Live magazine November - December 2019

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live A Baptist resource for women on a mission November - December 2019 · $3.50

PRACTICE HOSPITALITY BREAD, SALT AND HEART with five tips on hosting (p3)


The Subversive Table (p8) The Other Side (p10) Food Security in the DRC (p12) #GIVINGTUESDAY 2019 (p19)

live in this issue FEATURES CONNECT TO GOD 3 Bread, Salt and Heart “A House is for God and for guests” 6 Cleaning House The soul work of hospitality

COLUMNS/RESOURCES connect to MISSION 8 The Subversive Table Why sharing a meal may be your most intimate act of mission 10 The Other Side of Hospitality The surprising gift of short-term missions or living abroad 12 Food Security in the DRC 15 End 2019 with Prayer BIBLE STUDY 16 Chosen | Holy | Called connect to others 19 #GivingTuesday 2019 20 Beloved Women of God Reflections on Lydia’s Daughters Preacher Women 22 Baptist Women’s Conference 2020 A sneak peek at workshops 23 A History Moment 23 We Remember

Cover photo: Lis Cristina Lam/The Subversive Table


live • November - December 2019

cONNECTING “I never knew you; go away from me . . . ” (Matthew 7:23, NRSV) in matthew 7, we read plain words from Jesus as He teaches about the importance of a good ear, discipleship and obedience. Decades of Sunday School teachings and church sermons on these verses led me to focus on what I felt I needed to know: the Word; what God wanted of me; how to win souls for Jesus; obedience. I’d often wondered why Jesus would not “accept” ministry leaders and workers who’d served Him so well. After all, they knew about identity, calling, declaring His light in darkness. But, coming from a church-planting heritage where my grandfather, aunt, uncles and some cousins preached, prophesied, and more . . . I thought my bases covered. In the midst of giving testimony in an Ontario family court room in March 2017, I realized how much I’d missed the point of Jesus’ words. Sure, I needed to know Jesus. I needed to know the Bible inside and out. Faith and understanding are important. But Jesus isn’t saying You never knew me. Rather He says: “I never knew you . . . ” It’s possible to do and be all manner of ministry and mission and never be known by Jesus. This is why Baptist Women stresses the importance of knowing God’s voice; of listening to Him—personally and in community; of nurturing spiritual habits that will help you choose to love Him first. ALL ministry and mission flow from that relationship (Matthew 7:15–27). This Advent season, I’ll be looking out for all that will have to shift in my approach to being a wife, mother, aunt, daughter, CBWOQ staff person . . . so that Jesus has the room He’ll need to know me. How about you? RJ 


live (formerly The Link & Visitor) began as The Canadian Missionary Link (1878) and Baptist Visitor (1890). Published bi-monthly by Canadian Baptist Women of Ontario and Quebec 5 International Blvd., Etobicoke, ON M9W 6H3 416-620-2954 Fax 416-622-2308 Executive director Diane McBeth Editor and communications director Renée James 416-651-8967 Art director Donna Lee Pancorvo of GEPM Group Inc. ( Contributors Linda Ellsworth, Hana Erickson, Lis Cristina Lam, Rev. Tina Rae, Dr. Terry Smith, Karen Stiller, Rev. Linda Wolfe Circulation and subscriptions Subscriptions 416-620-2954 Subscriptions Individual: $20* (direct or through promoters) US & overseas: $39 All currency in $C unless otherwise noted. The publication of comments, opinions or advertising does not necessarily imply CBWOQ agreement or endorsement. All material is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in print or on websites without permission. Advertising inquiries and freelance submissions should be addressed to the editor. Member, Canadian Church Press. ISSN 2293-5096. Canada Post Customer Number 1008592. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada for our publishing activities. *includes HST


Bread, Salt and Heart Shpija e Shqyptarit âsht e Zotit e e mikut. (An Albanian house is for God and for guests.) ~ Kanuni i Lekë Dukagjinit, 602 (Canon of Lek Dukagjini

I was born in Canada to Muslim parents, ethnicAlbanians who emigrated here from Montenegro. I grew up on Albanian legends like the one about the man who was sentenced to die, and when his captor asked him if he had ever seen a worse day, he answered that he had; the day a guest came to his door and he had no food to offer him. Then the man hung his head and wept. From this oft-recited tale, I learned that there was no greater tragedy than being unable to fulfill the highest calling of any Albanian—to be a good host. Saturday morning was a busy time at my house when I was a child. The house was being cleaned until it sparkled. No one could touch the cake in the freezer and every pot and pan in the kitchen was occupied with savoury, hearty dishes in mid-preparation. “Who’s coming over?” I would ask my mother. “I don’t know, but somebody will,” she would answer. So I learned that a good host was always prepared because he or she expected musafir (guests). by Hana Erickson

Hana Erickson is a mother of three, the wife of a youth/ young adult pastor and a creative director at a real estate brokerage near Barrie, Ontario. live • November - December 2019



When company invariably arrived, I practised greeting and serving musafir in a way that honoured them. I entered the room and the musafir would rise even though I was just a child. I greeted each person in order of oldest to youngest. I served a glass of water or coffee with one hand over my waist as a sign of respect. In turn, they never dishonoured my parents’ generosity by emptying a platter. Leaving something on the plate communicated that they had been amply fed and couldn’t eat another bite. No matter what we offered (even if it was japrak —stuffed grape leaves), they took some, ate it, and offered a blessing to our

