Strategic Diversity Plan 2012-2015

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Livability Diversity Strategic Plan 2012-15 Introduction The Livability Diversity Strategic Plan 2012-2015 sets out our activities on equality and diversity to ensure that we meet our legal obligations, fulfill our ethos, vision and values and support our strategic objectives. It should be read in conjunction with Livability’s Equality and Diversity Policy. Our Christian ethos is one of inclusivity based on our belief that God created all people in His image. Our vision is of a transformed society where disabled and disadvantaged people can live life to the full. At the core of our vision and values is creating services and a positive working culture and working practices that recognise, respect, value and harness differences for the benefit of our service users, students, staff, suppliers, partner agencies and all people who come into contact with us. The Diversity Strategic Plan supports the Charity's Strategic Objectives of continuously improving the client experience and transforming lives, increasing efficiency and effectiveness, raising the profile of the Charity and ensuring financial sustainability.

2012-15 Diversity Objectives Our strategic objectives for 2012-15 are: 1. To ensure that equality and diversity is embedded across the organisation in governance, policies and decisionmaking and practices. 2. To ensure that we partner with our service users and clients to provide accessible services, tailored to the individual client needs. 3. To ensure that we have an inclusive, diverse and engaged workforce. The goals, tactics and milestones which sit underneath the strategic objectives will be reviewed and updated annually.

Our 2011 Progress on Equality and Diversity In 2011 we have:  

Held a series of workshops with senior managers to review our approach to equality and diversity. Established an equality and diversity steering group which meets regularly to review progress

Author: A Kippax/approved version September 2012

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Livability Diversity Strategic Plan 2012-15    

Revised our equality strategy and policy. Considered the impact on equality of our strategic objectives and key policies and procedures. Established a Partnership Board to involve service users in Livability’s overall direction and services. Discussed equality and diversity with our Employee Forum.

Definitions In this strategy we talk about equality, diversity and inclusivity by which we mean:  Equality is about creating a fairer society where everyone has the opportunity to fulfill their potential. To ensure equality of opportunity individuals / groups may be treated differently.  Diversity is about recognizing that individuals and groups of people are different and valuing people for their differences  Inclusion is about breaking down barriers to participation by all and learning to live and work together to live full lives

Legal Responsibilities The Equality Act 2010 sets out a general duty for bodies providing public services to:   

Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation Advance equality of opportunity Foster good relations between people from different groups

The general duty applies to service users, clients and workforce. The ‘groups’ referred to in the legislation are those with protected characteristics. There are nine in total; age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, gender, and sexual orientation. The general duty is underpinned by specific duties:  Publish information to show compliance with the equality duty – see Livability Equality Data Report  Set and publish equality objectives, at least every four years – see below

Author: A Kippax/approved version September 2012

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Livability Diversity Strategic Plan 2012-15

Strategic Plan Strategic Objective 1: Ensure that equality and diversity is embedded across the organisation in governance, policies and decision-making and practices. Goals

Tactics / Actions

Board and Directors management Team are updated on equality and diversity issues and Livability’s progress

Equality and Diversity is integrated and embedded with governance and management processes

Diversity Steering Group meet quarterly to review work plan progress and act as Diversity Champions




Sept 2012 and ongoing

Director of HR with Trustee Diversity Champion (AO)

April 2012 and quarterly

The Diversity Strategic Plan is communicated to all staff

Author: A Kippax/approved version September 2012

October 2012

DMT and Board approve strategy, outcomes and updates to policy annually Reports on progress monitored by DMT and sub-committees quarterly Ensure impact assessments on key policies and procedures are completed throughout organisation Agree the annual work plan arising from strategic plan and review progress Communicated through staff update and published on intranet and web site

Director of HR

Head of Communications and Campaigns

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Livability Diversity Strategic Plan 2012-15 Strategic Objective 1: Ensure that equality and diversity is embedded across the organisation in governance, policies and decision-making and practices. Goals

Tactics / Actions




April 2012

Training outcomes agreed for management and staff groups Equality and diversity integrated within specific topic training

Learning and Organisation Development Manager

Diversity strategic plan approved Directorate business plans contain and are consistent with equality objectives


Equality and diversity training is contained within learning and development plan to ensure all groups fulfill their responsibilities for equality and diversity.

All business plans are consistent with our equality and diversity aims.

Ensure our services are non-discriminatory by assessing the impact of all policies, procedures, strategies and services against all protected characteristics and also periodically monitoring their effectiveness.

April 2012 and October 2012 process

Develop Equality Analysis guidance and training

2011 and ongoing

Established in 2011/12

Director of HR

Conduct equality analysis on key policies and procedures

October 2012

All key policies are assessed on review Diversity Steering Group carries out periodic reviews

Director of HR

All Directorates will include an equality and diversity dimension in their business planning processes Equality and diversity feeds into overall strategy and corporate planning process

 Partnership Board is consulted on equality and diversity issues

Author: A Kippax/approved version September 2012

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Livability Diversity Strategic Plan 2012-15 Strategic Objective 2: Ensure that we partner with our service users and clients to provide accessible services tailored to the individual client needs. Goals

Tactics / Actions

Timetable Milestones / Progress Dec 2012

We will monitor service user and student experience and outcomes against the protected characteristics of disability, race and gender and promote inclusivity of across all protected characteristics

Continue to provide services to enhance choice for disabled people tailored to individual needs

Review current monitoring systems and recommend possible improvements

 

May 2012 and annually

 

Analyse and report on current data 

Ensure consistency of reporting Review data and feedback for annual report and review

