Inspirational Poetry, By
5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43.
46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68.
INTRODUCTION. About The Author. Alexandrina was born in Glasgow, Scotland being of Sco sh/Jewish origin. At the age of four and a half she immigrated to New Zealand with her adop ve parents to live in Tauranga, training as a hairdresser from the age of fi een un l mee ng her partner to be Mark at Ridgeway’s Circus in 1984, where he was the trapeze ar st, animal handler and clown. Upon Mark leaving the circus the couples own menagerie began. “For the last 15 years I have been intermi ently wri ng poetry, during that period Mark and I purchased 20 acres of land in Greerton, Tauranga. This land in the beginning was covered in gorse and blackberry, but with the help of our children and volunteers we are con nuing to establish Living Art Wildlife Park, Natures Place. This venture has taken an enormous amount of me, commitment and focus, a labour of love, it has been a very interes ng journey, with many overwhelming difficul es and struggles along the way, but I feel living with and caring, for Animals and Nature, gives a unique awareness of what life really means. I feel that this is our purpose, one that is so worthwhile when you look around and see how wonderful the beauty of Nature truly is, something to be shared with all.” “Some of my poetry has been wri en for family and friends, whereas others have just evolved, each having their individual story to tell, many iden fying a problem, then working through the issue, to arrive at a possible conclusion. I have approximately 180 poems in my collec on which are separated into three books, as the poems are quite diverse in content and would appeal to different types of people, some poems are included in each book as they are of a more neutral theme. Please know these poems are not in any way meant to cause hurt or offence, They are simply, A Gi of Words”. Alexandrina. {My non-de-plume being given by my birth mother whom I was re-united with in 1994} BOOK 1. THE NATURE OF LIFE. Encompass life situa ons and the wonders that Nature has to offer. BOOK 2. PHILOSOPHIES OF LIFE. Covers a wide range of topics including Atlan s, Egyp ans, Horizons Beyond and Theories on life. 4
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. I would like to thank these special people, for making these books possible. My husband Mark for the incredible journey that you are taking me on, for showing me how to believe in myself, and all that can be achieved with faith and love. My three children Alana, Tarrant and Caleb, for your inspira on and pa ence, whilst I was writing “Again!!!”. Don Munroe a wonderful true friend, for being there to help in so many ways, so many mes. Yvonne, Doug, Shirley, Sid, Jillian and Paul without all of you, we would not have been able to con nue our dream, thank you so much.
Ruth Mansford for saying to me about twelve years ago when I showed her all my poems on various bits of paper, that I should write them all into a book, so they would not be lost.
Dave Mansford for your time and for giving me this opportunity, to see my words take flight.
A BOOK OF LIFE. Now I have a book to write, A revised edi on, A Book of Life, To relate to others, In this genera on, Awakening, awareness, To the wonder of Crea on, To know this Planet, Is not lost, To prepare ourselves, Whatever the cost, For what we know, Is what we give, The messages are wri en, In triplicate, Once for the Scep c, To open their eyes, Twice for the Non Believer, Who may be surprised, Thrice for everyone, So there is no doubt, To trust for yourself, What Life is about, So delve within, To find the meaning, To know for yourself, The Gi of believing, The words translate, In overview To reveal to yourself, The Ul mate You, Of beauty within, Throughout all me, 6
WORLD OF POSSIBILITIES. The world is a place full of possibili es but do we choose not to no ce? Has it become too much of an effort to realize our poten al? What has brought about this state of apathy? Have we lost the ability to care for our planet and ourselves? The Earth is crying out, being deprived of all it needs to survive. We reap the benefits it has to give but how much do we give back? The consequences of our ac ons are becoming more apparent. We pollute the atmosphere and the oceans with our waste, smothering the filtra on system Nature provides. Time is running out. What example are we se ng for our children; they are the ones who will inherit what we have begun. Will there be anything le if we do not end this destruc on? Nature is figh ng back with earthquakes, bizarre weather pa erns, when will we own up to the responsibility that we are the cause of our planets demise? Power - what a diverse word. We all have this within ourselves but it is the direc on in which it is channelled is that which we have to be aware of. Knowledge does not necessarily mean wisdom for it within the understanding of discernment that leads to an inner knowing of who we are and what our purpose in life really is. We are placed upon this planet as Guardians, the caretakers of the Earth, the creatures and all here that dwell. It is not ours to own - we are merely the tenants. Why do we have to claim it all for ourselves? that was never the inten on. To look a er means to nurture, not overcome with our own sense of importance. The me we spend on Earth is limited-we cannot take with us the materiality we acquire. Hoarding leads to stagna on-it does not sa sfy the inner need of the soul. For it is Love that we are really searching for, something that cannot be bought or sold, but the joy that it brings holds no boundaries. We all need to be loved and to love ourselves as each individual is special in their own uniqueness. Everyone has a part to play in the journey of existence but why do we take it upon ourselves to judge others, looking for fault, not apprecia ng that we all have something to give in this interplay of life? Nobody is perfect; each one makes what we call mistakes, but are they? Or is it a way of learning and developing who we are. It does not ma er the colour of our skin or statuswe are all one people and it is in this unity that we can succeed, to work together to bring about a change, to stand up for the planet and ourselves, making a conscious effort to save all that is worth saving. For if we do not our existence will cease to be. Is this what we want to eventuate? The answers lie within, in the thoughts we project, in our ac ons every day. We all have the ability to give and when we do the richness that it brings will provide an inner peace-that of fulfilment of the soul. It is me to break down the barriers of conformity and open our minds and hearts, knowing that we can rebuild and re-creae an environment for perpetuity, As it is up to us to make the challenge our own, Guided by Love and Faith for the key to survival is Belief. 7
LIFE IN EXAMPLE. Once long ago, in a place called Bethlehem, A beautiful child, was born to live in, A world that needed, to see the faith, That the child of God put in place, To develop the skills, needed to live, He came with a destiny, of how to give, To all mankind, His love and His strength, That followed this man, wherever He went, As He travelled and walked, throughout this land, Others were drawn, to this wonderful man, For He was an example, of everything pure, To let us know, that we could be sure, That His teachings were, to show us the way, The wonder of God, He had come to portray, The way of the Truth, the Love and the Light, That resides in everyone, when we live our life right, So remember the birth, of this special child, For He was gentle, pure and mild, In the end, He gave of His life, The sins of man, to sacrifice, But He looks on, and watches and prays, That the Love in our hearts, forever stays, To know we have a friend, who is waiting for us, At the end of our journey, just believe and trust, The Holy Spirit, the Father, and the Son, Life in example, for everyone, 8
TRUE FAITH. Within the misconception of ideology do not many Christians themselves worship an idol of their own instigation. For God is a God of Love not discrimination, accepting those that believe in Him of their own free will, not forced into the conformity that so many place on their interpretation of Faith. Many believing that their ways are the only path to Salvation, But who are we to judge? As there is but One true judge of the heart. Humankind has become subjected to the belief, that if they portray the appearance of worthiness they will be saved, but surely it is the essence of the soul that contains our true self. That asks for the forgiveness of our transgressions, accepting that it is within this learning process, that we can rise to make the choice of discernment. Knowing that the Father is waiting for this decision to be made in all mankind. That we all were created as equals, all children of the Universal Love, that is a part of each and everyone. The Lord is the Messenger of the Truth, Who walked the Earth To Restore the Actuality Of Faith Personified. A physical being who gave His life for the preservation of humanity. To lead us towards the Kingdom that awaits the believers. Free and expansive is His Love, it knows no boundaries, restrictions or denominations, encompassing the hearts of all humankind. Waiting for the moment when we ask the Lord to enter our life, So that we can share with others, the assurity of His Love. That we are all capable of attaining fulfilment if we individually in our own unique way, seek to find the answers for ourselves. Then we will know completely and with no doubt, That the Lord is our Saviour and we will be re-united , with Him and the Father, 9
For when we believe, our sins are forgiven, Our life’s can complete The journey towards Heaven.