I came to Christ with a veritable doctorate in hospitalty household (ju lumshin duart— may your hands be joyful). From this I learned that there was no way to separate a desire to bring honour, both as a guest and as a host, from any experience of hospitality. When I was growing up, I didn’t know Jesus or what was written in the Bible, but after my conversion, I realized just how many tenents of biblical hospitality were woven into the fabric of my culture. I came to Christ with a veritable doctorate in hospitality, I thought, and yet the truth was that I still had much to learn. 4

live • November - December 2019

When I first started attending church, I learned about North American Christian hospitality at my first church potluck. There were big bowls of Jello on the table with peas suspended in them. A jellied salad, I was told. Could Jello be a salad? I had brought enough to feed 10 people, but I noticed that many didn’t bring enough to share. My eyes widened. There wasn’t going to be enough. I thought of that Albanian legend. I remained silent but was horrified as latecomers arrived to empty platters. Clearly, no one had shared the rules! But then again, my quiet judgment proved that I had also forgotten the rules—Eat what is set before you. Eat the japrak, eat the jellied salad. That same year, I was the unexpected guest in the home of a church family which, on the surface, was the antithesis of my parents’ brand of hospitality. It was a busy home filled with babies and toddlers. Every room showed signs of happy chaos, every corner well-lived-in and illprepared for company. My hostess apologized for the mess but explained that if she waited for the house to look perfect, she would never entertain at all. She had seen me (“the Muslim girl”) at church and wanted to welcome me to their community. She whipped up grilled cheese sandwiches, and whisked the contents of the dining room table away into hidden corners so we had

somewhere to eat. I felt so warmly greeted and well-loved that I immediately recognized that this family embodied the heart of something else I had learned about hospitality as a child: When people come to your home, you serve them buk, kryp, dhe zemer (bread, salt and heart). It doesn’t matter what you serve or what you serve it on, just that you serve it with all your heart.  The table was covered in white linen, the creases carefully ironed out and set with the good china and silver reserved for company. It fairly creaked under the weight of all the food that we’d laid out. It was our first time hosting this missionary family who had sacrificed so much and I wanted to honour them. “We can never have you guys over. I could never replicate this,” our guest said, surveying the table in dismay. I was stunned. “You don’t have to replicate this. I don’t expect that. I just love to cook. I love to serve people,” I answered. Our guest looked away and shook her head, “This is a little overwhelming.” I used to think the greatest expression of hospitality was generosity, but the day I hosted my missionary friends and crushed them under the weight of gifts that made them feel inadequate, I


learned that the heart of hospitality is Romans 12:10 (NIV): Honour one another above yourselves. I was devastated that my attempt at blessing my missionary friends had gone so horribly wrong. Was I really not expecting to be hosted in this way in return? Was I honouring my guests who were not in a position to reciprocate? Was I thinking of them or was I thinking of me? “I love to entertain. I love to cook.” I wasn’t honouring them—I was honouring my culture. I was honouring myself. The next time I hosted them was the first time I ever prayed about a dinner party. I prayed about what to serve and how to serve it and decided on a hearty, delicious, but far more modest meal. I had to explain the significant dialling-down of my usual menu and décor to my horrified Canadian husband who, although not Albanian, embraces our way of showing hospitality. He couldn’t understand what looked to him like a lack of respect. In fact, the opposite was true. This time, I would honour them and not myself. I would serve them bread, salt, and heart. 

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5 Tips On Hosting

Understand your home’s mission. For some of us, this means a fundamental change in perspective. In North America, many of us have come to view our homes as our private sanctuary and therefore guests, especially unexpected ones, often feel like intruders. If you understand that your home’s purpose is for God and for guests, you will make room for both sanctuary and hospitality. This one small shift in thinking can lead to a thousand creative ways to make your home more hospitable, from having a basket of clean slippers at your door, to finding ways to organize your time so you can invite people over during a regular time-slot.

Expect company. Trust me when I tell you that I have two plates and they’re both full, so I understand the very real concern about lack of time to prepare for company. However, there are creative ways to make time to do mass baking and cooking. Make it a regular family activity once a month or get together with your friends to bake or cook while you socialize. It makes spontaneous lunch invitations much easier when you’ve got a cake and a lasagna in the freezer.

Have a hospitable home, not a perfect one. The single biggest barrier to entertaining is the work required to get your home in a state that is fit for company or even “Instagram-worthy.” I clean and decorate my home because it makes me feel at peace and brings me joy. We all need to accept this one simple truth: God is our only judge and all He cares about is the state of our heart.

