Prayer Diary: September-December 2022

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Learning together

Sep/Dec 2022

This document was updated in 2024 to include our new logo. References inside the document include our old name, Livability as was correct at the time.

Welcome to our prayer diary

Dear friends

Welcome to our latest Prayer Diary! We are so appreciative of your prayer commitment to Livability and the people with disabilities we support.

Enabling the people we support to grow, learn and find new opportunities is something we consider a vital part of care. We’ll focus on the many ways people in the Livability community learn and grow towards their full potential in this edition of the Prayer Diary, in our different education and care settings.

We’re celebrating a big milestone in providing special education this autumn, as we open the doors of our new

post-16 education centre, Millie College in Poole. This is the culmination of many years’ planning and we would value your prayers as we launch – find out more on p4/5.

And of course, Christmas is fast approaching and we anticipate all sorts of fun and celebrations at our services, alongside time to remember what Christmas truly means.

Thank you for your prayer and support for Livability,

P.S. We’re encouraging our readers to receive the Prayer Diary online, making valuable savings for the charity. This will also give you access to our video prayers feature. Please sign up today at

Work … at what is right and good, learning to trust God and love others and to be patient and gentle.

1 Tim 6:11

Dear God,

Thank you for all the opportunities Livability can provide for children, young people and adults with disabilities. We ask for your blessing on each individual we support, as they seek ways to live life in abundance, supported by our staff. We pray that society would be more aware of, and more proactive in removing, the barriers that prevent people with disabilities from thriving. Amen


Let’s pray

This month, Lord, we lift Livability’s work in special education to you. We thank you for the fresh start of a new academic year and ask for your blessing, joy and encouragement for everyone at each of our education centres. Amen

Join in our video prayer on the digital version of the Prayer Diary (see p3).

Week 1

Dear God, we thank you for the opportunities that await our students as they return to Livability Nash College, Victoria School and Millie College. We pray for all new students and staff that they would quickly settle in, especially those in the first cohort at our new Millie College for post-16s. Amen

Week 2

Lord, we grieve over the poor mental health that so many young people are living with and long to see this generation enjoy life to the full. We thank you for the wellbeing care that is at the heart of all our learning centres, and we pray that our students may ‘buck the trend’ and increase their emotional and mental resilience. Amen

Week 3

Dear Lord, please give staff at all our education centres wisdom and skill as they work with our young people to plan a personalised education path to equip them to flourish in adult life, whatever their ability. Amen

Week 4

Thank you, Lord, for our amazing, specialist therapy and teaching staff, who make education accessible for young people with a wide range of disabilities, and emotional and social challenges. Please encourage all these staff in their work. Amen

Why our work matters

A recent report found that mental health problems among pupils had increased since the start of the academic year, including low self-esteem (86%), depression (76%) and constant feelings of anger (68%). Our robust wellbeing programmes at our education centres aim to counter this trend with meaningful and individual intervention.

Survey Feb 2022, Place2Be and the National Association of Head Teachers

Welcome Livability Millie College

Our new college opens this month, welcoming post-16, post-18 and post-25 learners with a wide range of physical and learning disabilities. The college will focus on skills-based and workplace learning. The campus is based at two existing sites, Livability Holton Lee and Victoria School. Holton Lee offers unique opportunities for learning, spanning arts and crafts, animal husbandry, horticulture and business. From the Victoria campus, students will take advantage of community links and participation, including events, local groups and access to the workplace.

Read more at education/millie-college-and-wellbeing/

Your gift enables us to make sure that we can invest in educational provision for young people with disabilities, equipping them for a full and flourishing adult life. Call Michelle on 020 7452 2099 to find out more about leaving a gift in your Will.

Get your free Will Pack at


Let’s pray

Dear Lord, thank you that Jesus came to bring life in abundance. We thank you that learning and new opportunities can be part of this and we pray that everyone in our care may grow and learn through the Livability service they are supported by. Amen

Week 1

Father, we remember everyone we support who has one-to-one care during their day. We thank you that this support can often mean a person with disabilities gets increased opportunities to choose activities they enjoy. We pray this brings joy and an increased sense of independence.