e for everyone, So there is no doubt,
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. I would like to thank these special people, for making these books possible. My husband Mark for the incredible journey that you are taking me on, for showing me how to believe in myself, and all that can be achieved with faith and love.
Our three children Alana, Tarrant and Caleb, your onday, and every pa ence, Thank youfor Lord forinspira each new breath I take,
I was writing “Again!!!”. Thank youwhilst for the sacrifice, You gave for my sake, Your presence exists in everything; if not for You life would not be, I pray for your forgiveness, from the very soul of me, Don Munroe a wonderful true friend, I know I am not worthy, so often I do fall, for being there to help in so many ways, Into the folds of humanness, not listening to the call, so many mes. Of the One who is there always, Lord I pray for Your strength, To reach beyond life’s darkest hours, each experience, Yvonne, Doug, Shirley, Sid, Jillian andthrough Paul without all of you, times fear,able anxiety, when doubts turn tothank despair, we wouldIn not haveofbeen to con nue our dream, you so much. You share my burdens, my troubles, my woes, because You truly care, RuthShowing Mansford saying to me about twelve years ago mefor that resentment, slowly manifests, when I showed her all my poems on various bits of paper, Multiplying in intensity, the feeling of emptiness, I should them allifinto a book, Youthat know all my write weaknesses, I lose my faith, so they would not be Your guiding touch it never leaves, in lost. You, I know I’m safe My thoughts they are so complex, continually do twist and turn, Davewait Mansford your time Patiently You for me,for allowing me to learn, and for me to this That simplicity ingiving essence, myopportunity, own self being true, to all seethat my Iwords takeisflight. Appreciating am, that a gift from You, That my life it has a purpose, please help me to find humility, To always pass no judgement, for I cannot see what others see, 10
VALUES OF OLD. There are a lot of words to say, About the Truth, the Love and the Way, But when God’s people, make the decision, It does not ma er, what the religion, For in all, there is a certain element, To lead to your own, personal development, For as you listen, to the Word, A message for each, individual can be heard, If we accept, the Love of Christ, Within our hearts, what good advice, For the Bible teaches, what we need, As a focal point, for to believe, In the commandments, as an example, Of how to live, for there is ample, Love to give to everyone, through and through, For the Lord Jesus Christ, showed us what to do, As His teachings will live, throughout eternity, For the message of Truth is always a certainty, As the values of old, s ll need to be followed, Leading to the awakening, 0f a new tomorrow.
TREE OF LIFE. The Book of Genesis, was a pa ern, Of how life was meant to be, Somehow it all came undone, We will find out in Eternity,
In the beginning Adam and Eve, The sins of man they began to conceive, From the Tree of Conscience they had eaten, From the Tree of Knowledge they were beaten,
To know too much is not enough, To use that wisdom must come with Trust, Heaven and Hell come of our own making, It all began in that one undertaking,
They ate of the fruit and started a trend, Of knowing too much, Not understanding how to defend, Good and evil resides in everyone, The choice to release it comes with Son.
, Of how life out in Eternity, n the beginning Adam and Eve, The sins of man they began to conceive, From tee of Conscience they had eaten, From the Tree they were beaten,
BELIEF. The reason for life is knowing, the purpose to believe, That just what mankind is searching for, is not all that he sees, For that which is on the outside, does not always reveal, The essence contained within, the ability to feel, Love and understanding, acknowledging others pain, Unveiling the wealth of emptiness, that comes with selfish gain, For when we are distracted, minds shrouded in fear, Our hearts call out for guidance, but many choose not to hear, As our pathways are all different, in what we need to know, Life is to be cherished, as it is our chance to spiritually grow, As suffering and hardship, are the tests of faith, Lessons to be grateful for, that never are a waste, As overcoming challenges, builds character and strength, The gift of looking inwards, accepting what is meant, By acknowledging the peace, the wonder and joy, That comes with the appreciation, to build not to destroy, The trust that is imparted, to care for and protect, The world and its inhabitants, with love and with respect, For the more that can unite, in conscious thought and deed, To re-create the harmony, the balance that we need, To move forward in direction, our hearts focused as one, With love and inner beauty, a light that will become, A Universal knowing, that encompasses all that is, A Creator who accepts us all, If we believe He does exist.