Potluck it. I know; you’re thinking I just finished knocking this fine tradition. Not so. Yes, it is practically illegal to be Albanian and not have enough food, however, your guests may have differing views on this, and ultimately, they are the ones who matter. If you’re honouring your guests above yourself, you’ll defer to their point of view. I prefer providing the main dishes and “potlucking” the dessert, salads and appetizers, but no matter how you do it, throwing a potluck makes hosting more accessible for busy people. Pray. If you’re expecting company, pray that God would show you the best way to honour your guests. Consider how you will greet and serve your guests in a way that is meaningful to them. Think about what traditions you need to lay aside or how you might stretch yourself to adopt new ones for the sake of your guests. Or, if you have traditions you would like to share with your guests, pray about how you can make these accessible to them. 

live • November - December 2019



Lis Cristina Lam/The Subversive Table

Cleaning House The soul work of hospitality


live • November - December 2019

One Christmas Eve I stood at our open freezer down in the basement, shaping vanilla ice cream into little balls to make ice cream snowmen. My hands dripped with melting ice cream and ached with cold. I had seven more snowmen to shape for our guests who had not requested snowmen for dessert. They had never even heard of them. I had noticed a picture in a magazine and thought, That looks easy and fun! a warning signal that what was to follow wouldn’t be easy and probably not fun.


On the one cold hand, I was trying to create something special for my family and our guests, a cute treat that would add some magic to the evening. On the other aching hand, I was showing off. I had looked forward to my guests’ reactions—before I realized my snowmen would look like the poor cousins from the backcountry compared to the snowmen in the pictures. I wanted the praise. Herein lies the spiritual conundrum of hospitality, for some of us at least. Why are we doing it? Who is it really for? My mother and I share a love of throwing parties and getting pats on the back. We chatted the other day about guests who show up with food when you’ve told them not to. Two guests had brought trays of appetizers to a recent dinner at my mom’s, even though she had firmly declined their offer and spent time preparing her own special hor d'oeuvres—now just one option on a crowded table at her backyard barbeque. Her irritation simmered like a sauce. I understood. I too have simmered. Hospitality stretches us in ways we cannot anticipate— which is one of the many reasons we should make sure we do it regularly, and keep working hard to make it not about us, but about reflecting the hospitable heart of God who always welcomes in and

welcomes back. Our guests may irritate or disappoint us. It might be more work than we thought, for less praise than we had hoped. Things will spill and stain. We will want to refuse appetizers we never asked for, so our Baked Black Truffle Stuffed Brie can bask alone in the warm spotlight. We will feel our temperature rising, and disappoint ourselves with how much Marthastanding-with-hands-on-hips we have inside of us, instead of the more sanguine and popular Mary, always so chill. How grouchy we will be with our children whom we do love, but look how they drag dust balls behind them and ruin our neat rooms just before guests arrive to see our neat rooms. Hospitality is house work, but also soul work. I wanted it to be perfect, for my sake. I wish he had not brought that amazing peach pie. I wanted them to say thank you more, and then again one last time. Help! Like friendships and marriage and talks with our boss, hospitality holds up a mirror in which we can see ourselves more clearly, and then repent. Hospitality can clean house, in so many ways. And like everything dusty about us, if we can just confess what is really happening in our hearts, things will grow better. I only shaped snow men out of ice cream once. Once was enough.

When we are having people over for dinner, it is work for me to keep it easy and simple. To know that we are enough, this food is enough and that I am enough is my spiritual chore. Yes, the house is clean enough and the table long enough to welcome whoever comes through the door, whenever they show up (well . . . almost. I do still like some warning).

We are enough I try to remember that a pot of homemade soup and warm bread with butter can be enough, can in fact be amazing when it’s cold outside. And if no one says, “Thank you, my goodness, you are awesome!” that can be very good for the Martha Me. Because at very the heart of the Holy Trinity — beautiful, deeply relational and oh so holy—beats the very spirit of hospitality. Come right in. Put your burden down, there by the coats. Please sit. Have you brought a pie with you? Thank you! 

by Karen Stiller Karen Stiller is a senior editor of Faith Today magazine, and a freelance writer and editor. Her spiritual memoir, The Minister’s Wife, will be published in Spring 2020 by Tyndale House Publishers. live • November - December 2019



The Subversive Table Why sharing a meal may be your most intimate act of mission

by Lis Cristina Lam


live • November - December 2019

Lis is an award-winning food blogger.


When I was a young 20-something and new to New York City, I stumbled upon a local church. For a few months, I attended Sunday worship and made awkward small talk after service. I didn’t know it at the time, but I was looking to see if I could fit in this thing called “church.” Could I fit in? Could this faith thing really be for me? Then two girls invited me over for dinner. They were as different from me in life experience and personality as can be. Yet I accepted their invitation. Together, we cooked a meal and sat down to eat. And by the end of the night, something profound happened: we became friends. Inviting someone over and making a meal seems like such a simple thing. But a meal can change everything. That meal made me think maybe we’re not so different after all. Maybe there’s space in this faith for someone like me. The first church understood the disarming power of hospitality. Rodney Stark, social historian, describes the early church as a movement that made room for others. In the footsteps of Jesus, the first century Christian community modelled a hospitality that changed the world. They believed that every person, made in the image of God, was worthy of dignity. And in doing so, this marginal and obscure faith defied institutional authority and challenged social conventions: its followers adopted unwanted babies, freed slaves, protected the weak and

