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Helping young people and families cope with mental health issues, a local charity has just launched an art calendar in order to raise awareness and much-needed funds to support the valuable work it does
Arespected Clitheroe-based charity, which has for many years been supporting the mental health and wellbeing of families across the Ribble Valley, has published a delightful calendar following a Draw Clitheroe initiative earlier this year.
Draw Clitheroe saw artists throughout the town centre creating their own pieces of individual artwork. Fast forward and the Foundation for Ribble Valley Families (FRVF) have used 13 of the entries in a 2023 calendar.
Following the Draw Clitheroe event, the foundation’s Business Development Manager, Dilys Day, saw the opportunity to make more of the artwork: “It seemed like an ideal opportunity to take something that had been such a mindful, family-friendly initiative and turn it into a fund-raiser.”
The Draw Clitheroe event, which is to be repeated in 2023, was the idea of Katherine Rogers of the Platform Gallery and Charlotte Eccles who has lifestyle and gift store Raffia in Clitheroe and who is also a member of the Chamber of Commerce. They were both approached by the foundation with a request to make the calendar.

Helen Durrant, from the FRVF, adds: “They both thought it was a superb idea and a great way to acknowledge the popularity of the event.”
The foundation then chose 12 images for each month and one for the cover and approached The Jenny Press in Clitheroe asking them to print the calendar: “They were an obvious choice as we wanted to keep it local as the foundation has a base in Clitheroe, and many of the families we support are from the town.”
With all proceeds going to FRVF, the A3 calendars are now available through Raffia, Tesco, Keenans and The Shop of Hope in Clitheroe as well as Village News in Sabden.

The foundation was founded by Fiona Maudsley with support from Stephen Blackburn, who are both experts in their field. Fiona has worked with children and their families for 30 years and has lived in the Ribble Valley all her life. She is passionate about ensuring that the needs of local families are not overlooked, as a result of the perception of affluence, in relation to mental health.

Stephen, who is trained to work in the therapeutic field of coaching is a life coach and works with the charity in order to offer an ‘early intervention’ service to help those with mental health issues.
“The key to success is early intervention as you can often give anyone suffering from low mood or anxiety the tools to stop those feelings from escalating. People can self-refer into the service via the website or though their GP and we also have a GP on the board of trustees,” adds Helen.

FRVF aims to take pressure off GPs in the area by acting early when people approach them for help: “There has definitely been an upturn in the number of referrals particularly in young people,” explains Helen.
“During the pandemic support was limited to being online. The foundation helps young people aged from 10 to 18, who have been particularly disrupted over that time and that has resulted in more anxiety issues.

“Older family members also seem to have suffered in that some of them are suffering with low mood as they can’t seem to get their social lives back on track.
“Offering early counselling sessions is key as that can potentially stop negative feelings in their tracks.”
Funded by grants, the National Lottery and charitable donations from numerous local businesses, FRVF offers innovative interventions to promote positive mental health and wellbeing. With the philosophy that prevention is better than cure, support is offered right across the Ribble Valley.

They are able to see people very soon after they are referred for support and they aim to make contact with families within 48 hours of referral.
If you would like to learn more about their work or need help, go to: frvf.co.uk

The FRVF calendar is available from Raffia, Tesco, Keenans and The Shop of Hope in Clitheroe and Village News in Sabden. It is priced at £7.50 with all proceeds going to the foundation
Alternatively to request one, email: helenfrvf@gmail.com