is an emotion, that needs to be released, To find the reassurance, within the i
To know too much is not enough, 13
THE MESSAGE IS CLEAR. Why do so many complicate, the essence of the Word, When the Truth exists within us all, wai ng to be heard, The personal connec on, with the Father up above, Simplicity being the basis, the epitome of Love, To love ourselves and our fellow man, can only be achieved, If in the Ten Commandments, your heart does believe, Values to live our life by, lessons that we learn, Knowing that in mes of despera on, There is someone, to whom we can turn, Jesus Christ our Savoir, whose life it was to show, That acceptance and forgiveness, Is our true path to know, To treat others with compassion, being there to lend a hand, Re-establishing the connec on, the Brotherhood of man, The falseness of delusion seeks, to lead us all astray, Faith it is our inner strength, the opening of the Way, To find purity of heart, body, soul and mind, A gi that was given long ago, to all of humankind, So many they are searching, for answers to explain, Ques ons so o en sought, when fear it does remain, Wan ng to belong, striving to fit in, Exclusively selec ve, that of religion, Amongst the flock, judgement is called, who can measure up, Within the pressure to conform, will we not self destruct? For we are all individual, in the way that we perceive, The outer shell does not reveal, what the eye it cannot see, Beauty within it is revealed, in the ac ons we portray, Are we not known by our works, each moment and every day? The seeds of life we tend, the harvest being grown, Have we become inept, in making decisions of our own? To break the chains, which bind by illusion, where sa sfac on is surreal, Lost in the depths of shallowness, the inability to feel The pres ge of importance, in what way do we succeed, As superficial glory, does not fulfil the inner need, Our wants seem insignificant, those of materiality, For God He gave His only Son, who died to set us free, To choose the path of righteousness, for the sacrifice He gave, Was one for all mankind, to be spiritually saved, Interpreta on can lead to confusion, of that which is so very clear, That Forgiveness, Love and Faith, are the messages for to hear. 14
Love Inspires Faith Everlas ng Towards Heaven Eternally Christ Redeems Once Salva ons Sought.
TRUE IDENTITY. In the beginning, from the Creator, There became, The Word. The intrinsic vibra on, of life’s breath occurred, That echoes within, each one of us, When in tune with the core, the basis of trust, For we were created, in the image of truth, By freedom of choice, to accept or refuse, The rhythm of harmony, or that of dismay, By our thoughts and ac ons, we do portray, Who we are, or have come to be, To play our part in humanity, We quest for answers, which wait within, The integral part, of our origin, Molecular structure, the key to the chain, The missing link, to be regained, Transmi ng the energy, the frequency absolute, Connec ng the obvious, that which we cannot refute, Miracles created, pre-des ned, or perchance? Ques ons invoca ve, allowing man to advance, Technology exceeds limita ons, diminishing personal touch, In the robo c state of anonymity, compassion self destructs, The realms of materiality, en ce with glistening snare, Bewitching with illusion, lack of substance, loss of care, Two sides to every story, therein the will of tes mony, To walk the path of righteousness, is our des ny, Expelling the burden of guilt, jealously, lust and greed, Emo ons of subterfuge, that constantly deceive, As beauty that is real, reflects the radiance of pure light, Of a heart that is blessed, when life it is lived right, Tread warily with inten on, as consequence does evolve, To challenge your strength, to test your faith, the trueness of resolve, To treat all fellow travellers, as you would like to be yourself, Grace in the experience of giving, provides an inner wealth, Of empathy, respect, unselfish integrity, As Love it is the beacon, that shines eternally, To assuage our transgressions, when forgiveness we do ask, To feel the touch of reassurance, peace being found at last, The interphasing reality, that resides within each one, Where thoughts and dreams intermingle, with free choice to become, The image we project, the totality of heart, soul and mind, Is the essence of our true iden ty, That only we ourselves can find.
FEAR, IS THE WEAPON, Of Deceit, Darkness 17
LIFE’S JOURNEY. What is it we are looking for, When we reach the age to seek? The why’s and the wherefores, Seem just out of reach, Do we have a purpose? Do we have a goal? How can there be completeness, When there is emp ness of the soul, Func oning, exis ng, struggling to survive, Dri ing in abandonment, feeling unsa sfied, Constant pressure, no direc on, the mind becoming lost, In a turbulent frenzy, that ul mately bears a cost, Of vision being fragmented, with sha ered illusions, defeat, Twis ng like a knife, if we con nue to keep, Inflic ng our inadequacies, upon our present point of view, Limi ng possibili es, that may be right in front of you,
Be careful what you ask for, be true to yourself, As unpleasant thoughts, nega ve words, can affect your health, Crea ng a distorted vibra on, one of disharmony, Caught in the net of the doub ng self, desperate to be free, But we all live with restric ons, that is how life is, It is the strength that lies within, that conquers the abyss, To reach beyond the boundaries, prepared to take a fall, For it is the journey, that ma ers most of all,
Success it comes in many cloaks, which one do we choose, Therein exists the vulnerability, of all it is we have to prove, To ourselves, not others, it is always a personal choice, In the s llness, in the silence, we hear our spiritual voice, To derive from that oneness, the essence of all that is pure, Is the light within the darkness, Of this you can be sure.
THE CROSS OF LIFE. Upon the Cross My Saviour, Oh what you Gave to me, Forgiveness Of my sins, You died to Set me free, To all mankind your life it was a sacrifice of love, The credit it was directed to the Father up above, For He knew that within your faith, you were Prepared to pay, To save the hearts Of all those lost, To be redeemed Upon that day, To know you are Wai ng pa ently, For that chosen me When we will be Reunited in the Kingdom of the One Divine.
FAITH, IS THE ARMOR, Of Truth, Light ared together, the happiness we did find,
ORIGIN. The realms of mystery, Reside within, The spark, The fire, The origin,
From whence? Beyond, The veil of me, The essence, The flame, Of the One Divine.
BASIS OF RELIGION. The teachings in the Bible, are a way to guide, But the interpreta on, is up to you for to decide, As everyone can obtain, a message for themselves, As long as the faith to believe, is inspired by Love as well, For right throughout the ages, the basis it is Love, The truth within being given, from the One above, Who sends down His angels, to help and to protect, The flock that He does cherish, some choose to reject, But there is room for one and all, in God’s congrega on, His love it does encompass, each and every na on, The answers of eternity, in the Bible shown, Are for mankind to realise, when our hearts have known, The wonder of forgiveness, that to us the Lord does give, For wri en in the Ten Commandments are the ways for us to live, Caring for ourselves and our fellow man, This is the knowledge that has been foretold, for us to understand, That His word is sacred, the essence that was given, Contained within the Holy Truths, the basis of religion, So follow with compassion, and give to Him the praise, For His life He gave, for mankind to be saved.
FORGIVENESS. The light within your heart, Comes from above, Step back and look to see that Love,
Move aside your troubles and woe, Look beyond, And see the true way to go. Freedom moves in mysterious ways, Freedom comes to those who pray.
Forgiveness is meant for everyone, From the hand of the Father, Through His Son.