vulnerable, cared for the sick as their own and loved all members of society with the same sense of equality and fraternity. And it all started with a simple habit: breaking bread and drinking wine, face to face, elbow to elbow. Yes, it was really as simple as that. In contrast to the conventions of the day, Christians did not use Roman-style banquets to reinforce the hierarchy of the ruling class. Banquets, although social in nature, played a largely political and economic role. In this setting, allegiances were emphasized —to the government, and between powerful patrons and their subordinates. They were the place and occasion to display the power of the elites over everyone else and to remind underlings of their place in the pecking order. Wealthy, high status guests were positioned at the best seats at the table. They ate the choicest food and drink. Lower ranking guests were given less desirable seats (or none at all) and less desirable food and drink. Favours were bestowed in accordance to loyalty; dependency on powerful benefactors was encouraged. Parties were meant to keep everyone in line and loyal to the people at the top. Christians also threw Romanstyle banquets. But they created a different kind of table— one devoid of status and class, where even the marginalized and oppressed were extended an

invitation. Their love feasts sidestepped the traditional symbols of hierarchy altogether. Instead, everyone ate the same food and everyone sat down at the same table. And by doing so, Christians subverted the Roman way of eating and drinking to communicate an alternate vision of the good life: a community where everyone was equal—regardless of gender, social class, ethnicity, political affiliation and background. These meals were given freely, without payment. Extended to anyone, despite rank or status. Love in this way was risky, unconventional, and in radical defiance of the prevailing Roman ideology. These meals were tangible witnesses to a God who loved unconditionally. Nowadays, we don’t consider an ordinary meal as the starting point of a revolution. But the practices at our tables can’t help but shape us. We eat together and build towards identity and community. We pass the bread and participate in a shared, memory-making experience. We sit at our regular places and in doing so shape our ideas of home and belonging. Our tables are the transformational context where our relationships and communities can grow and thrive.  Read about radical hospitality in Dr. Rodney Stark’s book: The Rise of Christianity: How the Obscure, Marginal Jesus Movement Became the Dominant Religious Force in the Western World in a Few Centuries (Harper San Francisco 1997). 0060677015/ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_bibl_ vppi_i1

live• •November November- -Decemberr December 2019 2019 live



The Other Side of Hospitality The surprising gift of short-term missions or living abroad

In our world of independence, intertwined with our North American church culture of serving others, it can be challenging to accept hospitality. Entering into a place of receiving what is yet unknown often makes us uncomfortable and hesitant. Combine that with a culture different from our own and receiving hospitality with grace can be difficult. Oh, I can open my house and create a feast, welcoming people into my home easily; however entering into an unknown place and receiving hospitality comfortably has been a life-long, world-wide journey for me. Over time I have learned some important postures, attitudes and behaviours that have opened me up to receive hospitality and truly enjoy it. Bolivia, 2008 – CBM short term mission trip Be willing to receive Quietly, she invited us into her two-room house. Her smiling boy sat playing on one of the two beds as she showed us the knitting machine, purchased with a micro loan, and what a difference it had made for her family. She then invited us to sit and share crackers and orange pop together. I started to resist, seeing there was very little in her cupboard. However, she insisted the three of us stay. This woman, who had very little in material items, was overflowing in generous hospitality. Though I was a stranger, she welcomed me in as a long-lost sister. The hospitality I received reminded me that we had more in common than I had thought. by Rev. Linda Wolfe. Linda is a former CBWOQ board member who has spent the last 10 years living overseas in a variety of contexts. She currently serves as family pastor at a church in Boston, Massachusetts. 10 live • November - December 2019

Enter in with full attention As we walked down the dirt road heading towards lunch, I realized this would not be the usual workshop lunch. The group of women sat in plastic chairs, spilling into the street, and conversation flowed. Eventually the soup arrived, large bowls for each, with rice, a few vegetables and large potatoes. The taste was soul-comforting. As these were cleared away, plates of rice, potatoes and a chicken leg


arrived. The three of us running the workshop were served first. As we sat, it became evident that there were no more plates coming out. We, the three who came from a nation that had lots of food, were given the best. I ate a bit of each part of my plate of food then put down my fork insisting I was full after that wonderful soup. Quickly, small plastic bags arrived, and the women divided up what was left from our plates to bring back to their families. When I entered in, paying full attention, hospitality received opened my eyes to lives very different from my own. Sri Lanka, 2013 - Christian Solidarity Worldwide trip Wait and watch and adapt The long table was set outside, surrounded by blossoming trees. The warm breeze scattered a few of the blossoms while a couple dozen of us sat down and the platters appeared. The serving spoons with each platter seemed to be the only cutlery in sight, so I waited. I watched to see which hand to eat with, how the others drew the food into the right amounts to be picked up and eaten. Then I tried it. I laughed at myself, asked the woman next to me for tips, and kept trying. It was a bit challenging, however it was a lot of fun! Hospitality received is a learning experience and never boring when I waited, watched and adapted to my hosts’ ways.

