Live54218 Partners' Report 2015

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From community idea to volunteer effort to staffed movement with a countywide presence, our journey has been filled with shared successes, lessons learned and an undying passion to build a healthier community. We have developed an innovative collaborative model for addressing population health and well-being. Together, we have worked diligently to improve the health of our residents and reverse the negative perception of our community’s vitality. The Green Bay Press-Gazette published an editorial called ‘Think Bold’ that resulted in the creation of the Kids Count taskforce to determine how our community could tackle the childhood obesity epidemic and raise the healthiest kids in America.


Live54218 was born as the backbone support organization for obesity prevention, expanding our scope from youth to all Brown County residents.

Two large national-level grants were leveraged - ACHIEVE and TransformWI - bringing positive attention to our local efforts and building capacity to implement evidence-based obesity and chronic disease prevention strategies over the next three years.




...serves as a bold catalyst for change around community well-being. ...focuses on relationships first and developing authentic collaboration. ...uses the evidence-base as a guide while fostering innovation. ...ensures all voices are heard and valued.


We know transforming a community takes time and the coordinated efforts of many. The last five years have helped us better identify what success for our community looks like and has shaped our role as a staff to support Greater Green Bay in achieving this vision. We will be sharing the next phase of Live54218 in our updated strategic plan and brand in the coming months. We look forward to continuing to work with you, the dedicated members of our community, as we continue our journey together in making the Greater Green Bay Area the healthiest community in the nation.

SUCCESS METRICS: ↑ resident well-being ↓ obesity rates ↑ fruit and vegetable consumption ↑ physical activity levels ↑ media attention earned to improve perception of community vitality ↑ funding leveraged to drive community well-being

ACCOMPLISHMENTS (What we did together in 2012-2015)

Increased access to healthy, affordable food


FUNCTIONS (What staff of Live54218 do in service of the vision)

Champion a Shared Vision

Supported the development of a local farmers’ coopera ve and a virtual pla orm to increase local food sales to ins tu ons like schools and hospitals

Increased local food on school lunch trays by 500%

Over 5000 students par cipa ng in classroom based Farm to School lessons monthly

Providing unified, local messaging and engaging community leaders to improve health and well-being throughout the Greater Green Bay Area.

Mobilize Funding

Aligning local resources and connecting community partners with funding sources to implement strategies that move the community towards improved well-being.

Connected students to their food through farm fieldtrips and 11 school gardens

Over $83,500 spent on local food by low-income residents through EBT infrastructure and Double Your Bucks

Increased access to safe places to be active

Facilitate Shared Measurement

Establishing a set of common measures to track progress as we implement evidence-based strategies that make healthy choices easier through policy, systems and environmental changes.

Support a Common Agenda

Engaged over 10,000 kids countywide in annual Walk and Bike to School Days to increase awareness around the need for safe routes to school

Provided resources and technical assistance to increase ac vity before, during and a er the school day

Leveraged funding and provided guidance to develop GB Parks Rx, a program where healthcare providers prescribe physical ac vity to youth in an effort to decrease obesity rates

Served on municipal bike and pedestrian commi ees throughout the county and established the Green Bay Ac ve Communi es Alliance

Engaged the community and established a large, diverse network of more than 60 organizations, school districts and businesses around a shared vision for improved community well-being


Facebook likes, one component of our strong media advocacy

250+ Hosted 35 interns & 280 Volunteers

Earned media hits

Established as a local hub for obesity prevention; including printable parent resources,evidence based strategy guides, and opportunities for engagement

Connecting citizens, schools, businesses, and community organizations to amplify the impact of existing well-being initiatives, decrease the duplication of efforts, and launch new strategies.

Advocated for trail connec vity and maintenance, improved bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure, and community design that supports a healthy lifestyle


is a movement committed to improving the well-being of the Greater Green Bay Area by building a more active and connected community. Well-being is a measure of a person’s overall physical, social and emotional health. Higher well-being leads to lower healthcare costs, higher productivity and increased economic vitality.

The LIVE54218 Team

Jen Van Den Elzen, MPH Executive Director

Natalie Bomstad, MPH Director of Operations

Meghan Meyers, BS Community Initiatives Lead

Katie Baneck, BA Community Engagement Specialist

Board of Directors John Dye, Chair Mary Ellen Gillespie, UW-Green Bay Aaron Popkey, Green Bay Packers Brian Danzinger, Greater Green Bay YMCA Gail McNutt, Girl Scouts of the Northwestern Great Lakes

Lori Lutey, Schneider Regan Gurung, UW-Green Bay Carla Buboltz, Wrightstown Community School District Amber Paluch, Greater Green Bay Community Foundation

We are currently exploring the viability of transforming the Greater Green Bay Area into a Blue Zone. We began this process with a Key Stakeholder Gathering at Lambeau Field on November 3rd. Live54218 has convened a 12-person feasibility task force of business and community leaders to explore scope, cost and the operational details of pursuing a Blue Zones Project for our community. Blue Zones Project is a well-being improvement initiative designed to help make healthier choices easier by encouraging changes in the community that lead to healthier options. For more information on Blue Zones, visit:

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