His life it was for us to see, That to repent your sins, Is to be, set free. 24
BROTHERHOOD OF MAN. Clouds of insignificance, dispelling the given light, Shrouding mankind’s consciousness, lost beyond our sight, Subtle interven on, to control the way we think, Leading to confusion, heading towards the brink, Of realising that our ac ons, project an image and a form, A lack of good inten on, creates an overriding storm, In amongst the clu er, and the subterfuge, We take our lives for granted, and constantly abuse, Stretching to the limit, values that have become inept, Mankind has lost touch, Of trea ng others with respect, Focused on tunnel vision, no one ge ng in the way, But what is the advantage, just who has to pay, Dri ing with abandonment, not wan ng to take a stand, What has caused this imbalance? In the Brotherhood of Man, The rich they do get richer, if their figures do equate, But there is much more to life, some realise this much too late, For material possessions are empty, in just what they hold, As love and inner happiness, cannot be bought or sold, Many financially struggle, but there is an inbuilt strength, Of figh ng for survival, facing each event, Drawing on resources, the weak becoming strong, The peace of mind in knowing, The difference between right and wrong, Available to one and all, never being denied, A chance to make a difference, in this world in which we live, Apprecia ng the essence and importance, of what it is to give, To those that are less fortunate, who find it difficult to cope, Is it such a price to pay, to give each other hope? To overcome mans injus ce, that threatens every day, It’s me to work together, to clear life’s clouds away.
CHRIST’S LOVE. Beyond the realms that me began, Upon the Earth there came a Man, Whose dream and vision was to be, To lead us to eternity, His life was simple ll the end, He was betrayed, By those He called friend,
He knew of the sins and the troubles of man, He came to lead them to the Promised Land, They would not listen to all He would say, He gave them His Love, And showed them, The Way.
NATURES VALUE. The crystal clear ocean, the high rolling sea, The balance of life flows through eternity, We are but a grain of sand, The value of Nature, s ll to understand,
The basis of existence, formed out of love, We have yet to learn, to respect it enough, To appreciate all life, as it does flow, Through passages of me, we just do not know,
As we destruct and alter the Balance, Tipping the scales, with corrup on and malice, No good can come, to this world of ours, This is not the way to use, our Earthly powers,
So look around and really see, The wonder in Nature especially, As it is part of our ecosystem, If it is disrupted, what chance have we to live in. A world of darkness would again reign, If we ex nguish the light, With suffering and pain, Forge ng how to co-exist, Another lesson, not to be missed, As everything depends, On one another to advance, By working together, Giving life a full chance.
To understand the sense of giving, the joy that others feel,
REMEMBRANCE. A loss it is immeasurable, the pain we feel inside, Memories they do linger, and cannot be denied, Of that special person, we loved with all our heart, But the moment came; now we are apart, Grief is an emo on, that needs to be released, To find the reassurance, within the inner peace, Of knowing that our partner, is res ng comfortably, With no more restric ons, finally being free, Their suffering now over, brought unto an end, But we will never forget, our very treasured friend, As within our thoughts, an image comes to mind, Of the mes we shared together, the happiness we did find, A smile begins to flicker, so ly upon our face, Remembering the warmth, of a loving embrace, In the hours of darkness, when life’s purpose is no more, Their closeness it is felt, and cannot be ignored, Helping us to cope, when loneliness overcomes, When we shut ourselves away, not facing anyone, Un l we realise there is no advantage, Constantly being in solitude, That life will pass us by, And just what have we proved, For each day is a new beginning, There is no insult to move on, As a loved one stays within your soul, Never being truly gone
GRANDMA’S LOVE. A Grandma is a person, somewhat difficult to describe, With so many unique qualities, a twinkle in her eyes, A face that’s etched with character, of complicated lines, Each one individually earnt, by the passages of time, Someone who has patience, the wisdom of her years, Who knows when you are hurting, who understands your fears, Telling stories of adventures, visions of the past, Time stood still within those moments, always will they last, Of walks along the beach, picnics at the park, Your home being invaded, with all my works of art, Watching scary movies, I would sit upon your knee, The world it seemed to slip away, for my Grandma and me, I see you sit and ponder, when you think no-one does watch, The expression of lingering memories, As your mind turns back the clock, Reliving how very different, it was when you were young, The challenges you experienced, when you became a Mum, Technology is so convenient, having just to flick a switch, But somehow it has become so bewildering, simply to exist, The pace we live, the constant stress, So many trapped within the spell, Forgetting life’s simplicities, something you know so well, With a passionate strength you taught me, to strive for my dreams, Together we would contemplate, all my plans and schemes, Your advice sincere and honest, someone to always trust, Your opinion really matters, your values they are just, A smile that melts away the woes, of my insecurity, I thank you for you faith, for always believing in me, Even through times of adversity, you remained the rock, Showing me the love of family, whenever I forgot, With a presence all of your own, that of the matriarch, Please know Grandma, you have a special place, Forever within my heart. 29
Fulfilling an inner part of me, to know just what is real, You know my guilt; You accept my pain, my vulnerabilities, Allowing my choices to be mine alone, my will You gave to me, My belief is individual, as each does have their own, For within the diversity of humankind, each has their way home, The wonder of Nature, to love and be loved, the beauty of a smile, To feel at One, to be at Peace, to Know life is worthwhile, I thank you Lord, for these words, the message to convey, You are my Light, You are my Truth, In You I’ve found my Way.
ASSURANCE OF FAITH. Words are insignificant, in what we cannot say, The essence of experience, the trueness of the Way, To lead towards existence, beyond all space and time, When we are re-united, our spirit intertwined, With the One who holds the Key, to unlock the Gate of Life, The One who gave His only Son, to become a sacrifice, So that we could see the right way, to live this life we lead, Not giving in to the selfishness, the abandonment of greed, By treating our fellow man as brothers, with Love and Humility, Realising the compassion, the Lord gave to humanity, A life of understanding, a healing touch for the sick and lame, With strength of mind and body, igniting the inner flame, That is a part of all mankind, a gift within the soul, For when we can accept, we become initiated into the fold, Of Heavenly assurance, being guided by the light, That exists without restrictions, within our inner sight, Feeling the warmth of Love, of Peace and Harmony, Of knowing we have a Saviour, who wants us to be free, Of all that only benefits, the baseness of the self, To realise the importance, the greatness of spiritual wealth, For this gives the discernment, the awareness of all that’s true, As the Lord above forever waits, but the choice is up to you, To release the sins of humanness, those that chain you down, And accept that within the Holy Spirit, Life’s answers can be found.
Who is forever watching, there to lend a hand, For the truth to be learned, and for us to understand, The basis of our journey, written in the Book, But it is always up to each individual, To make the time, to take a look.