North and South, East and West: Sharing food is a bridge between cultures: Top, Bolivia; Below, Sri Lanka Hong Kong, 2015 – sharing with the Ho and Kong families Be interested and ask questions We sat around the table, cramped but laughing. Noodles were served and slurped, followed by dumplings, rice and so much more. With each new food, I asked

about family traditions associated with the food, and the stories came. Stories of family gatherings and family history, and with each story, our friendship deepened. Hospitality received opened me to new and more authentic friendships and a world beyond my own, when I live • November - December 2019

Photo credit: Linda Wolfe




asked questions. Boston, 2019 – the Kims’ home Forgive yourself We entered the sliding glass door right into the eating area. One of our hosts—the man—sat down and I sat down beside him. Very quickly he got up and sat on the other side of the table while the soup, short ribs and rice were served and his wife sat down beside him. Jeff then sat beside me and after a prayer, the meal began. Hospitality received teaches me the traditions in a new culture as I forgive myself for the many mistakes I make. Be grateful Receiving hospitality in a different culture from your own is a lifechanging opportunity to learn and grow, and opportunities to do so exist across Canada. I encourage you to seek these out. As you enter in with gratitude and openness your life will be richly blessed. 

Photo courtesy CBM

Canadian Baptist Women of Ontario and Quebec (CBWOQ) has been instrumental in helping alleviate hunger and food insecurity in the Kivu region of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), through Canadian Baptist Ministries’ partnership with the Communauté Baptiste du Centre d’Afrique (CBCA). This summer, I was in Goma and had a chance to meet with and hear reports from our newest field staff, Polisi Kivava. Before joining the Africa team as Development Specialist, Polisi was the Director of Diaconal Ministries of the CBCA. He and his family live in Goma, DRC.

12 live • November - December 2019


Food Security in the DRC Terry Smith, executive director of Canadian Baptist Ministries, reports on one of our strategic giving projects for 2019

Terry: How would you describe the current situation in the Kivu region in terms of food security? Polisi: People in the Kivu region live mainly on agriculture, animal breeding and small business . . . but in rural areas. Formerly, this region was the food provider for Kinshasa and Kisangani. But nowadays, food production has drastically dropped off and people sink deeper and deeper in poverty. What are the reasons for this change? Well, land scarcity, ignorance and poor farming techniques all contribute to this. We live in the most crowded area of the country and access to the land is getting harder and harder. The same fields which have been exploited for many generations using traditional techniques, have become unproductive. Secondly, there are plant diseases and difficult access to improved seeds. Crops such as bananas, cassava and maize, which are the main staple foods, have been attacked by plant diseases which affect food production. When people use seeds from affected crops, the disease just spreads to the new plants. Ebola is taking the lives of active family members, leaving orphans and relatives in traumatic situations. They are threatened not just by the spread of Ebola but of dying from hunger. But mostly, we cannot forget the state of permanent insecurity due to the presence of armed groups. In fact, the Kivu region is said to host more than 70 armed groups that use violence, including rape, as a weapon to humiliate women. live • November - December 2019



Why are the women most vulnerable? Women are the ones who care for feeding the family. Most farmers are women. Food insecurity has also had a negative impact on health and education. In rural areas especially, malnutrition is quite frequent. What are some strategies you are using? We begin with training and transfer of technology. Otherwise, farmers will keep using traditional farming techniques which destroy the soil. Farmers, who are mostly women, need to be better equipped with skills on conservation agriculture, seed selection, food processing and marketing. But there are ecological considerations, too. CBWOQ has helped support the work of the CBCA. Is it making a difference? We are grateful because through CBM and CFGB, they have been providing to the CBCA in the area of food security. Testimonies from the project areas show a tremendous change in the life and mentality of the beneficiaries. Tell us about someone whose life has been changed. Sure. Mama Kiriza is from Lusheke Village, North Kivu. After one year of saving money in her village savings and loans program, she converted her savings into the equivalent of $150. This sum helped her pay school fees for her children. She also bought vegetable seeds such as carrots for her garden. Nutrition rates started to improve and now they have more meals per day than ever before. Another woman, Vumilia M’Mukomo from Karwa Village, who had actually studied to be a veterinarian, lost her farm to the rebels. The church helped her by buying her four rabbits who did what rabbits do. Now she has 13 rabbits. She is able to breed and sell them to provide medicine and school clothes for her children. Her family’s nutrition improved.

14 live • November - December 2019

When a food-rich country like Canada partners with a food-insecure partner like the CBCA, what are the most important things we ought to know? The best strategy is to help people help themselves. People usually say that you cannot develop someone, but you can help him or her to develop himself or herself. When Jesus healed the lame person, He told him, “Stand up, take your bed and go home.” He didn’t offer to carry the bed for him. But partnership is not a one-way street. The example of the early Church (in Acts 4:32) shows that nobody is so rich that he/she doesn’t need anything from anybody and nobody is so poor that he/she has nothing to share. In addition to the support provided, people in Canada should also try to find out what they could get from their partners in Africa, not only on a material level but also on spiritual, social and other levels. Then partnership becomes interdependency. Polisi, thank you for sharing your passion and knowledge with us and with our friends at live magazine and CBWOQ. Be assured of our prayers and solidarity with the people of the Kivu region. 


end 2019 with prayer A WINDOW ON AFRICA

Prayer requests from our prayer partners—the Baptist Women’s Union of Africa (BWUA), sent by BWUA president Marthe Nguime Ekollo 1. We give thanks to God for your prayers.