Week 2

Lord, we are grateful for the amazing opportunities that digital technology and equipment open up for people with disabilities. Please enable us as a charity to continue providing the technological aids that can transform people’s lives and increase a sense of connection with others. Amen

Week 3

We pray for our Changes for the Future Forum, and the people we support who are part of that group. We ask that you would inspire everyone at the autumn committee meeting with great ideas, constructive thinking and outcomes that enable the people we support to live the lives they choose. Amen

Week 4

We pray for Carol Jamieson, Head of Livability Learning & Development as she plans training, courses and support for our staff to learn and drive quality and practice across Livability. We ask that more and more staff participate and enable Carol to continue her inspiring work. Amen.

Why our work matters

There are approximately 870,000 adults of working age with a learning disability in the UK.

Marathon man

Teacher Dr Richard Evans is running the London Marathon for Livability, despite suffering a heart attack last year. Says Richard: ‘I’ve been a supporter since John Grooms’ days [one of Livability’s founding charities] and this is my eighth London Marathon. The charity goes out of its way to help people who are disabled and, in a difficult environment, they are making a massive contribution. I want to help in any way I can.’ Richard is running with his son, Jamie.

Read more at marathon-man/

Our services make sure that people with disabilities are enabled to enjoy a full and flourishing life. Your support makes this possible.

You can donate by phone, to help us meet the rising costs we face as we continue to provide the bestquality care and support for people in our services.

Week 1

Dear God, we particularly remember our autistic students at Livability Nash College, and the challenges they face. We pray for staff as they establish connection and relationship with new students and pray that their time at Nash would be life-changing. Amen

Week 2

We pray for all our students whose goal is to be in work, whether paid or as a volunteer. We ask that doors would open to relevant and worthwhile work experience whilst at college, and pray for more job openings for young adults with disabilities. Amen

Week 3

Lord, please bless the work of our transitions team at Livability Nash College, who work with ‘leavers’ to find the best possible placement for their next step into adult life. We pray that outstanding accommodation and workplaces would be found for each young person. Amen

Let’s pray

Dear Lord, we thank you for the difference that our special school and colleges make, in equipping young people with disabilities for adult life. We ask for wisdom and creativity for all in our education teams as they manage and plan our three education centres. Amen

Week 4

Dear Lord, we pray for our students’ families and carers, as they prepare for Christmas with their young person. Please will you give each person involved grace and strength as they adjust to a school holiday’s routine, and may it be a season of great joy for each family group. Amen

Why our work matters

The government has set a goal of one million more disabled people to be in work in the decade to 2027. Against the backdrop of the pandemic, whilst there has been a slight improvement, there is still a substantial disability employment gap, with 53% of people with disabilities in work, compared with 81% of those without disabilities. Learning to be work-ready is a high priority on Livability’s education curriculum, for those who are aiming for employment. the-employment-of-disabledpeople-2021

Express yourself

For young people whose disability means they cannot use words, finding ways to self-express is vital for good mental health. The arts therapy team at Livability Nash College provides a safe, confidential space for students to express their thoughts, experiences and feelings, using music and art. Nash art psychotherapist Lexy Steel says: ‘One non-verbal student is learning to communicate in different ways through art. He doesn’t tend to stay in one place for long but he consistently stays for the full 30 minutes of art therapy, which is unusual. He loves working with clay and is learning to mimic by watching me do something with the material, and he’ll copy it back. This is a form of communicating together.’

Read more at wellbeing-through-art

The Nash arts therapy team shows just what can happen to someone’s wellbeing when they are given an opportunity to try new things and grow –and that’s what Livability is here for.

Please donate online at


Let’s pray

Lord, we thank you for the joyful season ahead of us. We pray that you will remind each of us to care for those in our sphere who might be lonely or sad this Christmas. We pray that new relationships will be formed and old ones strengthened. Amen

Week 1

As the Livability community prepares to celebrate Christmas, we thank you, Lord, for everything that local churches and organisations contribute to the life of people we support in our services. We thank you for each volunteer, club and group that gives time, friendship and funds and pray that those relationships would strengthen over the Christmas period. Amen

Week 2

We lift our outstanding staff team to you and pray for satisfaction in their jobs as they care for children, young people and adults with disabilities. We pray for each member of staff as they undertake training and pray for fulfilment and success as they learn. Amen

Week 3

Dear Lord, we thank you that we can meet again in person for this year’s Livability carol service on 19 December. May this event be full of fun and joy, and may each person leave with a fresh understanding of the gift of Jesus to the world. Amen

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Week 4

At the end of the year, Lord, we thank you that Livability and the people we serve have been surrounded by your love every day. We pray for joy as the Christmas season ends and hope for the year to come, in the knowledge that you care deeply for every person in the Livability community.