CHILDREN OF THE FUTURE. Teach the children of the future, the beauty all around, The joy of Mother Nature, waiting to be found, Starting with the basics, the Earth the Moon, the Sun, To appreciate life’s value, as the journey has begun, 32
ACCEPTANCE AND BELIEF. Some read the Bible, but that does not mean, That they can accept, those things that are unseen, Faith is the Key, to unlock the door, To the essence and wonder, that is, Gods Law, Interpretation, the power to decide, The message for you, will not be denied, As everyone is different, in the life they have led, Diverse understanding, of the pages being read, But there is a Lord, in Heaven above, Who will help us comprehend, the reality of Love, The truth in the words, from the Ultimate One, The Sacrifice of Jesus, God’s only Son, Guidance and knowledge, can be ascertained, Within the scripture, to be regained, Living a life, that is Spiritually true, Abiding by the commandments, is what we must do, Sharing the stories, for to tell, That Spirituality, in us all does dwell, When we can turn, unto the Lord, Our sins released, no one being ignored, For He is waiting, to see the light shine, In your heart when you have accepted, The One Divine.
That breeds contempt, Fear is an emo on, That will not let you repent,
Repentance is Forgiveness, Accept and Know, That to Trust in the Lord, Is to spiritually grow.
THE BOOK OF TRUTH. The Book within the rock, set on mountain high, Revealing the secrets, from a time beyond the sky, The pages all encrypted, with the ancient signs, Are awaiting the arrival, of a way to find, An expression of the way, life is meant to read, Containing all the knowledge, we are meant to heed,
In days gone by, in time since forgotten, The signs and the symbols, all were begotten, To perceive the teachings, being expressed, To know in your heart, there is something left, For throughout the ages, there is a wrong and a right, Just believe with your soul, and look to the light, For the light that exists, as an expression of Love, Always returns, from the One up above, 34
VALUE OF LIFE. So many people, Have lost touch with reality, Forge ng how to look, With the eye that cannot see, Caught up in the rat race, Driven to succeed, Just what is the difference? In what we want or what we need? Where is the focus? How o en do we smile? Are there magic moments? To make our life worthwhile, Simplicity in essence, Love being the key, The choice it is our own, In whom we allow ourselves to be, Do we have a purpose? Do we even care? Exis ng but not listening, With a heart that is unaware, Each day is a blessing, Just to be alive, If you give unselfishly, You will not be denied, Ac ons of integrity, Compassion and empathy, Life’s truths revealed, The essence, of purity, Thought provoking insight, The validity of truth, Brought forth from the darkness, Superficiality being removed, The uniqueness of vulnerability, As each is touched with pain, The tears within our being, Only we can release, or retain, 35
To give in to tempta on, Or accept our spiritual voice, One that echoes within us all, The basis, the inner core, That resonates, with the decision, Once made, cannot be, ignored, As the Lord Above He listens, For always He does care, When we look beyond the obvious, And find His Love is everywhere.
INNER TRUTH. In a world of ques ng believers, So many they do seek, To fill the void of emp ness, Of feeling incomplete, The nets of entrapment reach, To subtly ensnare, Conformity within guises, To those who are unaware, The ministry of interpreta on, Alters in point of view, The inten on of the messages, To become confused, Within manipula on, The ego supersedes, Shrouding the truth in obscurity, Fulfilling the personal need, 36
PERSERVERENCE Is the answer,
FAITH, Is the Key,
ALLOWING, Your hopes, And dreams,
The man of the past will return to the future, When the world can accept, His gifts to nurture, So remember the lessons, and walk hand in hand, As the essence of His being, Exists within every man.
BATTLE OF AGES. In the beginning, As in the end, An Angel from God, On this Earth will transcend,
The forces of Evil, Will push Him aside, For one last chance, In our hearts to reside,
The Ba le of Ages, Is at last coming near, But have Faith in your Heart, And have no fear,
Fear is an emo on, 38
NEW BEGINNINGS. Way upon a mountain top, a pinnacle of beauty, A man a long long time ago, performed his lifetime duty, To assist mankind’s development, with the values of how to live, Transcribed from the One above, was the advice to give, For in the Ten Commandments, the words that he had written, Handed down through generations, the basis of religion, As the essence in the teachings, is a living code, For humankind would be truly blessed, if we could walk the road, That of Truth and Compassion, for our fellow man, As we have forgotten how to live, how this world began, For everything has a beginning, everything has a start, But we need to look at the basis, that lies within our heart, To expand the love within, and share with one and all, Remembrance of the teachings, the awakening of the call, That of the Creator, preparing us to see, When we are in touch, with all humanity, For when we reach the Kingdom, that forever waits, We will finally realise, all of our Earthly mistakes, So why not take the time, now to take a look, And make a new beginning, From the essence of, THE BOOK. 39
Many dwell on the finality when we pass from this Earth, their morbid fear overriding the zest for life, but when something has ended it allows the opportunity for something to begin if we let it be so, for to believe is to expand our consciousness Into the dimension where faith is revealed, where the Source of Light, awaits our arrival, to guide us home. Where our soul is re-united once again with our Creator who assists our passage to the existence of knowing our continuance, into another phase of growth and awareness that leads to enlightenment. Each individual necessitates their own purpose, for to achieve, is to understand the steps to take, elevating our direction beyond our limitations. To project an image, for life itself is like a maze, an abundance of choices that determine our pathway to use our free will, but it must be tempered with the ability to discern. Temptation is forever in our path; life teaches us the consequences of giving in to this demise. For when we can resist, this signifies our inner strength. to rise above that which is alluring knowing that satisfaction within, is more important than to possess and is essential for our advancement. Guilt is something that should not be allowed to fester, as the ramifications spread and become distorted. For if our lives become ruled with the inability to forgive ourselves, it wll result in our own destruction, allowing the manifestation of dis-ease. Stress a reality of our environment, we strive to succeed, but overlook that, which can be lost in obtaining the goal of prosperity, until the time when we realise that those years have passed, and cannot in this lifetime be replaced. Each day that passes has a significance all of its own, To be appreciated and valued for all that it is worth. if we can learn to be benevolent to ourselves and others, happiness is created for all concerned, but if we close our hearts and shut out the ability, to feel empathy and compassion, won’t this surely extinguish the Light of Love? that which is at the very centre of our existence The essence that is, To Be Alive.