Join a weekly international prayer meeting 2. Pray that God will provide parents with the finances for children to go back to school. Pray that children will be filled with obedience, intelligence and wisdom. 3. Pray for scientists who are working on vaccines for malaria and Ebola fever to receive the funding necessary and God’s wisdom for the solution to these two diseases. Pray that companies and donors will be fully involved, so that they may help address the plight. 4. Pray that God will protect people of the Democratic Republic of the Congo who are suffering from Ebola fever. 5. Pray against the practice of female genital mutilations and the reality of maternal mortality. Blessings always, Marthe 

Launch Starting Wednesday, January 8, join Baptist Women of North America (BWNA) every week for a short time of praying for issues that affect women everywhere across this continent. So how will it work? Every Wednesday, at either 6 a.m. or 7 p.m. a leader will be online via Zoom (audio) ready to facilitate a 20-minute time of prayer where we can pray for each other and the monthly prayer focus. Of course we will pray for BWNA, Baptist World Alliance Women and all the member body ministries we represent. Number to call: We will use Zoom. Please visit for instructions on how to join. When to call? Every Wednesday. What time? 6 a.m. or 7 p.m. EST. Prayer Focus January • Current Affairs/Concerns February • Gender-based violence (in and outside of the Church) March • TBD April • Health (mental health, physical health/aging, caregiving/caregivers) May • Human Trafficking (frontline ministries, victims, gang violence, pimps, traffickers, johns) June • Refugees and Immigrants July • Creation Care (environmental concerns) Every week we will pray on a particular aspect of that month’s prayer focus.  live • November - December 2019



Chosen | Holy | Called Called to Hospitality: A practical study of Romans 12

“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.“ 1 Peter 2:9

In the client-based service industry, hospitality is a word commonly used in the training of and expectations of staff, but do we as Christians really grasp the full import of the term? • Hospitality is the relationship between a guest and a host, wherein the host receives the guest with goodwill, including the reception and entertainment of guests, visitors or strangers • Derives from the Latin hospes, meaning “host,” “guest,” or “stranger.” Hospes is formed from hostis, which means “stranger” or “enemy.” (

READ Romans 12:1-21 Paul, in his indomitable way, is teaching the new converts in Rome how to live as Christ-ones. In this passage, we grasp the basis of his teaching regarding how we are to treat those around us. READ Romans 12:1-8 • We are to present our entire beings to God as a ________, _______________________. • This is our _____________ or __________________ service! i.e., This is not to be seen as a hardship or a burden. • According to vs. 2, we are not to be _________ to this world. We might be struggling in this area of service preparation in the following three ways: 1. _ ___________________________________________________ 2. _ ___________________________________________________ 3. _ ___________________________________________________ • Rather verse 2 instructs us to be _____________________________ ____________________________________________________. by Linda Ellsworth Linda is the member care coordinator for Christian Camping International, Canada. 16 live • November - December 2019

Transformation: a complete change in the appearance or character of something or someone, especially so that that thing or person is improved (


• And how exactly is our transformation to occur, according to verse 2? ____________________________________ • If we are to present our BODIES totally to God for His service in this life, how then do we go about “renewing” our minds? The phrase implies that our “minds” have somehow slipped from some plateau and need to be “restored.” DESCRIBE what this statement says about you: __ ______________________________________ _______________________________________ What direct actions can you take to get your mind in tune with that of Christ? ____________ ____________________________________ _____________________________________ How do you think having a Christ-like mind would affect your hospitality output? ________ ____________________________________ _____________________________________ Isn’t it interesting to note that God never leaves us dangling when it comes to being purpose-driven for Him? The last part of verse 2 solves the “why” . . . that we may prove (i.e. work out in lifestyle) what is that _____________________ and ______________ and ________________ will of God! READ verses 9-13 Paul begins this section on Christian lifestyle with the most interesting introduction: “Don’t be hypocritical in the way you love as a Christian.” [my translation] Think of the last three times you have “entertained” guests in your home, and ask yourself the following questions for each of those times: • WHY did I invite these people? • Did I have any ulterior motives in the combination of people in each group? • Can I think of three people in my church who would likely never be invited to anyone’s home? • Have I ever thought of seeking them out and bringing them into my home?

In verses 10-13, Paul delivers a pointed list of “to-dos” and “to-bes” for us as believers. Let’s look at each one and determine where we stand on a scale of 1-10 for each characteristic: (mark your # level on the scale). • Be kind and affectionate to each other with agape love: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I could improve this with ______ (name) by ________ ________________________________________ • Put others before yourself: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I find this really hard to do with ________________ (name), but will try to do so this week by _______ ____________________________________ • Don’t slacken off . . . stay diligent and excited about serving the Lord: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Sometimes I get so tired of “doing it all,” and wish someone else would step in the gap . . . This week I will read Psalm __________ and ask the Lord to renew my strength and enthusiasm. • Be joy-filled because of the hope that is within you: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 My job is tough, my relationships can be difficult, and sometimes I just get down and want to quit! This week, I will read the story of _______________ in the book of ______________ and will list all of the things in my life that give me joy. • Be patient and persevering when you go through troubled spots: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 My income is limited and sometimes I feel like there is no one to help me. I just need a break! This week I will read Jesus’ story about the woman with two small coins in ____________________, and I will thank God for His ongoing provision and perfect timing.

