lamenting together Learning to lament together is key to praying for justice. On Monday, June 5, as we all continued to process the news of the discovery of 215 Indigenous children, 50 women gathered online to pray for 30 minutes, guided through the service by CBWOQ volunteer leaders. Please feel free to use the outline below and the Guided Prayer script on page four as you pray and work for justice. CBWOQ Statement We are deeply saddened to hear of the discovery of the bodies of 215 Indigenous children. Let us consider the tragedy of each one of the children and their families, plus a whole new generation re-traumatized by the discovery of their bodies. Let us also lament that this was done in the name of Christ. How was this allowed to happen? Racism. Racism blinds people. Then systemic racism blocks others from making changes. This issue is not peripheral to faith. It is at the core of mission. Think of all the people whose hearts are hardened to the gospel as they hear this news. Even if this wasn’t the case, justice is the nature and desire of God. This is how he summarizes his will, “. . . what does the Lord require of you, but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” (Micah 6:8) Rev. Diane McBeth, executive director, CBWOQ
1. Welcome and gathering (1 minute) One or two sentences at the start of this prayer time will surface the fact that women have come apart from their evening routines to spend some time in prayer with others. 2. Land Acknowledgment (1 minute) Especially with this prayer time, it will be important to name the hosts of the lands from which we join the online event. Women can type their acknowledgement in the chat. 3. Introduction to the time of prayer (2 minutes) Feel free to use CBWOQ’s statement if you are gathering women from your church or region to pray. 4. Lament/Grieving (8 minutes) We want to give women space and time . . . to grieve, to bring their questions and their tears to God. A good format to use in this section is Guided Prayer. You may find Psalm 13 an appropriate psalm to pray and you’ll find the script we used on page four. Feel free to use it. 5. Confession/Repentance/Receiving God’s Forgiveness (8 minutes) We need to confess and to repent this national sin and then hear and receive God’s forgiveness. 1 John 4:20 may resonate with you. For this section, invite women to pray out loud, write their prayer in the Zoom chat or pray in silence. 6. Silence (2 minutes + 15 seconds) With this period of silence we pay our respects. 7. Pray for justice (7 minutes) Invite women to pray to the Lord for justice. They can pray out loud, write their prayers in the Zoom chat, or pray in silence. Use verses that affirm God’s justness and heart for justice. 8. Closing prayer (1 minute) One of the leaders ends this prayer time with a simple affirmation that God has heard the group’s prayers.
live • July - August 2021