EVERLASTING LOVE. To believe, is to accept, The Lord Jesus Christ, The Savoir who gave, The Ul mate sacrifice, That of Himself, To redeem the sins of man, Being the Light of Salva on, So we can understand, That life in simplicity, Truth, the Essence of, Is the purity created, By the Hand of God, The form of actuality, Faith personified, Christ’s trust in His Father, could not be denied, Persecuted, condemned, upon the Cross He lay, With Forgiveness in His heart, unto God, He did pray, For mankind to realise, we are all that we sow, The path of righteousness silently calls, To listen is to know, As within our soul, We have the power, It is our choice,
Once long ago, in the Garden of Eden, The Lord up above, planted His seed in, To prosper and grow, Natures wonder therein, He gave us the essence, that of origin, Out of the dirt, He created a man, To tender and care for, the promised land, Out of Adams rib, He created Eve, Generations to bear, for she could conceive, They were the Guardians, to look after this place, But out of the darkness, came their disgrace, For the serpent knew, how to make Eve sin, The destruction of man, it had to begin, For we must arrive, at our own conclusions, And see for ourselves, the apparent delusions, For temptations abound, when we want too much, We have to live, with the complications of lust, For wanting something, we do not really need, Is another example, of human greed, Until the awareness to realise, That beauty within, more than satisfies, For when we can acknowledge, this simple fact, Our life will reveal, we are back on track, For this was started, so long ago, A most important, lesson to know, So acknowledge and trust, The One up Above, For He gave us this knowledge, With the purist of love.
Open up the hearts, of those that are so small, To the stars that shine so brightly, the wonder of it all, Point out the tiny insect, the butterfly and bee, There is so much to look at, and so much to see, The plants and the forests, the colours of the flowers, As there is abundant beauty, in this world of ours, The magnificence of the oceans, the creatures of the sea, As they all have their part to play, for all humanity, Teach them how to care for, the animals and birds, For the children are the voices, that eventually will be heard, To help and to look after, a friend when their in need, Not succumbing to the shallowness, the emptiness of greed,
For if we can show these little ones, values that are true, With love and compassion, it is the job we have to do, As they are so innocent, and should not be denied, The Wonder of Creation, as it’s before their very eyes, So teach the children of tomorrow, how to become aware, This is the blessing you have to give, the love you have to share, To nurture and develop, in the way we form, And mould these little treasures, The ones to you that have been born.
LIGHT OF LOVE. Life is a precious gift something to be cherished not taken for granted. It is a journey, an experience, to exist upon this planet, until we have learnt the lessons that this lifetime has to give.
In the acceptance of our weaknesses, The decision to make a change, Percep on being renewed, For self worth to be regained, To value all already have, For in thankfulness, we find peace, Knowing that which seemed important, Ul mately ma ers least.
WITHIN EVERY MAN. Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus of Galilee,The Saviour of our own true Spirituality, A man with a mission, A man meant to teach, Salvation forever, is within our reach, He came as an example, of what life could be, Of finding one’s true self with purity, He encompasses all of us with His Love, To lead mankind back, to the Kingdom above, Each one of us can, accept His teaching, His gift of the spirit, is forever reaching, To seek and re-new, the vows instilled, To live by His example, And abide by His will,
TREASURES OF YOUTH. The tinkling of the raindrops, As they fall down from the sky, Reminding us of a moment, A time in days gone by, Splashing through the puddles, Rescuing those muddy worms, Our hearts long to remember, For us to return, To a way of thinking, About the time when we were young, For in those days of childhood, That’s when we had fun, Now we are the grown-ups, With responsibilities and stress, Forgetting about the times of old, Those that were the best, When we had the freedom, To explore and look around, Uncovering hidden treasure, From the beauty to be found, For everyone to appreciate, Each one for to share, We release life’s pressures, And become aware, That life is a chapter, Of a very special book, The pages all unfolding, It’s time to take a look, To appreciate all that really ma ers, That which makes us want to smile, For these are the memories forever held, 45
NO REGRETS. If there’s something in life, That you ought to do, But just keep pu ng off, Can’t be bothered to, One day you will realize, How many opportuni es, Have passed you by, Take a chance, Have a go, Otherwise how else, Will you know? Listen to your heart, Follow your dream, So there are no regrets, Of what might have been, Don’t get stuck, In a rut, Or you will surely Self-destruct, How much do you compromise? Just what do you sacrifice? Can you really jus fy, Not truly giving life a try, Who is in control? Of your mind? Do you know your purpose? What are you seeking to find?
No more worry, No more stress, Challenges faced, With hope instead. Listen to the rhythm, Flow with harmony, Strive to be the best, That you can be, The world is out there, Wai ng for you, It is your choice, Of what you do, The clock of life cks, Don’t hesitate, Or you may find, It is too late, To take a chance, Have a go, Otherwise how else, Will you know? So listen to your heart, Follow your dream, And there will be no regrets, Of what might have been
Step out of your comfort zone, Accept the fact that you have grown, That there is more to life than this, If you believe, It will exist, 46
MAN’S EARTHLY SCHEMES. The Tower of Babel was a structure, Built in me long ago, Towards the Heavens into the clouds, To meet the God we know, Hypocrisy and abomina on, Of all that God had taught, The principles of life, They thought about them naught, The lust and degrada on, Of that ancient city, Befell the inner listening, Their hearts just felt no pity, Thinking they were be er, And deserved God’s full a en on, But their lives held no measure, And brought their own redemp on, Sha ered ci es, Broken dreams, All brought about, By man’s earthly schemes, As greed and malice, Have no part, In a world that needed, A brand new start, Confusion reigned, The people fled, No one could understand, What the other said, To start again, In various places, The Lord distributed, All of the races, To show that together, Man can be strong, But God is the only judge, Of who is right or wrong. 47
STRENGTH OF FAITH. The Lord He knows our anguish, He understands our pain, Wai ng pa ently for the moment, When we call out His name, In belief we find our courage, In faith we find our strength, To know that He walks with us, Through each experience.
All we have to do, Is give our heart unto the Lord, It is so very simple, Something we can all afford, For he died on Calvary, To set free the sins of man, This was a piece of the puzzle, Part of the Ultimate plan, To show that God is willing, To sacrifice His Son, A precious gift for humanity, For each and everyone, So remember the time is coming, It will not be long, There is room for all mankind, To be a part and to belong, Unto the fold of the Father, If we give to Him our love, And look towards the light so pure, From Heaven up above.
