Acting on God’s promises together Expressing our theme through art
Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Hebrews 10:23-24 (ESV)
Artwork: Tina Rae
by Rev. Tina Rae Tina is the Christian Education pastor at Westview Baptist Church in London, Ontario. She is also an artist. Meet her in our August book club as we explore her first book, Devotions for the Artist at Heart.
Rev. Tina Rae offers a wonderful art project based on our theme and theme verses for 2021. Here are Tina’s step-by-step instructions.
How to begin When creating artwork from Scripture, I take time to meditate on the passage by reading and rereading the verses. I often use varying translations and consider what words and themes come to mind and I think about what images might represent them well. I encourage you to take the time to read Hebrews 10:23-24 in the same way, and consider what God brings to your heart before you begin creating. When I looked at this passage and Baptist Women’s theme, I was drawn toward the topic of encouraging love and how we do that through our faith. Images of an outstretched hand, a heart, and the cross came to mind and helped me form the framework for this artwork. Supplies • 9”x12” canvas or canvas board • old magazines or pages of printed-out words (printed from your printer) • mod podge or white glue • paints, paint brushes, and water • paper or cardstock • white tissue paper (crumpled for texture) STEP 1 - Prepare the Canvas 1. Look through your magazines and choose up to five words that suit the theme. Tear them out and glue them randomly onto the canvas. 2. Use a paintbrush to glue the surface of the canvas and adhere one or two layers of the textured tissue paper to cover the entire surface including the words. Add another layer of glue on top of the tissue paper live • March - April 2021