live • November - December 2019



• Be committed to a consistent prayer life: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 By night-time, I am just too tired to pray. This week, I will make a list with three prayer requests: one personal, the second about others in my life and the third about a situation or event. I will carry this list with me and pray when _________________ ______________________________________ • 1

Meet the needs of your brothers and sisters in Christ: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 How am I supposed to find out about those needs? Perhaps I can ____________________________ And then I can ___________________________ I may not be able to help financially, but I am really good at ________________________________

• Pursue hospitality: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 OH! Considering the above, perhaps I am learning to do just that! This week I will purposely look for a neighbour or church member who appears lonely. I will invite them to _______________________ I will set aside every ________ to invite someone over, or to do something kind for them. (I had better start making a list of people!) In verses 14-21, Paul heaps on the “actionable” attitudes that exude the hospitality of our loving Father. • Bless the people who have it in for you! Don’t “dis” them! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 But Lord, (name) has it in for me . . . constantly. How can I bless them? “Well, My child, here’s an idea: _______________ _____________________________________”

18 live • November - December 2019

• Be happy with the happy and share the sadness of those who are sad: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Maybe personal note cards would be a great way to do both. I can start right now by writing to __________ and __________ and ___________ • Don’t stick your nose in the air and think yourself better than others: BE HUMBLE! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Oh dear! Lord help me to see the good in others, and the gifts you have given them. • See the good in others and live in peace with all: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 But I have this neighbour who _______________ ______________________________________ Maybe I can show the neighbour kindness by ____ ______________________________________ In verses 20 and 21, Paul rounds out the entire commentary on sisterly love and Christian hospitality by challenging us all to meet the needs and then some, OF OUR ENEMIES. “O Lord God, who is my enemy? Is it the neighbour I don’t get along with? Is it the co-worker who constantly undermines and derides my faith? Is it the person in church that I just don’t understand? Is it the family member who thinks I never do anything right? Is my enemy one who acts in a negative manner towards me . . . or am I the one with the negative attitude? “By Your grace, help me feed that person . . . invite them into my home . . . share a meal with them . . . share The Bread of Life with them.” AMEN. 


Tuesday, December 3, 2019 Giving the Gift of Hosptality—Month by Month

Friendship House, Brantford Through supporters like you, Canadian Baptist Women of Ontario and Quebec supports amazing ministries that offer hospitality across Canada and overseas. Ministries such as Friendship House in Brantford, Oasis-Dufferin Community Centre in Toronto, Matthew Houses across Ontario and in Quebec. Ministries like rEcess, started by women like Deb Sutherland who attends Kingway Baptist Church and the cultural preservation workshops run by Ohsweken Baptist Church. International projects overseen by CBM. This #GIVINGTUESDAY, we will invite you to become a monthly (MAD) donor to CBWOQ and make a consistent difference in the lives of vulnerable women, children and youth at risk and in the area of relief and community development. Consider joining us on Tuesday December 3, 2019 and becoming a MAD donor. Your monthly gift of $10, $20—even $30 adds up to thousands of lives impacted. Read some of our impact stories at 

Some of the ways in which this ministry shared the gift of hospitality in 2018


sleeping bags for homeless


Christmas hampers


art classes for marginalized




food bags distributed


clothing - adults and kids


kids fed lunches at school


meals served

In Brantford, Ontario, Friendship House of Brant has offered hospitality for 21 years. Baptist Women supports Friendship House with yearly grants, thanks to our donors. (All data retrieved from Friendship House of Brant Annual Report for 2018)

live • November - December 2019




p I appreciated a time of reflection near the end of the conference where we were encouraged to review the day and meditate on what we’d heard; thinking about what had stood out and made an impact. We were encouraged to take the time to ensure that the valuable information that had been shared with us would not be lost in the busy days ahead. I drew this. Photos on p. 21: Female clergy throughout the day Photo credit: Josh DelRosario

BeLoved Women of God Reflections on Lydia’s Daughters Preacher Women by Rev. Tina Rae Tina is the Christian Education specialist at Westview Baptist Church, London, ON. She is also a wife, mother and artist. 20 live • November - December 2019

Rev. Tina Rae shares highlights from this September event for female clergy in the CBOQ. Baptist Women and CBOQ co-sponsored this event that was held at Chartwell Baptist Church in Brampton on September 17.