KINGDOM OF LOVE. Under the umbrella, that people call religion, So many are in conflict, all trying to fit in, Wanting desperately to belong, unto the Heavenly fold, But contradicting one another, not believing with their soul,
That God’s love is for one and all, with everyone being reached, 49
Issues of morality, Do we condemn our fellow man? It is not for us to judge, As we cannot understand, The values of another, As life’s truths they are our own, The path being individual, Leading to our way home, The Lord in example, Simplicity in form, With no need for superficiality, No desire to adorn, As the outer image, With glory to display, Denies the path of righteousness, The trueness of the way
JUDGEMENT DAY. This world of ours is coming, To an apparent end, When the Lord above will arrive, To save us once again, Sending forth His angels, Their trumpets for to hear, Causing those who do not believe, To tremble and to fear, As on this final Judgement Day, Our lives will be reviewed, To judge those unworthy, Those who are spiritually true, If we could only realise, That all of us could be, On our way to the Kingdom, Not having to hide or flee, 50
THE BREATH OF LIFE. The doorway to the love of Christ, Is the gateway to the soul, It is we, who have the choice, For in our heart we hold, The key to unlock the golden door, To know the caress of peace, For the Lord He is our Savoir, Our sins He does release, His forgiveness is the gi of life, Love in purity, The breath within the living word, The essence of eternity.
TO START ANEW. Noah and his descendants, With the help from the Lord above, Travelled with protec on, Through the passage of the flood, For the inhabitants had inherited, The Faith for to believe, That carried them with surety, Across the turbulent seas, They had to take the creatures, To re-populate once again, When the me came for the ending, Of the abundant rain, The dove of peace was sent, To find an olive branch, To show these lone survivors, That there was a chance, To rebuild future na ons, Arriving on solid ground, For this world had perished, It’s basis not spiritually sound, So a new beginning was made, For all mankind to see, That someone watches over us, Guiding our des ny.
When two or more are gathered, in the name of the Lord, The vibra on within, resonates in accord, Emana ng beyond, that which is seen, Unto the One Absolute, He who does Redeem, Simplicity in essence, the sharing of the Word, Life’s Truths revealed, emo ons s rred, Hearts united, in Faith and in Trust, In the Lord, our God, He whom is Just, Energy created, with the basis of Love, Forever upheld, by the One Above, Through His Son was shown, All That Is, Pure, The Light, the Hope, in which we can be sure, As a fisherman He came to walk this Earth, In Example, showing the Way, the True meaning of Life’s worth, But in the way of the world, there is the need to complicate, Encryp ng the message, the Lord came to re-late, As in the seven churches so long ago, Each contained the answers, but did not know, All stood accountable, within their choice, Each lacking in totality, of the spiritual voice, For within each one, there is a decision to be made, To remain in the darkness, or to be saved, In all denomina ons, there is the opportunity to deceive, The individual understanding, in the way that we believe, Ornate proclama ons, in sight and in sound, The power of the ego, to control, does abound, To shroud by complexity, rituals created by man, Overcome with image, is that not how sin began, Conflic ng objec ves, from churches worldwide, Disheartened, disillusioned, followers unsa sfied, As importance is placed, in the act to conform, Influencing the thinking, of those willing to be re-born, Into the heavenly fold, where God’s Love does shine through, By the personal commitment, not another’s point of view, For to Seek, is to Find, to Accept is to Know, That Forgiveness is the Gi of Life, If We Allow It To Be So.
JUDGEMENT DAY. This world of ours is coming, To an apparent end, When the Lord above will arrive, To save us once again, Sending forth His angels, Their trumpets for to hear, Causing those who do not believe, To tremble and to fear, As on this final Judgement Day, Our lives will be reviewed, To judge those unworthy, Those who are spiritually true, If we could only realise, That all of us could be, On our way to the Kingdom, Not having to hide or flee, All we have to do, Is give our heart unto the Lord, It is so very simple, Something we can all afford, For he died on Calvary, To set free the sins of man, This was a piece of the puzzle, Part of the Ultimate plan, To show that God is willing, To sacrifice His Son, A precious gift for humanity, For each and everyone, So remember the time is coming, It will not be long, There is room for all mankind, To be a part and to belong, Unto the fold of the Father, If we give to Him our love, And look towards the light so pure, From Heaven up above. 54
BALANCE OF LIFE. We have a fear of nuclear war, As it will ruin this planet, Right through to the core, Forever wai ng in trepida on, As everything is smothered in radia on, Exer ng manipula on and destruc on, Is another example of mans corrup on, This is not the way to treat such power, As it shortens life spans by the hour, If all this knowledge was used for true good, In helping and protec ng the way that we should, By using to advantage technology gained, In crea ng a world with no conflict or pain, For no man has the right to have such control. As the balance of life is not his to hold, We must return to a world filled with peace, And hope and pray these weapons, Are never released.
THE CHILD WITHIN. The magnificence of this world, when we were but a child, The abundance and the beauty, caused us all to smile, For a child can see more clearly, apprecia ng Natures gi s, We need to tap into that memory, for it s ll exists,
Somehow it has been forgo en, the glory to behold, As we place more importance, on what we’ve bought or sold, The beauty of Crea on, is for everyone to accept, We just all need to realise, and treat life with respect, For this world is moving, at much to fast a pace, A moment is much too precious, for anyone to waste,
Think back to the me, you watched a bird in flight, Flying above this earth, with majesty and with might, Think about your fingers, trickling through the sand, The wonder of existence, we just need to understand, Remember that trickling waterfall, that ny li le brook, Open your eyes once more, and really take a look, Like the memory of a flower, unfolding a special bloom, The humming of the bees, melodious in their tune, The whistling of the wind, the radiance of the sun, For as each day awakens, your life has just begun,
For the child within needs to surface, Being brought out to the fore, As Nature has so much joy to give, It should not be ignored.
A choice is always there, when mankind chooses to seek, What we are all searching for, that which is there to find, The something that is lacking, in our hearts and in our mind,
For we are not complete, until acceptance of God’s love, Enters our inner being, allowing us to trust, That He walks beside us, each and every day, Helping us to see the light, becoming followers of the way,
For we have no right to judge, who is right or wrong, How to interpret scripture, is revealed when our faith is strong, Guidance to passages, that we need to hear, Assisting with life’s discouragements, helping to overcome fear,
For God makes no dissension, in His eyes we are all equal, The works we do on Earth, continue in the sequel, For one day we will meet, our Father up above, In His Heavenly Kingdom, where the basis it is love, For His house has many mansions, for each and everyone, When we will all come together, To the Father through His Son.
LOVE FOR HUMANKIND. The sacrifice of Jesus, Is for each and every man, As He gave of His life, For us to understand, 57
FOREVER. To see the world, As a beautiful place, Leads to the abundance, And the grace, Of protecting the inhabitants, In the way that they deserve, As everything in time, One day will be merged,
Into the dawning, Of a new existence, Somewhere that welcomes, All religions, To be a part, Of another phase, To live out all, The rest of our days,
Knowing that we can, All work together, Towards the destination, That is, forever.