Owner Head of Service User Involvement/ Principals/Quality manager/Director of Community Mission

Report published on web site Report used to set targets Trial reporting on social impact across the organisation

Plan to deliver community based further education by March 2013

March 2013

 

Develop strategy Pilot approach

Principal Officer Learning/Principals

Develop a lifelong learning strategy for our services

March 2013

 

Develop strategy Pilot approach

Principal Officer Learning

Develop lifestyle support throughout residential and community care services

Oct 2012

Restructure/retrain activity co-ordinators

Principal Officers

Author: A Kippax/approved version September 2012

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Livability Diversity Strategic Plan 2012-15 Strategic Objective 2: Ensure that we partner with our service users and clients to provide accessible services tailored to the individual client needs. Goals

Tactics / Actions

Timetable Milestones / Progress

Develop further the Enterprise Agency in supporting employment of disabled people.

March 2013

Improve involvement by service users in the development and running of services through locally based and national Partnership Board.

March 2013

Agree target of disabled people supported

Enterprise Agency Manager

Establish local user voice forums Service users are trained and involved in recruitment of staff Service users trained and involved in the development of staff Encourage corporates to sign up to a Learning Disability Work Experience Week. Encourage supporters to sign a petition to the Government to extend Access to Work. Run an event for corporates in collaboration with Inclusive Employers.

Head of User Involvement

  

March 2013 Barriers to participation by disabled and disadvantaged people in community and employment are highlighted

 Campaign to raise awareness of issues facing disabled people regarding learning opportunities and employability

Author: A Kippax/approved version September 2012


Director of Fundraising & Communications/Head of Communications and Campaigns

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Livability Diversity Strategic Plan 2012-15 Strategic Objective 2: Ensure that we partner with our service users and clients to provide accessible services tailored to the individual client needs. Goals Livability leads the way in challenging and supporting churches to promote inclusivity

Tactics / Actions

Timetable Milestones / Progress

Campaign to promote inclusiveness in churches for disabled people

April 2012 and ongoing

 

National campaign launched Promoted at Greenbelt

Owner Director of Community Mission

Strategic Objective 3: Ensure that we have an inclusive, diverse and engaged workforce. Goals

Tactics / Actions

Author: A Kippax/approved version September 2012


Milestones / Progress


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Livability Diversity Strategic Plan 2012-15

April 2012 and annually

Analyse and report on current data and improve self-reporting (e.g. disability) We will monitor and evaluate workforce against protected characteristics and survey organisation on inclusivity. We will seek to increase % of employees with a disability to 5% by 2015 and keep target under review

IiP assessment/staff survey covers equality and diversity and inclusion

We will cross check evaluations against different pay groups to identify any equality issues

Author: A Kippax/approved version September 2012

Review level of work adjustments/flexible working in place Monitoring on applicants included 3% of workforce with a disability by March 2013

Director of HR

January 2013

Consider Investor in Diversity standard

Learning and Organisational Development Manager


Review of pay levels by Directorate Publishing of reward policy

Director of HR

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Livability Diversity Strategic Plan 2012-15

Sept 2012

 

Recruitment and selection practice is perceived as robust, consistent and fair across Livability. % participation of protected groups is in line with population data

We will monitor applications and workforce for under-represented groups and consider the need for greater diversity in recruitment campaigns.

Ensure commitment for disabled people as under-represented group is publicised.

 

Author: A Kippax/approved version September 2012

Commitment is published in all campaigns

Skills training for all undertaking recruitment Recruitment systems reflect best practice

Sept 2012

March 2013 Provide support and training for managers on best practice recruitment and selection processes

Regular reporting included in KPIs Trial new approach to recruitment campaigns Benchmark best practice Occupational requirement for practising Christian reviewed for designated posts

Asst Director of HR

Asst Director of HR

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Livability Diversity Strategic Plan 2012-15

Inclusiveness is embedded through management practice.

Develop leadership and management competencies that support equality and diversity in line with HR strategy

Managers will ensure all staff have regular supervision, performance appraisal and development plans which reflect and value individual difference and will act where any equality and diversity issues are identified

March 2013

Agree on leadership and management competencies on equality and diversity

Oct 2012

Assess management competencies and provide individual and organisational development plans

Develop and implement strategic plan for developing leaders and managers

Monitor and reduce grievances Improve levels of APR completion Staff surveys report good practice on management


Standards agreed and publicised

Director of HR

July 2013

Competences included in performance management systems

Learning and Organisational Development Manager

Dec 2013

Incorporated as part of organisational strategic plan

Director of HR

Contained within all job descriptions/person specifications

Asst Director of HR

 

Oct 2013 Develop staff competencies that support equality and diversity

Staff competencies on equality and diversity

Author: A Kippax/approved version September 2012

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Livability Diversity Strategic Plan 2012-15

Develop and implement a Learning and Development Plan for all staff

Review induction processes and ensure consistent messages on equality and diversity objectives.

May 2012

Implement learning and development plan for equality and diversity across the organisation

March 2013 and annually

 

  

Diversity and inclusion is valued

Communication mechanisms utilized to highlight stories of inclusion Provide information/guidance on the Christian ethos in practice for staff

Author: A Kippax/approved version September 2012

Induction material revised All central office based staff undergo disability awareness training

Learning and Organisational Development Manager

Needs assessed at different responsibility levels Appropriate programme designed Feedback and outcomes evaluated

Learning and Organisational Development Manager

March 2013 

Head of Communications and Campaigns Guidance note pulling all information together to be produced

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