I was late walking into Lydia’s Daughters. Normally that would really bother me, but I felt I wouldn’t be judged for that. Sure, I had had a long distance to drive and traffic was bad, but making sure that my children went off to school well was also an issue, and thankfully one that I knew that my fellow pastors would understand. As women who pastor, we all have similar struggles and joys, and this conference was a safe place to share about issues that affect us—from mothers who are pastors raising children, to striving for acceptance as women in our roles, to the issues that affect every pastor, whether male or female. Thankfully, I wasn’t too late, but it was appropriate that I walked into a time of orientation. We heard from three of our own amazing women pastors who preached about some of the joys in ministry. We shared about our calling into ministry, celebrated about what it means to be called as preacher women and recognized the amazing strides we have seen with women ordained by God through our own Canadian history. Orientation was followed by disorientation, where we heard from another four of our pastors who spoke on some of the difficulties in ministry: being recognized with the title pastor; being discriminated against; working through seemingly casual comments that hurt—to name a few. It is important to recognize sorrows such as these, and many of us have experienced them. We concluded this segment of our time of lament with an opportunity to grieve over our own hurts and sorrows, write them down, and give them to God by nailing them to the cross. The afternoon moved us toward orientation and hope. We heard from Danielle Strickland, who encouraged and empowered us, not only as women, but as pastors, worthy of our calling. She encouraged us, that just as Gideon was told in Judges 6 to go in the strength that he had, we too need to know that we are enough; we need to get to a place where we have peace and “agree with God about who He says we are.” Just as Gideon made room for God to show up in his life, we too are called to make room for Him to show up; to be loved and to love others as He has called us to. I loved what Danielle had to share; however some of the most valuable parts of my day were the moments between the planned programs. I loved being able to connect one-on-one with my peers to share about my ministry context, to hear about theirs, to meet new colleagues, to hear stories of how God is working in their lives and in the churches that they serve, and to encourage them even as they encouraged me. We shared times of personal reflection and prayed with one another. We lifted each other up to God—to pray through our struggles and to be anointed in our ministries. I may have come late and disoriented, but I left feeling reoriented. I was encouraged, supported, refreshed and loved.  live • November - December 2019



Baptist Women’s Conference 2020

Friday April 24 (7-9 p.m.) – Saturday April 25 (8:45 a.m.-5 p.m.) Mississauga Chinese Baptist Church registration: $65 | CBWOQ lunch: $15

2020 Workshop Sneak Peek

Speaker: Dr. TaNikka Marie Sheppard is a mentor, minister and spiritual leader who helps churches, organizations and institutions positively engage and lead the next generations.

Worship Leader: Temeka Williams is a singer/songwriter and worship leader who communicates faith, strength, openness and optimism through her music. She brings her education in jazz music to all she sings, directs and creates as a worship leader. Find full conference details plus a mail-in registration form in the January/February 2020 issue of live magazine. • November - December 2019 • November - December 2019 2222livelive

Stepping into Prayer (PM only): unleashing a movement of prayer walking in your community. Bring your walking shoes! with Lauren Kennedy and Laura VanDerHerberg Soul Sisters 3—Becoming Missional . . . go deeper in spiritual formation with Diane McBeth, executive director of Baptist Women That Sounds Fun! Get creative and messy in this visual arts experience with tangible take-aways with Meghan Matthews Listening For God . . . practice different ways of hearing God’s voice with Kathy Gust from Barnabus Group Seeing and Illuminating the Word . . . experience the beauty of The Saint John’s Bible, a hand-written illuminated Bible with Brian Craig Finding God in Someone Else’s Story . . . how do we share the gospel effectively through listening? with Rev. Abby Davidson Ready, Set, Now Go! . . . how do we actually declare the goodness of God in who we are and how we live? with Rev. Andrea Chang KAIROS Blanket Exercise (PM only) . . . experience Indigenous rights history you’ve probably never been taught with KAIROS Canada Subversive Hospitality . . . hospitality isn’t only about fancy food—how does the table shape us and our neighbourhood? with Lis Lam CBM (AM Only): What is God Doing in Our World? . . . hear what CBM has been up to as the Global church grows with CBM staff CBM (PM only): Wealth of Nations . . . like games? Learn about wealth + poverty through an intergenerational game workshop with Louise Hannam, CBM youth rep Back by popular demand: 2020 Youth Track—Warrior Training! Teens between 12-18 can join Pastor Jess Hartwick for special sessions including Friday late-night eats and your own workshop session Saturday morning where you’ll learn about your identity as a Warrior Princess! Choose your own workshop for the afternoon with some new friends  The Prayer Network (AM only) . . . start an intercessory prayer group at your church and watch what happens with Renée James, CBWOQ staff


A History Moment “If you want to keep on learning, stretching and growing, you must keep on risking failure— making mistakes for the rest of your life! The early disciples in Acts never asked, ‘Is this course of action safe?’ They asked, ‘Is this what God wants me to do?’ Although you may feel there are real hazards in saying ‘yes’ to God, these are inconsequential when compared to the regrets that come from saying ‘no.’ O Lord, grant that we may not be like porridge—stiff, stodgy, and hard to stir—but like cornflakes-crisp, fresh, and ready to serve!’

We REMEMBER Each generation has the opportunity to fuel mission for the next. Did you know that if you include CBWOQ in your Will, your estate will subtract an equal amount in tax? In Memory of Penne Chadala, Kitchener Margaret Gear, Cobourg Doris Lee Sandra Watts, Tillsonburg

Heather Marks, vice-president of the Baptist Women’s Union of the South West Pacific, taken from her messages to Baptist Women at their 1986 Convention. Page 309 in Our Heritage Is Our Challenge by Esther Barnes

Bernice’s Picks . . . A deal for Christmas giving!

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live A Baptist resource for women on a mission November - December 2019 · $3.50


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with five tips on hosting (p3)

HOSPITALITY AS MISSION The Subversive Table (p3) The Other Side (p10) Food for Congo (p13) #givingtuesday (p18)

live • November - December 2019


Listening is a form of spiritual hospitality by which you invite strangers to become friends, to get to know their inner selves more fully, and even to dare to be silent with you. Henri Nouwen


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