Why our work matters

Loneliness is a fact of life for many people with a learning disability; research shows that they are seven times more likely to feel loneliness than the general population. At Christmas, when loneliness can be particularly poignant, our services do their utmost to ensure the people we support are cared for and included.

ONS, Disability, wellbeing and loneliness, UK: 2019

Kerry’s story

Kerry has been a resident at one of our seaside Essex services for nearly a year. She found leaving the family home and her mum very hard but knew it was for the best for both of them. Kerry is very sociable, and one of the biggest joys in her life is being a patient visitor at the local hospital. ‘I love volunteering at the hospital - I go five days a week,’ she says. ‘I can go to Costa and WH Smith and get things the patients need and chat to them at their bedside. They tell me I’m an inspiration and how much I’ve helped them and I talk to their families.’

Overcoming fears so she can contribute to her local community in this way is something Kerry values highly: ‘I find it very rewarding. I found it daunting at first but not now – I’ve been doing it for six years.’ Happily for Kerry, she has also reconnected with fellow resident Stuart, her new partner, whom she first knew from school. ‘He makes me very happy,’ she says.


Your support means we can care for the whole person – body, mind and spirit – and not just for basic needs, enabling people with disabilities to fully take part in their community. Please donate online at donate

‘Livability helps me live independently, the way I want to live.’ – Debbie

Please support our Wellbeing Appeal today

Debbie experienced bullying and loneliness at school just because she has Down’s Syndrome. Thanks to support like yours, she now lives her life to the full. You can help more people like Debbie enjoy wellbeing and greater independence.

Your gifts can put an end to isolation Even before the pandemic, almost four times as many people with disabilities, compared to those without disabilities, reported that they often or always felt lonely. Debbie knows just how that felt.

‘I was bullied all my life, at primary school and then at secondary school. It makes you feel as though you’re not a part of the school, and for me it felt as though I’d let myself down as well.’

Today Debbie lives in one of our Livability supportedliving homes. She has friends, hobbies, housemates and a dedicated keyworker called Gemma. Debbie says it’s changed her life.

‘Gemma’s great. As well as cooking, shopping and budgeting, she helps me feel confident. Livability has helped me make new friends and to live independently the way I want to live.’

For Debbie, living on her own terms includes volunteering as a qualified first-aider.

Giving everyone a voice

Those with complex disabilities, or who are non-verbal, need your support today as well. With the outstanding care that we provide – and that you can support –everyone can enjoy inclusion, encouragement and greater wellbeing – just like Debbie.

To help us support more people with disabilities enjoy their wellbeing and live the lives they want to live, please make your gift today.

You can donate by calling us on 020 7452 2121 or visiting

What’s your life sum?

Livability has launched a series of wellbeing resources that can be downloaded for free. If you aren’t already signed up to receive these, please visit: lifesum to access them.

As we emerge from the pandemic, as a country, a community and as individuals we have never experienced (in our lifetime) a more threatening time to our wellbeing.

As we find new ways of living alongside Covid-19 and processing the losses of that time, we are faced with startling news around the cost of living crisis in UK. The resources published by Livability are designed to help you navigate your wellbeing in a way that suits you.

About Shaftesbury

Shaftesbury is the disability charity that enables each child, young person and adult to live a life that adds up for them.

What makes life add up is different for everyone. It’s the sum of many things and many people - from friendship to fun; from companionship to community; from a great chat to a challenge overcome.

‘All together better for disability’ means working with the people we support, promoting inclusion, independence and opportunity.

All together we are better; it’s why we work to see people take part, contribute and be valued. We do this through our wide range of disability care, special education and rehabilitation services across England, Wales and Northern Ireland.


Shaftesbury is the operating name of Livability which is a registered charity and company limited by guarantee in England and Wales. Charity No: 1116530 and Company No: 5967087.

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