safety may be compromised. In this case, it is recognised that the land to the rear (south) of the church is not visible from the street and this will be difficult to keep under surveillance. However, the church have not reported anti social behaviour to the design team, so it is considered that paying attention to secure doors and windows will be the most suitable measure for crime prevention.

For these reasons, community safety has been taken into consideration through the scheme.

The strongly defined boundaries will also provide clear messages to visitors to the site.

Good urban design uses a sense of ownership and responsibility as a key part of achieving community safety and taking pride in neighbourhoods.

It is envisaged that external lighting will help provide safe access from the well lit street to the entrance. Low level lighting on PIR activation is envisaged for users of the access steps and ramp at the rear of the site, and from the car park.

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Community safety

Design and Access Statement St Theodore's Church Re-ordering

8. Conclusion

Design and Access Statement

St Theodore's Church Re-ordering 8.1 Conclusion This DAS has provided the background and rationale for the re ordering of St Theodores in Kenfig Hill, a well established church dating from the late 19th century. It has demonstrated that - whilst the building is well loved and much needed for the life of the comunity - social changes have led the Church in Wales to make alterations to maintain the relevance of the church to everyday modern life. These changes impact on the building and have generated the design brief which is the foundation of these development proposals.

The proposed works will provide a solution which: - will help to assure the future use and care of a local building of historic significance - respects and utilises this heritage asset - extends the provision of a stand alone facility for which there is a proven need and which is not replicated elsewhere in the community

It was decided that the church needs to reach out to the community, to overcome perceived barriers, to ensure that the building will be usable for a variety of activities identified by the congregation.

- is of good quality design which conforms to national planning policy standards and conservation principles

The DAS identified the constraints which might be problematic for the success of the project, but at the same time highlighted opportunities which might enhance its position in the community.

- utilises land which cannot feasibly be used for any other purpose

The document then went on to describe how a design strategy, arrived at in close collaboration with the church and its parishioners, was not only viable, but essential, if the church is to continue to evolve as a community building.

- is easily accessible for all

The design was tested against the planning policy context, national, local, and in relation to conservation guidelines, and continued to evolve in collaboration with, and input from, user groups, planning officers, and statutory consultess, and not least, with the organisations who have been approached to assist with financing the project.

- utilises existing foul water drainage and allows for dispersal of rainwater by soakaways

- is of an appropriate scale, size and prominence

- is well connected to the transport network

- does not compromise or adversely affect but improves the the lives and properties of those in the immediate neighbourhood

- mitigates the effect of energy use on climate change - makes a positive contribution to the neighbourhood and will act as a catalyst for community cohesiveness

The proposals show how a new building, combined with simplification of the existing interior, could provide a workable, practical, and attractive solution to the needs of the church and the wider community, without detracting from the special qualities of this significant building and site.

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Design and Access Statement

St Theodore's Church Re-ordering

For further information on this report please contact:

Alan Gillard RIBA Gillard Associates Ltd The Quaypad Cardiff marina Watkiss Way Cardiff CF11 0SY 02920 229133

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Design and Access Statement St Theodore's Church Re-ordering

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