LOVE IS. Paul on the road to Damascus, Was blinded by the light, From the Lord God up above, With His wisdom and awesome might, Showing mankind forgiveness , No ma er what we’ve done, As His love it is outreaching, For each and everyone,
To some He gives the lessons, The messages to teach, In the ways of the world, Far corners for to reach, As there are those who can relate, In different points of view, To interact with all, Demonstrating principles that are true,
For when we see the light of Love, In any shape or form, The hand of God that guides, From the moment we are born, But it is up to us to learn, The answers lie within, Choose the path of freedom, Then you can begin,
For the Holy Spirit, Places no restrictions on your heart, His love is there forever, And never will depart, 59
LOOK BEYOND. Once long ago in a land called Africa, There lived a very magnificent Zebra, His markings were bold and black and white, They came in a pa ern called a stripe, He lived in the prairies surrounded by rock, As this country was extremely hot, He came to a beau ful waterhole, But Mother Nature had taken her toll, No water was le for him to drink, He licked his dry lips and started to think, Looking all around him for to see, As he was red and really thirsty, He walked and walked searching the ground, But there was no water anywhere to be found, Un l he came to a shady place, And a smile began to form on his face, For there was a muddy li le stream, Under the stones it was like a dream It was dirty but he did not mind, It quenched his thirst, oh what a find, For some mes we have to take a chance, And look beyond what we see at first glance, For when we become dazzled by outer beauty, It leads us away from our purpose and duty, But life has a way of making us no ce, Beginning to flow when brought into focus, Like that age old Zebra who searched ll he knew, That everything has an importance, So remember what to do, Look under every bushel, Appreciate all life has to give, For in mes wrought with adversity, Faith will help you to live.
GUIDING LIGHT. So many today are suffering, Their thoughts in disarray, Trapped within the complexi es, The challenges of each day, Focus becomes distracted, Anxie es shroud the truth Situa ons beyond control, Overwhelming proof, That it is so difficult to func on, As life’s pressures constantly build, Infiltra ng every moment, Being a test of will, So just how do you cope, When there never seems to be, An answer to the problems, That threaten constantly? One step at a me, Perspec ve being in place, Simplicity in mo on, To face all that we face, The strength of belief, The power of faith, Is the light that guides, Shining through the darkness, If we choose not to deny, That courage is within us all, If we trust with all our heart, For love it has no boundaries, Allowing you to start, To rebuild the inner being, Clarity ascertained, Accep ng there is always hope, Within the choice to begin again.
FAITH TO BELIEVE. Belief is individual, to be a follower of the way, To interpret for yourself, all the Bible has to say, For it is the essence, beyond the given word, That connects within your heart, wai ng to be heard, So many make conformity, the basis of their faith, Losing the overall perspec ve, seeking to replace, That, which was intended, taking power unto themselves, Shrouding the perfec on, that of spiritual wealth, To endocrine by manipula on, subjugated by despair, Overriding the wisdom, that is to be aware, Who are we to judge, that is not our place, As we are created equal, the Lord being our grace, Human emo on, greed anger and lust, Do not have a hold, when values are just, As being led by guilt, overcome by pain, Creates an environment for fear to remain, Clouding our vision, infusing our thoughts, A mind so troubled, is con nually wrought, Un l we shed the entanglement, of nega vity, Praying for forgiveness, allowing our will to be free, Not trapped in an illusion, filled with self doubt, Understanding for ourselves, what life is about, To treat others as you would like them to treat you, Being guided by empathy, with a heart that is true, Choices cause confusion, which one is the beat, Love reveals the measure, ac ons confirm the test, For each has a journey, there is no race, As enlightenment encompasses, at it’s own pace, When faith is the guidance, the personal link, Thoughts pure in integrity, as we are what we think, To see beyond the obvious, that which cannot be seen, Accep ng the truth within your heart, that has always been, Wai ng for the moment, the opportunity to atone, Knowing the Lord is always with you, You do not walk alone. 62
FLIGHT WITH LOVE. The time has come, For you little one, To join those waiting, In the hands of the Son, A place awaits you, On your journey bound, Into the Heavens, And the love that surrounds, Light and beauty, Will be your new friends As your time on Earth, Has come to an end, Lift your wings, And soar with the light, Inner peace encircles, As you make your flight, Upwards and onwards, You can now go, With no more restrictions, Of this life to know, Take care, little one I send you with love, Into the arms, Of the Lord, Up above.
ULTIMATE DECISION. The teachings in the Bible, are a way to guide, But the interpreta on, is up to you for to decide, As everyone can obtain, a message for themselves, As long as the faith to believe, is inspired by Love as well, For right throughout the ages, the basis it is Love, The truth within being given, from the One above, Who sends down His angels, to help and to protect, The flock that He does cherish, some choose to reject, But there is room for one and all, in God’s congrega on, His love it does encompass, each and every na on, The answers of eternity, in the Bible shown, Are for mankind to realise, when our hearts have known, The wonder of forgiveness, that to us the Lord does give, For wri en in the Ten Commandments are the ways for us to live, Caring for ourselves and our fellow man, This is the knowledge that has been foretold, For us to understand, That His word is sacred, the essence that was given, Contained within the Holy Truths, the basis of religion, So follow with compassion, and give to Him the praise, For His life He gave, for mankind to be saved.
FAITH. The weight of oppressiveness, Has li ed, The light of hope, Now shines, All your dreams, Will be achieved, Within the love, Of the One Divine.
NATURE’S PLACE. Nature has so many benefits, For all of us to share, But do we really no ce, Are we unaware? That conscious responsibility, Needs to be revived, To appreciate the value, The beauty before our eyes, As each and every one of us, Has the ability to plant a seed, Giving back to Nature, The chance for to succeed, The concept that we aim for, Is to establish and create, A peaceful Sanctuary, So we can relate, That which is important, Being to live in harmony, With the animals and the birds, In surroundings where they feel free, Interac ng with the species, Le ng future genera ons realize, Just what we can all accomplish, If we take the me to try.
The doorway to the love of Christ, Is the gateway to the soul, It is we, who have the choice, For in our heart we hold, The key to unlock the golden door, To know the caress of peace, For the Lord He is our Savoir, Our sins He does release, His forgiveness is the gi of life, Love in purity, The breath within the living word, The essence of eternity.